- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Behind Armstrong High

Interacting with Dominic, Hotaru & Alice

Clark nodded in response to Dominic's question once Hotaru let go of Clark and moved on to hug Dominic and others. Before Clark could say anything further he saw a small girl come flying towards him. Clark tried to put his arms out to catch her and save himself from falling to the ground but he had noticed her too late and soon enough both of them were on the ground. Clark looked up and noticed that it was Alice who had knocked him to the ground. "Glad I could protect you from the fall." He said sarcastically as he too, rubbed the back of his head. Once Clark stood up he glared at Alice. "That joke is getting old quick. You know my name so please use it." He hissed. Although he felt a tad guilty from the angry tone he used this whole day had just been an annoyance for Clark. He raked through his bag and brandished the book he'd gotten from the library and handed it to Alice with it opened to the page containing information on the Brookfield Rose. "In case we need help taking one back." Clark said to Alice as he tapped his finger on the page at a specific paragraph which said how to collect the flower. The flower was rare so they'd have to get it right the first time if they planned to take one back.

|In the hive of students|

|Socializing more than he should.

Damian raised his brow, he couldn't really figure out what to say. He didn't want to sound too welcoming and invite Farra into his group, espeically since he's still unclear of his standing with the girl. "Well, the offer is open. It's up to you. I won't force you to join me. But, I'll be going to find Dom'. Best person to pair up with really. Considering he's my lifeline living here at Brookfield." Damian hoisted his bag up over his shoulders, feeling like he may have been forgetting some things. Or overlooking some things. As he went to go join his friend more and more did he realize the other useful things he could've brought on the trip... More and more did the RIP set in. He walked up besides Dominic, patting his arm with a loose elbow. He didn't feel as comfortable opening his mouth with a crowd of people around, so he just made sure his presence was at least known.

|Still in the halls|

|Creation Theory|

Ulysses nodded, at the same time keeping his magenta spheres focused on Adonna's device. "A phone? Ah yes... Angelo did have one. But it didn't buzz. More like made an obnoxious ringing noise... It also didn't look at sleek. Weird..." Ulysses' backtracking was halted by a mighty interesting question. One he wasn't asked in a long time. "How did I become a Zodiac? Well... That dates back a loooooong time ago. A time where my memory has escaped me. I can't truly say how it happened... I don't remember. I remember dying on the battlefield... Then waking up in my monastery. Powers, armored body and all. Maybe this fate is to atone for my violence during my trials as a monk. Hell, I don't even remember what I trained in. Everything is muscle memory. If I'm also not mistaken, a lot of the Zodiacs don't remember how they came to be... They all mentioned that it was a blur. At least the ones I asked." Ulysses turned his head towards the side, picking up on some faint noise. "You hear that? Like a hum? A very... Engine like hum? And so close to the school... I thought trucks or motorized vehicles weren't allowed within structural premises. Or something."
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[icon of imagination!]

-Adonna's Continuous Magical Morning Adventure-

"The magic of innovation," she commented. Atoning for violence, huh. Adonna nodded in silent understanding. "Maybe atonement will lead to eternal rest." Ulysses had picked up on another sound. "Yeah..." she let out a short laugh, "That's more than I know." She walked to the back door where the sound was coming from. Opening it, she saw several of her classmates in plainclothes, standing around, with large bags. The sound had been from the buses. "You were right about the trip," she murmured.
Physical Health: 20/20

Low = Feeling ill and sickly.

High = Feeling nice and healthy.


Emotional Health: 17/20

Low = Feeling sad and depressed.

High = Feeling happy and chipper.


Mental Health: 18/20

Low = She's going insane.

High = Feeling sharp and witty.


Energy & Strength: 19/20

Low = Feeling weak and tired.

High = Feeling strong and resilient.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf705fbc1_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.c8d38f5ded7a20a99164fa3d0d31dc60.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20481" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf705fbc1_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.c8d38f5ded7a20a99164fa3d0d31dc60.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{Behind Armstrong High}~

~{Interacting With Dom, Damian, Clark, and Alice}~

Hoshino eventually made it to the school, and she was redirected to the back of it once she arrived. Apparently, that was where all the people going on the camping trip were meeting up at. I wonder if I know some people who signed up, she thought, remembering how Dominic seemed to be thinking it over a day or so before. Shrugging, she made her way through the crowd, and eventually she saw a few familiar faces. There was a girl who went about hugging everyone, and she could see Dominic, Damian, and the girl that was with them at Café Maria the day before. She also recognized the girl from the first day of school, Alice, interacting with Dominic. With a smile, Hoshino made her way over to them.

"Good morning, everyone," she spoke in a friendly tone to the group. She saw a few unfamiliar faces about, so she decided to introduce herself. "I'm Hoshino," she stated, her crimson eyes shimmering as she glanced over at them all. She couldn't help but catch "Brookfield Rose" in the midst of their conversation, so, with innocent curiosity, she tilted her head cutely and glanced at the boys before her. "Brookfield Rose?" She questioned, "It sounds beautiful. If we find one, can we use it for our project? Is it a blooming flower?" She asked them, being that she recalled Dominic saying he wanted to do it all on a blooming flower for starters.

