- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Alice looked over at Ben and ignored Phillips comment, rushing over to Ben's side and grabbed one of the napkins off the table,"What the heck?" She mumbled and looked over to Tyrik. She stared at her and turned to where she was looking at and back at Tyrik,"What is wrong? What's going on Tyrik?" She mumbled to her confused what was happening.

Ben suddenly starts going crazy over voices and has a nose bleed. She wasn't sure what to do for Ben but to keep him calm and see what Tyrik meant of her words and what up with the trees, they give off a scary atmosphere like death or something. Holding the napkin at Ben's nose, she stared at Ben with worry eyes.
Last night had been fairly productive after Adonna had parted ways with Artemis, laundry had been done, clothes had been sorted, folded, neatly put away. Whatever was still in the bag remained there, but it would all slowly come out over time. Afterwards, the lull set in and Adonna realized that she had to call her mother. She dialed the number only to prod the screen several times, relentlessly, when she realized it was midnight and she'd wake her poor Ma up.

She thought of sending a text, but was afraid that too would wake her up. Instead, she solemnly promised herself that Friday evening, for sure, she would call her mother. Who was probably now balding with worry.

So the morning was like every other morning, she got ready for school and headed over... Only to find it absolutely empty. No-one had told her Friday was no school. Perfect. To top it off, students were still there, apparently for a cook-out that she'd known nothing about up until now. Only they were all in their regular clothes, and she was in her school uniform. She grumbled inwardly about the irony.

Well, now the question was to stay or to go. There was nothing wrong with having some provided food... Even if she had to needlessly lug her backpack around. Decision made, Adonna looked around to find a spot to sit down, preferably one with shade.
Roe had woken up that morning with a splitting headache and didn't feel up to going to school. She laid still, curled up in a ball waiting for the throbbing pain from hell to stop. Closing her eyes, Roe went back to sleep. She might even be out the whole day.
Hotaru was excited. The school was having a cookout, Friday, and there was no school! There was no rain and everyone would be having fun. Hotaru rubbed her eyes. She seemed to have broken the connection with the black haired lady. Hotaru felt exhausted from her sleepless night. That was a side effect for her, whenever she finished up a ritual Hotaru would stay up as long as she can to think.

Apparently, Hotaru will be extremely hyper and tired at the same time. Lord knows what will happen once she gets a hold of any type of sugar. She would be bouncing off the walls and would be tempted to do rituals with her friends.

Friends, it gave a bittersweet taste in her mouth. She now knew so many more people. It broke her heart though, when she saw the news. A red haired boy had approached her the first day was dead. Oh well! Time to move on!

Hotaru put on something appealing to the eyes. Uniforms won't be required today so Hotaru had the freedom to wear whatever she wanted. The girl decided to dye her hair once again. This time her hair was a pastel pink, resembling a flesh like color. Hotaru wore a dark blue tank top with a sea foam green cardigan. Heading out of her dorm she sprinted down the stairs with high spirits.

Hotaru heard her name in her head, she sneezed twice. Shaking off the uneasy feeling she headed out to the field. Right off the bat she noticed Ben and Phillip with Alice. Also....that spirit thing from the yesterday. It must be probably a Zodiac.

She spotted Adonna sitting on the ground in the shade. It was amazing that the rain from Thursday didn't faze the dirt. Hotaru waved at her and jogged over to her. She gave her a hug. She owed her a lot of hugs, so she held on tight.

Hotaru held up a hand meaning to wait for a minute or two. She sprinted to Alice nearly attacking her with a hug as well. Hesitantly, she hugged Phillip and watched Ben freak out. She held out her arms which obviously meant that she wanted a hug.








A hyper intuition


A tired complexion

Clark was pleasantly surprised from how much he enjoyed last night at Soul Food. It was a bit overcrowded but it was still nice to be meeting new people and the food was great. What made it better was that the following day was just as good. No school already seemed good but there was free food and the weather was nice as well. A bit too hot for him but it was certainly bearable.

