- Zodiac - [Inactive]

|Auditorium Study Hall|

|Having a little conversation again|

Damian was re-reading his previous chapter in Geology. Or pretending too. He left a page open, flipping it once every minute and a half or so. When in reality he was speaking to Lance again. Through a sort of telepathy. They were speaking more about the whole Hollowing issue. "...So you see, the dangers of allowing me to Hollow? But... I can also disband myself from you--" Damian shook his head frantically in disdain. "No! Not at all. If I'm without you, how will I help the others? Our only choice is to see what this 'Cecelia' has to offer. Do you know who her host is?" Lance groaned. "No... I should've gotten that information but it didn't cross my mind. I'm not even sure if she has one yet." Damian began tapping his fingers on the open page of his text. From the corner of his eye he saw the Study Hall captor taking rounds on the students. This cued him to flip a page again and try to act natural. "Well... I've been running into every new host ever. So I may be able to find who her host is. Though, this manhunt thing isn't my forte. Nor do I like seeking out for people. I don't know. You keep to speaking to Cecelia, I'll look for her host. If she exists." Damian looked about the auditorium to see if he noticed anyone who struck out. But everything looked particularly normal, all considering. Damian blew from his nose. Today was going to be another busy day...

"Yes? Then you must have a Zodiac of your own. Regulars aren't able to see a Zodiac. Dear, oh dear..." Damian ran a finger through his hair, stuffing it behind his ears to try and keep it out of his face. "I'll... I gotta get to class. I'll see you soon, Farra. Please, be careful. I feel like the Doomsayer of hosts now." Damian slouched his shoulders and gave Farra a small, but sincere wave goodbye as he left to his first class of the day. Lance returned to his dark void from whence he came.



-Armstrong High | Announcement Board-

-Interacting with Sam and Clark-

Alice could tell from Clark's tone that he wasn't pleased and upset of the decision. Rolling her eyes, Alice just let him be,"Telling me you don't want an F and then going off and acting stubborn.. this guy." Alice grumbled to herself,"It's only mother nature Clark, what's the harm that could happen?""Ooh.. I shouldn't have said that." Alice thought, regretting her choice of words. This was a survival camping trip, not those happy family trips where you do all those fun things... her gut feelings telling her that bad things will surely happen along the trip,"I better keep a good eye out." Alice reminded herself.

She wasn't gonna get Clark and Sam into this mess because of her along with Zage, this was her problem so she needed to fight this along with the other hosts but Sam did seem willing to help them but Alice still worried for his well-being since he was just a human. Tugging at her uniform, she turned to the group and smiled, hiding her worries away,"Well I'll go to class first, see you guys later." Alice exclaimed and went off to Mutton's classroom so she could get over with her stupid, protective ways in keeping her group safe from harm.


-Mutton's Class-

-Interacting with No One-

Taking her seat at her usual desk that was in the front of the class so she would be able to see better instead of trying to stand up over those who had big heads, she kept quiet the whole time, tapping her index finger on the desk until Mr. Mutton started to pass out the paper involving with the trip. Taking it into her hands, she signed her name on it and agreed to join in the event,"No time for regrets now." Alice thought and finished writing in all the info that was needed of her. Placing the paper on her desk, she decided to ignore the others for now, staring out the window with her head in the clouds.

    • tumblr_n6q216ahuH1smqpouo1_500.png

| Hiding in dorm room |

It was an awfully noisy room. The television was off. The birds were gone to the other side of the field, far from the building. Wind was calm and everyone was already off to school. A loud ringing noise was heard to make up for the sound. Hotaru shifted in her bed and looked off to the wall. The white wall emitted a cool atmosphere to the room. Lifting her head up, she watched the TV's black screen getting a glow from the bright rays of the sunlight. The quiet made her stomach turn over and over.

She spent a day mopping around and a friend even tried to cheer her up, even though she rejected her attempt. She needed to do something to keep her happiness stats up. Hotaru fell on the ground with a soft thud. She had never once woken up with a smile on her face and with full energy. There was a cry for help. A black figure quickly climbed on to Hotaru and jumped onto the bed The feline stretched and winced with his eyes closed.

