- Zodiac - [Inactive]

"I... hope you feel better Nikki... and... I'm sorry."

"Thank you." she repeated but the girl was already leaving before she could hear her clearly, she wanted to find a way to properly thank everyone. She looked back at Damian who helped her up, "Lets go then."
Damian led Nikky out, mentally repeating what Roe had instructed for him. It didn't take much time to reach the nurses office, it was considerably closer than what Damian thought. That, or the school was smaller than Damian anticipated. Either way works. But Damian felt kind of stupid for not just trying to find the nurses office in the first place, it was so close by! Despite that, he made it to his destination. And outside the door was Hotaru, already knocking on the door. "Oh, hello Hotaru."
Hotaru was about to collect her stuff from the nurse. With her uninterested eyes she watched as Damian and Nikky walked up to her. Nikky was slightly struggling to walk and Damian was helping her. It was like he had helped her when Red was in a rampage kind of mood. The janitor said that he had taken cared of Red by taking him to the office to meet up with the headmaster. Hotaru waved hello as she said it in her head, Hello... She held the door open for the duo to enter the nurse's room, and goodbye.... She waved the two goodbye.

Hotaru headed into the office as well and picked up her belongings, she certainly didn't want to interact at all. Hotaru was clearly failing at being a friend. Nikky was the proof of it. Hotaru could have....should have done something. The red haired girl watched gloomy like at nurse bidding her farewell as well.
Hotaru waved then left.

"H-hey." Nikky watched her leave then disappear.

The nurse then walked out, and took Nikky from Damian's care. Obviously expecting them, she whisked the girl inside and sat her down on a bed. She handed her a cold compress and told her to hold it to her nose. Nikky sat there and sighed she looked over to see Dominic, he was there because of her. She felt ashamed and turned her back towards him hoping he wouldn't see her.
Hotaru left without a word. Damian half expected that. He didn't figure Hotaru knew or liked him enough to warrant a real response from her. Putting it aside, Damian walked into the nurses office and found Dominic was there too. This simply fight turned out a lot more serious than he originally thought. People were actually hurt. So much pain from such a small bout. When the nurse took Nikky Damian took this as his chance to at least see if Dominic was alright. "You held your own pretty well there. But you're welcome for making Red trip." He said with come confidence.
Anything else...always beats a craft class. I can't be the only guy here that knows how to work a lathe...and there goes Hotaru. I wonder if she's sick or something.

Jacen gave her a friendly nod as he walked past her and into the nurse's office with a noticeable cut on his left forearm, thanks to someone in crafting who didn't know that 'don't run the machine' meant don't run the machine.

"Afternoon, do you have any wrapping bandages and anti-bacter-"

The sight of Dominic and Nikky snapped him out of his speech, and noticed Damian who mentioned something about and making Red, who or whatever that was trip.

Another dream attack? I thought those only happened to us as a whole...then where's everyone else?

"Yo, what the fu- what in the world happened to you guys?"
Hotaru nodded slightly to Jacen and then quickly made her way to the principal office. Hopefully her lack of speech will be enough to be able to pass through the front desk and listen in on Red's punishment.

Cracking the door a bit, Hotaru waited until principal's secretary was occupied before heading in. Crouching low to ground Hotaru was in the process of crawling to door of the headmaster's office. She was so close, just a couple of crawls away. If the secretary was busy with the phone for a little while longer, she could have made it.

"May I help you, Miss....?" Hotaru cursed herself in her head.
"Yo, what the fu- what in the world happened to you guys?"

Nikky looked over to see the boy she had met the other day, she learned his name was Jacen and apparently he had the same first period as her. She made a friendly wave probably looking a bit foolish with a big blue ice pack covering most of her face, "Well, to keep it short, some unexpected things happened." Nikky glanced over her shoulder at Dominic then went back to staring at the floor.


| Afternoon |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

After countlessly informing the nurse that Dominic felt better than what could be seen, Damien entered the room with the injured girl, Nikky. Hotaru had quickly moved in and out of the office like a zombie, but Dom didn't question it. In all honestly, he was surprised to see the anti-social Damian escorting someone - a girl surprisingly - to the office.

"You held your own pretty well there. But you're welcome for making Red trip."

Dominic simply blinked at him a few times before it finally hit him. When Damian mentioned it, Red did trip out of nowhere. He was far too deep in the moment to notice the act, though. "Sneaky." He scoffed. "You must be having fun with your new toy. I may be a little jealous." Those last words sounding a bit sarcastic. His eyes shifted over to Nikky, who seemingly didn't want to be looked at. "How are you holding up?"

