- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Hotaru was in a deep sleep full of nothing before she woke up to the comfort of her room. With tired eyes, she yawned straightening her back. So she was right. It was a measly dream that caused her to open a window and cause a cat to enter. She was glad to have some sleep. Third day of school can officially begin.

She quickly did her essential things to be considered as ready for school. This included brushing, showering, offerings to Satan, eating breakfast, cleaning her room, praying to the gods of death, deciding what to wear, and her personal favorite dyeing her hair. It seemed like she was in a mood to be in Hell. Hotaru dyed her hair to a light red. Feeling satisfied, the girl got dressed in her uniform.

She quickly caught up with the group, only to hear Damian snap at Alice. Hotaru frowned and decided to approach the group. With a slate in hand she looked over to them with a worried glance.


| Morning |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

Clark must have had amazing eyes if he spotted Dominic's tiresome self behind his facade of optimism. It didn't help at all that he mentioned the hounds from that night's dream. "Dogs from hell?" He echoed Clark's words, renting the attention of some passing students as they moved through the corridor. "Sounds like something from an MMO." He tried to play it off lightly, as if he didn't know. It wasn't like Dominic didn't want to help - it was more of that fact that he simply wanted to stop thinking about it, especially since last night was considered a peaceful night at that.

Hotaru had joined them from the crowd, it was tough spotting her from afar with her small frame compared to the rest of the students. "Morning Hotaru." He smiled. "On your way to class too, hmm?" He could tell she was worried about something, whether it was about the dream or Damian. Right now, Dominic felt as if he needed to be that one ray of light through the sea of darkness.
Bursting through the school doors, Damian pulled out his roster from his bag. It was slightly crumpled from being tossed around in his bag but it was still legible. First class: Literature @Room 204. Despite Literature being a favored class of his so far, he couldn't stop thinking about this morning. It only put him in more of a sour mood than before. The angrier he grew, the more intense of a black and burgundy aura grew around him. He finally took notice when he saw his forearm glow a deep darkness. "Fuck." Damian had taken a deep breath. Relaxing himself some before entering class looking like the spawn of Satan. When he noticed his shadowy aura had settled he entered the class. Putting on a straight face, one that couldn't be easily read. As he found his seat from yesterday unoccupied he found his way to it and sat down, and awaited class to begin.
Closing her locker she looked around listening to her peers gossip,

"Did you see that guy today?"

"Yeah, someone swore they saw him turning black! Super scary"

"Ew, what's a creep like that doing in our school"

"Maybe it's the curse going around?"

"I'd hate to have a class with that guy..."

Nikky stopped listening after that, there was nothing left to the imagination. She knew who they were talking about, and she hoped they wouldn't bother him. If he was how they said he was he was pretty much a ticking time bomb ready to explode. She shook her head and walked on into Mr. Mutton's class she gave him a weak wave, the poor guy was probably up to his knee's in gossip. Despite being in a pretty well known school the students that attended were all the same. She noticed the kids avoiding taking seats near him, even if he didn't appear angered you could feel the tension the closer you got. She ended up taking a seat behind him.
While peering down at his desk Damian noticed Nikky from the corner of his eye. Much to his surprise he didn't know they shared classes, though deep down he hoped he did. Funny enough, he should've remembered something like this from coming in yesterday. Probably too fixated on catching up to notice the first time. Class didn't begin just yet, they had a good couple of minutes before it began. Damian decided to turn himself around to meet Nikky who was sitting a seat behind him. "Hey, Nikky. I didn't know you took Literature. I guess I didn't notice you yesterday... Sorry about that."
Hotaru noticed that Alice wasn't saddened or angered by Damian's actions, so she decided to let the matter go. Hotaru nodded with a smile and then a mixed face. She wrote on her board and then showed it to the group, "(இ﹏இ`。) I hope my teachers are in a good mood, I don't want to be lectured today. I had enough things to worry about, like finishing homework...." She drew an emoticon with tears ready to spill. Yesterday she was held after class once again for 'threatening' a teacher for giving out homework. Hotaru once again looked over to the direction of where Damian had gone to, "Will Damian be okay?"
Nikky forced a smile, "No worries, I'm pretty good at blending in." she lowered her eyes, and then looked back up at Damian and laughed lightly, "Hey, when I was little my mom told me this. "Our past makes us who we are, but our past can also weigh us down from becoming who we could be."" Nikky managed a nervous laugh not sure where she was going with this, "My point I guess is... holding that kind of stuff in is never good. So... don't pretend like everything is fine."
Damian chuckled. "If I had a dime..." He blew out a heavy sigh, his hair flinging upward from the breeze exposing his forehead some. "I know. It's just that I don't want anyone to know my past. Less for them to worry about. That is if they choose to worry about it. I just deal with my personal issues myself. I feel more secure that way, I suppose. But what gave you the impression I'm holding something in?" He asked with an arched brow.
"I can feel it." Nikky shrugged, "when something is bothering someone it's kinda like a sixth sense. from there I just guessed." She didn't buy that excuse but she decided to let him off the hook, better not push him. "Hey, did you get yesterday's notes? I kinda wasn't paying too much attention."


