- Zodiac - [Inactive]

God, how many times a year would this happen? She was promised they would never pull her out of school again, and since she was 18, she thought they wouldn't be able to. But clearly, Artemis was lied to by her parents. Being found by the family's personal body guard was always a drag, especially when he took her away by force. He was a big guy, really strong.. It was easy for him to just throw her over his shoulder and walk off. Of course, considering who he was and who he worked for, she could never protest. "As long as you live in our house, you live with our rules, blah blah blah"... Something like that. It was annoying by now. Who cares if the neighborhood is safe or not?! She had already made one friend, and she wanted to make plenty more. The chances of something happening to her were slim to none, anyways. Her parents were far too overprotective. Though... Even when she thought about why, it did make sense... But that was no excuse!!!

"UGH!!" Artemis ran down the streets, holding onto her bag tight as she tried to make her way back to the school. She knew it was late, and she knew she missed her classes and all, but she was hoping that maybe there were still people lingering about. People did that, right? Whatever, it didn't matter. She just wanted to get away from her parents, and she figured the school was a good place to start. She stared up at the night sky, finding the moon shining down on her like it always did when she was alone. Artemis always thought it was funny how comfortable she felt staring at the moon, considering she was named after the Greek goddess of the moon, among other things. She stared up, completely not paying attention to where she was going, and not noticing the two boys walking in front of her. One of them she would recognize as the boy who had helped her when she fell off the bleachers before, and the other was one she hadn't met yet.

..Unfortunately, she didn't notice either of them until she had crashed into the unfamiliar one, letting out a surprised "AH!" before tumbling to the ground. Once on the ground, she sighed, resting her cheek on the pavement. This happened too much. "Why me?" she whispered to the cement below her.
Shun awoke to the soft sound of crying and a feeling of lethargy that seemed to prevent him from moving the entirety of his body as he willed. Turning his head slightly to the right, Shun recognized the disheveled pink hair resting against the end of his bed as the source of the sobs. In an attempt to reach out to Ashlei, Shun realized that his right arm wouldn't obey his commands. Attempting the same motion with his left, a tugging feeling from the iv tube attached to his wrist slowly allowed Shun to understand his environment and situation.


Shun's voice was raspy and harsh, but the mere sound was enough for Ashlei to react. Quickly rushing to his side, the girl with eyes reddened from her tears began to give praises to a higher power all while sighing in relief between her sobs.

"I-I w-was s-s-so worried, y-you were u-u-under so long."

Shun gave Ashlei a smile all while patting her head with his left hand.

"Anesthesia and I never were friends."

Ashlei chuckled at his attempt of a joke; a smile coming to her face as she began to fire off a classic barrage of questions.

"Do need anything? Water?...Actually the doctor did say he would be arri--"

As if summoned by her words, the door to Shun's room opened, and in stepped a white coated man carrying a clipboard and nodding appreciatively at the now awakened Shun.

"Ah, Mr. Takumi I see you have finally come too. Your mother did say you would take forever to awaken."

At the word "mother," Shun's expression turned sour and a glare overtook his once smiling face, but the doctor who was concerned with the information on his clipboard hardly noticed the change in atmosphere.

"So at a fall from that height you are lucky you’re not injured worse, but you suffered minor head trauma, and your right arm had a two complex fractures on your humerus and radius. I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that the surgery was a success; it required 2 plates and 8 screws on each fracture, and your estimated time of recovery is about three or four months. You’ll be hospitalized overnight so we can keep on eye on you, and I believe your mother said she would be stopping by shortly.”

With a satisfied nod, the doctor bid his farewells and departed from the room leaving Shun to Ashlei’s interrogation that soon began.

“Why the hell were you that high in a tree, Shun?”

Shun could only blink several times while staring at his friend in confusion from the question she had asked.

Tree? That was the best excuse whoever could come up with?

"Someone's kite got stuck."

Shun's answer was so matter of fact that Ashlei couldn't help but giggle as she rose from her chair and began to depart from the room.

"Idiot, but whatever I'll go get you a drink."

It was only several minutes later that the door to his room re-opened, and an unwelcome presence stepped inside.

"Hmm, it seems you really are nothing but an useless idiot after all."

Walking to her son's side, Shun's mother began to inspect the visible injuries all while continue the lecture she had begun.

"I suppose these fractures will get you away from your fantasy of a dream. Given enough time, hopefully you'll realize what is truly important in your life, and focus on it. Your fath--"

"Whatever I decide is important won't be the family's piece of shit ideals that you've force fed me over the years."

Shun's mother deeply sighed as her son cut off her words and turned his head away from her view, but as Ashlei returned to the room a coy smile hinted in the corner of her mouth.

"Ashlei, its good to see you taking such good care of my son. Its also good to see that you follow through with your end of the bargain...even if indirectly."

Giving the girl who stood frozen in place a pat on her head, Shun's mother departed from the room, leaving Ashlei to the nervous state she had become.


Shun, despite appearing asleep, had been listening to the conversation in the room. With his mother's departure, he had intended to question Ashlei the context of such a statement, but as he contemplated his words, a spell of tiredness slowly began to overtake his conscious. It was shortly after that the lull of sleep drifted Shun away from the troubles of the reality and left him to the hopeful beckoning of pleasant dreams.
l The Delivery : Early Today l

The car pulled up into a warehouse that seemed to store old machines and used glass bottles. There was another car their, black with silver linings. Ukime tried to open up the door but Kai had locked it before she could. He have her a stern look before pulling out a knife from underneath his seat. He smoothed back his hair and put gray clips in them to make them spike out on the sides instead of the top. His happy go luck smile faded into a more serious one. His eyes became emotionless and when he coughed his voice was deeper than before. Ukime looked at him with intrigued eyes as she saw him change himself before her very eyes.

"So there's another one of you."

"This is just a face I give to them, not my real one."

"I thought you were an owner to a market."

"Yea well my dad had some gambling problems, and if I want to keep that open I need to do a few things."

"So what are you, a dealer, smuggler maybe a-"

"Stop, this isn't a game. I'm a dealer , that's all I can say."

"Do you get hurt often on your jobs ?"

"Yea, but I'm able to handle my own."

"Can I resign from my previous job?"

"How will you get by then?"

"I'll be your body guard."



