- Zodiac - [Inactive]

James woke up from his bed, sweating, after having another nightmare. it was the same as before - hanging from the cliff in Limbo, except with one difference. Dominic didn't just watch. he actively crushed his fingers, and James grunted in pain, and fell down, into the jagged rocks in the cove below, which was just when he woke up from the nightmare.

Was it because of the rejection he felt form Dominic the day before, how he had basically told him he was useless? He didn't know... but he was still feeling a little down from what he'd said to him. he'd been so hopeful, so willing to help... Then he got smashed down. He was unsure if he really looked up to Dominic anymore. yeah, he was doing a great thing, putting his life on the line for others... but what he said to him really hit home. He didn't want to think about it now, though. he still hadn't even started that project.

First, he needed at least one partner... Nikky? She looked like she didn't have anyone to work with. He decided to send her an email:

Hey, Nikky!

Just wondering if you've got a full compliment of people to work on a project with - I certainly haven't and I suppose we need to get working on it.

From James

Dorm #359

By himself

Sam wakes up in his normal groggy state. He manages to get dressed into his uniform, grab his laptop as well as the few other things he has on him, and he manages to scarff down a waffle without falling asleep, to him that's more or less a victory in the morning. Why people have to get up this early is beyond him, although he never was one to sleep in past 10 at the latest. With a yawn he stumbles over the door, not seeing the package until he almost trips over it. Reading it blurry eyed he sighs. "So much for the library and the project, this has priority." He yawns. "Ah well, tomorrow should be good for the library." Then he starts blurry eyed out the door, curiosity at what training will bring.


at the bulletin board.

It doesn't take long for Sam's exhausted steps to reach the school, the first thing he manages to notice is a new bulletin related to a school camp out. Sam grins, even in his exhausted state he's always loved camping. He looks around and sees Dominic close-ish to him. "Hey. Dom." He calls out with a tired voice. "You know where we sign up for this?"






Abraxas Nine Alter!

? Dorms / ASH ?

? Unavailable ?

Once more did that alarm ring, forcing the girl to stir before an arm could extend to smack the clock right off the small table at the bedside. Additional movement required a few more minutes to pass, leading to her sitting up within the bed and stretching out her arms. Allowing her attention to stray to the 'empty' portion of the bed, her groggy expression came to soften. What she had seen within the unknowing world was something peaceful, yet saddening. Something that told the girl that she would be stuck in this outward state for a little while longer. At first she desired nothing more than to laugh out, wishing to deny the real world she was being forced to endure, but the feeling quickly decayed. She hid herself away from the world as to escape reality whilst forcing it on another, and now that other needed a break, she held no room to oppose the idea openly. That's right, she was had to hold onto what little sanity there was left, for her. Still, a light chuckle escaped her lips as she continued to watch over the nothingness beside her, "Something bad is going to happen if this keeps up you know." A smile formed to her lips as she prodded the invisible being before pushing herself off the bed.

After doing the morning preps to the best of her memory, like taking a shower, throwing on the uniform, and collecting a few books from her bags after retrieving the patch from the desk, the girl sent herself out the door. It was rather awkward wearing the uniform, seeing as she was more used to watching it be worn rather than actually wearing it. In some ways it actually kind of pissed her off seeing as it was not the type of attire she preferred, but at least it was mildly familiar seeing as the other wore designs that were somewhat similar.
"You better thank me later.." She muttered, this time without any specific target. Luckily she would not have to drill overtime to act 'normal' since, well, if she could remember correctly, there was no real interactions on her first day. It wasn't like there was anything that required a grou... Abraxas's head quickly met the wall, her heel turning in a near instant as her hand firmly planted against the wall to reinforce her thrust against it. " You forgot to grab three people you idiot!", the girl pulled away from the wall, softly rubbing the spot that met the wall as she continued her path.

Getting from the dorms to the school was not much of a trip, and though she didn't wish to admit it, it was actually quite enjoyable. But of course, if one asked she would probably make it out to look as if the trip was nothing more than a bother. At first she ignored a majority of the people, but seeing as they were flocking towards a central point, she couldn't help but follow her curiosity. Forcefully, she would make her way to the board in order to examine it. A crazed smile immediately meeting her as she finally found something worth half her interest.
"Ohh..." her voice barely met the air before laughter began to rumble within her. "Interesting! I love it! I wonder if any idiots would starve to death out there."

After having gotten showered, dressed, and downed some cereal, James headed into lessons. As he walked along the corridor, he kept seeing leaflets for a camp. It actually sounded, really, like a lot of fun. When he was younger, he and his old friends back in Britain would often go out camping, often sleeping right under the stars in the summer months.

Old times, he thought, Good old times.

As he kept walking along the corridor, James noticed Sam and Dominic standing together. It sounded like Sam was asking Dom about the camp - maybe he knew about how to sign up?

He decided to act as if nothing had happened with Dom.

"Hey guys - you seen this camp thing? Sounds like fun, right?" He said to them.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6092dc2_HoshinosNewIcon.png.8cd6260d089171e5434ab9d90ce14c47.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6092dc2_HoshinosNewIcon.png.8cd6260d089171e5434ab9d90ce14c47.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hoshino Shiromiya

~{At Brookfield Settlements}~

Waking up; Attempting to contact Cecilia}~

Hoshino woke up a little earlier than normal, which was probably due to the fact that she was tossing and turning all through the night. As soon as she opened her eyes, she could see the threads of existence, but she decided to switch her sight off and return to her normal vision. Once she did so, she felt like herself again. No different urges or attitudes; more at ease and lighthearted. With a smile and a content sigh, she made her way out of bed and over to the bathroom to take a shower. She was too exhausted to take one the night before, so this time she had to have a good morning cleanse.

She finished washing up soon enough, and she left the bathroom smelling of sweet strawberries and vanilla. Her hair was damp still, so she decided to roll it up in a towel as she got dressed. Upon putting on her usual uniform, she went over to the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. It was still quite early, even after the shower she took, so she decided to treat herself to her daily cinnamon roll along with an omelette. For a drink, she sufficed with a glass of sweet milk. By the time she finished preparing, her hair was dry enough to be freed from the towel. She let her snow white locks cascade around her as she munched away.

