- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Hotaru shrugged when being asked if she was mute. She looked at James strangely, how was she going to call for him if he thought she was mute? Shaking those thoughts away she looked back at James and shook her head. She showed him her slate after writing in it, "No it's not like that type of Hide and Seek. We need an empty room with a bathroom, red thread, rice, a teddy bear-" Next to the words teddy bear she drew a cute bear face, "-nail clippings, scissors, and salt water." A mischievous smile formed on her face.

Keys (x2)

Maps (x2)


Slate board

Markers (x2)

"Wait, what?" James asked, getting a bit confused.

"Nail clippings, red thread... what kind of game is this? It sounds like some kind of creepy ritual."

James was trying to be kind and caring, but there was a line. What kind of hide and seek was this?
With the most serious look Hotaru could muster, she held out her slate board, "That's because it is." The boy has accepted her invitation to play, now he must.

That was it, she couldn't hold in her laughter. She held her sides and began to laugh. Sound was not coming out of her mouth, yet she was laughing. She wiped a small tear away and wrote on the bottom of the slate, "We can always play the normal one, if you're so scared." Not even fifteen minutes into the conversation and she began to pick on him.

She realized that she had forgotten to introduce herself. Hotaru decided to not do anything about it.
Reese had somehow fallen asleep against the tree, with an arm over his eyes. He woke up startled, his eyes widening a bit and then looking around the area. He then calmed down, remembering what happened. He sighed... Of all the places he could have fallen asleep. The area was dark in the courtyard, under the tree the streetlight didn't reach very well at lighting the area. He stood up, holding onto the tree for support, after doibg so he yawned and then looked around the dark yard. Nobody was around. He decided to just stand there against the tree.

Reese pulled out his headphones and IPod and slipped them on, beginning to listen to music. The evening air being slightly cooler, yet still nice to be in.

| Evening |

Date: September 13, 2014

"Ahem." The sound of a forcibly assertive cough broke whatever conversation was being held between James and Hotaru. A strikingly young male stood before them, about 5'9 and dressed in janitor's clothes. An important thing to note was that the man wasn't happy. "This is the female's dormitory. Unless you're staff, you're not allowed to be on this side." A subtle glare at the red head James.

The janitor hadn't expected Hotaru to say anything - not that she could - It wasn't as suspicious to be caught with someone on the right side of the fence.
"I may not be of high authority, but don't be mistaken, I will take this to the higher ups if you don't remove yourself from this area."

Phillips kept a casual, outgoing expression as he led Ukime out of the school and out in front of the dormitory. "Alright, transfer student. This is where I take my leave. If I've got time tomorrow, I'll show you around the school, just in case you don't have an unfair disadvantage over everyone else." A little scoff passed before he glanced back toward the darkened school and back to Ukime, delivering a few pats on her massive mound of hair. "Goodnight."
Izaya had been sitting on his school- assigned laptop for hours now. It took all he had to stop himself from ordering a new 3DS system.

No, I'll ask another student to help me get it back tomorrow.. he promised himself.

Then boredom came crashing down on him like never before.

He found a piece of loose-leaf paper, some tape, and a pencil. In big letters he wrote "
TALK TO ME, PLEASE.", and taped it to the outside of the door.

Then he patiently waited for someone to do so.
The girl quickly used her slate to hide her grin. The irony, James was about to tell Hotaru about the school rules, yet he had broken one without knowing. Hotaru quickly scribbled some words as a last attempt to keep James out of trouble, "I had just arrived to this school, he-" She had an arrow pointed at James, "-was helping me out. Sorry for the inconvenience, mister....?" Hotaru's lightly colored eyes brightened up as she showed the board to the janitor.
With Shun's departure from the dorm came a fall of darkness as the crimson sky rapidly became void of the rich color that once saturated its vast horizon. Shun's journey, retracing the steps from which he arrived, led him along a path that neared the academy he would soon be attending. It was here that he noticed a small crowd of students casually interacting as ordinary people would. Normally the presence of others would never take hold of Shun's attention, yet with his mind somewhat fixated on the origin of the girl in his painting, he couldn't help but notice the tall female figure conversing with two guys in the distance.