Ukime grabbed his keys and unlocked the car letting her open the door. Sliding out of the seat she hopped down then brushed herself off. Kai groaned before getting out himself and walking around to where the package was. Ukime had already opened up the door for him, so all he had to do was grab it. Once it was safely in his arms Ukime closed the door and walked beside him into the wear house.

"So what's in the box."


"Your a weapons dealer."

"No, Jack of all Trades, you could say. Whatever they want I get."

"Even girls?"

"Yes even girls, and guys and trans. Everything."

"How do you sleep at night."

"I don't, that's why I'm not accepting your job offer."

"Oh come on, don't be a stick in the mud."

"Quit it, were here."

Kai walked through another set of doors , making Ukime fall behind him. He placed the box on the brown table before stepping away and smoothing back his spikes. Ukime stood behind him with her hands behind her back and her eyes slanted. Two men appeared from the darkness, one carried a suit case while another carried a phone. He looked at Ukime with a raised brow then look toward Kai.

"It's just supposed to be you, whose this?"

"Sister, I had to get her or I'll be fined for leaving her at school."

"That's dumb, but whatever, it's all here right?"

"All 56 and armed, ready to blow."


"I know, the money."

Kai nodded his head toward Ukime. The man walked toward Ukime handing her the case. Ukime took it before bowing her head and walking to stand behind Kai directly. The man who held the phone nodded his head as he spoke to another person.

"Next time we meet you and me will be going to see the boss. A potential partner he see's in you."

The man bowed his head and left with the other. Kai and Ukime walked back toward the car. Kai snatched the case away from Ukime and tossed it in the back of his car. Ukime stood there with her arms crossed and a smug grin.

"That didn't look so hard."

"Shut up, if they knew who you really where they would have killed you."

"I'm a hard person to kill."

"God do you have no sense of any situation."

"Nope, you can blame my father on that one."

"Get in."

"I won't until you say I can be your body guard."



"....If you want to be my body guard you have to know how to fight."

"I already know."

"Damnit I'm tired of your smug attitude. If you can stand five hits from me then fine."

"Bring it, I've had worse."

Kai walked over toward her and forcefully grabbed her shoulder. He glared at her before gripping her shoulder and pulling back his arm. The first thrust was like a needle. His punch hitting her right cheek made her flinch a little. The next she could feel it more, of course he did hit her in the nose. The third was toward her stomach which made her lean over a little but she was fine after groaning through her teeth. The fourth was near her ear and the last was a direct hit to her mouth. She felt the last one real good and almost had tears flowing through her eyes. Blood stated to fall a little which made Kai back away.

"You okay?"

She held her mouth, coughing out some blood. She nodded her head as she held out her hand to get a shake.

"Kiyo the body guard. Kiyo's my name. My dad was stupid and switched everything around."

He gave her a small smile before opening the door for her and letting her get in. Hoping into the seat she began to cry as the pain seemed stronger. He got in and started the car, with a small frown and eyes that said sorry, he drove off to drop her off.

"I'll be fine, besides I have the power of the afro."
Kai pulled up in front of the school to let her out. Ukime sniffled and wiped her bloody mouth before getting out of the car. She turned around and gave him a smile before walking through the gates and toward her dorm. Kai drove off slowly as he watched her entere the girls dormitory. Getting into her room she shut the door and walked over toward her bed, falling down with out a care of her dirty clothes. Closing her eyes she let out a huff before escaping into her dreams.


| Evening |

| Friday |

Date: September 20, 2014

Dominic listened to Damian's vent quietly, his eyes focused on something else other than him. He didn't flinch or crunch at the word 'Murder', but it did bring a frown to his face. In just a few days, Damian had already managed to take a life and fight another. Was this really happening? Part of him didn't want to believe it. There were serious consequences that followed with murder, and it was only a matter of time before it caught up to them, powers or not.

"Sounds like you've had a rough series of days, Damian. I wouldn't expect you to have it easy."

Suddenly Dominic was trucked by a pacing body. His expression grew dim on the way down.


The back of his head smacked the pavement with an audible sound, which was soon followed by stressed groaning and a fetal position. "Nngh.. God.."
"Yeah, bu--" And without warning, Dominic was tackled to the ground by a familiar pretty face. It was that clumsy girl from the Gym a couple of days back. He heard the two curse silently amongst themselves, aggravated by the pain and complete suddenness of the situation. "Umm... Are you two okay?" Damian asked with no real concern, or shock over what happened.
Artemis rolled over, sitting up slowly as she looked at the two. She stared at the unfamiliar boy, suddenly realizing what she's done. "O-Oh.. OH GOD. I am SO sorry.." her loud voice trailed off as she looked up to his partner, immediately recognizing his face. "Ah, you're the boy who helped me the other day..." God, how embarrassing. Two cute boys in front of her, and she already injured one of them. "..Um.. I was just running to the school to see if anyone was still there.. Because I had to miss today.. Is anyone still there??"

She stood up slowly, brushing herself off as she looked down at the boy on the ground, offering a hand to him. "I'm really sorry..." she whispered to him.


| Morning |

| Saturday |

Date: September 21, 2014

With last night ending in a brief conversation between Damian, Artemis, and himself, Dominic turned in after having his shrine visit. It was shameful to forget just how much the place helped him in times of need. Even if he wasn't a spiritual person, the simple calming atmosphere apart from the busy town life was a nice change.

Today was equally as busy as the last. Dominic had been assigned to clean and prepare tables for the coming horde of people. Since the cookout was over and people left curious but satisfied, Soul Food would be getting the full brunt of it all. Dominic was warned, but he wasn't ready.

During a small break he was granted, Dominic stood out front of the Soul Food while it was still closed. His hand on the back of his head - the fall from last night wasn't forgettable, given the area that was impacted most. Off in the distance he saw Ben running away from some pursuing adults. Each and every one of them donned a suit and wielded a microphone.

"Leave me alone!"

"But you'll be famous!"

Without words, Ben circled around Dominic and hid behind him. At a lost, the reporters piled up in front of Dominic, who was still confused about what was happening.

"Hey you, boy! You have ties to Mr. Moore?"

"What do you know of the series of deaths?"

"Want to be famous on the internet, kid?"

"They won't leave me alone, Dominic! They followed me all the way from home!"

Dominic understood now. Ben had come to him for help on removing the pests. He steeled his glare at the reporters. "Don't you have anything else better to do other than hassle some poor kid? Have a little heart - he just got out of the hospital!"

"But Facebook-..!"

"-I don't care, piss off!"