| Morning |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

"For some reason, I took you for a girl who didn't really care what people thought of you." Dominic shrugged. Hotaru was deceiving with her innocent appearance, but what most people didn't know (and what Dominic didn't know at the time) was that Hotaru totally digged the ritual and hellish way of things. Looks could be deceiving and Hotaru was a prime example.

And on that note, he noticed a change of hair color - surprisingly with his sluggish thinking as of late, he picked up on it. The tone in her question brought him back to the more pressing of matters.
"I don't know." He returned simply. "There's no telling what will happen with him sometimes. Let's just head in."


Damian is his name, then?

Len observed from camouflaging himself within the groups of students. He no longer wore his janitor's outfit, seeing as how he looked the same age as the ones he stalked.

There was an unusually dark energy coming from that boy. Those kids don't know the danger they're in if they continue to linger around him like this. I'll have to warn them, then alert Boone soon after I confirm this all.

Len sunk back into the mist of classmates, awaiting his time to confront the others.
She felt it? That was a first someone picked up on Damian's bottling just on intuition alone, outside Dominic. But Damian explained his issues to Dominic, so it wasn't necessarily the same. "I commend you on picking up on it, at least. I can't really deny it eit-- Oh, notes. Yes, I have them. Better yet, the teach gave me an outline I missed for last nights homework. You can borrow them for today, or however long you need them." Damian reached into his bag and pulled out two stapled papers and handed them over to Nikky. "I hope they help you as much as they did me."
"Good morning."

Shun's focus was concentrated on his cooking, but it didn't stop him from noticing the arrival of his friend and greeting her in a singsong tone, akin to his cheerful well being.

"Oh? Fancy seeing you awake before me."

Loudly yawning, Ashlei walked over and gave Shun a quick hug before seating herself on a nearby stool to rest her head against the kitchen counter.

"What cha making?"

"Tamagoyaki* and ochazuke**."

Although Shun was less than capable of creating a breakfast suited for American tastes, he was more than capable of the Japanese dishes he had learned over the years.

"You can shower first. I have plenty of time before class, so I'll get ready after breakfast."

Normally, Shun wouldn't have awoken without the assistance of his alarm and Ashlei's intervention, however, due to the restless night he had suffered, Shun had been laying awake several hours prior to his arrival in the kitchen. Excitement resulting from anticipation of another dream had kept him awake for the majority of the night, and it was just now that his lack of sleep was beginning to hit.

Yawning from his fatigue, Shun who had finished cooking began prepping the kitchen table just as a scent of coconut wafted into the room, signaling the return of Ashlei.

"It's been so long since you cooked for me. "

Ashlei rushed forward to smell the food as an overjoyed expression rushed to her face. She excitedly took her seat across from Shun and began digging in without hesitation.

"I'll make you a lunch while you get ready. I'd make one for Adonna as well, but I only have one spare bento box left. Though, make sure to tell her, you'll deliver a lunch from me anytime she wants when you pick up the box from her."

Shun grumbled unintelligibly in response to such a declaration, yet he couldn't help but smile as well. Even considering her social lifestyle, Ashlei had developed an unusual interest in Adonna, and Shun had to wonder what about her caused such a reaction in his friend.

"Don't you have to return to Yale soon?"

"Hmm, at the end of the week, unless... Err nevermind."

Ashlei's voice teetered off toward the end of her statement. Curious, Shun was prepared to press her for an answer, but the vibration of his phone's alarm halted the conversation as he rushed off to prepare himself for school. Much like before, Shun's morning went by in a blur as he soon found himself rushing out of Ashlei's door in attempt to arrive at the Academy on time; however, unlike before, there would be no Geoffrey waiting to drive; but rather, it would be through the validity of Ashlei's proposed shortcuts that would cut the twenty minute walk down to fifteen.

Shun considered it a miracle that he arrived at his first period classroom with five minutes to spare.