Hotaru had felt a dozen or so nails being caught on to her shirt. She rolled on to her back and watched the male cat peak his head out playfully. He jumped onto her stomach and curled up into a ball. Hotaru held the cat close before sitting up and eventually standing up. Last night she had completely ignored everything and fell asleep in her uniform. She held the cat close and headed off to the bathroom. She set the cat down on the flat surface and headed back into her room to pick out casual clothes.

She threw the dirty clothes in a laundry basket before heading back into her room with the black cat in her arms. Her fading pink hair swung forward as she placed the cat down and picked her backpack up. She glanced at a full length mirror. If Hotaru adjusted the light blue turtleneck sweater, she could see the dark colored fingerprints on her neck. The girl stared blankly at the reflection, her hands slowly wrapped around her neck. She squeezed her neck a bit and pretended to gag. Her hands quickly receded back to her side.

The high school student straightened out her makeshift uniform. It wasn't much. She had let her pink hair down causing the pastel hair color and her pink turtleneck sweater to intertwined to create a cotton candy effect going from dark to light. She wore a pink skirt that oddly blended into her hair. It was bright enough to burn her eyes. Hotaru began to regret her descions in buying clothes for herself.

An empty buzz filled the room. Hotaru whipped around to look for the source. Her phone was hidden in plain sight in a slightly cluttered room. Blowing off her hair out of the way she picked up her blanket and shook until her teal colored phone case fell out. She quickly dove for her phone causing the blanket to fall over her. A makeshift cave was made, it was illuminated by her phone's light. The phone contained messages from her dear grandpa. The school must have contacted him. Thirty-seven missed calls and her text messages were filled with the same message. Was she okay? Did he need to come and take her away? She had a guilty desire to leave the school.

She never did want to part ways with her grandpa. The school was an obstacle. She never wanted to go to Armstrong, she never wanted to be go to Brookfield. She never ever wanted to be attached to this place. Hotaru never wanted to make friends.

Yet, she grew apart from the only person she knew best. The school was the only thing she depended on. Armstrong became her weakness and strength. The town welcomed her with open arms. She wasn't forced to make friends.

Oh yes, she definitely wanted to go home.

| Mutton's substitute classroom |

Mutton's former classroom needed to cleaned up from Hotaru's blood. The substitute classroom was just a reminder to Hotaru that she had failed. Everything about Armstrong had reminded her about the day she had failed Nikky. She shouldn't have even come today. She should have waited until her gloomy mood was gone.

Holding her slate close to her bright outfit and blew more strands of hair away from her face. The girl took a seat in the most isolated region of the room. She wasn't in the mood for anything at all, really. All she wanted to do was sleep and die in her room alone.

A sheet of paper was handed back, Hotaru was one of the last ones to receive the paper. In bold were the letters, "Camping Trip: Permission form" The form consisted of general questions one would ask from a student. She was nearly disgusted at the idea of going outside and sleeping out there as well. The loud chatter and excitement kept her from remarking negatively about the trip.

Twirling pink strand of her hair, she slid the paper off her desk and replaced it with her slate. Adjusting her collar, she crossed her arms and legs. She was in the most huddled way as she could. It seemed like the cold was only bothering her. The girl looked off to the blank wall. Talking no mind to the surroundings, she drifted off to her own thoughts.

Mutton's Class

Talking to Alice

As Sam sits down before class starts he turns to Alice. "Hey Alice, I don't think I'll be able to make it to the library today, I got a letter this morning to report for training." He grins. "I'm going to help with security, I think my dad would be proud." He laughs. "Plus this way I can do something without worrying you guys too much." He pauses to think. "I'm honestly not sure exactly what security does, but its gotta be good for everyone right? Or at least they should have good intentions." He sighs. "Sorry about not being able to go, although I guess the deal is more you showing me around huh?" He laughs. "Anyway, we need to think up the type of plant we want to look at, its great that we'll have a bunch but unless we know what any of them do collecting them will be pointless." Its clear that at this point in time Sam has an idea for the type of plant, but he hasn't said what yet. When Hotaru walks into the room looking more then a little miserable, he looks at Alice confused. "Is she okay?" Without another word he stands up and walks over to her. "Hey, you alright? You look a little down."

