- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Back again in the Soul food, this time she came with a group. During the get together Nikky remained quiet listening in on what everyone experienced, she wanted to know more and what little information she got wasn't good enough. She became lost in thought, trying to piece together why these things were happening. The cause, or whom she thought was the cause didn't know much either. She tossed back and forth vague theories only snapping back to reality until someone got up to leave. It didn't make sense, she couldn't believe it, not ever. But she saw it, so it happened right?

Nikky flopped onto her bed, and stared at the white wall next to her, a blank canvas waiting to be painted. She kicked off her shoes and threw one at the light switch, successfully turning it off, surprisingly. She smiled in the darkness, sitting there for a moment, gazing into the dark imagining faces and scenes flashing by. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes trying to think about other things...

6 years ago...

"I found it!"

The sound of Nikky's bare feet hitting the wooden floor echoed down the hallway. She ran holding her treasure high above her head eager to show it off. It was a red box with a white ribbon carefully tied. She presented it to a woman sitting at a table reading the newspaper. Morning light shown through the window and the older woman wore a purple sundress that hung loosely around her figure, the woman, adjusting her glasses looked over at the excited young girl.


"Ms. Annie!"

The woman smiled softly, "Call me Mom."

"No that's weird, and Ms. Annie! I found a present!"

"How'd you find that? It was supposed to be your present tomorrow!"

The small girl grinned, showing off her crooked teeth, "Hehe! Mr. Adam says I could get paid for being so nosy!"

The woman laughed, "I think he meant you'd be a fine detective" The woman took the present from the Nikky's grasp.

"Do you want to open it?"

the girl's eyes lit up,"Yes!"

"Too bad."

She set the present on top of the fridge, "A little patience will do you some good, nosy girl."

Nikky pouted, "Aaaw..."

"And remember Nicole, curiosity killed the cat."


Nikky opened her eyes to find herself staring at the darkness again,

curiosity killed the cat." she repeated it with bitterness in her tone.

She rolled over in her bed and laughed.

"What a joke."
Jacen opted to take his leave from the restaurant as well, it was getting rather dark. Granted, he didn't have to go as far as some others did to get back to his residence...but something just didn't sit right with him. He had everyone's number and they had his, so they could always contact him if they wanted to talk about any of this.

"I think I'll head on out as well. I'll be sure to try and contact everyone throughout the course of the week, just to touch base. Good night folks."

Jacen grabbed his milkshake from the table and strolled out of the restaurant, somewhat eager to get back to his dorm...but not necessarily to sleep. This is like one of those really craptastic horror movies...let's hope I can sleep tonight. Whatever this thing is...it's gotta be supernatural. Things of this earth don't just transcend dreams and reality, and they sure as hell don't go for an entire group of high school students. What if this whole hell thing is the root of it...maybe I was wrong and there really is a higher power system in play. A god and a devil...and the latter wants to manifest itself. 2 people having the same dream is a possibility, 3 is uncanny but entirely possible...but all of us and on the same night, with similar scars to show for it...something ain't right.
She gave a small forced smile but it wasn't because she didn't like him. She got up from her chair and grabbed her food. She sat down in his booth and sipped on her drink.

"You go to our school right. I saw you in that dream out of the corner of my eye.:

(Its short I know, pathetic -cries-)
"Hi friend, your getting kidnapped I see!"

Adonna turned at the sound of the familiar voice. "Ashlei," she murmured in surprise, a smile forming on her face. The energetic pink-haired girl and Shun headed closer to the three of them. El and Morgan had stopped when Adonna had, El looking a little excited at the sight of newcomers.

"If your assailants set you free, we need to hang out again!"

Grinning at Ashlei's remark, Adonna answered, "We should-"

"Oh and Shun said he wanted to take you out for dinner!"

She snorted out a laugh when she saw Shun retaliate with a punch aimed at Ashlei's arm.

"I wanted to talk to you at some point. So if your free sometime in the near future let me know."

Adonna nodded, the smile fading from her face as more sober thoughts surfaced. Hopefully he wanted to talk to her for the same reason she needed to speak with him... Why is any of this happening?

