- Zodiac - [Inactive]

"Are you alright? Do you want me to take you to the nurses office?"

Nikky wiped off her face to look at the person talking to her but her nose still bled profusely, she still felt a bit dazed, "No, I'm fine..." she tried to get up by herself but ended up stumbling almost hitting the ground again but the boy quickly helped her up. He had long hair that covered half his face and concerned gray eyes.

"No, you're not. We need to get you to the nurse." She didn't complain she just felt bad. She looked off to see Red falling over, like a giant tree.


| Afternoon |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

Len had been crouched beside Nikky during the duration of the event. He had been in a state of shock himself, so realizing the supernatural intervention was a no-go. Looking at Roe, he held urgency in his expression. "Can you manage to take her to the office by yourself?"

First came the jacket, then came Red's sudden lost of balance. His large body coming down to the gym floor with a quake-like result. This anomaly didn't phase Dominic in the slightest, nor did he stop to think on it either. Narrowing his gaze, he broke out into a dash at Red, balling up all of his frustration into one attack.

Just as Red lifted his head up to move into a sitting position, Dominic's shoe smacked him hard in the chin, sending his head back and down towards the flooring once more. The outcome of that would have been different if the jacket wasn't over Red's face to begin with.

"I've had enough of this bullshit!"

Thrown into a fit of rage himself, Red grabbed and threw his own jacket away before quickly rising to his feet, his attention locked onto his most recent assaulter. His hulking body came barraging towards Dominic with fists swinging in every which direction. Dominic had to be quick, as every swing Red took nearly came close to landing. One quick duck followed by a back-step, Dom was surprised for a moment at his sudden ability to read Red's attacks.

What is this? He thought as he threw his head to the left, watching as Red's arm flew past to his right. It's almost as if he's slowing down...

Keep your head in the game.

The next swing caught him by surprised just as much as the sudden foreign voice in his head did. Red's fist was planted perfectly in Dominic's face, sending him back only for his fall to stop at the wall. Red was quick to grab Dominic by the throat with one hand and wail into his face with the other.
And it started. The kid held his own quiet well, then momentarily grew distracted. Apparently that was all Red needed to grab him. Adonna launched into action, her fist flying into the side of Red's face.
Alice chuckled at how Dominic kicked Red square in the face but sadly the jacket protected him so it wasn't effective enough to knock him out. Red getting back up and punching Dominic rapidly in fury. Alice watched as Dominic dodged the attacks well as if he knew them already in the back of his head,"Woo... he's good." She thought but then noticed Dominic was suddenly punched in the face and thrown into the wall,"Nevermind." She re-corrected herself. Watching Red grab Dominic and pushed him closer to the wall, she almost lost her cool and jumped the guy but she kept her composure,"Must stay calm... No getting expelled again." She reminded herself.

She already got expelled so many times and to be expelled in a new school in a new land was not one of her plans to start off. Praying that someone would save him or even Dominic to have the strength to beat up the guy, she looked around the crowd for some savior, anyone, just to take her place in this.

Noticing a girl with black hair jump in and punched Red, she sighed in relief,"Ha, That's what you get." She mumbled with a sly smirk painted on her face, feeling her anger now cooling down.
"Uh... Sure." Roe gently picked up Nikki's broken glasses, and offered her hand to the downed girl. She looked back to the fighters... serves the damned idiot right. She hoped Dominic and Adonna kicked his ass... sighing, she really didn't want to go to the security club tonight. "If you think you can handle it, I can take you to the nurses office until after Red gets a foot shoved up his ass..." Smiling back at Nikki.
From the corner of his eye, Damian could spot Nikky being picked up from off the ground and pulled away from the mayhem. This quickly grew concern from the boy. From his right here he could hear the skidding of rubber on wood, and idle threats. The fight had already begun. Considering Damian can't expose himself too much he decided to let Adonna and Dom' handle it, as much as he wanted to help... He turned his attention over to Nikky who wasaided by Roe and another student he's not familiar with. Nikky's nose was bleeding, she was obviously hit which brought about some frustration. He knelt down to Nikky's side, his face in a worried frown. "Nikky, are you alright? Don't tell me Red hit you." With Damian's constant exposure to domestic violence, this struck a soft spot for Damian. Now he wanted to strangle Red more than ever. But because of this new student he kept his cool, as to not expose himself.


| Afternoon |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

Reality became nothing but a blur for that short period of time. Red was a big guy, in turn his punches weren't exactly the kind you'd usually receive. Luckily enough, Red was nearly knocked down when Adonna came to the rescue. Dominic, though bleeding and bruising on the face by now, nodded as a thanks before turning to face Red as he recovered.