Mutton's Class

Talking to Hotaru.

Sam knows what it feels like to hate yourself, when his brother died he spent days in his room without food or water, only coming out when starvation drove him to it. He had blamed himself for his older brother's death, even though he had nothing to do with it. He gets a feeling this girl is really miserable, even though she's trying to hide it. "I'm Sam, new to the school. I've seen you around class before but your always towards the back, you okay?" Sam's voice is soft and calm, he's felt bad, probably worse then she has but he's not going to talk about that. His voice carries a tone of concern, even though he barely knows her.

|With Hoshino|


For the spirit indifferently lounging on her throne, the sight of her host's success was far from enough in swaying the tide of her emotions, yet the sight of the two bears happily dancing before her eyes, instantly made her squeal and begin giggling in excitement.

The shift in emotion would only last for a split second before she would return to her semi-usual self with expression replaced with a curiosity toward what Hoshino was preparing for. Having been home tutored for the entirety of her past human life, an understanding of school was not one that she held, and it was because of this fact that she chose to quietly tag along.

Had her host been inspecting her spirit's threads or even attuning to her emotions, Hoshino would have easily recognized the entertained curiosity that the spirit was experiencing toward the wonders of the world. Having experienced life nearly 190 years in the past, the current state of society was a wonder to behold, and it was around every turn and bend that something new caught her eye. Before she could even realize herself, Cecilia was soon caught up in a wave of excitement much akin to what a twelve year old girl might experience.

Perhaps this girl has some use after all..

Finally realizing her own shift in emotion, the spirit began quickly shaking her head in an attempt to dispel such distracting thoughts. Continuing to follow in silence, it was their arrival at the school that brought about a feeling of discomfort and annoyance to the humans that lurked.

"The aura of teenage stupidity disgusts me. I will be observing from within Gom, so don't you dare drop or lose me."

With her words, the spirit would return to possess the bear which could act as a portable throne she could reside within and still experience that which Gom would behold. If anything floating by her host's side was tiring, and after all, Hoshino did offer to help in any way she could.

| First Class |

| Talking to an unsuspecting victim |

"Hey, you alright? You look a little down."

Hotaru glanced up and looked at the source of the voice. She turned her head a bit. The boy was trying to comfort her, it seemed like he was actually concerned about her. Hotaru looked down to her slate and then back at the boy. He introduced himself to her, "I'm Sam, new to the school. I've seen you around class before but your always towards the back, you okay?" He must be new to the school. Before, Hotaru would sit with her friends. The word brought a bitter taste in her mouth, like she was licking a penny or something. With eyes that seemed cold and dead were turned to surprise and excitement. Anyone witnessing the scene would be surprised at her quick fast paced moods. Hotaru blinked a bit as she gave him an expression that gave off complete innocence and oblivious. She uncapped her marker, showed it to him and then wrote on the white cleared slate, "Down? That's just my face. This is my assigned seat." That was a complete lie. She knew he would be able to see through it. It was more of a dare. She was daring him to keep on blabbering about where she was sitting. Sam had caught Hotaru at a bad time. Hopefully later, he would forget about his first impression on her and would hug it out. She decided to drag out the introduction by introducing herself last.

"Tell Alice I said hi...or more so wrote it." She began to shake with silent laughter. Like a mime, her laughs were deliberate and looked like she tried too hard. She really appreciated his concern for a stranger but it wasn't very likely that she will be in a good mood. She was in a perfect mood to sacrifice everyone on a five pointed star for Beelzebub or even Astaroth. Maybe since Sam was the first to interrupt her thinking, she might sacrifice him first. Now to gain his trust. Hotaru forced out a smile, "I'm Hotaru."

