- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Nikky opened her eyes, and sat up immediately cringing as she did so. Her back ached like crazy, she realized she must of had slept on the floor all night. "Gaaah"

"Finally awake?" Nikky jumped at the unexpected voice, she turned to see a older girl sitting in a chair facing her.

"Sorry you had to sleep on the ground, you were kicking so hard I couldn't even get close enough to move you"

"Oh sorry, uh, who are you?"

"Vivian, and you?"

"Nikky, so, what happened?" She asked.

"I kinda 'found' you lying on the ground unconscious."

"By found you mean?"

"I tripped over you in the dark."

A sudden snort of laughter escaped Nikky's mouth, completely surprised she began laughing Vivian joined in too and they just giggled for a few minutes just because.

After a minute or two of small talk Nikky thanked Vivian and walked to her dorm to change, for some reason her sleeve was smeared with dried up orange muck and her skirt was torn she felt a overwhelming sense of anger build up but she couldn't figure out why. She sighed trying to calm herself, however this whole time something had been nagging her but she couldn't tell what. It was on the tip of her tongue but her brain couldn't arrange the right words to tell her what it was exactly. She decided to drop it for now, if it was really important it would come back to her. She packed up her stuff and set out to start a new day.

15 dollars

Notebook x5

Pen x3

Pencil x2


tan totebag

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Jacen slowly sat up in his bed, and tried to adjust to the morning light. He inspected what looked like random cuts and scratches on his arm before he reached out to grab his phone from the desk, and held his head in his hands upon reading the date. "Agh..as if I wasn't in enough pain already." Jacen had checked over his appearance after getting dressed, and grabbed his bag before heading out of the dorm. He held his necklace in his hand before putting it on and looked out at the morning sky.

Wherever he is...he's probably got a couple nice things around.

He softly laughed to himself and wiped his eye before walking to class.

The seventeenth...
  • "You're damned good with a computer, nephew...but what about hardware?" A tall dark skinned man dressed in a grey t-shirt that read 'ARMY' with black pants and tan boots, spoke in a stern yet friendly voice.

    "Hardware? What, like actually building them?" Jacen was confused, his uncle had drove them out to a place that looked like a scene out of one of those Tom Clancy games he had been playing all weekend. The Carolina heat was starting to get to him, and he wiped sweat from his brow before putting his hat on to block the sun.

    "Nah, that ain't what I mean by hardware. Lemme show you something." His uncle had taken a black case out from the trunk and took it over to one of the stands. He assembled an assault rifle out the pieces in the case and set it upon the stand's table, and motioned for Jacen to come over. Jacen's eyes grew wide at the sight, he marveled over the weapon's scope, the futuristic design, and the clear magazine that showed a bevy of rounds ready to be fired.

    "Unc....what in the world is that? It looks like something out of Splinter Cell."

    "This is hardware nephew, German engineered hardware to be exact. This little beauty is the Heckler and Koch G36 assault rifle, and I'm going to teach you how to use it." His uncle gave him a warm smile and put his hands on Jacen's shoulder.

    "No way...you can't be serious."

    "Oh, I'm completely serious Jace. When you've been in the military for as long as I have, you make a good amount of money. When you make a good amount of money, you can buy nice things. These are the kind of nice things I like...and I'm pretty sure you do too. I see all of those games you like playing...Modern Warfare, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon...what's that one with the aliens, Halo? I'm doing this so you know what it feels like to draw that distinction between fiction and reality. Go ahead and pick it up...but keep your finger off the trigger, and don't aim until I tell you."
    His uncle commanded, his voice stern but still with that familiar warmth Jacen had grown accustomed to over the years.

    Jacen complied and picked up the weapon, it was heavy but for some reason...it felt right. He assumed the basic waiting position of most riflemen, hands on the foregrip and finger off the trigger with the barrel pointing towards the ground.

    "Haha, you're a natural Jace. Look out towards those targets over there."

    Jacen nodded and turned his attention to 2 square targets about 40 yards away from where the duo stood.

    "Alright. Now you should feel a switch right above your thumb, click that down two spots and then ready position."

    Jacen flicked the switch and the loud clicking sound resonated through his ears. "Whoa..." He then felt a pair of headphones come onto his head, slightly muffing the sounds around him.

