- Zodiac - [Inactive]

|Outside Armstrong High's Entrance|

|Speaking with the mane|

"Yeah... Thanks. If Kenshi can figure something out I can feel a bit comfortable with any decision Lance and I make. But as for those two, I think we in far too deep. More Zodiacs are appearing, I'm afraid of that Hierophant fellow returning, and Hollows are still on the offensive. We're just getting started, I guess." Damian started walking down the steps and to the pavement. He jerked his head forward to notion Dominic to follow. "Hey, wanna head to somewhere to eat? I'm f**kin' hungry."

|Inside Brookfield Commerce|

|Organizing files|

Dario had a file shelf open and rearranging the contents in order of date. Numerous portfolios all stacked aside one another. Their purpose and contents are unclear form within their folders though, you can see some text mentioning economic study, increase or decline, or previous trips to Wall Street. Dario scanned the drawer, seeing if he left any folders out of place. Though his task was cut short by a faint blue glow hitting the wall in front of him. His tome had picked up on another stronger hollow presence. With how brightly it was glowing the damned thing must be nearby. "To think it would happen now. Luckily, my shift is over plus I've nothing left to sort in the offi--" A few steps could be heard on the carpet. A few coworkers were down the hall, and approaching Dario's office. "Sh*t! How am I to hide the tome... Agh, uhh..." Dario took the book and stuffed it in his desk drawer. The glow pierced through the space around the drawer slide, but it wasn't obvious enough to attract suspicion. "Phew..--" "Dario, our super trooper! You up for a few rounds? Braxton is paying this time. Feels he owes you for last time." Dario quickly turned around, startled by the sudden voice. "Ah shoot, men. You went and startled me. Well, I can't join tonight. Going to be seeing to family tonight. Apparently, someone's ill. But save me something. Surprise me." The three men looked amongst each other, looking a bit disappointed. "You work too hard. We'll make sure to grab you something nice. Braxton needs to break that check on something. Damn bum." "Ay', ay', ay'!" The posse laughed in unison. Their coordination was almost startling. Dario snorted, brushing the group away with his hand. "Yeah, yeah... I'll be in a little early tomorrow. Don't get wasted and be late." The posse took their leave, giving their friendly goodbyes to Dario as they boarded the elevator down. Once alone, Dario pulled his drawer open. The book is still emitting a strong glow that began to take up the entire room. "Now... Where are you?" Dario looked out his office window, out to the sunset world beyond.
Farra grumbled as she stomped through the halls, finally arriving at the entrance. She pushed the door open angrily, still muttering. "That little ball, that piece of sh--" she said, but stopped abruptly. Ahead of her was Dominic and Damian. "Hey, wanna head somewhere to eat? I'm fucking hungry." Farra frowned. Food? Without her? "Hey guys! Can...can I come? I have question for you two.." She waited for their answer.

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| Evening |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| In front of ASH |

| Heading towards Downtown |

The feeling of hunger was mutual between the two boys. Though Dominic hadn't done much to warrant the feeling, it came nonetheless. And to Damian's offer, he nodded happily. "I think Soul Food is closed, so we can check out that new sweets shop." Words of Cafe Maria's existence spread through town like a wildfire. The smell and feel of a bakery combined with the wonderful essense of a flower shop combined was enough to sway people from all across town into their establishment. While Soul Food was an ideal place for a main course, Cafe Maria was the place to go to satisfy your sweet tooth.

A faintly familiar voice sounded behind the before they departed. Turning to look, it was Farra. Her aura was angered to say the least. Apparently, she held a question for the two to answer. No doubt it was about Zodiacs. That seemed to be the hot topic, especially considering that Farra was now apparently a host. "Sure, come on."

The walk to the cake shop was quiet, but nonetheless, the two arrived at the doors. The smell of heavy icing and the bright vibrant colors coming from the shop was more than enough of a hint that this was the right place. Dominic walked in, instantly embracing the overwhelming scent of icing and the like. "I think I just got diabetes." He chuckled. Scanning the shop, he was instantly able to pick up Sam, who was currently being served by-.. Hoshino? She worked here? It wasn't long before thoughts began to formulate in his head.

I wonder if this is a family business, and Hoshino's apart of said family. They were wild, unsupported guesses, but that was the nature of Dominic's mind. Ultimately, Dominic chose a table with four seats, with Damian and Farra able to fill the other two. Dominic settled down, glancing over to Farra. "So what question do you have?" 



| ??? |


| In a dimly lit cellar |

A musky, cobwebbed room laid in an unknown area, within an unknown building. The floor, walls and ceiling were of cracked stone, showing old age and extensive use. Inside were candles mounted to walls, their light only able to illuminate the walls around them, leaving the middle space relatively darker. On one side, was a weapon rack, where several different types of weapons were stored, obviously. On the opposite side was a single cage, made from an ethereal force. It's sharp white glow stood apart from the rest of the worn equipment.

Inside the cage was Annabelle. She was on her knees at this point, even if she had just been placed in the cage no more than 10 minutes ago.
"Why do I have to stay in the cage again?" She asked a man standing next to the weapon's rack. This man wore higher class clothing, almost something of royalty, straight out from a fantasy world. His sky blue hair hung on one side in a neat fashion, while the other side was stylized differently, giving him a very elfish, edgy feel to him. "It's a special cage, sweet pea. It'll protect you from the crazed spirits on the outside." His answer was enough to make the girl slump back with a partly satisfied frown. In response, the man tilted his head and directed more attention towards her. "Worry not~ You're a powerful being, I've seen your capabilities. However, that power can be easily traceable. The cage is more of a protection than a prison." The girl looked up to him and slowly formed a smile. "If you say so!" The two exchanged smiles before the man darted his vision toward the doorway, and began to head off.

"You're leaving me?" Annabelle perked up, gripping the bars in sudden adrenaline. The man stopped, peering over his shoulder toward the cage. "There are more Zodiacs out there which I must tend to. I'm sorry, sweet pea, but I will return for you." Without another word, the man disappeared around the corner past the doorway, leaving Annabelle to sulk back into the cage and sigh.

