- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Physical Health: 15/20

Low = Feeling ill and sickly.

High = Feeling nice and healthy.


Emotional Health: 20/20

Low = Feeling sad and depressed.

High = Feeling happy and chipper.


Mental Health: 18/20

Low = She's going insane.

High = Feeling sharp and witty.


Energy & Strength: 16/20

Low = Feeling weak and tired.

High = Feeling strong and resilient.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf791c9ed_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.2347063d4620a7eeddc6af3ba358f5c7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf791c9ed_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.2347063d4620a7eeddc6af3ba358f5c7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{The Outskirts}~

~{With Shun & Cecilia}~

Hoshino reached out longingly for the bowl of soup, wanting to much on it while awaiting the new pot of water to boil for the tea, but it was gone and in the possession of someone else before she could grab it. "Not bad at all." Hoshino would recognize that voice anywhere. "C-Cecilia!" She stammered her name in surprise. She was both delighted - for some odd reason - and a little shocked by her sudden appearance. She had a habit of appearing out of nowhere sometimes. Though, right now, her lips were pouted slightly in annoyance as Cecilia munched on her soup. She even helped herself to a bowl of rice, though what got to Hoshino the most was the sly grin appearing on her face.

Oh boy, here it comes -- Hoshino thought with dread, and, just as she expected, Cecilia teased her about Shun. With a flushed face, Hoshino shook her head in protest. "I-I'm.. I'm not--" She stammered innocently and childishly, hugging Coco close to her torso in abashment. She rested her chin on top of her head, looking away from Cecilia in an embarrassed fashion. She didn't like being teased, but.. at the same time, she kind of enjoyed it. She felt closer to Cecilia when they were like this. It was almost as though she was forming a weird sort of bond with her. Sure, it wasn't the closest or most stable bond, but it was still a bond, nonetheless. It made Hoshino smile warmly at the thought.

"As for you smarty-pants, I like the way you think, but you have a lot to learn my dear confused host of Bastion. You seems smart enough though. Perhaps I wouldn't mind shedding some light on your eyes." She spoke to Shun, and immediately Hoshino grew a little jealous. So she'll tell him more about zodiacs and their powers, but she won't tell me about her when I ask? She thought a bit stubbornly, but she decided to let the subject go. She figured that, since she was in an information giving mood, Hoshino may sneak in a question or two later. For now, though, she figured it'd be more appropriate to let Shun do the questioning, meanwhile she'd eat her food contently and listen in.

"Thanks again for the food," Hoshino spoke as she took a bowl, sipping at it before beginning to prepare the herbal wellness tea. She placed the herbs inside, letting it all come to a boil and brew. Soon enough, it was ready for serving, and Hoshino looked over to Shun for the cups. ((Assuming)) He made some for the tea, and Hoshino smiled as she poured the blend into the small containers. The herbs were naturally sweet, so she didn't feel there was any need for sugar. ((Don't know precise herbs, so just bear with me. Pretend!)) As she took a sip, she let out a content breath at the soothing taste. It left a comforting sensation in her throat and nose, making it easier to breathe. "Yum~" She sighed.

"Would you like to try some?" She asked to both Shun and Cecilia, pouring them both some of the beverage anyways. If they wouldn't drink it, she would. In the meantime, however, she decided to go ahead and pack up everything. Not wanting Shun to carry too much, she decided to put the painting they did together into Gom, along with all her candy and protein bars. She was sure Shun would rather take the rest of the stuff on his own, so Hoshino only placed so much into her beloved teddy bear's storage. Once she finished, she simply sat back and relaxed, happily sipping at the delicious tea she made for everyone.




