- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Camp Murder

Talking to Clark.

Sam almost nodded off when Clark approached him and told him about the follower, he nods, a bit groggy. "Thanks for letting me know." He smiles. "Hey Clark, I want to say thank you for what your doing with us, I don't really know that much so your really important, especially to me." He laughs. "If anything I'm a detriment to this group, so I'm hoping to prove myself." He sighs. "When we get back and finish this project we'll do whatever you want, there's got to be something you like to do right?" Sam honestly likes Clark, his sarcastic lazy few of the world is interesting, and who knows, with Sam's love of computers they might have something in common. "So what do you like to do besides be sarcastic and grumpy?" He jokes lightheartedly. Then he sighs. "Listen, I'm sorry for roping you into this. I guess not everyone likes camping as much as me huh."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf772f17e_FarraIcon...jpg.71ae2f60136db31c0163d455ba3bbaae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20774" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf772f17e_FarraIcon...jpg.71ae2f60136db31c0163d455ba3bbaae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|Over the Border|

|Dying slowly due to the creepy pedo--wait, that's not Mutton...wtf?|

Farra crept quietly over the border of the camp, over to the boy's side, when a voice rang out from the darkness.
"Two offenses." Shit. Farra's heart rate didn't increase, she didn't begin to sweat; she just calmly turned around to face the tall man. "Ah, good evening, sir!" She smiled kindly, her expression radiating friendliness. "I assume you're wondering why I'm out in the middle of the night with dark clothes and knives, eh? Well, let me tell you a thing...whilst packing, I seem to have forgotten food! I discovered this about thirty minutes ago; I was craving some snacks, you see. So, I pulled these knives out and decided to go hunting. Now, you might be wondering why I had knives with me. Have you heard what students are calling this camp site? "Camp Murder." With all of the murders and things that are happening recently, I thought to myself, 'Better not risk it.' So, I packed a few weapons, crude may they be, to protect myself if the need arises." Farra finished her bullshit excuse, waiting patiently to see if the guy bought into it. It wasn't actually a lie, in a way; she did indeed forget to pack some food and decided to catch a few rabbits or possums to eat later. Maybe a few carrots, or whatever you might find in a god-forsaken place like a forest.



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Camp Murder

Talking to Sam by the campfire

Clark listened to Sam talk as he stared into the sky. The starry night reminded him of his nightmare he had. Both skies were beautiful but at least in reality there was less burning of buildings and death in comparison. Clark cringed slightly as Sam continued to talk. Sam was a nice guy but a little bit too nice, at least that's what Clark thought. The more Sam talked the more cheesy his sentences seemed to be. He meant well but it was just a little bit much for Clark. "It's no problem, This or I fail."Clark replied. "I don't have any interesting or fun hobbies or pastimes so I guess I'm just sarcastic and grumpy." Clark said with a sigh as he felt his eyelids begin to slowly shut. Clark let out a final yawn before his eyelids snapped shut and he was once again sleeping. This time he was even snoring but thankfully for only a short time. At least Sam wouldn't accidentally wake him up once he heard the snoring.

|Camp RIP|

|Listening to a poor alibi|

"Hunting? At this time of night? How would you be able to see what you're hunting? Your vision would be obscured by the foliage, the darkness wouldn't help your case, plus with how poorly you're sneaking you'll ward off any game within range. You're name is Farra, right?" Angelo stuffed his hands into his coat pockets, the skirt blew free in the soft midnight breeze. There was a 3 second moment of silence before Angelo opened his coat up, shoving his hand inside. "If you're hungry, you should've asked Mutton. He had some rations on his person to share with the students if they hadn't provided themselves with such." Angelo sighed, his shoulder slouching down. His tension leaving his body. "On top of that, you aren't allowed to bring weapons. Why is self explanatory. Lastly. This isn't Camp Murder." Angelo rolled his eyes in aggravation and disapproval "You delusional halfwits..." He muttered to himself. "Hand over the knives. Whatever murderer that could possibly be lurking these woods, you're in good hands. That much is certain." Angelo held his hand out, awaiting Farra to hand him the knives.
The blackness that was the inner subconscious of Akira slowly began to dissipate in flickering dim light. The light itself wasn’t very bright; however, compared to the emptiness of the former, Akira preferred the light of the night sky. The stars and the moon combined illuminated the scene greatly, allowing her to squint onward, realizing that the darkness being pierced was merely her blinking her eyes open. It dawned on the girl that she’d fallen asleep after putting up her makeshift hammock. Timely, that she’d awaken on such a night as gorgeous as this. But it never was like her to sleep as still on a hammock as decrepit as this comfortably. She turned from facing the trunk of the tree to facing the campfire, still at large though a little more diminished than she’d have expected. The occasional popping of the burning wood as it split in certain areas, and the miniscule dancing of the embers was obviously there. Such a peaceful fire it was… until she noticed three figures standing in place on the boys’ half of the camping grounds. One boy was holding a flashlight, but given her eyesight, Akira was having difficulty defining exactly who it was. There were others as well, the ones upon whom the light was being shone. They were tall. They were shapely. They were definitely males as well, and it didn’t take very long for Akira to catch something thwarting about the figure next to the first boy. While there were several defining features showing on the first of the boys, nothing so much as even the skin color could be seen on the second… It was as though the light was being shone on nothing but a pure shadow. Yet there was something there; two things, actually. They were beady. They were red, and placed directly on area of the figure, assuming it was human, where the eyes would be. Akira blinked twice and immediately sat up some, rubbing her eyes slightly. Of course it didn’t do much because it only faltered her tired vision worse. The change in lighting now blinded her due to her eyes having adjusted to the light of the fire, which was nearer to her than the boys.

W-what the… what the hell did I just—“ It took her a bit of a while to regain her sight, but due to her slight movement, the darkened figure was now out of sight. However, in reality, the slightly shorter second boy, or shadow in this case, merely stood covered by the nearer in sight first. Unbeknownst to Akira, the shadow had in fact still been there. Enabling her eyes to see a little better, Akira was able to barely make out the first two confirmable human figures. One of which could have been Dominic, and the second, that boy by the name of Len. What business those two had being up so late at night was no concern of hers. What lay behind Dominic, however… utterly disturbed her, for the mere image of the red of what she soon deduced to be the eyes of the shadow were ominous. To make the matter worse, the silhouette of whomever the shadow belonged to was oddly familiar. The mess of hair rang a bell and raised an eyebrow, which was oddly even more discomforting. Slowly sitting up, Akira checked in her bag and quietly began to feel for where she placed her knife. Using her sense of touch, she located it and slowly shifted the blade so that it faced away from her and the handle barely an inch away from her hand for quick access, but ever so deep within her bag where even if one tried to slyly overlook what her sleeping body couldn’t cover, they wouldn’t be able to see the knife. Initially, Akira thought to turn herself around and ignore it, forcing herself into a deep slumber amidst the whispering of the wind, but out of fear that should she turn in the opposite direction, a second pair of red eyes would be on the other side of the hammock waiting for her, she hastily decided against such action. Her heart skipped a beat at the image of black pupils residing within what red she couldn’t see in t hose eyes. Like a nightmare of some kind. Akira simply stared at the campfire and allowed tracing the dancing flames to drift her into a quiet but incredibly delicate sleep…