"Well, as you may have guessed...it's about those Zodiac things. I-I got one? And, uh, I was wondering..do I have to fight Hollows? I mean, I don't have the proper skills, because I'm sure those things take more stabs than humans." Farra ran a hand through her hair, her green eyes sparkling. She glanced over at Dominic; she had been staring at the waitresses in their poofy uniforms. "So what I'm basically asking is..do I get a weapon? Powers? Training? Something??" Farra sighed and turned to Damian. "You have you shadow things, and Dominic has..something, right?"
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|Cafe Maria|

|God help me|

Damian tilted his head when he saw another body appear from within the school entrance. It was Farra again. She appeared donning her snarky aura and had some question it seemed. Interrogative. It didn't leave Damian to any surprise but it would make sense to have some questions to be answered during a time like this. Damian kept quiet and let Dominic do all the talking as he usually did. Besides he was more focused on a new sweets shop that opened up. A sweets shop that managed to blow by Damian's attention? Inconceivable. Damian is usually one of the first people to check out a new sweets spot. Guess this news blew right over his head. "Sweets shop?" Damian asked. He followed behind Dominic as he lead the way...

...Arriving at Cafe Maria, Damian was taken by the sights and smells. The cafe smells of treats and flowers. The aroma took Damian headfirst as he browsed the place. There was only one bliss Damian could feel and that was if he was surrounded by something sweet. The cakes, cookies, tarts, cones, pops, and more was so much Damian had no idea what he wanted to chose first. He was so distracted that he zoned out from Farra's questions and started wondering about. "Mmmmrmph... What do get... I only have $10... Maybe a slice of pound cake? No... Chocolate? Maybe. Agh..." Damian weighed out his options under his breath, tapping his chin in thought.

|Downtown Brookfield|

|Searching for Annabelle|

Dario was speedwalking down Market Street, stifling through the pedestrian traffic during rush hour. The tome was placed inside of his laptop bag, still glowing strongly from within. Whatever Hollow was lurking about it wasn't far off, and it was active. The problem was not attracting attention in such a public area. There were hundreds, possibly thousands in the downtown area making their way home and to restaurants for dinner. Using his power isn't going to play stealthily, as his power works on a grand scale. However he was supposed to neutralize the Hollow and not attract attention was beyond him. It may have been smarter to have waited in the office building and wait for it too move again. It's good that regular humans cannot see it, but the downside was that Dario himself could be seen and so could his power. "Troublesome, this Hollow. The book isn't changing its mind none, so it's staying in one place. But it's close by. Why in the world is it just planting itself in one position? Hollows don't regularly hold still, considering they have no restriction... I don't get it." Dario found a bus bench at the edge of the pavement and took a seat to collect his thoughts before frantically moving again. "Okay... Okay... If it's going to remain somewhere, it would have to be somewhere out of the way? There's nothing out of the ordinary happening currently. So it must be somewhere where even its influence on the mortal plane is out of sight from humans. A dumpster? An alleyway? A parking lot? Subway? Well, I'm above ground I have to try my first two options. If not, then I'll move to the concourse below the city." Dario stood up and looked about any inconspicuous alleyways. Anywhere that looked like a good place to hide. "I'm coming for you, Hollow..."



| Evening |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| Downtown |

| Cafe Maria |

| Dining Area |

Dominic nodded, glancing over to Damian who apparently was having his own emotional arc over what to order. From his silence, Dominic clued in that he was to be the one who conversed with Farra. No problem. "I was just told that you were a host." When a clanking noise was heard over by the kitchen, it reminded Dominic to carefully pick his words. They were sitting in a public area, and the talk of spirits, powers, and the like could draw attention to themselves. He hoped they waved it off as game-speak.

"I-.. suppose it depends on what Zodiac you have. Damian has Lance, who from what I know, is a master of shadows. My Zodiac; Kenshi-.. With him, I can phase into smoke." Dominic ultimately shrugged at the end of his brief explanation of their supernatural abilities. "Lance is made from shadows, so that's a hint to what you may be able to do." Crossing his arms on the table, he focused on Farra at the moment. "Have you tried to do anything yet? D-don't do it now, you might cause a scene.." And by scene, he meant turn the center of Brookfield into Crater X.

| Isolated courtyard |

| Oh shit, got to make her happy |

"Oh! You mean Alice!" Hotaru's voice was down to a low tone. She watched as Marabel's mood withered like a flower. Tears fell from her face as she trailed off. Hotaru quickly wrapped her arms around her Zodiac, "No, no, you're very helpful. You're not a bad Zodiac...." Hotaru had another question that she wanted to ask her, "Can I ask you something?" She didn't wait for reply, "Were you a host before you died...?" She didn't know how she came up with that question, but she was curious. She quickly shot more questions, "So you met Celestia...? Oh! Cecelia! She has a bear head? I have teddy bears! Do you want to see them when we get to the dorm?" As she spoke she walked her way to the dorm building. As more people began to occupy the same space as her, she would begin to drop her volume.

Shit posts because I need sleep.

(Shun and Ashlei are still RIP. Enjoy everyone's favorite little girl instead <3)

|Cafe Maria|


The day at school had proven relatively boring for the spirit who had faithfully remained by her host's side despite how illogical of an occurrence it proved to be. It was with Hoshino's arrival at work that re-sparked Cecilia's curious nature as she observed the servant-like actions of her host. Waitressing was not unknown the small girl, yet she still couldn't stop herself from wondering why any sane soul would find enjoyment in serving at the whim of other's desires. Biting her tongue to prevent the bitter words that reached her mouth, Cecilia simply turned to patiently observing from within Gom until some new event would hopefully spark her interest.

It would be the mildly flirtatious words and actions of Hoshino's first customer that would cause the spirit to burst into a fit of giggles as she removed herself from her holding and began rolling on the cafe's floor in continuation of her laughter.

"Boys don't change no matter the era they are from."

Unconcerned by the potential effects that her sudden actions might bring upon Hoshino, Cecilia continued to uncontrollably laugh until she eventually turned to clenching her stomach in what appeared to be mild pain resulting from her humorous fit. Although it wasn't entirely similar to Lance, the strikingly similar feeling left her in conclusion that his host was nearing the premises, and it was in good timing that the girl could revitalize her fun. Returning to Gom where her presence would be partially masked, Cecilia waited until her target was lost in thought over sweets to appear by his side with an innocent, cheerful gaze up toward the boy who towered over her minuscule figure.

"Mister, the answer is simple--"

Reaching to grab the boy's hand, Cecilia gently pried open his palm where she ran her other hand against his causing a twenty dollar bill to manifest itself in his open hand. Were he to check his wallet, the boy would have easily noticed the missing ten dollar bill that once existed in its confinement.

