- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Ukime was quick to dress the part for her no position. She wore a tight black tank that showed off most of her upper assets. She wore baggy tipp pants ,the bondage ones that come around the back to the front. They fit her waist well so they didn't fall off but anything lower than her waist was all lose. She wore fitted converses that said bad to the bone with small skulls on the rim. Both sides of her hair was pinned up making it a fro hawk. She was walking outside with Kai when he stated they were going to a different type of "market." Ukime gave a thumbs up before hoping into the car and driving off with him.
Cheerful humming filled the room as a familiar guest happily skipped across the way in search of a utensil for the tray of food left on a nearby table.


Discovering a plastic fork hidden away in a drawer near the sink of the room, Ashlei turned to notice Shun's curious stare, questioning her morning antics. Sticking her tongue out in reply, Ashlei rebounded to the tray which she soon delivered to the cripple's bed.

"A nurse brought you breakfast just a moment ago, so 'Ahhhh'"

Shun gave Ashlei a glare as he rose to her offering of hash browns, but understanding his lack of left hand dexterity, he could only sigh and accept the meal in such a fashion without complaint.

Shortly after the end of breakfast came the timely arrival of the doctor to give Shun's approval to depart from the hospital. To Shun, the doctor looked bored as he stepped into the room focused on his traditional clipboard, and as he spoke, the tone only confirmed the patient's suspicions.

"There were no negative side effects over night, so your free to go. Make sure there is absolutely no strain on your arm as I rather not see you back for the same issue. Remember to take anything that is yours, and leave anything that is ours, adios."

As the doctor departed from the room, Ashlei began to retrieve his various belongings all while Shun spent the remaining hour attempting to understand the art of changing clothes with a broken arm and denying the necessity of Ashlei's coy tone offering her assistance.

As the two walked along the streets of Brookfield, silence overtook the once chatty atmosphere giving Shun a moments of peace to ponder. Thinking of the night prior, hazy memories from the conversation between his mum and Ashlei began to return to his head.


The word rolled across his mind as he contemplated the context, but his chain of thought was broken by Ashlei who had been attempting to garner his attention for some while.


Giving an apologetic smile, Shun gave her a nod as he focused his attention on his friend and her peculiar facial expression of excitement mixed with a very out of place sadness.

"What's up?"

Taking hold of Shun's healthy arm, Ashlei began to carefully drag him toward the neighborhood district all while explaining the situation as they journeyed.

"I meant to tell you yesterday before you went and fell out of a tree, but I am finally returning back to Yale tomorrow. I gave it some thought last night, but considering how you won't be able to paint for some time, I figured this would be the next best thing."

Their destination was a particularly large house in which a colorful sign greeted their arrival, and the cheerful laughter of children within could be heard even outside.

"Neighborhood Art School. Ashlei, I--"

Without giving him time to finish his statement, Ashlei drug her friend inside where they were instantly met with the glowing smile of a paint splattered lady carrying a box of crayons.

"Ashlei, I was wondering if you were going to make it this week, and I see you finally brought your friend."

"Yup, yup, he is the possible replacement I told you about last night."

Giving Shun several pats on the back, the two girls began to push the confused boy into the next room, ignoring his many voiced complaints of harassment.

What Shun assumed to be the houses's living room was filled with individuals of all ages eagerly working on their specific piece of art. From toddlers scribbling with crayons to teens attempting a masterpiece with their paint, the atmosphere created from such an environment brought a small smile to Shun's face.

The lady who noticed his smile gave one of her own before beginning an explanation of Ashlei's earlier declaration.

"As you see, we've become quite popular and we are in need of people who can help us. Whenever Ashlei is in town, she helps us out as a teacher, but seeing she is leaving again, we were hoping you could replace her. Oh and of course you'll be compensated for your time."

Ashlei who was hovering alongside of the lady gave Shun an encouraging smile and thumbs up as Shun sighed a sigh of defeat in reply to the girls coercive methods of persuasion.

