- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Classes are such a drag, Shun gloomily thought as he made his way through the academy's halls toward the art room where he hoped to spend the rest of his day in peace. Every since the day of the club fair, the art room had remained locked without notice of meetings, and today was no different as the door once again refused to budge.

Does this club even exist, Shun couldn't help but wonder as he began to doubt the existence of the room he had inhabited several days ago. Maybe I really am going cra...

"Shun!" a voice called out from down the hall as a male student ran towards him, stopping a hairs length away and breathing heavily in an attempt to catch his breath. "I finally caught up to you," he said in between gasps for air. "Here," he added once his composure had been regained and his hand, which was holding a key, had been extended forward. "A key to the art room."

Shun recognized the newcomer as Yukio, the president of the art club, and though he graciously accepted the key from him, he couldn't help but wonder if it was legal for him to have possession of such an item. "Are you sure this is alright for a new student to have?" Shun questioned.

"Normally no," Yukio began with a sheepish smile; however, Shun's silence and questioning look quickly made him finish explaining. "Ya see, the art teacher was originally against it seeing he never met ya, but some girl that seemed to know you convinced him otherwise."

Was it Ashlei....but she shouldn't have any ties to the teachers here, Shun wondered while ignoring Yukio's explanation of proper after school usage of the room.

"..and that is that. So while I can't be around, feel free to take my place. Though its not like we have regular attending members anyways." Yukio concluded with a smile and wave before dashing back down the hall.

While I can't be around? Shun scratched his head suddenly cursing his lack of attention as he watched Yukio depart while wondering what he had meant in his farewell.

"Damn last night to hell," Shun grumbled as he tossed his brush onto the nearby window sill before leaning back in his chair to inspect his painting and massage his arm. Due to the pain, the quality of his painting had taken a hit as the control over his strokes and overall focus had become quite sub par.

"Hmmmm?" Said the feminine voice resting her arms and head atop his head. "And just what happened to the arm of someone who fell soundly asleep last night?"

"Nothing much," Shun replied without reacting to the sudden appearance of another. "I slept on the wrong side."

Taking hold of Shun's right arm, Ashlei began to gently roll up his sleeve while ignoring his winces of pain.

"Hmmm," she again said running her finger along the faked compression wrap while blankly staring at Shun who returned her gaze with an equally blank expression.

"I would only laugh a little if you told me you fell out of bed and sprained your arm," she said with a laugh. "But it really is affecting your art." She glumly added after inspecting his painting at hand. "You need to start building a portfolio if you want to attend art school."

"I heard you persuaded the art teacher to give me a key," Shun replied in an attempt to once again divert the subject away from talk of his future. "I never knew you actually had ties with teachers at this school."

Ashlei who had begun to walk around the room took time in giving her reply as she soon became distracted by what Shun assumed to be nostalgic memories.

"I came here often while I was in middle school." Ashlei began, her hands caressing the side of a particular easel in the corner of the room."Unlike now, the academy used to be big in the arts, and this was the exclusive easel I got to use," she excitedly explained while directing a glowing smile toward Shun who could help but smile in return.

"But for now, let's finish your painting." she concluded after rushing back to his side where she pulled up a chair of her own and took hold of one of Shun's brushes. "I'll help the poor crippled shun out." she added with a giggle as she began to inspect the painting more closely to obtain a feel for its direction.

"Representation of Sirius, eh? Never knew you had an interest in the zodiacs," she said with a surprised tone on her voice. "Ah well, this ought to be fun!"

Shun internally sighed in relief as Ashlei seemed to have thought nothing of his injury, or the medium for his painting. Though if he were to sustain any more injuries, Shun couldn't help but wonder if he would be able to supply any more excuses without drawing any suspicion from his friend. Shaking his head, Shun cleared his thoughts in preparation for focusing on the artwork at hand. He had come here to enjoy his afternoon rather than clutter his head with meaningless worries. Taking hold of his brush once more, Shun gave Ashlei a quick nod before the two dove into perfecting their artwork that would take up the remainder of the afternoon and part of the night.
Seeing as how the coach was too busy, she quickly left out of the field, leaving the group for a while to the lockers to change from her dirty shirt to something clean and get her bag. Changing from her sweaty jersey to her clean uniform, she grabbed her things and headed out the locker room leaving the club quickly before the coach would notice that they were gone.