Tall and new, Shun thought as he stopped for a moment to observe the girl's interactions with the group. From the awkward manner of interaction, Shun could easily deduce that the girl was a new comer in the area, much like himself; whereas, from the collective nature of the guys, he could see that they were regulars.

"Nothing resembles the girl in my picture," he muttered as he slowly continued forward once one of the guys bid his farewells and ran off into the distance. It was a couple steps later, however, that he began scratching his head with both hands while chuckling loud enough that the remaining two probably could have heard him.

"Since when have I become such a paranoid person...Worrying about a painting I can't understand," he snorted in between his laughing fit. Regaining his composure, Shun let out one last chuckle before continuing his walk while averting his gaze to the near darkened sky above. With a new location comes a new personality, I suppose, he thought to himself as silence filled the night air and replaced the once welcoming atmosphere with an eerie vibe fit for a black night as such.

Brookfield certainly was a new experience for Shun who previously lived in a city where life never ceased. Unlike his home, the arrival of the night sky brought forth a halt of activity within Brookfield. With shops closing early in the evening and people rushing home to be with loved ones, it was as if a higher power had flipped the city's power and the citizens were now relegated to recharge themselves in preparation for the next day to come.

"Food's gonna be difficult now," Shun said with a deep sigh as his hunger pains slowly became more vocal and demanding in their pleas. "Bound to be something open, though" he however added enthusiastically as possible in an attempt to heighten his hopes and quell the beast demanding its nightly nourishment.

Although it took longer than he had expected, the eventual sight of a small local diner was a welcoming one, and even more so was the fact that it was still open. He had passed many locations along his way, but all of them were closed much like the city itself. The owner was an old man who like Shun was quite surprised to see an active soul at this time of the night.

"Fancy seeing a customer," the old man hollered out from the kitchen where he was preparing Shun's order. "I was about to close the store as well. I figured with new students more youngsters would have been up and about at this time, but it seems I was wrong." he explained with a loud hearty chuckle that Shun thought was much suited to his image of a stereotypical elder.

The two continued their small talk for the remainder of the meal until decent time had past, and Shun departed with a smile after paying for his food, and accepting the old man's hearty farewell tied with his incessant offerings of fortune cookie.

Nice people in this town, Shun thought to himself as he slowly began his walk back toward the dorm while enjoying the cool, night breeze that gently caressed his face and the beauty of the night sky that was much unlike the street lights that littered his city before. The walk continued in such a manner until he arrived at the dorm's front doors, where he turned to take one last look at the night sky, before entering to see what the rest of the night would foretell if anything.

  • iPhone
  • Wallet
  • Drawing pad
  • pencil
  • 2 fortune cookies
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Adonna waved back at the retreating Dominc. She nodded, "Yeah, let's," and walked (vaguely processing the sound of someone laughing in the background) with Ben to the dorm building up until the two had to part ways. Once back in her room, she threw her stuff onto her table next to her laptop and then collapsed onto her bed.

I needta shower... She thought, staring at the door to her bathroom.


Adonna's eyes snapped open. She moved automatically, pushing off her bed, and stared through hazy eyes at whatever was making that hideous noise.
Oh. She snatched up her phone, her brain finally waking up. Clicking the green icon on the screen, she held it up to her ear.

"Hey Ma." "Adonna! Sweetheart, did I wake you?" "No," Adonna cleared her throat, "I just dozed off a little. What's up?" "Oh, nothing, I just wanted to check on you, see how your first day went." Her mom was trying her best to conceal it, but Adonna could hear the tension underlying her words. "Yeah, not much happened. Just got a tour of the school and went around a bit..." What was that sound? "Oh, that's good sweetie, one sec..." It sounded like a door opening. And then a flood of voices.

Oh geez, "Ma... Mom... Why don't I call you back?" Her mom wasn't paying attention at all.