"You b*tcthh-.." The force behind Adonna's punch was way greater than what she realized. Red sounded like he had broken his jaw, and perhaps dazed a little too. "Whcerez ma damned Committeeh?!" Of course, the security club had been on the scene since the beginning, but not a single one of them rushed to Red's aid. Some of them even cheered the opposing side. "It's about time someone knocked some since into you." said Yukiko, the familiar Committee member who was knocked down by an unseen force. "We were afraid to stand up to you, but even we know there are limits. We're not your personal army, Red!"

"Is that how it is? You don't back your leader when things are heating up? What a bunch of p*ssies, all of you." Nevertheless, Red readied himself for another round with the Dominic Adonna duo.


Len shouted loud enough that it ceased any and all noise in the gym. There, he stood between the three. "This isn't the right way to do things. Red's been in a lot of fights - I can tell. Beating sense into him won't cut it. I'll bring his sorry self to the Headmaster himself. The rest of you can relax." ".. The hell you are! Nobody even knows who the fuck you ar-" Red's shouting was quickly interrupted by a smack in the face with an extendable steel staff. It knocked him out cold onto his back and swiftly put an end to the entire ordeal.

Sighing, Len pressed a central button on the staff, making it shrink down to a small cylinder-shaped object which he placed back into his school jacket's interior pocket.
"Your standings against this tyrant will be noted with the Headmaster. It's safe to assume school is over for today." Len wasted no time in hoisting Red over his shoulder and carrying him out of the gym.

Only then did Dominic lower his guard, the pain in his body - mostly his face - catching up to him like Sonic on crack. "Nngh.."
Nikky took the broken glasses and stood up straight leaning on the girl for support then looked out at the fight. All this happened because she opened her big mouth.

"If you think you can handle it, I can take you to the nurses office until after Red gets a foot shoved up his ass..."

She looked up at the girl then back at the fight, she remained quiet watching for moment. "I-it's my fault." She closed her eyes, she felt sick. "It's my fault, It' s my fault." She repeated to herself quietly sad tone, lost in her grief she didn't notice Damian was by her side. More tears slid down her face.

"It's all my fault."
Roe turned from Nikki to look at Damian. "Yeah, that jerk hit her." Roe nearly spat in Red's direction. "She says she's alright... but... she looks a little woozy." Roe tried not to look at the blood as she balled up her jacket sleeve and offered it to Nikki. Everything red seemed to disagree with her today... it made her think of the nightmare... not to mention the idiot in the back.

She heard Len's proclamation... but wasn't too pleased. Everyone was 'safe' for the meantime, but what about tomorrow or the day after? Sighing heavily, she didn't give Red a second thought... though Len was pretty cool for cracking the bully in the skull like that... but he probably should have stepped in before Dominic got hurt.

"It's all my fault."

Roe looked down at Nikki, "No hun, no it isn't. You can't control what an insane person does... don't feel guilty, it's all his fault." Roe was unsure what to do....
"I suppose this isn't the most unbelievable occurrence."

The school nurse who had been examining Shun's arm began to happily prod, ignoring his voices of complaint that resulted from the pain.

"If its believable, then I would appreciate it if you stop poking my arm."

Shun winced as he yanked his arm out of the nurse's grasp and began to gently massage it whilst glaring at the smiling face that appeared to have enjoyed the torture.

"Such a rude young man, but I suppose I'll still excuse you from physical activity for a couple weeks. This includes both gym and any sports you might participate in."

The nurse's tone was bored as she filled out two small forms and handed them to Shun.

"Give one to your gym teacher, and the other to you coach if you have one. Hopefully you won't be back."

Without further ado, the nurse turned away from Shun and quickly re-immersed herself with the game of solitaire he had originally interrupted. Giving his unrequited thanks, Shun departed from the office grumbling about the overall treatment he had received.

With the nurse's office located on the opposite end of the academy, and class having already begun, Shun figured it wasn't worth his time walking over to deliver a notice of excuse. Choosing to spend the remainder of the period in the art room, Shun noticed an elderly gentleman situated in front of his paintings keenly inspecting their contents.

"I suppose the princess didn't lie about you boy."

The elder's tone was gruff but Shun still felt the warmth hidden behind his words.

"I suppose your the one I need to thank for the key?"

"Humph, thank the princess. She convinced me otherwise."

Shun smiled as he took a seat next to man he assumed to be the academy's art teacher, and began preparing a new canvas. Spending the remainder of the hour engrossed in his new painting, it wasn't until the teacher rose from his chair and departed from the room that Shun's focus was broken. Checking his phone for the time, Shun noticed it was several minutes passed the hour, and he recalled that Adonna would soon be coming for their talk. However, it was after a short pause that Shun quickly realized that Adonna would have no way of finding the isolated art room, and he soon found himself rushing to the gym in hopes that she wasn't already lost.