    "Trust me, you'll need these. Now when I give the signal, aim at the target and then fire in this rhythm. One. One. One. Hold it for 3 shots, then 3 shots again. After that, get your balance and then empty the rest of the magazine on full auto. When you hear it click and you're out, I'll come over and show you how to clear the weapon. Ready?"

    Jacen nodded and aimed at the target, his hands gripped the weapon and he waited for his uncle's signal.

    "Go ahead!"

    Jacen let the first shot out, somewhat amazed at how it hit the target dead center and sent two more. He followed the the rhythm his uncle showed him and then reset his stance before letting the rest of the clip go on full-auto. He felt that click his uncle warned him about and yelled out to let him know.

    "I'm out!" He went back to stand-by as his uncle came over to clear the weapon and gave him a pat on the back.

    "Haha, that's my nephew! You did great, Jace...how did it feel?"

    "It felt...amazing."

    "Well how does this feel? It's yours."

    Jacen couldn't believe what he'd just heard...did his uncle really just give him an assault rifle?

    "Unc, how can you even? I mean, my parents and the laws and-"

    "I already talked to your parents and we've agreed on something. Now it's not actually going to be in YOUR possession until you're of age, but I've already made arrangements for that paper work to be handled. But until then, I've got something for you. Close your eyes."

    Jacen complied and felt something placed on his neck, and a piece of paper put into his hand. He couldn't wait and opened his eyes. It was a small letter that read: 'To Jacen, keep this with you as a keepsake and as something to wear. You're an Eirsith and you should be damn proud of it. I love you nephew, always keep your head up. - Uncle Dave. He moved his hand to his neck and held a 5.56 round that was engraved with the name 'Eirsith' in block font on a dog-tag style chain. He instinctively gave his uncle a big hug and thanked him.

    "Oh wow this is...amazing. Thanks, uncle Dave!"

    "You're welcome, Jace. Now let's go ahead and clean this stuff up...your auntie's cooking."
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Gasping for air, Derek sat up. His face was covered with the blanket, groaning he pulled it off and glanced at the clock. Within the house the twins were chattering away, as the silver instruments clashed with their plates. He could smell his mother's cooking. Derek let out another sigh and wiped his face from any type of sweat. That dream was the most clearest out of the rest of his abnormal dreams. He blew strands of his hair away as he got up to get ready.

At his own pace, Derek headed off to his school. Every ten or five minutes, Derek would receive a flashback to the dream. Placing a hand on his neck, he planned to make the trip to his new school alone. This was not case in the middle of his trip a girl who appeared to be in middle school had crept up on him, "Hey!" Jolting a bit, Derek twisted his head back to look at the new voice, "Uh...hello." The girl quickly jogged ahead and turned around as she tried to socialize with him, "Who the heck are you?" Derek's eye twitched, he decided to ignore her. The girl puffed out her cheeks, she turned around to look like she was going back, instead she jabbed two fingers at his back, "Answer! I'm Naomi!" Derek was now glaring at her, "I'm Steve, now leave me alone."

"Gosh, you could afford to be nice, Derek." Of course Naomi wasn't an idiot, she had obviously met his younger sisters. Derek looked back at her, "Don't you have school? Go away." Naomi had surprisingly listened to him and headed off to her school. Derek sighed, he was finally at peace. All alone.


Ear buds

Supplies in his backpack


Kai stood up and looked at her a little. Ukime jumped up from the couch and walked over toward Roe. Scratching the bandages she pointed and moved her hands all around her body.

"Does it look good...the bandages I mean. I look like a total fighter now."

"Come on you too before yall are late. You can eat your breakfast in the car, I packed you guys some lunch."

Kai grabbed his keys and motioned for Ukime to carry the lunch while he held their breakfast. Motionnig for her to follow he left the store door wide open so she could follow. Unlocking his door he had gotten into the front seat and began to start the car while Ukime was in the back put the lunches in the other seat. She took her breakfast from his right hand and began to eat silently.
Walking along the road to her school which wasn't quite far from where she was, in just a few minutes and she was already at the school's gate. With a sigh, she pulled her sleeves down more to hide her bandages as she walked through the gates and onto the schoolground. Making her way to the school, she noticed a boy with light brown hair alone also walking to school.