"Yo, what the fu- what in the world happened to you guys?"

Seeing Jacen, Dominic was ready to gather everyone by the bonfire for a tale, but Nikky was quick to give him a brief summery of what happened. "Mhm, that's pretty much it." By now the nurse would have been done treating Dominic. He was free to go with a few bandaids and such on his face.


Inside of the Headmaster's office, Boone attentively stared at the television placed at the corner of the room.

"..And three more bodies were discovered early this afternoon by the BFPD. Sources say that the bodies were mutilated in the same manner - each with claw marks and several bite marks along the body. The autopsy has not released any new information on the cause of death."

The news switched to the sheriff Donald. The sunlight in the background suggested that the interview was taken earlier today.

"..There are no real clues that the killer is leaving behind, save for the fact that he must have some sort of savage animal at his disposal."

Then it was back to the reporter.

"Unlike the last case, these victims differed greatly in age, one being a middle-aged but well known golf lover, and the other being a female, merely in her mid-twenties. The investigation continues."

"Please put a leash on your beast of a son." Len demanded as he tossed the snoring Red down in front of the desk. Boone looked down at the red-haired brute and sighed. "He attacked a girl not even close to his size. It's fine now, thanks to some students, nobody's afraid of him anymore." Throughout the conversation, Red snored. "I see." Boone closed his eyes and sighed. "I was a fool to think he was even close to being ready for adulthood, but the evidence points against that." "He was using the Discipline Committee as his own army, Boone. Just how out of control are things in this town?" "I'm a Headmaster, Len, not a Mayor. An old, very tired Headmaster at that. I basically matured with this school, and I hoped Red would too."

Upon hearing his name, Red awakened at the end of a loud snoring intake. "H-huh, what? Who said that?!" Red rose to see Boone's disappointed, weary eyes. "Oh, pops. How did I get here?" One quick look back at the glaring Len answered that question. "He deserves punishment. He nearly costed us the investigation, too." "What kind of shit are you talking? I was doing things my way!" "BY HITTING A DEFENSELESS GIRL IN THE FACE, RED?!" "That's enough, both of you."

The two were quick to redirect their attention to Boone. "Red, as of this moment, you're removed as head of the Discipline Committee, and your status... expelled." "..W-..what?! You can't do that, you can't just.. EXPELL your own son!" "I can and I will. Not only are you making life miserable for my students, but you're also hindering our progress on finding out the culprit in the Zodiac issue." "P-..pops, I was helping! Nobody succeeded in life by being soft, not as a leader! Even you, yourself. You were unstoppable in the ring with your Zodia-" "Stop talking." Red bared his teeth but simply lowered his gaze.

"This isn't how you follow in someone's footsteps. Son, you're making your own footsteps, and they're far from the right path. I thought I was doing you a favor by giving you a position of power, but it seems I was wrong." "Here you go again, talking that weird stuff. That's exactly why mom left. You and that stupid.. THING! You take yourself as being the wise one, but in reality, you're just an old bag of bones that lost the grip of how the world is now. There is no open doors for weakness. If you don't rule with an iron fist, you're weak." Red stood up now, anger clear as the sky.

"I used to look up you. You were once an icon for everyone. 'The man who could suplex the world!'. Now you're just a rotting, old shell of what you used to be. I hope you're used to seeing people walk away from you, Ivan. Maybe now you're used to it." Red turned about face and marched out of the office, not even seeing Hotaru on the way out.

Just as before, Boone watched as his only stormed away from him. The room fell silent afterwards. Past the spectacles the Headmaster wore, a shine of moisture could be seen going down his face. "S-Sir, I-.." "Give me a moment, would you?" "Certainly."
Damian chuckled, hearing how Dominic was becoming jealous of his power. "From my own hypothesis, I have a feeling gaining powers like these isn't out of your reach. From these dreams and such... Maybe that's how it happens. But this isn't the place to talk about that." Damian said in hush. Suddenly, Jacen came to the scene, baffled by the amount of patients at one time. Everyone had already answered his question, so he didn't bother to speak. But it was technically the end of the school day so it was time for Damian to head home. Or, he felt a need to head home. "But... As much as I would like to stay and see through you and Nikky's recovery I need to get home. Umm... It. Happened again this morning and I'm worried about what happened while I was away. It's been eating at me all day. Which explains why I snapped this morning. I guess you can thank Nikky for easing me out of my sh*t mood... But, I'll see you tomorrow." Damian patted Dominic on the shoulder and got up and walked over to Nikky's side. "Umm..." Damian started, sounding a lot less confident now. Almost as if he was scrambling for words. "Thank you for helping me out of my crappy mood today. I really appreciate it honestly. But umm... I need to get home to see my mom. She should be expecting me. I'll see you tomorrow in Literature, Nikky." Damian forced a shaky grin with a weak wave towards Nikky and headed out of the nurses office. It wasn't the most professional of goodbyes but it was all his socially inept ability could manage. On his way to the locker for his bearings, his mood began to drop. Almost drastically. Now that he was away from his friends his source of comfort was taken from him for the time being. Now he's about to jump back into the brazen bull that is his household. Once he reached his locker Damian paused for a second before taking his bookbag from inside of it. "Ugh.." Damian growled. He opened up his locker and took the bag out, shutting the locker, and leaving the school grounds...