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    Hoshino's Second New Power Icon.png
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Camp Murder

Talking to Sam & Alice

Climbing?! Clark's eyes widened at that word as Alice arrived with her climbing equipment as well. As if it wasn't bad enough they made him go without a tent or sleeping bag but now they had to climb what seemed like a dangerous mountain for those that didn't have fancy climbing equipment. Clark had felt somewhat chopper this morning but the death glare was back again, mainly towards Alice. "Oh yes I'm ready to go with all my climbing equipment too! I always have it ready. Clark hissed. The glare still holding.""Anyway I can't climb so I guess I can't go." Clark continued as he quickly admitted dearer to the task of climbing. He sat on a nearby log that acted as a seat around the fire where hotdogs were being handed out. Clark took one and quickly devoured it, the small snack form last night hadn't kept him full.

|Camp 'Murder'|


Derek spotted his first victim. Dominic. While he was accompanied by Len and Kenshi, he was still comfortable with revealing himself as he had an ally in waiting. On top of that, the Hollow was growing impatient with the staking out. The odds of Dominic being singled out is low at best. Considering he unintentionally became a social butterfly. Derek sprung his legs forward, darting towards the small group. He landed in front of the three with a light thud. Looks as if his weight too, was cut. Similarly to Damian. Derek had peered a sideways glance at Dominic, quietly initiating challenge. Within that moment of confrontation, he was gone again. Whisked away into the forest. Though, he slowed his pace so his silhouette is perceivable.


- >



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Out in the woods |

All this time, all anyone has been doing on the mention of Zodiacs is wonder. They wondered about the spirits, as well as the mysterious faces that made themselves known in their lives, and Dominic was honestly sick of being one step behind everyone else. He had a feeling everyone else felt the same way as well. Len seemed to hold a lot more than he should have known for a regular schoolmate. Hollows, even Kenshi. "You aren't just a simple student, are you?" Dominic's sudden change in tone bought the attention of both Len and Kenshi. "Sorry?" "You say you protect people from Hollows, yet you are unable to have a Zodiac yourself, even if you were able to. Who are you with?" This caused Len to groan a little. It seems he had to explain further than what he expected.

That was, until a figure sprung out from the trees and between them all.

Dominic and the figure, who was later identified as Derek, held eye contact for quite some time. Derek's eyes held a savagery that craved violence. It was the look that meant 'I'm going to do something tragic. Come and stop me.' And before long, Derek continued past them and into the trees.
"What the-" Len staggered to get on his feet while Kenshi eyed the direction in which Derek ran off to. It had to be in the direction of the camp. "That's no ordinary Hollow..!" Dominic rolled his shoulders, a wave of smoke rolling down his body and replacing his normal clothes with his suit. With the traveling bag still in his possession, Dominic bolted into the woods on Derek's heels. "You seriously aren't thinking of taking hi- Dominic, wait!"

The entire thing screamed trap, but Dominic was acting off of instinct. Call it a side effect for having a wolf as a Zodiac. He did his best to keep up, Derek's form was still visible jumping through the trees with great agility. There's no purple realm to hide this mess. I have to be careful..

  • Pockets are empty.



-Camping Grounds-

-Interacting with No One-

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Empty Chip Bag (x1)
      • Camera (x1)
      • Pocky (x1)

Alice frown at Sam as he said he was a "decent" climber, Alice feeling she was putting them in danger but she really needed the help from them and Clark needed to go if he wanted his grades to be good on this project,"Good enough for me just keep up with me." Alice said and glanced over at Clark returning the glare back to him,"Don't worry, I got spare ones just for you and Sam to be able to go and I can even teach you how to climb. I've been climbing many times before with my father so I'm pretty good to be able to teach you Clark Wilson." Alice said using Clark's full name that she found out about from doing some "research" and was about to continue when Sam suddenly presented with the red, streaming meat for her to eat.

Alice stared at the meat with a glare not sure if she should eat something like this in the morning but then her stomach started to grumble, blushing and taking the meat with a second thought,"F-fine. I guess it'll help along the climb." Alice stuttered and took a bite, the oil burst into her mouth,"Eww... this is why I hate meat." Alice thought but she didn't have time to be picky as she devoured the hot dog in seconds and sighed,"I have the gear but we need to get her too." Alice said until Sam then asked about his laptop, Alice nervously chuckled and turned to him,"Uhh... about that... uhhh.." Alice tried to explain as she glanced down and frown,"It's in my tent but I'm not sure how long this adventure will be so we have to go in a few once we get Zage." Alice said and looked around for the girl.