Clark had decided to wear a simple White shirt with a grey jacket and black jeans. Clark managed to grab one of the last hamburgers just as he entered. He happily ate it, not realising how hungry he was. He also got a bottle of water to wash it down and to help keep hydrated in the hot weather. As he wandered around the cook-off he spotted Adonna sitting in the shade. Clark decided he'd go say hi. He didn't have anything else better to do nor did he recognise anyone else nearby.

Clark walked over to the shaded area and sat next to Adonna. "Didn't know it was the Cook-off huh?" Clark asked seeing Adonna in her school uniform.


Wallet ($20)

Student ID

Dorm key
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| Morning |

| Friday |

Date: September 20, 2014

Ben behaved as if he were alone. The aid Alice gived and the hug Hotaru offered didn't seem to phase him in the least. His eyes were shut and his fingers were beginning to draw blood on his skin from his own grip. At the same time, he whimpered small sayings. "N-not again, please.." Was he crying? Either way, Tyrik was pinned on something else entirely. Her vision locked onto the trees, which swayed. Thing was, there wasn't any wind strong enough to move them. "I don't know, but I feel something's coming."

Out in the field, a football goal suddenly collapsed, and at relatively the same time, a grill was forcibly knocked over by an unseen influence. Objects were being pushed or banged away one by one, causing the outgoing crowd to stir into a slightly confused panic.

"This is bad-.. Why can't I see them?!"

"What's going on with all the grills? Why is everyone freaking out?" Phillips sounded equally stressed over the situation.
Damian sat up on his bed, reclining on the wall. He knew today was just a cookout so he didn't see the point in showing up today. Maybe there was appeal in seeing his friends but... Damian hasn't been feeling like himself since yesterday. Dare one say, even less of himself. He felt blank, empty. As if he couldn't bring himself to care about much of anything anymore. Everything around him lost purpose, his incentive to do anything has been lost as well. He hasn't touched his Desktop, finished his book. Hell, he hasn't even gotten out of his bed. His mother hadn't come to consult him today. She and the baby are still in bed asleep. Damian had told his mother he wasn't up to going to school today on the count of it being a sort of free day. In the dark of his white walled room you could only hear

" playing. A song from one of Damian's favorite animated films. For a boy like Damian, the dark, quiet, and the sounds of a really soothing tune would be heaven but it only made that empty feeling linger on. Damian felt the sudden urge to huddle himself to try and ease his tension. He hadn't a clue why he felt this way. Maybe it was the fact he committed a murder? He felt even more distant because his power doesn't allow him to hang around as much as he'd like? Or maybe it was just his ever present struggle with depression fighting him again? Damian couldn't find the answer to his problem, but he did remember he wasn't totally alone. "Hey.. Lance? You there?" Lance had rose from a black hole swirling over his room floor. Lance seemed to have an expectant look on his face. Like he knew Damian would call upon him soon. "Yes, Damian?" Damian turned to face his Zodiac. "Why did you give me this power? You never answered me that question." Lance closed his eyes and faced the ground. "I did, Damian. You just don't remember. Not everyone tends to remember their first dream with their Zodiac... But... I chose you, because there's one thing we both want to stop. Cruelty. You wanted your Stepfather to stop beating your mother, and when I was alive I wanted people to stop treating me, and many others as if we were witches and warlocks. I also wanted to stop things like War, unfair justice... Things like that. My power might not be ideal for... Acts of good so a lot of times I'm not counted on. Or even viewed as someone who knows what Justice is. I've looked at you progress as a young man, Damian. People looked down upon you, saw you as weak, foolish, inept, incapable of being noticed. Not even worth anyone's time. And looks what it has made you... A broken young man without much pride for oneself. Another reason why I chose you. To give you that confidence you need. To not be afraid. You and I are the same. And I feel we both can learn from each other." Damian listening in awe. He hadn't a clue that Lance has been watching him for so long. That, and that the two sympathize with one another. This only made him wonder what the afterlife as a Zodiac is like... "Hey. Lance. Are there others like you? Or are you just as alone now as you were when you were alive?" Lance tilted his head. "Well..."
"Picnic! Picnic! Picnic!"