Ever since I came here to Armstrong High, everything has changed.. Hoshino realized, going into deep thought as she ate her breakfast. First, I get this Zodiac.. Now, my dad's health is deteriorating. What's next? My mother paying me a visit? She thought, trying not to grow bitter about it all, but it was practically impossible. She found herself wanting to scream into a pillow, which was very unlike her. Normally, Hoshino is one to handle issues like these with a practical, logical mind. Sure, she's always had idealistic goals and wants, but she's ultimately a pretty down-to-earth person. She felt like she, too, was changing.

Why do I get the feeling that, now that I'm a host, nothing is ever going to be the same? She wondered, though the answer was obvious. Of course nothing was ever going to be the same. Everything was different now; she had powers now, though she wished she knew why. It was both a blessing and a curse in Hoshino's eyes, though she saw it as more of a blessing in a weird way. When she saw her father laying there in the hospital, she couldn't help but wonder if she could use Cecilia's power for good; to help heal him like she did for Shun; to get rid of those ulcers eating away at his stomach and intestinal walls.

She knew Cecilia would never agree to that, though.

Still.. She'd agree to some practice, wouldn't she?

Cecilia spoke once of wanting Hoshino to collect the threads, and Hoshino hasn't done so at all. She hasn't asked to use the scissors even once, and she needed to practice doing so, right? With this thought in mind, Hoshino walked back over to Gom and took him in her arms.
"Cecilia?" She called out to the bear. She got a weird vibe from it - a vibe that she didn't get from any other stuffed animal. It was a type of presence; it was as though she knew Cecilia could hear her - that she was there. In a way, it was both frightening and comforting at the same time. "Cecilia, can I ask you something?"

Hoshino swallowed as she continued to speak.
"I'd like to use your power to collect and use some threads. Is there anything you'd like down there in limbo?" She questioned, being the sincerely considerate soul she is. "I wanted to know if you had any suggestions on what you think I should try to do. And, well.." She trailed off for a moment, wondering how to word her next question. "I was wondering.. What exactly do you want me to do, anyways? Why did you give me these powers?" She finally riled up the courage to ask. She didn't expect a nice response, but Hoshino would be happy if she even got one to begin with.



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| Morning |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

Dominic hummed slightly at the thought of attending the school trip. He wondered how the hearts and minds of the students who DID come would feel, with the murders and all. On that thought, Sam arrived, asking how one could even go about signing up. Dominic opened his mouth only to hear yet another voice - James'. It was then that Dominic spoke. "Mr. Mutton probably knows how. From here, I can see that his classroom's closed, so he's got to still be on his way or something." It was strange, but both boys felt a need to assist Dominic and the other hosts in their struggle, even when they knew they were going in blind and outgunned. Inwardly, he commended them. Dominic couldn't imagine getting himself involved in such matters if he wasn't involved originally.

That was when an unfamiliar red-haired girl said her two cents to herself.
"Interesting! I love it! I wonder if any idiots would starve to death out there."



Dominic's words died in his throat, along with any motive to speak up towards her. From her tone alone, she sounded nuts. The usual student would complain about homework, not wonder if anyone would die at a school trip. Though, I can't blame her. Murders and all..


-Dorm #309-

-Interacting with No One-

Waving goodbye to Dominic and Clark, Alice also went off towards the girl's dorms. Going into her room and changing into a clean pair of shorts along with just a black tanktop. Throwing her bag at a wall, she fell onto the bed and curled up in a ball, Kumajirou in her arms once more to help her sleep,"Good night Kuma..." Alice said looking around the room for a particular person but it has been so long since she last saw her, the faint image of Tyrik appeared in her mind,"Good night Tyrik." Alice whispered and fell fast asleep after a bit of waiting for Tyrik's reply but only to receive silence as her answer.


-Armstrong High | Announcement Board-

-Interacting with Sam-

Her walk over to school wasn't a nice one, her legs sore from yesterday's game,"Ugh... at least it's not as bad as last time." Alice thought, remembering that painful morning after she destroyed part of the school's property which was still a mystery to this day. Passing by the same gates that she always did, she noticed a group of people standing at the board. The part where Alice damaged the school was fixed luckily, the place seeming new.

Seems the school was taking these events to another level, a poster reading that they would have a survival camp out in the wilderness for the weekends but the event was optional so students didn't have to go if they wished not to. The event seemed fun and it seemed that some of her friends were already in for it, turning to the three boys along to see a girl with bright red hair, brighter than James.

Alice wasn't gonna waste her time asking where she could get in on this and tapped Sam's shoulder,"Seems there's a camping trip going on." Alice stated the oblivious but then a brilliant idea came up in her mind, taking hold of Sam's shoulders,"We could do our project on nature! This is perfect!" Alice beamed out happily now knowing what to do for their project without even going to the library to discuss about it,"We need to tell Clark and Zage about this... they have to go on this trip." Alice mumbled to herself, hoping Clark would show up soon so they could discuss about this along with Zage.


|Brookfield Settlements|


"Good god, you are in fact useless."

Cecilia's childish voice emanated from Gom just before the bear's mouth expanded and a familiar small girl emerged from within the secrets of its existence.

"Since when is it my job to tell you what you should do with your power, and why would I ever need your help getting something that I wanted."

Walking up to her host, Cecilia extended her arm toward one of Hoshino's eyes and decomposed its existence only to recreate it within her palm where she began keenly inspecting its qualities. Because the spirit would have performed a clean removal of her eye, Hoshino would not be bleeding or experiencing pain, yet perhaps the unusual feeling of missing an eye would be bothering the poor girl.

"It seems you adapted far better than I had expected you to."

A satisfied smile came to Cecilia's face as she concluded her inspection and replaced her host's eye back into its proper position in life. After manifesting her usual tattered throne, the spirit fell back into its comfort all while beginning the inspection of her host's threads that told a particular story much to Cecilia's annoyance.

"I won't repeat myself again, girl. My purpose is of no concern to your existence, nor would I care if your father was dying from a paper cut; your power will not be used upon the living. You are far to naive to even consider understanding the repercussions that could result from your shoddy work."

Beckoning Hoshino's Gom to her side, the spirit reached down the bear's throat where she retrieved her own Gom who happily sat upon her lap for its usual pets; however, rather than indulge in her usual actions, Cecilia tossed the secondary bear along with the scissors toward her host.