While looking around, she felt a tingling feeling of something... someone watching them. Turning to look at the trees, Alice tried to see what was bothering her but she couldn't see anything, her gut feeling still telling her that something was wrong,"What was that just now?" Alice thought confused.

|Camp Murder|

|Ace in the hole|

Derek zipped about the trees, luring his target back to the rendezvous. He was keeping a quick beeline back to the populated camps... So it appeared. Derek pressed his right off on the side of a rising bark of a tree and bounced hard to the left. Making a sharp "L" turn. From his peripherals he saw that Dominic was indeed in tow. Exactly what he wanted. Dominic was a fool for following him back, but it wasn't like he had much choice...

...A fair distance away, Derek had lead Dominic outside the treeline of the woods. He skidded to a halt on the green prairie, breaking the soft soil and rupturing the green grass. He stood up, doing his best to catch his breath before Dominic caught up. He turned to face his behind him, keeping an eye on the shade inside hoping to see Dominic emerge from within.

|What, Camp|

|Takin' with Hotdog|

Nikky was looking out towards the boy's side then back at the girl's, seriously contemplating stealing some food. Her hand was on her chin appearing to be in deep thought. There was one particular tent pretty close to the edge of the forest. If she wanted, she could go out at night and steal but then they would be sleeping in the tents, if she found some way to steal when everyone was out and about- What was she even thinking? She shook her head, stealing was wrong. She had never starved before her family was well off so she didn't need to worry about that sort of thing, and now that is was happening she wasn't sure if she could cope for much longer. Guuuh.

A pink haired girl approaching her from the corner of her eye caught Nikky's attention away from her lament. "Hey Hotaru." she read her sign and chuckled to herself.

"Yeah, sorry nope. But-" Nikky pointed to Hotaru's jar's of salt, "what are those for?"


Notebooks x 4

Some pencils x 5

Eraser x1

- - -

Toy ukelele x1

The antidote x1


Hiking Equipment




Extra pair of shoes



Physical Health 14/20

Low: Needs to leave for home

High: Hell yeah lets get to it

Emotional Health

9 1/2 / 20

Low: Needs to let out her depression

High: Ready to take on the world

Mental Health


Low: Ready to lay down and cry

High: Sharp as a tack

Energy and Strength


Low: Needs a red bull and Tylenol

High: Crazy hyper]



Interacting with Alice,Sam, and Clark

Boys Side of the Camp

Zage had woken up and packed all her stuff into her bag, not feeling all that good. But she didn't want to leave and disappoint her team so she decided to tough it out as she made her over to they boys side of the camp where they were currently talking. "So, how long do you think it will take to find one of the flowers?" She asked as she fiddled with the tips of her long hair which was /rarely\ out of a ponytail, so it reached down a little past the bottom of her spine. She was wearing her hiking clothes which were slightly uncomfortable which resulted in her fiddling with her belt or the tag on the back of her shirt every now and then. She coughed and rubbed her eyes, which were slightly red.

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    • tumblr_n6q216ahuH1smqpouo1_500.png

      **It's pink, I swear

| Camp 'lolweded' |

| Speaking with le Nik |

Hotaru was glad that she didn't take the ferret to heart. Hotaru blinked a bit as she readjusted her scarf. The girl looked at her bag that was carrying the two jars of salt. She pulled one jar out and handed it to Nikky to hold while she wrote on the slate. The girl showed Nikky the slate and took the jar of salt back, "The salts are to protect my soul while I try to contact Satan so I can ask him if he is actually Santa. It's like that one anime with that one bad guy name Tobi."

She opened the jar and sniffed the salt. She grimaced a bit, her childish curiosity retracted and Hotaru closed the jar. She placed the jar back in her bag and grinned with innocent-like eyes at Nikky. She tilted her head a bit and the voodoo doll pin moved along with her, hinting the evil yet pure intentions she had buried deep within, "Just kidding~! It's for extra salty fast foods!"
Evidently, hot dogs weren’t Akira’s favorite food, hence why she cringed at the idea of trying one now of all times. She hadn’t had a snack in a number of hours, and her bag was only a short distance away, so instead, she sat and pulled out her magnifying glass, followed by her phone.

I know I won’t get any service… but that doesn’t stop me from taking pictures!” She thought, holding the magnifying glass up to a small line of ants, each of which were carrying rations apparently from some unnamed food supply; all of it consisted of tiny crumbs but it was still an interesting sight. She took a number of pictures leading all the way up to the hole in which the ants were to end their trek across the campfire area, then quickly placed her phone in her back pocket, placing her magnifying glass in her left pocket after. She then stood and looked around. “Well… I didn’t bring a book, so I doubt I’ll have anything to do for the next few hours. And since we’ll be here for a few days, I guess I’d best find some place interesting to bide my time while I’m here.