"Who is that?! Is that Addie?!! Lemme talk to her!! Addie!" Adonna had to hold the phone away from her ear, "Hey Dickie. Is everyone there?" "Yeah!! How are you! Hey wait, I wasn't done talking!" Adonna let out a short breath of a laugh as she imagined her cousins all fighting over the phone. "Donnie! How's the new school in the dead-middle of nowhere treatin' our big cuz'?" "Pretty good so far, nothing special. What's everyone doin' there?" "Oh, just my mom not wanting your mom to go through empty nest syndrome all by her lone self. So she- HEY!" Adonna smiled, amused, as she heard the phone being fought over yet again, "Big cuz'!!! How's the new school?! Wait! Wait! I didn't get to talk to her!" She expected to hear another one of her cousins, but, "Hey sweetie, sorry about that. Everyone's just so excited to see how you're doing." "Yeah, I noticed," Adonna replied with a small chuckle, "Tell 'em all I'm doing well," "Of course, of course I will. Why don't I call you back later?" "Yeah... and mom?"

Silence. Whoops. Oh well. She stared at the phone in her hand.
You don't have to worry about me, Ma. I'm doing fine, I won't, you know... I'm tryin'.

Sighing, Adonna grabbed the charger out of her bag, plugging in her phone before going back to her luggage. She grabbed a towel and a small black and green bag that contained her shower items, bringing the two into the shower, leaving the bathroom door open behind her.

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Anabelle walked down the stairs of the dorm saying, "Bump~" every time she stepped down a stair. With her money jingling in her pocket she had entered the mess hall where they were serving dinner. She went to the line and got several food items, most of which being dessert, and paid for them. She skipped to an empty table, making sure her food didn't fall off her tray and started to eat. Anabelle didn't realize how hungry she was and started to devour her food.

After thirty minutes her food was done and she was out the door, going back to her dormitory. She had been chatting with an internet friend before leaving and wanted to get back to their conversation. She walked back up the stairs saying, "Bump~" each time she stepped down a stair like she did going down. She opened the door to her room, picked up her laptop and continued her conversation with her friend.

(I'll put their convo in next post, because I dunno what to put right now)

She smiled a little when he had patted her fro. Watching him turn away she turned away herself and used the key to open the door. Sighing a little she opened the door then closed it as she slid off her shoes. She had gotten no where today. All she knew was a guy named Phillip and the way from the school to the dorms. Her stuff from her apartment wasn't here yet so she knew she had to stay up and wait for it. Walking over toward the large bed that was bigger than her she gave off a small smile. She would enjoy this room so much she wouldn't leave. Turning around to where her back faced the bed she fell back and bounced up then back down. Settling with her eyes closed and her hands spread out against the brown comforter. She began to kick her legs against the side board of the bed , her eyes moving to every thump she made. The first she looked at the wall, then the floor , then the lap top that was on her desk.

"Ah...that reminds me, my phone. I need to get a new one."

Frowning she had no clue where the shopping center was from here. She thought about asking the only one she had met today but leaving now wouldn't help her. It was dark and she didn't know where the boy dorms were or at least where he would be if he wasn't there. Turning on her side she curled up and let her hand slip under her head. Her stomach growled but she was in no mood to eat so she let it rumble. Closing her eyes she moved around a bit more till she was comfortable. Falling into a light sleep, her snores were like wind slipping through a cracked window.

Hotaru had excused herself from the two males and headed back inside. Her dorm room was still messy from her earlier packing. She decided that she will organize it later. Hotaru glanced at the clock on the wall, has it become so late already? She let out a breathless sigh. She decided that she might as well start picking out clothes for the next day. The girl looked down at the suitcase and unzipped it. She pulled out two teddy bears and threw them on the bed to join with the teddy bear she had received that evening. Rummaging through her clothes, she pulled out a set of clothes that would be worn the next day.