"You want practice then here. Decompose this Gom and recreate his existence in that bear of yours, Coco or whatever. Actually, I doubt you would understand his workings so simply decompose that which makes him move and give me a show with your bears. You can complete the rest over time"

Dormitory, # 537


It's Viole, Nikky Viole~

When the flashlight started to flicker Nikky quickly tapped it to steady the stream of light again. With a sigh of relief and her source of light still in order she continued on with her reading. Her eyes skimmed across the page and searching for where she had last left off. The girl's eyes revealed fatigue and sleepiness but she forced herself awake, a book titled The properties of sound waves laid wide open for her. Nikky's lips moved quietly reading while her brain was searching for connections and how to use this knowledge to her advantage. A small furry intruder managed to infiltrate Nikky's blanket fort and snuggle against her breast. The girl sighed and switched off her light, rolling to her side to pet the ferret and lull it into an even deeper sleep.

"What am I doing?" She asked out into the darkness, this wasn't her thing. Staying up all night just to study; she looked out into the abyss, and she could've sworn something or someone was staring right back at her, a chill ran up her spine. She brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face but also brushing away her discomfort; she grabbed her pillow and groaned. Finally, she allowed her heavy eyelids to slide close and fall asleep.

Next morning!


Nikky managed to open her eyes before the alarm clock had the liberty of blasting her eardrums. She quickly disabled it for the sake of the little ball of fur curled up next to her. The girl watched it for a moment smiling softly to herself.
Why did she had to be so cute?!


The creature stirred just a bit at the mention of her name of rather at the sound of her master's voice; she had yet to learn her name. Still, she preferred to stay in it's deep slumber, so Nikky carefully manuevered herself as not wake her up. Once she was off the bed she was home free, but as soon as she took a first step Nikky ended up tripping over a pile of clothes. She sighed and looked back to meet Yazhi's eyes, with her head raised in alert.

She had the old routine down by now, despite staying awake all night she was in rather high spirits. She even hummed a tune throughout the whole morning.Maybe because for a second all the worries of yesterday was washed away, but she wasn't going to go looking a gift horse in the mouth again anytime soon so she just enjoyed the time of bliss while she had it. She gave the ferret a bowl of water and food and patted the rat on the walked out. Nikky brought along her headphones and phone to drown out all the noise surrounding her. She looked up into space and called out,

Elijah? You there? Mind explaining to me what happened yesterday?

She wasn't sure if she'd get a response, asking questions and no one giving her an answer was something she was use to, though. In a plastic bag, Nikky carried some potatoes; while she was doing a project that would include them. Today, they served another purpose a cheeky grin showed up on her face. Today, she was going to face Nakamura and she wasn't going the chicken out. Which reminded her, she should go and drop by Soul food and order more chicken fingers they were pretty go-

Focus Nicole, omfg.

Enterance to ArmStrong High, ASH, or as the rival schools would call it- ASS...

Interacting with no one

Nikky made her way into the school stopping to see a poster that caught her attention, it advertised a school camp-out. Nikky gasped so loud she probably sucked in all the air in the surrounding area from her sheer glee. If she wasn't in public she'd probably spaz out or- oh wait, no no, she's spazzing out.

She loved camping! Nature! The wide open spaces! Bugs! Spiders! Spiders eating bugs! Fire! Burning things! Marshmellow!!-

Nikky could've gone on all day with her list but she had to get her head in the game. Shaking her head she wiped off her grinning face and replaced it with a serious one as she focused back on her task of hunting the rare, pink haired muted Hotaru.

Gotta catch'em all.

Love, Tapatalk

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf60c7f55_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.db628e16aa53e63f1870e4a1d90197a2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf60c7f55_HoshinosSecondNewPowerIcon.png.db628e16aa53e63f1870e4a1d90197a2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hoshino Shiromiya

~{At Brookfield Settlements}~

Talking with Cecilia}~

Hoshino pouted slightly whenever Cecilia called her useless. This girl doesn't have a single sympathetic bone in her body, does she? She thought with a sigh. She figured she may as well get used to it, for these two were connected whether either of them liked it or not now. So, as Cecilia went on brutally speaking in that childish voice of hers, Hoshino just took the bashing and tried not to be affected by it. I was just trying to be considerate.. Jeez, that's the last time I try that with her, she thought to herself as she shook her head from side to side a couple times. Once her eyes returned to Cecilia's figure, however, Hoshino was left in shock as one of her eyes was literally taken out from her skull.

"W-What the--" she protested, putting her hand over the empty socket. She thanked the heavens that it didn't hurt this time, but the fact that her eye was missing was highly uncomfortable, to say at the least. "It seems you adapted far better than I had expected you to." She spoke, and then finally returned Hoshino's eye back to her. Upon doing so, Hoshino switched her sight of the threads back on, and they turned a bright, blood red hue once more. She watched as Cecilia created her usual throne - which was a tattered recliner - and seemed to examine Hoshino's threads. Once she spoke regarding her father, Hoshino was left in utter surprise.

Threads.. You can read them as memories, too? She can read mine! She realized in horror. That meant everything she felt regarding her father was revealed, and Hoshino could feel the shame. "I know I'm not supposed to, and I'm not," she spoke defensively. She seemed to have a sharper tongue when she activated her sights. Again, urges and attitudes that didn't quite feel like her own were coming to her. "I just figured that these powers could be used to help others." She stated. She didn't expect Cecilia to agree. In fact, she figured she'd go off ranting about how it would disrupt the balance or something. So, Hoshino decided to drop the subject there.

With that, Hoshino took the scissors Cecilia tossed at her, and she proceeded to memorizing the composition of the Gom before her.
"Put his ability to move in Coco, huh?" She repeated her mission out loud as she took the bear and learned it's structure. Once she was sure she would remember it, she collected the bear's threads that game him animation. With the construction in mind, she handed the threads to the still animated Gom, asking him to put them in Coco for her. He did so, and surprisingly, it worked. With wide, curious, and pleasantly surprised eyes, she watched as Coco stood up on her own. Hoshino pictured Gom and Coco dancing, and as soon as she did, they danced around the room.

"I did it!" Hoshino declared, knowing that Cecilia would probably see this as stupid, but she didn't care. She was happy to have accomplished something. Now, all she had to do was create that storage space in Coco, just like there was one in Gom. Then, she wouldn't need Gom anymore.. Or, perhaps she could simply have two. Who knows? Hoshino was beginning to see the endless possibilities. With two soft claps for herself, she gathered her school materials and put them in her messenger bag. She also grabbed the dancing Gom and Coco, giving them both hugs before setting Coco back down on the bed. She'd take Gom, just in case she wanted to collect threads.