"If you can't decide among a few options, then choose them all!"

Hopping backward while clasping her hands behind her back, Cecilia gave the boy a quick wink and half-curtsy while allowing her usual innocent smile to soften her expression to one much attune for her childish appearance.

"Hello host of Lance, I can see you two seem quite resolved in your decision."

|Cafe Maria|

|A new and friendly(?) face|

While Damian was peering at the display case, he continued to be at war with his decisions until some young girl appeared by his side and recommended all the choices. Damian was good with kids, but this child was particularly... Different. To start off she referred to Damian as the host of Lance. Right off the get go, no need for tedious detail. Straight to the point. It was a Zodiac. But who's? Damian was so enthralled by the treats he hadn't even paid any attention to who was in the facility. When Damian caught his wits after the shock, he brought his hand over his mouth. To feign that he's stuck in thought. Muffling from his hands, though audible enough for Cecelia to hear Damian replied, "Talking to myself is going to seem out of place in public, is there somewhere I can speak to you away from non-hosts?" After his little request Lance had appeared from his black hole on the other side of Damian. He peered down at Cecelia while giving Damian a pat on the shoulder. "Let me talk for you. Just get your treats." Lance demanded. Damian wanted to say something in dismay but he figured it may be best if he let Lance handle things. He felt like a helpless child, allowing Lance to speak for him. Then again, when wasn't he helpless? Damian walked off to the farther side of the display case where the cakes are placed, seeing what his choices are. "I see you do have a host. Otherwise the abnormality of you being in the mortal plane is beyond me. Me and Damian... We want to say yes, but he's still uncertain. A lot of this Zodiac business has the boy on edge and he wants to play things by ear. Though, I slightly disagree. I don't think I have a lot of time left... His pragmatism is going to delay his thoughts even further. I suppose you and your host should get acquainted first. Kid's running himself rapid with all of this." Lance looked over his shoulder, spying at Damian taking order for a sizable slice of cheesecake. There was a grin spread across the boys face as he admired his favorite treat. That bliss sort of calmed Lance. It was nice to see his host was capable of happiness. Even if it was over something material. Before he left to his table, Damian looked back at Lance and Cecelia with a concerned look. His grin vanished and he kept that usual look of despair he always had. Lance shook his head and shoo'd the boy away. Damian only faced the ground then back to Lance before facing forward again and leaving to his table with Dominic and Farra. Lance sighed. "Yeah... Getting him to not work himself up is a challenge. So... I must ask. How would you go about curing my hollowing, exactly?"

|Besides Hotaru|

|Sucking up tears|

Marabel wiped her eyes as Hotaru reassured her as a good Zodiac. Hotaru was somehow able to easily manipulate Marabel's emotions. The Zodiac grew attached to her new host so quickly. Perhaps they shared something unforeseeable? As her tears dried and her spirits lifted she pulled Hotaru in for a tight embrace before growing excited over teddy bears. "You have teddies? I can see them? Then lets go!" Marabel's voice was still cracked and sullen but you could hear the gratification underneath it all. She held Hotaru's hand awaiting for her host to lead the way to all the fun.
Physical Health: 20/20

Low = Feeling ill and sickly.

High = Feeling nice and healthy.


Emotional Health: 17/20

Low = Feeling sad and depressed.

High = Feeling happy and chipper.


Mental Health: 15/20

Low = She's going insane.

High = Feeling sharp and witty.


Energy & Strength: 16/20

Low = Feeling weak and tired.

High = Feeling strong and resilient.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6ca1ec2_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.6c05f1b5d00accc2e14a2f6a87fc5a9d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20317" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6ca1ec2_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.6c05f1b5d00accc2e14a2f6a87fc5a9d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{Café Maria}~

~{With The Group There}~

Hoshino smiled over at Sam, pleasantly surprised by his offer, but she still had to work for a hour or so more. "I don't get off my shift until closing," she stated in dismay. "Thank you for the offer, though, Sam. I'll see you at scho--" She began to say, but was completely taken aback by Cecilia's sudden appearance. She tried to keep her cool, being that Sam couldn't see her, and the last thing she wanted him to think was that she was losing her wits. What the hell, Cecilia?! She thought, her crimson eyes glancing towards the figure going into a laughing fit on the floor. She didn't even notice the new customers coming in - ones from her group at school, along with an unfamiliar face - and awaiting to order their food. That was, until Cecilia walked right up to Damien, pried open his hand, and made money appear right into it!

"Cecil--" she began, but realized she was speaking out loud as she did so. Immediately, she cleared her throat and turned back to Sam with an apologetic expression. "I'll see you at school. Thank you for visiting!" she finished her sentence from before, and then headed over to Dominic's and Damien's table. It appeared that they were their last customers, for they would be closing soon. It seemed like everything here in Brookfield closed before eight o'clock. It surprised Hoshino a bit, for she knew some places in England would very well stay open until at least ten or eleven - some even midnight or later. She decided not to question it, though - it was her job, and she was determined to perform it properly. As she finally reached their table, a welcoming smile was on her face, though her thoughts were in chaos.

What the hell? He could see Cecilia? Does this mean Damien is a host, too? What about Dominic? Could he see her, as well? Hoshino wondered, maintaining a convincing facade on the outside in the meantime. "Welcome to Café Maria," she stated in a polite, kind tone. "My name is Hoshino, and I'll be your server this evening. What would you like to order?" She asked, being that they already seemed to have contemplated what they want. Cassandra must have already handed them the menu's, but she was cleaning up after the freshly left customers. Hoshino decided to take over this table, in spite of all the questions she wished to ask, just to lift some of the weight off her shoulders. Cassandra flashed her a grateful smile as she continued to clean. While awaiting their answers, Hoshino held Gom close to her torso in an attempt to keep her composure.

Whenever Hoshino had her sights on, she acted a lot like Cecilia - or so she was noticing. Her childish urges, innocent and not-so-innocent thoughts, easy to anger; still, Hoshino maintained her calm, welcoming aura as she was in front of Dominic and Damien, along with another girl whom she didn't recognize. They were customers right now; the last customers of the evening. So, Hoshino decided to try and act more like herself. Her eyes shimmered with delight, glad to see them here. In fact, she was happy that Café Maria was getting as much business as it was. The main workers here, apart from Cassandra and herself, were all family. Though, even though they weren't related by blood, every day they made Hoshino feel apart of the loop. It was a wonderful feeling, and the cafe possessed a wondrous aura. It deserved the attention it was now getting, and this pleased Hoshino greatly.