She yawned and looked at the clock once again. Stretching, she wearily headed for her bed. Hotaru pulled all three stuffed animals close and hand signed goodnight. She stopped midway, her grandpa isn't here, who was she signing to? The girl became a lonely and selfish girl. She was too sad to sleep. Hotaru closed her eyes once again.

| Arc 1 |

| Episode 2 |

"Rules of the Jungle"

| Morning |

| Clubs Signup Day|

Date: September 14, 2014

Early into sunrise, another school letter had been delivered to the mailboxes of those who dwelled inside of the dormitory. After the pristine envelop had been removed, the letter simply read:

Dear ______,

Congratulations on surviving your first night at Armstrong High. The path to an enjoyable school year opens to you today, as it is time to choose what club you would like to participate in. Though the entire process is optional, one thing to note is what main clubs and secondary clubs are.

Main clubs were created by the school, and the school alone, while secondary clubs were formed by students, and are often supplied by them with the school's aid. You are allowed to have up to one main club and one secondary club at the same time, and are free to leave at any time during the school year.

We hope to see you spending time with your new found groups!

- The Headmaster

Along with the main letter was a second one listening classes and what their schedules were. However, classes didn't begin until the 16th, since today was a weekend.


Today was the day when the true chaotic nature of Armstrong High could be witnessed. Students, both new and returning had been flowing in and around the school, all for the same purpose of clubs, perhaps some fun on the side as well.

In the gym, Armstrong's official basketball team had been sparking life into the great room. Students were signing up to join by putting some basic information down by a nearby stand. Those who got accepted were challenged to a one on one using one side of the gym. There were also some secondary clubs recruiting in the gym as well, and they consisted of a handful of students organizing the papers they were given as well as asking bystanders if they would have liked to join.

Out back, the other sports clubs such as the Soccer, Football, and Tennis groups were also doing the exact same thing, only they were being pelted by the sun's rays.

Dominic stretched his arms out with a mighty yawn as he sat on the bleachers and observed the basketball tryouts. He still hadn't decided what club to go for, if he had to go for one at all. Tired eyes traced the racing bodies back and forth without a single word. The entire school was loud and exploding with energy, but then again, it beat having the building silent and eerie.

"Hey, Ferrari! Get down here and show some of these newbies how to play ball!" Dominic waved his hand towards one of the 3rd year basketball players in a dismissal manner. "I'm saving my energy for thinking." "Suit yourself!" With that the player was off to another side of the gym.

At that moment, the disciplinary committee, otherwise known as the 'Security club', had formed one of the three entrances to the gym. A good 5 or 6 of them clumped in one area in their dark school jackets and red bands. The tallest one - a 6'5 tower of muscle, was their leader. His name was Red, and sooner or later, everyone would know about him.

If he wasn't melting a poor student by his threatening aura, he was pounding their faces into the wall on the word of 'justice, rules, and school safety'. Dominic huffed silently to himself. What a load of bullshit. Dominic and Red hadn't had the best memory. Dom's first year consisted of being challenged to fight Red. The outcome ended in Dominic being hospitalized for a week and his parents causing a ruckus in return.

"Alright, listen up, whelps." Red called out, stepping in front of his posse. "Someone broke the glass on the display for the bulletin boards. That someone better come on out or I'll have to make an example out of all of you." "Tch.." It sucked that Red could get away with such behavior, being the Headmaster's grandson and all.

Pack of 5Gum (x4)

Old Cellphone (x1)

$5 dollars.
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Anabelle woke up and found a letter in the mailbox telling about the clubs. It also had her schedule stapled to it. "Aw craaap..." Anabelle moaned, "I don't wanna join a cluuuuub." Anabelle took the letter and carefully unattached it from her schedule. It wasn't too bad. Sure she wasn't in any Honors classes, but that didn't bother her at all because school was never one of her strong points.