The words repeated themselves around Shun's head as he desperately attempted to focus on the delicate handiwork that the creation of his deviled delights required. Ashlei, who was once happily prancing around her friend whilst chanting the day's agenda, was now crouching on the floor pouting in response to the spatula that had smacked her atop the head.

"Last time I checked this was my school's event anyways."

"Hmm, but if it wasn't for me telling you, you never would have known. Actually, if it wasn't for the art teacher inviting me, I wouldn't have either!"

Shun loudly sighed in response to Ashlei's silly logic, but a small smile still edged the corner of his mouth as he began furiously stirring the couscous salad that he had moved onto.

"I'm almost done here, so make sure the basket is ready and let's get going."

The remainder of the early morning followed in suit with Shun's patience being tested as he attempted to direct his friend all while Ashlei, whose focus was hardly on preparation, managed to make it as difficult as possible. By the time they departed her house, Shun yawned from an early spell of fatigue but quickly enjoyed the wave of silence that had fallen upon them...if only for a short period of time, as something was plopped upon his head halfway into their walk.

"Remind me again why both you and I have a pair of cat ears on our head?"

"They're cute?"

Shun who was left speechless could only shake his head as he attempted to catch up to Ashlei who had sprinted off down the road. Their arrival at the school was met with an instant inquiry from Ashlei on what to do. For Shun who simply wanted to enjoy the day without classes, finding shade and beginning a painting was in his best interest; however, before he could speak his reply, Ashlei caught sight of a familiar face and sprinted off to greet her.


Ashlei waited until a green haired girl she remembered from the night before finished hugging her friend, before embracing Adonna in a large hug of her own. Shun who was trailing behind also approached with a wave, but a familiar presence hovering around her aura, quickly distracted him from the greeting at hand.

Another one? Even Adonna has a zodiac now?

Shaking his head, Shun dispelled his thoughts as there was no use in contemplating such topics with Ashlei present. Rather setting down the picnic basket and backpack on the ground, Shun renewed his wave and gave a greeting of his own.

"Morning, I see Ashlei is already trying to tag you."

Ashlei only grinned in response to Shun's words as she pulled out another pair of cat ears and attempted to place them upon Adonna's head just before the commotion began.

  • iPhone
  • wallet
  • picnic basket
    couscous salad
  • deviled delights
  • fruit
  • water


  • art supplies
  • small portable canvas
  • Bastion's mask
Derek had let Ukime down and gave her a slight nod, which was in his own way of saying thank you to her. Afterwards he headed home, his mother wasn't home and his sisters were in their room trying to be as obnoxious as they can in their rooms. They played loud music until their mother came home from work. The Knight family had dinner and was sent off to bed.

Derek was never the one to join in social things. It was quite surprising when he decided to attend. Maybe it was the charm of Ukime or maybe it was something about today that he decided was worth seeing.

He was at the grilling station when the wind picked up.
After giving Adonna a large bear hug, Hotaru bounded away. Leaving Adonna both amused and smiling. The girl had dyed her hair pink as it where, Adonna noted in the back of her head. With all the bodies surrounding Ben, she had no idea that a commotion was going on within the group Hotaru had just joined.

"Didn't know it was the Cook-off huh?"

Who...? Adonna recognized the face, but it took her a moment to place it. Him, yeah, from the roof, crap... She couldn't remember his name. "Was it that obvious?" she joked. I wonder if he's had any dreams... or gotten a Zodiac... Adonna wanted to bring it up, but was that too out of the blue?


Adonna perked up to the familiar voice.
"Ashlei," she greeted back, returning the hug. What were they wearing on their heads? It was like a headband, but with ears... "Good morning to you too. What do you mean..."

She blinked in confusion as the pink-haired girl put some sort of headband on her head.

Bang! Crash!

What on earth...?
Looks like the wind's having its fun, she thought as she saw a grill fall over.
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Nikky ended up sleeping outside her dorm room because silly her locked the door behind her yesterday on accident. She slept there all night until the landlord lady came by with a extra key; easy sleep was not coming to her this week. Still, she looked forward to today. She had ran into Vivian again, or rather, Vivian ran into her, and told her about the school picnic. Something she didn't want to miss.