So, with those thoughts now in mind, she showed a real smile, awaiting them to order their food. She paid no mind to their conversation, though she could have sworn she heard the word 'Zodiac' within it. It made her so curious - she just wanted to sit down and ask some questions of her own - but she decided against it. That could be for when the shop closed.

((I hope this is alright - I rushed it a bit. Sorry if I missed anything important!))



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| Evening |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

Eventually, darkness turned to light. The mystery behind the name 'Cecilia' was solved, as not only did the Zodiac herself show, but her host as well, Hoshino. As the night drew on, the group would have caught up on current events, who had what, and the like. The moon soared over the sky and eventually it was time for them to split and head home.


| Morning* |

| Friday |

| September 27, 2014 |

In it's usual routine, the sun rose over Brookfield shining high and mighty. Today was the fabled camp day, where a group of students would venture off into the wilderness for the weekend. It was a survival thing, something about awareness. If you asked Dominic, he wouldn't even be able to give a proper reason why it was happening. Nonetheless, he spent his last few hours of sleep on packing much needed things - now the hard part was getting out of bed.

There he was, sprawled up in his bed like the end of a rooftop suicide. His body tangled amongst the blankets unknowingly to him. When the alarm clock sounded, he was quick to disable it and lift himself up.
Early.. His eyes burned from the sudden change on his retinas. He still had time to get a few more minutes out of his sleeping schedule. With that, he fell right back onto his pillow and was gone like that.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6cadef5_FarraIcon!!.jpg.jpg.bf699e2546a698cd7cd8b84ff9f2c476.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20321" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6cadef5_FarraIcon!!.jpg.jpg.bf699e2546a698cd7cd8b84ff9f2c476.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|Farra Rei|

|Cafe Maria with Dominic and Damian|

"I was just told that you were a host." Farra shifted nervously in her seat. A Host? That must mean that Nexus was a Zodiac, and now she was getting mixed up in all of this weird stuff. Cool. "I-.. suppose it depends on what Zodiac you have. Damian has Lance, who from what I know, is a master of shadows. My Zodiac; Kenshi-.. With him, I can phase into smoke." Farra raised her eyebrows. How come she couldn't get something cool like that? "Lance is made from shadows, so that's a hint to what you may be able to do." What could she do? Turn things into super cool tech hideouts? "Have you tried to do anything yet? D-don't do it now, you might cause a scene.." She cleared her throat, starting to speak, when she noticed Damian had returned. With cheesecake. Oh, god, she thought. I need some. But I'm broke! Maybe I can just have some of his...Silently and subtly, Farra slipped her hands around Damian's waist and readied her fingers...and she began to tickle him. "Give me your cake!" she said, laughing, even though she was the tickler. She grabbed the plate and put it in front of her quickly and began to eat it rapidly. Damian, it seemed, still hadn't recovered from the tickle attack. "Yeah, I haven't tried anything," she said to Dominic with her mouth full of cheesecake.

//and a big ol' fuck you to enzo//

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6caad3a_FarraIcon!!.jpg.97b6b0c827a9a4b561cf21a363f990b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6caad3a_FarraIcon!!.jpg.97b6b0c827a9a4b561cf21a363f990b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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|Cafe Maria|


|Cecilia : Lance : The hosts|

Cecilia watched as the boy returned to his table with a look of despair plastered to his face in response to the conversation that was struck between spirits. Having noticed his previous overjoyed smile, a curious expression came to the girl's face as she turned to contemplation over the various outcomes which could be predicted with high probability.

"Shadow, please let us move on to further topics. We already concluded that curing the state of hollowing is not feasibly possible, and I am no exception to this rule. Just as humans age and fade to dust, we, the spirits, follow a similar cycle. Entropy dictates all aspects of life, and even as the Couturier of Existence, I hold not the power to change the natural fate of the worlds."

Reaching her hand forward, Cecilia took hold of several threads linked to the shadow's existence and began keenly observing their integrity. For Lance, himself, Cecilia's actions would have appeared quite peculiar, yet a small delicate feeling of his existence being handled might have been felt by his very self.

"Smart observation, Shadow. Your thread integrity is awfully shoddy, and I must agree that your sand is running quite thin in its glass; however, the problem lies in the very bond that you hold with your host. He is apprehensive toward your power. Uncertainty plagues his soul, and it is that very trait which could tear his existence apart were I to perform my proposition."

Leaning forward toward Lance's ear, Cecilia, with a coy smile on her face, changed her tone to a whisper as she reopened her mouth to continue her explanation.

"If you truly care about your host, then your very existence should hold meaningless in retrospect. Entropy can only affect that which exists under its own accord, and if I'm not mistaken, you have a perfectly capable yet empty host.

Until you solve your internal issues though--"

With the coy smile still on her face, Cecilia took several hops toward Hoshino's location at Damian's table where she gently caressed the girl's cheek before giving her a quick peck on the corner of her lips. Turning to wink at the table's inhabitants, Cecilia would then disappear back into Gom with her final farewell lingering in the air thereafter.


|Brookfield Apartments|

|Early Morning|

| Shun | Ashlei |

Shun opened his eyes to a twinge of pain in the back of his head. The night from before had proven to be much more stressful than originally anticipated, and it was to alcohol that he had found himself drinking his stress away. Partially regretting his choice in drink, Shun rolled onto his side with a groan, but it was the immediate sight of Ashlei happily humming while packing his duffle bag that made him sigh as well.

"Do I even want to know...?"

"Oh, good morning, Shun. You slept the entire day away, so you wouldn't have known, but you are going on a camping trip this weekend."

The thought of trekking into the wilderness brought an even louder groan from Shun as he stared at his friend with a look of betrayal on his face.


"Oh, I signed you up. Its a tradition at Brookfield, and I wasn't about to have my troubles prevent you from having a good time."

After walking over and giving him several pats on the head, Ashlei concluded her affection with a quick hug before turning away and walking toward the bathroom. Stopping at its threshold, the girl turned once more to voice her plan of action before disappearing into confides for what would seem to be an eternity of a shower.

