- Zodiac - [Inactive]

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      **It's pink, I swear

| Bus |

| Gah, nature |

The bus started up and shook with anticipation, Hotaru gripped her bag tighter as she put it by her side. She leaned upon the window and closed her eyes. An entire seat to herself, just the way she liked it. It wasn't until the bus stopped did she open her eyes. It's been only two minutes, what happened? She watched as Adonna quickly boarded on the bus. Hotaru could have waved at her but she felt like her hands weren't going to move if she tried. Keep on moving, don't stop. She pleaded in her head. She loved the shaking and chattering of the bus, it allowed her to close her eyes in peace.

Buildings passed in a blur, just looking at one made her eyes hurt. She closed her eyes again. Every so often, the bus would lurch forward or take turns. Hotaru would have use her feet to keep from falling into the isles. When the bus became steady, she would cross her legs and sink into the seat. The noise around her would cease in her mind and she would be pulled into sleep.

| Arrival to the camping grounds |

| Going to die |

The bus stopped, Hotaru brought her hands out to keep from hitting the seat. Golden light flooded the bus, Hotaru rubbed her eyes and suppressed the urge of yawning until she went outside of the bus. Everyone picked up their bags and headed out in single lined fashion towards the only exit that was open. Hotaru grew anxious as students left the bus. She stayed in her seat waiting for the students to leave. She should have looked out the window to see where they were. Shivering a bit, she hugged her bag and stood up. She was the last one to head out of the bus. The bus doors swung shut behind her and Hotaru was forced to take steps away from the bus as more students began to mix into the crowd. There was a log cabin, for a moment Hotaru thought that they might stay there.

Hopeful thoughts had arisen but was crushed when Mr. Mutton spoke out loud. He didn't have to yell, no one had the energy to speak. Hotaru guessed that they just wanted to sleep or recharge their batteries. She watched as one of the teachers went inside to go speak with the people in. Hotaru looked around, paranoia rose as she looked at the overgrown trees. Her impression on this trip was already terrible. Immediate regret rose. She didn't want to do anything with nature, but Marabel liked it...she's not even here. Not even ten minutes and everyone was sent off to their own path. Hotaru guessed she shouldn't be spacing out and pay attention. It was the woods, something bad was bound to happen if she went off in a different direction.

Camping, what joy.

It was quiet all throughout the group, save for a few birds chirping. The birds grew tired of their own chatter and ceased talking. The only noise that Hotaru heard was the chattering of her teeth. Her bag was on her back and her arms were crossed in a way hugging herself. The low hum of crickets chirping meant that it was at least higher than sixty degrees. Hotaru had to keep her head down and focused on her feet if she didn't want to stumble or fall. She could walk right into a cliff. Her head began to think of all the ways she could die.

Maybe she'll eat poisonous plants. Bears could attack her for honey, not that she was carrying any. A fox could swindle her items and she'll have to look for them and maybe the class will leave her behind. Animals could be trying to have her killed. Someone might have a grudge on her and she'll have to sacrifice them, the only reason why she brought salt, of course. Or maybe she steps on a bird nest and the mother is furious with Hotaru, she could be killed by the bird. A tree could fall on he--

Oh, they have arrived.

Hotaru looked at the clearing. Everyone immediately chipped in to help set up the tents, before anyone could make a move and claim a tent, Mr. Mutton called for everyone's attention in the middle of the clearing. He began to explain how a group needed to go get firewood and how the camp was separated by genders. Only way to cross the sides was if a girl had a question for one of the adults.

The topic immediately turned to who would go get the firewood. Dominic was asked to go gather the firewood by Mr. Mutton,
"Excellent. Anyone want to make sure he doesn't get himself killed?" Getting killed? Hotaru could use the blood from the body, but seeing that it was from a friend she simply declined that thought. Len quickly volunteered to go get the firewood with him. Hotaru looked towards the sky and frowned. It was going to turn dark she began to wish that she had brought her flashlight. Hotaru quickly took a step back. Ha, nature? Nope. She wants to stay far away from that type of stuff. Though, she wouldn't mind seeing a carcass or two.

Hotaru might as well make graves. Sam had volunteered to go get firewood as well. Hotaru's eye twitched, she should have brought her shovel. Hotaru looked around to see if anyone brought something she could use to dig large holes for the bodies that will surely appear.


|Quietly taking in the surroundings|

Damian stepped off the bus, silently tailing Enzo and Mutton. Considering his bag was only filled with but so much... He knew he was at a handicap. It was all his mother could muster with the spare money she had usable for this trip of his. Though, Damian didn't care. He was able to sleep in the branches of trees before. Mainly when he was younger, and monkeying around on the trees in his old backyard and faffing about in parks. He wasn't without a large selection, it all was going to narrow down to where the camp was going to be set. Watching the others organize themselves and scout about Damian was thinking to himself about how he can possibly chip in. His dark sight it indeed a help, he could spot nightly predators or other offenders... And that's all he had. He couldn't appear to stretch his usefulness any further. He wasn't physically adapt, and Lance only made that trait of his worse. He was average, a toned average at best. His shadows couldn't sever objects so gathering would wouldn't be a good job for him. Starting a fire? Maybe. Hunting? That's if there's even a need to hunt. Damian mapped out all of his possible uses... A lot of them, had to do with the use of his power. Sad right? Nothing new. Damian furrowed his brow, beginning to trouble himself with what he could do to possibly aid any sort of effort to make a camp other than just keep lookout. Which was a self assigned job. When he finally came back to Earth he saw he was minus one Dominic and Len. "Did they move on ahead?" Damian asked himself. He trailed his eyes all over the woods and blew from his nose. Now he was too worried about actually being able to do something for everyone else than rather just to survive...