After it had finally sunk in that Dominic wasn't going to let up, the reporters turned tail and dispersed, muttering things about how his attitude was unnecessary, among other things. Sighing a little, he turned around to face Ben who sported a smile for the help. "Thanks, Dom. I knew I shouldn't have come out today.. Mom said I should be resting, but I just had to hang out with you!" The glint in Ben's eye told Dominic that he was serious about what he said.


"And then the next thing I knew, she leaped into the air with that HUGE axe, and then-.."

Dominic continued to eat the instant ramen he brought from home while Ben went on about what had happened yesterday.

"It was weird because she started to eat herself, but her very own blood protected us! It was like she was Magneto with it!"

Dominic remained eating, seemingly uninterested in what Ben had to say. His words were passing by without a second thought.

"There were two others, they seemed like they knew what they were doing."




"Dom! Are you even listening to me? You don't believe me, do you?" Ben's hands slammed down on the table hard enough to regain Dominic's attention. "Hmm? No no, I do." Ben slumped back in his seat, a light blush coming to his face. "You're friends with a bunch of superhero girls-.. How do you stand it? I mean, what's kept you from asking one of them out?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Tch, nothing.."

Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was time for Dominic to continue working. At that point, they had opened up the restaurant for people to start coming in. Ben stayed in his seat, marveling over the possibilities with the super ladies.


What now...it's Saturday, that means leave me alone.

Jacen groggily rolled over and picked up his phone.


"Hey, Jacen! How's school going?"


"It's going great, I'm acing my classes and we had a cookout yesterday."

I honestly don't know what's going on anymore...I just know I've spent the last 18 hours sleeping. I hate headaches, and I hate noise. I hate that he called me today of all days when I'm completely out of it.

"Great, hey sorry about calling you so early. I would have done it yesterday, but the office got swamped."

"It's fine, I'm just a little bit tired. Wasn't feeling so hot yesterday so I left the cookout early and just slept. How's mom and sis?"

"They're doing great, they went off to go have their 'girls day'...you already know what that's about."

Jacen imagined his father doing the usual eye-roll whenever his mom mentioned anything relating to girl time.

"Indeed...so what's the new office like?"

"Quiet...efficient...white as all hell."

It took all of Jacen's resolve to not bust up laughing over the line.

"Speaking of which, you run into any problems down there? I know the school is great, but the area around it is a little...rural."

"No, no problems...why?"

"Well, you take after me as far as genetics go. Last I checked, you're 6'1 and black. That second one is enough of a reason for people in that neck of the woods to try and start something."

"I know...wait, did something happen up in Birmingham?"

"Some punk tried to make some comments to me while on the job, told him I wasn't having it. He decided to pull out the n-word, and I decided to dock his pay."

"What the hell? Did they say anything else?" Jacen felt his blood boil after that. He had prepared to have it happen to him, but to hear about someone referring to his father with that word? It was enough to wake him right up and fire a few of his cylinders.

"No, it stopped there. Thankfully, he was smart enough to realize that I am his superior in the workplace and regardless of whatever personal issues he's got...he has to put them aside. He's still pissed through, went the rest of the day without saying anything to anyone."

"Jeez...so what now?"

"I got some of the guys in R&D upgrading the building's security system, just in case. I'm actually on my way over to check on the progress. Before I go though, how's your funds and everything? The campus food alright, or you need some extra stuff to tide you over?"

"Nah, I'm good but thanks. We have a place not too far from the school, it's really affordable and students get a discount as well. As far as the campus food goes...I mean, it's edible."

His father chuckled. "I know the feeling. Listen, I gotta go so I'll talk to you later in the week. Lemme know if you need anything, alright? Love you."

"No doubt, love you too pop." Jacen ended the call and had a stretch before grabbing some clothes from his dresser. It wasn't too bad of a day out, and he'd felt a lot better. Might as well see if there was anything or anyone in town.

Only took a week...someone called my dad that. School or no school...it's still Alabama down here.
Another day began and Alice was sitting in the park where they were yesterday. The big event where she fought a fellow friend and teammate, killing a giant spider with the others, the place where Reese died and was finally put in peace. Those last words still echoed in her mind as she stared into the sky.

She had in her headphones so it was more easier for her to concentrate on the matter. Her eyes dazing off and everything turning cloudy around her, noises of the kids playing and adults laughing were blocked out from her music. Everything felt so slow as if time was stopping around her, illusions of the spider and Reese appeared before her.

Her arms were wrapped in bandages since they still hurt from that fight and she didn't get much sleep because of this, another reason why she was so out of it today. Sleeping was hard when both arms hurt, she went to the nurse already and was told just to apply some medicine and don't put too much pressure on them until they fully healed but that was hard to do since now she was "armless" and everything was now harder to do without her arms since she could barely even do her daily route like usual.

With a huff, she got up from her seat and went out of the park to see if Hotaru or someone could be at the Soul Food since school was out and Soul Food seeming to be the only places that Alice been to. Her headphones were still plugged in and her music blasting into her eardrums but it wasn't loud enough for others to hear unless she pulled her headphones off then it could be heard.

Standing in front of the restaurant, she decided to sit outside at their favorite table since she wouldn't be able to open the door with her bandaged arms. Taking a seat, she awaited for anyone she knew to come by. She could have just texted them but it was a pain to get her phone from her pocket and she was restricted to keep her arm from moving too much so instead, she waited, listening to her music to pass the time quicker.


  • Phone
  • Headphones
  • Wallet ( $18.50 )
Hotaru had let out a muffled groan as she was awoken. It was still dark outside when Hotaru inspected her surroundings. She seemed to already know where she was. Hotaru was in a white infirmary. Should she be glad that she okay? Or should she be upset for passing out? Hotaru was confused enough, she didn't need the nurse to be bothered by her. Hotaru rolled off of the white bed hitting the ground with a soft thud. At the time her legs were useless, so crawled around using her arms. Once again, her actions caused her to look like the Grudge, but with pastel pink hair. Once Hotaru reached the entrance of the school, the numbness of her legs disappeared and she was able to walk around. Hotaru looked up at the rising sun, it was Saturday and it was cold. As if it were on cue, Hotaru sneezed. She closed up her body to keep the cold from getting in. Taking quick steps, Hotaru managed to get to her own dorm without anymore problems.

