- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Derek had been finishing up his homework when his mother called from the living room. She was the head of the house and as always he was forced to listen. Derek stood up and stretched before heading down the stairs to meet up with his mother, "Yeah?" The woman wrapped a lock of her red hair behind her ear as she spoke, "Could you go get Alexis and Ally from their friend's home?" The twins were out? It was awfully quiet. His mother looked back at the TV. More victims were found, of course she would worry about her own children. Derek nodded and pulled out a jacket from the closet.

The sun was threatening to set and disappear from sight as the moon rises from the horizon. Derek took his set of keys and shoved them into his pocket as he headed off to the directions that his mother told him. Apparently the twins were at the dormitory at his school. They must have been at a freshman's dorm room. Derek realized his mother didn't give him any type of room number. Sighing as he walked in the lonely streets, Derek dialed the number to his mother's phone. He had to wait for three rings before she picked up, "Derek?"

"Yeah, what's the dorm room that Ally and Alexis are at?" There was a long pause at the other end, "Dorm room?" Derek sighed, "The address you gave me was to my school. Now hurry, it's cold." He could hear his mother gulp down air, "They didn't give me a number. Derek, I'm worried. If you come home without the girls I will...." His mother looked for threats to use against him, "....slap you." Derek rolled his eyes but didn't say anything against the threat, "Yeah, yeah. I'll find them."

There was a click and the phone call was finished. Time to call one of the twin's phone. Derek dialed Ally's number. No answer. This was bad. Not the fact that there was no answer, but the fact that she was reasonable compared to her twin. She was easy to talk to and would obliged to anything. Derek sighed and called Alexis's number. He watched as the lights in the main building of school was slowly going out.

"Derek!" A voice called from the other end. Derek placed his hand on his forehead, "Alexis! Where are you?" There was giggling on the other end and a voice saying, "I told you so." Derek felt his eye twitch, "Alex...." He was using a tone that meant as a warning to her. Ally spoke out, "We're at the dorm rooms!" Alexis shushed Ally from speaking, "Which dorm room?"

A muffled voice giggled and continued, "Girl's dormitory room 315!" There was a chorus of, "Ally!!!" The twin quickly assured them, "It's the girl's dormitory. Boys aren't allowed here."

The dark of Hotaru's closed eyelids was parted by a white light, but hued with a very faint touch of red. The light spreading as if one had leaped from a thicket of bushes,

. As the flare finally dimmed, a forest setting surrounded the dreaming girl. The trees, a blood orange bark color with autumn touched leaves that rained down from their towering trees. The ground was flooded over. Freshwater with leaves and petals littered about the waters surface. The water came up to the girls ankles. Though the air was clear and breezy the water was unnaturally warm. The only sunlight was blocked off by the leaf covered branches, only leaving small rays through the gaps giving off but so much light. As alive this world was, it was a lifelessly silent... The tranquil atmosphere almost felt like an illusion to what really lurked about.



| Alice's Dream |

The fence proved to be much weaker than what it seemed. Upon vaulting it the bolts that held it in place shook loosely while the entire placement whined with overuse. It was horrid, almost abnormal-sounding, but else could be expected from a dream?

Up ahead, the alleyway led into a another dead end, save for a partly opened door. It offered access into the building and buy Alice the ability to pass the collapsed building. The interior resembled that of an office building after a riot. Papers were tossed and laying about like a tornado had hit the place.

In the distance, a feral howl could be heard ringing through the valley of buildings. Hellhounds. The familiar but not missed creatures had picked up on Alice's scent and were on the hunt, starting from where she woke up. Not long after that, they were already fighting the gate that was barely hanging on to the walls itself.

On the other side of the building, more came. It was like a repeat of the previous nightmare. Sounds of glass breaking and the next thing that could be known - they were inside the building, whilst the gate was finally knocked down. At this point, the only place to go was up the stairs, which led up to an oddly narrow hallway with a locked door on the end.
Hotaru's clothes were slowly absorbing the warm water. Pollen from the trees and the flourishing plants around her collected in groups and irritated her nose. Taking in a breath, she sneezed into her elbow. Only then did Hotaru realized that she was in a small flooded field. Sitting up, her hair soaked in water fell forward slapping her face. She groaned, Hotaru had already washed her hair. The girl quickly looked over to her right shoulder, nothing. The ritual wasn't finished and the woman with one eye should be trying to catch her.