The scene at the gym was a surprise for Shun as he on looked the brewing fight among a large, unknown figure, Adonna, and the boy whom he faintly recognized from the dream. At first, the fight was quite comical, and Shun was content with his position as an observer, even laughing when a coat flew against the figure's face just before he randomly fell to the ground. However, it was after the boy Shun recognized was pinned against a wall, and Adonna had launched herself into action that Shun chose to act himself. Rushing behind Adonna, Shun wrapped his arm around her shoulder in a futile attempt to hold her back. With his injury, the force behind Shun's hold was hardly existent and it was through his words that he hoped to calm her down.

"Calm down!..."

Shun had begun to firmly speak into Adonna's ear, but he was shortly cut off by the arrival of the committee who began to break up the fight. Sighing in relief, Shun let go off Adonna and fell to the ground whilst grasping his arm which was in quite a bit of pain thanks to his actions.
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Everything was getting more intense once Adonna joined in and everyone was even cheering for this. Feeling her fire burn once more, she was already walking up to Red to show him a piece of her mind until a voice shouted out.


Turning to see Len coming over and stand in between the three of them. Watching as he argued with Red, he suddenly pulled out a stick and smacked Red, knocking him out unconscious,"Is that even allowed?" She questioned watching as he warned Dominic and Adonna that they will face their consequences later until then the day was over.

Running up to Dominic, she pulled out a napkin and held it towards him for him to use to wipe the blood away,"Idiot, You think you can fight him like that? You're lucky you're okay because of her." She scowled looking over at Adonna,"Thanks for doing that." She said looking back at Dominic with a frown.
Hotaru was the first one to reach Dominic in time. She did her best to hold him up. Looked like the nurse will be meeting with Hotaru's friends. Noticing one of her favorite club member, she gestured to her and she came jogging to her side. Hotaru looked Dominic and then at Nikky. Bowing to the crowd, the club member caught on, "Oi! Get a move on then! We're take 'em to the Nurse!" Hotaru looked to the ceiling and then at the clear hallway. She took off with a sprint towards the office. Hotaru had to inform the nurse of what was to come. Skidding across the waxed floors, she banged her fist on the door. The nurse looked up in surprise.
Damian's fist clenched. Hearing Nikky take the blame for Red's actions drove him mad. He felt helpless in a situation like this again. Damian didn't even care that Red got knocked out, he personally wanted to resolve things with him. But that's for another time. "Nikky, it's not your fault." Damian said, watching Len hoist Red away. He didn't want to turn his face and show how angry he looked, he figured it would be rude. "Red's a douche, through and through. Don't take blame for his impulsive behavior. You need to go to the nurse for your nose..." As Len exited the Gym, Damian huffed out. "G f*cking G.."
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When Red called for his committee, Adonna grit her teeth. There was a whole lot of committee and only the two of them. But instead of jumping to Red's rescue, they all stayed put. There was some sense of relief that was lost quickly when Red readied himself to fight the two again.

She readied herself, only to feel an arm around her shoulder,
Who the hell?! A committee member?!

"Calm down!...



Adonna stopped in her tracks, the gym quieting down. She assumed it was a teacher, but rather, it was a male who, from the looks of it, was a student. Yet he carried the authority of a teacher. Just like that, he knocked Red out and carried him off, saying,

"Your standings against this tyrant will be noted with the Headmaster."

Wait... what did that mean? Oh shit... Adonna suddenly realized the weight of her actions. But was broken away from the thought when the kid beside her groaned along with a soft thud on the floor. Turning around, she saw Shun on the ground.

"Crap! Shun, you alright?" she asked, kneeling beside him.

"Thanks for doing that."

The blonde girl said after scolding Dominic. Adonna looked up at her, shaking her head, no, hadn't the kid held his own for the most part? Words weren't coming out. In any case, she needed to make sure Shun was alright, she had no idea how he'd gotten his arm injured in all this.

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| Afternoon |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

Alice's assault with her napkin stung from the cuts and bruises he sustained. Dominic tried to play it off as if it didn't bother him. The pain would come back later on, that's for sure. "I could of handled it.." He muttered under his breath. In reality, he couldn't. Dominic was a terrible fighter, which held up his tendency to be a coward. Really, he was surprised at what he was able to do, especially against Red. "It went much better than last time." Dominic had to close an eye to avoid getting dabbed in the eye by Alice's frustrated field-nursing.

He did smile to Adonna, words couldn't justify how thankful he really was for someone to help back him up. He acted on emotions which led him onto one path he couldn't escape from. Failure meant to be the laughing stock of the school, the dinner topic, so to speak. With Adonna's help, the attention was split away from him. "Thanks-... you." Even after all that, he still didn't know her name. If he wasn't being taking cared of, he would have noticed Shun standing right there.