Following the group towards Soul Food as she sat down at the usual table which strangely was always open for them but it was a good thing since she liked being outside. Listening as Dominic ask for their numbers, she felt a vein pop up again as she stared at Dominic as if he was dumb,"I already gave you my number." She said bluntly not sure why he would ask her number when they already exchanged with one another but she sighed and took out her sketchbook from her bag and wrote her number,"XXX-XXX-XXXX" was written on the paper in bold writing as she held it up to the group,"Here ya go." She said waiting for them to give them their numbers, pulling her phone out.

Books about stars


Pouch of art supplies

Wallet ( $20 )

Bag of chips

Clark continued to read his book on the roof. He was surprised that he had actually managed to get to the second chapter. Maybe he shouldn't judge books by their cover ( best pun ever\(^▽^)ノ). However, his peace on the roof didn't last forever as the astronomy club had also came up onto the roof. Clark groaned. However, his annoyed grumbling abruptly stopped when he noticed one of the girls. There was something about her, Clark could've sworn he'd saw her before. He was skeptical until he heard one thing that sealed the deal.

"It was just... a dog... a really ugly dog... almost attacked me... and some friends." Clark didn't hear what she said prior so he assumed she was talking about a nightmare. When she appeared to be by herself Clark tapped her on the shoulder.

"This 'dog'...was there more of them? I remember having a nightmare when I was with these people in an abounded building and these dogs attacked us! Weird isn't it?" There was a chance this girl didn't have a clue what Clark was talking about but he didn't care if he looked weird. He was already having weird dreams.
Following the group into Soul Food, Enzo had recommended they all exchange phone numbers. A great idea, but Damian doesn't have a phone. As his most recent one had a battery shortage and he hasn't cared to go get a replacement battery. It wasn't like anyone ever called or messaged him. So the incentive to fix the device was very little. "I don't have a phone, unfortunately. But umm.. I do have a Skype. If that matters any." Now Damian felt sort of foolish for not getting his phone batter replaced. It didn't help that, come to think of it, his mother was telling him he should go do it at some point but Damian always put it off. Oops. "So... Can anyone explain what this dream was? I seem to be the only one outside of the loop here."
As the day went on, the members slowly trickled away, some going home to get started on their homework, others heading to their primary clubs. Reminding Adonna that she had to go to Tennis. "Tennis? I think they only start meeting from tomorrow on," said the Prez when Adonna had inquired aloud. "Oh... is that so..." It wasn't that she didn't trust the club president, it was just that she wanted to check for herself. Still, if she went, and the Prez was right, what a waste of time that would be. "Trust me, she's not bullshitting you," the VP said when she saw Adonna hesitate. Adonna nodded slowly in response, deciding that even if they were mistaken, she could afford to miss the first day. "Welp! Since it's just the three of us now, wanna go get food? You can tell us all about yourself and we can catch you up on all the juicy gossip and, hey, I'll even trea- wheeeere's my wallet!" the Prez frantically patted down all her pockets, pulling something out from one, "Nope, that's my dorm key! I think I left it in my dorm. You two wait right here, I'll be right back!" She whizzed away with that. "That idiot, never remembers anything if it's not immediately relevant, I'm telling you, she's yet to return my-" sudden realization hit the VP, "WAIT! YOU STILL HAVE MY BOOKS! Ugh..." she looked at Adonna, "You'll be fine here? If I don't get it back now, I don't think I'm ever gonna see them." Adonna nodded, "Go ahead, I'll wait here." "Thanks," and with that, the VP ran to the stairwell, yelling, "YOU STILL HAVE MY MIRAI NIKKI BOOKS YOU DUMBASS!"