Hoshino adjusted the straps she created for Gom on her shoulders, hugging Coco close to her torso as she rocked back and forth in an innocent, childish manner. She also realized she was the shortest girl there, though she was sure she was older than at least one or two of the people around her. With slightly pouted lips, she turned away for a moment, wishing she would have worn heels.
Nah.. Those and the wilderness wouldn't have gotten along well. Just deal with it, she sighed, putting a smile back on her face. Besides, her size only added to her adorable demeanor. Her extensive white hair fell over her slender physique in an alluring manner, and her entire aura seemed to scream 'moe'.

She didn't notice a thing, of course, as she simply looked upon everyone around her. She began to grow hopeful, thinking that perhaps she could make some friends on this trip. Should anyone need some sweet snacks, she was definitely the one to go to. Feeling a sweet tooth aching, she decided to pop a caramel candy in her mouth, knocking her 10 of them down to 9. She loved the chewy-ness of them, and she even had some jolly ranchers to counter it. Hard candy, chewy candy, and real food~ She made sure to pack it all so she wouldn't go hungry.
"How long are we going to be on this trip, anyways?" She questioned as she pressed her index finger to her bottom lip. "I never caught the details."



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| Animal Center |

| Totes feels with the rat gal |

She should have been surprised at the fact that she was able to hear her. Hotaru was pulled into a hug by Nikky. Soon after the girl began to cry on her shoulder. Hotaru's blurry vision became worse as tears fell down. She broke down, crying along with Nikky. Tears overflowing her sight, she hugged Nikky tighter.

Hotaru let Nikky go and rubbed Nikky's tear stained face. She was hiccuping, why was she crying so much? Hotaru covered her bright pink face with her hands. She began to laugh silently to herself. At times it would slip and she would squeak like a mouse. Uncovering her face she spoke with a light and whimsical voice, "Am I still your partner?" She tilted her head and gave her a small smile.

| Animal Center |

| Oldie fights |

Without even looking at Nikky and Hotaru, Kenta spoke to them, "Says the one with that needs to still to be put down." If he was paying attention to the girls he would have noticed that Hotaru spoke and was crying. Yet the man was too busy trying to one up a lady.

| Back of the school |

| Do the public want more hugs? |

Hotaru rubbed her cheek and saw Nikky. She grinned and stood up giving her a hug, she greeted Hotaru. The girl quickly picked up her slate and wrote a hello to her, "Hey!" More people began to fill into the area. Hotaru couldn't resist but give out more hugs.

She hugged Hoshino, Hotaru remembered meeting her, "Hi Hoshino!" After giving another round of hugs, Hotaru was exhausted and decided to sit upon the pavement.

//crap, but gahhh





| Friday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| Behind ASH |

| School Grounds |

Clark's sudden snap was hardly a surprise. He hated being called the twin of another, which could have been frustrating in it's own right. Before Dominic had a chance to think of a different topic, Damian and Hoshino had arrived. Damian with his silent entrance and Hoshino with her habit of letting everyone know her name first and foremost. Almost instantly, the topic of the group project surfaced.

"If it's actually as rare as I'm thinking, we may as well be taking turns using it." And of course, that was unacceptable. Too many days had gone by with zero progress. The camping trip was their last window of opportunity to do some good about this project. Taking time to share a flower wouldn't exactly be the most effective means of getting things done. "But I suppose so, if we can find three or four of them."

It came to his attention that they were indeed, still waiting. This left Dominic to drop his large traveling bag on the ground and crouch. His legs were already beginning to protest standing in one area. For now, his mind decided to move onward, onto things like the fact more hosts were showing up with Hoshino, Farra, and Nikky being a few. Who knew how many others were hosts.

"How long are we going to be on this trip, anyways? I never caught the details."

"Until Monday, though I heard we may have that day off to rest."

The conversation resumed its lighthearted tone.

Thank goodness…” Akira thought, sighing. Clark’s questions came at her rather rapidly. It was obvious he was rather happy about the camping trip, ecstatic even. He then began talking about something called a “Banana Boat.” And as expected, Akira had no idea what it was, though she guessed it had something to do with a Banana since it’s the only thing that came to mind involving the term and that took on the shape of any particular boat she’d ever seen. And since the way he phrased it suggested that it involved marshmallows, Akira could only imagine that it wasn’t all that tasty considering bananas weren’t exactly her favored food of the fruit family.