Hotaru looked down at the water, she could control herself. This is just like the dream she had the other day. Hotaru still pondered to herself. Was this a dream? Hotaru dug her nails into her skin. Definitely not a dream, groaning the young girl stood up and shook the water off of her. Hotaru pushed up her sleeves and looked around her surroundings.

In the water, grass swayed left to right. Petals from flowers around her fell and was floating in the water. The whole place was so surreal and calm. It was nothing like her regular dreams. Hotaru was just waiting for some monster to come and attack her or people to start floating down the streams. Sunlight shone upon patches of green. Tall trees covered her sight of the blue sky.

Hotaru closed her eyes and waited. A dream like this, if it was a dream, should go somewhere. Hearing sounds from behind, Hotaru turned and quickly yelled stop, "Tomare!" The lady was still here. She should do her best to keep as much distance away from her as possible.
Turning around to watch the fence loosen, she sighed in relief and continued on only to find a dead end again,"Ugh... Why again?" She grumbled noticing the slightly opened door. Walking over to check inside but only to find it abandoned as well with paperwork and broken computers here and there,"Some office this is." She thought looking around but then heard heavy breathing. Turning around and hearing the barks of those bastards hounds, she felt the nightmare repeating over again.

Thinking of running, she was blocked as more dogs broke in through the window and growled at her,"S***!' She said running to her only option up the stairs. Running as fast as she can, she ran up through the files of stairs and busted through a door that led to the rooftop,"S***! Another dead end!" She thought looking behind her to hear the howls of the hounds,"What do I do now?" She thought looking around for anything to protect herself from them.


~Hotaru's Dream~

With the sound of Hotaru's voice echoing in the breeze, the branches suddenly began to creek. Leaves started to fall, unnaturally. Almost as if they were forced. The creeks stopped when they noise drew close over Hotaru's head. As the noise ceased, the falling leaves followed. Leaving a red trail in the water. A small, bare foot stomped down on the branch stretching out directly above Hotaru's head. In the shade of the tree, a short, stout but curvy form was perched on the branch. It wore a white and red blouse, with a frilly cap that resembled a mushroom almost. The face could not be seen, but long orange locks dragged down passed the females chest. Curving around her average sized bust. "Tomaaare? What're you yelling about little dearest?" The pint-sized woman sat on her rump, and let her back fall. She caught the branch with the back of her knees and flipped herself upside down. Her orange hair stretched so far it dipped into the water. Her face was finally revealed. Her skin was clear, and looked soft to the touch. Her lips were a rosy red, but it didn't look like makeup she was wearing. What was on her lips looked like a sort of paste. The same paste was found smeared around her eyes. Her irises were different colors. The right one hazel, the left was the same red as the leaves in the water. She stared at Hotaru with much interest, sizing her up and trying to get a hold of what kind of person she was. "Poo. You're weird. I can't get a good idea of you. All I know is that your name is Hotaru. That sounds like a hamsters name!" She flipped herself around again, this time falling clumsily into the water. When she rose from the pool, her red paste bled down from around her mouth and eyes. "Oh no!" She cried, slamming her fists into the water. "My leafy' paste got messed up! I spent so long grinding these leaves to make them like this!" She looked as if she was ready to cry, but her eyes didn't water at all. Funny enough, her face just grew an embarrassed red. As if anymore red needed to be seen.



| Alice's Dream |

If there was one thing noticeable about hellhounds other than their horrid appearance, it was that they were quick. Even as Alice raced up the stairs, they were merely a few feet away, some even running along the wall and ceiling to get a better chance at biting her.