Nikky wore red sneakers and dark blue jeans with a red button up blouse with rolled up sleeves and a tanktop underneathe incase it got too hot. It was a nice bright and sunny day, perfect for a picnic so it seems. she adjusted the white baseball cap on her head to keep the sun out of her eyes. A lot of people were already enjoying themselves. She stuck her hands in her pockets and took a stroll watching them play lawn games, chat and eat. She paused for a second as her eyes fell onto a horse shoe toss. A couple of students were playing it and weren't doing so well.

"Man this game it stupid."

"Can it even be considered a game?"

Nikky approached them and cleared her throat loud enough so the two boys could hear her, "It's most likely 'stupid' because you lack the necessary skills."

The boys scoffed at her but she simply walked past them and picked up the scattered metal horse shoes then walked back. She dropped the extra shoes, and held one aiming it at the metal bar. She sucked in her breath, steadying her hand and lining up the shot. She slowly moved her arm back, her eyes on the metal bar never leaving it for a second. She took a deep breath then closed her eyes and shot the horse shoe forward and released. The sound of metal hitting metal ringed in her ears and then there was silence.

"You missed."

Nikky opened her eyes to see that the horse shoe wasn't anywhere close to the bar,

"Wa-wait, lemme try that again."

She continued to throw shoes but she missed every single one. The boys had walked away a while ago but she couldn't give up, it was the principle of the thing that was at risk!

"Um, Miss, I think you're done." The man running the game looked at the girl with a worried look.

"Just... one more toss."

The man sighed, "...Sure."

She stubbornly lifted another, she use to be so good at this game but then again that was almost 5 years ago since she last played. She focused on the task at hand, reeling back the horse shoe, she shot her arm foward and released. It hit the bar perfectly ringing with a wonderful metallic sound, then falling to the ground with a satisfying thud. She grinned in accomplishment then walked up to the man sitting in the booth.

"Hah! Skills!"

30 dollars



A small Rock
Before Alice could stop Ben from hurting himself, she was attacked by Hotaru from behind and turned around to look at her,"H-hotaru? You scared me." She said but quickly went back to helping Ben,"Hotaru do you know what's wrong with Ben?" She asked but before she could do anything else, she turned to Tyrik and heard her speak of something was coming.

Everything suddenly went into chaos, getting up from her seat, Alice looked around and saw everyone panicking,"Tyrik what's going on?" She said confused, seeing a grill tip over and the football goal falling down, the kids running to their parents in tears. Alice looked around for what was causing this but saw nothing but more things being thrown around.


| Morning |

| Friday |

Date: September 20, 2014

The Headmaster had been laying back on a sun-bathing chair when the trouble started. The yelling and shouting brought him out of his relaxation and into the real world once more. People were running away from the woods and away from an unseen predator. It didn't take a second guess for Boone to know what was going on. The surge of energy wasn't just that - it was the releasing of spirits from one world to theirs.

At once, Boone rose and consulted the nearest teacher - Mutton - to help him direct everyone inside until the issue was dealt with. Nodding, Mutton did his part in helping the other teachers round up the confused people with the excuse of 'strange but violent wind'.

The headmaster was about to call on Kenshi, but remembered that the Zodiac was sent away on a mission.
"Damn it, we have no way of protecting people." With Len, the only person who could fight an ethereal spirit without a Zodiac gone, and Angelo having lost his own Zodiac, the school was defenseless. All they could do was retreat to the school.

People began to funnel into the school's gym, several teachers still ushering the lingering students (the cast) to fall back to safety while the 'wind' passed. Kenshi, whatever you're doing, be swift about it. Boone knew Kenshi didn't hear him, it was only a vain effort.