"We can discuss The lost files when we get back, hopefully there isn't a need to talk about it on the trip." He continued. Akira looked at him and nodded. She’d just created the name, in fact not even seconds earlier, and already every time it was mentioned, her thoughts turned to Dominic and the blonde girl Alice. Looking over to them, she realized now that their group had grown quite the size. That in fact, a great number of students from their very class were now surrounding Dominic and that boy who looked incredibly similar to him. The girl who kept giving out hugs was near him, as well as, and speak of the devil, Alice, Dominic’s look-a-like, the black haired emotionless boy whom she’d seen near him before, but never exactly saw his face nor his frame as she only recognized his hair which looked almost the exact same way as when she last saw it, a green haired girl, the one who touched her nose at the school tour, and last but not least, the angel named Hoshino whom she’d formally met upon being waited on at Café Maria! Akira’s eyes widened at the scene.

N-no way…” She thought. “They’re all affiliated with him! Do they all know of what happened that day? No… I mustn’t jump to conclusions, for I only saw him, the brown haired boy and Alice at that scene. As far as I’m concerned, the rest are likely only his friends. Chances are they’re like me, and have no idea whatsoever about what may or may not be going on with this boy named Dominic.” She looked one last time, so as to solidify the image of them all within the back of her mind. She then turned and looked to Sam, Mr. Mutton, and the buses; waiting for the moment the buses’ doors was to open, that she may board and begin the journey to the campsite. She looked to Sam and smiled. “We’re going to have fun, Sam.” She spoke in an assuring tone, then turning to the buses and taking a sip from her water bottle. It wasn’t like her to proclaim such a thing; however, she understood that to get anything done with someone else, there had to be a motive for it. If fun on a camping trip was what it took to make sure that Sam would stay by her side and safe, that’s what it would have to be. She couldn’t risk losing him to anything at this point, and, if it were in her power, she wasn’t going to.
"Am I still your partner?"

Nikky chuckled to herself at the girl's question and responded by slinging an arm around her friend and guiding her to the parking lot to wards the bickering couple,
"Are you kidding? You were always my partner." They laughed and patched up and after that, they parted. Each girl leaving looking viewably better than how they had first arrived.

The. friggin'. End.

|ASH| Back of school|

|With: -deepbreath- Hotaru, Dominic, Damien, Alice, Clark, Hoshinooooo- and we're good!|

If you follow the magical line of students soon, you'd strike gold, in this case; Nakamura. She flashed the girl a bright smile then looked around, she had already skipped class once BUT it was a friday so she would probably be alright. Nikky scanned her surroundings to see fellow students already with bags in preparation for the journey. A sort of devious grin grew on her face imagining how the city boys and girls would suffer in the wilderness for a whole weekend. After this morning she wasn't really prepared, and she doubted her aunt would be up for another trip to hand her a sleeping bag. Nikky took note of the growing little crowd and placed her hands behind her head allowing her expression to relax as if she hadn't a care in world. She made a small wave to the group surrounding Hotaru just to make her presence known. Clark, she remember that guy, Capt. sarcastic, he was a real hoot 'specially after getting shot at. With Dominic, Alice, Damian and bubblegum girl, Toshiba? Was it? She couldn't remember for the life of her that girl's name considerin' she had just met her.


school crap

ukelele (for some reason)

Book: Property of sound waves

yo mama
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ASH, Behind the School

Talking to Akira

Sam smiles as Akira reminds him what camping is all about: Having fun. He grins and nods. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." He laughs. "If anything I should be worried about you, you don't look that prepared if I had to be honest with you." He shrugs. "To be fair my bags small but I know how to pack, you sure you'll have everything you need?" He pauses to think. "I wonder if they'll make us hike, it'd be unfortunate, especially since some people have duffel bags or something bulky like that." He smiles. "I'll give you a hand if you need it, just ask." In all honesty Sam feels like he's been more of a burden to Akira then actually been useful in the investigation, she seems to be the one who actually figures things out, he's just along for the ride. Even if she doesn't feel this way Sam does feel a bit useless to the investigation, mostly because it takes him a few more minute to get on the same page as her for most new events. So he vows in his head to be a little more useful with ideas and such, especially for figuring out the explanation. His gaze then falls on the buses, especially the one with a bad wheel. "Gee, these things really are beat huh? I wonder when the school district will upgrade, if at all." He laughs. "They're probably busy paying for cups in the cafe." He jokes, hoping to lighten the mood.


- - -



| Friday |

| September 26, 2014 |

As if the higher powers above had sensed the pleas of the students, the doors to the row of buses swung open, allowing each major class group to board their specific bus. The teachers were first, seeing as how they were considered the leader of each group. The mass of students quickly sunk into each of the vehicles, leaving the patch of field they were just standing at, barren. Dominic chose a seat on the left side of the bus, beside the window. Call him a child at heart, but he still adored watching the world past by and let his mind wonder during the duration of their move.

The aura in the bus quickly changed when the chatter of the students died down some. Looking towards the front of the bus, Dominic would have spotted Len conversing with Mutton. The boy had a traveling bag of his own, and apparently, was reassuring the teacher.
Isn't that the boy who took Red out that one day..? It was so long ago, or at least it felt that way. It was the day when Dominic was thrown over the edge after seeing Nikky get clocked in the face by Red. That was also when Adonna, a face he rarely saw, came to save him from being totally destroyed in front of the entire gym class.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

Len had begun addressing everyone in the bus from where he was.