...Angelo rose up from his front seat after the mass all exited the vehicle. Except for one... She was still sitting back, appearing to be in her own world. Or observing things from her own world. From underneath the brim of his hat he turned his gaze towards Adonna, giving her a 2 second stare before stepping down from the bus himself. The skirt of his coat being the last thing seen before he disappeared into the wilderness.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.32e3d5bfd942beb168ca6da942e23f22.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.32e3d5bfd942beb168ca6da942e23f22.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-On the way to Purgatory/ w classmates-

Fan-*******-tastic. Whoever said half-knowledge was worse than no knowledge wasn't shittin' around. Well, now after she'd jumped onto the bus like some escaped lunatic did she have all the information she needed, gathered one sentence at a time from all the excited chattering on the bus. A three day trip... As the ruckus died, Adonna began to drift off, trying to figure out how she was going to survive. Perhaps they wouldn't be set out in the total wilderness, so it wouldn't matter that she wasn't prepared...

Deep in her own mind, she noticed not the bus reaching its final destination until all but she had been unloaded off. Just as she snapped back to reality, her dark eyes locked with those of a stranger as he was exiting. He held his gaze on her, just long enough for it to be obvious. Him being older, she concluded he was a chaperon or teacher or something- either way, she figured his look was one of disapproval, probably because she had caused the bus to stop, or here she was now lingering on the bus. Or both.

Grabbing her backpack, she quickly made her way off the bus and caught up with her classmates. The stranger was nowhere in sight. Off chaperoning somewhere, one could only suppose.


- Out in Camp Murder/ w classmates -

There Adonna was, in the middle of the backwoods with a bag full of school supplies. Unless her body went through some mad adaptation, she was pretty sure spiral notebooks and mechanical pencils weren't gonna sustain her for three days. I guess I can starve, she thought dryly. Her eyes shifted skywards, soaking in the sight of brilliantly green leaves, but she was in no mood to appreciate nature. She'd spent half her life in the city, half her life in the suburbs, and for no reason had she ever needed to be in the wilderness. There was still no reason to be out in the goddamn wilderness.

The clearing was already littered with kids and tents. Putting tents up, trying tents out, having tents fall on top of their heads. The camps were split by gender, no surprise there
"Under no circumstances should one cross over to the other side," Yeah. Good luck enforcing that. She had no intentions herself to play delinquent, what reason did she have, but a few words never stopped teens overrun by hormones. Well, words never stopped teens in general. Or rules. Or laws. Even if these teens seemed to be about seven notches calmer than the ones from her old school. Haven't thought about that place in a while... she realized, a faint passing thought as there was bigger fish to fry- or in Adonna's case, lack thereof. Maybe I'll acquaint my teeth with some foliage, she grumbled to herself, knowing full well human bodies couldn't ingest leaves. I'll wait till I get desperate enough.

There between Dominic, Mr. Mutton, and that kid who Adonna distinctly remembered for the way he'd knocked out Red, Len was it, and a brown-haired boy Adonna didn't quite recognize was a 'gathering firewood' discussion. Dominic was quite the agreeable teen, going right along with being volunteered. The other two stepped up to help out. Adonna wasn't exactly sure how large of a 'firewood gathering group' their math teacher wanted, hesitating to volunteer. She wasn't thrilled about being in the backwoods, but now that she was here she could at least be useful. But did they
need more people? Adonna wasn't exactly trusting her gut right now, not after it had betrayed her this morning. The girl decided to wait and hear a verbal cue from their collective teacher, being that she was no good with facial markers, and then accordingly act.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7493d39_Nikkyedit.jpg.627c5c7c1370e233732838d551129c8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20655" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7493d39_Nikkyedit.jpg.627c5c7c1370e233732838d551129c8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|Campin' grounds|

|Up a tree, talkin' to no one|

As she got off the bus Nikky paused for a moment to absorb nature. Towering trees waiting to be climbed, and a blue sky hovering overhead, it reminded her of home and Elijah's limbo. Though for some reason, within her stomach she felt worried. Something wrong was going to happen, she knew no matter where, even if she was outside the city trouble would follow. But she kinda looked forward to it, she had noticed plenty of kids were probably nervous about murderers. She planned on catching him/her, it was a silly dream but catching a homocidal maniac seemed like an interesting idea. A sort of creepy grin stuck on her face as she imagined getting some kind of grand medal for catching the monster that had been hunting down the students of ArmStrong. Oh yeah she wasn't prepared for this trip.


She stopped those thoughts before she got carried away, she'll just worry about all of that later, now was the time for relaxation. She was fairly sure she would find someone to mooch off of later. Now, now was the time to climb. Nikky loved climbing, it was one of the things she was constantly yelled at for because she just couldn't resist it. Placing the toy in her waistband and started scurrying up a tree, once up it she leaned back against the trunk of the tree with the plastic instrument in her lap. She was glad, at least here she wouldn't have to worry about the job hunt her Aunt was pressing her about, or Yazhi for that matter she was in good care with her aunt. She strummed the ukelele, humming to herself and enjoying her view from above.


Nikky jumped at the loud noise that decided to ring in her ear. Looking behind her, her eyes darted for a source and she remained quiet for a moment, her heart almost beating out of her chest. The girl closed her eyes listening for the sound again and when nothing came she relaxed and cleared her throat. Ah, this was going to be fun...

//I'm on a roll with shitposts




bleeh I donno



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Physical Health: 20/20

Low = Feeling ill and sickly.

High = Feeling nice and healthy.


Emotional Health: 18/20

Low = Feeling sad and depressed.

High = Feeling happy and chipper.


Mental Health: 18/20

Low = She's going insane.

High = Feeling sharp and witty.


Energy & Strength: 20/20

Low = Feeling weak and tired.

High = Feeling strong and resilient.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf74b1473_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.dd6de16b5ff579e34f6d2e16568cc39e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf74b1473_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.dd6de16b5ff579e34f6d2e16568cc39e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{In The Bus ---> Woods}~

~{With All Of Those Around Her}~

Hoshino had dozen off while on the bus ride, but she woke up due to the sensation of them finally coming to a stop. Are we here? She wondered as she yawned cutely, throwing her arms above her head in an innocent stretch. When she looked out the window and took in her surroundings, she felt a little shaken up. She had recalled some details from the news, that of which stated that most of the murders took place in these parts. Why on earth would the school want to set up a camping trip here? She couldn't help but wonder, but, since there were so many people here, she was sure they would be fine... Right?