"I'll give my final decision at the end, but for now let's get to work."
Watching Dominic's retreating figure, she waved to him and turned to Ben who happened to have bought back the memories she wished not to remember. Petting the cat, she hoped Hotaru would answer him but it seemed she didn't want to answer, reading her slate.

Pondering on how to start her little story, she tried to recall what had happened yesterday and what caused the attack on them. She then remembered what Tyrik told her about the hollows, taking a sip of her drink to clear her throat, she opened her mouth to speak,"Well, to be honest, we don't know what those things were actually. All we know is that it attacked us and we needed to take it down. But I do know it's called a hollow." She said looking back down to the cat and scratched it behind it's ear, hearing it's soft purring indicating that she had hit the good spot.

"Yesterday, you said you knew of that world, didn't you Ben? If you don't mind answering, do you have any memories of what happened to you when you were attacked?" She asked but then took back her words, remembering that Ben was still recovering from the hospital and it must be tiring for him to be asked of this question so many times by other people,"Nevermind my question. You don't have to answer." She said changing the subject,"You should watch Dom or he may get himself in trouble." She said pointing to Dominic.
What's the difference? Adonna looked from one box to the other, turning them around in her palms. Both were steri-strips, even if they were of separate brands. Still, the girl was trying to find the reason why one was twenty cents cheaper from the other. Nothing on the fine print defined why one brand might magnificently, or even marginally, outshine the other. To be honest, even the designs on the front of the boxes were fairly similar. Then again, how creative could one get when marketing steri strips?

Well, as a student, she should really go for the twenty cents cheaper one... but should she really be cutting costs when it came to first-aid items?
It's twenty cents, she thought, putting down the cheaper one. Well, that was that. All she had to do now was purchase it from the clerk, who was looking at her, and then the box, and then her.

Unsure what he was thinking, because when was Adonna ever sure what anyone was thinking, she assumed it might be some curiosity or judgement. Or something else entirely. Either way, what came out of her mouth was,
"Got into a mad fight," before grabbing her change and making her way out the store. Whether the clerk's following laughter came from nervousness or amusement, well, that was up in the air. The sun hit her face gently as she grimaced to the sky opposite of the boiling star. Why had she said that? It was not what she had said, or even why she had said it. It was the action in itself, and the tone in which it was done. It reminded her too much of sixteen-year-old Adonna.

Her stomach's grumbles were a welcome interruption to her introspection. Something fast would be nice, considering she wanted to go home and deal with the wound soon as possible.
Isn't that one place near by...? What was it called, that place she'd eaten at first time she'd met Shun and Ashlei? Well, the she'd find out soon enough, the name. Turning in the general direction of her destination, she tread down the sidewalk, back turned away from the sun.


| Afternoon |

| Saturday |

Date: September 21, 2014

Hotaru's quick message was followed by Alice's brief explanation of what happened. Ben supposed the proper question would have been 'Why', but that was amongst many other questions to be asked. Then came the inevitable question he had been hearing since he left the hospital.

Alice quickly retracted wanting answers, but Ben simply shook his head signalling that that wasn't necessary.
"I'm fine. I know now that this isn't something I can't run away from. Brookfield is my home - it should be my duty to help figure out what's wrong with it." Ben slumped back down into his seat with a small frown. "I don't know if you've heard the rumors, but Brookfield isn't exactly a normal town. We've had a lot of messed up shit in the past, dealing with witchcraft and whatnot. Some people say that those that died here have come back to haunt the town for whatever reason."

Ben paused as a rowdy customer passed by to leave the restaurant. "Now the rumor is that those spirits must be killing off people. No set target - just any person who's in the right spot at the wrong time."
The cookout started out something that Derek's peers would have enjoyed. After the gusts of winds and students getting injured, Derek's mother insisted that they stay inside for the rest of the week. She had a paranoia of her only family members dying off, she almost even called off her work to tend to her children. Even now, as Derek was heading out to get fresh air, his mother was there to stop him, "You leave and I will not open the door when you come back." She was shaking like a chihuahua. Derek blew off his hair from his face. He was used to her worried nature, but this would have to be the worst of her actions yet.

