- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Dorm Room

By himself - Reading a book

After making himself dinner Clark pulled the book out of his bag and opened it to the marked page. The rose had a couple pages dedicated going on about it's wonderful healing properties, it's rarity and very precise needs to grow as well as the beauty and soft texture of the rose. Clark hated to admit it but the rose was somewhat interesting to him. It wasn't your usual flower. Clark finished reading it after getting into bed and decided to take it with him on the camping trip. He hoped that if he brought this information with him it'd mean less work for him. Clark could only hope so before going to sleep.

Dorm Room

By himself - Getting ready for the camping trip

Clark had set his alarm earlier than usual so he could prepare properly for the camping trip. He wet through his usual morning routine before he began preparing. He began by emptying out his school bag then filled it up once again by putting in various items such as the book he'd been reading, a toothbrush and toothpaste, a bottle of water, some snacks and an extra set of clothes until he ran out of room. Clark equipped his bag and began to make his way to school.

Behind Armstrong High

By himself

After being directed to the back of the school Clark stood next to the bus he was meant to be on. Waiting for any of his group members to arrive, or at least someone he recognized as the rest of the students around him chatted to one another.



| Morning |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| Behind ASH |

| School Grounds |

Eventually, the familiar mop of a head showed itself. Dominic had somehow missed Damian at the front of the school, and arrived at the back, where most, if not nearly all, of the students had gathered. Dominic had a large traveling bag strapped to him, none of which he actually thought he needed. Normally he would be set with at least two sets of clothes and food. The rest he could tough out just fine. After exchanging waves with Mutton, he caught sight of his twin who seemed to be the odd one out. Feeling curious, Dominic approached him and smiled. "I didn't know my twin would be on the trip. What was your name again?" Dominic would have felt guilty if he left the boy there to his own thoughts. He had the power to brighten someone's day, why not do it?


♦♥♣♠The Back Of Armstrong High♠♣♥♦

Akira’s stroll to the school was met with a rather strange response. By the time she’d reached the premises, the students were already in their designated groups; similar cliques to whom Akira usually paid no mind but acknowledged their existence so as to know just who to accommodate herself with and who not to. With regularity did she take heed to the ever changing flow of people within the school grounds, but today it just became more obvious what people in her class made names for themselves. There were people that looked prepared to their utmost. And there were others who appeared not so ready. Akira believed herself to fit somewhere in the underprepared region of it all, walking toward the students’ locations. Eventually, she took notice to the actual arrangements of them, noticing that they were divided in their largest numbers by their homeroom groups! Shortly, she walked over to where Mr. Mutton was and stood a short distance from him, hoping that she was in the proper placement, taking out the water bottle and then taking a small sip before slipping it back into the bag and looking about.

I hope I don’t look too strange with having my school clothes on. I plan on changing upon arrival, but I’d just feel weird coming here without something to wear in the building…” She thought, twirling a few hairs from her ponytail in her free hand’s index finger.
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Emilia's Friday started with annoyance and disappointment. Here's why-

The old woman sat back in her recliner with a laptop in her lap. She wasn't tech savvy but she could atleast type and read emails. Her eyes fell on a email left by her dearest great niece. It read-

Heyo Aunteroni.

So you see, Yazhi got loose and we have to go to the pound and pick her up.. lol. So yeah, I need a ride.

It was probably the
'lol' that pissed her off the most.

Emilia let out a sigh of annoyance as her grip tightened around the steering wheel. Just remembering that message her great niece left her brought a sour look on the old woman's face, she had told that thick headed girl if Yazhi proved to be too much for her she would be more than happy to take the ferret off her hands. But no,
I can handle it she said, I got this she had told her. If she wasn't driving she'd take her hands off the wheel just to facepalm herself just like she did when she first read the letter.

The girl was lucky the little one wasn't squashed under someone's foot. It was clear to Emilia now that maybe Nikky wasn't ready for a pet. She waited, a bit impatiently, for her to get up and accompany her to the pound to pick up Yazhi.

Meanwhile, Nikky sniffed her old clothes throwing them to the side, and sighed. Her uniform was a mess and the clean clothes supply was running even lower, she needed to do laundry before she was left with just her emergency shorts and tank top. She picked out a grey t-shirt, some red jeans and black sneaks. The girl looked into the mirror and teased up her hair which was already starting to grow into an afro. Walking outside the dormitories, Nikky stopped to see a familiar black car waiting on her. She lifted her hand giving a feeble wave and smile to the driver before approaching and seating herself inside the car. Her aunt eyed her apparel as Nikky buckled herself in.