The boy seemed familiar but she couldn't tell why he seemed familiar, shrugging, she continued her walk and left to her locker. Unlocking the lock, she placed her things inside and grabbed the textbooks she needed for her first class. She wasn't all that happy to go to the class seeing as there is a pedophile tescher just waiting to have his hands on the girls but she wouldn't let him get off so easily. Closing her locker shut, she went off down the hallway to her class, her hair blazed in the morning sun outside through the windows,"What a lovely day" She thought looking outside and the disappearing into the hallways.
"You look bad ass." She tried to smile. This was too... weird. "Remind me never to make you angry." Roe giggled a little... she hoped she didn't sound too insane. "Thanks Kai, you're the best boss I've ever had." Roe followed them in the car, sitting next to Ukime and grabbed her breakfast as well. It was a quiet car ride she thought.
Hotaru just stood outside the door of her first period class, just being in this class gave her chills. Which was saying something, because she rarely becomes scared. Hotaru uncapped her marker, for some reason she felt like she had gone away from it for a long time. With cursive handwriting she wrote, "Scared to head in, feel free to slap me. (っ*´□`)っ" With that written down, she sat down by the door, looking at the clock at a few times.
"Eh I just look out for those who I care about."

Kai looked over his shoulder toward Roe as he gave her a smile. Driving up toward the school he turned on the raido but kept it a low level since he was sure they had headaches. Ukime was enjoying her food while she kicked her legs forward and back. Kai had pulled up toward the school gate and had put his car in park.

"Here we are."

"Thanks Kai."

Ukime had gotten out of the car and swung her back back over her . She waited for Roe so they could walk in together.
Shun's awakening was certainly less than pleasant as he swore he felt a lot worse than he had prior to falling asleep. Groaning as he attempted to rise into a sitting position, Shun placed his hand against his sheets in an attempt to brace himself; however, it was the sharp pain running up his arm, and the feeling of something dried and caked that quickly brought his attention to the red stain encompassing the area where his right arm,wrapped in a shred of his shirt, had laid. His body ached, his shirt was tattered , and removing the wrapping over his right forearm revealed a large scar which halfway explained the dried blood on his sheets. Running a finger along the distance of the scar, Shun began to recollect memories of what he originally assumed to be a dream, yet the reality of his current appearance led to the conclusion that the night's horror could have been nothing less than actuality.

Reaching into his pocket, Shun retrieved his phone to check the time and subsequently sigh at the realization that class was to start within the hour. After sending an apology text, under the excuse of falling asleep, to Ashlei , Shun made way to his bathroom where he hoped the heat of a shower would dispel the fatigue and aches that seemed to have cursed his very existence.

Although his wardrobe consisted solely of long sleeve attire, Shun still felt paranoid about leaving his new found scar uncovered with the potential for the public to see, as he feared the creation of an excuse that would satisfy Ashlei were she to discover it.

I can pass it off as a sprain or something, Shun thought with a satisfied nod once he had finished wrapping his elbow and forearm with a gauze that could substitute in appearance for compression wrap. "Though not entirely a lie, " he muttered whilst waving his right arm and wincing at the pain that resulted from his action. Although the cut itself had healed upon his return to his dorm, a sharp pain still existed in the area, and Shun couldn't help but suspect that it might actually be sprained or perhaps more simply bruised from the punches he recalled throwing.

Perhaps I should call and thank Geoffrey, Shun thought with a chuckle as he imagined the confusion the old man would suffer upon being thanked for the lessons in martial arts he had taught several years past.

Shun took one last took in the mirror to confirm his appearance was entirely normal before grabbing his bag and beginning his trek to the academy. It was along the walk, Shun recalled that many of the faces in his "dream" had been students in his class; though it was only Adonna whom he actually recognized. Picking up his pace, Shun hoped to catch her before they arrived in the classroom or at least after classes, as he hope she would have a different insight on what had happened throughout the night.

Though only if she believes it wasn't a dream, Shun's conscious, playing devil's advocate, told him as Shun himself sighed in response to this thought.

Better yet why do I even believe it was more than a dream again, Shun asked himself while coming to a halt to ponder his various thoughts. It was after a few minutes though, that Shun simply shrugged and continued forward at a normal pace. "Whatever happens, happens." Shun cheerfully muttered in an attempt to brighten his spirits.

"But for now to class..." he finished suddenly sounding glum, as the realization of his destination finally sunk in....the classroom...

  • backpack
  • utensils
  • paints
  • drawing pad
  • painting pad


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Making her way through the many corridors of hallways, she made it to the hallway where her classroom was located as she got closer but noticed a familiar girl sitting next to her classroom.