But alas, she emerged from the building and ended up on the roof, where the wind was much stronger than it was below. There were no structures to block or alter the wind at all. Here, it was at it's full, gusty force. So much so, that it blew a slab of rubble across the rooftop and swiped Alice in the leg, no doubt causing her to fall onto her back.

It gave her a good view of the hellhound that leaped into the air for a killing blow.

An enormous axe slammed down between Alice and the leading Hellhound, renting the demon's head from it's body and sending it's blood to unfortunately drench Alice momentarily. Following along toward the end of the two-handed axe was a
small feminine figure.

"Get behind me."

Assuming Alice did what was commanded of her, the girl yanked the axe out from the crack it created from the previous slam. The hellhounds began to pour out of the exit from where Alice came from. The figure tightened her grip on the axe's long handle in preparation of an incoming attack.

What started as a brief pause or staredown, continued with the first wave of hellhounds charging towards the two. The mysterious girl had no issues bringing the axe around to swing it horizontally and slice the charging hellhounds in half with one arm. A flanking hellhound sprinted out to their exposed side, jumping up for a bite at Alice while her protector wasn't watching.

That's when that same hellhound was grabbed by the throat before it could reach Alice, and an audible crunch and snap followed with a sudden limp, lifelessness of the grappled hellhound. There seemed to be no end to them at all.
opening her dorm room door flopped onto her bed and sighed, a routine that was starting to become a habit. Reaching over she grabbed her laptop, she hadn't used it in a while and she wanted to set a reminder that it wasn't completely forgotten. She ticked away on the keyboard in search of some interesting recipes. She hadn't cooked in a while, and since she left home fastfood had been her breakfast, lunch and dinner. Her mom would be so proud if she saw her now, the thought set a bittersweet smile on her face. There were so many choices to choose from but finally came upon the perfect dessert. *RING* She jumped in response, guess she was still kind of edgy from todays events. She scavenged through dirty clothes to find her phone. It was her Aunt, taking a deep breath she pressed the answer button.


"Nikky! How are you holding up?"

The girl opened her mouth and closed it unsure of how to respond,
(Oh I'm doing great, I got decked in the face today! And maybe broke my nose but no biggy!)

"I.. I'm good Aunty"

"Okay sweetie, keep your head up okay? We love you and if you ne-"

"I'm fine, really."

"I know when you lie to me, Nicole."

Nikky remained silent for a moment,
"Yeah. Um hey!" In an attempt to change the subject, "I was thinking of baking something and bringing it to school one day, could I maybe come over the weekend and maybe use your oven?"

Sure, as long as you do the dishes and you have to buy your own ingredients. You have enough money right?"

Nikky checked one of her drawers, finding her spare set of glasses and a wallet with over 200 dollars in it.

"Good, I love you, and seeya soon."

"Love you too!"

"...Wait, before I go, Rose tells me you've been calling her again. She's threatening to change her number."

The girl didn't know how to react.

"Nikky... I know she's your real mom but you still have-"


"Please, just-"

"Shutup okay!?" the other end of the line went deathly quiet and after a moment Nikky spoke upagain in a gentler tone, "I won't call her anymore... if that's what you're asking."

"...We need to talk about this sooner or later."


A click was heard and the line went dead, she rested her elbows on her knees and buried her face in her hands. She sat like that, remaining completely static, and after a few minutes she opened her eyes again and stood up. She changed she had forgot she still had her gym clothes on, her shirt was all bloody from her nose. She changed into fresher clothes, a light blue hoodie and black jeans. She adjusted her spare glasses making sure to write down the ingredients before she walked out the door.
Ukime looked up from her computer as he heard voices. She looked out near her window and saw it nearly pitch black. Curious she got up from her chair and walked over toward the door. Opening up the door she poked her head out and looked down the halls in both ways. Now at this time of night she was already dressed in her nightwear. Small shorts with a rather large sweater for warmth and comfort. Pulling up her hood she walked out leaving her door half cracked. She heard laughs toward her right and a voice toward her left. Tilting her head each way she looked down her left.