...Headphones in and

on full volume to try and ease some of his tension on the walk home, Damian quickly came up to his Cul-De-Sac. Damian didn't want to waste any time with getting home today. He feared what may have happened while he was gone all day. Without his supervision anything could've occurred and nary a thing could really stop it. Damian came upon his front door. Upon opening it he was greeted by a thick, pungent bog of cigarette smoke. Non menthol, and a number of them were burned through. Nothing new... But from the looks of it, his mother was gone and it was just him and his Stepfather who was reclined on the big couch in front of the television. "Oh shit, the Chivalry has arrived. Come here I need to talk to you." The man demanded. Damian only frowned, closing the door behind him.
Hotaru's ears have became more reliant as she had stopped using her vocal cords. She heard bits and pieces of the conversation, such as the main topic of the conversation and Red's outburst. Hotaru kept her smile suppressed, finally a lead! It looks like the headmaster was in on the dreams. Hotaru could probably make Red talk if her friends and the sewing club helped. Hotaru quickly shook the zodiacs and dream away. It was only a dream. Last night helped proved her theory correct. In the bottom pit of her conscious, she knew that it wasn't only a nightmare.

Snapping back to her thoughts, she remembered her original plan. Hotaru had to get back at Red. Her eyes flickered back to the secretary, she knew that the lady wasn't going to let her off anytime soon.

Hotaru felt light headed. Her posture was swaying back and forth as if her vision was doubling. Hotaru opened her mouth and closed it, her eyes rolled back in her head. She let out an airy scream that could have been mistaken as a whisper. Holding the pit of her stomach, Hotaru fell to the ground. The lady quickly stood up from the cushioned chair with a loud gasp, knocking down a glass full of water. As the water spilled to the floor, the brunette lady had her hands already on the phone calling for the nurse and a wheelchair.

Two women, one pushing a wheelchair the other holding a clipboard entered the office. As quickly as they came, their work was finished and left with Hotaru sitting on the wheelchair. The two nurses pushed Hotaru down the hallways as they both gossiped. Hotaru lifted one eyelid and quickly closed it.

Damn. She is so good at acting.

The wheelchair was being pushed towards a water fountain. Hotaru decided her charade should stop there. The red haired girl fell out of the wheelchair and crawled her way to the water fountain dramatically. As if seeing an oasis in the middle of a bare and arid land, Hotaru gladly drank up the water spilling wastefully from the metal contraption. She made a loud sound of satisfaction. Hotaru turned to the confused ladies and bowed to her audience before sprinting in the other direction which conveniently held the exit to reach the dormitory rooms.

Someone, give this mute girl an Oscar!

Feeling happy because of finding the new information, Hotaru skipped to her dorm room. She did not even care about Red. All she cared was that she had to tell her friends about this. Hotaru opened her dorm room and locked it behind her. She had an unsettling feeling in her stomach.
The nurse touched her nose and tested it to make sure it wasn't broken, it was uncomfortable but she said she'd be just fine. As the nurse left her Damian approached.

"Thank you for helping me out of my crappy mood today. I really appreciate it honestly. But umm... I need to get home to see my mom. She should be expecting me. I'll see you tomorrow in Literature, Nikky."

She was glad and no doubt her face showed it. She watched him leave he was so awkward and adorable, he had changed but was still the baby chick she had first met after all. She stood up and decided to head home, not without running up to Dominic and making a quick flurry of apologies.