Getting closer to the girl, Alice noticed she had her board and read,"Scared to head in, feel free to slap me. (っ*´□`)っ". Taking in the idea, she slapped Hotaru but not too hard and smiled innocently, getting out her sketchbook and pencil.

Writing a little greeting to Hotaru that said,"Morning Hotaru! Sorry if I slapped you too hard~" She wrote with a picture of a teddy bear apologizing. She then looked to the door and back at Hotaru, now understanding why she was so worry and wrote another sentence before her other one,"I'm scared too (ノдヽ) Maybe let's wait till the others come! (。^‿^。)" Sitting next to Hotaru as they both wait for the others.

Books about stars



Pouch of art supplies

Wallet ( $20 )

Bag of chips

After making multiple turns through the corridors and getting lost a few times Clark finally made his way to his classroom. As he neared the classroom door Clark noticed two girls sitting on the floor next to the classroom door. Clark felt like he had saw them before. Once he arrived at the door he realised that the two had been communicating with notepad and slates.

"It's only a classroom..." Clark said to the two with a sigh as he opened the door and swiftly made his way to the back of the classroom, looking for a desk next to a window. He always liked napping with the sun shining on his face and the back of the classroom was always the best place to nap. He took out a pencil and a book and placed both of them on his desk. Clark doubted if he'd work today but he decided to at least give the appearance that he was going to.


| Afternoon |

| Tuesday |

Date: September 17, 2014

Class itself hadn't been chaotic as it were yesterday. Some of the familiar faces he had seen before didn't appear in his classes. Math was fine, save for Mutton's suddenly pessimistic tone for facing the class. Dominic couldn't blame the teacher. First he was looked at as a rude sensei, now he was branded as a pedophile among the students. Dom almost expected his favorite first year teacher to retire.

The bell rang, indicating that all the classes were over. There really wasn't much in terms of classes at the start of school, but as Dominic knew, new classes would begin to show as time progressed. Language, Art, even Gym, soon.

For now, Dominic moved down the hallway and stopped at the school bulletin. Secondary clubs were still accepting. All clubs were to officially begin today, and the weather would soon allow Armstrong High to rev up the old 'Swimming' club soon.

"Swimming, huh..?" Dominic muttered to himself. He wasn't a swimmer, in fact, he couldn't swim at all. It was an embarrassing thing to explain whenever he refused to jump into the deep end of the pool.

Athletic, and I can't even swim. Can't even call myself athletic anymore.

In any case, clubs were starting. Dominic remembered that he had to change into his soccer uniform in the gym lockers, so without wasting any more time, he was off towards the gym.
Hotaru was on her way to the sewing room, the official name was apparently appeal construction, when she noticed Dominic looking at a bulletin board. She was about to gain his attention, by running to him or throwing her slate at him, but before she could he ran off to direction of the gym. Placing a finger on the corner of her mouth, Hotaru looked at the school bulletin. Only one seemed to have stuck out, it was newly printed and was held down by a thumbtack. Hotaru read the poster's big and bold letters: Swimming club! Hotaru read the words underneath, Join if you are interested! Meet us at the pool! Tilting her head a bit she looked at the poster once more before adjusting her backpack straps to keep it from slipping, Hotaru took off to the pool heading to the same direction Dominic was.

To seem professional, Hotaru wrote a message in advance, "ヽ( ★ω★)ノ I want to join the swimming club!" In smaller letters she wrote, "I have never gone swimming! >゜))))彡" She drew a fish that looked like it was swimming next the words. Hopefully that will make them say yes to accept her in the club.



Backpack full of supplies

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After going through all her classes, it was finally time for clubs and the first one she had so far was Soccer with Dominic. She haven't join any other clubs since and she wasn't even sure what other clubs there were as she made her way to the gym.

Along the way, she noticed a very decorative paper on the bulletin board and went up to get a closer look at the paper,"Swimming Club?" She whispered the words to herself quietly. It been a while since she last went swimming before and she wasn't quite sure if she could even swim now. Looking below the words, she saw a very familiar writing and some drawing as she giggled,"Hotaru is taking this?" She thought surprised to see Hotaru wanting to take swimming but it was her choice so it wouldn't matter.

Debating on her choices, she thought of visiting it another time and went off to the gym for her soccer lessons. In the gym was quiet but once she got to where the locker room was, she could hear all the talking and gossiping the girls were having as she sighed annoyed,"Stay calm Alice, this is normal for girls." She mumbled taking a deep breath and walked into the locker room for the ladies. Passing through the chatter girls and to her assigned locker, she pulled out her jersey uniform. The jersey was nothing special except the school's color and her number on the front with her last name on the back.