Mutton's Room

Talking to Hotaru/Alice

Sam sighs, he can see the bait in Hotaru's eyes as she writes, and the message on the slate is more then crystal clear to him. But that wasn't mean he was about to take some dare that a depressed girl wanted for her own amusement. He straightens up, an almost sad look on his face. "I will. Nice to meet you Hotaru...I guess." He sighs and walks back to his own desk beside Alice. Unlike before his voice just sounded...sad, almost defeated. The concern was still there yes but he wasn't about to play her game. He turns to Alice. "Hotaru...writes Hello." He sighs. "She doesn't like me much from the looks of things, although I guess I was a bit nosy huh..." He smiles sadly. "It's...nothing I guess, I'll leave her alone if she wants." Sam almost wishes somebody was as nosy as he was when he felt like crap, and its clear to Alice that there's a bit more then he's letting onto right now. "I'll just concentrate on the project for now, we have to find a plant right?"


-Mutton's Class-

-Interacting with Sam-

Alice knew someone would come and start chatting with her, turning her head from the window to see Sam there already starting making words. Alice didn't mind Sam much but there were times when she wanted to be alone but she did need to strengthen their trust on one another and plus, Sam was a good guy, just wants to help people too much,"Someone could take advantage of him." She thought while he continued to ramble on about many things that were cancelled but Sam wasn't that weak, he was able to stand up for himself and Alice acknowledged that about him.

"It's fine, maybe another time we could go." Alice suggested though she wasn't sure if there will be "another time" since stuff keep popping out of no where and that event early still made Alice wary since the girl, Annabelle, had something against Ben and from how she disappeared, it seem someone sent her to kill Ben. Shaking her head to forget about that thought, she decided to worry about that later, right now Ben was fine and a healthy boy now so she had no worry... for now.

Noticing Hotaru as she entered the room with a strange atmosphere around her, Alice kept quiet, thinking it was best to not bother her. Being a host, Alice knew Hotaru was also part of this mess and something must have happen during that day, not wanting to bring that subject up, Alice just shrugged at Sam as her response and turned to stare at the window again.

Once Sam return from his little trip over to Hotaru's desk, she then turned her head to give Sam her full attention, Sam bringing over some gloomy clouds with him back. Feeling bad for the guy, she patted him on the shoulder and smiled, trying to cheer him up a bit,"I'll go tell Hotaru I said hi later." Alice said,"Don't mind Hotaru, she just in a bad mood today, she'll be back to normal later and maybe then you can befriend her." Alice added, looking over at where Hotaru sat and gave her a wave.

Looking back at Sam, Alice didn't really know what they could do for their project since she wasn't much of a plant person"Yeah... about that... I'm not much of a green thumb so do you happen to have a plant in mind?" Alice asked since Sam was like her second in command for the group,"We should get Clark in on this...Zage can catch up later." Alice said and looked around for the boy.
IAmEnzo updated - Zodiac - with a new update entry:

- Zodiac - Update 3.5

Good morning, wonderful people of Zodiac. It's time for the next half update that I myself believe was much needed.
We had the privilege for Kiosk, one of our members, to formulate an actual map grid for us, which (hopefully) will have high updatability. Most, if not all, of all of Brookfield's current locations have been mapped, along with new additions that I think you'll all enjoy. It's currently residing in the 'Maps' tab.

Remember, if you have any suggestions for locations,...
Read the rest of this update entry...

Armstrong High - Announcement Board

Interacting with Alice & Sam

Clark scoffed at Alice's comment about what harm mother nature could do. Clark wondered what damage it couldn't do but before he could say anything else Mr. Mutton finally arrived, dispersing the crowd of students and everyone into the classroom.

Armstrong High - Mr. Mutton's Classroom

Talking to no one

Clark walked into the classroom and took his usual seat at the back of the room. He glanced over the form before pulling out his pen to begin filling it in. Clark done so begrudgingly but it was this or a fail, the choice seemed obvious to him. Clark quickly filled it out and moved of to the side of his desk so that it wouldn't take up too much room. He stretched his arms and back while letting out a loud yawn before beginning to stare out of the window next to him. Letting his mind wander over the different thoughts persisting in his mind while waiting for class to start.