Rolling onto his back, Shun began staring at the ceiling all while cursing his very existence in the present time. Physical activity was one thing that he absolutely abhorred, but the fact that painting would become that much harder on a long term camping trip only added to his frustration. Taking a deep breath while closing his eyes, it would be several minutes later that the youth would find himself once again asleep until the absolute necessity of his awakening would be required.


In his room

Attempting to not fall asleep again.

Sam groans, rolling over in an attempt to stop the alarm from ringing over and over again. However it turns out that rolling over was a mistake as he rolls all the way off of his bed, landing on the floor with a dull thud. He groans and gets up, kneeling and holding onto his head where he managed to bump it. "I get it, I get it..." He mumbles at the alarm as he gropes to turn it off. Standing up he dresses himself, he looks over to the bag he packed when he got home. To anybody who hadn't seen him or his packs before, they'd think its small to the point of being not enough, Sam however would disagree. He knows that you don't need as much as people claim to, and he's got everything that he needs. While he won't be living in luxury he would have a much easier time walking around then anybody else with a larger pack, as well as be able to go longer. Now dressed, he grabs the pack, carrying it in one arm. With a bagel in his hand he leaves his room, a tired grin on his face, as exhausted as he is, he can't help but feel excited about camping. He starts the short walk to the school entrance with a tired but happy look on his face, he's almost cheery for a morning-Sam, almost.

(Gotta love when the thread stops notifying you -_- I hate when it does that.)



Sleeping bag

Change of clothes


Other assorted Camping stuffs

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| In the dorm |

| Making the ship happen |

Hotaru's lips curled up as she nodded to the mushroom wearing girl. She didn't answer Hotaru's question, but it didn't matter. The lady wanted to see teddy bears and she'll see them. Hotaru let Marabel's hand go and wrapped it around her's instead. It was like she was escorting her to Hotaru's dorm.

She had her hand by her hips making it seem like she was just placing her hand on her hip as she walked. Even though she didn't speak, the atmosphere wasn't awkward at all and it was more so welcoming.

After their short walk to the dorm room, Hotaru let Marabel inside and looked around. Khoshekh was no where to be seen. The feline must have left for the night. Oh well. The cat has always came early in the morning for a belly rubbing before going off to where ever he wants to.

The room was lit up by the moon, Hotaru had to turn on the lights to look at Marabel's ghost like appearance. She had made Marabel sit on the bed before going off into her closet to search for two of her teddy bears. She found a spare uniform and some gum. As promised, Hotaru presented Marabel with four teddy bears. One had pure white fur with a white ribbon tied around it's neck. It was holding a heart in it's hands. Hotaru had gotten this one in her locker on the month of February or something. Her locker gave her a present! Even after all the times she abused it to get it opened.

She handed her another one, it had brown fur and a red bow attached to the neck. It was sewn on with red thread and had rice confined inside. Hotaru placed the bear carefully next to Marabel, "This one was used to play a game." She whispered to her. It didn't matter if no one was inside with her, she felt paranoid when using her voice. The teddy bear had to be treated with care and far away from any blades.

Hotaru held the last two close to her body before showing it to Marabel. The next teddy bear was a honey colored bear with dark round eyes. It was smaller than the others but just as important to her. Hotaru placed the bear in Marabel's lap.

The girl only showed the next one. She didn't let Marabel touch it. It was valued to her and she didn't want it to break anymore than it has. It was a caramel colored teddy bear. It was worn down but still standing. It's left eye was missing and some of it's buttons have been misplaced. She hugged the teddy bear close and slid off the bed.

//Yes it is//

She walked to her backpack and unzipped it pulling out a form. It was for the camping trip. She had remembered that Marabel was into that type of thing with all of her plants and greenery growing from the ground. Hotaru pulled out a pencil from a drawer and quickly jotted down information to join the camping trip. To pass time, Hotaru messed with a voodoo doll. She manged to attach it to her pin.

Her mind wondered over to Nikky and her mood increasingly dropped. She was a bit upset over her own stupidity. Feeling the thought to linger in her mind a bit longer, she began to pack for the trip. She took four pairs of everything. Four sets of pants, four shirts, four teddy bears, etc.

After packing, the girl hopped back onto the bed and laid down on it before addressing to Marabel, "Are you going to sleep yet?" Hotaru didn't wait for the Zodiac to answer. Her eyes shut closed and she was nodding off to sleep.

| Waking up |

| Looking for a male cat and a female mushroom |

When Hotaru woke up she wasn't waken up by a lump by her feet or even a torso rubbing against her face. She sat up and looked around. The mushroom girl was no where to be seen but for some reason she wasn't very worried about her. She'll be fine.

She was worried about her cat. Her cat. Khoshekh was a stray, not her cat. Rubbing her fingers together she stood up. Where could that damn cat be? Her head reeled in memories from yesterday. The animal control uniform flashed in her mind before disappearing. Hotaru looked around searching for her phone. She plucked the phone out and quickly sent a text to her grandpa. He has been in town longer than her, he must know where the animal control is.

Within minutes a text came back and she quickly read it. She didn't really say anything about an animal center or her cat being lost. She just said it was an emergency and she needed a ride. Mr. Nakamura sent a text back saying he'll be there.

Hotaru quickly took a shower and got dressed in a spare uniform she found in her luggage. She clipped on her voodoo doll hair pin and slung her backpack on her back just in case she won't have time coming back to her room.

The girl looked at the time before heading outside. She ran down the stairs and stood by the dorm building double doors. The hectic Friday morning will set her mood for the rest of the day.
With the arrival of sunlight, Akira opened her large eyes, sighed, and looked about the room in a daze, examining everything as though something would have changed. She’d fallen asleep once again while doing homework, only this time she’d managed to actually lay herself down. Looking about the room, again, she swung her feet over the edge of her bed and stepped off of it.

The camping trip is today…” She thought, “I wonder if we’ll be required to pack a few things…” Without warning, she immediately removed most all of her books from her bag and reached into her dresser, grabbing the most “camp-worthy” clothing she could locate and placing it in a different backpack while folding her school bag up and placing it within the new one. She then grabbed a good assortment of materials suitable for wilderness and, because this was a “survival” campout… she grabbed one of the kitchen knives, just in case, and concealed it within the place for a water bottle in her bag. Lastly, she grabbed the paper containing the trip’s details and placed said slip in the bag. She grabbed her washing materials and entered the bathroom, showered, and exited with her hair in a slick ponytail and her undergarments on. Quickly throwing on her school clothes and grabbing the bag, she looked around to make sure she wasn’t forgetting anything. Once she caught sight of Dominic’s umbrella, she snatched it up and held it in a victory pose for a short moment before exiting the room.