With a shrug, Hoshino gathered her things and got off the bus along with everyone else. They all stuck close together as the journey through the woods began. Hoshino has always been a lover of nature, so she didn't mind the whole ordeal, but she could hear some students complaining about it all already. Some were a little spooked, others didn't like the insects, and some were just complaining about the environment in general.
Why the hell would you want to come camping, then? Hoshino thought with a roll of her eyes, but she decided to stop eavesdropping and continue on her way in pleasant silence.

~{At Camp Murder}~

~{By Herself Setting Up Camp}~

It didn't take too long for all of them to reach camp. Hoshino listened intently as Mr. Mutton spoke of the guidelines, and also appointed Dominic as the firewood gatherer. With a smile, Hoshino watched as Sam volunteered to help out, along with the mysterious Len. Hoshino didn't recognize the guy, but he seemed decent enough. She could be wrong, but she hardly knew the guy. Who was she to judge? In the meantime, she decided against volunteering herself. She had to set up her camp, after all, being that she brought some supplies in the duffel bag lying within the deep depths of her Gom backpack.

Hoshino made her way away from the crowd before taking out the bag from Gom. She stuck her hand inside of his mouth, willing the bag to her within the seemingly infinite amount of storage it held, and soon she felt the straps in her hands.
"Thank you, Gom," she spoke sweetly to her beloved bear. Once she had it out and in her hands, she made her way back to the camp and began setting up. In her duffel bag lied the parts to make a small tent, including the few thin rods and the cover. She also brought along a sleeping bag for comfort, so with a smile, she began setting it all up with ease, finishing up soon enough.

Once she was done getting everything put up on the girls' side of the camp, she went inside her little tent and placed her roller bag inside neatly. She really wished she would have brought some art supplies or some books for entertainment, but those things completely slipped her mind while she was packing. All she could think about was food, so she wouldn't starve, and the supplies she'd need, like batteries and a flashlight. She left the entrance to her little tent open as she got comfortable inside, looking out to see those around her in case anything interesting began to happen.

In the meantime, she snacked on an apple cinnamon flavored protein bar.

Water Bottle With Filter x 1

Caramel Candy x 9

Jolly Ranchers x 10

Pocket Knife x 1

First Aid Kit x 1

Wallet ($89.97)

Matches x 20

Flashlight x 1

Batteries x 6

Small Tent x 1

Protein Bars x 9

Sleeping Bag x 1

Canned Foods x 5

Cecilia's Scissors x 1

Change Of Clothes x 3



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Camping grounds


Once Clark was off of the bus and had arrived at the camping ground with the rest of his class he listened to Mutton's instructions and made his way to the boys side. After he dumped his bag next to a tree and sat with his back to the tree he pulled out a snack from his bag and slowly ate it as the others set up their tents. Clark hoped he could find a decent place to sleep. The camping trip was short notice for him and he didn't have enough to time to get enough money from his mother to buy a sleeping bag at the very least. Clark wasn't even sure if Brookfield had a store which sold camping supplies but by taking a quick look around it seemed many others did. Clark wondered if there were any spare sleeping bags or at least a big enough tent for him to sleep in with plenty of room between him and the owner. Otherwise he'd be sleeping on the ground with no cover to keep him warm or up in a tree, which he could fall off of. Even if he strapped himself down he didn't want to risk it. Clark sighed after finishing eating and stuffed the packet into his pocket. He'd drop it somewhere later. As he stared at the now golden sky he felt his eyes slowly close. Clark hadn't managed to get any shut eye on the bus. He was too paranoid about Mike the vomit guy drenching him in vomit. Even if Clark didn't want to have a nap right now his eyes were working against him and soon enough he was sleeping. Clark just hoped he wouldn't get dragged away by a wild bear or a psycho killer that lived in these woods.

I forgot to add his phone and his wallet >__>

'The Beautiful Alabama Flora' Book

Toothbrush & Toothpaste

Bottle of water x2

snacks x2

extra set of clothes x3


Wallet ($ 10)

snack wrapper

View attachment 58618

|Campin' grounds|

Nikky watched from above at the ants below, crawling around with nothing to do, she supposed the best thing was to get camp established. As she surveyed quietly her stomach began to growl bringing her attention to realized she was pratically starving. She sighed if she wanted food, she'd have to go down and get it so she shimmied her way down the tree leaving behind her toy. Now back to Earth she felt strange without the pink instrument in her hand. Nikky looked around and approached the first familiar face she saw, Vivian. Who was laying half inside half outside her tent, reading a book. Her hair was up in a messy bun and her tent was one of those easy to pack pop-up tents. Nikky took note and grinned, imagining how long it would take her to actually set up a really tent.

"Hey Vivian, got any food to spare?"

The girl looked up from her book pratically staring daggers at Nikky,
"I don't feed beggars." And with that she shut her tent on her face. What a b*** Nikky made sure to make that a mental note, but she felt embarassed having to ask for food now.

She sighed and stood up,

A voice called out from within the tent,
"...Go ask the teacher!"

"Thanks for the help, really Veevee, you're a angel." Nikky rolled her eyes then went on to approach Angelo, she looked up at the man and cleared her throat calling for his attention. She tried not to notice the height difference, though she was starting to get use to it by now. She imagined if he fell whether or not yelling "Timber!" Would be appropriate.

"Hiya, so do we have group meals or is everyone supposed to bring their own food?"

|Camping Grounds|

|Chattin' with Angelo|

do ya care? Her stuff is in the tree.


Love, Tapatalk
Gravel really wasn’t comfortable, especially soil of this nature. It was slightly damp from the rains earlier, and because Akira didn’t bring any tent materials, she simply remained standing with her tired legs overlooking the students establishing the areas that would be their placement for the night.