|Camp RIP|


Damian, even with a lack of a face gave off a look of inquire. It could only be telegraphed by the slight head slant. "Training? The Non-hosts? Len, while I know I most likely can't... Steer your opinion, do you really think involving more would be a wise idea? You haven't seen what force is actually at work against us. I have first hand, so have the others." Damian had recalled the darkness back to its source from around the trees. The shadows hugged the branches once again with the dark of night. One could finally see Damian's scrunched up expression. While Damian felt Len was capable enough to defend himself against Hollows and Zodiac hosts alike, the need to make a people's rebellion was highly unnecessary. Then again, Damian didn't have any better ideas. So he decided to leave himself off with just that sentence. Soon after, Len made a brief comment over something. "What isn't bad?" Damian asked.

|Camp WhyTheFlipAmIHere|

|The Outskirts|

| Shun | Hoshino |

Hoshino's enthusiasm toward the painting at hand brought another small smile to Shun's face as he passed on the spare brush into her hands. Rummaging through the sack of supplies, Shun retrieved a bottle of gesso and began priming the surface of the canvas all while listening to the girl's sudden questions toward the possible content to come.

"I am open to anything at this point in time. Take the lead, and I will adapt appropriately to whatever you wish to paint."

After pausing to hand Hoshino the palette of previously prepared paint, Shun gave the girl a reassuring nod before turning his attention back toward the canvas that he continued to layer with primer. Having to pause in between layers of gesso to allow the coat to dry, Shun would turn his attention curiously toward Hoshino's teddy bear which was seemingly manifesting an infinite supply of snacks. Shun had previously understood the girl's position as a zodiac holder; however, given the prior circumstances in Cafe Maria, further inquiry had never become possible for the youth curious toward matters concerning the spirits.

Perhaps she has further information about that world.

Finding himself lost in the abyss of his contemplation, it wasn't until he was offered a protein bar that his train of thought was broken and he found himself returning to the reality at hand. Politely accepting the offering of food, Shun found himself taking a single bite before setting the bar aside due to the lack of hunger that afflicted his current self. With the canvas properly prepared, Shun took his brush in hand and patiently began awaiting the direction of his companion; however, it was the sudden change in topic that brought upon a small sigh from the boy.

For the most part, the events of the past two days had become something of a bad memory after the conclusion that had been determined at the dinner from the night before; however, as Hoshino questioned his current emotional self, memories of his actions at the cafe quickly re-flooded his mind and caused his facial expression to turn slightly sour in response.

The cold texture of paint being splattered onto his nose, however, would once again distract Shun from his current thoughts as he turned to gaze upon the happily giggling girl who seemed quite proud of her mischievous action.

"I'd say color would look a bit better on yourself."

Dipping his own brush in red paint, Shun leaned forward to nuzzle his nose against the girl's cheek as a small distraction from the brush that he swung around his side and used to splatter her hair with a long streak of red.

"Much better."

While chuckling in response to his own silly retaliation, Shun nodded appreciatively toward Hoshino's new style before giving her a quick wink and awaiting her response to his action.
Physical Health: 20/20

Low = Feeling ill and sickly.

High = Feeling nice and healthy.


Emotional Health: 20/20

Low = Feeling sad and depressed.

High = Feeling happy and chipper.


Mental Health: 19/20

Low = She's going insane.

High = Feeling sharp and witty.


Energy & Strength: 17/20

Low = Feeling weak and tired.

High = Feeling strong and resilient.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7780d3b_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.3064b5a86248e0674858a43c23e4c082.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20789" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7780d3b_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.3064b5a86248e0674858a43c23e4c082.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{The Outskirts}~

~{With Shun}~

Hoshino smiled whenever he allowed her to take the lead, so she assisted him in applying the primer. She was happy whenever he took the protein bar from her, as well, and she let out a small giggle of sheer bliss as he took a small bite. He didn't seem like he was that hungry, but he was polite enough to do so anyways. This made Hoshino's lips form into a sweet, warm beam, and she continued to paint with him until she seemingly ruined the mood with her question of him being alright. She knew it would be a bad subject to touch up on, for he seemed to grow cold and distant as soon as it was. Thus, the brilliant idea of painting his nose came into play. Her crimson eyes shimmered with innocent mischief, and chaste laughter escaped her pale pink lips. Her plan seemed to work, for once she did such, the cold and distant aura coming from him immediately disappeared.

Yes, she thought happily as she looked over at him with brilliant crimson eyes. Though, she was caught slightly off guard whenever he spoke back to her. "I'd say color would look a bit better on yourself." He said, and just then, Hoshino knew what was going to happen - or, at least, she thought she knew. She didn't expect him to lean towards her at all, rubbing his painted nose against her cheek in rebellion. Her lips parted in surprise, and her breath got caught in her throat. S-So close-- she thought, trying to keep her face from flushing. Her cheeks turned a soft pink hue just before he splattered her snow white hair with the red paint from his brush, and it didn't take long for Hoshino to turn her embarrassment into a playful mischievousness attitude. "Oh really?" She spoke with a sly, cute smile. She dipped her brush in some more paint, flicking it back to him. Some of it even splattered across the canvas, creating a streak of elegant blue.

"You've just started a war," she spoke, trying not to take his wink into mind. Her cheeks were still a warm hue, though now they were flushing from sheer bliss and euphoria. She placed her both her thumbs into the colors green and red, and, playfully and innocently, she smudged them across his cheeks. "How cute~!" She teased, tilting her head to the side innocently as she looked upon him. She couldn't deny that her mood was immediately improved upon this little paint war of theirs. Hell, she didn't even mind the streak of red that would probably be in her hair for a couple of days. She decided to just enjoy this small little moment, even if it only lasted for a few more seconds, because for once - she was laughing from the bottom of her heart. It didn't feel forced at all, and Shun didn't seem to be faking his either. It brought a wide, beautiful smile to her face, and feeling a little creative, she decided to splatter some of the paint unto the canvas, creating an intricate design.