The girl managed to squeeze in a couple of hours into her schedule. For some odd reason, Hotaru couldn't get enough of it. The young girl was awoken by a cold, rough and wet tongue on her cheek. Her eyes slowly fluttered open to the image of a black cat staring straight at her. Hotaru's senses seemed to slowly respond as well. She could feel the cat's hind legs on her stomach. The right front paw was crouched up to it's own body. The left front paw was at Hotaru's neck. She had entirely forgotten about this stray. One night, Hotaru left her window open to prove her theory of the dream. A cat out of nowhere entered, ran around the room scared to death, and tried to escape. Hotaru sprung into action and had scooped the cat up with one motion. The cat was saved from anymore embarrassment and she was saved from causing anymore trouble. Hotaru showed her affections by placing her nose on the cat's nose and shook her head slowly. In her head she was communicating to the cat, the cat would respond as well. It was quite pitiful to watch, a lonely girl speaking with herself.

Hotaru grabbed the cat below his shoulders. She brought the male cat close to her body and used one hand to pull the covers off of her. Hotaru quickly adjusted the cat in her arms as it began to meow loudly. Hotaru clamped a hand over it's mouth. If anyone were to hear cat, Hotaru would be in more trouble with the school. School....school....headmaster....

She slapped her free hand on her forehead. The cat slipped out of her grip and fell elegantly on to the floor. Hotaru remembered suddenly about the school being in cahoots with the dreams. She probably used the word cahoots wrong, but she didn't care. Hotaru began to bang her head on the wall for her stupid and dense demeanor. The cat tilted his head as he watched the strange, yet quite attracting girl. He was only there due to her social and inviting aura. Hotaru began to scream inside her head. She suddenly became quite paranoid of her surroundings. This was property of the school, who knows when someone would be lurking in the shadows waiting for her. She sighed a bit at the cat's questioning look. Hotaru decided that she had stalled enough and should start getting ready for the day. The girl went off to her drawers and picked out fresh new clothes. She remembered when she had cleaned the room due to the ritual she did the other day. As she entered and was about to close the bathroom door, the cat ran inside with her. If it hadn't brushed against her legs, Hotaru would have never known it was inside. Raising her brow, she held the door open expecting the cat to leave quickly. The cat had only gotten out of it's hiding place. Hotaru groaned and pushed the cat out using her foot. Just like before, the cat slipped into the bathroom once again. Feeling defeated, Hotaru decided to let the cat stay. She brushed her teeth and then headed for the shower.

Hotaru wore simple jeans with ripped holes at the thighs and knee. On top, she wore a loose light pink shirt with an upside down cross. She quickly brushed her hair, Hotaru needed to find her friends and tell them the late news. With a slate and marker in one hand and a wallet in the other, Hotaru headed for the door. A destination was set on her mind, Soul Food. Dominic worked there, right? Unfortunately for Hotaru, she remembered bits and pieces of yesterday's events. All she remembered was that there was a spider at the cookout and everyone couldn't find a bottle of RAID. Gosh, they were outside, of course there would be spiders! Besides, spiders were adorable. Another unfortunate event that happened was that she could never be left alone without the male cat following her. As Hotaru was locking up her dorm door, there was a meow from behind. Hotaru quickly picked the black cat up and held it to her body before anyone else could hear or see the animal. Hotaru slipped her keys into her pocket and shook the cat a bit. He didn't seem to like it due to his quickened movements. The cat jumped onto her shoulders and then her head, Hotaru's clumsy was enough for the cat to fall off of her head. Hotaru heard the door rattle a bit, she quickly shoved the cat in her shirt. A girl left her dorm and watched curiously at Hotaru's mysterious stomach. Hotaru bowed and held her shirt tight to her body to keep the cat from falling as she ran.

Once they were in the clear, she tried to force the cat out of her shirt. The cat was being stubborn as it kept it's position in her shirt.

Hotaru will not be able to win against this cat, was she? She decided to go with it if she wanted to leave the school in peace. Holding her hands to her body as she ran, Hotaru left the property straight for Soul Food. On the streets, no one seemed to pay any attention to her until her shirt began to meow. Breaking into a sprint Hotaru reached the entrance. Taking in a breath, she opened the door and headed in. Every time she felt the cat move, she would give it a nudge to make it stop. The first person she saw was Dominic working. Hotaru gave him a smile and a gesture of salute with two of her fingers. Her shirt made a yelping noise and out a black cat's head peeked out. Hotaru kept her closed eyes smile on as she stuffed the cat back into her shirt. Alice was in the restaurant as well, Hotaru was relieved as she sat in the booth with her. She hoped that she didn't bother her, Hotaru gave Alice a friendly wave as the male cat popped his head out again. Hotaru groaned and sat back into the booth.

She just can't win against this cat.
Nikky sat on the edge of her spring mattress bouncing and staring at the phone sitting on the desk waiting for her to pick it up. She ran her hands through her disheveled hair and took a deep breath as she reached out to grab the phone. She tossed it back and forth in her hands stalling a bit, but there was no point in avoiding the inevitable. Still, she reeeally didn’t want to.

As much as she loved her aunt; she could be a very scary opponent when it came to arguments. She was just plain stubborn and Nikky saw how arguments usually turned out when her Aunt and uncle went at it, she could twist words around until she had him around her little finger.

20 unread messages, a small smile managed to creep up on her face. No doubt her Aunt had sent her a whole novel of her just cussing Nikky out, some of the words she probably wouldn’t even know existed. She placed her focus back on what she planned to do in the first place and made an internal bet with herself, if her auntie didn’t pick up after the third ring she’d hang up and never call again. But the woman picked up just after the first ring. Shit.

“Nicole.” She sounded angry but also relieved,

“I’m sorry for earlier but we can talk now.”

“There’s nothing to talk about, you’re coming home and transferring to a new school.”

Of course, she hadn’t expected this to be easy.


“…Do you understand what you’re choosing to do? Because it sounds pretty damn stupid.”

Nikky grabbed a fistful of her shirt and took a deep breath, “I’m 17 years old I ca-“

“-Can’t decide for yourself until you’re 18 so right now, I’m deciding what’s best for you.”

“I can make my own decisions!”

“The hell you can! Can you even listen to yourself right now?! You’re risking your own safety and for what? Trying to spite me?”

“If I don’t start deciding for myself I never will.”

“You’re coming home.”

“Stop it.”

“I’m doing this because I’m your family, Nikky.”

Family, the word made her feel bitter inside. “Not really.”

There was silence on the other end for a good minute.