Adonna laughed lightly, now all alone on the rooftop. A sudden tap on the shoulder reminded her that she'd forgotten all about the familiar boy with dark brown hair who was indeed still on the roof. Before Adonna could start to wonder what he wanted, the boy said,

"This 'dog'...was there more of them? I remember having a nightmare when I was with these people in an abounded building and these dogs attacked us! Weird isn't it?"

Adonna's stomach dropped. She glanced at the door, feeling stupid for doing so, but the couldn't shake of the nervous feeling. "What are you... How did you..." she felt the connection between her mind and mouth severing, leaving her to fend for herself. "You were... You were there..."

Smartphone (hardly alive)


Dorm Key

Backpack (with school supplies & empty bento box)

Clark casually stood next to the girl as she stuttered and mumbled. Clark waited for a coherent answer but in the end she didn't seem able to give one. Clark sighed slightly and spoke up as she continued to stand in front of him, clueless. "So you did have the same dream as me. And you noticed there were other people in it right? So do you know any of them? I had no clue who they were but I hope they have some idea of what happened last night so it's best if we find them... That's just my opinion though" Clark said.

(sorry for the crap post >_<)
Hotaru wrote out her number and gave to Alice as she took her phone out as well. She looked off to the people all around in the restaurant. It felt so calm and unreal. A small shiver went up her spine. She remembered that she had yet to hug a lot people, Hotaru then felt guilty. Everyone would feel sad if they didn't hugs as well. She might as well give hugs to everyone.

After hearing Damian's plea, Hotaru wrote on her slate, "It was a dream, do you usually remember your dreams?" That sudden urge of hugging everyone came over her. Shaking a bit from silent laughter she did her best to seem discreet with a stoic face. Curling locks of her hair she saw more of her classmates in the restaurant, some were in the dream and some were not. Hotaru looked over to her friends with worried glances.


| Evening |

| Tuesday |

Date: September 17, 2014

Having already obtained Hotaru and Alice's number, Dominic had no need of saving the ones that were currently written. The others, however, were a different story. The topic of 'what the dream actually was' surfaced. When Dominic thought about it, he remembered it being very vivid, like a rare dream that you'd remember for years. Lucid dreams for him were rare, so a dream like this - when everyone's had it - didn't sit right.

"First, let's all come to an agreement that what we're dealing with is totally supernatural, so there are going to be things we won't understand." The plan was to collect the knowledge from everyone and mash it all together in an attempt to find answers. "The dream itself was very.. barren looking. There were.. ruins.." His face tensed slightly as he struggled to pull important fragments of the dream in hopes that it kickstarted Damian's memory. "...I also remember there being darkness. You weren't there at first, Damian. When we were attacked.. before I passed out-.. I think I saw you. You had this shadow-like form but I could tell it was you."

Dominic slowly rubbed his temples, trying his hardest to remember past that point, but it was fruitless. "My memory goes blank after that, I'm sorry."
If Roe had been awake, she would have noticed a very angry older brother marching his way through her school. She would have prepared herself for pure rage that seemed to boil off Linden as he stood over her sleeping frame. None too gently, Linden pulled his foot back, and kicked Roe. Gasping and scrambling up for a fight, Roe turned to her older brother. "What the Hell Linden! You scared the crap out of me!" She had been scared she would wake up back in that barren world again.

Linden didn't answer. He just glared at Roe... then reached out and punched her in the gut. A little less painful than his kick had been, but she thought he might have broke open the scabs on her stomach. "Where the hell were you last night?" He nearly whispered as Roe was doubled over. Shit... that's right. She never made it home yesterday. "Oh don't worry, you only have to deal with me. I told mom you were staying out with friends. She was so happy, and you better be too when you get home." Roe straightened and didn't look her brother in the eye... how to tell him what really happened? Might as well... tell a half truth she guessed.