"Ooo~" She spoke as she curled her index finger and placed it into some paint. She did the same with her other hand, and she began dobbing and smearing them expertly unto the canvas, creating more abstract patterns over and under the splatters. She was having fun, and the painting was actually coming out nicely. She had paint all over her hands and fingers as she completely neglected the brushes, simply having fun with the canvas before her. "Here, you try," she spoke as she grabbed his hand and curled his own index finger, dipping it into a random color. "So much for a starry sky.. Unless it's a rainbow sky!" She declared, grabbing a brush and dipping it into white, creating more order among the chaos. Her entire aura was glistening with delight as she painted, using both her hands and the brushes at this point. Being an artist, she could care less about getting messy. She wore her art stains like trophies.

The piece looked random, yet totally brilliant. Like a balance between all the colors - order, yet pleasantly chaotic. Hoshino inched backwards to take a look at their work, and she smiled over at Shun as she gazed upon the soon-to-be product.
"Isn't it beautiful?" She joked. Now, she knew she wouldn't see this as any ordinary painting.

She knew she'd remember it by the little paint war she and Shun had thanks to it.

Her smile was warm and sweet as she looked upon the beautiful creation.


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Zage crawled into her tent after sitting outside staring at the stars, wasting the night away for a couple hours. As she laid down she winced as her recently bruised back was laid down onto the hard ground. After laying for a minute whimpering, she rolled onto her side to try and fall asleep. "Stupid rock..." she muttered as she thought about the rock she had slipped and fell on, resulting in the big dark bruises on her back. After a while she finally fell asleep, but getting little to no rest as she kept rolling onto her back all night.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf77ea32d_FarraIcon...jpg.e03ac383f2a947ffea81524d0e634990.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20804" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf77ea32d_FarraIcon...jpg.e03ac383f2a947ffea81524d0e634990.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|Camp...Not Murder?|

|Handing over her lovely knives..|

"Hunting? At this time of night? How would you be able to see what you're hunting? Your vision would be obscured by the foliage, the darkness wouldn't help your case, plus with how poorly you're sneaking you'll ward off any game within range. You're name is Farra, right?" Farra groaned softly.She was not that bad at sneaking around. She couldn't be out of practice! Her lie had failed...so it seemed. But, how did he know her name? "If you're hungry, you should've asked Mutton. He had some rations on his person to share with the students if they hadn't provided themselves with such." Farra watched as the tension left the man's body; it seemed as if he had been preparing for a fight. "On top of that, you aren't allowed to bring weapons. Why is self explanatory. Lastly. This isn't Camp Murder." She rolled her eyes. Of course it isn't. "You delusional halfwits..." The man muttered to himself. "Hand over the knives. Whatever murderer that could possibly be lurking these woods, you're in good hands. That much is certain." Angelo held his hand out, awaiting Farra to hand him the knives, but she hesitated. These were her good knives. They were meant to be used. But...this guy obviously knew his stuff. So, she decided to hand him the knives she had on her...and didn't mention the ones in her Duffel Bag of Doom. "Thank you, sir, for enlightening me on these facts. Good night, sir." Farra feigned a little curtsy motion before returning to her tent, grumbling the whole way.



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- >



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Camp 'Murder' |

The night had rolled by with it's fair share of pains. For the duo, their stomachs whined for the entire duration without finding suitable food. Regardless, they got through the night just like anyone else. It was clear morning came when the camp sounded of nothing but laughing and generally loud noises. Dominic groaned his self to consciousness with a lingering feeling of fatigue. Was it because he wasn't sleeping on a bed? His body had better get used to it.

The camp was awake nice and early into the day. While most of Brookfield was just getting started, it felt like the afternoon here in the woods. The rules of splitting the game apart by gender was lifted, which meant people were everywhere. Upon realizing this when Dominic climbed out of the large tent, it dawned on him that he should probably return the bear soon before it was too late. He made a mental note to do so and scanned the camp from his own temporary residence. Ben was by the fire, helping to cook two large packs of hotdogs that a generous soul decided to take with them. They probably figured people would forget to bring their own food, so brought large servings for that issue to be sorted.

A yawn snuck up and escaped Dominic as he stood outside of his tent. It was then that the group project hit him.
We should get that over and done with.. After performing his morning rituals with what he brought, Dominic set out towards the campfire (which was a lot smaller since the night was over) in search of the rest of his group.

  • Pockets are empty.


"Camp Murder."

At the Campfire/with nobody.

Sam woke up, for once without any sort of groggy exhausted-ness. When he wakes up he sees some people cooking hot dogs that someone or other had brought. He can't help but grin. He didn't bring that much food but it was enough for him, other people would struggle. He takes it upon himself to build up the fire to a respectable level. The other students let him be and in short time he manages to bring the fire back up to a level where people can sit nearby and warm themselves. There's still plenty of wood from yesterday, but he makes the mental note to go get some at least today.While thinking his gaze turns to Clark and he thinks about hte project. He needs to find Alice, she both has his Laptop and most of the info on the flower. If she doesn't come to the campfire soon he'll go looking for her. But since he figures Alice probably didn't bring food and that there is food here, she'll be here at some point or other.
Physical Health: 16/20

Low = Feeling ill and sickly.

High = Feeling nice and healthy.


Emotional Health: 20/20

Low = Feeling sad and depressed.

High = Feeling happy and chipper.


Mental Health: 18/20

Low = She's going insane.

High = Feeling sharp and witty.


Energy & Strength: 20/20

Low = Feeling weak and tired.

High = Feeling strong and resilient.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf780e93f_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.13cab515cd92dff74df31461a5d02be4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20808" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf780e93f_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.13cab515cd92dff74df31461a5d02be4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{The Outskirts}~

~{With Shun}~

Hoshino had worked on the painting all night long with Shun, and, before she knew it, she had fallen asleep. By the time she opened her eyes again, the sun was peeking over the horizon to greet them. Did I fall asleep? She questioned in her thoughts as she blinked a few times, gazing around her. It wasn't until she pointed her head straight forward that Shun's face was there, merely inches away from her own. She was curled up into a little ball beside him, and his shirt was grasped within her tiny little fists without her realizing it. "AH!" She shrieked, sitting up abruptly and letting go. W-Was I-- Was I just-- She thought, her mind running wild. She also realized that there was a blanket over them, and she couldn't help but wonder where it came from. Though, her mind was sharp enough - despite the early morning - to put some of the pieces of the puzzle together. I must have been cold and shivering, and he.. Aw, Hoshino thought, her cheeks and smile warming as she looked down upon him. She poked at his paint stained cheek.