♦♥♣♠Path To Armstrong High...♠♣♥♦


· Camping Bag

o Kitchen Knife

o Scho0l Bag

§ Change of camping clothes

§ Magnifying Glass

§ Matches

§ Snacks

§ Bottle of Water

-Sorry for not posting for a while... I kinda went blank on posting ;w;-


-Empty Classroom-

-Interacting with No One-

Walking into a classroom that seemed to be empty, Alice took a seat at one of the desk. The room was dark and had an eerie feeling but it was nice and cool so she was fine with it. Tapping away on Sam's laptop, looking up more information about the flower. From what she could collect, it seemed that the flower would be harder than she thought, writing down everything in her notebook and the equipment that would be needed on this quest to find the rare plant.

Most of the time Alice only took some notes on the plant until she accidently clicked on the wrong page, a screen popping up with a picture of what seemed to be Sam's family or mostly his dad and another boy. Alice gasped when she noticed where she was clicked on trying to get out but before she clicked on the "X" button, she took a quick peek at the picture noticing something else and started her little search on Sam's laptop. She was being quite nosy, putting herself in Sam's business but she couldn't help it. Curiosity got the best of her and made her want to look into it more but then she noticed how late it was outside and got up to leave for her dorm.


-Alice's Room-

-Interacting with No One-

Locking the door and shutting her curtains, she started her little research but this time on Sam's personal life. Skimming through the documents and other programs until she finally got what she wanted or when there was no more she could find. From what she collected from the documents was that Sam had an older brother that he looked up to but it seemed that the so "good big brother" was really bad. He dealed with drugs and gang business that Alice researched on. It seemed that the gang he was part of was pretty bad and that he was not a good brother and died because of it.

His father was some police guy who fought crime and was a single father. The reason Alice couldn't find anywhere and her search ended there. Frowning Alice just shut the laptop down, not caring that it would lock since she had no use for it now, going to her bed and sleep.


-Alice's Room-

-Interacting with No One-

Woke up and went to school.

[fancy icon]

-Adonna's Magical Morning Adventure/with self-

Adonna woke up and got ready for school. Upon arriving, she noticed it was empty. What the shit is up with this school and Fridays, she thought as she walked back.
Physical Health: 20/20

Low = Feeling ill and sickly.

High = Feeling nice and healthy.


Emotional Health: 17/20

Low = Feeling sad and depressed.

High = Feeling happy and chipper.


Mental Health: 18/20

Low = She's going insane.

High = Feeling sharp and witty.


Energy & Strength: 20/20

Low = Feeling weak and tired.

High = Feeling strong and resilient.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6ed2da0_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.d47c9ae7176a5b40f98aeae53c97c49c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20414" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6ed2da0_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.d47c9ae7176a5b40f98aeae53c97c49c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{Her Dorm Room}~

~{By Herself}~

Hoshino woke up from nothing but pleasant dreams, which was a pleasant surprise on her part. After all the happenings of the day before, she was sure she would have some sort of nightmare. The stress of not knowing what she's dealing with when it came to the zodiacs was nearly overwhelming, but, after getting a good night of sleep, she felt a lot better than she did the day before. Sure, the thoughts of her father still weighed heavily on her mind, but she had a survival camping trip to go to today. She forgot how long it would last for, but she was sure it'd probably be for the entire weekend. I should probably give Café Maria a call or something.. she thought to herself before grabbing her cell phone and dialing their number.

"Thank you for calling Café Maria. This is Maria speaking!" That familiar chipper voice sounded through the receiver.

"Hello, Mrs. Maria. This is Hoshino, the new waitress you hired? You see, I'm a student, and we're having a school activity over this weekend. I won't be able to come to work." She spoke as kindly and politely as she could manage with the morning grog hanging over her head.

"Oh, Ms. Shiromiya! Thank you for the notice. Because it's for school, I'll let you have the days off. I hope you have fun on your trip! Be ready to work when you come back!" She spoke, understanding and compassionate as ever.

"Thank you! I'll see you then!" With that, the call ended.

Hoshino was so tempted to just go back into bed, but the smell of her daily cinnamon roll beckoned her to wake up. She had finally remembered to put it out the night before.
"Alright, alright, you deliciousness, you~" She spoke as she neared it and began to nibble at it. With that in her mouth, she got out her school uniform and put it on, but she knew she should be packing other things for the trip. I haven't been camping in forever, she thought as she began picking out some comfortable, warm clothes. She finished her cinnamon roll in no time, and once she did, she decided to go to the kitchen to grab some other necessities.

Some canned food she could eat heated or not was an option, for Hoshino was the type that needed to eat in order to fuel her energy. That being said, she also decided to pack up some protein bars for snacks.
With this, I know I won't go hungry~ she smiled to herself. Nutrition bars were always her favorite things to snack on when she and her father went camping. It was once every summer when she was a kid, before he was as much of a workaholic that he is now. It was only for a few days, just like this trip was, but those few days were wonderful. It made her even happier then, because her mother never came along. It was just her and her father, like it always has been.

Just her and her father... And, soon, may just be her.

With a sigh, Hoshino shook her head and tried not to think about it. She simply packed up a first aid kid, a pocket knife, and then realized she still had the scissors Cecilia left with her. With a raised brow of curiosity, she grew curious about whether she really wanted to stitch Gom into Coco. She kinda liked the idea of having two mobile bears around. With a sweet smile, she sat down on the floor cross legged, and willed them to dance. With a fit of giggles on the horizon, she watched as the bears did a cute tango, and soon Hoshino was rolling on the floor in laughter.
"T-They're -- They're so cute!!" She spoke in between her sweet chuckles.

She decided to take the both of them on the trip, though she was curious about whether she could give them straps or not - like a cute little bag. Choosing Coco as her test subject, being that she didn't want Gom to explode (Cecilia would
kill her), she went over to one of her spare backpacks and memorized the patterns of the threads making up the straps. She understood the materials as polyester and the threading that was used to keep it all together, as well as the soft foam on the inside for comfort. With a smile, Hoshino spend some time memorizing the concept, and once she was ready, she snipped the threads and spread them out before her.