Anabelle got dressed in cheery colors which didn't match her facial expression which looked as if she was at a funeral and tied her hair into her signature bun. She unenthusiatically plodded down the stairs muttering, "Bump..." every time she stepped down a stair. She was going down as slow as she could trying to stall time, thinking that maybe the thing for clubs would be done by the time she got to the gym. But in the back of her mind she knew that wasn't true and she'd have to pick a club to join. If only there were a club for people like her she'd be excited by this whole thing. "The Internet Addicts Club" was what it would be called.

Anabelle reached the gym by 9:30 and it was jampacked, "Holy shit!" she cried, amazed by how many people were interested in clubs, "look at all the freakin' clubs!" Anabelle started to feel reassured as she knew that with all these clubs there would be at least one she was interested in. She decided to go clockwise starting with the club closest to the entrance she came in.

"So, uh, what club are you?" Anabelle asked a kid with glasses, braces and dark brown hair, "it seems kinda dorky."

The kid with glasses looked up at Anabelle from his seat with an offended expression like she was insulting his family instead of his club, "Uh, the Inshect Club ish not dorky! It ish totally high-technicaaaal and aweshome!" He said defending his club.

"Uh, whatever," Anabelle said, trying not to laugh at this kid's speech imediment, "I'm gonna go to that club over there now..."

Anabelle had looked at five clubs in a row and none of them interested her, but there were still a ton more to go. She was about to head to the sixth club when a scary looking kid with a dark red jacket started to speak.

"Alright, listen up, whelps." he called out, his voice booming across the gym, "Someone broke the glass on the display for the bulletin boards. That someone better come on out or I'll have to make an example out of all of you."

Anabelle walked up to the guy. She didn't want to get on his bad side so she thought she'd better help him, "Uh, sir, I just want to tell you I have no idea who did it! That is all!" Anabelle saluted and then walked to the next club.
Supposing that Reese was never noticed by anyone outside, which he wasn't, and supposing he went back to his dorm and to sleep, which I didn't type, but suppose it. (Breaks fourth wall for a moment) He woke groggily to the sound of his alarm clock, it being very alarming today. He forcefully hit the thing and knocked it off of the side table, where it landed with a 'Thud' Reese mumbled something unintelligible, before slumping out of his bed, only to fall over. Which sounded a louder 'thud' against the floor. This had woken him up better than the alarm clock, but he was in a terrible and grumpy mood today. Not that he would look different to anyone else.

Reese checked his mail, finding the letter on joining clubs. This he felt was a waste of time for him, however looking for a club might no be entirely a bad idea. Maybe there would be a music club? Or perhaps something where people talk about the real world problems that are going on behind society as a whole... Something smart like that would be up his alley, not that he wanted to be seen as a dork or anything.He got dressed into whatever the uniform was, and then put a hoodie over it. Reese stuffed his IPod and headphones into his pockets, as well as some Altoids mints, as those were his favorite. He adjusted his hair a bit, and it hung over his right eye as usual. He had problems when that eye came into contact with bright light. Reese then left his dorm after putting on shoes, and walked to the gym, where he saw many others walking over.

When he got to the gym he immediately wanted to turn around and go back to his dorm, however all of the taller students kind of pushed him further inside.

This should be considered as a form of torture... Curse this height... He thought as he made his way with the group of students. He managed to stumble out of the group finally, and then he went over to a corner of the gym. Nobody was really over there, so he sat down on some bleachers and scanned the area for what sorts f clubs there were. Obviously there was basketball, but come on, 5'5 doesn't go well with basketball. Insect club? Really... He sighed before his thoughts were interrupted by some large guy talking to the gym, by the way the group was dressed, he could tell they were safety people.

"Alright, listen up, whelps." he called out, his voice booming across the gym, "Someone broke the glass on the display for the bulletin boards. That someone better come on out or I'll have to make an example out of all of you." If there was anything that Reese didn't like, it was taller people. But taller people who are also bullies are just even worse.

He then saw that some girl had made her way over to the people, only to pathetically stammer something stupid out. On top of that, she saluted him? Now things just seemed like a joke... Reese just hoped that he wouldn't choose him to make the example out of. He was obviously a weak excuse for a boy, as well as short and skinny. He could be broken like a twig. Reese thought of people like the big brute as "Meatheads" Because they of course, were never the smart ones...
That Morning

"Clubs. Great. Better go check them out--hey, wait. They have BASKETBALL? SIGN ME UP!"