Now that I think of it…” She thought, “I remember seeing something on National Geographic about the mammal’s natural tendencies to group themselves accordingly to their similarities. It’s a rather tribal thing, but interesting to see that whether in nature or not, people still tend to their rather original forms… that of the first homo-sapiens.” It was just a thought, though, nothing to lose any sleep over. It was merely something interesting to keep her mind busy whilst she looked around. And look around she did, right at the assortment of students that also happened to make themselves comfortable either in or around the nearby trees, despite their uncomfortable distance from the clearing.

Akira looked over at the tree she’d changed behind, then down at the tablecloth wrapped around her waist. It was then… that she concocted a plan for her slumber.

Running over to the tree, Akira immediately unraveled the extremely thick cloth and then looked up at the tree.

Something to connect it to…” She thought, rapidly. Immediately she thought of something strong and durable that would hold on a tree branch and wouldn’t break, causing her to fall whilst she slept. “My shoe strings!” She reached into her bag and looked at the thick lacing of her dress shoes’ strings. “Perfect…” She quickly untied the shoe strings, as she’d merely slipped the shoes off and didn’t bother to untie them earlier, and then held them in her hands. They were long and appeared to be incredibly thick, considering the aglets didn’t look worn in the least, though somehow she knew they would be after this. Looking over to the tree, she immediately stopped and held the items tightly in her hands, running toward the tree and up the trunk via a single footing, grabbing on to the largest of the branches, barely making the leap. Soon enough, she was able to scurry on top of the branches and tie the two ends of the large cloth on the sturdy ends of the largest branch, nearest the base of the trunk, and on the sturdiest of its sides to prevent any breakage. She then unfolded the loose half of the cloth, allowing it to unfold to body size. Pulling at either end to make sure it was secure, she lastly tied the shoe strings on the ends of the cloth to make sure it was secure before jumping down, losing her footing a bit before grabbing on to the makeshift hammock and taking a step back to view her masterpiece…

Yes… This will do.” She spoke aloud before walking over to it and cautiously climbing inside. Vertically, it was a bit short but it definitely did the job as Akira stretched out and got used to the size, placing her bags in the hammock as well.
Nothing about the day had particularly gone Shun's way, and as he now lazily gazed out of the window at his side, Shun's mood was sour toward the excursion into the wild that was soon to come. In his personal opinion, a setting deep in the woods could have been considered a horrible if not one of the worst locations for him to even consider producing art, and with his stress levels barely passing as manageable, the lack of a proper outlet proved most frustrating for the youth edging a form of insanity.

Letting out a vocal yawn without care for those around him, Shun rested his head against the window where he slowly began to doze off until the sound of those unloading the bus startled him back to reality. While rising to exit the bus, Shun noticed he had not been the only late departure as he sent a sly grin toward a familiar face whom he had not seen in a while.

"Long time no see, Adonna."

Exiting with his friend, Shun made way to the pile of leftover duffel bags without regard for the view of disapproval that was emanating from what he assumed to be one of the chaperons for the trip. With one last sigh of annoyance, Shun made way for the guy's side of the camp that was "strictly enforced" under the mere words of his homeroom teacher.


< -



| Friday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Camp 'Murder' |

The last thirty minutes consisted of repetitive log gathering. With the help of Sam and Len, the process wasn't as boring as it could have been. They had to get a fire going before the sun had declined, and luckily, that was achieved. As the fire sparked to life, Mutton watched over the camp's process of setting up. Tents went up, and about more than three quarters of their group was already inside for the night.

Approaching one reasonably large tent, Dominic frowned upon arrival. He seemed skeptical of climbing in. Ben was beside him, just about ready to call it a night like everyone else.
"What's wrong?" Ben asked, snapping Dominic out of his thoughtful trance. "I just realized I didn't bring any food." His traveling bag was set down beside the tent, it's contents a black hole considering I haven't been including inventory until now.

"That makes two of us." Ben shrugged with a foolish smile. Both of them were in a tight spot as far as food went. "Oh well, we can look forward to eating tomorrow. Here-.." Withdrawing something from Ben's own bag, he handed Dominic a can of bug repellant. "We don't want to repeat last camping trip's mistakes." "Don't remind me.." With that, the two were off into the tent.

| Some time later... |

If it weren't for Ben's lantern, the entire tent would have been dark. The two awaited the late additions to their mega tent. In doing so, all they heard was the whistling of the wind against the trees. Ben had been reading a book unknown to Dominic, while the man himself stared at the ceiling of the tent in thought. "Dom?" Ben's voice perked up. Dominic glanced over to the curious Benjamin. "You don't think.. we'd find hollows out here, do you?" It took a moment before he could reply. It was true that hollows were active at night, and it was also true that most, of not all of the murders took place in areas like this. The only sort of 'protection' they had against an attack was their sheer numbers, but then again, did Hollows even consider that?

"If we were going to be attacked, we would have ran into trouble by now." The answer didn't sit well with Ben, but he nodded and continued to read regardless.

  • Pockets are empty.

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|Camp RIP|

|Lingering within the branches of a tree.|

Damian had been keeping a low profile the entire day. Seeing as how he couldn't find himself to do anything useful. Cursing his own pragmatism in his thoughts, he sat high up in the branch of a thick oak. With the darkness, it wasn't easy to spot him immediately. Though, if you were to account his active night vision read afterglow beaming from his eyes than he's an obvious, yet ominous target. The world was still bright, with a noir tint. The entire forest was revealed to the living shadow, nothing would obscure itself from his vision. Whilst staring at the now interestingly colored dark sky, Damian could hear some conversing from underneath him. Turning his eyes down to the ground below he saw Dominic and Ben, setting up shop. They weren't yet alerted to Damian's presence... Perfect. A devious grin spread across the boys lips. With the complete darkness around him this was going to be simple. The dark sucked into Damian, coating him in a pitch black second skin. The glow of his eyes still pierced through his abyssal form. Snaking and winding his way down the bark, he latched himself to a branch right above Ben's tent. He seeped down like thick sap from the branch. The shadow of his body appeared next to the tent, upside down and menacingly staring on the outside. From within all the two could see was a black, red eyed form stalking them from above. Damian awaited their reaction.