"Alright, come here Coco," she spoke, and the bear walked over to her casually. With the composition of the straps in mind, she began stitching the materials into Coco the same way they were attached to the backpack. Right before her very eyes, straps identical to the backpack were now attached to Coco, and she looked like a cute little teddy bear backpack. Hoshino's crimson eyes widened with delight, and in a rush of euphoria, she cut out the threads once more and brought Gom over to her. Repeating the process, she did the same thing to Gom, and now he had straps of his own. "Yes!" Hoshino shouted happily. "I did it!" She declared, and then put the cute, tiny bag on.

With that, she could carry Coco and Gom comfortably, and her rolling suitcase could be carried in her free hand. Another small duffel bag was hanging from the bars attached to the roller, which contained some of her camping gear. She was sure she had everything she needed upon packing a few more necessities, so she made her way out of her dorm and locked the door behind her. Not liking how heavy her things were, she decided to put the duffel bag into Gom. She couldn't help but love the new storage unit she had.

With that, she walked out of the Brookfield Settlements and began on the pathway to Armstrong High.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6edec87_Persona4(4).png.91a761f17bb80434439501c3ded8ce57.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20416" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6edec87_Persona4(4).png.91a761f17bb80434439501c3ded8ce57.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Water Bottle With Filter x 1

Caramel Candy x 10

Jolly Ranchers x 10

Pocket Knife x 1

First Aid Kit x 1

Wallet ($89.97)

Matches x 20

Flashlight x 1

Batteries x 6

Small Tent x 1

Sleeping Bag x 1

Protein Bars x 10

Canned Foods x 5

Cecilia's Scissors x 1

Change Of Clothes x 3



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|Cafe Maira|

|She really did not just...|

Damian sat down with his cheesecake, his glee returned upon laying his eyes upon this most delicious of treats. Damian wasn't even taken into conversation, he just wanted to see what this cafe's cake was like. About to take a piece out with his plastic, "Nooo-- Ahahahahahhaaaa! Hahahahehehahahaheeehahhaaa! Ahh! STOP!" Damian jerked himself away from Farra's fiddling fingers and came to seeing that his cake was stolen from him. He stared at the edge of the table in obvious disappointment. From his peripherals he could see that Farra had been gobbling down his triumph of the evening. Damian didn't even respond or say anything about it. He propped his head on his hands and watched the floor to avoid any further disappointment. From the floor he saw a pair of feet walk up to the side of the table. Scanning the body upward with his eyes, Damian saw it was Hoshino. News to him, looked like she worked here? He was envious of her job... Working around sweets all day. The girl asked if the group needed any assistance, though she came at just the wrong time. Farra was eviscerating Damian's cake, Dominic was watching in shock, and Damian himself... Well he lost his order. "I'm... Fine. Thank you, Hoshino..." Damian sullenly replied. From beside her, he could see even smaller feet, upon inspection it was that Zodiac again. She jumped up and smooched Hoshino on the cheek before parting ways. This woke Damian up from his sulk over his cake... "Another one?" He thought.

...Lance listened to Cecelia's words. From what he could see some stability needed to be placed between Damian and he. It also looks like abhorring his hollowfication is just delaying the inevitable. Though... That left Lance to wonder how is Cecelia capable of such an act? Lance still remained clueless, unable to see Cecelia's weaving it looked like she was just playing with her arms and hands. Was she doing something? Toying with some unseen force? Lance only felt an abnormal sensation whilst she was bobbing her arms around. It wasn't clear, but it told him something. Sadly it was still cryptically translated to the shade. He watched her slip away again, giving her host a peck on the cheek. "Strange behavior... God, looks like I'll have to speak to Damian some more..." Lance peered at the group before retiring to his subspace.

|Hotaru's dorm|

|Teddy convention|

"Oooooh! Look at all the teddies!! Hotaru! Hotaru! Can I play wi--" Marabel had looked over to her beloved host and saw she was already asleep. She was so taken away by the allure of stuffed animals she sort of zoned out. Marabel looked at the quad of teddies and started to think to herself; What to do with these four teddies? It took a moment, but a dormant bulb flicked to life in her head. "I know!" Marabel took the beaten and damaged bear and fitted her mushroom hat on its head. "Now! We're gonna play follow the leader! Whoever wears the hat is the leader! Okay... Can you dooooo... This!?" Marabel puppeteered the leading bears limbs, making it appear to be walking in place. After she stopped toying with the bear she looked at the others to see if they'd follow. They... Didn't. This put Marabel in a grumpy pout. "Humph. Well if you can do that... Come try and find us!" Marabel tipped the bears over, making their faces hit the bed. Marabel took her leading bear and sat in the closet and nestled in the corner. Awaiting her "playmates" to find her. As time passed and the bears didn't come to find her, Marabel was beginning to drift off to sleep herself. She nodded off in the closet, cuddling her bear until she fell into a deep sleep.


|Time to go die in the wilderness|

Damian had already been ready and packed. Though, he wasn't too sure what the balls he would even need to take on a wild excursion. He felt he may as well needed to travel light... So all he brought in his duffle bag was two changes of clothes, bug spray, his new cell phone his mother bought for him just for this occasion, a pack of batteries, aaaaand some canned foods. This was all that Damian could think off the top of his head. Seemed practical. Right? Damian zipped his bag up and left out the door, and went on his merry way to Armstrong. He didn't want to miss whatever escort would be used to get to the wildlife preserve. Or wherever they're being dropped off.

|Besides are long awaited guest|

|Scanning the premises|

"Well, if I recon anything looks like some event was planned. Of course, going off what I've learned from previous hosts." Ulysses had trotted along side his confused host, looking about Armstrong's interior. "Well, they keep the place clean. Now that it's devoid of all those students. Don't know how you humans do it. Being in such stuffy spaces. It's hard enough being in armor 24/7. Hm-hm." Ulysses remarked, crossing his metal arms.


[fancy icon]

-Adonna's Magical Morning Adventure/with Ulysses-

Adonna was surprised to see her Zodiac appear. "Looks that way..." Wait, had he just read her mind? Nothing should surprise me anymore. She mused over his statement, "I guess you could say... We're used to it?" More pressing matter... "Are you stuck?" Why, in Adonna's mind, she'd assumed that armor was just his body, or that he stripped in the confines of his home and ran around all spiritey like or whatever the shit spirits did outside their shells. "Or is it a choice?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6ee8738_FarraIcon!!.jpg.jpg.5148098f5debd8afec5bfe68e1e336ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6ee8738_FarraIcon!!.jpg.jpg.5148098f5debd8afec5bfe68e1e336ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|Cafe Maria|


"Nooo-- Ahahahahahhaaaa! Hahahahehehahahaheeehahhaaa! Ahh! STOP!"