A young girl with vivid blue hair and violet eyes (almost) as bright shot out of bed, leaving the letter she had just been reading in the mess of comforter and sheets. Her slender, pale legs were covered with tight white skinny jeans, and she pulled on a turquoise sweater. "Seems like today is my day," she said, excitement evident in her voice. She finally grabbed a burlap-styled backpack before rushing out the door.


"Um...hello?" The young girl with flowing blue hair and black headphones stepped into the crowded gym. No one even seemed to notice her. "Where do I sign up for the Girl's basketball team?" she asked the nearest person, but again she was ignored. "Is this how all of your new students are treated?" she grumbled.

Making her way blindly through the masses, she finally located the sign up booth. "Hi, um, my name is Farra Rei and I'd like to sign up for Girl's basketball?" she said loudly. The stand runner barely even looked up. Again, Farra sighed. This is just annoying, now, she thought. Growling angrily, she hit the stand runner on the head. "Hello? Anyone home? I WOULD LIKE TO SIGN UP FOR BASKETBALL." Obviously startled, the runner wrote Farra's information down as quickly as Farra spouted it. "Oh, and, when are tryouts? Because I'm not gonna let myself be beaten by a big group of amateur losers."

After all that chaos was finished, Farra clutched the yellow sheet of paper that listed when are where tryouts were. "Sweet! Can't wait to be there," she had said. Farra shoved the piece of paper into her backpack and headed into the gym bathroom to examine what damage the crowd had done to her appearance.

"Doot doot dooo--Ah, man, I look like a bimbo!" Farra cried, looking at the mirror. Her hair looked expertly styled, and her smooth face had no sign of blemishes. "Is that SUCH a bad thing?" A girly voice said from one of the stalls behind her. Scowling, she messed up her hair a little and wiped at her face. "Ugh, maybe not to you, but to me it is," she muttered. And with that, Farra turned and left the bathroom, heading to the outdoors court to work on her shots.
She heard noises from outside and a lot of giggles. She scrunched up her noises as she blinked her eyes a little. Opening them half way she saw the time on her alarm clock, quickly rising up from her bed she blinked several more times before getting up and looking for her uniform. Grabbing the gray skirt from the chair that was placed at her desk she snagged the black shift along with the yellow ribbon she was supposed to wear. Running toward the bathroom she quickly turned the water on and placed her clothes on the closed toilet seat. As the water rain she did her usual, brush her teeth and wash her face. Soon after she slipped into the shower and commenced to getting herself clean for the new day.

It took about 45 minutes until she had gotten out of the shower. Getting dressed was shorter and for her only took five minutes. Drying off and slipping on her undergarments she grabbed the skirt first and slipped it on. She gave a grimaced face because she hated skirts, they showed to much of her legs. She did admit though if she were to run from someone these are good running wear. Next she had slipped on her shirt then placed the ribbon and tied it to where two parts of the ribbon would branch off on different sides. Running out while picking her hair she slipped into her clogs and grabbed her pack of gum, her yo yo and her id.

"Where was it again...I guess . I'll just follow some people around."

She got behind a rather skinny female who was headed toward what seemed like a gym. Patting her hair down she saw the entrance and decided to just jog there. From time to time she would hold her skirt down when wind had rushed by. Entering the gym she tried to locate the basket ball table. The letter stated that there was basketball. She forgot what else was there since her favorite sport was listed first. Jogging over to a basket ball hop and a table under it she had gotten in line to sign.
Adonna took her time waking up and getting dressed, eventually making her way to the gym. She knew about the sports clubs offered from what the tour guide had said, but wondered what other clubs would be advertised. Damn, she thought as she entered the gym. There were a lot more people and a lot more clubs than she'd thought there'd be. She made her way through and eventually got lost in the crowd, browsing over the array of choices, when a voice boomed over the hum of the masses.