"Thanks," she spoke to Cecilia, and then made her way out of the door. Cecilia followed her out as she made her way over to the school, and due to it not being that long of a walk, she made it there in no time. Hoshino decided to keep her sights on, deciding to just tell others that her eyes were contacts. I would have gotten away with the glasses, wouldn't I? She realized, remembering the moment when Cecilia stitched her eyes, blessing her with the sight of the threads of existence. With a sigh, she shook her head. I'll just appreciate what I have, she decided, and then made her way inside the school.

~{At Armstrong High}~

With Those at the Bulletin Board}~

Hoshino looked over at the bulletin board that people were beginning to gather around. Her classroom wasn't open just yet, so she figured she'd check out the board to see if anything new was on it. She noticed a few familiar faces, as well, so she waved towards them. "Hello Dominic, Sam," she spoke to the boys she recognized. There were a few other familiar faces - like that Alice girl Hoshino met on her first day of school - but she didn't know them well enough to really call out to. Instead, she simply waved to all of them. "What's going on?" She questioned as her crimson eyes scanned the board before her. When she saw the camp-out announcement, she raised a thoughtful brow.

"That sounds interesting," she complimented the idea. "I'm signing up, definitely," she stated. She also saw this as an opportunity to collect some threads. Wood, leaves, herbs - they could come in handy, should she find some. "Weren't we doing a project on plant life?" Hoshino spoke towards Dominic. "What kind of plants did you have in mind? We could find some really neat ones where that camp-out is being held," she suggested with an open mind. She had no idea when the project was due, but either way she'd still love to pay those parts a visit. She hoped her job wouldn't get in the way too much, however. Still, she was sure she could get a couple days off if it was school-related.



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Dorm room

By himself

Clark awoke to the annoying buzz of his alarm clock. Oh how he had grown to loath it. He lazily threw his hand in the genral direction of it, hoping to turn it off but instead knocking it off the bedside table. Causing it to become unplugged. "That's one way to turn it off." He mumbled into his pillow. Eventually he managed to get himself out of bed and felt quite refreshed after getting a nice hot shower. He continued his usual morning routine, swung his bag over his shoulder and left for school.

Armstrong High

With the many people at the bulletin board

As Clark made his way into the school he looked up and down the walls as he made his way down the corridors, curious as to whether or not he cold notice any differences after the repairs that had happened. By the time he got to the announcment board he hadn't noticed anything new. Clark guessed the repairs were more internal like pipes and probably the generator. Out of the many people standing next to it he saw Alice and Sam. Once again he was standing behind Alice and Sam but this time he decided to make his presence known first so he wouldn't scare Alice again. Clark purposely cleared his throat to get the twos attention before speaking up. "Hey Sam, Alice. I just thought I'd say hi and let you know I haven't found Zage...and probably won't find her." He said bluntly to both of them. He looked at the poster that everyone else was looking at. "Camping? Pfft. Yeah sounds great." He said to no one in particular. Laughing at the thought of him camping.
♦♥♣♠ Dorm Unit #416 (Akira’s Dorm) ♠♣♥♦

A small crash shook the girl into the reality that existed around her. She was wide awake looking about her room for the incessant noise that tore her from her peaceful slumber. Looking around, she saw that the AP Biology book on her bed had fallen to the side once again. She never recalled being as dazed as she was when studying the…

Wait a minute” She thought, “What WAS I doing, exactly?” She looked about the room and noticed the black screen of her laptop. Swiping her finger across the touchpad, she soon came to see the quick flash of bubbles for the screensaver before it reverted back to its original sign in screen, signifying that the computer had at some point or another the night before locked itself. “Ah! That’s what I was doing! I was on the laptop last night studying the Brookfield murders! And when I couldn’t find too much on that, I went to doing my…” She looked over to where the Biology book fell. Near it was a small gathering of papers. A personal conundrum of hers became leaning over to grab them and sort them all out. The task was completed, but not without a cost. Akira having fallen asleep with her back to her wall and not even having leaned on the pillow near which she sat did a number on her back, and quite the number was it. The pain was so extensive that she in fact groaned upon the lean and tightening the muscle around her waist to lift herself back up was an even greater chore which called for the assistance of the bedside, itself.

Soon, the girl was able to stand and put all of her materials in a bag, realizing that it was about time to get ready to head to her classes. Shortly after, she grabbed her clothes as usual, grabbed her grooming materials as usual, bathed as usual, or showered rather, and exited the bathroom in her undergarments, pondering what to do with her mess of a hairdo this morning. Nothing had really changed about it since one can’t get a bedhead without having laid on the bed. She sat and slept, oddly. She simply brushed the loose hairs back into the original bun in which it was placed, and let the hair hang into a giant, curled ponytail, likely the end result of it having been in a bun the previous day. She glanced in the mirror and sighed before putting on her school clothes and placing her things in her bag. Lastly, she slipped on her shoes and checked to make sure she was entirely dressed, for even she couldn’t shake the discomforting feeling of forgetting something moments before she was to leave her humble abode. She simply didn’t want the thing she forgot to turn out to be her shirt. With everything on hand, she quickly exited the dorm and headed for school.



Notebook {1}

Pen {5}

History of the Americas: Edition 1 {1}

AP Biology {1}

Mints {10}


Hair Clip {1}

Clip Board {1}

iPhone 5S (Gold) {1}

♦♥♣♠ Armstrong High ♠♣♥♦

Eventually, Akira managed to make it to the halls of the school, not hearing any bells, therefore assuring her own self that she was there and on time. Treading the halls, the students were back to their usual hallway hobbies: senseless prattle. There were some discussing interesting topics, though. Oddly enough, Akira didn’t overhear any conversations about what had happened in school two days prior. Even more out of place was the lack of discussion of the soccer game yesterday! People just didn’t seem all that aware of things, as of late, with the exception of the murder spree going on. It was then that Akira passed by a familiar voice:

"Hey. Dom." The voice called out, sounding to be tired. Akira knew this tired tone, and it was one that she was oddly not so unhappy to hear. "You know where we sign up for this?" Akira turned her head as she walked to see Sam standing outside of a bulletin board. Oddly enough, he was talking to Dom— suddenly the girl remembered just what that feeling was in the pit of her stomach as she was leaving her dorm unit...