“I’m coming to pick you up tomorrow.”

“No, you’re not.

They continued to go back and forth until finally,

“Fine, come. I don’t give a shit.”

She hung up before she could hear her Aunt’s response, she stared down at the phone for a good moment before throwing it towards the wall. “Screw that.”

She grabbed a jacket and headed towards the park, she wanted to sit on grass. It was the closest she’d get to nature in this city as far as she knew. She collapsed onto the ground and closed her eyes; visualizing the events of yesterday.


| Morning |

| Saturday |

Date: September 21, 2014

Dominic had been working like his life goal was to be the employee of the month. As soon as those double doors opened, people came flooding in like a tsunami. The restaurant was instantly sparked into a busy combination of a calming, warm interior and loud, machine like working in the back. After Dominic's 'experience' with the tube-man, the manager found it best that he simply worked the floor. Take orders, clean tables when they're empty, return dishes and checks that were left behind. He sure was getting a workout.

A few hours passed that felt a lot longer than usual, and alas, he was granted another small break. With a water bottle in hand, he emerged from the kitchen to see Hotaru greet him from afar and sit at Alice's table. Ben, who had also been lingering, approached the table before Dominic did. His face was a clear red, and it was obvious something was up.
"U-uhm, my table has uhh, termites. Can I sit here?" There were of course two open seats, the table being able to sustain four people.

What could Ben be up to with those two?

Whatever it was, failure was looming ominously in the air. Dominic felt he had a duty as a friend to come over and back him up.

"Hey, gang." He said, approaching them with a smile.

"O-oh, Dominic, ahah! I didn't expect to see you here all of a sudden.."

"I work here."

"Bahaha, of course! How could I have forgotten?"

Dominic suddenly remembered why he was Ben's only friend.
The restaurant was very crowded and the room was so heated from all the warm bodies, Alice fanning herself to keep cool and not faint from heat exposure. Ordering a glass of water, she took a sip of the cool drink and sighed, slumping back into her seat. Closing her eyes, she felt something move beside her and turned to see Hotaru and a cat in her shirt,"Huh? A cat? Why does Hotaru have a cat?" She thought but then straighten up and her mind now processing,"Aww!~ Such an adorable kitten!~" She squealed and petted the little guy with her index finger, ignoring the pain in her arm for moving so much.

"U-uhm, my table has uhh, termites. Can I sit here?"

Hearing the familiar voice who happened to belong to the boy from yesterday, she looked up at him in embarrassment of her act and took in a deep breath, calming her nerves,"Oh hey Ben, Dom. Sure you guys can sit here if you like?" She said pointing to the empty seats in front of them. Ben's reasoning was strange but Alice didn't really care why he would say that and continued playing with the little kitty, the cat pawing at her finger like it was some cat toy.

Looking back at the two boys in front of her, she tilted her head to the side and questioned them,"I see Dom is having fun at work right?" She said sarcastically and looking over to Ben,"But what are you doing here Ben? Do you work here as well?" She asked curiously seeing that Ben wasn't even wearing the uniform like Dominic and also he said he was sitting at a table which also gave a clue that he was just some regular customer buying food and stuff.
Hotaru watched Alice's choppy movements. It seemed like her arms were hurting. Hotaru looked around the restaurant before pulling the cat out of shirt. At first the cat tried to go back in, but once he saw that he was going straight for Alice's lap the cat calmed down. Before Hotaru could make it relaxed and stay still, the cat jumped on the table. Ben approached them, "U-uhm, my table has uhh, termites. Can I sit here?" Hotaru blinked a bit as Alice answered for both of them. Hotaru in the meanwhile took her slate out and uncapped her marker, "Hi Ben!"

Almost in an instant, Dominic came after Ben. Hotaru added to her message, "Hi Dom! Don't....report me....<(*ΦωΦ*)>" She drew a cat on her slate, "I'm sorry, but he wouldn't leave me alone." The cat meowed, Hotaru sighed and held her finger out. Instead of playing with it, the cat bit her finger. Hotaru shrugged, she was used to the cat's ways. He began to gnaw on her finger and she pulled her finger away.

She looked back at her friends desperately as she wrote on her slate, "Are we even allowed to have pets in the dorms?(o。o;)" Hotaru once more slumped back into her seat. She played with hair as she watched Alice play with the cat.

It's... it's over... "Ugh..." she groaned lightly when the granted power left her. It felt like she were crashing from a cocaine high. The wound on her side had clotted but throbbed painfully, and her mind felt as if someone had hollowed it out with an ice-cream scooper. A sudden hug from the pink-haired Hotaru pulled her out of her haze momentarily. This girl who'd just saved her life... Adonna wanted to thank her, but nothing short of steady motion was an available action. She watched helplessly as Hotaru collapsed suddenly, crumpling onto the same ground where Shun lay broken.

Thankfully, a squad of nurses attended to Shun, wheeling him away, while a petite student whom Adonna had seen around aided Hotaru.

Holding a hand to her side, Adonna quietly grabbed her earlier abandoned backpack and withdrew from the school.
Need to change... Take care of this... It wasn't too late, the blood was still fresh, she could wash it off and salvage the uniform...

For some unknown reason, the fatigue hit Adonna harder the moment she stepped into her dorm room. She let her bag drop, forcing one foot in front of the other to make it in front of the mirror.
Wha- Oh... What a sight she made. She was wearing the cat ears Ashlei had put atop her head. It was a wonder how it hadn't fallen off during the battle against the spider. Especially when the monstrosity had managed to knock her back. Well, it wasn't as if she'd rolled on her head, now had she. She placed the headband on the side of the sink, the slowly peeled the top of her uniform off. The scab came away with it, the wound bleeding yet again.

Pulling the stopper, she turned the tap to the hottest hot and tossed the top into the sink. I'm just gonna... sit down for a minute... Adonna lowered herself gingerly onto the carpet, laying her back down against the fibers. Some part of her knew the blood from her wound would stain her carpet, but frankly, she just didn't care. There was this all encompassing fatigue that just ate everything in her...
I'll take care of it... I'll clean it... soon... soon...

Bzzz. Bzzz.

"Ugh..." Adonna was pulled away from sweet numb blackness, her pain receptors firing signals anew.
F*ingf*ck. Reaching into her skirt pocket, she pulled out the device that'd called her out of her dreamless sleep. Micheal?