I suppose I should trust a local more.

Taking his seat next to Adonna, Shun quickly prepared the necessary materials before turning to give his usual 'Good Morning.' Shun had received her text the night before; however, because he forgot to reply, Shun figured now was good time to deliver his reply.

"If your free today, want to meet up in the art room after classes?

Realistically anywhere would have been a suitable location for their talk, but the existence of his painting made Shun believe it would be easier with a reference to the events that had occurred two nights ago.

* Tamagoyaki: A Sweet Japanese omelet

** Ochazuke : Rice mixed with green tea and topped with a salty additive such as pickle,nori, ect.

  • iPhone
  • wallet
  • Backpack full of stuffs


| Afternoon |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

Gym class had been the last and probably most challenging class for Dominic. All the running, climbing, and obstacles that needed vaulting over put a heavy toll on his body. The gym teacher simply reinforced their will with 'Pain is gain!' All of that sounded like mumbo-jumbo now, however. Today was in fact the first day gym was available, and it properly kicked everyone's ass as it should. On the upside, he was able to get a better view at those in his class.

The dark haired one, with the glasses. I've seen him in the dream, he was the one who helped me up. He made a mental note to approach Shun.

Then there's the tall one. God, she's tall, wouldn't want to piss her off, but she did seem frightened in the nightmare. Adonna was added to the list.

Then there's that one masculine girl. Man, I bet a lot of people mistake her for a guy. Must be annoying to live with people always doing that. Tacked Roe to the mental list.

Afro, afro.. I remember there being a fro in the mist of all that. Strange, I don't seem to see her in class today. Did I miss her? Ukime was next up.

Remembering anyone other than them seemed to give life to his headache once more, so he ceased it at that. With everyone in gym clothes, most were moving to the gender-separated lockers to change up. Dominic hanged behind for a little, just to make sure he didn't mistake any of the faces for a random student look-a-like.

Some voices overlaid the more quieter onces over by the girl's locker. There, Red stood with his arms crossed and face in his smug 'I don't give a shit' expression while a handful of girls - flushed as they were - shouted at them.

"Security club or not, you don't go sneaking into the girls locker! Unless you've given up your man-card, you aren't allowed there! Headmaster's son or not!"

"Now now, all I did was give our beautiful new members their Committee band. I even waited until it was empty. I could have done a lot worse, you girls know that." The last word was playfully stretched out and followed by a wink.

What an asshole.

"Any of you gals seen some freaky shit lately? Anything that'll just force you to take out your cell and call the GhostBusters? Has anyone?" Red turned his attention to the entire room, male and female. "Idiot, you'll chase away any evidence. That's not how you hold an investigation." "What, it's how those detectives did it." "Yes, and look where it got them. They went home empty-handed."
Red, the headmasters son? She had heard about him from others, apparently him and a transfer student had a bit of a falling out. And she could see why, he was pretty crass for someone who was the son of the headmaster. Not to mention he was pretty creepy, she looked on from the angry girls to see him smiling like a big ole jerk face. In short, Nikky no likey.

"Any of you gals seen some freaky shit lately? Anything that'll just force you to take out your cell and call the GhostBusters? Has anyone?"

Nikky stepped forward past the bodies of angry girls, she had her curly hair up in a ponytail and wore blue gym shorts and a Armstrong t-shirt, she placed her hands on her hips in a fluid movement of sassy-ness, glaring up at the boy, "You REALLY have the audacity to ask that when you're barging into the girls locker room? Unbelievable, and even if we did, why should we tell someone like you?" The girls behind her resonated with a "Yeah!", soon it would be a pack of lionesses about to pounce on their prey. She poked the boy in the chest challenging him, "I think question time is over. So you best be leavin' now."


| Afternoon |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

At this point, Red was visibly pissed, perhaps beyond his own control. His hands, which were normally in his pockets, were balled into fists to go along with his steeled glare. "You've got a big mouth." Red marched his way to stand toe-to-toe with Nikky. With her being short, and Red over six feet tall, the situation was almost predictable. Almost.

The towering brute suddenly sent his balled fist into Nikky's face, causing a wide-spread of shock to sweep through the gym. People could only watch as nobody dared to actually step up to Red and stop him. "Anyone else want to take me as a joke? I thought you all figured I softened up, so let this be a reminder to all of you." Len was the first to run to Nikky's aid, who was no doubt on the floor by now. He darted a glance filled with venom toward Red as the bully began to walk off. "You're f**king reckless!" Red simply slung his jacket over his shoulder and waved with the other hand. "Tell it to somebody who gives a rat's ass."