Derek didn't like to be cramped up in a house with three other people. He always needed air to breathe, this was always used against him. The twins would always have a plan to go outside whenever their mother was like this. Plans thought up by the twins usually resulted Derek getting involved. He would be dragged to do ridiculously brilliant plans by the twins. They were geniuses at sneaking out. Derek looked upon the closed door. Beyond it, would be the twins in their room, he couldn't believe that he was going to be asking for their help. His hand pushed on the door, the twins were on the ground lying on their bellies playing with something.

Derek walked closer and quickly caught a glance of the items that they were playing with, "Aren't you guys too old to play with dolls?" The twin with a birth mark of an upside down state of New York on her shoulder spoke up, "You only come to our rooms for one reason." The other red haired girl finished off the sentence, "You obviously came here for our assistance in escaping." Alexis quickly cut in, "Tell us already, I don't want you to waste my time-"

"Playing dolls?" They shrugged. Derek sighed, "I want to get out of here." The two had matching grins as they tossed carelessly their dolls under the bed. One crossed her arms, the other one held on to her left elbow, "Mum should be leaving for work in fifteen minutes. Record your voice here. Alexis will be in your room with the recording. I'll be here, in about ten minutes, she'll make her rounds around the house before going to work, this is going to make you owe us." They emphasized the words you and us.

Those rascals had it planned out.

I forgot the twin's names. Goddammit all.
It was a nice day, warm and sunny Nikky entertained the thought of falling asleep right then and there. However a shadow hovered over her blocking out her sun; Nikky opened an eye to see who would dare tango with a sleeping bull. To her surprise it was Vivian, she wore a purple fedora her long brunette hair tied back in a ponytail and a black vest over a white button up with tight fitting gray shorts and black flats.


She managed to mumble something half asleep, "Wha?"

"Aw, juniors are so cute!"

"Sleeping in the park? Geez."

She recognized those two voices, and was confirmed as Annie and Melody walked from behind Vivian to look at her. They wore pretty much matching outfits, short sleeved shirts with horizontal blue stripes and light brown short shorts. She remebered talking to them not too long ago, they were really friendly; she wondered why she started to avoid them. Nikky sat up and scooting away from the trio to get some space to herself.

"So... can I help you?"

A expectant and pleased smile formed on Vivian's face, "Well I'm glad you asked dear friend!" Friend? Vivian extended a hand pulling Nikky up onto her feet.

"We want you to join the school newspaper!"

the girl yawned and stretched, "I'm listening."

Vivian smile grew wider, "C'mon, lets talk and walk."

The group walked down the sidewalk circling the school as they talked. It was nice, it took her mind off of all the crap that was happening.

After a few minutes they stopped and Melody looked at her seriously and asked,

"So, will you join?"

"...I'll consider it." Nikky finally said.

"Bu-" Melody started to protest but was quickly shushed by Vivian, "Great!" she wrote down the room number for the school newspaper and handed it to Nikky.

"We get together Mondays, wednesdays and thursdays! Seeya!"


She waved them off then turned to head in the opposite direction tucking the note in her pocket.
"Why do I...have to run. I'm fit already....tiring. To much work, he's such a slave driver."

She panted as she ran up the streets hill. She could feel the pain kicking in , centering mainly around her calf muscles and knees. She new this was part of her "training", but she didn't know why. Her main job was to protect him but the chance of him being attacked was a slim chance. She closed her eyes and smelled the sweat roll down her forehead and to her cheek. The heavy thumps she made when she ran up the steep hill toward the market where she used to work. She heard a car stopping and doors opening. She opened her eyes and saw four men in black and white tux step out of an suv. She cocked a brow before continuing her jog, knowing Kai's split personality she would get chewed at. Thinking back she wondered how he even had that side, when she first entered the store he seemed nice, he had his purity and not a stick of evil in him. Now after getting a new position he's evil and sneaky. She hissed to the though of him stealing her melon bread that was stocked up on the shelf. He really was a big brother but more of a pain in the ass boss, no slave driver. She nodded her head agreeing with herself, slowing down her jog when she saw one of the man reach into their jacket.