"We'll see ya around, girl. Continue the crime!"

"See you," Adonna waved back at the retreating figures. She couldn't help but smile as they laughed together, forgetting the earlier unpleasant thought. "Who was that? You should invite them to come!" El looked again at the duo walking away, "DAMN BOY RULE! I'M SIXTEEN FOR GODSAKE!" "Oh jeez. Come on, let's go before she invites an entourage of strangers."

Dinner at El's/The Prez's house ended up being a rather lively affair. Her mother turned out to be a warm woman, if not bossy. And Morgan was a lot more tame around the presence of adults, so Adonna learned. After dinner, Morgan/The VP drove herself and Adonna back to the school, parking in the student lot from where the two of them walked to the dorms.
"Glad you came, hope to see you on Thursday." "Yeah, it was fu- Thursday? Not tomorrow?" "Nope," Morgan said with quick shake of her head, "We meet every other day." Adonna made a mental note of that as she waved goodbye to the VP and went up to her own room.

Oh gods... Adonna sighed, sinking onto her bed. It felt like forever since she'd been in her room. She abruptly snapped back up before she could unwillingly doze off, catching sight of the dragon sitting undisturbed on the left side of her desk where she'd left it. "Nice'ta see you again," she spoke to it, stepping over and patting the top of its head with her index finger. Then went back to the tasks beckoning her. I need a shower... I need to get out of these clothes... needta call Ma, she's probably going nuts by now. Adonna stripped off her uniform, throwing them in the corner where her 'to-be-laundered' clothes sat in a pile. Sending her mum a quick text, Adonna tossed her phone onto her bed before jumping into the shower.

Afterwards, donned in an oversized t-shirt and sitting cross-legged on her bed, Adonna checked her messages. Ma still hadn't replied, probably meant that she was asleep. Typing a quick message that assured her mother all was well, school was going just fine, and that she would call her soon as she could before the end of tomorrow, Adonna let her phone drop onto her bed before falling sideways onto it herself with a soft

"Aahhh," Adonna softly sighed. It felt good to be back in her room, in her bed, no longer in the dusty uniform and torn stockings... Her eyes snapped open. Grabbing her phone, she quickly typed up a message to Shun: I'm free after class or after clubs, whichever, lemme know. Then searched around her room for something suitable, on her desk, in her bag, in her backpack (which led her to the empty bento box), where she finally found what she was looking for. Tossing it on the bed, she went over to the sink to wash the empty bento box. Leaving it to dry there by the basin, she sent another text, this time to Ashlei, thanking her for lunch she'd made and letting her know the box would soon be returned to her through Shun.

Back in her bed, Adonna grabbed the searched for object in her hands. A large pair of scissors with blue handles and a shiny metal blades.
This is stupid... this is so stupid... But hell if she'd be caught in that horror of a place without a weapon. This would have to do for now.

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Derek leaned back in his booth. He watched the girl drink from a thin straw. As a forced habit, he tapped his fingers on the table to a rhythm. He had done this every time he had gotten nervous, "I go to your school. I'm even in your class." He realized that the last part sounded a bit like he was stalking her, "You had a dispute with two other girls in class yesterday."

He looked out of the window, it was dark and he could see his mum waiting in the car, "About the dream...what do you mean by that?" Derek wanted to believe that it was a dream and nothing else. He would often glance back at the female to see her reactions.
She looked up at him with curious eyes. To think she was notice was a mark off her bucket list of random things. She had set her drink aside and took a big bite of her burger before putting down. She nodded her head toward his comment then swallowed. She watched him curiously, his small habit of tapping on the table or at least that what she thought it was. Swinging her legs while sitting was a habit after the doctor said she had stopped growing.

"Yea the argument made not sense, The girl should stand up for herself otherwise life will be very hard for her. I'm in the back of the class near the corner away from the middle."

She gave him a more less forced smile as she took another sip of her drink and looked outside to what she thought could have been his family.