"Laundry overdue, hm?"

Bullseye, Emilia watched as her niece cringed a bit then looked towards her with a plastered smile.


The rest of the ride was quiet which wasn't uncommon between the two. Still, Nikky shifted in her seat uncomfortably. When they arrived, the girl was the first to hop out.

|Brookfield Pound|

Love, Tapatalk

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6f473c1_FarraIcon...jpg.cc0dc4318674be9af93698931b702e83.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20428" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6f473c1_FarraIcon...jpg.cc0dc4318674be9af93698931b702e83.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

//icon courtesy of Kiosk//

|At School|

|Probably pissing Damian off a lot|

"Good morning, Farra. Umm... You want me for something?" Farra sighed internally. Why the fuck did she have the urge to

bring him this cake? He was obviously uncomfortable around her. He probably thought she was gonna murder him or something like that. She held up the cheesecake silently. Her green eyes sparkled as she kept nodding at the cake. Sighing, Farra pushed the sealed container into her stomach.
"For last night," she said flatly."You know, to make up for the cake that I kinda stole." She waited for him to take hold of it before she left; if she just let go, it would tumble to the ground.



  • Farra Icon...jpg
    Farra Icon...jpg
    56.6 KB · Views: 30

Behind Armstrong High

Talking to Dominic

Clark had been lost in his own thoughts and oblivious to what was going on around him. That was until Dominic approached him. When Dominic began talking Clark's head quickly turned to look at him. Clark had been caught off guard by Dominic and, for a brief few seconds, seemed quite startled until he sighed and tried to play it off like nothing happened. As Dominic continued to talk Clark flinched at the sound of twin. Being called Dominic's twin by Alice all the time always annoyed Clark, he never saw the resemblance but now that he was being called that by the man himself only annoyed Clark more. However, he kept a calm and collected look on his face like he always did (almost always). "It's Clark, Dominic. And yes I'm going on this trip, begrudgingly. It was either this or get an F on the group project..." Clark replied with a monotone voice. Making his attitude towards the camping trip clear.

Back of the School

Talking to Akira

Sam approaches the back of the school with a grin on his face, the only thing making him seem like him being that hat on his head, same as ever. He's surprisingly awake for Him, and some people wouldn't even notice him because of his chipper attitude. However he's still Sam, and it takes him more then a few minutes of wandering before he finally realizes that every is divided into homerooms! With a sheepish laugh he heads to Mutton's group and looks around for a friendly face. It takes him another few minutes before he sees Akira standing in her Uniform. An almost puzzled look on his face as he walks up, pack in hand that seems much too small to be enough, or at least that's what it would seem like to Akira. Sam would also seem oddly happy, although she already knows his enthusiasm for Camping. "Hey Akira! You decided to wear your uniform?" He pauses to think, then snaps his finger. "I get it, you wanted to wear it in case we had to be in the school for a while before we went right? Good thinking." He laughs. "I'd be in trouble if we did have to stay in school, guess I'm lucky then." He grins, but his voice grows serious and its clear something has been eating at him. "Hey, you think...that something might happen on the trip?" He pauses and makes sure nobody is listening. "It'd be cliché, but if they split people up..." He has a worried look in his eyes, although its more for the whole school then anybody in particular. "I don't know what the heck caused the damage but it was big..." He laughs, probably to hide his discomfort. "Maybe we should give the phenomenon a name, if its strange enough we could talk about it whenever we wanted to and pass it off like its part of some novel or something, it might be a good idea."

|Outside Armstrong|

|A cake?|

Damian blinked. He didn't expect Farra to repay him for the cake. It wasn't a big deal really. She did take just a bite... He was able to take the rest home and finish it off. Though, he was moved by her gesture. After all, it was a cheesecake. No going wrong there. First time someone has rewarded him something as well just out of kindness. At least that's what Damian thought this was. "O-oh..! Thank you, Farra!" Damian took the plastic canister in his hands and admired the sweet from within with a soft grin. A pleasant start to his morning. He missed breakfast but this cheesecake was more than enough for him, personally. "You didn't have to go out of your way. If this is over last night it was no big deal... Cake wasn't pricey, and it was just a single bite." Damian wanted to ask if she really felt guilty over it, but somethings are just better left unsaid. Damian turned his head around, facing the back of the campus. From that direction he could hear multiple bus engines left active, seems like they're here to pick the camp-goers up. "Hey, lets get to the buses. Don't want to be late." Damian began to lead the way for Farra.