Mutton's Room

Talking to Alice/Clark

Sam smiles, glad for the distraction of his own thoughts. He spies Clark and waves up over. "Clark, we know you hate camping but we're really glad your coming, honestly." He grins and pulls out a sheet up paper and shows it to Alice, then Clark. "This is the Brookfield Rose...supposedly, its a really rare flower that not many people have seen, even less when its in full bloom." He pauses before continuing on. "Which means I want to go find it, it shouldn't be THAT hard to find, plus if all else fails we can fall back on a root or something boring like that." He thinks for a bit before continuing. "I don't know much about the flower, you guys have been here longer, you heard any stories or anything like that?" Sam had researched the rose a little last night before heading to bed, and while he managed to find the name and that its rare, he hasn't managed to find out what it looks like yet or where it would be found.

(Leaving more details of the flower to Deji/FLabby)
Nikky was glad, Elijah knew she didn't like a chance to uncover secrets herself to be spoiled, still, this meant she'd have to wait a bit longer and she didn't know if she'd have the patience.

Oh, well...

"So... Why are we in a bathroom? And aren't you in public? You're gonna look crazy talking to yourself in a bathroom, my gal'."

The tilted her head at the Zodiac's question, "Because the acoustics of a bathroom is simply wonderful." She waved her hands in the air as if to say the place you take a dump was magical. She gave a smirk then shook her head, "And in the case that someone does walk in, I can just say I'm talking on my bluetooth or whatever. It's a device that pretty much allows you to get away with talking to yourself. Not that anyone here in this town would care." Nikky added matter-of-factly.

"I'm in the bathroom because Yazhi hitched a ride and now I gotta get rid of her." But even if she did manage to get a hold of a phone she would've needed to wait until her aunt got home which even then would've taken atleast 2 hours to get here from her house.

Now that she thought about it, where was the rascal? Nikky looked up to see a girl staring at her with a confused look, in response, she pointed to her ear and just said,


There was that audible 'oh' moment and then her fellow peer carried on about her business with the latrine. Nikky then gave Elijah a look that said, "Told'ya so". Just then, a girl screamed
"Rat!" just outside the bathroom.


|ASH, ditching class|

Mental note: Yazhi was one slippery little devil.

Nikky originally had no intention of ever ditching class but no matter how much she tried, the little one kept managing to elude her. She sat on the bleachers in the empty gym and sighed; she could tell the office she had lost her pet in the school. No doubt she'd get in trouble, and if a kid happened to be allergic to ferrets and die-

Nikky quickly stood up and began her search again, she'd rather run around to exhaustion then sit and think about that!

|on the search|

//You guys can post about seeing a ferret running around but don't catch/kill her.//

Love, Tapatalk
As james walked along the corridors to class, late yet without hurry as usual, he saw what he first thought was a rat. As is only natural, he recoiled at first, then, he realised, it was a ferret. It was making its way down the corridor away from the girl's bathroom, where he'd just seen Nikky go in a minute or so earlier.

It was obviously a pet, as as far as he knew, wild ferrets didn't exactly roam free in the local area. he'd have to catch it. That was rather more complicated to do than to say, he realised, but his only tactic for now was to run after it, so he set off in its direction, with it playing its part and running away.

(Sorry for the shitpost, not much time before dinner)



| Afternoon |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| ASH |

| First Floor |

| Mutton's Classroom |

The normal sounds of converse, gossip, and the like, continued to be passed around within the classroom, that was until it was time to shush up and class was in session. The time flew by without any troubles. The session was smooth, easy to understand and not as tasking as most days. Dominic figured it was just because of the fact that they were coming off of a day off and some people had trouble adjusting to it - specifically Mutton.

| Some time later |

| ASH |

| First Floor |

| Mutton's Classroom --> Hallways |

At last, the class doors swung open in perfect synchronization, freeing the students from the room and allowing them to go about their day. Almost immediately, Dominic was up out of the classroom after turning in his form to Mutton's desk. Ben followed swiftly, meeting Dominic at his locker. "So, are you ready?" Ben asked Dominic who had barely even paid the boy any mind at the moment. Dominic had half his body inside of the locker in hopes of switching things around. It was when he closed the locker that he saw Ben with a large cardboard box in his arms. With a raised brow, Dominic shifted his eyes between the box and Ben himself.