"Good morning," she spoke with a soft, delicate laugh. She let out a cute yawn before smoothing out her silken white hair, and her blood red eyes began scanning the area. The painting was still as beautiful as she remembered it, and she slowly inched out from underneath the warm blanket to go examine it closer. "It's so beautiful," she stated with a soft smile. Their paint war had raged, and Hoshino's clothes were completely rainbow by the time it was over. She didn't care, though - in fact, it only made them appear more artsy, which was just her style to begin with. Shun's appearance was no better than hers, for he was covered in paint splatters, as well. Hoshino simply assumed that these were the results of them both being artsy - and apparently stubborn - people. As she took in the happenings of the night before, and about how happy it all made her, she felt a feeling she didn't recognize fluttering about her stomach. Butterflies. Stop it, you, she thought to her stomach internally. You hardly know the guy, right? She contemplated, though she couldn't deny..

She felt like she's known him forever.

With lips pursed together in an embarrassed fashion, she felt the need to apologize.
"Sorry for keeping you out all night, and for getting paint all over you," she spoke, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. Sure, she was positive he enjoyed himself just as much as she did, but she felt exhausted and a little sickly upon waking up. It was cold outside, and she had the adorable case of the sniffles. She didn't feel too bad, but she knew that once she had the sniffles, next came the sneezes. Then came the coughs, and suddenly - bam. You've been blessed with a cold. Being on a camping trip where people forgot to bring things as essential as food, she was sure that nobody had any medicine. She also didn't collect anything that could help within Gom, for all she really bad was blood, plushy materials, some fabric, and a couple herbs and plants. She could have made the herbs she had into some tea, but she didn't know where any water and a pot to boil it in were. So, with a sigh, she continued to sniffle softly, hoping that whatever she had wouldn't develop until she reached home.

She knew that she probably would have been worse off had she not been under a blanket and close to another warm, human body. Though it embarrassed Hoshino gravely, she was glad that Shun decided to stay with her instead of leaving her there to sleep. Sure, any human with some decency would have at least left her with a blanket, but Hoshino was still incredibly grateful for the sweet gesture.
"And thank you," she spoke, referring to all of that. "You know.. For not leaving after I passed out. And for the blanket, too," she hooked some of her hair shyly behind one of her ears, not liking how her more bashful side was showing currently. She just couldn't help it; she's never been that close to a guy before - not like that. All of this was new to her, though she couldn't deny how happy she was. On a scale from one to ten, she was at an eleven or higher right about then. She was smiling warmly, her eyes were glistening, and even though she had an adorable case of bedhead, she appeared as blissful and sweet as ever.

"Say, are you hungry?" She asked, listening to the own quiet rumble of her pleading stomach. "I have some food back at the camp if you'd like me to get some," she suggested, though she couldn't help but wonder just how he got that blanket here. She knew he had a zodiac - could it be that he had some power, as well? "Also, about the blanket.. How did you -- you know," she began, gesturing to it, for she didn't quite know how to put out the words. Make it appear? She thought, placing an index finger to her bottom lip in a puzzled and confused fashion as she looked up to the sky in pondering. Shaking her head in surrender, she simply looked over at him, hoping he understood what she was asking about. "Does it have anything to do with.. you know, your zodiac and whatnot?" She questioned, and in an eager fashion, she inched back away from the painting and towards him.

"Can you.. Can you tell me more about them? About yours?"



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There it was again. The blackness that met Akira’s eyes that seemed to be a time ago. God only knows when. For some reason, time didn’t seem to have a normal flow here that Akira could remember. Things were different for some apparent reason. And the scenario wasn’t as it had been earlier, either. Instead of three figures, Len, Dominic and the shadow, all she could see in front of her was Dominic standing upon the obscure nothingness that was. She blinked and tried to speak his name, yet no words could find their way from her lips. She continued to try and speak, to at least call out to the boy and wonder why he existed in such a place; why she was there. She then looked over to see Sam. The two stood a short distance from each other and appeared to be wearing the blankest of expressions. Suddenly, the eyes that witnessed this strange phenomenon blinked. With the opening of her eyes, the boys were suddenly closer. Another blink and closer they were, still. By the third blink, both boys were gone, and all that stood not even an inch away from her were the bloody, crimson eyes of the shadow which haunted her even prior to entering this dank murkiness of a dream.

What occurred to follow frightened the girl even worse; Akira could see the red eyes suddenly slanting upward to each other into an expression of sorrow. No matter how hard she tried to turn her face to prevent herself from viewing the horrible expression this thing wore, she couldn’t. She suddenly heard a voice, low, distorted and deep in pain, yet oddly familiar.

Akira, why did you leave?” The voice spoke. Akira’s eyes widened upon recognizing it. The voice belonged to her; to Hannah. “You left me all alone… why? Is it for them? Is it for your new friends?” Akira turned to see both Sam and Dominic on either side of her. Soon enough, both of them were covered by the same blackness as the figure which still stood in front of her. At their feet appeared the bodies of different people, all appearing to be Akira’s age, and all of which wore Armstrong High uniforms turned in every which direction like ragdolls thrown to the floor. She suddenly heard a squishy thud land nearby, so close that it in fact nudged her left foot. She looked down in horror to see a boy without a face that lay in a red pool, large blood stains beginning to grow profusely on him where holes were made apparent: one in the heart… one in the shoulder… and one in the throat. “Will you die for them?” Akira looked to the speaking shadow in front of her as it tilted its head almost at a perfect angle. A wide grin formed on its face as blood began to drip from the crimson eyes and to the floor beneath them. Soon the entire floor surrounding her was covered in nothing but blood as each dark figure sank into it. Soon enough, Akira sank too. The red soon disappeared as she was floating in nothing but blackness, seeing flash images of the school’s destruction and nothing but bodies lying near each fissure in the structure. With each frightening image…:

Will you die for them?

Will you die for them?

Will you die for them?


Akira awoke almost in a shriek as she sat up in the hammock, seeing that everyone in the camp was now active. Sighing, she held a hand against her chest and looked around. Never in a lifetime would she have expected to be so happy in a forest filled with a blaring sun such as this. Slowly, she stepped down from the hammock and looked about again; looking into her bag and seeing that the knife was exactly where she’d left it for quick access. She quickly closed the bag and began to walk toward where the blazing campfire once existed.

I honestly should’ve brought a damn book to read…” She thought, exhaling once more…
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|Camp Cold|




Shun awoke to the gentle poke that Hoshino placed upon his cheek, and it was with a yawn that he began rubbing his eyes in an attempt to keep himself from returning to the dreams from whence he came. Once the sleepy passed from his eyes, Shun turned his attention toward the collaboration which the girl was excitedly pointing out in her admiration of its abstract contents. The painting's style was very unlike what Shun was used to creating; however, at the same time, he couldn't stop himself from silently enjoying its unique flair that was further inspired by the silly memory of the "paint war" from the night before.

"Don't worry about my clothes."