"That dream with all the mutts and what not. I got bruises that carried over from the dream too. It was weird to be honest but I managed to kill one. When I ran toward Roe that's when I saw you. "
He nodded in agreement, "Life does not pay attention to the people who do not stand up for themselves. Sometimes people choose not to stick up from themselves and take the punishment." His dull brown eyes looked over to her own eyes.

He could hear the swings of her feet, Derek's phone buzzed. It was his mother. He looked over at the message and quickly text her back saying that he will walk home. From the window he could see the family car leaving. Looking back to the girl he nodded again.

"Sorry for being rude and checking my phone. I don't think I have introduced myself. I'm Derek, you are? The dream took a lot out of me. My energy is nearly drained. I'm sorry for the questions, but who is Roe? The boy....or girl.....with you?" He was unsure because he had seen Roe from a distance.

"Wait, you were hurt?" He became worried. It was hard to tell whether he was worried about her or if he was worried about himself.
"We seem to have the same views, That's good. i hate arguments among others. "

She finished her meal and placed both dishes to the side so when the waiter would come by she would be able to pick it up. Watching him pick up his phone she looked outside to see the car leave.

"oh don't worry about it, I don't think it was rude at all. My name is Ukime Kiyo a third year. The one I was running to was Roe, she's a girl but looks like a guy...though she looks better with her hair short. Oh right nice to meet you Derek."

She gave him a smile before sliding her hands under her legs.

"These are only bruises, I'm fine. Were you hurt?"
The restaurant was slowly emptying as groups of people left their leftovers on the tables. Waiters falling in to grab the plates, another wave of waiters come in to clean up the table. Derek nodded and gave her an ease of mind, "Thankfully the girl had ceased the fighting, but you four had gotten trouble with Mr. Mutton. Somehow..." He rested his head on his left hand, "...it had traveled throughout the school."

He looked over to Ukime with his eyes, "I'm in third year as well. I guess we will see each other tonight and in the morning tomorrow."

He was about to get up, instead he looked over to her, "I wasn't hurt. I was far away from where you guys were. I had to follow a strange boy with dark powers or something. If those are only bruises, you should keep an eye out. I have a feeling that we could all die."

He gave her a smile and stood up, "I'll be heading home. I think I'll be able to make a detour and take you home."
Roe and Linden went home right after dinner. A new sense of pseudo-peace overwhelmed her as she looked at her bed. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid... Roe liked sleep too much to be an insomniac... honestly, she went over this at Soul Food. There was nothing to be scared of... she was just crazy was all.

Looking over at her little sister that she shared a room with. The little twerp had kicked off her blankets. Sighing, Roe picked up the blanket off the floor and placed it over the little girl. Placing a kiss on her forehead, Roe stood in her sweatpants and t shirt... staring at her bed again.

Damn it... She jumped into bed, pulling the blankets over her head. headphones in her ears, Roe listened to the soothing melodies of Pop Evil, Korn, and Sick Puppies. She was asleep before she knew it.


| Morning |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

The alarm clock blared throughout Dominic's messy room, and not long after that it was silenced with a quick slam of his hand. No dream.. He took notice that he had slept just as well as any other night, and that he didn't wake up in a place completely unfamiliar to him. A benefit and a hindrance - normal nights wouldn't bring anyone closer to the answers behind what happened.

Dominic lifted himself up from the bed, feeling more like a swamp monster with how bad he was sweating last night. I must have worried myself too much. Either that, or my blankets are too thick. A combination of both was always on the table for consideration. The next few minutes was spent performing the morning rituals of the common person. Brushing teeth, taking a shower - even barely being able to eat breakfast before he set out for school in his uniform.

During his walk, he couldn't help but feel worry for the others. What if I was the only one who didn't dream last night? A visible frown donned on his face as he moved along. He didn't doubt that they could take care of themselves, but against beasts like hellhounds, they were luckily to keep all of their limbs. Alice seemed like a fighter, but without being superior in physical strength, she would always have the disadvantage. Hotaru didn't seem much of a combatant at all, and it didn't help that she was merely half the size of those shadow hounds. From what he heard, Damian was completely different than the others. No wounds, and he seemed to fight back the beasts with ease. On the topic of the others, Dominic didn't know, but it wasn't like they were trained to fight giant demon dogs.