Hotaru looked at the lady in interest as well. She was almost tempted to touch the lady's hair as it fell from the trees and reached to the watery ground below. She was about to retort her back for calling her weird and insulting her name, but the orange haired lady fell from the branch and into the water. The water sprayed on Hotaru's face and with a look of concern she took a step closer to the woman. Instead of worrying about how she fell from such a height, the strange lady was more focused on her makeup.

Snapping from her thoughts, she realized the lady was looking for an answer. Hotaru looked around, there was no other way to communicate but to speak. Unwillingly she spoke in a meek and quiet voice, "Are you okay, lady?" Hotaru could really use a name to call this orange haired woman. Or was she a woman? Hotaru had once wondered into a gay bar and she was scarred for life, always questioning people's gender.

More importantly, Hotaru still had questions. Deciding that she will give this lady no mercy she fired all questions at once, "Where are we? Who are you? Have you seen a tangled mess of a girl behind me? If you do, tell me so I can send her back to the drain. Is this a dream? You look very pretty. Why are you wearing a mushroom? Do you need help? I know CPR. I will do only compression, though. Do you like to do rituals? I am not a hamster, I happen to be Satan." It seemed like Hotaru had let out all eight years of mute on to the lady. Good luck answering all of those questions.


~Hotaru's Dream~

A flurry of questions came the girls way so suddenly, but the pressure wasn't to overbearing as Hotaru had such a soft voice. The Zodiac had turned her head in both directions when asked about "a tangled mess of a woman." A lot of the questions were ones that she honestly couldn't answer. Keeping in mind all the simple questions the Zodiac began: "Hehe! You're a mouthful for someone so quiet! First off, you're in my little slice of hel-- I mean heaven! Heaven, right? My name Marabel! I'm a Zodiac and I want you to be my humble little host! Don't take the little thing to heart though! I'm little too! But I'm actually hundreds of years old! I actually lost count..." She said with a pout. "And uhh.. No, I haven't seen a girl. I just see you!" Marabel strutted towards Hotaru, kicking up some water as she drew closer. With every footstep she said a single word. "Eyes. On. You." Finally face to face, Marabel took her finger and poked Hotaru's nose. She then gently dragged it down the side of her nostril, to her cheek, and finally the end of her chin. "You feel me?" She said with a wink, followed by a facetious giggle. "Mmmmm, didn't I hear you say something about my mushroom? Well, I'll have you know I just LOOOOOVE nature!" Marabel threw her arms out in both directions. "The splender of a bio-organic setting! The smell of leaves on the air! The feeling of water on your feet and how silly my feet look when they're all wet. My toes look like little raisins! But mushrooms look so silly! I just had to knit myself a mushroom looking hat! Try it on!" Marabel plopped her mushroom hat on Hotaru's head. Impressed with how well it fit, she made quick little claps. "Eeee~! Look at it! I love it!"
With each sentence, Hotaru's words grew stronger and a bit more louder. She was getting a hang with this talking thing. Marabel was a strange name for a strange person. Hotaru quickly started paying attention when she mentioned zodiacs, before she could fire off more questions, Hotaru felt her eye twitch a bit as her hips swayed as she walked up to Hotaru. She poked her nose which caused Hotaru to take a step back before mounting her feet firmly on the ground. Marabel's giggles followed as she trailed a finger down the right side of her face. Hotaru sneezed, the pollen on Marabel seemed to have rubbed on her face.

Hotaru quickly remembered her questions, she was about to ask her more, but the orange haired girl placed a mushroom hat while marveling at the beauty of it fitting on Hotaru's head. She remembered that the zodiac called her short, standing face to face it was clear to see that they were nearly at the same height. The former mute girl shook her head a bit as she fired off more questions.