"I'm so sorry I hope you don't hate me but thank you for doing what you and everyone did!" she quickly ran away from him and headed home not bothering to wait for his response. Once she got out of the school she relaxed, "Maybe I'm not ready to live on my own..." she walked the street silent reminiscing on today's events "Damnit, what am I thinking? Of course I can do this!" she thought about all the people that helped her out, "I'm not alone."
"Been better, but I'll live."

Shun chuckled as he gave Adonna a reassuring smile before rolling up his sleeve to inspect his injury for swelling. Much to his surprise, the wrap had come undone during his tussle with Adonna, leaving his scar open for the world to see. Quickly unraveling his sleeve, Shun rose to his feet and offered his left hand to help her up.

"I suppose with all that's happened, going all the way to the art room on the other side of the school is a pointless trip. Though there was a painting that I thought might be useful in remembering the events of that night."

Shun was speaking as if his scar had never been revealed. He planned to ignore any question pertaining to his injury due to the number of students within the vicinity. He believed that the less related ears that heard; the less chances for Ashlei to discover his secret.

"We can still go to the art room, or perhaps we can simply talk over dinner. After all you still want to pay me back don't you?"

Shun gave Adonna a smile as he awaited her response, hoping she would keep quiet about his injury until they were in a more isolated setting.
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"What happened to your..." Adonna trailed off, a flash of the dream world crossing her mind. That indeed was no recent injury... He could have gotten it anywhere. She took the offered hand, getting up on her feet. A painting...? Well, that piqued her curiosity.

"We can still go to the art room, or perhaps we can simply talk over dinner. After all you still want to pay me back don't you?"

Adonna grinned, "Thought I'd never get the chance," she glanced at the locker rooms. She was still in her gym clothes, no thanks to Red. "Lemme get changed."

Inside the girl's locker room, she had a few minutes of quiet contemplation to herself. Which she really could have done without.
It hasn't even been a week. Not even a week. Calm down, calm down, just focus on changing. Out of her gym clothes, she grabbed her school uniform. Why did I- What the hell was I- Gods, I'm going to get expelled. Her stomach engaged in some terrific acrobatics. She grabbed her backpack, making sure everything was in there. What the hell am I going to say to Ma? Everything was indeed there. She grabbed the rest of her items and put them in her skirt pockets. I'm going to be a highschool dropout for the rest of my life, a highschool frickin dropout.

She forcibly buried the thoughts coming out of the lockers, all changed and reunited with her items. "I forgot to give you this during Math," Adonna said, handing Shun the empty, cleaned bento box. "I know this little noodle shop... Doesn't have the variety that Soul Food does, but... it's got its charm." With the map up in her dorm, she hoped to god she could find the place without getting them lost. Later, she'd have to ask him about the painting he mentioned, the one connected to the... to the topic at hand. But now, she had to concentrate on getting them to their destination.

By some miracle of luck, she was able to get the both of them to the little shopping district she'd been to once before. Being back here reminded Adonna of the little used book store that she'd wanted to check out again. School days were awfully busy, so she made a mental note to go back there during the weekend. Hopefully they were still hiring.

Tringtring, the tiny bell chimed as Adonna opened the door. There were very few people inside, and Adonna chose a seat in the back corner, which just happened to be the one where the rest of the store, customers and waiters, could be easily seen. Seated now, Adonna lightly massaged her knuckles with her left thumb. "Hey... uhm, thank you. You know, back then, for trying to stop me."



Dorm Key

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Once she got Dominic to the nurse's office, Alice walked back to her dorm, grabbing her keys and unlocking the door and re-locking it behind her. She stumbled over to her bed, flopping on it lazily and grabbed Kumajirou, hugging the small stuffed animal close to her,"Ugh, why does so many things happen?" She grumbled remembering everything that was strange to her,"First, I get a strange dream that became reality and then Damien and Dominic start having strange supernatural powers of some sort and even got in a fight? Why does everything have to be so strange?!" She yelled into her pillow that she thrown onto her face to muffle out her yells.

She wasn't in the greatest mood and she needed answers still. Damien and Dominic were no help since they didn't remember much from the dream and the others were just as confuse as her,"Lance..." She mumbled the name that she recalled Dominic saying in the dram,"Who is this Lance? Is he the person behind this?" She questioned in her head trying to remember if anyone in the school was named Lance but she didn't heard any person with a name like that,"Maybe he's some pedophile teacher I don't know of." She thought thinking about her English teacher and shivered at the thought.

Grabbing her blanket, she was too tired to change from her uniform to some pajamas and just threw on a over-sized shirt that said "STFU" and some shorts on. Closing her eyes, she fell asleep forgetting the day and hoped the new day would come soon.
How to say it all.