"Camp Murder."

Getting ready for bed.

Sam sets up his sleeping bag decently close to the fire, he doesn't have a tent, but since there's no rain, (And hopefully there won't be) He thinks he should be fine to sleep under the stars. He's tired from getting firewood for the camp, and while nothing happened Sam just can't shake off an erie feeling that he's had this entire camp. Shrugging it off he climbs into his bag and stares up at the stars, he'll fall asleep soon, but not just yet.

(Sorry for crap post, not much to do right now -_- )

(So if anybody wants to talk to Sam they can, I think the firepit is neutral territory and anyone can go there.)
Physical Health: 20/20

Low = Feeling ill and sickly.

High = Feeling nice and healthy.


Emotional Health: 18/20

Low = Feeling sad and depressed.

High = Feeling happy and chipper.


Mental Health: 18/20

Low = She's going insane.

High = Feeling sharp and witty.


Energy & Strength: 20/20

Low = Feeling weak and tired.

High = Feeling strong and resilient.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7690b3f_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.8003be159e6f14e36e0ad25a1c08b35a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7690b3f_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.8003be159e6f14e36e0ad25a1c08b35a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{Camp Murder ---> The Outskirts}~

~{With No One}~

Hoshino watched as the skies began to darken, and she happily munched on a couple protein bars as she did so. She felt a little bad for all those going around and asking for food, being that many seemed to have forgotten to bring some of their own. Nobody thought to come and ask the girl eating contently in her tent for some, and she did have plenty to spare to begin with, so she simply sighed and shrugged. Oh well, I guess - their loss, not mine, she thought as she turned on her flashlight, using that in place of a lantern. It lit up her small tent nicely, and she looked beautifully eerie as she was illuminated. Since it was nighttime, she decided to change into some more casual and comfortable clothes. So, she zipped up her tent and slipped into a neko-patterned striped sweater, some shorts, and high-knee polka dot socks.

Once she was done getting dressed, she reopened her tent and looked outside. She could see a few of the stars in the skies, even though they were still pretty cloudy from the storms earlier.
I wonder if there's a better place where I can view them from, she thought as she poked her head out of the tent's opening curiously. With a small smile, she grabbed Gom and Coco, putting a few more protein bars and candy into Gom before slipping his new straps over her petite shoulders. Sure, she knew going out into the camping grounds by herself wasn't the smartest decision, but it was tradition! Everytime she went camping, she had to go out and see the stars. She loved to paint the starry sky, too; it was a shame that she forgot to bring her art materials with her. So, she decided to embed the image into her mind clearly so she could do so later.

I'll be back later. A few minutes won't kill me.. will it? She wondered, a small shiver going up her spine as she contemplated. She decided she'd stay close to the camp grounds, not going far enough to where she couldn't see the small lights eminating from the tents. She had a decent sense of direction, so she was sure she wouldn't get too lost. So, she sneaked out of the camping area where all the girls resided, her flashlight and extra batteries in hand, and made her way over to the outskirts of the area. Out there were nothing but trees and the soft sounds of the innocent nocturnal wildlife. She smiled, breathing in the fresh air of the forest. I love it up here, she thought as she allowed herself to lie down on the grass and leaves beneath her, looking up at the shimmering stars above.

Thanks to being further away from the dim light of the camp, she could make out the stars clearly with ease. She switched off her flashlight, nothing but the glow of her snow white hair and the moonlight above illuminating the area. Her crimson eyes twinkled with delight as she gazed, and she found herself wanting to paint them so terribly.
Until then, I'll just have to study this image internally, she decided, simply smiling up at them. It was then that she remembered a {
} she listened to back in the days when they stayed for a while in Japan. It was where her father's roots lied, so of course Hoshino did a little cultural studying. There was a cute little pop song she recalled distinctly, and softly, she began humming the tune. It was catchy, and Hoshino's mind tended to fly to random places at times like this.
Eventually, as she recalled the words, she sang innocently and sweetly, her voice floating through the air like a feather. Hoshino never sang in front of anyone, though she actually did enjoy it. It was one of the many hobbies she collected, and though she'll never admit it nor acknowledge it, she's actually decent at it. She listened to various genres, and she still listened to some Japanese music even now, though thanks to spending a majority of her time in England, she mainly listened to English music. This song, however, suited her good mood, so she alternated between singing and humming as she gazed up at the stars above.
I wonder if I should practice gathering and creating later.. She thought curiously as her little song came to an end. With a shrug, she decided to continue stargazing for a little longer before all that.

She just continued to enjoy herself, popping a caramel candy out from her Gom backpack and chewing contently.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf76a31a6_Casual(5).png.6a20034d62f7f21c2cfa7480f514fd7f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20748" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf76a31a6_Casual(5).png.6a20034d62f7f21c2cfa7480f514fd7f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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-Camping Grounds-

-Interacting with No One-

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Empty Chip Bag

The bus ride was normal for Alice, waking up from her slumber and looking out through the window at nothing but trees and more trees. It seemed she had slept through the whole bus ride and missing out on some things---Len and Angelo's introduction---her mind regaining some knowledge on where she was again,"Ah... the camp." Alice reminded herself, feeling her head throb with pain from sleeping on the bus window, the bumps that they must have ran over must have made her bang her head on the hard glass so many times, surprising that the window still was in perfectly good shape from that,"Naps are a pain." Alice grumbled and rubbed her temple before looking over at the front of the bus.

She was sitting close to the front, mostly in the third seat of the bus and sitting at the window side as some fellow pupil sat next to her. She haven't spoke with anyone on the bus for a while since she was sitting in the inside, it would be hard for her to chat with anyone and she didn't want to be a bother to the guy next to her, sitting in silence through the whole bus ride until they get to the camping site. After another few hours, they finally arrived, stopping in the middle of no where among trees and everyone grabbing their stuff, Alice doing the same and pulling on her backpack and her duffel bag.