"I... was with a friend. I... got sick at work and fell asleep at her place." He didn't have to know she fell asleep in a shower or... well, she wasn't thinking about that just yet. Roe turned to sheepishly look at him... quick as lightening, Linden pulled her in for a hug. "Jeezus Roe, don't do that to me. With that psycho out there, you had me so worried..." Hugging her big brother back, Roe pushed him and smiled. "Lets go home, I'm starving!" In silence they walked home.

(cough cough cough... sorry... I can't get rid of this bug)
That's what he wanted to know? Not 'how can this be possible' or 'why is this happening' or a number of other questions that really should have been the first thing on his mind, so Adonna thought. No, this kid wanted to know who those people were that were there. Adonna remembered something at that very moment, something her grandma had told her a long time ago when Adonna had unintentionally been rude. "We all show our sadness in different ways, tiny love." It was her grandmother's way of telling little her that everyone grieved differently. Was that what was happening now? Were they grieving the loss of their normalcy in drastically different ways?

"They were... the people, they're our classmates," Adonna decided on saying. Without knowing more about what was happening, and why, she felt it be safe if she answered conservatively. It was not that she was suspicious of this student, it was just that she knew as much about him as she did of the situation the two of them seemed to be thrown into. Wait, if this is real, hah, she was still saying 'if', then he's right. I should talk to Shun... and Roe... And honestly, it would be good to talk to... what was his name... the guy with the sword, the name was on the tip of her tongue... he definitely seemed to have his shit together in that... place... world... whatever. "But other than at class, I wouldn't know where to find them," she replied, speaking the honest truth.

Smartphone (hardly alive)


Dorm Key

Backpack (with school supplies & empty bento box)

Alice glanced at Damien as he told he had no phone but suggested Skype as a back up,"I have a Skype. Here you can message me whenever." She said writing her username,"PandasLove" and handed it to Damien,"Skype me whenever, I'm free." She said handing him the paper.

Alice turned to Dominic with a sigh, recollecting her memory on the "dream". She wasn't very pleased to have to retell the pain she went through in there but she needed to at least help out on what went on,"Well, I remember I was about to go and save you when Damien came... or so I thought it was Damien but for some strange reason he was weird." She said looking over at Damien,"Like some creature like those hounds, he spoke weird too. Like he had two voices in one body. He came and save our butts from the hounds and then you started acting weird too." She said with an grumpy tone,"You both started saying nonsense about stuff like this 'Lance' dude and such. Then I was blinded by light and woke up with this." She said finishing her story of what she could remember and showing her arm to show how she got the wound.

Surprisingly, the dream was very clear to Alice even when it was a dream. So strange but her memory of the dream was clear as day, those hounds haunted her memory and the pain strained painfully just remembering how hard the hound bit.

Looking over at Hotaru, she noticed how she was starting to shake in a way as if she was holding in her bladder or she was cold but that couldn't be right since it was warm outside. Feeling worried for the girl, she wrote on her sketchbook,"Are you okay Hotaru? Do you not feel good? (´;Д;`)" She asked putting a sad panda on the side.
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My classmates! Maybe I shouldn't have fell asleep in class so I would recognise them when they walked in. Clark thought to himself. He walked over to his bag which was over at the corner of the roof. He placed his book in it and slung his bag over his shoulder. Clark looked up at the sky and noticed it was getting late, the sun was setting and the sky had turned a bright orange.

"You have any idea where to start looking? I mean they must be somewhere... But it's gonna get late soon so we could just wait until tomorrow. Either way I'm fine with" Clark said with a yawn. "My name is Clark by the way" He said as he waked towards the door and held it open for Adonna.
Derek looked over to his family. They were sitting at a booth in the Soul Food. Earlier the newly addition to the community, the Knight family, had decided to have dinner at a very social and casual restaurant. The oldest, Derek, was against it and tried to stay at home, but when his mum gave him the evil eye, he had no choice but to go along with the dinner plans. Sinking into his isolated seat by the corner, he catches the eye contact of one of his classmates. It was the silent hugging girl. Shivering a bit, recollections of the dream floated into his mind. The silence at the table was broken again by his sisters. Soon after the table, excluding Derek, was laughing and having a grand time. Derek looked off to the table the girl was sitting at again, there were three more of his classmates. Ironically enough, they were in his dream as well.