Now he had just passed the open gates of Armstrong High. A quick thought suggested that he could keep an eye out for any students who looked as if they had a lack of sleep. Baggy eyes, zombified movement, that kind of thing. And on that note, nobody I know has shown up yet.

  • House keys

    Backpack containing essential school supplies

    Two packs of granola bars


Ow... ow... What was that sharp pain against her sternum? Adonna woke up slowly, her eyes adjusting. Oh... In her hands, she held the scissors in a loose grip, the blunt tip pressed against her flesh. She pulled the item away from her, yawned, stretched, then lethargically went along her morning routine. All that worry, and nothing happened.

Grabbing her uniform from the pile, she dusted it out best she could. The plan had been to wake up early and do laundry, but that obviously hadn't worked out. She donned it on with a small frown, then searched for another pair of stockings somewhere in her bag. When she was finally well and dressed, she grabbed her backpack (where she'd returned the scissors to and packed the cleaned empty bento box into), murmured a small, sleepy,
"See you soon," to the twenty-dollar-dragon, and stumbled out of her room. Yawning again. It wasn't tiredness, it was more like... a lull. The relaxed feeling that set in after the storm had passed.

Adonna smiled. It felt like she'd just now truly awoken from the nightmare.

Smartphone (fully charged)


Dorm Key

Backpack (with school supplies & cleaned empty bento box)

:D !

The monotone beeping of Clark's alarm awoke him. He sighed and sat himself up and stretched his arms. He decided to wear pyjamas before going to sleep just in case he woke up in the dream world but he thankfully hadn't. However the thought of it was constantly on his mind the whole night. When he stood up he realised his pyjamas were soaked in his sweat from a mixture of heat from his room and his nervousness from going back into the dream world. Although Clark wasn't one to worry it was hard to ignore such a dangerous supernatural event. The thought had been on his mind all night. He done his usual morning routine. Shower, put on his uniform, eat, brush his teeth, get his stuff and leave.

Clark walked out into the fresh air which helped wake him up. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, he had a restless sleep last night. He made his way to the front door of the school building and noticed it was surprisingly quiet. Am I that early? Clark thought to himself as he looked around, only a few students walked around the school grounds.

That's when Clark noticed someone that stood out from the rest. A boy about the same age as him with jet black hair and blue eyes. Clark recognised him, it was that boy from the dream with the dogs. Clark remembered walking up to him after he fainted then he went all weird but that part of Clark's memory was more fuzzy. Clark walked a bit faster so he could intercept him and lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey um do I know you from somewhere? Are we in the same class or something?" Clark asked. It was quite sudden of him and he knew that. And he did know this guy might not recognise him but Clark would try his best to keep the conversation going and drop hints about the strange dreams.


Wallet ($20)