Shun was rubbing his arm as he stood against the wall just a short distance away from the locker room entrance. Unknown to himself, Shun, lost in thought, was inherently ignoring the many glares of female students who were having to pass a guy within the vicinity of their sanctuary. With both parties assumed to be lost for definite answers, Shun wondered how Adonna would react to the theory he had surmised, but in the end he simply shrugged and began focusing his attention toward questioning the feeling of animosity that plagued the air around him.

"Its an interesting level of interest Ashlei as taken in you."

Shun had begun to speak shortly after the return of Ashlei's bento box and the declaration of their destination for dinner; however, his words were quickly lost in the amusement of watching his acquaintance's new focus. With a level of concentration noticeable on her face, Shun couldn't help but chuckle in response to the commitment of what he assumed was the prevention of them getting lost. Leaving her to the path finding, Shun simply followed in silence amusing himself with various sights of the city along the way. It wasn't until they were seated in the back of the restaurant and Adonna's question was asked that Shun broke his silence with the beginning of his long winded reply.

"Is that a trait of yours? I recall you jumping headfirst into the fray that one night as well."

Shun didn't wish to bring such a heavy topic just after their dinner had arrived; however, with a few halfhearted chuckles, a teasing tone, and a warm smile, Shun attempted to keep the mood as light as possible in preparation for his declarations to come.

"The reason I wanted us to talk is because I wanted another's opinion on not what happened but what is going to happen in the future."

Taking a bite of his dinner, Shun took a momentary pause to piece together the thoughts he wished to convey; all while, sliding his phone, which now displayed a picture of his painting, across the table for Adonna to see.

"My memory of that night is still pretty vague, even after painting this representation, but I happened to recall one thing I thought was important. If you remember the boy with the golden sword, he had been talking about that dream world a bit, and he happened to mention, 'a zodiac had chosen us all.' "

Pausing once more, Shun began to reroll his sleeve, once again revealing the long scar that he had desperately tried to hide earlier.

"I guess I sustained an injury in that world, because when I woke up this is what I was left with. The cut itself seems to have healed, but my sheets were covered in blood, and my arm is sprained from what I assumed were the punches I threw that night."

While unraveling his sleeve, a twinge of worry crept up within Shun as he started to wonder how Adonna would take to the sudden memories of a nightmare. I've come this far already.

"Putting together what the boy had said and my own experiences I came to some answers about that world. Zodiacs have something to do with a power we can use in that world to protect ourselves. With that in mind, it leads us to my final conclusion..."

During his talk, Shun's gaze had been fixated on Adonna's figure as he attempted to read any negative emotion she might show. Perhaps it was because of this fact that Shun had lost track of his own emotions, and just noticed the increasing excitement which had been affecting his manner of speech all this time. Pausing to take a deep breath, Shun wanted until his excitement was quelled to finish his thought whilst giving Adonna a curious smile in anticipation of the reply he would receive.

"Which is that we are going to end up back in the dream world."
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Derek had gone straight home after the fiasco with Red and the girl's locker room. His mother was at work and the twins came home at four. This gave him an advantage to think alone. Derek was in his room, when he noticed a way to get to the attic. On the ceiling was a white frame big enough for a person to fit through. Curious, Derek quickly went to the kitchen to get a broom. Using the pole end, Derek poked the white canvas-like tile away. A string fell out, at the corner of the fame was a folded up ladder. Derek pulled on the strings and ladder unfolded. Once the the wooden ladder was unfolded all the way, Derek placed his foot at the base to make sure that the ladder was stable. Placing his weight on the ladder, he began to climb up. It was dark, but the setting sun's rays were enough to light up his way. He sneezed, there was too much dust around him. The brunette looked around covering his nose to keep from sneezing any more. Running his hand through his hair, Derek walked cautiously to the only window.

The window was dirty from the dirt and the dust that collected in the attic. Coughing, he pressed his fingers against the cold surface. It moved ever so slightly. Realizing that the window was able to move freely, Derek applied more pressure on the glass. All to sudden the window gave way and his hand flew out. Poking his head out, he could oversee the neighbors and the cars returning from downtown. This gave him an idea. Derek looked up, he placed his left foot out of the window and then proceeded to place his right foot out as well. Now Derek was out in the open, using his upper strength the boy pulled his body up onto the roof. His heart slowly began to calm down as he sat on top of the roof over looking the whole town.