Walking around the camp site, the first thing she needed to do was find a good spot where she wouldn't be disturbed or have problems with anything, seeing a nice tree that wasn't taken yet. The tree seemed to stand well and there were no signs of danger above it and the ground below was perfect, no sharp objects and flat with no rough parts. This was a great place to put her tent, putting down her bag to pull out her tent that she bought along which she always had in handy. The tent she had was a one person tent so no one could really book in with her. Her tent was pretty small, but it was big enough for Alice, hammering away the nails to hold her tent up.

Throwing in her stuff into the tent, she pulled out the blankets she bought along with her sleeping bag, putting the big, squishy blanket on the floor of the tent to support her sleeping bag and make sure that her back wouldn't hurt tomorrow. Putting Kumajirou on the blanket, she started to unpack her things except the climbing equipment and the food she bought, not wanting to let any bear to sniff it out and start attacking her tent just to take her food.


-In her tent-

-Interacting with No One-

Most of the remaining of the time, Alice had been sitting in her tent reading her book on the flower while making her plans on what to do, writing notes down in her notebook. She planned to go searching for it right after breakfast tomorrow, munching on one of the bag of chips she bought with her. She was careful not to let any crumbs fall, and throwing the empty bag in on of the pockets of her backpack. She wasn't gonna tell Sam and them about her plan though they did know about the flower but she didn't want to bring them along, though she did have a spare share of the equipment she couldn't bring it upon herself to drag them into doing this dangerous kind of thing. The flower was rare and being rare meant it would cost a lot just to get it,"Stupid flower, why is it so hard to get." Alice grumbled and closed her book, turning off the flashlight she had and curled up in the sleeping bag.

"I guess we'll see what happen tomorrow... or maybe tonight." Alice thought, her gut feeling still alert of the danger that she will face on this camp. It was a survival trip after all, she needed to be alert for anything and that meant the hollows too, her keen eyes keeping watch of the shadows that loom over her tent and the sound of the night creatures crawling around along with a strange singing voice,"Wait... singing?" Alice mumbled and got up to unzip the flap to see who was up at this time.


< -



| Friday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Camp 'Murder' |

The worrying atmosphere in the tent died down. The feelings they harbored were temporarily squashed with reassurance. No hollows. As Ben returned to his reading and Dominic went back to his ceiling stare, he noticed a flash of red in the corner of his eye. Two beady eyes peering through the fabric as if it could see perfectly within. Dominic's first instinct was to make sure Ben hadn't noticed. Thankfully, his face was in between pages. This left Dominic to 'quietly' assess the situation.


A trail of smoke seeped out from a small hole in the corner of the tent. An incision made earlier by yours truly just for this moment - a quick, silent escape. Once his form had returned to him, he donned his black and red suit, as required after using his shifting ability. Preparing himself for a silent fight, Dominic leaped around the corner of the tent to confront the deathly being-..

..-Only for him to quickly notice that it was Damian. Without the light from the large campfire, he wouldn't have noticed that. Only Damian could take on a completely pitch black form and watch his prey. A proper hollow would outright attack.

  • Pockets are empty.


|Camp WhyTheFlipAmIHere|

|The Outskirts|

| Shun | Hoshino |

Setting up his tent took less time than what would have been expected from a city boy who from appearances seemed to have never ventured into the wilderness. Unknown to many, Shun, in his childhood, had actually spent quality time with nature during many excursions into the nearby woods that surrounded the Takumi mansion. It was because of this once existing enjoyment of the outdoors that Geoffrey had taken time to shed knowledge of survival onto the young boy, and it was through memories of that knowledge which allowed for the ease of preparation that soon left Shun bored as he laid against the floor of his tent.

Turning his head to gaze upon the minimal art supplies he had managed to smuggle to the camp, Shun let out a small sigh of frustration as an overwhelming desire to paint began to overtake his existence. The location he had chosen for his tent consisted of a fairly flat ground that would allow for a proper art station; however, it was the lack of inspiration that left him blankly staring at an empty canvas with his paint-less brush in hand.

I'm going to have to find inspiration in nature, aren't I?

After sighing in response to his realization, Shun began slowly packing up his supplies for an evening journey into the wilderness in an attempt to quell the block that the stress in his life had put upon his creative nature in life. As much as he despised the idea of venturing into the woods, the fantasy brought about by the appeal of painting a representation of night outweighed the negative aspects of this decision, and it would only be a few minutes later that he would find himself weaving in between the growth of nature that attempted to hinder his movement forward.

Dressed in entirely black, Shun's figure alone would have been hard to notice without the direct shine of a light; however, his appearance would have still been noticeably grotesque to any nearby onlooker due to the misshapen form the supplies on his back would have given him. Wondering where he could find the perfect location to work, Shun continued to randomly wander the outskirts of the camp until his ears caught the sound of a familiar language being gently sung in the air, and his self felt the familiar presence of a zodiac's power being used. Following in the direction of the power and song, Shun soon found himself gazing upon an alluring sight of flowing white hair gently glowing under the shine of the cosmos above.

"Not often I hear my heritage's language being sung in this country."

With a small smile on his face, Shun called out to Hoshino as he approached the tree under which she was resting herself against. Gazing up toward the visible sky above, the boy nodded in appreciation of the immediate surroundings that would be a suitable environment for his artistic tastes. Unloading the supplies off his back, Shun quickly began setting up his canvas and preparing his paints before turning his attention toward Hoshino with an offering of a brush in his hand.

"Care for a collaboration?"

|Camp RIP|


Damian snickered like a child who just got his first innuendo. His voice hissed and echoed just as Lance does whenever he speaks. It was as if he was his own copy of Lance in this state. "Yes?" He replied sounding pleased with himself. "I was hoping you'd shout, but I should've known you're better than that. Still, you're in your super suit. Good enough for me." Damian continued his laughter, as the cost of losing focus and falling from the branch he was latched too and falling on his back like a clutz. "Agghh!!" Damian rolled to his side and rose up, dusting himself off from the dirt and debris on the forest floor. "I had to. I have only a tree to sleep in and I'm bored. My 3DS is RIP in piece and I don't think I'm really allowed to go wandering off. As much as I want to. I can see as clear as day, so it's no bother to me. This night." Damian stuffed his hands into his pocket and blew from his nose. "I also just realized... I didn't bring any food. I'm really about to go kill a rabbit or something."
Physical Health: 20/20

Low = Feeling ill and sickly.