"Mutton feels it is best if I assist him in our venture into the hills. Since there is so many of you, he feels as if his age won't aid him in watching over you all." By now, Mutton looked visibly panicked, prodding Len in the arm as a signal not to mention that part. Len only chuckled in response before continuing. "Anyway, I just wanted you all to know. That is all."

Len disappeared behind the heads of other waiting students now. Interesting. Dominic thought. It was then that he turned to look out of the window like what he planned to do for the entire ride. However, the buses had still not moved just yet, as they were still letting people on.
Farra sighed. A great offer, but seriously? She ain't gonna mess with him and Dominic. This camping trip would be good for them; all couples need a little time alone. Instead, she decided to hit up her favorite Satanist: Hotaru Nakamura. She was easy to spot, considering that her hair was a bright pink. Farra made her way through the crowd over to her. Ironically, she was among Dominic, Damian, and Nikky, plus the waitress at the cafe from the night previous. Before continuing on to Hotaru, she stopped at Damian. "Sorry, Damian, but I'll have to pass up your offer. Besides, I wouldn't want to intrude on you and Dom." And with that, she continued forward. "Hotaru! Do you have a group...? Because I don't and would you mind if I joined your group?" She spit those words out quickly and waited for her response.
Physical Health: 20/20

Low = Feeling ill and sickly.

High = Feeling nice and healthy.


Emotional Health: 17/20

Low = Feeling sad and depressed.

High = Feeling happy and chipper.


Mental Health: 18/20

Low = She's going insane.

High = Feeling sharp and witty.


Energy & Strength: 19/20

Low = Feeling weak and tired.

High = Feeling strong and resilient.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf71c0220_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.9e63e70f96762033ef49d824207890e3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20543" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf71c0220_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.9e63e70f96762033ef49d824207890e3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{Behind Armstrong High ---> Boarding The Bus}~

~{With Those Around Her}~

Hoshino was surprised to have received a hug from a girl - Hotaru, was it? - out of nowhere. It was refreshing, though it brought her back to some other sudden affection she received the day before. Cecilia.. I can never tell what that girl is thinking half the time, she thought, pursing her lips together as she held back from blushing. She was so close to having kissed her on the lips, for she pecked her right on the corner of them - what would have Hoshino of done? That would have been her first kiss, after all. With a small shake of her head, she pushed the thoughts aside and hugged Hotaru back, thanking her for the embrace. "Hello, Hotaru," she spoke in response to her written message.

It was then that the group project was brought back to her attention.
"Three or four, huh? I'll be out on the hunt, then!" Hoshino stated, an innocent form o determination and curiosity visible in her crimson irises. She then listened as Dominic stated that the trip would be over the entire weekend. It was a good thing she spoke to those at Café Maria about it beforehand, for she would have most likely been fired if she was absent for that long without notice. With a nod, she concluded the conversation,watching the buses as she awaited the doors to finally open for everyone. Soon enough, they did such, and everyone began getting on board. Hoshino took a seat across from Dominic on the right side.

She also enjoyed watching the scenery as it passed on by, hence why she blessed herself with a window seat. Hoshino honestly didn't mind who sat beside her, if anyone actually bothered to. In the meantime, she adjusted the placement of her new Gom backpack. She took him off and held him like a normal teddy bear along with Coco in her arms. Her roller bag was placed on the floor beside her feet, and with a content sigh, she leaned back into the seat and allowed herself to get comfortable. She watched and listened as someone unfamiliar to her was apparently going to be assisting the aging Mr. Mutton. With a friendly smile and a nod, she acknowledged him and his statement.

With that in mind, she returned to her own little world.
I should have brought some of my art materials for some entertainment.. She thought to herself with a sigh. Instead, she used her blood red eyes for her source of delight, memorizing all the patterns of the threads she could see around her. Leather, metal, materials like cotton and polyester, and more were understood and recognized by her eyes. She was almost tempted to start playing around with them right then and there, but Hoshino was no fool. She knew it'd be better to do such when she was alone. Only God knows what people would think if they saw some girl playing with threads they couldn't see. She'd be sent to a loony bin.

So, she simply sat there, cuddling with Gom and Coco cutely as her snow white hair cascaded over her shoulders elegantly. She would have appeared doll-like as she just sat there silently, gazing at the world before her with a sense of wonder.

Those around her had no idea.

I should probably find a camping group soon... Oh well. I'll wait and see what happens first.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.a014c3163a1e0c4533510d08a84e28f8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.a014c3163a1e0c4533510d08a84e28f8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<3<3<3 Thank you Ai for the lovely icon~

-Adventure Continued!/w spirits & peeps-

Partially because there was nothing better to do, mostly because she was already there, she leaned back against the wall and watched her classmates pile one by one into buses. Arms crossed and dark eyes skimming faces, she wondered offhandedly where the fieldtrip was taking them. Well, at least now she wouldn't be surprised when she walked into class and found half the students were missing. Her eyes briefly paused on Mr. Mutton's visage. Looks like they'd be having a substitute for first period.