It was a bit hard for Hotaru to regain emotion back into her voice, "It's very lovely hat. I love the colors, you knit? Do you sew? I love to sew, the other day I made a skirt. It matches the trees here. What is a Zodiac? You're name is very strange, it fits you. Did I die? You said I am in heaven. I thought I was going to hell. You still haven't answered some of my other questions." Hotaru finally decided to move. She circled around the zodiac, "Do you like to garden? The plants here are very clumped up. I hate the numb feeling my fingers get when I soak in water too much. I love the smell of dust before rain. Your hair is a beautiful shade of orange. Oh wait, I'm supposed to be hostile against strangers. You have very ugly grass."
Nikky pulled out her phone from her hoodie pocket scrolling through old pictures of her and her biological mother. It pained her to look back through them, a thought occurred to her that maybe it was time to let go. She noticed the delete button, I should delete it, she thought, "I should delete them all", she repeated aloud. She stared at the button for a long time put couldn't make herself do it, a part of her still hoped her mother would love her back. Defeated, she stuck the phone back into her pocket. Looking up she saw a door cracked open and a head poking out, or rather an afro. A unmistakable trademark hairdo, it was Ukime, she remembered seeing her around and hearing about her but she didn't know Ukime was on the same floor as her.


She quickly wiped away whatever sad face she had, and replaced it with a smile, "Hey!"


~Hotaru's Dream~

Marabel was enjoying the entourage of compliments, it only bolstered Marabel's on growing ego. Now that Hotaru was acting a little livelier, Marabel was enjoying her company even more! Blissfully aloof from Hotaru's circling Marabel's stomach suddenly tightened...

"You have very ugly grass."

Marabel's face fell from a pleasant grin, to a hard frown. The paste around her eyes and mouth started to root out, similar to the fashion of veins in an arm. A low, throaty growl could be heard beckoning from Marabel's mouth. She slowly turned her head towards Hotaru. As she turned her head, the falling of leaves slowed, eventually a halt when Marabel's face met Hotaru's. Ripples in water stopped, freezing in time. The leaves in the water began to brown and decay. Gritting her teeth, Marabal began to utter an ear splitting shriek. The sound was so powerful it blasted Hotaru's ear drums like a violent pulse. Throwing her hands out towards Hotaru, Marabel grabbed Hotaru's face and threw the mute into the closest tree. The bark split into a crater from the impact!
The first to go was her ears, everything became muffled. Time began to slow down and Hotaru began to realize her mistake. One more reason to stay mute. Marabel's hands reached to grab Hotaru's face. Hotaru was horrified at the rage the zodiac had for insulting her grass. Marabel threw her into a tree. The air had already left from Hotaru's lungs. She felt her spine struggling to stand straight.

Hotaru began to think about her friends. What a silly way to die. Die, die, die. The words were chanted in her head, her brain already gave up yet her body was too late to respond to it's commands. Her vision was hazy, all at once everything began to hurt. After years of being mute, Hotaru had mastered the ways of never showing her pain. She bit her lips, Hotaru couldn't bring herself to hate Marabel. She was very possessive. In a way Hotaru was like this. She would snap whenever her friends were hurt or insulted. Hotaru coughed, water from the ground escaped and went inside her mouth. Hotaru lifted her head a bit spitting the water out.

The beautiful forest around her was slowly turning grim and dark, Hotaru mustered up her voice and yelled, "Don't let it die!" Hotaru forced herself to keep her eyes open, she was only going to relax once the garden was back to it's full health. Her muscles tensed as she watched Marabel's movements.
Adonna took in the sight of the painting. Even as a phone picture, one could see it was masterfully done. They were constellations, but she couldn't off the bat tell which ones. Now she understood why Shun had brought up the painting, the Zodiacs were constellations, and this painting was of one. She silently listened as Shun explained the painting and told her his theory of the dream world, her own memory of the dream solidifying as he brought up the past events. It was as if he were piecing together a puzzle, patiently pulling pieces and placing them where they belonged. If she wasn't mistaken, because she usually was, she couldav sworn there was a spark of excitement in his eyes. As she processed what he said, she realized two things: One, Shun was a lot smarter than anyone she'd ever met. And two, she was suddenly very glad he was their ally. "Their" being her and everyone else who'd ended up in this supernatural mess.