Stripping from her uniform to the jersey, she quickly left the locker room and went off to the field to where the other club members were,"Wonder where Dominic is?" She questioned looking around the place for the boy.


| Afternoon |

| Tuesday |

Date: September 17, 2014

The pool was located indoors, located in a room previously barred off in the touring days. It kept the similar layout as the gym, and held the same side as well. The pool itself was empty and needed to be filled. Around it's rim were a group of students holding signups in the same manner as the secondary clubs held theirs on signup day. One student took to noticing Hotaru enter with her slate.

"Oh, a new recruit? Welcome!"

The field was just as populated, if not even more. Multiple soccer balls went everywhere while the team practiced their moves. The one that overlooked the entire field from an elevated chair was the team captain.
"Bend those knees, damn it!" He shouted through a megaphone.

Dominic on the other hand went straight to the gym lockers, where he had found his uniformed folded and ready for him. With only the shirt left to put on, he heard a familiar voice from his left.

"Had a moment with the neighbor's new mutt?" Dominic jumped a bit in surprise and turned his head to see Phillip grinning. "I heard the pitbull has a nasty little cling to it when it bites."

"Uhh-.. yeah. It was pretty bad." Dominic returned while he donned his shirt.

"You looked pretty beat up yesterday, Ferrari. Some of the boys were wondering if the boy on the news was you."

"How is that possible? I'm not torn up."

"I'm talking about the latest news report. They said someone who knew the victim came in the other day. They even had a few pictures of you leaving the hospital."

S..seriously? "I'm not sure what you're talking about. I spent most of my days inside playing TERA."

"Riiight, I hope that little brain disorder of yours didn't affect your movement skills on the field."

"Tch, you want to find out?"

Dressed and ready, the two headed out of the lockers and out into the field. Dominic quickly caught sight of Alice who seemed to have also shown up on the field. "Friend of yours?" "Y-Yeah, sure." "I remember seeing her actually. A transfer student from the UK, right? Geez, that was fast." "What are you going on about?!" "Nothing, bro."
Hotaru gave them a bright grin as she nodded. The girl looked back at the pool in question and then looked back at the students. She looked over to a clipboard a student was holding, she took a pen out and signed her name on it. Hotaru then sat at the edge of the pool with a sign that read, "Join the swimming club! Or else! ψ(`∇´)ψ " Apparently the threat wasn't taken lightly and Hotaru had to erase the face to avoid anymore conflict. The scratch marks on her shoulders began to pulse with more blood. She should have been more careful with her movements. Bowing to her new teammates, she quickly shuffled her way to the now empty girl's locker room. Hotaru pushed her sleeves up, her minor wound began to have a glaze like shine on it, the cut was turning orange with a tint of blue.

Gosh, she was so stupid, she should have checked it with a nurse to avoid infections. Hotaru winced as her clothes brushed against the scratch. The girl quickly wrote a message on the slate board so she could flash it while she headed off to the nurse, "Going to the nurse! ┗( ●-﹏ `。)づ " She reread the short message and hoped it was enough for her to leave. Hotaru left the locker room and looked over to her teammates with the sign hiding her face.
Reese had awoken after sleeping for almost 2 whole days after the hellhound incident, he realized that today was his first meeting with the soccer club. He got changed into his clothes and put on his cleats, adjusting his hair a bit. Looking in the mirror at himself he noticed long scratches and cuts all over both his arms. There was even a bite mark.

So it wasn't a dream... He thought to himself as he looked over at the clock, noticing he had to leave now in order to make it. He shrugged into his sweatshirt, covering his arms and then he left out his dorm and ran towards the soccer field, feeling amazing since he was wearing cleats again for the first time in awhile.

He got down to the field and noticed that Dominic kid and the foreigner, they were also in the situation regarding the dream, however Reese doubted that they noticed him. Not even the dogs paid too much attention to the small weak boy in a hoodie... Maybe it was because he didn't care about the dogs? Well, anyway he stood awkwardly on the field, never having been scene before in shorts... It was rather cute since he was so short.
Alice sighed watching the other members dibbling the ball, her arm still bandaged from the wound from her "Dream" or so it was suppose to be. Placing her hand on the bandage arm, she turned her eyes to the two boys and spotted Dominic talking with some guy,"So he finally shows up?" She thought and then remembering the dream and how almost everyone got wounds but for some reason, Dominic looked fine,"He seems okay today? No wounds unlike me..." She thought noticing he was in no pain at all.