[fancy icon]

-Adonna's Magical Morning Adventure/w Ulysses-

"So you were a knight in life..." A knight in a monastery, interesting, "You have a knack for the vernacular," she commented offhandedly as she contemplated over his condition. "That sounds... lacking. Can you feel at all? Or at least possess a human and feel through them?" It would be a boon not to feel in battle, but in all other aspects not so.

Adonna felt her phone vibrate. Looking at it, she noticed it was actually
super early. So the school was empty, but not cuz school was out. Rather because it was yet to start. "Oh you've gotta be shittin' me."



| Morning |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| Behind ASH |

| School Grounds |

If it wasn't Clark's words that gave away his 'overflowing excitement' for the trip, it was his tone. The boy sounded just as dragged down as Damian on a good day. While Dominic didn't know that much about Clark, he remembered enough that their first meet was joyous at the least. Now Clark gave off the same 'piss off' vibe Damian radiated. "No group, huh?" Clark didn't even have to say it. A mentality like that usually meant the boy was off on his own - either that or he simply lost all hope in passing it. "We haven't even gotten started working on it yet. Ah well, I hope this year's camping trip will be interesting."
Akira glanced over in Sam’s direction, acknowledging his existence as he spoke to her. It was no surprise that he would examine her as strangely as he did, given her attire, however, as she’d learned prior of this young man, as was made evident during their time together during the school blackout, he, like Dominic, had a penchant for kindness and was quick to catch on to certain concepts that would otherwise be precluded to common conception. His arrival signaled a lighthearted approach toward the trip, which brought a soft smile to Akira’s face. She knew enough of the boy to have a decent conversation with him, and to no longer have to call him her associate. She’d made yet another friend, and looked to him as such. But then things changed in that very same instance of peace…

"Hey, you think...that something might happen on the trip?"

He paused for a moment and appeared to be looking about the area to guarantee the absence of any eavesdroppers. "It'd be cliché, but if they split people up..." It was suddenly that Akira realized the enormity of the situation in which the two had just now made themselves apart. She’d managed, earlier, to have suppressed any lingering ideals involving the murders of Brookfield, and in the prior day’s display of Dominic’s arrival, it seemed that Akira had almost nearly forgotten of the issue at hand. People were being slaughtered, right and left. And not just any people; they were in fact students of Armstrong High. Just recently, there was a school blackout, and shortly during, a massive obstruction of the flooring and walling in a particular hall that ultimately resulted in the authorities requiring a day off to make repairs. And not even twenty four hours prior, Akira was speaking as casually as though none of it had happened to the one person who may have been involved with all of it: Dominic. And as though he’d been reading her mind the entire time, Sam spoke of the damage done to the school that day.

"I don't know what the heck caused the damage but it was big..." He laughed a forced laugh. Perhaps these matters disturbed him nearly about as much as they disturbed her. He then continued, "Maybe we should give the phenomenon a name, if its strange enough we could talk about it whenever we wanted to and pass it off like its part of some novel or something, it might be a good idea." As much as Akira hated creating names and pointless key innuendos for serious matters, he made a valid argument. At this point, there was no denying the presence of something strange occurring, and whether or not anyone would believe it if such matters were to be disclosed was beyond them. However, if said “phenomena” were connected to the murders, then speaking of it in public would raise eyebrows regardless of who was around, provided that nearly everyone in Brookfield knew of the murders in some way, shape or form.

We shall call it… 'The Lost Files'…” She began in a whisper only supposed to be accessible to his right ear, near which she stood on the tips of her toes to bring herself to, “It’s a murder slash fantasy mystery television show that only airs very late in the evening. And since we both stay up extremely late to get school work done, we watch it together while talking on the phone all the time.” The girl stepped down and then looked at him with a reassuring nod. It was the only option that would suit both of their hypotheses. While she believed it to be dangerous materials used to kill, it was the nature of the particular homicide outside of the Soul Food Restaurant still bothered her…


Student killed in the downtown area during a confrontation with another student…

…The one who was killed was holding a gun…

… Pierced once in the shoulder, once in the side and once in the throat…

…The one that lived was pierced somewhere in the torso area, likely near the heart.” Akira’s memories rang in the back of her mind to when she was researching the murder her first few days in Brookfield on her laptop. A weapon of deadly caliber, capable of striking three vital areas of the body at once, and then the decrepit article ended there…


It was incredibly unlikely, but nothing else would explain the substantial damage to the school either other than a type of device containing enough energy to replicate an earthquake powerful enough to take out nearly an entire floor, while being miniscule enough to have been concealed in some precise location before Akira and Sam reached the scene. Something was up. Akira looked at Sam once again, retracing all of this to the back of her mind once more. What was once a suspicion now became an expectation…? Something very well could happen on this camping trip and in one way or another, Sam and Akira, if they weren’t careful, could be caught dead in the middle of it.