It was peaceful and no one was able to bother him. Using his locked knees to keep from falling, Derek lied on the roof looking up to the sky. He felt closer to the clouds than ever. From a distance he could see a yellow bus pulling up. That was a warning that he should probably leave the roof and head back in.

Dinner quickly came and Derek was once again forced to socialize with his family, "What happened in school today?" The question was directed to anyone in the table, but his mother was looking straight at him. Derek was about to open his mouth, but the twins beat him, "Oh! I saw this creep hanging around the girl's locker room! Man, he was beaten senseless!!"

"I heard he had a bloody nose and he punched a girl in the face!" The other twin, Alexis, continued, "But some seniors came and helped cease the fighting! It was epic!" Ally grinned, "Hah! Derek was there and didn't do anything!" His mother looked over to him. Being in a family with the majority being girls, the men are forced to oblige to whatever they want. He shrugged, "They had it in control." His mother looked furious, "So what if they had it in control? Next time this happ-"

"It won't happen next time." Derek stood up and headed into the kitchen with his plates. He cleaned his plates and placed them in the washing machine. Afterwards he headed off to his room.


| Evening |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

Like an inmate being released from prison, Dominic emerged from the school with a lengthy stretch and a yawn that could part the clouds. His hands found their way into his pockets as he gazed up into the settling sky. What a day. Despite his injuries, Dominic actually felt better about everything, including himself. With Red's insult about Ben, he felt as if he defended Ben like he was actually here. If only he had been able to see what went down. A smile formed on Dominic's face.

Now it was time to head home.


"I have some news for you, Boone, whenever your ready." The Headmaster had been given his moment alone, which really wasn't that long considering. Boone simply nodded for Len to continue.

"Among us is a student possessing a Zodiac. His abilities seem to rely in shadows and darkness, and I've been able to dig up a name; Damian."

The wolf Zodiac Kenshi formed beside the oak desk. "So that boy was a student? Then that means Lance really did take him..." "It's unclear if he's the killer behind the recent string of murders. He lingers around a small selection of friends, but he himself is closed off even to them." "That sounds just like Lance to pick a host like that. A weak mind that he can puppeteer." "You know of this... Lance, Kenshi?" Boone turned his head to the sizable wolf beside them.

"We have a history." Kenshi simply replied, looking away. "Regardless, this is a lead." "Sir, may I recommend that we contact the police? Perhaps they can take this Damian person in for questioning." "A host will never be bound behind steel bars. When a Zodiac chooses you, you're not the same as others. If Damian truly wished, he could escape with Lance's help, without a challenge." Len lowered his head with a small sigh.

"Everyone in is danger until we deal with this problem. Ivan," The wolf turned towards the Headmaster. "If my memory of Lance is as clear as it seems, it is a must that we sever the connection between those two. Your bones are aged, Ivan. Let me handle it." "Will you allow Len to don your sign?" "Aha~, I am not compatible with a Zodiac, Boone. My body and soul simply don't allow for a second spirit." "Rest assured, I've discovered someone else who is young and able. A student here as well, but I'll prepare him for the act." "Then so be it. I'm too old for a Zodiac as it is. It's time to retire from that life." His words almost sounded as if he were beginning to understand that his involvement in spirits has ruined his family life.

Kenshi nodded understandably, before the wolf's fox began to distort from view. The hidden markings on Boone's hand lit up a light shine before it simply faded from his hand like a tattoo that ceased to exist. Like that, Kenshi was gone.

"I will scout ahead for Kenshi and his host, whoever that may be." Len offered a quick bow of his upper body before turning and heading for the door. "Be careful." His words stopped Len momentarily before the questionable student looked back and nodded, taking his leave.
Ukmime finished her bowel of ramen and broke the two chopsticks as she threw both the paper cup and the chopsticks away. Opening up her laptop she signed it and went straight toward the web. Her bag was beside her leaning against one of the legs of her desk. Her home work was leaning against the left side of the computer. She had a drink beside her mouse as she began to type in a website in the url box. It quickly sent her to youtube and gave her a few selected videos that was recommended. The first was how to box while the other one focused more on Kicks and strong elbow hits. If she was going to defend herself in an unknown world she want's to be ready for it.
Hotaru rolled off of her bed. She decided that she could start finishing homework later. By later she meant in class. Standing, Hotaru overlooked her room. Now is a great time to clean up her room. Hotaru quickly shoved clothes in her luggage and pushed it aside. It was good enough, she could still reach the bathroom and the exit. Hotaru stretched and decided that she should try out a ritual she heard from a friend. Hotaru pulled out anything on the floor of the bathroom, she quickly brushed her teeth seeing that the ritual will not allow her to go back to the bathroom until morning. Closing her eyes, she quickly memorized where each and every part of the bathroom was, she didn't want to trip over anything and die.