That explains why I ached the day after, she thought as he showed her his injury and explained his next theory. After he'd finished, which Adonna only realized when she noticed the anticipating look he was giving her, she slowly began to nod. "Yeah..." she cleared her throat, her voice more steady now, "Yeah, something like that... I think some part of me knew it wouldn't make sense for it to only happen once," as if any of it made sense. She sniffed a small laugh, "Though I'd all but convinced myself of that this morning. I think you're right, Shun. But that makes me wonder, why weren't we thrown back into the dream world the night after?" She pushed her fore-knuckle into her bottom lip, thinking, because of all Shun had said, her main concern was, "And let's say it's true, the Zodiacs are a way to protect ourselves in that world... then, how can we protect ourselves without them?"

She went over the memory of the nightmare, this time willingly. How hard they'd struggled against the hounds, yet how easily the black tendrils and the boy with the sword had dispersed them. Was that the protective power of the Zodiac then? This was frustrating, questions only brought forth half-answers and more questions.
"Sorry," she said, "I know you don't have the answers. That's just been on my mind."

"Perhaps its a running joke for the one pulling the strings. Giving us time to recover as a false sense of hope."

Shun's statement was met with his own laughter as he couldn't help but find the image of his thought humorous in a sadistic sort of way. Shun was relieved that Adonna had taken his declarations at face value and even more so was the fact that she supported his theory which even he had harbored doubts for.

Like Adonna had stated, Shun had no answer for the question she had asked, and it was this uncertainty that brought a sudden state of annoyance upon Shun. Their conversation had ended much like the internal debates Shun had with himself prior to this dinner. Questions were left half-answered, and the answers themselves only created new questions to boot. It was an infinite cycle that Shun wished to end, but with his current knowledge of that world, it was a feat unobtainable without the intervention of a higher power.

"I swear when I get my Zodiac; I am going to wring answers out of something in that world."

Without realizing it himself, Shun's manner of speech toward the topic at hand had been continually evolving as their talk continued. What used to comprise solely of doubts and questions had become definite declarations backed by a confidence that could be seen in his growing in his eyes.

"The best I can assume is that we have to rely on each other until we understand what Zodiacs truly are. Call it a hunch, but I feel like in our current state we aren't in immediate danger. The boy said it himself, 'A zodiac has chosen you, or you have to potential to be chosen.' Its obvious only certain people from our classes were stuck in that world, which means something about us makes us unique. I feel like whoever is controlling these Zodiacs wouldn't want a precious chosen one dying off prematurely."

Shun's explanations had become long-winded once more, and it was at the end of his speech that he noticed the night sky which had crept across the sky during the time they had spent talking over dinner. Assuming the restaurant would be soon closing, Shun concluded that it would be best to halt the particular conversation until they either regrouped in the world of dreams, or new information was found. Pulling out his wallet, Shun set down a five dollar bill for the tip he assumed would be polite to give seeing Adonna was paying for his meal. Changing the topic of conversation to that of their classes, it would be until the two parted ways that Shun would exist in a state of solace, unaffected by the thoughts he had temporarily expelled from his head.


Shun shook his head against his pillow in an attempt to expel the thought which had slowly begun to draw new emotion within him...fear. Shun had never felt this way toward anything in his life. Not even his paintings, which had become his world, were capable of drawing such obsessive tendencies out of him. Rising from his bed, Shun began to set up a canvas in preparation for a new painting that could distract him for the night. Like he told Adonna, there would be no point in pondering hopeless answers until new information was found. With that thought in mind, Shun closed his eyes and took several deep breaths to set his focus on the white space at hand.