I FORGOT TO BRING BACK THE UMBRELLA!!” Akira shrieked in the back of her mind. “I can’t believe I forgot it! I was supposed to have returned it to him today! Oy… what am I gonna do now? Hey wait a minute, it’s not raining today, so perhaps he shouldn’t even notice, much less care! I mean he’s a guy! He can’t possibly be the type of guy to get upset about an umbrella… can he? ” Her moment of horror didn’t’ last very long. She suddenly noticed the subject of the boys’ attention. Up ahead, there was a bulletin advertising a class campout trip over the weekend. It never did appeal much to Akira, the thought of hanging outside for a long period of time. While she did love the more beautiful half of nature, she was never given the luxury of being able to bask in it on anything like a camping trip simply because her parents never permitted it, no matter whom she asked to go with. The closest Akira ever tread to an clandestine activity that involved the outdoors was her minimal practice with archery, which her mother believed was an excellent pass time to relieve stress when she was entering her teenage years. It’d long since been four and a half years since she’d touched a bow or an arrow, though, much less, used one. Regardless, it seemed to catch the boy’s attention. And based on his question, Sam seemed rather bent on attending.

Sam… are you fond of camping, perhaps?” She asked him, standing a short distance but trying not to make as surprising an entrance as she could have, would she have been less than an inch to his person.


With the everyone at the bulletin board.

Sam waves to Alice as she arrives, and when she starts to talk about the camp for science, he grins. "Great idea!" However when clark arrives his statement makes Sam realize that convincing him to come won't be the easiest thing in the world, in fact, its probably going to be one of the harder tasks of the day. He turns to Alice with a helpless look in his eyes then talks to Clark. "About that...we're doing our project on plants in nature...so if you want to not fail we're going to need your help..." He waits for it to sink in before continuing. "Which means we need you to come. On the camping trip." He knows this probably won't go over well but there isn't really a point trying to be all sneaky and such as Clark would most likely figure it out and he wouldn't be happy. While he's waiting for an answer however he hears Akira behind him asking him about camping, he grins. "I love camping, its great! Between the tents, the fire and all the great campfire food..." He laughs. "I guess its weird coming from me since everyone sees me fiddling with my laptop so much huh?" Talking about camping has seemed to waken up Sam more then just a little, and his voice slowly grows back to his energetic and happy self. "Setting up tents, large fields...all the good stuff that makes camping a blast!" He grins, then his grin fades a little. "Or is that a bit weird? Tent camping isn't that popular nowadays, everyone has a camper or something."
Akira listened for a short time to the boy’s words. Eventually, she noticed his reluctance to continue on the account that perhaps his speech may be nothing more than an incessant rambling of some sort. To cleave these worries, Akira looked at him and smiled, small and softly and began to speak after his speech was complete:

No. I don’t believe it weird at all. The natural, old style is something that many people love about camping. If it was all about using the latest new technology to make the camping experience better, then that’d defeat the purpose!” She stopped and then looked away for a moment before looking at Sam in a slight tinge of embarrassment, “However, I truly can’t say the same for myself. I’ve always wanted to go camping with friends, myself, but I’ve never received the chance to. This trip looks like it’d be a lot of fun, but I honestly don’t think I’d be doing too much more than pitching up a hammock and reading a book the entire time that we’re supposed to be there. I’d be much better off using this time to complete the science project I’ve been trying to get finished or…” She suddenly stopped, not wanting to bring up the topic that still pervaded the inner workings of her mind. It didn’t matter what she did; whence around the presence of either Dominic or Alice, the same suspicions always arose. The same feelings that they were involved in something they weren’t supposed to be; that same something that caused the blackout at the school two days beforehand; that exact same something that could potentially be related to the murders all across Brookfield.

|Armstrong High's Roof|

|Speaking to the epitome of darkness|

"...So that's where you've been." Damian said plainly, staring straight into the horizon. Following the rising sun. Damian sat on the edge of the room, his feet dangling off the side. The wind blew pleasantly through Damian's dark head of hair, cooling his overactive head down. If he was without any sort of cooling he would've overheated and shut off. All this Zodiac business has been keeping Damian awake at night, his mind occupied during class, and keeping him out of focus from his gaming. As evident towards his early start to school. Lance had stood behind Damian, explaining his absence to his worrywart of a host. "So... What are you going to do? Are you going to take her offer? I mean, it sounds reasonable." Lance heavily inhaled and let out an exasperated sigh. Blowing out some black smoke. "Well... I haven't much of a choice. She's proven to be able to manipulate... Life. Or perhaps even existence. Her power is still an enigma to me. Though her offer seems more promising than Hierophant's." "Yeah... Don't take his offer. I feel something ominous about him coming to you." Damian rose from his perch and started walking to the stairwell door that leads back down to the different floors of the school. "I need to get to class now. I'm glad you're back. But... Think about this first. Who knows what this will mean for us both. Entrusting our safety as a duo to these other Zodiacs. Get at me when I transfer class." Damian opened the door, and continued down the stairwell heading to the first floor. "Yeah... I'll be seeing you, kid." Lance said with parting words. Disappearing into a black hole...

...Damian walked through the student littered halls. The most hated thing about school. The claustrophobia inducing hallways. He tried to reach his locker in the sea of uniforms, using his lighter bodies swift and seamless movement to his advantage. Swaying through the spaces in between students to pass through this human obstacle course. When he finally reached his locker, from his left peripheral he could see Dominic and company crowing around the post board. They were going on about a... Camping trip? Sounded dangerous, something Damian wouldn't dare to do. Though, thinking practically he felt that they could use his special night vision. And what's life without a little adventure? His was already becoming a bizarre adventure anyway. What's just one more diversion going to do? Plus, he had Lance and he had his friends... Funny little word to say. "I hope they know that it will be pitch black out at night. They'll need someone to scout for them." Damian said into his locker, pulling text out.

|Behind a certain gal's shoulder|

|Speaking to that certain gal|

"Yesterday? You mean with your stupid man-baby of a crush? I dunno'. Boy needs to get that stick out of his a**. Won't charm anyone that way. Meh. Men. Am I right?" Elijah said, poking her shoulder at Nikky's back. "By the way, how was the readin' last night? Getting scholastic on my powers are ya'?" Elijah said, feeling a bit proud of Nikky's curiosity.