Hotaru stripped and turned on the faucet. The warm water flowed to the ends of the bathtub. She waited for the water to fill up to the top. While waiting, Hotaru pulled the hair tie out of her hair to let it down. Turning the tap off, Hotaru walked over to the lights and turned it off as well. She closed her eyes. Now her mind was in control. The water dripping into the filled bath could easily be mistaken as a monster in a corner watching her, drool dropping from a height. Hotaru took her first step into the dark. If she remembered correctly, the bath should be five steps away from her. When her knee hit the rims of the bathtub, Hotaru quickly stepped into the bath facing towards the valve.

She sat towards the middle and took in a deep breath. This shouldn't be too hard. It's only her head making up these images. Hotaru began to chant as she cupped her hands to collect water and raised it up to her head. She heard a creek of the bathroom door. Was someone entering? She had no choice but to continue what she started. Hotaru kept her eyes closed as she continued to speak, "Daruma-san ga koronda kigasuru. Daruma-san ga koronda kigasura." The only exception for her to speak was when she was doing a ritual alone, the ritual required her to say Daruma fell down. A slender woman in a bath appeared in her mind. Her face was full of beauty, she had large dark eyes and pale lips that complimented her tanned skin. Her face filled with panic as she plummeted down straight for the faucet. Hotaru could hear her pained scream as tap plummeted straight into her right eye. The screaming in her head stopped and the image of the woman flickered a bit. Her body went still. Hotaru realized that she had died from that fall.

She heard water rising behind her. Hotaru's back went tense. Hotaru forcefully pressed her arms to her legs as she stopped washing her hair with a loud and confident voice she spoke what the ritual had said to say, "Naze ka basu tabu ni rakka shimashita ka?" Hotaru was asking why the lady fell into the bathtub.

Hotaru stood up, she had to be careful, the ghost could easily trip her. With her eyes still shut, Hotaru stepped out of the bath. There was seven steps to get fully out of the bathroom. She had to survive until then, that's all. Hotaru counted her steps as she walked.


She could hear the water dripping from her skin and on to the floor, she had to be very careful to not slip. Hotaru continued walking blindly.


The wind from the air conditioner was on full blast. She was going to freeze herself if she stepped out. Hotaru needed to grab her towel from the fifth step.


The girl held out her hand as she felt around for her towel. She pulled on the fabric and wrapped herself around it.

Seven. Hotaru's hands grasped around the knob and she turned it opening the door. Closing the door behind her, Hotaru opened her eyes grinning. That was fairly easy. Now she had tomorrow to make sure that the pretty ghost lady won't haunt her for the rest of her life in her dreams. Hotaru quickly dried herself and wore the clothes underneath all of her luggage. She wore a long sleeved shirt and pajama pants that had designs of ladybugs and of the sort. Hotaru picked up her teddy bear from the bed and stretched, yawning to herself.



| Alice's Dream |

Alice would be awakened by a cool breeze on her face, just like the nightmare before, she would find herself in a sleeping position upon the dirt, but what is this? It wasn't dirt, but tarmac.

She laid in the middle of an intersection, dead center of a large metropolis-like area. The sky was but a dark blue color, yet it didn't feel like a sky at all, but a simple color fading to black the farther east you looked. The skyscrapers were black and almost cartoon-like, but they seemed to go well when they were placed against the dark blue sky. Large chains were attached between building, some said buildings were broken at the base and were merely leaning by a chain that connected it to another building.

The entire place looked decimated. The roads were broken into like there were hard impacts. Cars were rustic or otherwise burnt, and nearby shops that were recognizable (like McDonalds or an electronics store) were busted into, even some cars seemed to have launched themselves into the stores.

The entire place looked like a warzone, yet there wasn't a single hint of life except for her.