"...So yeah, most of them just seem to dislike me. Go figure." Lance had finished up his little synopsis of what the other Zodiacs were like to Damian. It looked like things were equally as rough in the afterlife for him too. Damian crossed his arms, showing some disappointment. "So that's the case, hmm? I guess that's what happened yesterday as well? With that Len kid?" Lance nodded. Mid nod, he shot his head back up and looked forward. As if focused on something. "Damian. We need to get to your school." "Wait, why? It's just a coo--" "We have to! Now! There's a stray hollow running rapid!" Damian arched his brow. "A.. Hollow?" Lance opened Damian's window. The sunlight had struck the two blind. Lance had to shield his face from the brilliant rays. "Yes. A hollow. It's essentially a disconnected, angry spirit. You remember anything about jumping between shadows as a method of travel, Damian?" Damian looked about frantically. The sudden change in situation had left him clueless and also a little in shock. "Uhh, yes. Sort of. But I haven't gotten the hang of it." Lance snapped his fingers in frustration. "Well I haven't got the time to teach you now. So I'm sorry." Without a seconds thought, Lance AGAIN possessed Damian and started leaping between shadows. Making haste towards Armstrong.


In the wake of the madness, Ulysses picked up a Hollow close to Adonna's position. Rising from his Monastery grounds, he jumped into the physical world through Adonna's sign and suddenly appeared by her side. "Adonna. On your feet. A Hollow is close by. We need to defend these people from it. I just need you to direct me to it." Ulysses commanded with urgency.
Her shot must have been so amazing that everyone there was thrown into a frenzy. However, her brillant deduction was quickly disproven as grills and picnic tables went flying through the air, and last time she checked that was not normal. She peered around the booth to try and get a better view at what was happening, adjusting her glasses she took a step closer to try and see what exactly was the cause but no matter how she looked at it it didn't make sense tables were just flying about. Something was causing it, but what?

Before she could get closer something or some one grabbed her arm. She turned to see a boy crying trying to talk but choking back tears, "Wha-what?" She managed to ask.

"Please, help him!"


Nikky didn't get an answer the boy just dragged her to a woman trying to support a large, confused man. The woman looked up at the girl, "Please help." Nikky couldn't think and before she knew it she was helping the woman carry the man towards the school. The back of his head bleeding, he must of been unlucky enough to be hit by the flying debris.

Nikky could feel a surge of energy well up inside her, the adrenaline, just like before. But this time, she loved every minute of it.
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Apparently the wind was too 'violent' and therefore the high school students were all being ushered to within the gym. Adonna didn't really see the necessity to it, but hell, no reason not to follow along. She felt as though she had just sat down, so decided to wait until the teachers got to her before she made her way to the school.

"Adonna. On your feet. A Hollow is close by. We need to defend these people from it. I just need you to direct me to it."

Adonna snapped to attention, recognizing immediately the voice's owner. She had no idea what a Hollow was, or anything that was going on for that matter, but the dark armor's tone told her that that wasn't what needed focus now. She got to her feet in one quick motion, leaving her bag where it was.
"Tell me what to do," she replied to the Ulysses, unaware that only she and a select few others could see it.
Hotaru looked over to the panicked crowds, she realized that she could quickly heal Ben. She focused her energy on her fingers and his bloodied nose. The blood quickly and discretely went out of sight. She twirled her finger again and the blood collected into a handful behind her. She had no choice but to keep it in midair, if she dropped it, more people would panic. Hotaru's mind just doesn't make sense. Blinking a bit, Hotaru noticed Ashlei, Clark, and Shun with Adonna. Forgetting what she was doing, she released the thick red liquid on the ground and watched everyone scream. The teachers were doing their best to calm down the screaming. Without her knowing it, Hotaru's face widened with a grin.

The screams were absolutely.....amazing. She never seen a commotion like this before. Can they scream a bit more louder? Hotaru began to rake through her mind to find more ways to make everyone scream. It was such a delight to---

Hotaru gripped her shirt and knelt down. She began to scream in her head to drown out the clear pleasure she was getting from this. Hotaru closed her eyes. Her senses seemed to overtake her body. She could feel the people running, the trees bending and screaming. Hotaru opened her eyes.

No wind.