-Armstrong High | Announcement Board-

-Interacting with Sam, Clark, and Akira-

What a coincidence, out of the blue while Alice was speaking of one of her group members, out comes Clark his messy jet-black hair and his somewhat lazy presence had appeared before them but only to give bad news. Alice wasn't in the mood to have slackers on her team now, about to give him a piece of her mind but then Sam took the situation for her, explaining their plans, thankful that Sam was here to keep her down before things got ugly. Keeping her mouth shut, she turned to see who Sam was speaking with the new girl she met that time, waving at her slightly. Turning her attention back at Clark, Alice sighed and shook her head,"You're in our group so just like what Sam said, you have to go and it's fine that you didn't get Zage, we'll see her later." Alice reassured, hoping that Zage would appear soon,"It seems she has been busy with something." Alice said since the last time she saw her was two days ago, when she broke the school.

-Sorry this is short because I'm braindead and is pretty much a lazy post-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6151e03_EditedFarraIcon.jpg.fb2070389cadd6aa2715f5b4d5581089.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19861" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6151e03_EditedFarraIcon.jpg.fb2070389cadd6aa2715f5b4d5581089.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~Farra Rei~

|Interacting with No one?|

Farra watched as Hotaru left, sulking. "Well, shit," she grumbled to herself. Sighing, she dusted the blood flakes off of her the best she could. "Nexus?" She called, looking up and down the empty hallway. Her voice echoed in the emptiness. Farra waited for a moment, then frowned. She needed to get some fresh air. Peeking out of the window, Farra smiled. "Guess I'll go to the roof," she said, laughing. Last time she was on the roof, she had freaked out because of a little thunder and lightning in front of Damian. Her stomach lurched at the thought. Let's hope he's not there tonight.


|Attempting to Interact with Damian|

Farra climbed up the stairs, one by one, until she finally made it to the top. By the time she was there, her legs were aching and her head was pounding.
You would think I'd be used to climbed up here by now, she thought irritably. Swinging open the door, she paled. There sat...Damian. Shit. Look at you! Farra thought. You're panicking because you see one little, insignificant boy up on the roof at the same time! Get a hold of yourself! She nodded. Farra silently gave herself a pep talk as she approached his location. You're Farra Rei. You've taken the lives of 23 no-good, lying, cheating, puny humans. You can take on one teenage boy. She stopped to straighten her shirt. And, if anything goes wrong, you can just kill him. "Hi."

//target found//



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At ArmStronk High

On the prowl fo da booty

As Nikky was scanning for the rare pink haired minx, she noticed a small group gathering around a bulletin board taking note they were talking about the camping trip. She considered approaching them, afterall, it shouldn't be to hard to remember a walking hugging machine like Nakamura. Though just as she was making her way toward them she could hear an odd rustling nearby, she looked around but as far as she could tell the halls were just filled with the sound of people chatting. Yet she could hear the soft rustling of something nearby, huh? Nikky opened up her totebag and was met with the furry head of Yazhi poking out, the girl was left opening and closing her mouth in disbelief the little rascal hitched a ride on her.

...what the balls.

ASH Girl's bathroom

Nikky hurried to the bathroom so no one would see her, she squatted and sat Yazhi down, rubbing her temples. No biggy, all she needed to do was call her Aunt to- Oh right, her phone was cut off.

"This is great, just dandy." she sighed, pets aren't allowed, and she doubted she could pass off the little one as her 'seeing-eye ferret'. While Nikky was trying to figure out what to do with the beast, Yazhi scurried about the bathroom examining its new surroundings. This one was going to be a handful, she could already tell. It didn't ease her nerves when Elijah popped up and scared the bejeesus out of her, infact, it did quite the opposite.

Jesus christmas christ.

"Yesterday? You mean with your stupid man-baby of a crush? I dunno'. Boy needs to get that stick out of his a**. Won't charm anyone that way. Meh. Men. Am I right?" Elijah said, poking her shoulder at Nikky's back.

Nikky mumbled something, but a grin was stuck on her face. She should talk to him later, she had decided.

"By the way, how was the readin' last night? Getting scholastic on my powers are ya'?"

Nikky blushed a bit, surprised at her own response. "Well yeah, and I think I understand the gist of your powers now!" Nikky took a deep breath as if to prepare for a long explanation as to how she thought Elijah's powers work.

"Sound waves consist of hills and valleys, the bolt shoots through these hills and valleys absorbing the waves to wrap around the arrow and enhance it?" the bemused look on Nikky's face was quickly wiped away as a lightbulb clicked on in her head.

"The bolts you shoot absorbs the sound waves to enhance it, amirite? If that's the case, your instrument must give off a different kind of sound all together!"

Holy crap she actually sounded kind of smart for once, the realization was apparent on her face but she didn't want to ruin this moment by losing her cool, stoic expression. Sadly, she couldn't stop the pathetic grin from spreading on her face.


...really? A giggle?
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| Morning |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| ASH |

| Front Entrance / Announcement Board |

The small handful of students turned into a curious clump of familiar faces. Dominic couldn't greet them all without putting himself in the spotlight. What mattered more to him was finding his own group. Luckily, Hoshino arrived with a valid idea on the project.

"Weren't we doing a project on plant life?"

Something was off about Hoshino, but Dominic was too groggy from waking up to really tell what. Instead, he kept silent for a moment.

"What kind of plants did you have in mind? We could find some really neat ones where that camp-out is being held,"

An interesting idea, indeed. Just the mere fact that their plants would come from nature itself rather than a random flower shop would surely boost their score in their science teacher's eyes. "A-ah, we could settle for some simple blooming flowers. I doubt we'd find anything exotic out there." Dominic wasn't a plant person - hell, he wasn't a project person. Any sort of good looking plant out there would have to suffice for them.