    • tumblr_n6q216ahuH1smqpouo1_500.png

| Animal Center |

| Making more ships |

Kenta was furious. He was on the brink of having a speeding ticket. The way he arrived to the parking lot alone could have caused a big debate with the school officials. Hopefully no one saw, Hotaru quickly hopped in to the passenger's seat and signed to her grandpa about the situation. Kenta groaned as she signed the words, "Cat is in the animal center! K-H-O-S-H-E-K-H." Kenta read out the letters and tried out the name for himself. His eye twitched as Hotaru shook her head at every pronunciation, "You...." He stole a quick glance at her, "...have a cat?" Hotaru rolled her eyes.

He was driving and was expecting her to say something, but she didn't do a thing. Her arms and legs were crossed. Why would she say anything? He was driving, Hotaru didn't want another accident. The car turned into another street that passed Soul Foods. The pink haired girl watched the restaurant go by. The car stopped and the old man looked at Hotaru.

"Well?" He prompted her. The girl uncrossed her arms and signed to him, "Yes, he's a stray. A cute little furb--" The car started up and Hotaru crossed her arms again. The old man sighed as the car swerved around another corner. Hotaru held onto her seat.

Finally arriving, Hotaru's grandpa placed it into park. Hotaru hopped out and headed in. There were people up front assisting children and adults to different rooms. Soon it was clear, but there was two figures lingering at the front desk. The door chimed as Hotaru's grandpa entered as well. Sighing, he walked up behind the two figures creating a line. Hotaru's eyes met up with Nikky's. Her back tensed up. Nikky took a step closer to Hotaru, the pastel haired girl took a step back. Nikky took a hold of her wrist and dragged her off to a corner.

| Pet center, early morning |

| Waiting on a cat |

Mr. Nakamura sighed. There was a long silence between him and another woman around his age. Early morning on a Friday and he was caught wearing casual clothes. Like a sore thumb, the other woman stood out with her sophisticated atmosphere.

She had a pencil skirt on and was standing straight and tall. If they measured up, Hotaru's grandpa would be a few inches taller. She wore a thick neat bun. Her original hair color was showing darker than the few grey strands she had. The person she was taking care of took Hotaru aside and were chatting while he was stuck in line waiting for the cat.

The men in front handed the old lady her....rat? It was obviously a ferret with it's long body, but Kenta couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Cute rat." Another man handed the elderly man the cage with a pure black cat inside. Hotaru really can pick them out. She couldn't have just gotten a fish or something? The cat inside was curled up in a ball while looking at the ferret.

| Back of ASH |

| Socializing with hugs |

Hotaru's mood had drastically brightened, with a suitcase in one hand and her slate in the other. She sees the boy that tried to cheer her up yesterday, Sam was it? She gave him a hug and quickly jotted down an apology for rude behavior.

She looked at a girl next to Sam and waved hello. She pulled her into a hug as well. On her slate she wrote a hello and introduction with a happy emoticon, "Hello! (> w </) I'm Hotaru! Nice to meet you! What's your name? I like hugs!" She gave Akira another hug.

The girl even saw Dominic's twin! Though, she wondered if he actually wanted to be called that. Hotaru gave him a hug and properly introduced herself to him by showing the same message she showed to the other girl.

She waved at Dominic and gave him a tight hug. She lets go and places her hands at her side and stood by the side waiting for the teachers or someone to appear so she could give them a hug.

Behind Armstrong High

Talking to Dominic and Hotaru

Clark continued to patiently stand in the same spot outside the bus as Dominic continued to talk, wondering when everyone would get here so they could leave. "Actually I am in a group." Clark replied, his voice changing to a more neutral tone. "it's the reason why I'm going on this trip. To find the Brookfield Rose. A ridiculously rare flower that I doubt we'll find." Clark continued. Clark laughed at the thought of something interesting happening while the school was camping. "It wouldn't surprise me. Everyday something strange happens so the camping trip will probably be no exce-" Clark's sentence was cut off as he was hugged by Hotaru. Calrk stood in confusion as the stranger hugged him while Clark's hands simply hovered around her. He let out a sigh of relief once she finally let go and move on to Dominic. Once the hug introduction was over Clark read the message on the sate she held. "Um...hi Hotaru." Clark said awkwardly. This was one of the strings introductions he had.