Spirits before had tried to cause panic before, but it was never at this magnitude. What exactly is happening?
Coincidence, an seemingly random occurrence in nature, even if the timing of its arrival always appears to be ironic. With the start of the chaos, Shun was the only one to notice an anomaly as Ashlei had received a timely call at that instant. With her back turned against the commotion and her ears shielded from the noise, the dulled screams of the masses could have easily been interpreted as the enjoyment of their day off.


The outburst of that particular name would and should have garnered the immediate attention of Shun, but considering the sudden distraction resulting from the appearance of a Zodiac, his attention was instead heavily focused on the armored body informing Adonna of the situation at hand.

Hollows? Defend the people?

Had this information come prior to his meeting of Bastion, Shun's understanding of the situation would have been impossible, but in the current state, he felt as if he could easily piece together the new puzzle displayed before his eyes.

If a zodiac came to defend us from a hollow, then it must be a danger from their world.

Remembering the hounds from the first dream, Shun began to step forward to follow Adonna and provide her with aid, but a hand taking hold of his shoulder suddenly returned his attention to his surroundings.

Ashlei who had finished her call was averting her gaze in an attempt to hide the nervous state of being she now held.

"U-Uhm, I-I need to go. Art stuff calls. I'll text you later if I have some time left in my day! Sorry!"

Ashlei's words were blatantly nervous due to the stuttered and hastened nature at which they were spoken. Had Shun not been distracted by the occurrences at hand, he would have easily noticed and begun to question what had happened in her call. Giving her a quick nod and hug, Shun watched as she departed without another word before returning his attention to the situation.

Adonna who had departed with her Zodiac was no longer in sight, rather a familiar green haired girl knelling around a pool of blood caught his attention instead. Unaware of her ability to manipulate blood, Shun rushed to her side to give aid to her own predicament.

"Hotaru! Are you alright?"
Alice turned to Hotaru and gasped, seeing the blood and then Shun coming out of nowhere,"Hotaru! What happened?" She said, the first time she ever spoke to Hotaru without writing. She was so confused why Hotaru was now bleeding and felt sick just seeing all the blood everywhere.

( Lazypost 1)


| Afternoon |

| Friday |

Date: September 20, 2014

Just as before, Ben was completely oblivious to the people around him as well as the situation itself. He was fixated on his headache which seemed much worse than the average attack. To go along with that, the same strange aura of a Zodiac emitted from him, but there wasn't one lingering around him.

The ground below Ben began to change, the grass shifting to a purple hue and expanding outward. Anyone who stood in this growing circle would have felt a sudden unexplainable sensation. The circle expanded and even covered the outside walls of the school. It looked like a sphere had grown from Ben and was changing the world around him. Those without Zodiacs simply disappeared when the circle moved past them. Objects and buildings stayed the same except for it's color. A darkened purple was what the area had turned into. The students and teachers were simply gone, leaving only Ben, Alice, Hotaru, Shun, and Adonna to stand alone in the darkened field.

"This is... the ethereal plane?"

To the eyes of a normal person, they simply vanished from sight. the hosts had completely shifted from one layer of existence onto another, but they were still in the same area. Their Zodiacs had come along as well into this 'portal' of sorts, and they were easily visible to the other except for Bastion, who remained a mask until the moment Shun placed it on his face.

"This is where it happened..!" Ben spoke more clearly now, the nosebleed cleared thanks to Hotaru. He still looked like a complete mess, but he was aware of what was happening now. "I-I was lost in this place, and- "

One large spiky leg came crashing down onto the field, then another, then another, then a few more, until eight of them were speared into the ground. Following them up came the obvious - a pure black arachnid that's size rivaled the school itself. Atop the eight-legged beasts were the some colored crows that orbited the top. There, a distorted, disturbing image of the boy once called Resse sat upon the spider like a pet. His one visible eye glared an angry red when he looked down upon those that could see him.

"A hollow Zodiac? ..." Tyrik glanced off towards Alice before a large axe landed in front of her on cue - the Eliminator - as she likes to call it. However, when Tyrik went to grab the weapon, it's handle nearly fried her. "W-what is this? Why can't I-" Again, her grab was interrupted with an audible sizzle that made her jerk her hand back. On top of that, her own form seemed to be fading back into it's unseen form. "I'm not doing this, what the hell is going on?!"