He glanced around the area, as Mutton was still missing from the scene. Damian was over by his locker and Dominic gave him a wave without dragging him into the hell that was in front of the boards. Looking back over to Hoshino, he wondered what the rest of his group thought about it. "We need to figure out what everyone else says. We don't even know if they're going to come camping with us or not."

| ASH |

| Rooftops |

"Your heart rate increased dramatically." Nexus stated, after simply showing up beside the girl. She went from being a straight, in-your-face hothead to a nervous, self-conscious girl who struggled not to melt in front a single individual. On that note, where was this individual she was speaking to? The rooftop were barren, save for the Zodiac and it's host. "Ms.Rei-.. Are you feeling ill?"

|Literature II|

|Thinking about his day during a free period|

Damian rested his head on his hand, devoid of any facial expression. Since the class had finished an assignment early the teacher allowed the last 20 minutes for a free period. 20 minutes to do whatever his heart chose and what did this boy choose to do? Think. Daydream. Furrow his brow over some thoughts. To start his 20 meter mental dash; "Lance is back... That's a worry off my back. Not hearing from Lance was actually kind of disheartening... I'm too reliant on his company. I shouldn't worry so much. I mean, he's a superpowered 300 something year old spirit with dark powers. He can take care of himself... Around other spirits with even more crazy powers. Ugh. Stop it Damian. You're going to run yourself into the ground worrying so much over Lance. I should believe in him more. Yeah... He can handle himself." Damian blew form his nose, exhaling a lot of tension from off his shoulders allowing them to slouch down. It was hard. Not worrying about your newly appointed fatherly figure was tough. Especially if he up and disappeared under no explainable circumstance. Damian didn't want to admit it but he had some abandonment issues he was having trouble working out. As far as he was concerned he was just over worrying. He shook his head a bit. He chose to move on to another subject. One less daunting on the mental health. He managed to apologize to Farra today and explain himself. Which was good. He was aiming to do that and it looks like he finally made his wish.

Damian had been sitting, speaking with Lance about his absence and what has been going on with him the past few days. It appeared that Lance has been getting into some exchanges with other Zodiacs, which isn't normal. It even shocked Damian to a degree. Damian didn't take Lance to be the one who got visitors. As they were talking, they both heard the clanking of a lock. Damian peered over his shoulder and saw the door that lead to the stairwell down was being opened. "Shoot. Lance, fall back." Lance disappeared without a second thought or a single word. He left Damian alone to the roof and his visitor. When the door opened he saw a tuft of green hair, radiate in the suns rising rays. Damian wasn't 100% sure who it was but he decided to turn around back to the horizon to "act natural." After a couple of seconds of remaining quiet a quick voice broke the silence. A greeting. The voice was familiar. Straight forward, and attention grabbing. Damian turned around and saw it was Farra. Just who he was looking for. And felt guilty over. "Oh, Farra. Good morning... Umm... I'm sorry about the other day." Damian huffed out, blowing some hair from out of his face. "I guess I've got some explaining to do..." Damian stood up and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Well... You know a thing or two about Zodiacs, so no harm in explaining this. There was a Hollow attack. You know how when Hotaru was all hurt? Yeah... A Hollow did that. They also caused damages to the school that caused us to have that unexpected day off for repairs. When Hollows arrive, they sort of pull Zodiac users into their own little slice of reality. A 4th dimension, one would call it. Because you don't have a Zodiac you weren't able to see me in that space. So I kinda just disappeared on you... I meant to find you afterwards but I kinda went nuts on getting help for Hotaru. Hrmph... I'm sorry." Damian felt she probably indeed hated him for up and leaving and not giving an avid explanation sooner. He looked at Farra as someone who demanded sooner than later. Someone with a pragmatic attitude, but with a bit of bite. He hoped his explanation was enough to get him on her good side. As it was difficult enough trying to explain something supernatural to one who hasn't seen what he's seen.

Maybe she wouldn't hate him now. He possibly had made a new friend. He hoped he did. He'd rather not be on anyone else's bad side. He had enough of an enemy already. The free period was almost over, 10 minutes left says the clock. He remembered there being a science project that he hasn't started with the others yet. He still didn't even know what his job was or what the overall topic of the project was. This was the most unprofessional he's been in a while. "Dear, oh dear..."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6249aa5_(Resized)FarraIcon.jpg.b3503f8c621e1dcc940bd447a162b3c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19896" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6249aa5_(Resized)FarraIcon.jpg.b3503f8c621e1dcc940bd447a162b3c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~Farra Rei~

|Interacting with Nexus on the rooftop|

"Ms.Rei, are you ill?"

"Whaaaaat? Nope, I don't know what you're talking about," she muttered, running a long-fingered hand through her blue hair. It was more of a turquoise now, considering that it had faded a bit. The light turquoise pigment covered up a pure, snowy, white. A few strands of her hair showed it. "I was just talking to a....." She trailed off. What was Damian to her, anyways, other than a guy that she happened to keep running into? "Uh...friend. He's a host." Farra sighed. Which reminds me... Time to pop the question to Nexus. "What..are you?" she asked abruptly. "Not my helper, or whatever. What you really are. Are you a spirit? A robot? A Zodiac, whatever the hell that is?" Farra threw her hands into the air. "What does that make me? Are you just using me to fulfill your own twisted goals?!" Her head-strong, angry demeanor returned. "You can't just keep me in the dark from all of this for the rest of my life, not even for a week longer! I don't understand your choosing me either; why pick me if you would know that I wouldn't tolerate being lied to and ignored! I want to know everything; why you chose me, what you are, what that makes me, what you can do, the like. If you don't want to tell me, too bad. I'm sick and tired of not knowing, and I am not a force to be reckoned with." Farra's eyes were livid with anger, her face defiant. She was not going to take no for an answer.

//your move, Enzo.//


"Well... You know a thing or two about Zodiacs, so no harm in explaining this. There was a Hollow attack. You know how when Hotaru was all hurt? Yeah... A Hollow did that. They also caused damages to the school that caused us to have that unexpected day off for repairs. When Hollows arrive, they sort of pull Zodiac users into their own little slice of reality. A 4th dimension, one would call it. Because you don't have a Zodiac you weren't able to see me in that space. So I kinda just disappeared on you... I meant to find you afterwards but I kinda went nuts on getting help for Hotaru. Hrmph... I'm sorry."

Damian finished explaining. Farra's face turned red and her eyes sparked. "Sorry?! You fucking abandoned me in the middle of a blackout! With Hollows roaming around, no less." She raised her hand, preparing to slap him; but something stopped her. She slowly lowered her hand, head down. "I'm...sorry. That was really awful of me, I mean, I just met you," she said, laughing nervously. "I don't know what I expected of another human. I mean, now I've got this Nexus thing following me around..." Farra sighed, looking up at Damian and making eye contact. Her vivid green eyes bore into his dark ones. "Thanks for the apology. I guess I'll see you around?"