"That's it."

Blocking the doorway to the gym's exit was Dominic. He couldn't stand by and let something like that happen without consequences.

"Dominic, eh? You finally show your face to me after what, three years was it? How's the arm after our last bout?" Red snickered.

"You can't go pushing people around like that, Red! I'm sick of seeing you treat people like they're all beneath you."

"..-So you're going to be an idiot and step up to me again." Red shrugged, tossing his jacket aside to a nearby student who had no choice but to catch it on reflex. "It's cool, this way you'll join Benjamin in the hospital. I hope you like comas."
What a great day it had been. Adonna had agreed to meet Shun after classes, and even though the topic at hand was probably the nightmare (so she assumed), it was not enough to dampen her spirits. In fact, she was in such a good mood, she offset her usual habit of keeping her eyes to herself and noted Roe in the classroom. Roe too looked like she was having a good day, further exalting Adonna's mood.

Apparently, that wasn't to last. When gym period was over, Adonna had but one thing on her mind, finding her way to the art room. That soon changed.
What the fu... Adonna blazed inwardly as this little piece of shit acted all entitled to enter the girl's locker room. It showed on her face, which was why, oh, would you look at that, she at that moment had to re-do her shoelaces. She heard more than saw one of the girl's heading the group of girls, telling Red off. Thinking that would take care of it, as it had before, she began to calm down when-

Thud! Adonna's head snapped up to the entirely too familiar sound of fist against face. Oh hell no. There was no thought anymore, only action to be taken. She swiftly manuvered her way to Red- then stopped. That boy, the one in the dream with the sword, he had stopped Red in his tracks.

Adonna was not one for unfair fights, but her rage was all she felt, not her sense of fairness. It was habit that kept her stopped. One-on-one was the sacred rule back at her high-school... but the dude had punched some girl in the face and walked away, no, this one didn't
deserve a 'fair' fight, this one had to be pummeled into the ground. You're dead, you're f****** dead.

She didn't say anything, well, she couldn't. She was one of those people who's throats closed off after a certain level of anger, and then all they had left was their fists. Instead, she circumvented Red, standing right in front of him. Waiting for him to throw the first punch, her features twisted in rage. Some habits died hard, despite what anyone deserved or didn't deserve.

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Alice's day went off like the wind around her mostly because she fell asleep in most of her classes resulting for her to have to get lectured for sleeping and to be placed in tutoring class tomorrow. She wasn't failing or anything so she saw no need to go to tutoring just because she fell asleep and missed some notes on stuff she didn't care for but she knew they just wanted to help.

With a sigh, she went off to the gym for her Soccer club but heard commotion going on as she went to another door and saw Dominic and some guy giving off a very intense aura. She knew that something bad must have happen to snap Dominic into fighting with some guy as she looked around at the crowd,"What's going on here?" She said walking up closer to the two boys,"Dom?" She whispered surprised that he willing to fight against a big guy like him.
"That was unexpected." Her glasses snapped in half and fell to the ground.

Nikky fell back in shock, and then the pain hit her. She could feel tears well up behind her eyes; she held her face in one hand trying to rationalize all of what just occured, Why did I do that? I shouldn't said anything, I should of been quiet just let it happen- her mind raced but the throbbing pain interrupted her. She removed her hand to see her own blood, hot tears fell down her cheek in response. She had never been punched before, and she never wanted it to happen ever again. She felt dizzy almost ready to pass out, she placed her hand on the nearest support available and shoved her face in his chest to hide her tears. She could feel herself fade in and out of consciousness.

Crap, why does getting punched hurt so freaking much?!
Clark was standing on the sidelines as the girl, Nikki, started arguing with Red. He noticed everyone flinch as everyone heard a thud and maybe even a crack when his fist connected with her nose. Then Dom stood up to Red. This won't end will for Dominic either. Clark thought to himself as he caught Red's jacket as it was thrown off. He'd seen plenty of fights and he knew sh*t was about to go down. Then Adonna walked up ready to fight as well, it seemed like a continous train of people wanting to punch Red. As Clark stood there, still holding the jacket he noticed a few glares aimed at him. He realised people must've assumed he was with Red since he was holding his jacket for him.