-Interacting with No One-

Alice checked and rechecked her luggage, checking if she had everything,"Okay, I got the climbing equipment, check, food, check, clothes, check, flashlight, check..." Alice continued to check her things, not caring about the weird glances she got as she spoke out her list of supplies she had on her. This trip was gonna be a troublesome one and she needed to be prepared since this was survival. She have been on a camping trip before but never had such things like survival because her parents usually camp near their lodge house that they would have just a few minutes away just in case if anything went wrong.

Looking through her list, it seemed she had everything she needed, zipping back up the two luggage she had, a big travel backpack and a duffel bag. The two bags made Alice seem small, the bags filled with many things, mostly for the quest for the flower. The journey to find the flower would be rough and Alice may have to do this alone since she didn't trust her group to be able to climb a mountain with her. She had experience with mountain climbing and if any of her group members were to come with her, it would be put some load on her to teach them the steps in climbing and she didn't want to risk their lives in danger so she thought it was best if she was the one to do it, she had Tyrik with her so she would be fine... as she hoped she would.


-Back of the School-

-Interacting with No One-

Walking past the gates and towards the back of the school where she heard all the chattering happening, she peeked from the corner and saw all the students who were brave enough to go on this trip and the four buses all lined up and ready to take them aboard to their destination. Walking over to the buses, Alice decided to look for her group, looking around for a familiar hat or a messy hair boy, even the short girl, Zage in the crowd. Standing on her tippy toes, Alice tried to peer through the crowd and grumbled angrily at how everyone was in her way,"Can't even see anything here." Alice thought and tried to get a better view, going deeper into the crowd.

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x1)
      • Sleeping bag (x1)
      • Blanket (x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Kumajirou (Can't leave without him~) (x1)

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The building wasn't very large it was blinding white like a hospital but thankfully absent of the smell. Nikky pulled Hotaru to the side the first chance she got, worried that if she let her go she might just decide to bolt again. Nikky ran a hand through her hair, she was now facing Nakamura. And just when it was the perfect time to be running off at the mouth, her words caught in her throat.

"I-" she paused, to clear her raspy voice and noticed she was still gripping Hotaru's wrist and let go. She gave herself a moment before the words began flowing out her mouth, not giving anything a single thought. She just said whatever came to mind.

"Listen Hotaru, I know you hate me but, I 'm sorry like... really really sorry. I'm shit, I know and even if you hate me all I want to do is apologize because I wasn't there to help you and I should've because you're my friend or, was my friend and I shoulda helped you and, and-" If this kept up she could've been rambling forever, why couldn't she just shut up?

Emilia stood, tapping her foot and checking her watch nearly every 5 seconds, appearing like a impatient business woman. But that's exactly what she was, and her patience was starting to run thin; that girl had her drive all the way out here and then makes her wait, just great. Still, she had been around long enough to know when something important was being discussed so she let her niece finish her business, she just hoped she would pick up the pace.


"Cute rat."

The ferret seemed to stir in its cage at the mention of rat and locked eyes with the cat held by the man. The woman looked up at the ignorant old man with annoyance prepared to take out her frustration on him. He was slightly taller than her, his wrinkles were starting to show as well. "It's a ferret, and what a cute little diseased ridden beast!" she added the final touches with a generous smile.

|ASH| Front entrance|

Nikky entered the school but stopped short to be lectured for coming to school dressed improperly. As she explained herself; students walked by continuing on their usual schedules just like any other day, however today was a bit different. It was Friday, the hallways buzzed with pre-weekend plans and even the upcoming camping trip. The spirits of the student body are considerably higher when knowing freedom is just a few hours away.