Elsewhere, a silhouette raced on the edge of a building, an extremely large axe at it's side. Upon reaching the corner of the building's rooftop, the figure jumped, clearing a large gap between two building before landing on the next rooftop with a cracked landing. Onward the figure continued to traverse the city via the rooftops, quick as a cheetah, yet silent and hidden as the night.
Damian was gripped up by the collar of his school shirt by the rough hands of his Stepfather. Cigarette still in mouth, he continued to lecture Damian in a threatening tone. Occasionally blowing smoke into his eye. Damian felt no fear, as this has happened multiple times and he knew nothing would come out of it. The most his Stepfather ever actually did was just push him around. Of course it pissed Damian off, but it was still nothing impacting. "You ****in' hear me boy. Don't you ever disrespect me in my house. My house. That means everything. EVERYTHING in here belongs to me. Including that ho of your moms. So don't tell me how to treat her or handle her, you understand me!?" Damian grimaced. He gripped his Stepfather wrist tightly, stretching some skin around it. "It's MY mother. I can tell you how to treat her if you want to treat her like shit!" From out of nowhere, Damian's stepfather pulled out the same kitchen knife that was flung at him this morning and cut Damian's bicep, severing the uniform and forming a clean cut that quickly began bleeding. It stained the white uniform shirt. Damian's eyes widened in shock. He wasn't expecting to have been slit in the arm at all. It only just made him more aware of the danger of the situation now that his stepfather had been willing to use a weapon to get his point across. "Yeah, see that? You tried to throw this knife at me this morning? Think you ****in' tought? ****in' hard huh?" Somewhere in the recesses of his mind, Damian heard a faint but familiar voice. It was one that he doesn't remember hearing but felt like he knew it. "Damian. For this moment I'll let you have a little fun." Suddenly, the same thick, dark aura coated Damian from head to toe. Most of it amassed to Damian's torso, arms, and head. Donning them pitch black. His eyes were replaced by dark red aureole's. Damian wasn't sure who the voice was or where the sudden influx of power came from, but it felt nice. His body felt lighter than before and he felt energized as well.

, which was only a thin spread crescent. "Aaaaaaaah.. Hahahahaha..!!" Damian hissed, his voice was rippled and distorted. "Yo what--" Damian slapped his palm against the wall, and a large black abyss spread from behind him. A flurry of tendrils shot from behind him and pierced into his Stepfather. The tendrils drove the man onto the wall opposite side of the living room. Damian fell to his feet and eyed his handiwork. Pleased so far, he wondered what else he could do. "Have fun." The voice rang. Damian's circular eyes had narrowed and his demented smile grew wider.
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Alice grumbled as pain shot through her body,"When did my bed become so hard?" She mumbled,"And why is it so cold in this room?" She said getting up from the hard ground to found herself on a road. Looking around her, the place she was in was not her room but some adabandon city,"W-what? Where am I?" She exclaimed getting up from the ground and looked around seeing everything was broken and in ruins.

"Is this... another dream?" She thought rubbing her head and looking around,"Oh my gosh no! Please not another one!" She thought trying to wake herself up,"Wake up! Wake up Alice!" She thought in her head trying to wake herself up but failed seeing she was still in the dream.

"Okay calm down... I'm not alone... wait... where is everyone?" She thought now noticing she was alone in the city,"Hello? Dom? Dam? Hotaru?" She called out in the empty streets only to hear the answers of the wind,"I'm alone... what is this BS?" She grumbled taking her chances and went off into the city to look for her friends.



| Alice's Dream |

As Alice picked a direction and starting moving in it, her surroundings were similar. Nothing but buildings amongst buildings. Some clearly busted up. Her callings echoed throughout the concrete jungle to no avail.

Several minutes passed, and Alice would soon find that street she walked down came to an end with a collapsed building blocking the street. To the left was an alleyway, closed off by a simple fence. It looked climbable. To the right, was another convenience store. Both ways looked traversable, much more so than going over the collapsed building.
Alice walked and walked, calling the names she knew but only to get the same names echoing back at her and the wind roaring as if it was laughing at her pathetic cries,"This isn't funny guys!" She called out feeling now scared and lonely. She never felt this feeling before and it scared her. Walking some more, she came to a fallen building that stopped her path leaving her to choose another way,"Dang, why do this have to happen to me?" She thought looking around for another way out but there were only three options.

One, she could go all the way back and take another route or two, take one of the two places that seemed to be the only ways to go. Looking to her right then to her left, she debated on her decisions on where to go. Both ways were the only ways she could go but to go to the shop seemed dangerous to Alice but the alleyway was also dangerous, not knowing what could be hiding in the dark.

Alice huffed angered on the many possibilities she had, turning on her heels she took her chances once more and went off to the alleyway nstead of the convenience store. She thought maybe her friends already went there and went towards the alleyway since they were strange like that. Climbinh over the fence easily, she landed on the other side and continued her way into the darkness, not sure what she will find herself get into.

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