The hum of the bus could be felt through the wall. Like the bass during a concert, it resonated through her body, threatening to lull her to sleep. Perhaps Adonna would have been more irritated in her groggy state, but it hadn't turned out to be half-a-bad a morning. She'd gotten to see more of the school than her usual route, got to find out that Ulysses wasn't as up to par with technology,
I wonder when he last came to our world before this, and got to see her classmates, like tiny butterflies, get sucked into the giant catcher's net called a bus. Maybe she wouldn't ditch class after all.



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      **It's pink, I swear

| Heading into the buses |

| Derp moments with Farra to even more derpiness |

The girl sitting upon the pavement had to look up to see who was calling out her name, it was Farra. She didn't have to look at her to realize that Farra was speaking with her, Hotaru managed to memorize who was speaking and who wasn't. Once her eyes landed on Farra, she quickly stood up and gave her a side hug with a smile. She quickly wrote an apology on the slate, "Sorry for being a sour puss, yesterday. Thank you for helping me out." She then proceeded to answer her question with a question, "Groups? What?" She clearly hasn't been paying attention. Hotaru looked back the bright yellow buses, simultaneously they opened their doors for students to start filling in. Keeping the beat, the students followed suit and began to fill into the buses. Hotaru looked back at Farra, "Groups for the science project...?" She looked behind her, students were anxious to get in. Hotaru was being pushed with the flow of the students. The girl had to confine herself into a small imaginary box to keep from bumping into people.

Feeling like a mime and uncomfortable with the growing crowd, she picked up her luggage and was pushed forward. Stumbling forward the girl had to catch herself from falling to the ground. Blinking a bit, she took a step or two back and looked around. In the sea of students it was hard to find the person who had pushed her. A blend of colors around her, her heart was beating loudly in her head. Rubbing her temple Hotaru looked around the crowd only to figure out that her friends were hidden within the overflowing mass of people. She felt a bit sick, Hotaru held her items close as she headed for the entrance of the school bus. Ever since the doors have opened waves of students headed into the vehicle. Hotaru boarded onto the bus with the second wave. The narrow doors only allowed a student at a time in, Hotaru was relieved when she was given her space back.

She walked down the isle looking for seats. It didn't occur to the pink haired girl that there were many buses lined up parallel to the sidewalk. The girl could have just taken a different bus and she would never know. Hotaru stopped in the middle of taking a step. She was about to panic and didn't know what to do. A white haired girl took her seat with her stuffed animals, Hotaru resisted the urge to pull out her stuffed animals as well. The girl caused Hotaru to look around. It was only until she saw Dominic and Hoshino boarded on the same bus as she was, did the girl take another step. She unclogged the traffic jam of students by taking a seat across from Dominic. She had to stare at him before realizing that she hadn't said thanks for saving her.

He was looking out the window, clearly enjoying the view. Hotaru had her bag set upon her lap, unzipping it she pulled out a teddy bear (One of the most least dangerous and softest thing in her bag). It was the one that was worn out the most and needed some repairs. She intended on fixing up it's buttons and maybe find a replacement eye. She placed the bear back in her bag and pulled out another one, it was the one that she made. On her slate she quickly jot down a note. Dominic had saved her from being a casualty by catching her before she fell to the ground. Even though she knew she was falling at the time and was going to save herself before she hit the ground, Dominic had quickly came to her rescue.

The girl waited for the man up front to stop speaking before throwing the bear across at the distracted Dominic. Quickly using the slate to hide her face, she waited for couple of seconds for the boy to read the message before peaking her head out to see his reaction. The slate reflected the evening sun off and onto the walls of the bus, "Thank you for saving the princess!" The way she wrote it resembled the font one would see after playing an eight bit Mario game. Of course she didn't considered herself as a princess but being stuck up in that tower had her head messed up a bit. She blinked a bit before realizing that a tap on the shoulder would have caught his attention, "I'm so sorry!" She had quickly wrote the words under the message. Shrinking a bit in her seat, her blunder made her completely forget about the teddy bear in general.


- - -



| Friday |

| September 26, 2014 |

With his chin perched upon his propped hand, Dominic eyed the playing fields outside. The sonic-booming noise of inside jokes, laughter, and gossip had completely been zoned out in his mind. There was a point of peace in his realm. That was until the unexplainable urge to look to his right caused a teddy bear to land flat on his face. Instinctively, Dominic had thrown his own hands up in defense, but it was also obvious he was too late.

"What is this?"

Dominic's voice was muffled until he freed his face from the clutches of the bear. Glancing over at the direction it came from, he spotted a board of light nearly blinding him. The air moving past his teeth gave off a hissing noise as he covered his own eyes at that moment. It was almost like being a vampire, without the badass, immortal feeling. When the sun finished being rude, Dominic read out the words on her slate. Saving her..?