Answers will be given when they are meant to be, Shun concluded just before losing himself in the familiar motions of the brush. Such a trance would continue for the remainder of the night until the accumulation of his fatigue would carry him to the side of his bed and gently drift him to the realm of his dreams.
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~Hotaru's Dream~

The horrid growling crackling from Marabel had ceased when she noticed her beautiful haven was falling apart by her unbridled rage. With Hotaru's shouting only reminding her her home was forcibly brought to her attention. Around her the leaves began decaying at a steadfast rate, the water began to chill, the barks of the trees began to dull in color and split. "O-oh no! I'm so sorry!" Marabel lifted Hotaru up. With her hand touching Hotaru's head gash, the blood around it swirled. This bloody vortex hastened the healing at a inhuman pace. Almost like instant regeneration. Blood shed in Hotaru's head seemed to have completely disappeared. Leaving the back of her head as clean as ever. Along with healing Hotaru, as Marabel calmed so did her forest. The leaves bloomed in color, the bark became healthy once more, and the water took back it's lukewarm temperatures. "Hotaru." Marabel said, holding the girl up. "It's not nice to insult another persons grass!" Marabel pouted.
Farra swung open her dorm room door. She had been out sick for a week. A whole week! Farra grabbed her bag, waved goodbye to her brother, and strode out of the building. "I need to find my...friends," she muttered to herself. Hopping down the steps quickly, she ran to the nearest person, asking them various, rapid questions. "Have you seen Hotaru? Dom? Nikky? Any of those people?" They stared blankly back at her, and she sighed. Farra continued to sprint around, asking the same question. Finally, after asking everyone on this side of the road, Farra began to run across the street, not bothering to look for cars.

She didn't see the speeding Mustang until it hit her.
Gasping for breath, she blocked herself from the strong wind but felt herself falling from some debris knocking her off her balance. Landing on her bum, she groaned and looked up to see a hound jumping straight towards her,"Save me!" She cried out and as if the gods answered her cries, a huge axe chopped off the head of the hound, blood splatter on Alice's hair and shirt that still said "STFU".

Looking at her shirt in disgust she looked up at her savior and gasped. Her savior was a shadow-like figure with black armor-like skin. Her eyes were bright blue just like Alice's but was more like how Damien and Dominic looked when they were possess. Noticing that she finally found someone in this twisted dream, she smiled,"I'm not alone." She thought happily.

Following the girl's orders, she ducked behind the girl not wanting to get harmed by the hounds once more. Watching from behind as her protector beheaded every hound that came at her but noticed one got the best of her and leaped towards Alice but was stopped by her savior grabbing the hound by the neck and hearing those disgusting snaps of the dogs bones being snapped. Alice felt like vomiting at the sound but she kept her stomach strong and held in her food.

Looking up at the girl with the big axe, she examined her more thoroughly,"Who is this girl? She looks like how Dom and Dam were like before." She thought remembering how Damien and Dominic were kinda like this girl too,"Is she like Dam and Dom? Could she maybe know Lance?" She thought, these questions rolled in her mind.

Looking over at the now once empty roof now filled with those strange dogs all wanting Alice's flesh she looked around for a way out,"Ugh... please just wake up me! Get out of this dream!" She yelled in her head but then looked over the roof to see if there was a way out.

The only ways she could possibly take was either jumping off the roof and hope she survives or try and find a way to the other side but how could she jump all the way over there? She wasn't like the Hulk or Loki/ Thor who can just easily fly or jump their way over there.

She was Alice, a small girl who don't even have supernatural powers like Damien,"Oh how I wish Dam was here." She mumbled but then looked behind her to see her savior still fight off the beasts,"What can we do?" She thought looking around her for anything useful.
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Her eyes quickly adjusted and the garden around her brightened up with life. Air restored in her lungs, her spine straightened up and any physical damage was healed. Unfortunately any mental damages will not be restored, such as Hotaru being at two planes at once, life and death. Life was restored back to Hotaru. Her strength was restored to her and she could move again. Hotaru began to wonder if she was ever going to get a break from the strange.

Hotaru coughed in to her elbow and patted her chest, trying to swallow in the air. She looked back at Marabel who had a pout, "Marabel," She said after catching a break from the healing, "Next time....please tell me when you are going to....do that. Better yet, please don't beat me up and do your magic healing thing. It feels weird. One minute I'm having a tea party with Satan, and the next I'm here."