♦♥♣♠Camping Grounds Venture♠♣♥♦

Quietly, Akira made her way slowly away from the majority of the camp grounds, looking around. “A small river would be a nice place to look at a few fish. I always was a fan of the calmer stream.” She began speaking aloud again. Immediately the song from Disney’s Pocahontas came to mind, ‘Just around the River Bend’. “What I love most about rivers… is that you can’t step in the same river twice. It makes sense but it’s not like all the water on earth goes somewhere different than earth, does it?” It was then that the quiet trickling sound that could only match that of a stream made its way to Akira’s ears. Immediately, the girl walked toward the sound, and made her way to a small, glistening stream, crystal clear due to its quick flow with rocks at the base.


Akira’s eyes glistened with surprise at the beauty of this particular area. And the morning light made it appear all the more glorious. Taking out her phone, Akira took another picture of it and then sighed… “Oy… while everyone else is enjoying their time engaging in nature and with one another… all I can do is take pictures. How superficial of me…” Her thoughts resumed. Eventually, the girl’s cautious demeanor cleared as she quickly stepped down a couple of large stones and sat near the small stream, looking into the clear waters and at the life that resided within it.


- Camp Murder / w empty tummy -

Adonna woke around the time everyone else did. What, with all the rustling, who could stay asleep? Tired, aching from sleeping on the ground, with a few ashes stuck to her face, and low on fuel, she felt little to no motivation to actually move. But all the bustle around her made it impossible to fall right back asleep, not to mention the growing strength of the sun directly on her would eventually get unbearable.

She rose, stretched, and then walked from the center of the camp to the edge where the trees grew strong. Here, she found one large, infinitely branched, many leaved tree and fwumped down into the grass below it. Well, this felt nice.


-Camping Grounds-

-Interacting with No One-

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Empty Chip Bag (x1)
      • Camera (x1)
      • Pocky (x1)

"So, how long do you think it will take to find one of the flowers?"

Glancing back at Zage, Alice smiled in delight that she didn't have to go fetch her and cleared her throat,"Well it may take us the whole day as I said to them so we have to get moving now so.." Digging into her backpack, Alice pulled out the spare equipment she had and threw it over to Sam and Clark to catch, zipping back her bag and grin,"Now we'll go, ready Zage- wait... are you okay Zage?" Alice asked as she noticed that Zage wasn't in the best shape. Her eyes were droopy and bright red as if she had been crying for so long and she was coughing a bit, Alice worried for the girl,"Do you have a fever?" Alice asked placing the back of her hand on Zage's forehead to check her temperature.

-Short because I got nothing to put ._.-


< -



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Moving through the woods |

Thanks to Dominic's natural athletic ability, dodging trees and keeping up with Derek didn't prove to be a hard task. However, Derek jumped around the trees like it was an episode of Naruto. Keeping up with him was one thing, but catching him was another. Eventually there was a break in the woods, and Dominic emerged from it.

Coming to a stop in front of Derek, it was clear this was another special Hollow. No ordinary human moved that fast, and considering the type of 'special' Hollows he's encountered so far, Derek could easily be identified as one.
"What are you doing here?" Dominic asked between breaths. If it was possible, Dominic would have wanted to avoid combat. However, the feeling he got from their brief stare down meant that could very well be impossible. In turn, Dominic stayed alert for both him and anyone else nearby.

  • Pockets are empty.


Camp "Murder" Campfire


Sam waves to Zage as she shows up and easily catches the climbing gear as Alice throws it to him. "Well, the gangs all here. I'm ready to go out when you are." But then Alice asks if Zage is feeling up to snuff. Sam also sees that Zage might not be feeling so well. "You sure your alright Zage? Getting a cold or something on a camping trip sucks." He looks to Alice. "Hopefully she doesn't get too sick, getting that flower sounds like it'll be hard with us even at full strength." He sighs. "Don't take any big risks, that's something I'm saying to everyone."