Farra laughed, sliding over the rest of the cheesecake to Damian. "I just wanted a bite!" She said happily. "And I got one!" She slammed the fork on the table, causing the excess cream to fly off onto the table. Farra turned back to Damian. "Well, I think I'm done here. I need to go and pack for that goddamned camping trip." She looked up and down, awkwardly trying to get up, until she finally just scooted her chair out and left.

|Dorm Room|


Farra was rushing around, packing last-minute. After she had returned from the cafe the night previous, she had just plopped right onto her bed, her head spinning and full of Zodiac related stuff, and fallen asleep.
"This is what you get," Farra grumbled to herself. The microwave beeped, and she jumped onto her bed. She had forgotten all about that! "Alright, alright," she muttered some more. Opening the small door, she pulled out a little Hot Pocket and bit right into it. "Mrph.". After scarfing down her hot breakfast, she went to the fridge and pulled out a small slice of cheesecake. Her mind flashed back to the previous night when she had stolen Damian's cake. A grim feeling overshadowed her. What is this? Farra thought. Guilt? She shook her head. "I'll give this to him," she said firmly. "I settle scores. I just have to hope I bump into him..." Stuffing a few more 'amenities' (three small, dagger-like knives, a cell phone, laptop, and flashlight), she shut her bag. "Maybe I can kill things!"

With that resolve, she set out for the school.

|At School|

|Hunting the booty|

Farra ran down the streets, her bag jumping and bouncing on her back, the cake in her left hand. Up ahead, she noticed Damian. Perfect!
"Hey! Damian!" She called up ahead, trying to get his attention. She waved her free hand in an anime style, holding up the cake so he could see it. "Hold up a second!"//KAWAII!//

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6ee4cf9_FarraIcon!!.jpg.9e4d81601cfd77def82c85e7055f4242.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20418" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6ee4cf9_FarraIcon!!.jpg.9e4d81601cfd77def82c85e7055f4242.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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| Morning |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

Armstrong, while it looked hollow, was at the same level of activity similarly to normal school days. If and when anyone entered, they would be immediately told to head around the back of the school, outside of the gym. However, if they had arrived for classes alone, then they would have been alerted to stay home.

Behind the school, there was an assortment of school buses lined up, at least 4, geared and ready to be filled. On the other side of the road was a mass of teenagers, both familiar and unfamiliar. Most of those students came from classrooms on the second floor and above. Everyone seemed to know each other, and easily conversed about what could happen on the trip and what they would do when they arrived there. Some rumors said that the camping spot was already chosen - others say the teachers would split everyone into groups and have them choose a spot for themselves. Whatever the outcome, everyone was excited.

The teachers hadn't let anyone in the buses just yet. Apparently, they had one bus per classroom, and the students on that bus were officially in their own group, with their teacher as the head. Mutton's pupils were already beginning to show, of course none of which were mentionable but still familiar all around.
"I hope everyone's brought what they really need, and not laptop chargers like last time." The last camping trip was laughable and boring equally. Not many people had gone, and when they did, they brought chargers for outlets that ever existed.

|Outside Armstrong|

|Running into a questionable face|

Damian could hear his name being called from afar. It was a known voice. He finally got acquainted with it, t'was Farra's. Damian looked over his shoulder and saw her running up to him in a hurry. She was waving her hands out, looking desperate to get his attention. "She... Wants something?" He thought. He wasn't sure of his disposition with the girl. He thought she'd hate him but here she is trying to get his attention. Odd how things worked. He stopped and allowed her to catch up. When she finally did he decided to humor her. "Good morning, Farra. Umm... You want me for something?" He asked with a bit of worry.

|Browsing the halls|

|Anatomy time|

Ulysses looked down at Adonna, caught by her peculiar question. "Stuck? Yes. I'm bound to this armor, doll. I died with it on, and became a Zodiac with it on. As much as I would like to remove it, I have nary a choice. When I became a Zodiac this armor permanently melded with my skin... This armor is a part of my body now. If it's damaged, I'm damaged." He explained.



| Morning |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| Far from Brookfield |

| Graveyard |


Despite the bright and optimistic sun, it was a gloomy morning for the Headmaster on leave. Many onyx-colored bodies gathered around a hole in the ground amongst others. The rain proving an almost too-perfect feeling for the funeral that was taking place. A funeral for one that was hated by some. The usual speech waved through the crowd, but it didn't seem to affect Ivan Boone, the man under a single black umbrella gazing down at the hole. He didn't even care that half of his suit was soaked, his mind was in another place entirely.

Across from him, was his wife, Mandy. No older than him, the woman kept her youthful looks throughout the years. The constant barrage of cheap cigarettes did surprisingly little to alter her in any form. Occasionally, the two would deflect eye contact like their line of sight were lightsabers. One had to shift their eyes when the other began to look. Regardless of the relationship between the two, the boy in the coffin - which was being lowered into the grave - was their son, and the feeling was mutual.

The wife, Mandy, believed Red's death came from Boone's almost obsessed nature with the supernatural, especially when the boy died without any actual harm done to him, according to the autopsy. She had already walked upon hearing of Zodiacs once - now a life close to both of theirs was taken away because of it. Boone knew this, as well. The guilt of not only having Red in such a mess, but the bitter confrontation between the two before the other's unexpected end.

The feeling of a hand on his shoulder brought Boone to focus upon Mandy who had approached him after everyone began to depart. "None of us wanted this." She spoke. It was shocking to Boone, seeing as how he was under the impression that she loathed him. Her tone was hushed but her voice was shaken. "It's not too late to stay here." Her sudden change in demeanor was off putting, but Boone had a feeling she already knew the answer she would receive. "I can't leave my school." He replied without eye contact. It was obvious that the reason wasn't about the school, but the murder case that was obviously tied to the spirit that tethered it's own self to Boone. That business would get him killed just as it did Red.

With a single pat on his shoulder, Mandy left him to sulk in front of his son's tombstone.

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