The teacher, with a reluctant sigh, waved Nikky away to go and get to class being a little less strict since it was Friday and most likely many of the staff were still preparing for the field trip. Nikky smiled and thanked them then carried on with her day, she made sure to snatch up a Camping form and enter it in the box before leaving the office. She whistled as she made her way to her locker.
Why, hello there, Hotaru.” Akira spoke to the girl immediately, once the hugging sequence was complete. Shortly into Akira’s thoughts, she was randomly hugged by a girl just her height, though noticeably a hint shorter. Looking at the sign, Akira let out a sigh and then a small smile, acknowledging that the girl likely had an embarrassing speech impediment that she didn't want revealed, or she was just this cute for no apparent reason. Regardless of the purpose of the slate, this was the first friendly face she’d seen not affiliated with anything involving these recent strange happenings;;; or so she thought until the girl immediately ran over and hugged a black haired boy whom Akira immediately recognized as Dominic, showing the slate only to another boy that looked rather similar to him. If she didn’t need to display it to Dominic, then chances were that she already knew him. And based upon his response, he seemed to know her. However, who was this other boy? Did Dominic withhold a brother of some kind who attended the same school? The fact that they’re both seniors in high school means that one is incredibly smart, one is incredibly dimwitted, or they’re both each other’s twin! Akira looked at the boy for a moment before then turning to Sam, speaking once more:

Sam, while I do think that The Lost Files is an incredibly hard thing not to focus on at a time like this, especially when it’s integrated so well into our current situation, I implore you to remain focused on the schoolwork we have to worry about, first and foremost. Not to mention having as much fun as you possibly can with this survival camping trip, okay? After all, I wouldn’t want you to end up getting a flunking grade over a television show!” She giggled lightly, smiling at him and then at the Hotaru girl who was still handing out hugs.

Behind the School

Talking to Akira

Sam nods as Akira explains her thoughts, remaining silent until she finishes whispering in his ear, before he can reply however, Hotaru hugs him from behind. He just stand there, a confused look on his face. Is this the same person who was so grumpy yesterday? However before he can react she's off hugging Dominic. He looks back to Akira, a confused look on his face, however when she talk about flunking, he laughs. "Don't worry about me, I know camping like the back of my hand." He pauses to think for a second. "So how prepared do you think you are? I have everything I need in my bag here." He points to the small-ish bag at his feet, no larger then his normal school bag. "Anyway, I'm excited for the trip, I'm hoping we all can stay grouped as a class, easier if we only have to make one fire, plus tent set-up is always easier with more people you know?" He grins, a genuine happy grin this time. "Besides, I only brought some marshmallows, hard to have a great campfire with just those." He thinks for a second. "I wonder if people brought enough for Banna Boats, s'mores are great, but trust me, Banana boats are the best campfire food, you know about them?" He pauses to think, then shrugs. "I won't be surprised if you haven't, they aren't that popular. Especially compared to S'mores." As worried as Sam is about the campout, there's a part of him that's excited that it IS a campout, and its hard for Sam not to feel and act excited. He understands a lot of people are...less then eager, but he's trying to keep spirits up. "We can discuss The lost files when we get back, hopefully there isn't a need to talk about it on the trip."

    • tumblr_n6q216ahuH1smqpouo1_500.png

| Pet Shop |

| Yuuuuri is gonna happen |

Hotaru's eyes darted left and right. It wouldn't ever land on Nikky. She was too ashamed. She just wanted to leave. Even though Nikky had let her hand go, Hotaru wouldn't be able to move. Her feet were planted to the ground. She faced the Viole girl and couldn't comprehend what she was saying. Hotaru shook her head as she caught small words from here and there.

The slate in her hand dropped onto the floor. Hotaru's mouth opened and closed like a fish. Her vision became blurry as no sound was heard. It was strange, not being able to speak yet she felt a lump grow in her throat. Her hands framed her face as she looked downward, her face turning a light pink. Her voice was softer and quieter than a whisper, nothing a human can be able to hear,
"I am so, so sorry. I could have had you killed. I wasn't able to protect you. I froze, I could have handled him but I didn't. I am a terrible friend that couldn't keep you safe. If he hadn't left when he did I could have gotten you hurt or worse. I should have tried to focus on getting you out of the room. I was jus-" She stopped moving her lips. Nikky wouldn't be able to hear her blabbering, what was she thinking?

| Animal center |

| That woman insulted my cat |

The old man felt his eye twitch. The cat in the cage didn't really respond to the insult. Mr. Nakamura immediately responded to the old crone. He wasn't even hesitating about his response it just came out like it was a normal conversation about the weather.

"How about the one out of it's cage?" He retorted flashing her a polite smile. With his head up, he was congratulating himself for quickly coming up with it while at the same time he was yelling at himself for being very impolite to a stranger.

| The back of the building |

| You get a hug, she gets a hug, everyone gets a hug! |

Hotaru's eyes brightened as more people filled in. One being Alice, with a grin stretched across her face she pulled Alice into a surprise hug. She let go of the blond haired girl and proceeded to give out hugs to the teachers.