Hotaru had approached them, Dominic wasn't sure if she shared the same emotions as Alice - he hoped not - but a nurse had come by and ushered Dominic away into the corridor. "W-W-Wait, I'm fine..!"


"Like I said, it went much better last time. Last time I was in the hospital with a broken arm, ahaha~" All he could do was laugh that off. Dominic expected no less from the fight other than him ending up on the floor feeling like an beaten ragdoll. "Where's that one girl? The one that was attacked?"
"-It's not your fault."

Nikky looked up to see Damian talking to her and she could see he was mad, no, she didn't want him or anyone to see her like this, a weakling. She tried to wipe her nose in an attempt to make herself presentable but it only smeared it making her frustrated. "Please, take me to the nurses office" She wanted to leave, she didn't like drawing attention anymore.

Love, Tapatalk
Alice huffed and pushed Dominic to come with them,"Dom if you don't want me to make it any worse on you then I suggest you follow and be quiet." She threaten him in a way but she was worried for him in a way,"And Nikky is being treated too so don't worry." She said reassuring, remembering some people nursing her already. Looking over at Hotaru she took out her sketchbook and worte,"Good job!" She wrote with a picture of a soldier saluting on the side.
"If only I knew where the nurse was..." Damian bit his finger in panic. He hadn't been to the nurse or remembered where it was from the tour... This was vexing. "Umm... Roe, right? Do you know where the nurse is? I... Forgot." Damian slouched his shoulders feeling the embarrassment and defeat, once again. Here he was trying to help and behold, he hadn't a clue where the nurses office was.
"Yeah, right... directions." Roe fumbled around in her pockets to look for her notepad. She had directions to everywhere in her little book. Standing up, Roe held onto Nikki's glasses and showed Damian her little map. "Uh... it looks like we go down this hall and turn here. It doesn't look far. Damian? Uh do you want help carrying her or..." Roe trailed off. She felt a little awkward... while she knew she wasn't responsible, Roe felt no small amount of shame that her club leader had been the culprit.
Clark had remained quiet within the crowds surrounding the fight as it took place and afterwards. He was surprised at his skilful throw with the jacket but Red seemed like he had fell on his face from a different person. The jacket just made it look funnier. Clark stayed where he was as the crowds dispersed to wherever. A few people were left who were either helping those in the fight or were just nosy. Clark was still standing where he was because he had nothing else to do so waited to see if anything else happened. Nothing did. Clark finally moved from his position and slowly wandered the corridors. Almost very minute he heard at least one person talk about the recent fight.
"I should be fine, carr--" Carrying her? It took Damian a moment to connect the dots. He hadn't a clue he'd be carrying the girl. His face reddened some and he quietly cleared his throat. "I'll be fine. Thank you for the directions." Damian knelt over and and offered a hand towards Nikky. "Would you like me to carry you? Or are you fine on your own?" Damian was slightly hoping that Nikky could walk on her own. He'd probably die if he ended up carrying her.
Judging by the look on Damian's face carrying her wasn't a option, she smiled and shook her head, "Thank you, but I can walk, I'm just a bit dizzy." she took his hand, she worried about her nose being broken she nudged it gently to winch a bit If it wasn't broken then it probably was now. She looked onto the girl, "Thank you as well."
"Alrighty then." Awkwardly waving and handing over her glasses. "I... hope you feel better Nikki... and... I'm sorry." With that, Roe turned abruptly and tried not to run off. She knew just where she wanted to go. There was her little garden spot, just in view. Stopping at the edge, Roe clutched the little packets of seeds she had in her hand and let out all her pent up frustration. Roe wasn't sure what the right time to plant was around here but she'd find out. Sitting on the little bench, Roe closed her eyes and relaxed a moment, thinking about what a crazy day of ups and downs it had been. She began to clear out the area a little more, weekding, pruning, and other assorted gardening things.
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Dizzy? Damian still felt he should at least accompany her so she doesn't fall out on her way down the hall. He may have just been over worrying but the boy was a worrywart. Couldn't help it, honestly. "Well, I'll at least walk you there." Damian took Nikky's hand and helped her up. "Thankfully, it's not far."
Hotaru was glad her services was needed, she saluted back to Alice and looked back at the injured people. With a serious look on her face she thought of ways how she could have handled the situation differently. She was so stupid. So very stupid. She could have kidnapped Red and tie him to a chair in the middle of a ritual.

With her mind attached to her body, she was a wimp. A fragile girl, someone not worth to look at twice. Digging her nails into her palm, Hotaru felt her heart quicken as she watched everyone scramble around. Hotaru decided to leave the clumped and suffocating area. As she was leaving, she saw Damian and Nikky heading towards the nurse.

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