"What on earth is in that?"

The smirk on Ben's face didn't exactly help, either. With one hand, Ben answered his question by tilting the lid of the box up enough for Dominic to get a peek of what was inside. Instantly, his eyes widened. To save Dominic from enduring any more of the sight, Ben shut the box with a grin. "You can't be serious.." "I am."

Dominic glanced back at the box, his tone more serious than before. "Nobody's going to use those." "Oh, everyone will need one in a time like this. Espeically in our situation."
♦♥♣♠Hallways of Armstrong High♠♣♥♦

After some time of apparent blankness, Akira looked around and began to walk away from the billboard. Camping wasn’t a favorite pastime of hers and even if it were, she wouldn’t dare spend it as a life-or-death scenario in which there was no chance of return. She didn’t quite like the idea of being lost or trapped somewhere with no one to turn to, and with the recent influx of murders lately, the mere ponderous conception of such a scenario bothered her to the extent that she preferred to pretend it was nonexistent. Whilst walking, she passed by the numerous classrooms belonging to other students and teachers, clubs and extracurricular rooms alike.

♦♥♣♠Mr. Mutton’s Class♠♣♥♦

Soon enough, the girl made it to Mr. Mutton’s classroom and took a seat. Looking around, she grabbed a nearby paper, albeit absentmindedly, and strode to her seat nearest the back window, sitting. Only after seeing the light of the sun illuminate the upper right corner of the paper, highlighting the terms “Camping Trip”. It didn’t take long for Akira to realize that this was in fact the permission slip form, which, to her, was to be immediately discarded as she had no intention on attending. It was then that she suddenly remembered the entrance being made to Brookfield. How the nearby hills seemed to be nothing but towers of grass and trees, as far as the eye could see. Something about it seemed serene to her, but foreboding. She wanted to see what lay behind them. For a long while, Akira pondered the possibilities of venturing on this trip. Perhaps getting involved in something such as this would make for a better image of her, or at least make her seem as though she participated in scholastic events. She took the permission slip and placed it in her bag. At the very least, she may be able to uncover something strange while there.

Though something tells me…” She thought, “That I may come to regret this…” As the class session ended, the girl stood and made her way to the halls of the school, readying herself to head home.

♦♥♣♠Hallways of Armstrong High...♠♣♥♦

Zage had woken up late for the up-teenth time. Rushing into school she hastily grabs her book bag from her locker and races to her class. Once she gets there she slowly opens the door and walks to where her group is sitting with her head hanging. "Hey guys." she whispers as she sits down at the table with them.




Pencil Case


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|Hierophant's Manor|

|Bringing the newest additions|

Dario returned to Hierophant's Limbo. The atmosphere was in sorrow. It rained hard, with a few strikes of thunder. With the change in weather something is being done on Hierophant's part. Book in hand, this time ominously seeping black. He attempted to shield it from the rain, as even this all powerful tome was susceptible to water. Peering up he saw his Zodiac's castle was... Different. Undesirably so. The left tower sported the head of a teddy bear. While Dario wasn't one to judge another for their design tastes he knew this was outside Hierophant's choice. Considering Hierophant never used the towers and the fact this stand-off design was an eyesore Dario blew the towers top apart with a barrage of finger blasts. Obliterating the teddy faced effigy. The commotion awoken Hierophant from his meditation on the roof of his abode. With a slightly open eye, his power sparked. A crack of energy surged from his eye, suddenly bringing Dario to his location. Dario carefully revealed the book from within his arms and flipped it open. The seeping black jumped from the book and from it came the still unconscious Derek. Hierophant silently nodded, pleased that Dario was able to capture a live, sentient Hollow. With one out the way Dario was intent on going out to find another. But before he left, he decide to converse with his Zodiac. "Firstly, thank you for doing away with that hideous structure that Cecelia left behind. I didn't even know she did that until I decided to get some air. Anyway. Are you going to sought out another Hollow? Or deal with the issue yourself?" Hierophant asked. Dario concealed the tome underneath his arms once more. The man becoming soaked from the rain. "I'll allow Derek to see into it for me. I want to see how experienced that host is. To see if she is even remotely capable of controlling her conduit." Hierophant didn't oblige but he did secretly disagree with Dario's method. He'd prefer if Dario approach Nexus' host himself, but he was being too cautious. "Hm. Fine, fine. When Derek awakens I'll contact you to do the duties." Dario slicked his hair back, trying to keep the water droplets from his eyes. "Yes, yes. Now I must return. I'm expected at my desk." Dario disappeared without a trace, leaving Derek behind with Hierophant in the pouring rain. "Dario best be instilling trust in your capability for good reason, Hollow."