"Sup Mikie." Her voice honestly reflected her state of being. She self-consciously cleared her throat and sat up, grimacing at the pain.

"Donnie! You okay? Ya sound like shi-"

"I'm fine, just woke up."

"Oh shit, forgot you guys are two hours ahead."

"You're fine, what's up?" Adonna was. She was cleaning the blood off her top with the too-hot water.

"Well, my mom wanted me to check on you cuz your mom was freakin' out cuz someone wasn't calling her. Which, I get, I tried to hold off, but you know how it is, so here I am, callin' like the good son I am, checkin' up on big cuz'."

Adonna lightly sniffed a laugh out. Her mom and her sisters were close-knit, this shit was commonplace. "Well it's good to hear from- what's that sound?"

"That would be a car. I'm walkin' back home. They wanted some olives last minute, so guess who got to go get 'em?"

If not for the slice in her side, Adonna would have burst into a laugh. As the eldest of the cousins, she'd always been the 'gopher'. Since she was away, the task must have fallen onto Micheal. She convulsed silently a few times, quietly, the pain causing the formation tears in the corners of her eyes. The last bit of convulsion came out as a squeak.

"Quit laughin'. Nah, on second thought, laugh. F*ckin' olivies!"

Adonna shook her head, "Just tell Ma I'm fine. I'll call her soon as I-"

"Just call her now. Or better yet, I'm almost back, you can talk to her once I'm there,"Oh. So by home he'd meant her home. Er, her mom's home more technically. Talking to her Ma right now didn't sound like a good idea in the least, "Come on, Di, she thinks that you're avoiding her calls cuz you got into a fight or something, I told her she was just worryin' over nothin'."

Adonna sighed audibly. She wrung out the cloth in her hands, frustration fueling her, pain taking back from her strength.

"Or, maybe she wasn't- That's cool, that's fine, we got this, we can fix this," Micheal verbalized as the gears in his brain spun. "Alright, looksie here. She's gonna ask you how it's all been. And you're gonna say how it's all good and you ain't gonna say nothin' about any fights, alright?"

This was really not what she wanted to deal with right about now. Nor did she want to clean the carpet, but fresh blood was the only blood that would leave without any visible trace. "I'm not gonna lie to her, Miche-"

"No, no, Di. You are. You definitely are. I ain't even askin' too much, just omit! Omit! And you're home free and no-one's worryin' about no-one."

Adonna grumbled, no energy left to argue with her younger cousin. "Mi-"

"Hey-hey! I'm back Ma! Got Donnie on the phone, where's Aunti- Auntie! Here, take the phone," Adonna braced herself, "Hey sweetie," her mother sounded way tense. "Micheal probably woke you up, didn't he. What time is it there?"

"Don't worry about it Ma. Sorry I haven't called at all, it's been super busy..."

"I understand, hun, I just wanted to check up on you. See how classes were going... and everything else."

Moment of truth. Or quite the opposite, as it were. "Classes are fine, there were none this Friday... totally thought there were... showed up in my uniform."

Her mother laughed gently, "Oh sweetheart. Sounds like it's going well. Other than that, everything's good?"

That was her mother. Adonna knew exactly what her caretaker wanted to know, and she honestly would have just out and said it but... but...
Just omit! Omit! It was a good thing her mother couldn't see her face. "For the most part... got into this... thing, at the school barbecue... there was this giant f*cking spider, you have no idea, it took like four of us to kill it."

Weird. That was not what Adonna had been thinking about, no, the fight with Red and the overhead threat of expulsion which had not come to pass (and hopefully never would) was what she'd been thinking about. Yet that came out instead. Her mother couldn't stop laughing. Not so much because of what Adonna had said, but because of what she hadn't. Ma was downright relieved.

Adonna wanted to wrangle Micheal. But he didn't get back on the phone after that. There were a few more pleasantries exchanged, her Ma caught her up with the home life situation, gossip, drama, all that fun jazz, and then mother and daughter exchanged goodbyes.

Adonna forced herself to get up. The wound had clotted again, the carpet had been cleaned, the uniform salvaged, she really wasn't taking comfort in any of the small things. There in her bag was some first aid items, which of course she'd packed... old habits died hard. She brought them into the shower, stripping the rest of her clothes off on the way. Hey, at least her stockings weren't torn.

"F*CK." Isopropyl alcohol stung like a b*tch. It hardly mattered how many times she'd used it before. Not to mention this was one of the worst wounds she'd ever been dealt with. A stream of uncouth thoughts against the spider went through her mind as she continued the cleaning and dressing process. A process which told her the patch she'd put over the wound would be good for the night, but the thing obviously needed stitches. More colorful sentences directed to the spider went through her head.
Steri strips... Well, there was absolutely no place open now. She'd have to get them in the morning after she woke up... Adonna grimaced. The thought of having to walk through town, to do anything short of stay in bed, sucked.

In the late morning, Adonna was a zombie arising. She woke up in her bed, groaning, wishing she didn't have to move. But yes, she did. The bandages were bloodied, albeit not as badly as she had imagined they would be. She grudgingly redressed them, a stone-hard frown fixed on her face as she went about the motions of being alive.
Get steri strips, get home. That was a sound enough plan. It took her all but forever, at the pace she moved, to get ready for the day. She grabbed only the essential things she'd need for a quick trip to the store and back, and made her way out of the dorms.

The weather was rather pleasant, helping to improve Adonna's mood. The sun's warmth worked its magic, giving some light relief for the pain. She could have easily taken a few of the pain-killers she was in possession of, but Adonna had a thing about taking pills for wounds gotten in a fight. As she walked down the sidewalk towards the store, she felt her mind slowly restoring itself to its former whole state.
Clark was just outside the school grounds which were surprisingly quiet. Clark would've expected it to be busier due to everyone leaving. Perhaps everyone in the dorms were sleeping in or had woken up at an early hour. Either way Clark didn't really care too much. Clark had decided to explore the town around him. Even though he didn't like the sound of the amount of walking that would ensue he had been getting a little pudgy so decided taking a walk would probably benefit him.