(Sorry for crap post, not much to do -_- )

|Mutton Prairie|

|Dominic vs. Derek & ?????|

Derek quietly chuckled. Blowing from his nose. He took a few steps back, and held is arms out. As to officially initiate his challenge. He looked cocky, certain of his victory. "It's nothing I want. It's what he wants." On que... Dario emerged from the tree line. His hands coupled behind his pockets. The quick breeze of the open prairie blew his suit jacket back. His steps were hard, and slow. He turned on his heel, skidding his dress shoes into the soil. His deadpanned glare met with Dominic's face. "You. From sources, you're the host of Kenshi. You also seem to be holding this group of hosting misfits together. Are you not?" Dario removed his suit jacket and threw it to the wind before it disintegrated into ash from the cackling blue energy veraciously eating through the fabric.

Camping Grounds

Talking to Alice, Sam & Zage

Clark simply scoffed at the use of his full name. He couldn't care less if Alice knew his full name. When she announced she'd brought spare climbing gear Clark sighed and rubbed his forehead. He wasn't too surprised that his bad luck meant he'd still have to accompany his group in search of the rose. Clark put on all the climbing gear handed to him as Sam and Alice talked to Zage who'd only now spoken to the group after a few days of being gone. Of course she can leave without a word but I'm crucified if I don't want to do one thing... Clark thought to himself as he finished equipping himself. "Well before we can go yet we'll need to ask Mutton. Right?" Clark asked. He was pretty sure the four of them couldn't wander out of the camp without a word. That wouldn't end well for them.

'The Beautiful Alabama Flora' Book

Toothbrush & Toothpaste

Bottle of water x2

snacks x2

extra set of clothes x3


Wallet ($ 10)

snack wrapper

Climbing equipment


< -



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Open field |

| Soundtrack |

"It's nothing I want. It's what he wants."


A strong breeze engulfed Dominic, impairing his vision momentarily as it passed. And when it did, a sense of dread fell upon him. There stood an extra man in front of him, one he faintly felt familiar with. The two locked glares for that moment. "You. From sources, you're the host of Kenshi. You also seem to be holding this group of hosting misfits together. Are you not?" That voice.. Suddenly, it came back to him.

Heirophant! It's his host..

So the deed wasn't done. Dominic realized he hadn't spoke since Dario asked him that question. "What are you talking about? I don't hold anything together." Still, the sound of 'hosts' reminded him of those he lingered around. "Who are you, exactly? What do you want from me?" All the while, Dominic kept his fists clenched.

| Camp 'Murder' |

| At the campfire |

That same breeze that hit Dominic would have eventually carried over toward the camp. To most people, it was just a simple passing of wind, but to Clark, something would have felt 'odd' in the air, as if something didn't exactly sit right. It wasn't something to sit down and think about, rather just a bad, shivering feeling.

Eventually, Ben would have concluded his business at their hotdog dispenser, seeing as how they had run out. With a tired stretch,
Ben spotted a lone student at the base of a large tree. That same student hadn't ate as far as he knew. With being the good samaritan that he was, Ben approached the dozing Adonna quietly. "Excuse me, but-.. have you eaten yet?"

Leaving the Boys Camp

Interacting with Alice,Clark, and Sam

She wipes at her eyes and blinks a few times trying to get the red away, "No, *cough* I should be fine. I'll tough it out. I mean afterall, I don't wanna let you guys down." She adjusted the straps of her bag and smiled at them. "Well, I don't want to make us wait anymore so let's get going shall we?" she smiles again and turns, walking backwards down a path, watching them, and waiting for them to follow.

//Sorry it's so short!! I didn't really know what to say either!! "^^\\


|Mutton Prairie|


"I'm no ruffian, so I'll at least honor you with a name. My full government is Dario Ezekiel Volaju. I'm sure you remember me, as I accompanied Hierophant in Limbo. Unless your frail child mind can't even remember a major event of what? A week ago?" Dario rolled up his linen shirt sleeves, afterwards cracking each individual knuckle on his hands. He clutched his fists, the energy arcing from his wrists and down into his concealed fingers. Underneath Dominic's feet the soil shot up and spread like an opening trap. It rapidly began to close around Dominic's torso, aiming to constrict him to the Earth. "What I want, is to destroy this unity you hosts appear to have. Don't lie to me and say that you don't organize this lot. They buzz around you like they've nothing better to do." Keeping one hand clenched, Dario raised the other. He fashioned this hand into the shape of a pistol. The air around it rippled. The ripples moved in a spiral fashion. Different than the shockwave-like effect he used on Derek previously. His hand began to vibrate from the intense focus being put in front of his fingertips. He took aim at Dominic's head.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.d8a6559c6d61df8c51178ad3ffc8c0cc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20892" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.d8a6559c6d61df8c51178ad3ffc8c0cc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Camp Moirder / w the Good Samaritan -