In reality, the current plane they were in didn't allow for a Zodiac itself to exist there for an extended period of time. Their forms would simply disappear against their will and their powers wouldn't come to them. However, the hosts did stay. Bastion, who still remained, tugged a little as if he were trying to get Shun's undivided attention.
After quickly inspecting Hotaru, Shun could see that despite what appearances told; she was perfectly fine, and the pool of blood must have resulted from another source. As he began to contemplate the possibilities, his attention was once more distracted by the feeling of a zodiac emanating from a boy sprawled across the ground just to the left of where Shun was knelling. Noticing no spirit hovering around his existence, Shun began to wonder the reason behind the presence until the purple hue began to expand from his body and envelope the surrounding area in the color that it held.

As fellow students began to fade, Shun was able to easily recognize the remaining zodiac holders, including Adonna whom he noticed through her Zodiac in the not far distance.

Etheral plane? Is this existence similar to the dream world then?

Shun began to question the words that were spoken around him, but it was the inevitable appearance of the hollow that broke his chain of thought and left him speechless in response to the monster that manifested. Shun had expected an occurrence similar to the hell hounds from the dream, but the sheer size of the arachnid that stood before him left him in a state of fear, unable to act.

Even through the fear, Shun was actively analyzing the surroundings, and it was the zodiac nearest him whom he noticed had summoned an over sized axe.

We have two zodiacs that are meant to fight.

This was Shun's conclusion has he assumed Adonna' s zodiac, clad in an armored body combined with the personality he had seen in her school fight, would have made her a fighter type as well. It was when the axe zodiac began to fade, however, that Shun let out a sigh in response to the horrible timing at hand.

"Zodiacs can't exist indefinitely here."

Shun's second conclusion was depressingly solemn, but the tugging feeling coming from his bag quickly brought the presence of the mask in his bag to mind. Retrieving Bastion's existence, Shun quickly tossed the bag aside before turning to talk to the mask.

"Alright Bastion, you promised me answers, and right now is a good time as any."

Placing the mask upon his face, Shun waited for Bastion's response all while wondering what role he could play in the upcoming battle. Based often the experiences from his dream, Bastion's ability to manifest memories lacked direct offensive capabilities, but from Shun's experience as a painter, even the most seemingly useless detail was capable of making an impact on the whole. It would be in these minuscule details that he would discover ever capability of Bastion's abilities.
Before Clark could ask Adonna who she was talking to the small commotion with the tipped over barbeque quickly became out of hand. Clark was ushered along with the rest of the crowds that were running to the safety of the school. Clark didn't have a chance to see if Adonna or the two other people who came over made it inside as well. Everything was happening so quickly and he wasn't tall enough to look over the crowds.

How bad could the wind be? Clark wondered as he peered out a window.

((Sorry for the crappy post))
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Ulysses had seen the reality around them shift into a new, but familiar plane of existence. "We've been brought into the plane belonging to the Hollow. Adonna, my power is dwarfed here, as Zodiacs aren't really able to meddle in physical world affairs. You'll need to handle this." Ulysses' finger flared with the same abnormally colored fire as before. He jabbed Adonna's forehead, his finger piercing into her skull. Like before there was no burning or pain but an odd, energizing sensation came over the girl. With the sensation came a burning aura enveloping Adonna. Ulysses' experience as a fighter had been forcibly fed into Adonna's psyche. While it wasn't enough power to match the Zodiac's, it would allow Adonna to move faster, react quicker, and plant punches at over 3x the strength she was capable of before. "A bit cheaty of me, but there isn't much else I can do. I can only last you this power for 10 minutes at the most. After that my flame will have exhausted itself. Now, keep in mind. You are still human." Ulysses had hung back, allowing Adonna to take the wheel from here.