Shun replied to her apology with a hearty chuckle as he was hardly concerned for the well being of his attire at the hands of paint. Having ruined many outfits to his wild painting style, the current wear was simply one more pair to join the pile of clothing that had been unwillingly redesigned at the hands of his artistic insanity. Gazing upon the painting with closer inspection, Shun began noticing the minute features that had been incorporated into its existence. From the blurred texture of the night's breeze upon wet paint to the trapped elements of nature itself, the painting was far from the traditional art appreciated by the critics of the world, yet it was one that could hold meaning and spark memories in the years to come.

Procuring his carrier for a wet canvas, Shun began preparing for their return to the camp; however, it was the soft sniffles of the girl at his side that turned his attention away from his current task at hand. Because fatigue had plagued his existence shortly after Hoshino had fallen asleep, Shun had made use of the blanket used to wrap his supplies and his own body heat to enjoy a somewhat comfortable night under the stars; however, even with his precautions, it had seemed that the chilly late September night had blessed his new friend with the first symptoms of a cold.

Logically, the preferred course of action would have been to hurry the packing of their supplies and return Hoshino to camp in search of warm food and medicine; however, her sudden approach upon the topic of zodiacs left Shun in a fit of chuckles toward the suggestion she had unknowingly reminded him of. Rather than continue with packing, Shun reached toward his sack of supplies where Bastion's mask had been safely hidden away and placed the familiar presence upon his face for use.

It's been a while Bastion. For the good of our hunger and health if you don't mind.

"It's probably easier if I just show you, rather than explain."

After manifesting Bastion's brush into his right hand, and Bastion's gun into his left, Shun,with an amused smile on his face, began painting a representation of a campfire with a pot of boiling water on the flat plain before their selves. Aiming the gun toward his creation, Shun quickly manifested the source of heat and boiling water just before beginning his second painting which consisted of the ingredients for miso soup and bowls of rice. With the necessary supplies at hand, Shun quickly began preparation for the warm breakfast desired, and it was once the soup was on its way to boiling that he turned his attention back toward Hoshino with a satisfied nod in response to his demonstration.

"Basically, my power comes down to giving existence to my memories and paintings. My zodiac is a spirit named Bastion, and he is one of eight total zodiacs that I know of their existence. Seven of those zodiacs are currently among students like you and I, while the last Zodiac, Heirophant, seems to exist under different circumstances. From my observation as of yet, it seems each zodiac among us has their own motives in desiring a host, though the overall picture of their existence and goal is still unclear to me."

Sighing in frustration toward his lack of solid understanding about the other world, Shun simply rested his head in his hands while waiting for the food to finish cooking, and Hoshino to reply to the small knowledge he brought to light.
Physical Health: 15/20

Low = Someone get her to a hospital.

High = She's ready to take on the world.


Emotional Health: 20/20

Low = Depression is her best friend.

High = She's a delightful little dandelion.


Mental Health: 20/20

Low = She's ready to go insane.

High = Her mind is as sharp as ever.


Energy & Strength: 16/20

Low = Someone carry her; she can't go on.

High = Hell, she'd be the one able to carry you.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7833920_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.c56dfd423fe4f328d024c59a148ad798.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20816" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7833920_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.c56dfd423fe4f328d024c59a148ad798.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{The Outskirts}~

~{With Shun}~

Hoshino was glad that he wasn't worried about his clothes or anything, and he didn't seem to be mad or upset at her at all for the night before. It was reassuring, for now Hoshino knew that he enjoyed himself just as she did. With a soft smile, she nodded over at him, and then watched as he seemed to be getting ready to go. It saddened her a bit, but she knew that this little dream of hers wasn't going to last forever. Still, he seemed to take note of her sniffling, and it was then that he seemed to second guess his next form of action. It was the topic of the zodiacs that caught his attention, and Hoshino was immediately hopeful for some answers. Will he tell me about his? She wondered, and it was then that he reached into his bag and pulled out a mask. "A mask?" She questioned as she watched him put it on. "It's probably easier if I just show you, rather than explain." He stated, and Hoshino nodded eagerly as she watched him manifest a brush and a gun in his hands.

Shun appeared so amused and excited as he used Bastion's power, painting a campfire and boiling water before them. Then, he used the gun in his other hand to aim at the painting, and.. Suddenly, the picture was right there before them. Hoshino's lips parted slightly in a delighted form of shock.
"Oh, wow!" She exclaimed pleasantly, clasping her hands together in an amused, cutesy fashion. She then watched as he continued to paint, this time creating an image of food. Then, just as before, it appeared before them, and he began to cook what looked and smelled like a breakfast miso soup. "I love miso," Hoshino stated, smiling widely and enthusiastically as she looked upon the creations. "Basically, my power comes down to giving existence to my memories and paintings," He spoke as the soup began to boil. Hoshino gave him her full attention, listening to him attentively.

"My zodiac is a spirit named Bastion, and he is one of eight total zodiacs that I know of their existence. Seven of those zodiacs are currently among students like you and I, while the last Zodiac, Heirophant, seems to exist under different circumstances. From my observation as of yet, it seems each zodiac among us has their own motives in desiring a host, though the overall picture of their existence and goal is still unclear to me." He spoke, and he seemed to grow frustrated at this apparent lack of knowledge. Hoshino's face grew sympathetic for a moment, for she could understand the confusion, as well. Now, though, she knows how many have been discovered as of yet. Hoshino had her suspicions on who had zodiacs - those people being Dominic, Damian, and the girl that was with them at Café Maria the other day - but, as for the rest, she had no clue where to begin. "Thank you for telling me," Hoshino spoke gratefully.

With a small smile, Hoshino reached out into Gom and took out the threads of the herbs she could use to make some tasty tea with some more boiling water.
"Here, we can use this to make some tea to drink," she suggested as she laid them out before him. To him, he'd probably simply see the herbs. To Hoshino, she saw the threads making them up. "I hear these are very good for wellness," she spoke, her sniffles betraying her upon doing so. It appeared like she needed the tea more than he did, but it would still help him out and prevent him from getting sick, as well. So, with a smile, she held the herb's threads in her hand. "If you make some cups and some more boiling water, I can make some," she suggested, though she wasn't too sure on how to do it. She'd rather just do it the old fashioned way instead of stitching the threads together. Boiling water and herbs together came to her much more naturally than the latter, even it if took a little more time to do so.

"As for me, my zodiac is Cecilia. You've met her once before," she spoke, deciding to share some information since he bothered to share some of his own. "My ability is to see what she sees, which are these.. threads of existence, I guess you could say," she began, and then decided that a demonstration would be appropriate on explaining how they work. With a small smile, she reached into Gom and willed the scissors back into her hands. Once she felt them, she took them out and looked at the space before them. She could see the threads making up the trees and the grass before them, so, with a shrug and a deep breath, she snipped away at one of the trees threads in front of them. Now, it was reduced into nothing, and she placed the threads back in front of her. Having memorized the composition, she decided to recreate it, having Gom stitch it back together. Before Hoshino knew it, the tree was back to it's original state.