-Mutton's Class-

-Interacting with Science Group-

The word hit Alice hard but she couldn't quite remember well with the name,"Brookfield rose... sounds so familiar." Alice mumbled trying to remember where she heard the name, she had heard it before.. somewhere. Tapping her finger on the desk, she tried to search through her memories, getting a small image of a purple flower that looked like a rose,"Ah! Now I remember, I saw it in a book." Alice exclaimed now remembering what the plant was,"It's a little purple rose and.. I think... Sam do you have your laptop?" Alice asked since Sam was the technology type of guy and he was pretty prepared much.

Turning her head to see Zage, Alice grin and waved at Zage,"Zage welcome back! How are you?" Alice asked seeing the girl taking a seat with them,"We're talking about our project, join us on the camp because we're doing our project there." Alice explained,"Sam will explain to you." Alice said looking over at Sam to explain.

Mutton's Class

Talking to Clark/Zage/Alice

Sam nods. "Do I ever not have it with me?" He grins and powers it on, opening it to a search engine, and sliding it over to Alice. Then he turns to Zage. "We're planning on doing it on the Brookfield flower, but it only grows up where the school is going camping, we're hoping we'll be able to pick up a sample or something like that you know?" He looks over to Alice when the bell rings. "Hey Alice, I have to go to training, you can keep using the laptop if you want, just give it back to me tomorrow." It was a huge thing of trust, especially for someone as techy as Sam. "Just so you know if you shut it down or anything a password will pop up and you won't be able to get back in." With that he stands up, leaving the laptop to Alice's care.

With the Security Club

interacting with ???

Sam finds his way to the meeting spot quickly, it he takes a deep breath, he doesn't want to make the club hate him, especially on his first day...He gathers his courage and walks through the doors, a smile on his face.

(So I take it Enzo controls the leader of the club?)

Muttons Class

Talking with Alice/Sam/Clark

Zage nods and looks to the computer screen. "Wow! It's so pretty!" she whisper yells with excitement. "Hey, um, where exactly are we going camping at, and for how long?" she asks, a bit nervous. "I've been a little sickly the past few days, and I have to start my part time job at Cafe Maria soon.". Looking back to the laptop she studies about the flower a bit more as she wipes at her watery eyes.


// And again I'm really sorry my posts aren't long! I just have a hard time writing and I'm not all that creative.. \\


-Mutton's Class-

-Interacting with Zage-

Taking the laptop, Alice was about to web for the flower where she found it but then Sam all of a sudden trusted her with his laptop, leaving the two girls alone in the classroom,"W-wait Sam!" Alice called out but he had already left, his laptop still on,"Leaving me with something so important?! What is hell is he thinking?" Alice thought trying to calm herself down. She was entrusted with Sam's laptop and she was to keep it safe till tomorrow, what the worst that could go wrong with that?