Hotaru held her beating heart, "I'm sorry. I'm not used to talking and right now it would seem as though that I am spurting out nonsense. You are pretty good at keeping with what I say." She gave Marabel a friendly smile.



| Alice's Dream |

One after another, their attackers were cut down like fruit to a fruit ninja. The girl's large weapon didn't even seem to bother her with it's own weight and size. She was still able to swing the object with little to no trouble at all. The idea was to protect Alice, and that's what she was going to do.

The fighting drew on, the only change being is that the hellhounds didn't even bother to take the stairs. They were sprinting up the wall using their dark sap-like substance to cling to the wall. The girl didn't seem tired either. She moved as if she had been doing this since she had been freed from the womb.

The sounds of a church bell rang throughout the land, freezing the surrounding hellhounds into a sudden state of fear before they turned tail and retreated. Only then did the girl swing her axe to plant it's handle-end on the ground with some pride and a small snicker.

Her head finally turned to Alice, who had been squealing the entire time. Her helment concealing her emotion but it was clear that Alice had her full attention.

Using her free hand, she balled her hand up into a fist and sent it right into her gut with a staggering force.

"You're way too loud. All those thoughts of yours forced me to slip up a little. We could have both died, idiot."

Too loud? Did the girl hear Alice's thoughts?

"I'm starting to second guess if I've gotten the right host. Why is it that you act all tough in the living, but when you come here you're a b**ch?" An audible sigh escaped the girl with a shake of her head. "It's too late now."

Her tone had calmed some now. "I'm Tyrik, I'll be your Zodiac for now on, don't try and get yourself killed, not until I find who I'm looking for." Her speech sounded altered from the helmet she wore, like it was being projected from her helmet rather than actually hearing it.
Adonna chuckled lightly to herself when Shun put down the five, it reminding her of the dragon he'd made the first time she'd met him and Ashlei. She put down a twenty, it would be more than enough, and left with Shun, the two of them speaking about classes all the way back. Upon returning to her dorm, the first thing Adonna did was turn on all the lights. Dropping her items in their respective corners, she closed the curtains, and then proceeded to the bathroom for what turned out to be a particularly long shower.

The next step was usually donning on the large t-shirt that served as nightwear, but after the earlier conversation, Adonna somehow couldn't do more than just stare at the shirt.
Alright, let's see here, what're my options. She rummaged through her bag, finding a pair of older, worn out jeans. She put that on, along with a sleeveless white tee. Feels fine... this should work... Grabbing her scissors from the backpack, she laid back on her bed, slowly. Well, this sucked. This was by no means comfortable. She got up again, this time going over to the sink, and sat down against the cabinet under it, staring down her bed. Scissors tight in her grip.

Maybe it won't happen... Maybe it'll be like last night... she thought, not believing that at all. Bzz. Her phone vibrated once. A text. Probably from Ma. Adonna had promised to call her by the end of the day, but somehow, everything, save herself under the sink with the scissors, seemed far away. In fact, it all seemed irrelevant in the face of surviving the night.
Clark eventually found himself at his dorm door after wandering around the school for so long. He unlocked the door then locked it behind him. He sighed while stretching his arms and walked into the shower. Although he didn't really try in gym class he was still a bit sweaty so felt it was for the better. After showering and changing into more casual clothes -a white T-shirt with a pair if black jeans- Clark walked over to his laptop and began playing one of the many games he had gotten on steam. Over time Clark began feeling more and more fatigued but he soldiered on, thinking the feeling would pass. However, before he knew it his face was lying in the keyboard of his laptop, covered in his saliva that was drooling from his mouth.

Ermagurd Tapatalk hurr durr
Nikky made a small wave and once she passed by the girl she picked up her speed, her muscles relaxing the further away she got. She took out her list reading over it again, she’d probably have to go downtown to get everything she was pretty sure there was a Walmart somewhere down there too. Sticking it back into her pocket she passed by a boy getting yelled at by a group of girls, she avoided eye contact with him. Being around boys she didn’t know made her feel nervous.

She descended the stairs and walked outside, now, if only she could remember how to get downtown. She got distracted from her thoughts for a moment as a ambulance, with horns blaring, drove past her.

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