Marabel was peering into a hollowed out hole in one of her trees. In the whole she could see through the eyes of Hotaru. She spotted the large, arachnid like Zodiac from her tree hole. The beast had terrified the poor girl. Repeatingly covering her eyes and cowering away from the tree whenever she saw it's spiky legs inch closer to the group. "OooOoOOOoOOohhh!! Hotaru! Be careful! I would help you myself but I can't really mess with the real world. And I can't stand a Hollow! I can cheer you on from spirit though! Go Team Hotaru!" Marabel shouted from her Plane. Her shouting could only be heard from within Hotaru's own thoughts.
Before Alice could get to Hotaru and Shun, the world around her suddenly changed from a beautiful green to a dark purple of unknown. She turned to Ben as he spoke of that place was the place he was in, meaning this was the cause of his suffering in the hospital.

The world was different and the only people with her was Hotaru, Shun, Adonna, and Ben. Along with them, she noticed the figures from before now visible to her eyes. Looking around her, she was astonished to see that her friends also got a Zodiac. Before she could say anything about this matter....


A sudden loud noise of something falling could be heard throughout the park, the trees and ground shook from the great blast, turning her head and seeing the giant spider that was almost the size of the school and as her eyes glanced up, her eyes widen in shock. On top of the spider was her teammate and one of the victims in the murder,"R-reese?" She stuttered the name of the boy, staring into his bloodshot red eyes that glowed with anger that almost seemed to dig into her skull.

Looking over at Tyrik as she spoke of something about Hollows, out of nowhere, a giant axe fell in front of Alice and her Zodiac, staring at the axe in shock and stumbled back a bit, surprised,"Eh? T-tyrik? Tyrik what's going on? Tyrik!" She called out to Tyrik who was vanishing before her. Soon, Tyrik was out of sight and only her giant axe, The Eliminator, stood there.

Alice looking around for her Zodiac, her eyes looked back at the weapon before her, feeling a sudden feeling maybe Tyrik's calling or something but she felt the need to touch it but seeing as Tyrik couldn't touch it, Alice was hesitate to even dare touch the huge weapon that seemed twice as bigger than her and it must be really heavy to even lift with her small body.

Alice was strong but she wasn't strong enough to carry such a big axe like this, little did she know, she had part of Tyrik's supernatural strength and if only she knew of it, she would have grabbed that axe and chopped off those legs with one swish swing.
Hotaru opened her eyes once she realized everyone stopped screaming. She looked off to Shun who was earlier concerned of her well being. She remembered her earlier thoughts. Hotaru gave him a hug. She looked over to Alice and gave her a closed eyes grin. It felt nice to hear her say her name. Blink once, blinked twice, she looked around her surroundings. The ground was a in a toxic purple, the area stretched out up to a hemisphere shape. There was only Hotaru, Alice, Shun, and Adonna. Even inside the building, there was no one else. Hotaru shivered a bit. There was a numb tingle that waved throughout her body. It was like goosebumps, once it passed you couldn't forget it.

"This is where it happened..! I-I was lost in this place, and- " Ben was cut off by a large boom of some sort, a thick and large black and hairy leg fell from the artificial sky. As if it was hesitant, the rest of it's body slowly cascaded down to the ground. Hotaru watched with pure glee as the large form showed it's face. Was that a blush on her face from pure ecstasy?

Resse, the one who was supposedly dead, was sitting upon the beast. His legs were crossed and he gave off an atmosphere of being higher than the rest. Resse glared straight at Hotaru. Hotaru felt her heart pound as she grinned even more.

"OooOoOOOoOOohhh!! Hotaru! Be careful! I would help you myself but I can't really mess with the real world. And I can't stand a Hollow! I can cheer you on from spirit though! Go Team Hotaru!" Hotaru shrugged a bit. She looked around to see if anyone heard that as well. It seemed like Marabel was communicating to her in her head. Hotaru thought back to Marabel, 'It would be a huge help if you tell me what you can do.' Hotaru couldn't do a thing but watch as her friends stared up to the spider creature.

Hotaru looked over to the blood on the ground. Maybe she collect the blood if she tried really hard. Hotaru raised her hands out and mimicked a conductor of an orchestra. The blood rose and in a rhythmic pattern it floated to over to Hotaru. Blood type A, not her first choice but she will deal with it.

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