When she was done, she was nearly tempted to give everyone another round of hugs. The temptation was too much for her to handle. She gave Alice another hug and went off to go hug Akira again. Her happy mood could result in a day of moping around or more hugs for everyone. This was a win or lose situation. Hotaru stretched and gave everyone another round of hugs.

Finally accomplishing her goal by hugging the last person, Dominic, she placed her slate on the ground and sat on it. Now she was playing the game of waiting. Time to wait. Hotaru blankly looked to the ground.

|Brookfield pound|

|Sharing feels with pinky

Nikky finally paused to take a breath as Hotaru began going off on her own tangent, her voice was soft and low but unmistakably hers. Maybe it was the help of hr Zodiac that allowed her to hear her. It was strange, this had to be the first time she had heard the girl's voice. Long after Nikky had written her off as a mute. She quieted herself listening to her speak, before finally she just lifted her arms pulling the girl into an embrace.

"You probably talk more than I do, and you're the mute here." She held the girl and stood there and gave a small chuckle,

"Hotaru, I was prepared to let us...you, die..." she remained silent for a moment letting that information sink in. "If there's anyone who should apologize, it's me." she tightened her hug around the girl as if holding her was the only thing keeping her steady."I-" buts that's where she lost it. Where she couldn't hold it back anymore, she had tried, really tried but in the end she was sobbing and crying like a baby. There she stood, crying her eyes out on a girl's shoulder whom she condemned for death only but a few days ago. She was taught to treat people equally but she had already thrown away another girls life like it was nothing and even her own. Treat people equally, but did she even value those lives or her own? And.. damn it, it left a painful knot in her stomach just thinking about it. All this ran through her head as tears streamed down her face.

Emilia raised a brow towards the man at his retort, "Who did you think I was talking about?" the woman then leaned down speaking to the cat, "You might wanna keep this one on a shorter leash."

|ASH| Back of school|

Nikky joined the growing crowd read to set off for adventure she was pysched, she noticed Hotaru and waved towards her going up to give her a hug.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6f8ac93_FarraIcon...jpg.533985e9ff9fc86c7a168d1e7686cac8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6f8ac93_FarraIcon...jpg.533985e9ff9fc86c7a168d1e7686cac8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


|Beep beep, Damian.|

"Hey, let's get to the buses. Don't want to be late." Farra mindlessly nodded and begun to follow Damian. "So," she said, attempting to strike up a conversation, "Are you looking forward to camping? I honestly don't have a group yet, don't know what I'm gonna do..." Farra sighed, and they fell into silence. After what seemed like forever, they finally arrived at the front of the school. There, she spotted several of her "friends." Who was she kidding? She barely had friends. The closest thing she had to a friend was...Damian. Well, shit. This is what you get for being a transfer student, she thought bitterly. Up ahead, Mr.Mutton (Muttonhead, haha) was talking about something that was probably important, but Farra just tuned him out. No need to pay attention. "So, do you have a group?" Farra said abruptly.

//shitpost because sherlock//



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-Back of the School-

-Interacting with Clark the Moody and Dominic the Assistant-

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x1)
      • Sleeping bag (x1)
      • Blanket (x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Kumajirou (Can't leave without him~) (x1)

Pushing pass the people, Alice squeezed through, free from the people but while squeezing through, she tripped over someone's bag and fell. Luckily she was saved by a person but the person she bumped into was none other than moody boy, Clark. Falling onto him, Alice rubbed her head and glanced up at him,"Dom's twin! I found you." Alice exclaimed and then noticed that Dominic was here as well, the two "twins" were together and were both going on the trip, Alice giggling softly,"Hello Dom, see you twins are hanging out nicely." Alice teasingly said. It was a nice sight to see them together, Alice already can see the bit of resemblance with the two standing next to one another.

Though Clark was a bit shorter, the two both had messy hair and had that dull look to them but Dominic was a bit more expressive then Clark, always having a boring look that Alice found really annoying at times but she couldn't judge him too much. She only knew Clark by his name and that was pretty much it, she didn't know anything else about him, his family, his lifestyle, all she knew was that he had this really annoying lazy appearance that Alice wanted to just slap in some work in his face and see him do something productive. Maybe she was being a bit mean on him but she really wanted the guy to at least do something or see him at least try and be happy, was it that hard to please the guy?