"Alright, listen up, whelps. Someone broke the glass on the display for the bulletin boards. That someone better come on out or I'll have to make an example out of all of you."

Adonna forced her head to halt midturn. The expression she wore... she had to keep that to herself, or at least turned away from the source of the voice. With her personality, and personality she was willing to assume the source had... It wasn't the first time the wrong look would cause something to go down. School hasn't even started yet, don't start something.

"Uh, sir, I just want to tell you I have no idea who did it! That is all!"

The cross expression on her face melted into one of confusion. Adonna turned just in time to see a blond girl saluting to large guy. She twisted back, laughing into her fist. Was that girl for real!? She couldn't tell if the girl had been sincere or snarky. Shaking her head, tension gone, she went back to browsing through the many club options.



Dorm Key
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Walking up next she took the pencil from the table and was about to write her name down. "Excuse me Mrs. What do you think your doing. Name first and what basketball do you want to do. "He looked up toward the female and began to stare at her. She had over sized hair, athletic body yet she seems to be distant. She wasn't good at hearing either he thought since she wrote her name down in boys basket ball. She wasn't afraid to get hurt or punched. It would be like father's weekly when he had to much to drink and her mother was out.

"Name is Ukime , I want to join boys basket ball. I don't care if I get hit, I'm pretty touch you know."

She gave him a small smile before walking off while getting a basketball of the rack. She had planned to hoot some hoops outside on the courtyard.

| Morning |

| Clubs Signup Day|

Date: September 14, 2014

As imposing as Red was, he was honestly struck with surprise when someone had actually approached him about the matter. A girl that looked half his size had said her peace with a snarky grin and trailed off before Red had time to finish processing what had just happened. "Hey, now hold on a minute, damn it!" He shouted, one hand balled into fist out of habit. "You can't just walk up to me and say you've got nothing to do with it!"

"Red, she's a transfer student. Maybe she didn-"

"-You just have a bad sense for suspicion. Makes me wonder why I even let you in the committee, now go get her."

Having been shot down by his leader, the member of the security firm darted after the girl. On the way, he swerved past student after student, even shoulder-bumping Reese to a degree, but that didn't stop him. "Wait!"

Honestly, with the mass of students moving all over, it was hard to keep track of who was running, who was being chased, and who was just simply playing basketball. When the member of the committee had a clear of the unsuspecting Anabelle, he kicked his legs into motion, determined not to lose the possible culprit in the sea of bodies.

Nearby the commotion, a basketball rack remained pinned to the wall, a single ball in it's hold. That's when it suddenly shot from the rack, bouncing all the way toward the sprinting student without a single physical force manipulating it. Eventually the ball rolled into the path of the unsuspecting club member, and all it took was one step onto the ball before he completely lost his footing and was swept heels over head with a banging finish on the slick floor.

However, the gym being as crowded as it was, the accident wasn't completely known to all. Some students stopped, gawking at what happened, but overall, people kept the flow going. A nearby student knelt down beside the boy before confirming that he was indeed knocked out and not dead.
Before walking out of the gym she looked over toward the guy that had fallen. Looking around she set the ball down then knelt over toward the man. Laughing a little she scooped him up and threw him over her shoulder . He wasn't that heavy which was a good thing. Taking him she walked outside of the gym and toward the main school. Hopefully it wasn't locked.

"Lets take you to the nurses office. If the school isn't closed."
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Reese, getting bumped in the shoulder, actually fell off of the bleacher he was sitting on. His incredibly small stature was easy to knock over. He scowled at the guy, getting angry as a result of his grumpiness from earlier. He straitened himself out and called out at the guy running.

"DI**!" He shouted out, cupping his hands around his mouth to make it louder. Some people looked over at him as he stared at the guy.

He watched as the safety member, ironically tripped over a basketball that came out of nowhere. That wasn't being very safe.