"Excuse me, but-.. have you eaten yet?"

"Hmm?" she automatically responded before even processing the question. Eyes blinking open, she saw a familiar face, though she wasn't sure where to place... "Oh, you, from the first day," she said as she sat up. She was yet to recall he had also been at the barbecue when the madness had gone down, but when that had happened he had mostly been obscured from her sight. "No, I-" she scoffed as she realized how the next few words would sound, "I just got on the bus, didn't realize this was a camping trip." She shook her head, standing up to her full height, "I'll manage, I don't want to be taking your rations and leave you starving by the end of it all."



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| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Open field |

With the traveling bag still slung on his shoulders, Dominic stood at the ready for anything the host of Hierophant could throw at him. Before he knew it, the ground shifted underneath his shoes and he quickly found himself being inclosed in the earth. Thinking quickly, Dominic phased into smoke, flying upward through the slim openings that temporarily remained. Of course, this meant his traveling bag was stuck within whatever magical cage Dario had summoned. Dominic regained his full body mid-air, at the apex of his ascend. Damn it, the bear.. He would have to either retrieve it later, or prepare to apologize later.

"What I want, is to destroy this unity you hosts appear to have. Don't lie to me and say that you don't organize this lot. They buzz around you like they've nothing better to do."

Looking up towards Dario just as he was beginning to fall, he saw the gun imitation that Dario formed with his hand. Dominic hadn't a clue what it meant - his instincts threw up his arms in defense before a sharp force literally blasted both of his arms free from his body, blood everywhere. Dominic's blood stained face watched in pure shock as his own arms departed from him.


He crashed into the thickness of the forest, catching himself on several trees before coming to a hard stop against a tree trunk. Like a sick joke, his own arms landed beside him. It wasn't over yet. Dominic phased the torn suit on his arms to smoke, which in turn, made the arms themselves into a gaseous state. Carefully, he maneuvered the smoke back to his 'stumps' and reattached his arms, though not without the bloody attire. "G-great-.."


Dominic, again, emerged from the woods to confront the duo. Though his suit was tainted with blood, he still stood strong having mended his bones back together. There was a killer's intent in the expression Dominic held. A realization that there were more lives at stake than he originally guessed. This man looked to eliminate not him, but all of the hosts he knew. The air changed around him as his body began to change once more. The smoke swirling around his own body like a growing tornado. His tie and hair flailed about while he got himself amped for a fight to the death. "If you want the other hosts, you've got to get through me."

Balls of concentrated smoke shot out from the tornado towards Dario. Their pulsing red core hinted at it's destructive end. This was indeed a smoke missile, and there were about a dozen of them being thrown at Dario.

| Camp 'Murder' |

| At the base of a tree |

Ben grinned at the girl's cluelessness. "I just got on the bus, didn't realize this was a camping trip." Ben was just about ready to say something when Adonna's sheer height forced those words to die in his throat. "I'll manage, I don't want to be taking your rations and leave you starving by the end of it all." It was by a higher force that allowed Ben to run into a monk of a giant, and not a brute, like everyone else. "I've already had my fill. Come on, we should go see if there are any more to cook up. I'd hate to leave someone out of food." Though Ben looked slightly intimidated by Adonna's size, it didn't stop him from beckoning Adonna to where food may possibly still be available.

By the time Ben had returned to the spot where they readied food, it had hit him that the hotdogs were finished.
"We're out. How could you forget that already?" A helping student said to Ben. However, while the main course was over, there was a visible stash of junk food to the side of the 'stall'. "What about those?" "I suppose, but one bag of chips per person!" Grinning once more, Ben withdrew two bags and handed one to Adonna. "It's the best we'll get for now."