High = Feeling nice and healthy.


Emotional Health: 18/20

Low = Feeling sad and depressed.

High = Feeling happy and chipper.


Mental Health: 18/20

Low = She's going insane.

High = Feeling sharp and witty.


Energy & Strength: 18/20

Low = Feeling weak and tired.

High = Feeling strong and resilient.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf76d5cd3_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.cd9dec710fa16de5f6de315db65a065b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf76d5cd3_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.cd9dec710fa16de5f6de315db65a065b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{The Outskirts}~

~{With Shun}~

Hoshino was taken aback by a voice suddenly resonating through the air. "Not often I hear my heritage's language being sung in this country." It spoke, and immediately Hoshino recognized it. "Shun?" She called out as she sat up, resting her back against the tree trunk behind her. She looked around for his figure, and soon it emerged from behind the tree where she rested by. She took note of his small smile, it proving contagious as one of her own spread across her pale pink lips. She shook her head and let out a sweet, breathy laugh. "You scared me a bit there," she admitted as she hooked some of her extensive white locks behind one ear. It took a while for a certain fact to hit her - he had just heard her singing. She was glad it was dark out, for her cheeks flushed slightly upon the realization. Oh brother.. She thought, mentally face palming.

She couldn't help but notice the wondrous art supplies hanging from his back, and immediately her crimson eyes lit up.
I wonder if he-- she began to think, but was pleasantly surprised when he asked her himself if she'd like to collaborate with him. With a wide and enthusiastic smile, she nodded eagerly, and she gently took the brush from his hand. "I'd love to!" She spoke innocently, perching herself beside him where he was setting up. Her shy nature showed as she kept a small distance from him, making sure they weren't touching at all. With pursed lips, she wondered just what it was that he was planning on drawing. "What do you want to paint?" She questioned with shimmering, curious eyes. "Do you like painting scenery, too?" She continued to ask, looking forward to whatever it was he had planned for the canvas before them.

"You have no idea how badly I was wanting to paint this sky earlier," she admitted as she hooked some more loose strands of her silken hair behind her small ear. "But, I forgot to bring my supplies," she stated, letting out a pleasant giggle as she examined all the paints he placed before him. She also began to wonder if he was one of the people who didn't eat anything yet, so, with her everlasting curiosity, she turned away and reached into Gom for a yummy protein bar. "Would you like one?" She asked, for she had been dying to share her food with someone. It was a great way to make friends, wasn't it? Though, as she looked over at Shun, she couldn't help but remember what had happened not too long ago at Café Maria. He missed school the day after, too - she wondered if he was better now, seeing as he bothered to come all the way out on this tip.

"A-Are.. Are you--" she began, tripping over her words. She mentally cursed at herself for doing so. Upon taking a deep breath in, she attempted to steady out her tone. "Are you feeling better?" She asked, her eyes searching for an answer deep within his. She really hoped that he was able to patch things up with that girl, as well as whatever it was about his parents that bothered him so much. What he said that day.. It was so similar to her own childhood in relation to her mother. Hoshino wanted to ask so badly about it, but she knew it wasn't a nice subject to touch up on. She'd rather keep things light and happy - about the painting before them, for example. So, with lips pursed together, she dipped her brush into some of the paint, awaiting for him to say she could start painting the sky. She simply smiled over at him sweetly and innocently, letting out a giggle as she playfully put some of the paint on his nose.

"This is so your color."



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< -



| Friday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Camp 'Murder' |

Dominic stared at Damian and his laughter with an emotionless expression. Here he was, about to defend the camp with the best of his ability, and Damian was out here giving people nightmares. If it weren't for gravity adding it's two cents, Dominic would have attacked regardless.

"I also just realized... I didn't bring any food. I'm really about to go kill a rabbit or something."

That didn't bode well.

So far, nobody had brought any food. To stay in the wilderness for a weekend without food meant they would have to become Discovery's next hottest survival TV show. However, before Dominic could throw up any suggestions, a light flickered on and shone itself on the two. Dominic covered his eyes from the sudden light, it's flare making it difficult to see who exactly was behind it.

"Strange attire to be wearing during a camping trip." said a voice on the other side of the light. "This one is completely void of light itself. How peculiar." The light shut off, the source of the voice becoming apparent with Dominic's adjusted eyes. Len. "Who.." It was the boy from earlier, on the bus. Dominic's mind raced as to what their next course of action would be. With their powers exposed for that moment, anything could happen. "Don't be alarmed - I know of their existence." By 'they', he meant the Zodiac's.

Len's focus switched to Damian. "I've been meaning to talk to you, Damian. You and Lance. I believe I owe you two an official apology for before." Len extended his hand toward Damian, a small envelop in his hands. Inside of it would contain a large sum of money - exactly five grand. "With the situation at your abode, I imagine day to day life is hard enough, let alone the school and what's happening now." Len offered a light smile before refocusing on the both of them. "How did you know..?" "About?" "Lance-.. his situation.." "I've been watching everyone for quite some time now. About two and a half weeks, roughly." Their conversation wasn't exactly quiet, but it wasn't loud enough to reach the campfire or the second tent down from them. "I would like to talk to all of you. Meaning your friends - the hosts."

  • Pockets are empty.

Last edited by a moderator:

|Camp RIP|

|Look who it is|

Enter Len. Damian hasn't seen nor heard from this individual in a while. At least their reunion started with a deserved apology. Though, it doesn't defend that the man has been watching him. This, Damian was unaware of. "Watching us?" Damian furrowed his brow, though you wouldn't be able to tell with him in this altered form. He should probably dispel that before someone does see. But now Len cut to the chase as to why he was here... The hosts. "Should've known this would follow us here too. We can't enter the girls' side. So it's best if you just say your peace to us." While Damian didn't want to hear anything from Len, he knew it was unavoidable. He was hoping this would just be a simple, grueling, trip. A horrible experience free of Zodiac talk. But nothing goes as planned as far as it's concerned for Damian.