Searching up the flower, Zage was the one to start the conversation, commenting on the flower and about the trip,"Well the trip is gonna be near the mountains so there we'll be able to get the rose, just remember to bring some climbing equipment with you when we go." Alice said, warning her of the things they'll be needing for the trip,"It will only be on this coming weekends so try to cancel your plans you made for those days and ask your boss if you could get a break on those two days." Alice said and then grabbed her stuff but kept Sam's laptop on, not wanting to turn it off or she would never be able to get on again.

Looking over at Zage, she waved,"Well I better now, see you later and study on the plant some more. If you need any help just call me, you have my number." Alice said and ran off down the hallways to find somewhere private so she could research by herself with no one disturbing her.
She sneezed and waved goodbye. Slowly packing her stuff, she stands and heads out the door to her next period which happened to be Mrs.Butlers' class. (No idea) Sneezing again she stops by her locker to grab her drumsticks for music class before turning back around to go to class. She got there and walked in, quite proud that she wasn't late for this class, and excited because she loved music class, and she especially loved playing the drums. It helped her keep calm and have something to focus on.



| Afternoon |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| ASH |

| The Gym |

The only large group of bodies present in the gym would have been standing shoulder to shoulder, lined up to face a single individual who really didn't seem that more knowledgeable than the next guy. Heads would have turned at least temporarily when Sam arrived. "Is that everyone?" One curious member asked. "No, but we'll start anyway. A lot of them are late." the lone individual in front replied. According to the time, they had been waiting inside of the gym for quite a while. Sam's arrival broke their constant waiting period.

Everyone had straightened up, looking attentive for the words they were about to hear.
"As you all know by now, our previous club leader was killed." While the boy's words were sympathetic, it could be felt the relief that the club had when Red DID pass away. "So that means the Discipline Committee is without a head, and if we are to accompany the regular students during their camp out, we need to appoint a leader among us." Most of the members weren't surprised - the club simply couldn't operate without a leader, like any other group or organization. However, it WAS stated that today would be focused on training.

"The leader has to be the most fit of all of us, so we're going to utilize the gym as a training course. I, along with some others who refuse to become leader, will act as judges and will choose the leader after our session is over."

| Some time later.. |

In what took nearly 20 minutes, the gym had been completely rearranged. Several gym obstacles were placed along an overall course that each Committee member had to take. After lining up at the start, the members would go one by one, completing the course that consisted of vaulting, rope climbing, and the like. It felt very military like, to say the least. Now it was clear how an idiot like Red came to lead the organization.

//Terra, the course can be made up if you wish.

Armstrong High - Mutton's classroom ---> Corridors

By himself

Clark was quick to leave Mutton's classroom once the school bell signalled his freedom. Before leaving the room he left his

form for the camping trip on Mutton's desk then left. As he walked out he pulled a small piece of paper out from his pocket

which he wrote 'Brookfield Rose' on to remind himself of the flowers name. It seemed his group had scattered around the

school and possibly otuside of it to do their own thing so Clark decided to do the same and visit the library to do some

research on this flower. It was a rare flower but Clark hoped he could at least some basic information about it. Myabe then he

wouldn't have to do too much work on the field trip if he gave them all this information beforehand. But Clark could only

hope for such luck. After slipping the note back into his pocket he then pulled the map of Brookfield out of his bag as he walked along to the front doors. He looked over it and quickly found where the library was located. Once Clark had mapped out a route to the library he walked out of the schools front doors and made his towards his destination.

Brookfield Library

By himself

Clark's walk to the library was relatively fine. Clark noticed that quite a few students would make there towns to the downtown area of Brookfield after school and luckily enough he overhead a few talking about going to the library. It comforted him somewhat that he wouldn't get lost so easily if he made sure to follow the group of students up ahead of him. Clark just had to make sure he didn't look like a stalker. Eventually Clark found himself just outside the library. He slowly entered, taking in the surroundings of the newly discovered building. Now I just need to found a book or something about this flower. Clark thought to himself as he aimlessly began to wander around the building.
Shun is still asleep. Ashlei is by his side. What happened between these two, and what does the future hold with Daichi's dinner looming on the horizon? Only time will tell. Stay tuned for Shun's eventual awakening from this most informative dream.

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