Walking up towards the boys, she pulled her arm behind her back, not wanting to show it off to much,"Ready to play Dom?" She asked nonchalantly. Her hair in a messy ponytail and some hairpins to hold her bangs in place so they wouldn't get in the way. Her jersey freshly clean with her number "Number 7" but soon it will get dirty with dirt and sweat once they start playing with the other members.

There wasn't much girls in the club maybe about 4, including Alice, were in and most of them were boys. It was awkward to Alice since most of her friends in the school were boys and like two girls that was she called a friend but the other one she haven't seen in a while and she still needed to apology for that time.

Noticing a boy from afar, he also looked familiar. His face and his hair gave off a feeling that he was from somewhere but Alice couldn't tell where but noticing how adorably shy he was being and how the shorts looked on him when he was a shortie, he was an adorable little panda to her or so she was imagining.

Clark smiled as he was finally released from class. All of the students seemed to be going the clubs they'd joined. Clark had missed sign up day but he heard you could still go to the club on the day. Either way he didn't care, none of the clubs had interested him and it meant he could relax without the constant White noise that was students gossiping and shouting. He wasn't a loner but there was always 'those people' that drove him up the wall.

Clark decided to take a trip up onto the roof. He liked the idea of relaxing up there and watching everyone else work on the hot day. He decided to take a book he was meant to write a report on in English up with him. Whether he would read it or not was a different matter but it would at least encourage him too...slightly. He looked over the edge and saw the soccer team practicing. He laughed as the team captain barked commands at them. Clark picked up the book and decided to at least read the first chapter.


| Afternoon |

| Tuesday |

Date: September 17, 2014

The duo turned their heads to Alice on cue with her voice. "Mhm." He replied with a simple head nod. "It's rare to see a girl play in active sports like this, but I've heard that most girls are more agile than boys, so that's a plus." Dominic steeled his gaze toward Phillips, who responded by leaning back a tad. "Let's not go into details about that, we're here to practice, right?" The voice of the team captain blaring across the field rented their attention to form in front of him.

"We've got a lot of new faces here today, but we don't have time to go over introductions; our first game of the season is against the Bears, and that's a perfect opportunity to get a head start of everyone else. I don't want anyone here slacking or complaining that the basketball team's more successful than us. If you want something you've got to go get it, not sit on your ass."

After the speech, the captain ordered the team to perform their assigned drills. It was simple, yet taxing after a while. Dominic was pitted against Alice and Reese as he attempted to guard the goal from the two attackers. Dominic closed his eyes for a moment, refreshing his mind and rendering it blank except for what needed to be known - defend the goal at all costs. His eyes shot open with a new found determination to win.

"Give me all you've got." He challenged the two.
It was enough for Hotaru to continue her journey to the nurse's office. There was so many problems with that, first off, she had no idea where the nurse's room was. Second, she had no idea what to tell the nurse. Her own cat theory was dubious to her, the window wasn't even open last night. Gripping her slate closer she came up the third problem. Third, she was way too dizzy. Her head was pounding and the silence didn't help. The world seemed to twist and turn as if she was standing up on a roller-coaster. Hotaru, unknowingly how she did it, had managed to get to the nurse's room. With a weary smile she wrote on her board, "Hi! I'm here to check the blood supplies....just kidding! I'm injured. Please help me! 。◕‿◕。 "

The nurse frowned a bit and then realization set in, this was the girl from the other day. She had met her before, when Hotaru's grandpa dropped her off here, "Oh! Miss Hotaru! What happened?"
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Reese took a deep breath as he juggled the ball a moment with his feet. The feel of the ball felt so invigorating and refreshing to him, seeing as he hasn't played in so long. He began dribbling the ball forward from the middle of the field, looking over to the left of him to see Alice.

"Alice!" He called as he passed the ball to her and ran swiftly over to the goal. Hopefully she would pass back to him, that way he could get a chance at taking a shot.
Glancing at Phillips and nodded not really caring she was one of the few girls to join soccer. Turning her attention to the booming voice of the coach, she ran off to listen to whatever he had to say. After the yelling and screams to try hard and become number one or whatever the coach said, Alice sighed.