Clark had his map at the ready in the inevitable case that he got lost and so began his journey in the sunny weather. As the the birds chirped and the rest of wildlife moved around him Clark felt a smile creep up on his face. He walked over to a nearby bench under the shade of a large tree and sat down. As he did he noticed two young squirrels play fighting (at least it looked like they were only playing). He laughed as the two siblings quarrelled. Clark wished he had a brother when he was younger.


| Afternoon |

| Saturday |

Date: September 21, 2014

The moment Alice gave Ben the go ahead, he plopped himself down contently on the open seat. Even though there wasn't any food on the table, he looked happy enough to be there. Dominic simply waved towards the two girls who greeted them, a carefree smile on his face. It hadn't sunk in yet that there was a cat until just now, when it escaped from the makeshift cage of Hotaru's shirt. Dominic's smile dropped on contact with the cat.

Hotaru pleaded with him to keep quiet on the manner. Dominic opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it when he had nothing to follow up for it. Instead, Ben quickly answered Alice's question on his reasoning of being there.
"W-well, I'm just Dominic's adviser, you know. He gets himself into a lot of trouble that he can't get out of." Dominic crossed his arms and stared down at Ben like there was going to be something waiting for him after all this was over. Ben could only hold eye contact with Dominic's glaring for so long before he looked back to the girls with a nervous grin.

Dominic sighed, looking at what Hotaru wrote as far as a question. "Pets-..? Well, I wouldn't really know since I don't stay in any of the dorms. Though I'd imagine you can. Ben had a hamster for his second year, and everyone seemed cool with it." As he explained, It was clear Dominic hadn't sat down yet. There was this feeling about him that made him slightly distant. Though he was totally approachable and sociable, it almost felt like he resisted getting too close.


Elsewhere in town, Len traversed the suburbs with a hand cradling the other arm. His clothes were undamaged, but the way he walked looked restricted - pained, even. His feet often changed pacing in walking, making his trip harder. Several minutes passed and he found himself standing in front of an average looking middle-class house. The building itself was a tan color, with a darker hue roof. By the side was a driveway occupied by two cars, one an SUV, while the other was a professional-looking sedan. Business and pleasure, Len thought.

He brought himself up to knock on the front door. The wait only being a minute before the door was pulled open slightly.
"Who is it- Oh, Len?!" Boone, who had been wearing simple weekend clothes, opened the door the rest of the way before letting Len in.


After being offered some of Boone's well known honey-filled tea, Len had explained what happened with Damian and himself, as well as whatever data he collected from their bout. All the while, Boone said in his chair with a concerned face that seemed to get worse with each passing moment. Things were getting out of control.

"There's another problem." Boone said after Len had finished. His tone wasn't exactly light, and Boone wasn't one to joke around, so it instantly pulled a groan out of Len.

"What is it?"

"A hollow attacked the school yesterday during the cookout. To my surprise, it was vanquished by a few students. All of which had a Zodiac. I-.. I think I've even seen Damian there as well."

Len's eyes shot open with shock. "What?! Was anyone hurt?!"

"No, thanks to those students. They were inexperienced, so some of them had injuries, but I got a call from the infirmary - everything's fine." Boone leaned forward, placing his chin on his perched hands. "It's a stupid idea, Len; but we can't just leave everyone defenseless. We need more people to help defend the school as well as the town. The police can't help us because they think of it as a haunting beyond our reach. You and I know better, Len."

Len huffed, looking off to the side as he couldn't face Boone with whatever idiotic thing was to come. "What do you purpose.."

"We give them proper training, so that maybe we can shape this to be a good thing rather than a possible tragedy. The Zodiac users as well as anyone who may be exposed to the danger the most. With our help, perhaps they can defend themselves as well as those around them. It'll help us concentrate on the bigger picture, like finding out the cause of this sudden outburst of souls and putting a stop to it."

"You know I can handle them by myself." Len turned his head to look at Boone now, some anger in his expression. "Don't kid yourself, Len. That Damian boy gave you a run for your money from what I hear. With my idea, at the very least, you'll have backup." Len dipped his head, his hair covering his eyes and concealing his emotion. "If this is what you wish, Boone. If anything turns sour, know that it's on you."
Taking the feline into her laps, petting it's head and playing with it's paw, she looked up at Ben with a questionable look. She wasn't sure if Ben was being truthful or making stuff up but thinking back on memories with Dominic, he can be clumsy at times so it could be understandable, shrugging her shoulders,"Oh, is that so? Then, you're a very good friend to Dom to help him." She said, stretching on the "very good", her eyes glancing at Dominic with a smirk playing at her lips but she turned away to play with the cat once more seeing it was getting jealous.
Farra bolted up in the infirmary. "W-what?" she mumbled, gliding her finger across the screen of a nearby smartphone and unlocking it. The date read September 21st, 2014. She'd missed the cookout. "WELP," she said, sighing. "I guess I'll just lay here for a while..."

It seemed as if she had gotten sick again; the last thing she remembered was passing out in her room while she was getting ready for the cookout. Someone must've found her and brought her here. Some big, important thing happened there with her luck, and she had missed it. Again. Oh well. She'll get up later.
The time had ticked early Saturday noon. Damian had groggily rose from his mattress, his hair a complete mess. He looked at if he had intercourse with a rabid teenage deviant. Looks aside, Damian was feeling disgustingly bitter upon his awakening. It's as if ever since he obtained Lance's power his depression and frustration has been mule kicking him harder than before. Even Damian was concerned for his own mental health lately. Rising onto his knees like a brainless undead, Damian had stepped off his mattress and onto his carpet floor. He was donned in his dark v-neck and lounge pants with white socks. As he rose his hair fell over his face. The thick mane drooping down harshly over his gentle looking face. He slowly made his way towards his desktop and poked his mouse to wake up his monitor. He looked over to any open windows to check for any changes... On the bright side, a download finished. On the negatives he hadn't received any Skype messages, or Facebook notifications. "Feh.." Damian couldn't care enough to lament over the inactivity of his online life currently. He decided to resolve his rude awakening with a hot shower... That took over 46 minutes.