It took a second, but with the help of 'princess' and the classic Super Mario font, it wasn't hard to piece together that she referred to the incident in Limbo. They were fighting at a castle, and they DID in fact, rescue her from a tower. Thinking about it in that fashion made him chuckle. A game.

Dominic would have given back the bear, had Ben not sat in the empty seat beside him.
"Hey partner!" Before Dominic could even say anything back, Ben was already staring at the bear in his hand with a raised brow. The two exchanged looks for a moment. "I know you dislike insects, but it won't be THAT terrifying." Ben held his hand over his mouth and laughed, causing Dominic to simply sigh. "Hello to you as well." He stuffed the bear inside of his traveling bag to give back to Hotaru later. He felt as if someone would snatch it from him if he tried now.

The bus shook with the start of it's engine. One by one, starting from the front of the pack, the buses began to pull away and head around the school.


Above the unsuspecting teenagers were figures upon the roof of Mutton's bus. (The same bus our cast is on.) Tyrik laid back, legs crossed and glanced up at the sky, while Kenshi simply curled up near the edge. "Armor boy is nearby." Tyrik stated, keeping her view to the clouds. "That is his presence, yes, but he's nowhere on these vehicles." "'Suppose nature and steel don't mix." That reminded the wolf...

"Says the one who runs about with a weapon four times her own body. I expected Marabel to be here." "It doesn't feel right for all these people to stand around in the woods all day. I mean, what would they do?" "Dominic stated it was like a test of survival skills." "Right, because when you're stranded out in the middle of nowhere, you'll always have a bag full of sweets to help you." Kenshi simply shook his head and continued to glance about.
Eventually, the bus doors began to swing open, and Akira, completely forgetting about Sam’s earlier questions involving preparation, boarded the bus, taking a seat far to the back and near the rightmost window.

♦♥♣♠Bus (Stationary)♠♣♥♦

Most all the seats were taken since she was the last to board; or at least among them. When she sat, she looked around until a boy began to speak up front, speaking apparently upon Mr. Mutton’s behalf.

And so we have a second chaperone.” She thought, holding her bag on her lap and leaning her head against the window, readying to watch the world pass her by as she would drift into a nap before the bus was to reach its destination.

|Wheels on the bus|

|Time to fight the Barroth, once more|

Damian sat a seat in front of Dominic and the others, reclining on the window. Since he was the only one in his seat he was able to sit on his side and occupy the entire space for himself. While out of view from any bus moderators he sneakily pulled out his 3DS and booted up Monster Hunter to pass time during the bus ride. God knows he wasn't going to be kept in conversation the whole time...

|Hidden within seat #1|

|Asserting Authority|

A man cooly relaxing in the first seat of the bus, a vintage golf hat covering over his face. From underneath the visor he silently watched students pass. Counting the bodies. Hidden underneath an old, dark gray trenchcoat the man kept a watchful eye on the passengers. Being the warden of this ride. As everyone was seated and the engine reved up he slowly stood up, his tall 6'2ft body standing out in the middle of the isle. He removed his visor and revealed a hazel eyed, dark wavy haired young adult. Possibly in his early 30's. His wavy hair slightly concealed his left eye, only showing half. He placed his golf hat to the edge of the seat and stuffed his hands in his coat pockets. "Alright!" The man shouted. "My name's Angelo. I'll be your bus moderator today... I have but one rule. Mind yourself. If not, I'll have to put you in a sleeper hold and knock you out until the ride is over! ...Just kidding! But seriously. Act your age. Or you'll be dealt with swiftly. I'm a personal friend of Boone's. I'm mainly here just to help him keep an eye on things while he's out of town. Now, enjoy the ride relax. You'll need all your energy for the trip ahead." Angelo nodded once before donning his golf hat and slipping back into his seat, disappearing from sight completely.
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The bus

Sitting next to Akira.

Sam follows Akira onto the bus, and as there aren't many spots on it, takes the seat beside her. He quickly realizes that a second chaperon is both good and bad, good because it means more supervision but he's slow to trust this stranger, there's something that puts him off to Sam, something that makes it so he can't quite trust him. He shakes his head and turns to Akira to repeat his earlier questions, but sees her start to fade. He simply smiles and looks out over the seat, lying back. Maybe he'll take the cue from her and get some rest, he might need it if things go bad.

(Crap post, just nobody to talk to D:)


-On the bus-

-Interacting with No One-

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x1)
      • Sleeping bag (x1)
      • Blanket (x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Kumajirou (Can't leave without him~) (x1)

Got on the bus and slept.