Map of town and school

Student ID


Dorm key

Pen and pencils
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Damian stared blankly at the ceiling, periodically turning over to his digital clock to keep track of when he should finally roll out of bed. Upon 6:30am Damian tossed his sheets aside and sat at the edge of his mattress, which lacked a box spring since Damian's a klutz who constantly kicked it. In the dark of his room Damian covered his face in the palms of his hands trying to reflect on yesterday. What he can do is most certainly real. As everyone else saw it and drew attention to it. While he doesn't have any sort of "control" over when and how it happens, it seems to react upon his gestures. Mainly with his hands and arms. As a quick experiment, Damian lifted his right arm and curved it like a snake. A single strip of darkness rose from the floor and mirrored his movements. As he swayed his arm back and forth, so to did the tendril. Damian opened his palm, his fingers like a jaw. The tendril then grew thicker in size and a jagged maw opened up. A dark red abyss within the mouth of this creature Damian had spun up. So he did have some control... Mind you, he was doing this while in a more stable state of mind and not in a total panic. "So am I some sort of Shadow Puppeteer now? Humph. I'm somehow onboard with that idea." Damian rose from his bed, and commenced his morning routine. Upon exiting out the shower, he could hear muffled voices. Angry, muffled voices. "Again? So early too? I swear... I'll need a bigger mask to wear today." Slipping through the upstairs hall and back to his room, Damian donned his school uniform and tried to avoid the ongoing argument between his folks. Taking a quick jive into the kitchen Damian had pulled out some fruit snacks for the journey ahead. Before he could close the cabinet he heard a slam behind him. It was his Stepfather holding his mother up against the wall. Very much to Damian's dismay he wasn't going to sit idly by while he witnessed this abuse. Again. Quickly taking action, Damian used his finger as a catalyst for a smaller tendril, and gripped the hilt of a kitchen knife sitting on the counter. With a flick of the wrist, the tendril shot the knife into the wall besides his Stepfathers head. In shock by the action he turned around and saw Damian a few feet across from him. The shadow cast by his unkempt fringe over his eyes, darker than usual. "Now I know you didn't not just throw that knife little boy." Damian stepped forward. "And if I did? Another inch and you would've been dead. Keep your hands off my Mother." Stepping in between the two men was Damian's mother, trying to break up the situation. "STOP! You two! Damian, don't go throwing knives across the house like that!" "And you want me to just sit here and watch him put his hands on you!?" "Control your fucking boy, before I kick him out into the street." Damian's mothers face scrunched up tighter. "You're not kicking anyone out into the street! You leave him alone, you hear?" Damian's stepfather pushed his mother out of the way. "Now who helped pay for this house? The bills? And that baby upstairs? Me! So I can kick out whoever the hell I want! Now you better keep your triflin' son in check!" Damian's frustration only peaked at this point."I said to not touch my Mother again!" "And what are you gonna do!?" Again, his mother stepped in between the two. Blocking them off. "Damian. You'll be late for school honey. Just go and have a good day okay?" Looking at his mother, who hair was a mess and could spot some slight bruising, Damian scoffed and walked around the two, heading towards the door. Without a word, Damian swung open the door and slammed it behind him. Causing the entire house to shake. On his way down the street, he shed small tears from his crossed face.

  • House Keys

    Mp3 Player

    Bag of fruit snacks

    Wallet w/ $5.00

    Nintendo 3DS
"Ugh... Light?" The sleepy girl mumbled in her sleep, the sun shine in her face. Rolling over to see her clock, she yawned loudly and got up slowly,"No strange dream... Thank god." She thought sighing in relief, getting up from her bed and walked off to the bathroom to get ready for the morning, feeling a little refreshed that she didn't have the dream again.

After getting herself ready for school, she took her bag and headed to her little kitchen, grabbing a piece of toast with sweet jam spread on the top. She headed out the door and ran off to the her school, looking up at the sky with calm blue ones,"What a great day..." She thought happily, thanking the morning to come by quickly.

Books about Stars


Pouch of art supplies

Wallet ($20 )



| Morning |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

"Hey um do I know you from somewhere? Are we in the same class or something?"

It took Dominic a second for it to sink in fully, but he DID see Clark in the same classroom. It's that kid who looks like me, sort of. That was definitely true. Dark hair, bored expression, it was almost a mirror match save for the eyes. "I believe so. Mutton's class, right?" Mutton's classroom was - to him - the most memorable of all the classes. If he were asked, he wouldn't be able to name the others besides 'History class' or 'Science lab'.

As far as the dream side of things went, he hadn't recognized Clark among the terrified faces, but that must have been because of his blacking-out. A familiar aura filled the clearing as Damian was now in sight. Dominic's former outgoing smirk dimmed into a frown. No words were needed to figure out the issue behind Damian's emotion. He knew all too well. "Oi, Damian.."
Damian was so stuck in thought over his own predicament he didn't notice that Dominic had called out to him at first. Once Dominic was in the corner of his eye he finally took notice. "Hey." Damian had pulled out his Mp3 Player and frantically looked for a

to calm his nerves. The last thing he needed to do was lash out at someone this early in the day. "Shocked you're not on school grounds." Damian said stoically.
Standing at the gates of Armstrong High School, she noticed three boys, two she knew but the other one she was unsure of but he did seem familiar. Walking up to the group, she smirked, a plan formed in her head as she pointed Damien in the side as a greeting,"Good morning." She said trying to scare Damien.