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Armstrong High - Announcement Board

Interacting with Sam & Alice

Clark's heart sank when Sam told him what they'd be doing for the project. Of course they'd be doing the one thing Clark would've hated. The worst part being he'd have to work with this group. Clark doubted that there would be anymore groups with room in them or taking anyone else so this would be his only option unless he worked by himself but he really doubted that he'd get a decent grade for the project by himself. Clark groaned at the realization that he was defeated. He had to go camping with them or else he'd fail. "Fine I'll go. I'm sure it will be an experience." Clark said through gritted teeth. Clark had initially liked the two but he was beginning to get more and more annoyed with them. He felt like an errand boy for them. Go do this. Go find this person. Of course I'd get stuck with people like them. Clark thought to himself as he clenched his fists in frustration. Making his thoughts on the matter of camping with them obvious as he stared at the two with a less than happy face.

|From Literature to the Halls|

|Talking to himself|

The bell rang, signaling the end to first period. The students were already in good spirits and ready to jump out the door because of their nice 20 minutes to faff about. Damian had been still stuck in trance for the last 10 minutes of the free period. What else is someone like Damian to do? He grabbed his bag from besides the desk and left out the door to his next class which appeared to be... "Study Hall, time to waste an hour in the auditorium. I should go find Dom' and see what the project of this project is. Maybe spend time working on that." Damian browsed the halls for his friend, in hopes of getting some answers for this project that probably doomed to fail.

Farra started yelling and cursing. Taking on that disposition Damian expected her to for his sudden action. He would hope that she's understand it was outside his control, but... No. Her yelling only made him feel more guilty than before, and he wasn't akin to making a rebuttal in such a hostile way. Being the diplomat he is. Amidst her yelling, she rose her hand ready to strike Damian. In his head he could only say that he deserved it. For some reason. Somewhere. But she stopped. And she began to apologize? "It's umm... It's fine. I mean, I did leave you by yourself. So it's no bi-- Nexus? Following you around?" If this is what Damian felt it was... "Who is Nexus?" Damian asked. "Better yet." Lance cocked his head to the side, signaling for something to come out. From behind, came Lance from his black hole. Peering down at Farra with his lifeless glare. "Can you see who's behind me?" Damian had to interrogate the girl, as much as he didn't want to.

|Being an ear sore|

|Talking to her host, Nikky|

"Do ya'!? Well I'll be! You... Kinda got it. My sound waves are kinda special you see! My soundwaves are kinda like magic! Whatever's in them I seem to have some sort of control over them, judging what kind of note I play. It's odd. Even I don't get how my powers work, but I do know whatever is within them they get some sort of weird effect. My bolt are just subject to the magic notes, they don't absorb it. But my cello? Oh yeah, it gives off a different kind of sound alright! You're getting it! Now I wanna leave it to you rather than telling you the run down." Elijah looked around Nikky's surroundings. A bathroom? A public bathroom? Elijah already went through her stage of culture shock, but she wasn't sure why this bathroom was so big. Then again, her last host didn't get out much. "So... Why are we in a bathroom? And aren't you in public? You're gonna look crazy talking to yourself in a bathroom, my gal'."
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| Morning |

| Thursday |

| September 26, 2014 |

| ASH |

| Front Entrance / Announcement Board --> Mutton's class |

Breaking apart the mass of students at the board with just his presence, Mutton had finally arrived. Students were already shooting him with questions regarding the camping trip. "The trip, hmm? I have a form for you to fill out regarding that. You can just leave it at my desk after class." With his words finally soothing the aching need for answers within the students, everyone was finally taking their seats within the classroom. On that note, Ben arrived, taking his seat next to Dominic with a sly grin. Ben's suspicious smirk gave Dominic a bad vibe, one that told him, without words, that Ben had come up with something terrible.

"Do I need to ask?"

"After school."

Nodding, Dominic remembered the idea Hoshino and he had regarding the project. "Oh, Ben! We're going to do our project on plants, but we need you to come to the camping trip, alright?" "Wah-.. you already decided?" "It's the easiest thing to do." Ben groaned at the thought of having to camp. His problem didn't lie in the fact that a project was chosen, but rather the way it was going to be carried out. Eventually Mutton passed around the forms mentioned earlier concerning the trip. A simple form that asked for general information to be filled out.

| ASH |

| Rooftop |

Nexus stayed silent for the duration that was Farra's outburst. What went from a casual question to a sudden 'No is not an option' made Nexus process on what it's next few words would be. "Your assumptions came quicker than expected." The sphere simply said. "Ms.Rei, I have no dark secret to keep from you. I am what I seem - a floating ball who requires a caretaker, as you've most likely discovered from our first encounter." The mention of Nexus' lack of power made the sphere feel regretful for that moment. "It matters not if you refer to me as a Zodiac, or a robot. My purpose of 'choosing you' benefits both you and I. Of course, there are some side effects for partnering with me - the biggest change would have to be the electrical currents that can pass through your body. To put it simply, electricity will not harm you. With enough skill, you may be able to control it to some degree. This is what I know."

The sphere floated around the rooftop. "Anything beyond that is none of your concern, as it does not involve you."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf62db5a9_(Resized)FarraIcon.jpg.332215282bec7e9cf6e031cbc04a765e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19925" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf62db5a9_(Resized)FarraIcon.jpg.332215282bec7e9cf6e031cbc04a765e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~Farra Rei~

|Pissed at Nexus on the Rooftop|

"It matters not if you refer to me as a Zodiac, or a robot. My purpose of 'choosing you' benefits both you and I. Of course, there are some side effects for partnering with me - the biggest change would have to be the electrical currents that can pass through your body. To put it simply, electricity will not harm you. With enough skill, you may be able to control it to some degree. This is what I know." Farra narrowed her eyes, but decided not to question it. She felt as if the bot was not letting on as much as he knew. "If you had told me this earlier, I wouldn't be in such a stretch," she muttered. Maybe I should go find Damian...nah, he has other problems to deal with.

"Um...yes? How am I not supposed to see him? He's staring into my soul, he's hard to not notice." She glanced up at the shadowy figure and began to study him. Her eyes narrowed. "You're not human, are you?" She threw her hands in the air. "Here I go again, getting myself involved in crazy mojo-jojo, and..." She stopped talking and looked up at Damian. "Your point?"
sorry for how short it is.

Kitt cannot be held responsible for the actions of her family, friends, or third parties.



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