-I may edit this if I feel like it. Right now things are hexed so I'll be having hard times to post
:/ -

Nikky boarded the bus, sat down, and soon started tapping her foot on the floor. She tried her best not to disturb the person sitting beside her when she would get carried away. She was excited though, and it was apparent on her face, the smirk she had couldn't get any bigger. She looked over at her seat buddy to see Vivian, The familiar brunette had her eyes straight ahead with earbuds in her ears. She wore an outfit as if prepared for war, a black jacket and beige tank top with camo shorts. The girl crossed her legs and sighed, chewing monotoniously at her gum. Nikky reached out giving the girl a nudge hello.

The distant look in the girl's eyes returned back to the present as she looked over at Nikky pulling out of her musical trance.

"Oh, Nikky." Vivian eyed the girl, a bit absent of her friendly gaze from before.

"Hey, Vivian. What're you dong here?"

The girl scoffed as if it answer was so obvious,
"I'm here to get in touch with my spiritual side. Duh." The girl sighed and rolled her eyes, it seemed to Nikky the more annoyed she seemed to get the louder she chomped on her gum, "Because getting to know nature is 'good for the soul'." Nikky tilted her head, it was true. But Nikky had a feeling that was the last thing Vivian wanted to hear.

"Well Veevee,-" Vivian snapped her head around with a glare that could kill, Nikky blinked a bit, stunned by her reaction taking a moment to clear her throat and speaking up again, "I mean, uh, Vivian. Nature's great! You'll love it, I'm certain of it."

The girl just gave a grunt in response before sinking back into her quiet trance.

"It'll be fine Vivian, you'll love the exprience."

"uh huh..."

Nikky smiled then reached into her totebag pulling out her ukelele, plucking at the strings absentmindedly, to keep from tapping her foot to sleep.

"Oh-" Vivian's eyes lit up as she saw the bright pink toy.

Nikky opened her mouth and began singing,
"The!~ wheels on the bus go 'round 'n 'round~"

"Nikky, please-"

"Whaaat?" A cheeky grin formed on the girl's face.

"My name's Angelo. I'll be your bus moderator today...-"

The girl's attention then turned towards a body, a rather tall one, standing in the middle of the aisle. He was like a tower, a kind of intimidating one at that. To be taking care of all of these students was a hard task to accomplish, she chuckled softly. Though after his initial greeting's the girl sort of just tuned out.

Be-because she was tuning her...





School crap


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-Adonna's Magical 'Realization'!/ w peeps n stuffs-

As Adonna watched each individual fill up the bus, she realized she recognized a lot of them. Oh look, there were her allies from the battle that seemed to have happened ages ago. Oh hey, and those there were her other classmates. Yeah... in fact... it seemed that every single classmate from first period was getting on or already on the bus. Odd. Usually with field trips there was one or two, usually several, students that stayed back for various reasons... unless...

What kind of morning is this! she cursed nothing in particular and everything at the same time as she launched off the wall and sprinted towards the leaving buses. It wasn't a field trip, it was a mandatory class session that was being held away from class! And she'd just barely decided she wasn't going to ditch class. Well, it was all out of her hands now, fast as she was, no way she could catch up to a bus-

that was slowing down. Adonna began to slow her own pace, but not fast enough-
thud! Of course... she grumbled, rubbing her nose as the doors hissed and flung open right after she'd smacked into it. It seemed the bus driver had noticed the frantic student and had stopped for her. "Thanks..." she huffed gratefully, winded. She took the first available seat and flung her backpack to her feet, then rested her head on her knees, catching her breath.



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On the bus

Interacting with Mike

Clark picked up his bag and made his way onto the bus, along with the many other students. Once Clark got on he looked around to find any empty seats. Unluckily for him the only seat left was at the very front with a kid he'd never met. It wouldn't have been so bad for him if that person wasn't hugging there stomach and going green in the face before the bus was even moving yet. Clark sighed and made his way towards the seat. He was somewhat happy that he at least got a window seat. The teen smiled at Clark once he sat down. Glad that someone had sat next to him, even if it wasn't by a choice. "Thanks for sitting next to me. Just so you know I get travel sick. I'm Mike." He said with an uncomfortable smile. He was obviously nervous about the long bus journey they'd be making. "I'm Clark. As long as you don't vomit on me it's fine" Clark replied as he stared out the window. Mike gave a half hearted laugh and seemed to relax a little at the comment before the buses began to move one by one.

'The Beautiful Alabama Flora' Book

Toothbrush & Toothpaste

Bottle of water x2

snacks x3

extra set of clothes x3


< - -



| Friday |

| September 26, 2014 |

With the addition of one late class-dweller, the convoy was off. Bus after bus had rolled through town, passing places such as Soul Food, the library, Cafe Maria and the like. It took merely minutes before they were already leaving the small town which most of them were still getting used to. At this point in the highway, they could see even the large lake that remained beside the town. It was Dominic's view as they departed from Brookfield.

Everyone must be nervous. Dominic thought, glancing back into his bus towards the still loud teenagers. Most, if not all of the murders happened in the woods. I guess they don't watch the news. Just like that, he was back to staring outside the window like a quiet soul.