"I can create or collect things I know, understand, and see, using the threads. I suppose that's an alright way to put it," she stated, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly as she put her Gom backpack back on. "He holds the threads and does the stitching for me," she spoke, referring to Gom lovingly. She then returned the scissors into his mouth, storing them away. "And those are what I use to cut the threads," she spoke, nodding over at him as she finished speaking. It was then that she realized that her power and Shun's weren't all that different. Shun was able to create, as well. He just needed to know what it looked like and paint it, meanwhile Hoshino needed to memorize compositions and 'tailor' the picture with her mind. Gom did the stitching for her, while she sat back and watched the beauty unfold.

Hoshino couldn't help but grow more and more curious as to what the other hosts could do, and who exactly they all were. She had so many questions, as she was sure Shun did, as well. She wanted to ask more, or even have them go on a little adventure to seek more knowledge, but.. as she opened her mouth to speak, she shut it again in a vain attempt. She decided to just shut up for now and enjoy the yummy breakfast that lied ahead of them.
"Thank you for the food," Hoshino stated in a tone as sweet as honey as she awaited it to be finished. She smiled warmly up at him, incredibly grateful for his efforts.

"It's a really nice gesture."



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Camp Murder

Talking to Sam

Clark woke up later than most of the students. In fact he might have been the last one to wake up. He had awoken to the noise of all the students talking to one another and the smell of the hotdogs burning on the nearby fire. Clark groaned as the rising sun shone on his face while he attempted to shield himself from the bright light with his hands but to no avail. Clark eventually gave up with the idea of sleeping in and got up off the ground and wiped off any grass that had stuck to him during the night. After getting up Clark spotted Sam nearby and walked over to him. Clark assumed today would be the best day to do some research on the rose and possibly try to acquire one. "Hey Sam. I guess today is the best day to get the rose. I guess Alice will be leading since she knows the most so are we waiting for her? Plus she is a part of our group." Clark said to Sam as he stood next to him. Looking about the camp in search of Alice.


- >



| Saturday|

| September 27, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Camp 'Murder' |

After standing about like a mentally defected being, Dominic had finally rendered his silent search for his group, a failure. The only being from that group was Ben, and he was busy making rounds of hotdogs for the hungrier souls. Students within their own class had lined up to have their fair share of food for the day. Among their makeshift food dispenser group was Len, who stood to the side and watched as everyone got their fill. It got Dominic wondering about what he said last night.

"A protector.."

The thoughts became muttered words, and it left a funny feeling behind. Did Ben really have the right idea about the entire supernatural situation? Dominic shook his head at the thought of donning one of his homemade costumes. No, I'm not doing that. It won't come to that. If anything, it was unnecessary.

At that moment, Dominic feuded over what to do with himself. Because half of his group was missing, he was left without an actual activity. Upon glancing over to his traveling bag, he remembered to return the bear. Oh god damn it, let me do this before I forget about it entirely. Walking over to the bag, he slung the strap over his shoulder and began to make his way past the campfire.

On the way, he heard Mutton in conversation with Len not too far away. "A boy and a girl, you said?" "They weren't in any of the tents, yet some of the students said they saw the two come with us here." The teacher seemed worried sick, perhaps even frustrated over the fact that he couldn't keep tabs on everyone. Out of the goodness and curiosity of his heart, Dominic made his way over to the two. "Ferrari, I was hoping I'd see you. Two of your friends never came back to camp last night, and it's worrying." "My friends?" "One Shun Takumi, and a Hoshino Shi-.. Shiromiya..?" Dominic raised a brow at hearing the names. Shun and Hoshino? They're confirmed hosts.. Were they in trouble? "If you know where they are, Ferrari, you should help Len find them. Angelo and I still have to watch over the camp as it is." Dominic nodded contently towards Mutton. It was reasonable, plus, if their disappearance was Zodiac-related, it wouldn't be exposed to the public.

|Campin' is fun!|

|No one in particular|

The dream was set in a dark gallery, a figure, assumed to be a man, stood at a bar wiping out a glass is his hand. Sitting on the shelves behind him were colorfully alligned alcoholic drinks. The man's head was down as if deeply invested in cleaning the glass in his hand. His eyes were hidden but you could feel him watching you closer than you think. The gallery was all but empty of souls besides her own and the bartender man. It was also rather simply furnished, dark wooden tables were scattered among the room some flipped over, but all the chairs were absent and it was eerily silent. The only source of luminescence were the neon lights stringed around the room and the one spotlight upon the stage where Nikky sat; captured under the light. She wore a black formal dress that flowed down to her ankles, her dark brown hair was curled and black rimmed glasses replaced her usual red ones, she held a cello in her company. The woman took a deep breath and closed her eyes and began playing she smiled, a soft sad tune followed, growing into powerful emotions of anger and bitterness and regret. Her music echoed across the gallery, across the graveyard...

She could see it, the music playing behind her eyelids, and the next note just about to be formed; the wavelengths. She almost wanted to see if she could reach out and take a strand and manipulate it as she pleased. As her song came to an end, someone was clapping. It was hard to see outside of her light prison,

The lights dimmed and revealed the a hollow, It sat on it's hunches clapping its deformed hands all the while its glowing red eyes never left her, didn't even blink. A grin stretched across the twisted face,


Nikky shut her notebook, tl;dr?

To keep it short, Nikky didn't have a great night's sleep, she still had the hibbeegibbee's from that dream. She wasn't so much as scared as she was creeped out. Guh.

Nikky rubbed the back of her neck and sat up from her not-so-comfortable position in her tree, she had the pleasure of being waking up to a growling stomach. The sun was rising, signifying morning, she took a moment to admire it and reflect. Her first day went by rather well, she wasn't dead yet so that was a plus. Though if she kept on starving herself it wouldn't be much longer till she keeled over. She threw down her totebag and ukelele then hopped down strolling the girl's side. She straightened her attire, a blue sweater and black jeans with sneakers. This was going to be her go-to outfit for the weekend. Nikky decided to pay Hottie a visit, though she should probably work on a better nickname for Hotaru. Maybe she could feed the poor beggar.

Hah, yeah right.