  • Pockets are empty.


|Mutton Prairie|


"Simple enough of a task." Dario roundhoused the air. The Earth followed his movements as a rising wave of clumped soil pillars rose and followed his leg. At the end of his kic, the pillars shot towards Dominic like blunt spears. As they fired towards the boy, Dario prepared both of his fingerguns. With astonishing accuracy, he blew apart each pillar. Leaving a blinding cloud of dust around Dominic. His view completely taken by dust. Within the dust, leaped Derek dive kicking into the brown smokescreen.

|Camp Mutton|

|Hold on lil' lady|

"You sure you wanna turn down such a humble request lass?" Angelo said, walking from out the woodwork. "I've been keeping a tab on everyone I can... You haven't eaten since the trip. What would Boone say to me if I let his students starve?" He asked, with a small chuckle.
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< -



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Open field |

With Dominic's missiles blown out of existence, he had another issue to worry about. A cloud of dust surrounded him as a result of Dario's makeshift smokescreen. This instantly threw Dominic into close combat mode. He was ready to jump out of the way of the slightest sign of movement. It didn't help that all around him was moving dust, however. With the help his already spun tornado, he extend it's reach, pushing back the dust with the influence of wind. It helped to synchronize the dust to move in one direction at a similar speed. Anything not moving in that direction at that velocity was an enemy.

Of course, a body came that disrupted the flow of the dust dome, breaching through the smoke and dust to deliver a kick towards Dominic. However, the attack would only meet the ground as Dominic jumped back out of the way.
That's not Dario.. ...But the Hollow from earlier. Stopping his backwards movement with a shift to Derek's backside, Dominic sought to end this quickly.

Speeding up the turning of the tornado, all that could be seen was an intense storm of smoke and dust. It was like a sandstorm that picked away at the flesh with the faster it blew. Dominic forced this tornado to retract and consume Derek in it's intensity. The quick movements
would have kept Derek contained and at the same time, rip him to shreds.

  • Pockets are empty.



|Campin' Grounds|

|Palin' 'round with Pinkie|

Nikky blinked at Hotaru, the sudden strange vibe coming from the girl was off putting but only served to make her more intrigued by the pastel goth girl standing before her.

"Just kidding~! It's for extra salty fast foods!"

Nikky grinned and the tension in her muscles relaxed a bit, she smirked,

"Heh, if Satan was Santa I'm pretty sure he'd be handing out curses of the damned rather than gifts and toys. Unless of course, that's his community service-" Holy crap, what if Satan was Santa and was doing it for community service for being a fallen angel? Nikky's eyes widened upon this realization, perhaps Hotaru was onto something. Now she wanted to find out, for science. She shook her head realizing she was staring into space for a good minute or so, damn her scatteredbrained-ness.

"So uh, how's campin' treatin' ya?" Nikky could tell right off the bat, this most likely city girl wasn't having much fun.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" A concerned look formed on Nikky's face as she interrogated Nakamura. Though she had a hard time focusing as her ears were tuning in on something else. What the hell was that? Nikky was still trying to get use to the enhanced hearing, and she started to wonder if she ever would. While it bothered her, she tried her best to ignore it like she usually did to give her friend her full attention.

Love, Tapatalk

|Mutton Prairie|

|Showdown Effect|

Derek hit the ground foot first. The force of impact was enough to bore a foot sized crater into the soil. Before he could turn around and follow up he was caught in a harsh twister. The speed and wind force was enough to whisk the light Hollow of its feet. Due to his light weight, he wasn't caught in the tornado. His body was flung aside. Scuffed across the ground, and tossed right into the river adjacent. He skidded on the surface before finally sinking. He resurfaced, face first in the body of water. "Useless." Dario looked towards Dominic's twister. "An interesting power. What is that? Wind? No... He turns into some sort of aerosol state. Gas? It looks thicker than air but... I need to attack the whole bog. My bullets would simply fly through it. It wouldn't harm him... At least much. I need something that can strike an--" It then hit him. "Travel through the current. And if that's gas then this should work perfectly." Dario's charge arced up in the palm of his right hand. His fingers acting as conductors. A weak, loose bolt of lighting shot from his palm, striking Dominic's gas tornado.
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