The ride took much longer than expected, but luckily the sun still remained over the horizon. They had been driving past endless trees for nearly 30 minutes now - ever since they left the main highway. Dominic wondered if they would ever reach their destination. By now, the bus would have quieted down, as the students energy left them before they could even step foot outside the vehicles.

Eventually, the convoy came to a stop at the end of the road they were on. A log cabin remained at the side of the road. It's structure looked as if it belonged at a ski resort more than anything. That was when the buses began to unload their 'cargo'. Students were straightening themselves up and leaving with bags on their backs. Dominic did the same, slinging his travel bag over his shoulder and eventually emerging from the bus to stand outside with the countless dozen others.

Each bus had it's own blob of students. Each group came from a major classroom, so they stuck together as instructed by their teacher.
"Well, this is it. We'll be splitting up from the other classrooms to form our own camp." While Mutton explained the plan, Len doubled checked that their bus was empty - which it was by now. A few words exchanged between Mutton and Len before the teacher himself went off to 'check in' the students. Of course, they couldn't stay in total wilderness. Who would save them from the more.. predatory wildlife?

No more than a few minutes later, and the groups were off, dispatching into the wilderness while the drivers turned around and headed back towards Brookfield. Thank god the sun
still hung over the horizon. It would have been impossible, not to mention creepy, to navigate the ever deepening forest without a light source. For now, everyone traveled in their large group, not moving more than 20 feet away from each other. They would have easily lost sight of where they came from by now. The tall towering trees became repetitive by now. The atmosphere certainly did change, didn't it? Dominic wondered on the topic of his classroom group. It would be rare if any of them even spoke a word. Everyone's head was on a swivel now.

| Some time later ... |

Eventually, Mutton would have found a good place for them to set up camp. While the other groups were out, god knows where, they had picked a nice clearing in the forest to set up. An open field surrounded by trees allowed them to set up their tents. However, just as every tent had been set up, Mutton called everyone to the 'center' of the camp. "Two things, class. One, we need a group to go gather firewood. Don't worry about the fire part - we can handle that. Two, this camp will be split into two. One side for the males, another for the females. Under no circumstances should one cross over to the other side, unless it's to speak to me, Angelo, or Len here."

The group conversed amongst each other to debate who would go get wood at this time of day. Dominic had made the mistake of eye contact with Mutton. "Ferrari, how about you go? A tall kid like you wouldn't get lost so easily." Damn it. "U-uh, right-.. sure!" "Excellent. Anyone want to make sure he doesn't get himself killed?" There goes your confidence-giving words.. "I'll accompany Mr.Ferrari." Len had spoken up to Mutton, only to receive a nod of approval. "Wouldn't want him to carry everything by himself."
Eventually, the bus began to move, and eventually, the campgrounds were reached.

♦♥♣♠The Camping Grounds♠♣♥♦

Mr. Mutton began his instruction and shortly after, Dominic was sent to get firewood, much to his apparent distaste Oddly, there was another who accompanied him, the same one who made his appearance known on the bus. Akira looked at him strangely. For someone who claimed to have accompanied everyone on the trip for the sake of making it easier for Mr. Mutton, he definitely seemed a bit more than eager to interact with the students, though that likely came with the territory or acting as a protector. In the meantime, Akira looked about the surrounding area, and even at the golden sky which seemed to render the rest of the woods into a state of pure blackness. With nothing left to do, Akira began walking toward the nearest tree on the girl’s side of the camp and reached into her bag, grabbing her change of clothes. Looking around once more, to keep sure that no one was watching, she stood behind the tree, parallel to the group and began to… “disrobe” herself until she was in nothing but her undergarments. Quickly, she changed into her camping attire. A white T-Shirt with a pair of white shorts, some sandals and a long, white tablecloth wrapped around her for recreational reasons is what she stepped out in, keeping her hair in the ponytail that it was in. She began quickly placing her old clothes back in the school bag and then checked in the camping bag for her other materials, making sure they were still the same. Once confirmed, she stood and sighed, looking over at everyone else.

I really should’ve thought to bring a tent of some kind…” She thought, a rather disappointed expression making its way to her face.


· Camping Bag

o Kitchen Knife

o Scho0l Bag

§ Change of camping clothes

§ Magnifying Glass

§ Matches

§ Snacks

§ Bottle of Water

The Camp

Talking to Dom/Mutton/Len

Sam stretches as the bus finally gets to their destination and they arrive at the camp, when he drops his gear however, Mutton starts talking about firewood, as well as the camp rules. He sees Dominic getting paired with the guy who creeps Sam out. Frowning, he makes up his mind. Stepping up to Dominic and the teachers, he speaks up. "Excuse me? Mr. Mutton? Can I help out too? It's more or less a good idea to gather as much firewood as we can right, and many hands make light work...or at least get more wood." Sam smiles. "Can I go with Dom?" While Sam doesn't really know Dom that well, he just feels like something...is off. There's something about Len that Sam doesn't like, he just can't put his finger on it. A determined look on his face, he awaits Mutton's reply.


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