"Serves him right..." He muttered after some of the surrounding students went to help him, discovering his unconscious state. Reese gave a little silent snicker at the misfortune, the side of his mouth curling up slightly.
Anabelle was speaking with the sponsor of the Technology Club when she heard a loud crash behind her, "Holy shit, are you okay, ohmigosh I'm so sorry, was it my fault, I hope it wasn't!" Anabelle knelt beside him, trying to see if he was okay. Fortunately a girl came over and helped him up, taking to the nurse's office, "Thank you kind samaritan!" she called out to the girl. She went back to the sponsor of the Technology Club. "Sorry, pal, this doesn't sound very interesting to me..." Anabelle said and continued to the next club's booth.
Birds were chirping and the trees danced in joy but Alice mood was in terrible danger. They missed their flight to her new school causing her to miss the first day of school. In England, there was a sudden announcement about their flight being canceled because of a storm so it took almost 7 hours just to get back onto their flight. After that, her parents almost got into a car accident with some elderly folks who weren't even watching where they were even going.

Yesterday was maybe one of Alice's most worst days yet and now she had to go to school after that? Life must have really pitied her so much to make her go through this,"What luck I have?" She mumbled to herself, walking along the way to her new school. She was cursing at everything for being so bright and happy around her as she stood at the school's gates. Her eyes glared at the school environment,"My eyes are burning." Rubbing her eyes from yawning too much.

She didn't get any sleep from all the commotion that had happened to her, another reason why she was not in the bit most happiest mood but who to say? Alice was always seeming like this and these things were normal to her. Luck hated her so this was just another normal school life for her.
Staring at herself in the bathroom mirror, Hotaru examined her hair. It was slowly fading away to a darker color instead of the light pastel green. Sighing, she pulled her hair into a braid. She tied a rubber band at the end and then placed a stack of bobby pins in her pocket, it might come in handy soon. Hotaru picked up an envelope that was in her mailbox. Ripping open the seal she read the letter. The first line made her grimace. Surviving? They make it sound like the students will be dropping out left to right. Frowning a bit, her cellphone vibrated. It was her grandpa, he had sent a text to her, it read as follows, "Listen up, you can move in with me, only if you pass this year, join clubs, and live on your own." Hotaru sat down on her bed and pulled her knees close to her body as she replied back, "Why? Why are you doing all of this? Can't I go back?" Hotaru placed her phone back on the table. Hotaru looked back at the letter and shivered, a club? What kind of club would accept her?

Her phone vibrated with a message attached. Hotaru quickly jogged back to her phone, "You need to start living on your own. One day I might not be here and you will be left in this world all alone. I want to prepare you for what is coming." Hotaru quickly sent a text back to him, "Don't say stuff like that! You're making me scared!" She shoved her phone in her pocket. It was the weekend, why can't she just have a day to herself? She could probably find her grandpa. Sighing, the girl gripped her slate and marker close to her body. She locked her dorm door and headed out to the gym.

"-You just have a bad sense for suspicion. Makes me wonder why I even let you in the committee, now go get her." Hotaru looked up. At one of the entrance a group had formed. More yelling came from that way. Hotaru looked over to the stands by the commotion. Some students stepped up on the tables to look at the scene. The girl was pushed towards the crowd against her will. At times like these she wished she could just yell at everyone. Hotaru heard more yelling and a loud crash, a male voice cried out in pain. Such a strange place. Hotaru was suddenly jerked to the ground, people around her didn't mind it and went on their merry way. The girl crawled her way out of the crowd and into the clearing. Hotaru winced at her new bruise. This school is brutal. May she be saved from anymore humiliation. A student of brown hair helped her up and went on his own way.

Hotaru frowned and looked for her marker. Once she spotted the black expo marker she smiled reaching to grab the stray marker. All of a sudden, like fate was picking on her, the marker rolled away and headed right to the feet of a male student. More specifically, the loud disciplinary student, grandson of the headmaster.

Keys (x2)

Maps (x2)


Slate board

Marker--at the mercy of the loud grandson of the headmaster

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