Close to an hour has passed, and Damian had stepped out the bathroom, steam pouring from the shower. Damian had already dried himself off and put on a prepared shirt and pants; which turned out to be a two buttoned long sleeve shirt and dark casual pants. With it being a bit warm today Damian decided to take advantage of his old casual pants he wore to a recital which seemed to fit perfectly still. Shows how much he's grown over two years. Damian woke his Desktop up again, to see if there's any inactivity that occurred while he was gone... Alas. None. Damian huffed out. "Well, I guess Dom's out. He's not online and it's the afternoon. My guess, either that Shrine he told me or Soul Food." Damian sighed. "I can't stand the sight of food... Even the thought is making my stomach knot up. Probably the work of anxiety. Again. Hey. Lance." No more than a second after he chanted his name, Lance had appeared from his black hole and was sitting on Damian's mattress. "Yo." Damian's brow had fallen to a stern frown. He was curious yet a little off put by Lance's 'yo.' It didn't sound like something he'd say. "Yo? Have you been picking up urban vernacular, Lance?" Lance chuckled darkly. "Sadly yes. I felt you may have been more.. Eased by a less formal greeting. Was that... Too subtle?" Damian rested his head on his hand. "Remain formal. I prefer formal to laid back greetings anyhow." Lance nodded, remembering Damian's advice. "So what did you want?" Damian sat up straight in his desktop chair. "Lance. That Hollow, it was that kid Reese. I'm assuming he was made a casualty and a Hollow is what the product was?" Lance teetered his head back and forth. "Well... Yes and no... Honestly, I'll need to think of what Reese was exactly. While I mull it over, you should see your friends as Soul Food. I think you need the fresh air. You look a mess." Damian blew through his nose. "Noted." Damian picked up his shoes and slipped them on. He grabbed his charged 3DS from off the table and his Mp3 Player, already choosing a song to play during his jive to Soul Food. Lance had recalled back into his black hole, to contemplate what had happened yesterday himself and think of a good explanation for Damian and the rest. His hair was still damp and moppy as he skipped down the steps. "Mom! I'm going to be heading out for a little, I hope you don't mind!" Damian's Mom had turned her attention from the baby and the television and gave her son a reassuring smile. "Of course not! I'm just happy you have friends to see now. Go on, be a teenager while you still can! Your birthday is soon too, remember? You still haven't told me what you wanted to do for being eighteen!" Damian shook his head. "Nothing, Mom. It's fine. Maybe a day in bed." His mother sucked her teeth. "Damian! You can't just--..! Oh go on out of here, Damian. I'll see you tonight? A little earlier than yesterday please!" Damian nodded towards his mother and opened the door, letting the sunlight inside the house which caught the babies attention. She proceeded to waddled towards her brother seeing that he was leaving so unexpectedly. "Damie! Damie! Whe're ah you go?" Damian knelt over to pick up his baby sister and hoisted her up close to the ceiling. "Nowhere. Just out. I'll be back soon, okay?" The baby looked at Damian cluelessly, still expecting a more physical reaction than vocal. "You thing." Damian said while putting her back on the floor. "I'll make sure to return earlier. I just keep loosing track of time." Damian reassured his mother. He turned around and walked through the doorway, shutting the metal door behind him. He was now outside, in the wake of sunlight... This actually lifted his spirits some. What really helped, was being able to leave his mother and sister without worry. "Ah... Yeah." Damian started his way towards Soul Food.

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Nikky curled up on the ground, inhaling the scent of freshly cut grass. She held her breath watching the blades sway ever so gently in the breeze tickling against her face in the process. The sleepiness was catching up with her, finally.

Just tired, so damn tired.

She wasn’t able to sleep at all last night because those nagging questions were debating back and forth keeping her up all night. Her aunt had a point; she wasn’t here for adventure she was here to learn. But she was also here to learn how to be on her own. What she wished the most was to actually be able to live how she wanted but it became increasingly harder to do as the days passed. She just really wanted this one thing, couldn’t she just have this one thing? She sighed and opened her eyes watching the clouds sail across the sky.

Somewhere, somehow, she’d be drifting away with them.

Trouble? Dominic got into trouble? Hotaru could relate, she had gotten into trouble quite a few times. She wasn't sure if Ben was joking around or not, yet she nodded along with Alice. Hotaru watched as Dominic's smile straightened out to flat line. The girl looked over to her mischievous feline and then at her friend. She put two and two together and got five. Dominic must hate cats with a burning passion! How could she be so inconsiderate? He seemed to either feel not welcomed or felt like he didn't want to sit. Either way, it would have been impolite to not ask.

((I think I'm in love.))

With her sleek writing and her pink hair falling forward, Hotaru wrote a message for him, "Have a seat, Dom!" She drew small magic sparkles around the letters. This was an attempt to make the message more appealing to the eye. With a hopeful gaze, a trick she learned to guilt trip someone, she looked over to Dominic with her big, dark, and dull eyes.

((Not really, dummy. //shit post x2 .-.))

Apparently Ben had a hamster in his second year, Hotaru's flickered over to him once his name was mentioned. Hotaru's mind seemed to wonder as she looked around with her eyes. She was glad that the male cat seemed to be taking a liking to Alice. Everyone was chattering with high spirits, no one felt out of place. Hotaru's eyes flickered over to her slate and then at two boys.


| Afternoon |

| Saturday |

Date: September 21, 2014

Staying as he was, Dominic returned Hotaru's obvious puppy-eye tactic with an emotionless stare. Not even a few seconds passed before he rolled his eyes in frustration of giving in. "Alright, but only fo-"

"-Ferrari! Break's over!"

Dominic whined quietly, giving the shouting co-worker a wave of understanding before looking back toward his company. "You heard the man, got to go." Shrugging, Dominic took his leave, making sure to be that wall blocking the employee's line of sight from the cat for as long as he could.

"A-About yesterday.. You two seemed to know what you were doing... What do you know about those things?"
Her eyebrows furrowed a bit as she puffed out one cheek angrily. She stuck her tongue out at the employee who called for Dominic. Hotaru's effort was wasted as her friend headed off to his job. Job......she was living off of the money her grandpa gave to her. A debt is something she did not want to have, so she needed a job of some sort. Strands of pink hair flew to the top of Hotaru's head as she nonchalantly blocked the view of the stray.

Ben began to speak about the events from yesterday. The cat peaked his head to look at Ben's face it blinked twice before returning to Alice's affections. Hotaru searched through her mind to try to remember what had happened yesterday. The spider thing! Everyone was so freaked out about a tiny spider. She was quite confused about his question.

Here is a rundown on what Hotaru thinks may have happened yesterday afternoon. Hotaru and her friends were enjoying a day off at the cookout. Wind or something scared everyone, they were forced to go inside due to the extreme wind. Chicago was worse, these poor souls will not survive. Apparently everyone is super afraid of insects and any other nature like related stuff. A spider appeared and Hotaru protected everyone. Alice and Shun killed it off and Adonna punched the guy who brought it in. Shun fainted...and then she fainted...?

"I kill spiders all the time, but it pains me to do it."

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