- Camp Murrrrdrrrr / w Campfire -

Ah, wilderness. So much learned. Like spending more time in it didn't make it any less shitty, or seizurific flailing coupled with silent cursing did indeed not shoo bugs away. The flying fiends drove Adonna to the fire, where she found they wouldn't come near. Several sleeping bags had been set up near the roaring flames, Adonna walked past them and to the logs that acted as makeshift benches around the campfire. Sitting down, she extended her hands nonchalantly to the source of light, welcoming the heat. The crackling and popping sounds, the warmth, it was enough to lull a man to sleep...

Arms crossed over her bent knees, head turned down into the hollow space created, the girl didn't even realize she'd dozed off.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7675baa_FarraIcon...jpg.bd00188701d15b01ee71703f191d6f84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7675baa_FarraIcon...jpg.bd00188701d15b01ee71703f191d6f84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Emotional Status: 4/10


Low=Time to fucking kill everyone.

High=Brookfield shall prosper another day.

Physical Status:7/10


Low=Gonna pass out.

High=Could run around in circles for hours on end.

Mental Status:8/10


Low=She's going crazy.

High=Feeling nice and catty.

Energy Status: 6/10



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

|Camp Murder!|

|Farra's back, bitches...|

Farra sighed angrily as she got off the bus. A morbidly obese kid had to sit next to her on the bus, despite her insistence that "this is seat is already taken." Maybe he was too absorbed in the Rice Krispie he was eating to care or notice. Farra cracked her neck several times. Time to find a tent.


|Camp Murder|

Farra sighed, laying her head down on her sack o' stuff. The Duffel Bag of Doom sat in the corner of her tent, which was located right next to the border of the guy side of camp. Apparently, they think that outlawing the opposite gender from meeting each other would stop the students; it was the weekend, when most of the seniors would meet up with each other when they were bored and fuck. It was almost midnight, too. Farra expected that the screams would start around 1:00. Not just..those screams...but maybe even screams of pain, of death. This place wasn't being referred to as "Camp Murder" for nothing. She sighed. Nothing to do but sit around in her tent...or she could go pranking. Yes, that was a good idea. She sat up quickly and dove into the deadly duffel bag. After much digging, she found what she was looking for; three, dagger-like kitchen knives, and a large black cloak (don't ask). All Farra had to do was make sure the knives glinted in the moonlight as she stood there, silently. Since girls were more likely to know who she was, she decided to sneak over to the boy's side of the camp.



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|Camp Murder|

|Too soon|

As Farra crept through the darkness of the forest, her light feet making little noise in the grass, twigs, and other foliage littered about the ground. Her glistening steel in the bright moonlight was a dead giveaway that something was beyond the borders between the segregated camps. At the same time, some student was treading where they did not belong. Keeping responsibility and holding his status quota of a chaperon, Angelo stood, back leaned against the bark. Arms crossed. He stood in total silence, awaiting Farra to blow past him. As the girl came into sight and was beside him, he rose from his recline and stood over the girl. Seeing her outfit and weapons Angelo felt he wouldn't need to confront Farra as "just a kid". Holding out weapons and creeping beyond camp borders. "Two offenses." Angelo stated coldly. With furrowed brows and a sharp stare he eyed Farra up. Sizing his possible opponent if she so chose to retaliate irrationally.

Camp Murder

Talking to Sam by the campfire

Clark awoke to a darkened sky and his classmates deciding upon their sleeping spots. He hadn't been sleeping against the tree for very long but his back and his neck were already beginning to ache. Clark stood up and stretched in attempt to ease the aching in his back. It didn't do much but thankfully the pain wasn't too bad to begin with. After a quick scan to see who was nearby Clark realised there were hardly any tents nearby. Unsurprisingly, the edge of the woods were the campfire light didn't reach wasn't a popular spot to be. Clark made his way to the campfire. He hoped to at least be warm since he had no shelter or any other material to protect him other than his clothes. He felt somewhat refreshed so simply sat next to the fire and warmed his hands. As he glanced around him he noticed Sam wrapped up in his sleeping bag. "Hey Sam. Judging by the rarity of the flower...I think we'll have to do some climbing tomorrow. Just letting you know.. Clark said with a depressing sigh. As Clark lay down not the grass he groaned at the realisation that he said we. He'd hoped to stay out of the search but it seems like his poor choice of words had resulted in him accompanying Sam and Alice.


< -



| Friday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Camp 'Murder' |

Len had hardly expected a reaction unfitting to his prediction. He simply scoffed at the fact that what he thought was right. Confusion mixed with slight hostility. "This business with Zodiacs is much bigger than you can fathom. I suggest you all exercise caution when using these new found abilities." Len paused momentarily to glance across from the two boys. There was movement by the camp, as it seemed some people would rather sleep outside their tents than inside. "While I would much rather explain things with your group in one spot, I will say this; You aren't the only ones to stumble across the existence of Zodiacs. There were hosts before you, and there will be after you. My job specifically is to make sure those with singular souls are safe and protected."

Dominic frowned a little. He didn't exactly know Len all that well, except for the time he dealt with Red in the gym. Ever since then Len was nothing more than a mysterious figure with a question mark plastered on him. "You protect people from Hollows?" "From anything or anyone, supernatural." "..I see." "Your headmaster, Boone, knows as well as I do. Your group has protected Armstrong twice against Hollow attacks, so he wishes for me to help better you in what you can do." "Like-.. training? Are you a host too?" Len chuckled at Dominic's curiosity. "Yes, and no. I'm not a host like you two are, but I will help hosts and non-hosts to protecting themselves in these dark times. It's the least I can do in this fog of confusion and panic." Again something caught Len's eyes. A figure shuffling about from one end of the camp to the other. A trespasser. However, Angelo was quick to intercept. "Hmph, not bad."

  • Pockets are empty.


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