"Sometimes it seems you really are like a girl."

|Back of Armstrong High, awaiting the armada.|

|Chatting with Farra|

"Looking forward to it? I suppose so... I never took myself for a wilderness type. While I do love nature, I don't think it's something I could adapt to over night. I'm a bit fearful, but Lance allows me to see in the dark. So I shouldn't be handicapped that much. I hope." Damian lead Farra around the back where all the participants, chaperons, and buses were stationed. It looked like Mr. Mutton was giving some last minute instruction to the students before they embark on their wild adventure. Damian took a moment to see what Mr. Mutton had to say. He wasn't a teacher Damian was familiar with, considering he never had him for one. Whilst the man rambled he heard Farra ask another question. "A group...? Umm... Well, I'll most likely be situated with Dominic but right now I'm not spoken for. It's fine if you join me. Kinda sucks being by yourself, especially on a trip..." Damian was speaking from past experience, while talking to Farra he was keeping an eye out for his friend. Over the sea of heads he found Dominic speaking to someone else. A... New? Face. Damian didn't recognize him, but at the same time he was familiar. Damian blew from his nose and narrowed his glare at the boy. "Watch him be a Zodiac user too." He thought with some disapproval.

|What's that buzzing noise?|

|Some culture shock|

Ulysses nodded. "Yes, I can feel emotion and pain still. Hard to believe, mmm?" The silence of the hall was cut with the weird sound of buzzing. Was that some creature? A large bee? It came from Adonna's pocket. "What... What was that sound? What is that thing? Is that what was buzzing? Angelo didn't have such a thing like that. Or... It didn't buzz like that. Is that what's called a phone?" Ulysses asked, pointing his finger at the device.
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| Morning |

| Friday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| Behind ASH |

| School Grounds |

"Brookfield Rose..?"

The name replayed itself in his mind, in vain attempts to spark a memory of the flower. It was fruitless - Dominic had never heard of the plant but he couldn't deny that it bought his attention. Maybe his group could use that, but if it was as rare as he said, they wouldn't be in an abundance. At that point, Hotaru had shown up at the last second and embraced Dominic, derailing his thoughts momentarily as he returned the hug. Just like that, she was off to tackle everyone else. "I'm guessing you've never met her before." Clark's confused aura gave off that assumption.

It didn't look like anyone would be leaving anytime soon. Some people had begun to use their bags as seats and the like. Teachers were still readying themselves, and according to Dominic's own sight; one of the buses had a wheel problem. Again, the small and evasive body of Hotaru clashed with Dominic's, throwing him out of the loop only to return the hug before she would pull away. She was in an obviously good mood. Either that or she did something wrong and wanted to apologize in advance.

Hotatu was one of the few people Dominic hadn't seen too much of after the incident inside of Limbo. However, he wasn't so worried about her seeing as how he took it upon himself to save her in the moment.
"Good morning, Hotaru." It looked like she still hadn't dropped the entire 'no speaking' thing just yet.

Suddenly, he heard a thud as Alice came crashing down upon Clark. Damn, as if the boy wasn't having a dark enough day. 'And good morning to you as well, Alice." He chuckled at the sight of the two collapsed on the grass. It certainly wasn't the strangest thing he'd seen.
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-Adonna's Magical Morning Adventure/w Ulysses-

"Sound?" Adonna didn't hear anything out of the ordinary. "Oh, yeah. It's a phone." She handed it to Ulysses. "I take it Angelo was your old partner," she mused. The knight must have been old. How many partners he must have gone through. "Say, how did you become a Zodiac spirit?" she inquired, a heroic feat no doubt. She continued wandering down the desolate halls, half a mind to ditch altogether.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf702f50b_FarraIcon...jpg.6b1f7ae5d185ed3784f61a04f2c53f91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20475" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf702f50b_FarraIcon...jpg.6b1f7ae5d185ed3784f61a04f2c53f91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|Behind the School|

|Wha-? That's not what I meant...!|

"A group...? Umm... Well, I'll most likely be situated with Dominic but right now I'm not spoken for. It's fine if you join me. Kinda sucks being by yourself, especially on a trip..." Farra's eyes widened. No, no no! That isn't what she meant to do! She sighed. "If you don't want me to come, I don't have to," Farra said. PLEASE don't want me to come, please don't want me to come, she thought to herself. But, chances are, he's going to say, "Oh, it's fine, Farra! Hurr durr, it's no trouble at all. You can just sit there awkwardly while I fade to black with Dominic...." Okay, not that. But something along those lines. She shifted her weight over and over, from her toes to heels, waiting for an answer. Again.



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