Notebooks x 4

Some pencils x 5

Eraser x1

- - -

Toy ukelele x1

Yo mama x1

Love, Tapatalk
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|Camp 'Murder'|

|Rising from his branch|

Damian's eyes spread open, the morning suns rays firing into his gaze. The light burned his undeveloped sight, but the pain soon warded off with a few forced tears and eye rubbing. Damian looked down below. Dominic's tent was still there, so was the campfire... Looks like he didn't end up slouching and falling off his branch after all. Thank goodness, lest he snapped his neck on impact. Or broke his spine. The possible risks of falling from this 10 foot drop are grim, none that Damian would wish to take. If he were to die, he'd prefer it'd be painless. Quick, and out of the way. The boy yawned, he let his leg fall around the branch to relax it. Getting the blood flowing before he climbed down to a sleeping leg... God knows that would be detrimental. All considering, Damian wasn't sure what to do with himself... His bag was down below near the fire. Inside was just a change of stuff, and some bug spray that in theory should still be in effect. Damian blew from his nose, now that he realized what little he was able to do he didn't want to get down from his perch... After all, the world looked interesting from up within the trees...

|The outskirts of Camp 'Murder'|

|The waiting is over|

Derek, slipping through the trees and shrubbery he finally managed to sniff out the congregation of hosts down at the camp. Their attack dog was finally off its leash... Now it needed to find its "prey." Derek had quietly, and carefully sneaked about the landscape. His now agile body allowing him to triangle jump from bark to bark. It was as if he was in his element, despite lurking in the ruins of Old City. His transformation left a lot to be desired. His trail was easy to follow, with the Hosts scent and the two smoke stacks not too far off from his position it was like following a marker...

...Soon, he jumped up an old willow down by the river, a few yards down from the two camps. From his perch he could spot the kids and the teachers... Though, they all weren't too active. Perhaps it was the morning, but this made Derek grew impatient. He wasn't happy about his "job" but it wasn't like he had much choice, considering his employer could not only destroy him but also track him down again. There was no escape from his captor it seems. Derek dropped down, and ran scurried across the treeline to get a better look at who's in the vicinity. From hugging the treeline he could see there were two camps... Both gender differentiated. "There's special ones in both camps?" Derek didn't quite get the concept of hosts and Zodiacs really. Despite Hollowing, he was never taught what a Zodiac was. From what Hierophant explained, they're just special humans with powers given by spiritual aspects. Not necessarily explaining much but... It was enough to get him on task. "Grah... Everyone's too grouped up. I can't take them one by one or very few at a time like this... I need to wait." Derek slipped into the trees again, abiding his time to strike.


-Camping Grounds-

-Interacting with No One-

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Empty Chip Bag (x1)
      • Camera (x1)
      • Pocky (x1)

Alice grumbled waking up to the feeling of cold wind blowing through the flap that she forgot to close last night and quickly zipped it back down,"Ugh... what happened last night?" Alice mumbled feeling as if someone must have hit her in the head and she knocked out right there just as she was about to investigate the singing,"Wait... someone was singing last night was it?... Nah, who would sing here?" Alice thought feeling stupid to think that she heard singing and thought it was her imagination, kicking off the blanket and going over to her bag to get dressed for their adventure into the wild to find the flower.

Pulling on her hiking boots and some gloves, she pulled on her backpack with all the stuff she needed. She didn't need much so the bag felt like she was carrying nothing and since with Tyrik's ability, she was able to take on anything heavy onto her with no trouble at all. Unzipping the flap of her tent, she came out of her tent with a bag of chips already open and stuffing her mouth with chips. Her expression was dull but at least she wasn't like the others as everyone seemed to had a rough night, rubbing their backs and feeling sore all over. Alice was perfectly fine since she had two things protecting her back plus she found a nice flat place with no rocks to stab her in the back.

Walking over to where the guy's camping spot were, she looked around the place before seeing in the corner of her eye a trail of smoke along with a group of boys sitting by the fire with hot dogs,"Hot dogs for breakfast? Boys..." Alice thought rolling her eyes and saw the two boys she was looking for, going over to where they stood and grin,"Good morning boys, ready for the great hunt?" Alice exclaimed,"I hope you guys know how to climb and have you guys seen Zage? I haven't seen her yesterday or this morning." Alice said looking around for the tiny girl but all she saw was boys and more boys since she was in the boy's side instead of the girl's.

-Not sure if girls are allowed to be on the guy's side but Alice will rebel >:3-

|Camp Fight Fight Fight|



Shun curiously observed Hoshino's demonstration of power as he lazily began the painting of another pot of water and the pair of cups that she had requested for the tea. While the girl seemed to have minor difficulty in explaining the concept behind her power, Shun's understanding was fairly clear based on the prior healing performed by her zodiac, and the current observation of the reconstruction on the nearby tree.

Manipulation of existence itself...Intriguing...

Existence was the very threshold that many scientists had failed to cross in the past. Science could go as far as describing the atomic composition that objects were comprised of, yet abstract concepts such as the conscious and memories were yet to be explained from a concrete standpoint.


Assuming Hoshino's understanding of her power was in fact correct, then these threads, that seemed to be visible only by her zodiac and self, shed new light in understanding the very composition that made up every aspect of any existence in any world.

Even more curious to Shun was the similarities and distinctions that he suddenly realized among particular powers that he had now seen from three particular spirits. In the case of Cecilia, creation and destruction, limited by that which pre-exists in the world, seemed to be Shun's understanding of the first power; In the case of Heirophant, absolute manipulation of the very existence pre-determined by the universe was his understanding of the second; While finally, his own power through Bastion, which he understood as the creation of possibilities limited only by his imagination and memories experienced throughout life. The sheer complexity that made up the power of these spirits left Shun awed, while at the same time furthering his curiosity and frustration toward the mysteries of the other world. Answers would continue to be the youth's true desire in the present time, and it would be a solid understanding that he would continue to search for until found.

Hoshino's voice, thanking him for the meal, would be enough to break Shun's trance, and return his conscious to the reality of the soup which was long done and now beginning to boil over. Hurrying to remove the pot off the fire, Shun replaced its position with the second pot of water just before preparing portions of the meal for Hoshino and himself. With soup poured in one bowl and rice in another, Shun turned to hand the breakfast toward his friend; however, the bowl of miso seemed to disappear from his very grasp just as a new voice called out from atop the tree under which they were positioned.

"Not bad at all."

Seated atop one of the mid way branches of the tree was the familiar petite figure of Hoshino's zodiac who was happily enjoying sips of the soup which was originally intended for her host. Hopping from the branch, the spirit gently floated her way to the ground where she helped herself to a bowl of rice all while giving her host a sly grin.

"Making your moves already. You move fast, girl."

After teasing the girl in between bites of the food, Cecilia turned her attention toward Shun who was curiously gazing upon the existence of the spirit before his eyes.

"As for you smarty-pants, I like the way you think, but you have a lot to learn my dear confused host of Bastion. You seems smart enough though. Perhaps I wouldn't mind shedding some light on your eyes."