Derek looked down at his plate in deep thought. It was more likely that no one will notice him there, Derek would be much more happier without unnecessary attention. Even with that said, he shrunk in his seat even more. His mother noticed his little interaction with his food, she gave him a look. It was the We-Are-Not-Leaving-Until-You-Make-That-Plate-Shine look. Derek thought he had came over his picky stages in his toddler years, yet here he was given the look. His eye twitched as he picked up his fork.


Ear buds

Wallet--with ID and $13.10
Hotaru ceased her silent laughter and gave a reassuring wave to her friend, on the corner of her slate she wrote a message, "Oh! I didn't mean to worry you. I was just laughing. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I had a strange idea to hug everyone. Speaking of which...." In bigger writing she referred to the group confirming Alice's memory, "Right, I remember large and adorable dogs attacking. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧" She drew a mesmerized emoticon. Hotaru looked up and saw more of her classmates in the restaurant.




"I'm Adonna," Adonna introduced herself back. Before she could answer his question, the loud sound of feet slapping against stair became apparent. "ADONNA!!" It was the President of the Astronomy Club, finally back. "Thank you kind sir for holding the door for me, ADONNA! I have good news and bad! Good news, found the wallet! Bad news, mum called! She wants me to have dinner at home. You know, home home, not dorm home. So you're invited! Let's go!" She grabbed Adonna's arm, then looked over at Clark, "Is this your friend?! Nice to meet you! I'm Eli, Adonna's friend," woah, wait, friends already? "ArrrrGGH I'd tell you to come but mother has a THING about me bringing home guys GOD I'm ALREADY SIXTEEN MOM!" Now Adonna felt old, "Morgan's meeting us out front with the car. Come on, mom isn't a mom to be kept waiting!" The Prez/Eli descended down the stairs, dragging Adonna along, barely giving her a chance to give an awkward wave goodbye to Clark.

Smartphone (hanging in there)


Dorm Key

Backpack (with school supplies & empty bento box)

Entering the place known as Soul food she took a both behind a family. She placed her board closest to the wall and had set it down beside her. She picked up the menu as the waiter held up a finger to her to tell her to wait a minute. Ukime nodded her head and did nothing but kick her feet around and think about basketball practice. When was there first meet going to be and was she going to be able to play in it. Pieces of the dream floated through her mind as her eyes wandered around the place. She almost thought the people were the hounds themselves and she was reliving the dream. Her eyes caught a boy though who she glanced at when she was in the dream. She tilted her head as she stared at him slump down in his seat. A new kid probably, just like her. She looked at her menu then told the waiter she wanted a burger and strawberry shake. The woman nodded and left as she transitioned to another table.

Ukime tried to get the boys attention, waving a hand in the air but not to high.

"psttt, psssttttttttttttttttttttt"





Gum[2 pieces]
Alice giggled at how silly Hotaru can be and nodded, writing back to her,"Oh I see!~Well you can hug Damien and Dominic to make them feel better." She said looking over to the two boys mischievously but then was bewildered by Hotaru's definition of the hounds being cute,"Adorable? They were trying to eat us?! (ノ꒪Д꒪)ノ" She wrote in bold letters with a picture of an angry dog to show how scary they looked to her,"They did this to me.(´;д;`)" She wrote, unwrapping her bandages to reveal bite marks on her arm with some scratches that she got from those dogs.
Roe and Linden made a pass by Soul Food on their way home. Glancing in the window, Roe saw... pretty much everyone she saw in the dream was there! She didn't see Adonna, but there were quite a few people! Roe stopped and stared in the window... "Wanna get something to eat?" Linden asked. They didn't usually eat out, but maybe a dinner, Roe's treat, would solidify her brother's resolve not to tell their mother she hadn't called him last night. "Yeah..." she said distractedly... she could also eaves drop. "Yeah, My treat." Roe dragged her brother in before he could say anything and they sat down at a table by the group of classmates. Roe waved at Ukime and looked around for other friendly faces. Maybe she could get her answers now! Practically shoving her brother in a seat, Roe made an order real quick and waited for her food. As she waited, she listened.