Turning to the boy to see how he really looked like, she noticed how similar he looked to Dominic, turning her head to Dominic then at the boy,"Wow is this your twin Dom?" She asked curiously, surprised that Dominic would have a twin.


| Morning |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

Dominic scoffed lightly. "I guess the only time you do see me is when I'm in school." And it was the same for pretty much everyone else as well. Alice had appeared from the flow of returning students to greet the three in a way only she did best. "Twin? Hmm-.. Who knows?" Dominic lifted his shoulders in an innocent shrug.

"Anyway, this may be rumors, but I browsed Facebook for a while last night, and some people were saying that this year's school trip is going to be in Japan. It's all just rumors and speculation right now, but it doesn't seem unlikely since the last one was in South America."
Damian felt a poke at his side. While the feeling tickled him some, he was not pleased by it. His eyes snapped open, keeping the infuriated frown he was donning from the morning's incident. Turning to the direction of the poke he yelled: "DON'T TOUCH ME!" After screaming to the top of his lungs he realized who he was yelling at. Alice. A horrible wash of guilt had poured down upon Damian like a heavy brine. Stepping back away from Alice, he turned around and quickly started walking towards the direction of the school. Ignoring the others completely.
Before Alice could anything to Dominic, she was suddenly yelled at by Damien, her ears ringing since she was right next to him. Watching as the boy walked off, she was bewildered at the sudden event,"What's wrong with Dam?" She asked confused why she was yelled at just because she pointed his side and using the nickname she gave to Damien,"Does he not like being poked?" She questioned not angered at all, which was a good sign because she would have pinched his weak body down to the ground, having him beg for mercy in seconds.
Nikky closed her dream book, and spun around in her office chair. Nothing happened, not even her normal dreams showed up. She leaned onto the wooden desk and stared out her bedroom window, another day of school was going to begin. She smiled to herself a bit, she wasn't doing too bad being on her own. Nikky got up and began her usual routine in the morning, almost as if everything was back to normal. Today however, a new sweater vest was donned! light yellow with the Armstrong high crest pinned to it. She made a quick stop in front of her mirror to adjust her attire before heading outside.

She moved out of the way as Damien stormed past her, she liked being the one to comfort others but she feared he might have problems that go beyond a pat on the back. "Nothing can't ever be that simple can it?" she shook her head, "just let him be."


| Morning |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

It wasn't surprising to Dominic to see Damian snap the way he did. The facial expressions he had ever since Dominic saw him was a telltale sign that he was primed to explode at someone or something. It was a shame that Alice - and the new kid - had to see it. "Don't take it to heart, he's had a rough day so far. It's best we leave him be for today."

Looking at the sky, he remembered that class was to start soon. "Ah, come on, we'll be late for class if we just stand here." From that point on he ushered them with him on the way to class.
Clark stayed silent as more and more people joined the conversation. He couldn't help but agree with Alice that he did resemble Dom. He wouldn't say they looked like twins but there certainly was a similarity between the two. After all shouting and such Clark was rushed along the corridors to their class. As they walked along Clark noticed the bags under Domnic's eyes.

"You not been getting sleep? Clark asked as he pointed towards the bags under Dominic's eyes. "I've not been. Horrible dream about dogs attacking me... Never really had a fear of them but the ones in my dreams looked like they were from hell" Clark said with a yawn.
Roe was blissfully early to class. She was humming slightly as she reviewed her notes from the previous day. Giddy, Roe felt like she was on top of the world. Not a single nightmare bothered her last night... which meant... her brief period of insanity was over! Back to a normal high school life for her! Glancing at the clock, she still had quite a while before class started. Putting her headphones in, Roe closed her eyes and set her head on the desk... her foot tapping lightly in time of the music.

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