Rubbing her ears from the yelling from their coach, she growled annoyed and was surprisingly to be put with Dominic and the boy from earlier,"What luck this is? To have a friend and an adorable panda." She thought to herself happily but her face not showing it.

Looking over at Dominic, she was bewildered by how serious Dominic was being on this,"Woah, Dom is pretty serious about this." She thought but she wasn't gonna let this down as she got in position, ready to give her all,"I hope you can take it." She called out now getting serious, her eyes blazing brightly with the same look as Dominic,"Hope you can play!" She called out to the boy next to her. He seemed really weak to be in soccer but he joined for whatever reason he had, as long as he doesn't screw up she'll be nice to him.

Watching as the boy dibbled the ball and kicked it to the middle, she ran after him and noticed the ball coming towards her as she caught it and dibbled it through the blade of grass. Her eyes were set on the goal but looking over at the boy, trying to remember his name, she kicked it over to him praying he would catch it and kick it in the goal,"Reese! Catch!" She called out hoping she said his name right as she waited for him to shoot and goal.
Classes were a little bit tough today. Considering Damian had to play a bit of catch up to understand the days criteria. Fortunately for him, he had some extra Study Hall help from one of the Honors students helping monitor the period. With that extra bit of help he was able to finish yesterdays work, and finish up todays. Now it was the end of the day. Club time. From what he remembered he joined Game Club. He almost felt excited for his new after-school activity, but remembered the "issue" he was having all day long. Somehow he managed to hide it from the other students. Opening his locker, Damian stuffed his textbooks inside. He had completed the days tasks so homework wasn't a problem for him today. After emptying his knapsack, and slamming the locker closed he took a brief stretch to loosen his tightened joints. Upon raising his hands, his own shadow began to rise from off the ground, like an awakening zombie. For a moment it stood behind him motionless. When Damian turned around he almost shrieked at finding a black silhouette standing behind him. He quickly regained his composure realizing what had actually happened. Pushing the shadow back down onto the floor in a panicked rush, it returned back where it should be. Luckily, no one was in the halls at this time as Clubs had already began and other students were hanging out in the gyms. "Maybe I shouldn't go to club today.." Damian reluctantly whined. He didn't want people to see that he can forge shadows, mostly against his own will. Until this... Whatever you can call this, had passed or Damian got it under control the poor boy figured he should try and stay more out of sight than usual. "Hey maybe I can actually slip into a shadow and stay out of sight! Ahaha.. Of course this would just isolate me more." Damian backed up into the wall of lockers and slid his back down to the ground. Sullenly sitting on the polished floor Damian buried his head into his knapsack. Defeated by this newfound, and unexplained curse. "How am I even going to explain this to Dom'? What if he can't even see what I'm doing and I'm just tripping? ARGH! Fuck my life." In the distance, Damian could hear the sounds of slamming, and skids on the floor. Most likely coming from the gym. "Maybe he's playing Basketbal-- No, no Soccer. I think?" Damian rose up from the ground and walked towards the gym doors, knapsack clutched in his arms. Upon reaching the doors he found Alice there too. She was with Damian when they were signing up for Clubs last Sunday. But it looked like they were accompanied by other strangers. "Well RIP me going inside there. I'll just wait for him to finish.." Damian took a seat in front of the wall beside the door, waiting for his friend to finish with his activities.
Reese mentally laughed at the fact that she said 'catch' This was funny to him, considering he knew all the soccer terms, and catch wasn't one of them. Reese stopped the ball with his foot and he was now inside the innermost box. He stood in the middle, watching as Dominic looked at him with a serious game face. Reese was having fun, so his eyes sparkled a bit and he had a smile on his face as he took the ball towards the right side, only to turn the ball around in a feint and shoot the ball towards the left, the net making a crisp sound as the ball zoomed in. Reese's position wasn't normally striker, or offense, he normally preferred defense and goalie. He was also better at those as well. Adrenaline rushed through Reese as he wore a large smile.

That felt great... He thought to himself as he also wondered why he ever quit.

Oh yeah... That's why. He thought again, sourly.

A little bit of sweat was on his brow, and he was only slightly out of breath, probably from not working out in awhile. He lifted his sweatshirt over his head and revealed his number, which was 11. Also, along his arms were the multiple scratches, as well as a dog bite. They were red and a little bit of dry blood was on them. Reese was really excited for something, finally excited for something.

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