| Evening |

| Tuesday |

Date: September 17, 2014

For what felt like a few minutes, it had been at least an hour since they had shown up at the restaurant. The sun was well past the horizon leaving the moon to reflect it's light down on them. Like every other night, people were beginning to pack up and go home. Was it because of the nightmares? Even Dominic didn't know everything about the town.

He caught a glance of a few other classmates of his - Ukime, Derek, and even Rosemarie. Dom didn't feel familiar enough to them to actually approach any of them, so he dropped the idea of approaching them. He did notice Alice's sly look. It was a look that meant she knew something he didn't. Just after that, Alice had revealed the wounds done to her by the dream they had all been pulled into.
"That looks like it stung." Perhaps he hadn't heard it, but Alice DID say something about Dominic speaking weird in the nightmare. It passed right by him and probably for good reasons.

Dominic rose from his seat, feeling a yawn take him over when he stretched his arms in the air only for his hands to slip right into his pockets.
"It's getting late, I'm going to head home. Be careful, everyone." He flashed them a smile before he turned to depart.
Hotaru gladly responded, "I shall, starting with you. ⊂((・▽・))⊃" Hotaru pulled her into a hug. She also looked at the wounds on her arm. Hotaru traced a finger over it, "Did you have it checked?" The girl looked over to bigger message again, "The dogs were so cute, you probably made them mad too!" Hotaru held out her bandaged arm as well. Hotaru looked up when she heard that Dominic was leaving. She quickly stood up and gave him a hug as well.
Pushing her plate back in mild disgust... damn... there went her chance about finding out what happened. Linden looked at her in confusion. "You don't want it anymore?" She rolled her eyes... her brother was even more of a food nut than she was. "Have at it." she grumbled. What did she want to find out about that night anyway? Honestly, she would rather think she was crazy than have to deal with the terror again. Until then, she could always train... and study of course. That's it. She wasn't going to let any of this crazy mumbo jumbo ruin her last year of high school. She was going to hang out with friends, participate in clubs, and be happy for goodness sakes.

Nodding determinedly, Roe decided that she (and everyone else in the dream) just ate something bad at school... or was part of a secret government test. Nothing supernatural had happened at all. Letting out a big puff of pent up air, Roe sat back and waited for her brother to scarf down his meal.
Feeling a little uncomfortable with the hug, she tried to hug back, patting Hotaru's head embarrassed and unsure what to do. Once she was freed, she felt a straining feeling when Hotaru touched the wound and groaned in pain,"No, I haven't got it checked yet and I see nothing cute in those mutts." She wrote to her with a frown.

Alice looked up at Dominic with a frown,"It hurts like hell because of that mutt." She said but then noticed how dark it was getting and got up from her seat,"I guess it's time to go, it's late." She said looking at the group,"Well see you guys tomorrow!" She said also writing on the paper for Hotaru,"Bye Hotaru! (^^)/" She wrote walking off after Dominic left.

Getting to her room safely, she took a nice bath from all the sweat she made at club and placed on a different pajama since her other one was strangely dirtied by the dream from last night. The pajama she had on was a panda pattern with black and white stripes and a panda hood to wear to sleep, with a bonus, panda ears. Getting into her bed, she prayed that she wouldn't get into the same dream again as she held her panda close and slept.