Clark sighed and threw it back at Red. "It's your jacket I don't want it." He said nonchalantly. The glares aimed at Clark seemed to dissapate after that. He continued to stand on the sidelines, wondering if Red would catch the jacket. Clark had to admit it was a pretty snazzy jacket.


| Afternoon |

| Wednesday |

Date: September 18, 2014

The feelings Dominic and Adonna had were mutual, almost so that he hadn't noticed that she was indeed the one from his dream. Anger caused his senses to tunnel, fixed on Red. Not even Alice was noticeable at this point.

Red's jacket came flying back at him just as he prepped himself for a fight against two. It temporarily wrapped itself around his face, leaving the two a clear shot at Red's exposed self. Adonna being the closest, she would have had an attack in before Dominic.

Dom waited for the perfect moment - a window of opportunity where Red would have been weakened by the girl more his size than Dominic himself.
Damian, late as usual, was making his way to Gym. The last class of the day and the one he loathed the most. It wasn't like he was out of shape or anything it's just he found the class redundant. Albiet physical fitness is important and all but... Gah. Why did he have to take it. It was fairly obvious that he wasn't out of shape. He didn't take multiple years of self-defence classes and trials at his old YMCA for nothing. But that was over two years ago. I guess this could be something to shake off the rust. Opening the Gym doors, changed uniform and all he found Dominic and Adonna standing in front of the towering Security Club head, Red. From the looks of it, a brawl was about to commence. Damian groaned lowly. He sized up Red once before... "Spoiled brat, with the Headmaster wrapped around his finger, an entourage, a cocky attitude, and a dick where his brain is." Damian scoffed. Considering he knew the two must've had this, I mean it was two giants against one giant right? But as Damian said, Red had an entourage to call at will. He needed to be embarrassed. Twirling his finger, and keeping an eye on Red's feet, a small stretch circled around Red's ankle, and pulled him down. Causing him to dramatically stumble over out of nowhere.
Roe had to work on her reflexes. She had to admit, she was absolutely stunned that the head of the security club... technically her boss reacted so violently... maybe she should rethink her primary club. Seeing Adonna ready to face off the big brute, Roe ran up to the conflict. Sighing, she was going to be the sissy of this group... a regular old tattle tale... It had been some time since she'd been in a fight... and never a real fight.

"Do I need to get a teacher?" Roe approached the situation, palms open in a disarming gesture... but still tense enough to react in case he were to turn his fists on her. Standing up, she hoped her height on the guy would up intimidate him enough that he'd back down... She turned her back on the idiot and looked toward Nikki. Roe was confident between all the kids ready to beat Red to a bloody pulp, she'd probably be safe enough to turn her attention to the injured.

Crouching down, "Are you alright? Do you want me to take you to the nurses office?"

Hearing a crash, Roe turned abruptly to see Red face first on the ground... huh?
Hotaru was a bit confused as to what was actually happening. All she saw was Red stirring up trouble. It nearly disgusted Hotaru that she had her green hair changed to a red. It nearly matched his own hair. She saw Red reeling his hand back and connected to Nikky's face. With wide eyes, Hotaru watched as Adonna glared at him. Hotaru's eyes trailed to floor, a darker shadow than the rest reach towards Red's ankle. Shadow....Hotaru quickly scanned the crowd for the origin. She was clearly looking for Damian.

Spotting him, she slowly and quickly weaved in and out of the crowd to meet up with him. She raised an eyebrow to question his part in any of this fight. Hotaru had originally planned to step in and try to stand up for her friends, but her own friends seemed to have already taken care of it. She suppressed a smile.
Alice watched in amazement that the jacket that Clark threw successfully landed on the guy's face and gave an advantage for Dominic to take him down but she noticed Damien also in the crowd as he surprisingly, with swish movement, kicked the guy's ankle, making him stumble a bit,"So Dam and Dom now? How interesting~" She thought finding amusement in this.

She wasn't gonna get herself involve in this or anything but if it gets serious then she'll jump in and pin the guy down even if he's taller than her, just so Dominic and Damien won't get expelled for doing stupid stuff. But then thinking of the consequences that they'll receive if this gets out of hand, Alice debated whether to get in between and stop the fight or just watch and let them get expelled.

"I'll stop it once it seems to get too serious." She thought staying in the sidelines and watch.
"What the hell?" escaped Adonna's lips in a whisper. First, a jacket had come out of nowhere, wrapping itself around Red's face. She had almost reacted to the sudden movement, thinking it was Red, and not a flying jacket. But before any fists could be launched, Red... fell. Literally fell where he was standing. What had started out intense was turning, well, comical. Now what? She couldn't exactly start a fight with Red on the ground like that. Yet she couldn't turn around and leave either. Adonna was at a loss, but kept her fists ready.

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