Shun eyes lit up at the sound of Cecelia's words; however, rather than pressing answers out of the spirit before breakfast, he chose to simply nod toward the crowd while pouring several more bowls of food.

"Help yourself to the food, guys."
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    • **It's pink, I swear

| Camp 'Canwenot' |

| Being one with Nature |

Hotaru held in a yawn, her nose twitched, and her eyes watered. She was lying back upon her luggage bag and a spare blanket a girl had given her to use. The girl curled up into a ball. She just wanted to go back into her dorm, she had forgotten all about Khoshekh. Oh well. He'll be fine, the cat was originally a stray. Groaning, the girl sat up, the tent was being shared with other girls and Hotaru had to keep quiet to keep from waking the others up. She shivered a bit as she rubbed her head. She was up for most of the night. Usually a horrible dream that combined her fears would keep her up. Yet, she had no dream. Maybe the fact that she didn't dream kept her up. Hotaru unzipped her bag and pulled out a clean set of clothes. She quickly changed into the new clothes without disturbing any of the other girls. Crouching, Hotaru went other the tent trying to reach the only exit. Her foot was led off of path and headed straight for a girl's, who Hotaru didn't recognize, brown curls. It didn't take long for the girl to yelp in pain. Hotaru fell back onto another girl. Soon the entire tent was awake and furious. Hotaru looked at them nervously. The brunette pointed towards the exit, the other girls moved out of the way. Hotaru nodded sheepishly as she crawled towards the exit, they had figured out Hotaru couldn't speak last night. Ever since then they would communicate with her using hand gestures. Hotaru quickly grabbed her pin, scarf, slate, and marker before heading out.

Hotaru wrapped her mint green scarf around her neck. It was to keep her warm and to hide the marks that she was still slightly embarrassed about. Nikky has made it clear that it wasn't either of their fault but Hotaru couldn't help to still feel weak after the pitiful fight she put up. The girl hung around her tent as she put her pin on. Apparently the girls that Hotaru were rooming with didn't realize that she was still lurking around the tent, "Can we please kick her out?" Another voice agreed with the first one, "She messed up my sleep." Hotaru pursed her lips, waiting for a bit, "She probably doesn't have any friends to room with." Yes she did. Hotaru bit her lips to keep from intruding their private conversation. She had friends. She may not have known them for long, but they were considered as friends....right?

Right. Hotaru thought confidently. One of the voice had hushed the others as Hotaru came back in. She didn't pay any mind to the girls, just headed in and pulled her bag out. Not a glance towards them, Hotaru went in and out. Carrying the bag on her back, the girl was in search of her friends. She quickly spotted smoke rising from the fire and a group of students around it with food of their own. Hotaru should have brought something to snack on instead of two full jars of salt. Sighing to herself Hotaru noticed Nikky. Grinning a bit she waved at her and headed towards her. Hotaru gained a lot of trust and respect for Nikky. She would know, Hotaru had spoken to her. Well kind of, it was more like whispers, but the point was that Nikky heard her and understood.

On her slate she quickly wrote a message for Nikky. The girl held it out as she jogged towards the glasses wearing girl. The slate read out the words in bright green handwriting, "Have any ferrets to eat?"

Camp "Murder" Campfire


Sam nods as Clark speaks, glad that the other boy is at least talking to him, and when Alice shows up he grins. "Speak of the devil right Clark?" He then stops to listen to Alice starts talking about climbing and the like. "I'm a decent climber." he starts off. "I got the basic training and I know what you have to do, but I never really had the chance to do much climbing at home you know?" He shrugs. "I should be fine to climb, so I'm ready to go when you are." he thinks for a second then holds out a hotdog. "Hungry? If its as hard to get as you think it should be good to do it with some food in your gut." He then pauses to think. "You got the climbing gear? And as for Zage I didn't even see her on teh bus, so it might have been she just couldn't make it." He shrugs. "Who knows?" He then pauses to think. "Oh yah, you got my laptop on you?"


- >



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Moving through the woods, outside Camp 'Murder' |

If Dominic had a nickel for every single time a stray branch or thornbush came at him, he'd have quite a pocket full of change. Len however, didn't seem phased by the wildlife or mother nature's subtle attempts to kill them. The two traversed through the woods on what couldn't even be called a path, but a random direction. "You should have left your bag at the camp. It wouldn't cause you so many issues as it is now." Len spoke in a generally cold tone, but that was the same tone he always spoke with. "Hey, I have my reasons for keeping it with me." "Is it thieves? I never took your class as purse snatchers." "N-no, it's not-.. whatever." Dominic let out a groan of frustration, to which Len snickered. He was a strange one. At one point, he's a serious, formal kid. On another, he's lightly joking and messing around with those he barely knew.

The two stopped at an oak tree, bigger than the neighboring wood.
"We're getting nowhere." Len stated with a hint of anger. "How so?" "We've passed this mark several times over." Len gestured to a small tear made in the bark of the tree. Now that Dominic knew, he could see the various markings Len left behind that Dominic didn't even have a clue about. He's good.. Dominic sighed. A moment of silence between the two passed. Len was crouched against the oak tree and Dominic stood with one hand holding the bag and the other in his pocket.

"Maybe we should split up."

"That's a terrible idea. We can't even remember what direction we departed in."

"I have a little help."

Looking up as if on cue, Kenshi would have leaped down from the hidden points within the trees to land beside his host. At first, Len was confused, he couldn't see what Dominic was talking about on the topic of 'help'. It was then that Len uttered words beyond Dominic's hearing that made the formal boy's eyes flare a bright yellow for a moment. Slowly, a smile appeared on Len's face. "So this is your suitable host, Kenshi." "I'm offended you haven't picked up on it sooner." Kenshi approached Len and was given a rough pat on the head. Dominic on the other hand, was wide-eyed. "Wh-.. You-.. Ken-.." Words couldn't describe how lost he was right now. If it wasn't the woods, it was this situation.

"Has the wolf not told you? His previous host was Ivan Boone - your Headmaster. We all know each other." "N-no way.. Boone..?" "The old man's body was no longer suitable for Kenshi, and Kenshi's supernatural self was no longer suitable for Boone's life." "I needed a young, able body compatible with me. You fit the bill at the time, especially when you have such strong ties with Damian." Ah, there it was. The entire situation with Kenshi ushering Dominic to attack his own friend. Dominic had almost forgotten about the entire ordeal. It felt like ages ago. "Is he not compatible? He looks much more able than me. You said your name was..?" "-Len, and no, I'm not compatible with any Zodiac, I'm afraid. Even if I was, I couldn't accept the contract that follows along with the merging." That made Dominic wonder who Len really was, or where he came from that forbid the joining of host and Zodiac.

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