......Going into another deep sleep.
Derek heard a noise that resembled the sound of a kettle whistling. Without turning his head, his eyes looked all over for the source. He quickly locked eyes with a girl sitting in a booth in front of his. His mother was starting to herd her daughters out of the restaurant. She looked over to Derek and he nodded, signaling that he would be coming soon. The single mother and her two daughters left the restaurant. He looked over to the girl ordering her food. Derek waited for a little while before trying to confirm that she was calling him over, "Ah...yes?"
Hotaru gave Damian a hug before nodding to Alice. The pastel haired girl waved goodbye to her friends as they left. Taking in another deep breath, she overlooked the restaurant before heading off to her own path all alone.

While walking on the sidewalk, her grandpa had sent her a couple of texts. Hotaru read them as she walked to the dormitory, "Hotaru. Where are you?" He sent another one, "Your aunt is coming over in a week, do not forget." Hotaru sent him a text that she will not forget. Soon after the school was in view. Hotaru quickly sprinted to get out of the streets.

Hotaru locked the door behind her and quickly picked the teddy bears on the ground. She tossed it on the bed and looked over to the hamper full of the slightly bloodied sheets. There was no way is she going to get hurt again in those dreams. Hotaru jumped into bed after getting ready, she turned the lights off using a teddy bear. Her eyes looked up at the ceiling. Night was so strange, shadows suddenly become enemies in the dark. A small flash of the shadow pillar Damian had created crossed her mind. He's not an enemy. Right?
"And it's done," Ashlei said with a yawn as she set down her brush and began resting her head against Shun's left shoulder. "Plan on making the zodiac theme a series?" she excitedly asked Shun; however, as minutes passed without his reply, she sighed while pulling out her phone to reply to texts all while slowly drifting into a spell of sleep that was brought upon her by the drowsy atmosphere the room contained.

It was during this time that Shun was deep in thought, pondering the relation between his painting and the events of the night before. He had forgotten most of what had occurred upon waking the morning thereafter; however, the painting, which had developed far beyond a simple representation of the consolation, Sirius, broke past his subconscious and flooded his head with definite memories of the horror that had occurred. To anyone with knowledge of astronomy, the painting would have simply represented the relation of Orion and Sirius bathed in the golden light of the sun's glory; however, to Shun it was much more. "The hounds tamed by the hunter all driven back by the golden light," Shun muttered to himself, surprised by the sudden poetic nature in his choice of words.

"Was that your thought behind this painting," Ashlei said in a half awake tone that startled Shun as she removed herself from his shoulder and extended her arms upward for a stretch. Checking her phone once more, Ashlei suddenly sprung out of her chair and turned to face Shun who was questioning the sudden burst of energy.

"My mom is making curry tonight, and your now invited." Ashlei explained while slapping Shun against his back. "Hurry up let's go!"

"Yes, yes," Shun lazily replied as he slowly began to pack up his supplies and tidy their work space before meeting up with Ashlei who had rushed out of the room and was impatiently awaiting his arrival in the hall.

"Its Adonna," Ashlei suddenly exclaimed somewhat into their walk after seeing her friend being dragged along by two other girls in the distance. Violently shaking Shun's shoulder for his attention, Ashlei started waving in Adonna's direction while calling out to her. "Hi friend, your getting kidnapped I see!"

Shun couldn't but laugh at Ashlei's statement as he too began to wave in her direction with a smile.

"If your assailants set you free, we need to hang out again!" she continued once their distance had been closed, all while conveying a possessive look directly at the two girls that said 'She better be set free.'

"Oh and Shun said he wanted to take you out for dinner!" she added with a giggle and a yelp in response to Shun lightly punching her in the shoulder with his left arm.

"I wanted to talk to you at some point," Shun explained with a sigh as he glared at Ashlei for her choice of words. "So if your free sometime in the near future let me know."

"We'll see ya around, girl," Ashlei concluded in place of Shun as she gave Adonna a quick wave before turning to the two girls with a mischievous smile. "Continue the crime!"

With both Shun and Ashlei laughing at her general silliness, the two gave Adonna one last wave before continuing along their journey home.
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