She continued to jog , slowly closing the distance between them. Quickly the man withdrew a weapon that she thought was nothing but a toy, perhaps a trick of some sort. The man fire, Ukime stepping a little to the right , the bullet grazing her cheek. She stopped mid run as she felt the sting from the bullet. Touching her cheeks she looked at them and gave them half a smile before mustering a not so sure laugh that hopefully would be a full on one if they replied the way she wanted them to.

"Kai put you up to this didn't he ...hehhehehe he's always such a kidder right. Slave driver in my opinion."

The man fire once more, Ukime ducking into a crouched position as she covered her head. They were no friend of Kai, they would have at least laughed at the joke. Groaning she could feel her muscles ache, neither of her legs wanting to move an inch. The next fire startled her and she jumped up and ran toward the other side of the car.

"Oi oi , it's not nice to fire at a girl. COME ON..."
Every. Single. Time. "Where are you going? Who will be there? Did you meet at school? Will there be drugs? Are they secretly murderers? Do you really know these people? Maybe you should take Brodus with you. What do you mean he'd draw more attention to you than you'd like? Blah blah blah, blah blah ? Blah blah."

Artemis wandered down the street, not sure of where she was headed at this point. She just wanted to get out of that house. The idea of having real friends that she would talk to and hang out with was a very appealing one to her, also a convincing lie to tell her parents. However, though she has met a couple people, she didn't really talk to anyone. She held her small purse close to her, containing all of her essentials. Phone, wallet, (which had some cash, a debit card, and her ID,) pepper spray, chapstick, and MP3 player. Her MP3 player was on, playing some random instrumental music, and her earbuds were in her ears. Would this be it? Would she just end up walking around town by herself, listening to all of the music on her MP3 player?

Suddenly, a ray of hope appeared before her. That boy who helped her before appeared once again. She had seen him so much, but she still didn't know his name. Artemis stopped in her tracks, quickly pulling out the earbuds and stuffing them in her purse before catching up with the boy. "HEY! HEYY! Wait up!" Please stop, please don't pretend you don't know me, even though you don't, please.

"HEY! HEYY! Wait up!"

Damian heard a familiar voice shout out from behind him. He turned his head, already knowing who it was. That clumsy chick that he seemed to constantly attract lately. Damian arched his brow at the girl. He was wondering how she managed to find him again and why was it she choose to go out her way to speak with him. "Uhh. Hi." Damian said shiftily looking back and forth, beginning to get paranoid at how much of a coincidence they keep running into each other. Or she is running into him. With current events Damian could believe anything. "Don't start, Damian." He thought to himself. Damian had waved at Artemis, fairly weakly and awkwardly. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, waiting for the girl to catch up. "If I bring her to Soul Food everyone's probably going to comment on the fact I have a girl with me, aren't they?"
Once Artemis had finally caught up with the boy, she stopped next to him and smiled, shaking her head a bit. "Hi. Um, listen, I know this might be a little weird, me running into you like this again, but I just have no friends and you helped me out before and. Uh... Um." Wow, she was bad at this. Without thinking, she stuck her hand out towards the sort of familiar boy in order to properly introduce herself. "...I'm Artemis. What's your name?"
IAmEnzo updated - Zodiac - with a new update entry:

- Zodiac - Update 3.0

Hello errbody.
So some of you have probably already been made aware of this, but I'm going to be making quite a huge change in time flow in Zodiac. Normally we're accustomed to 3 real life days being 1 roleplay day. Well, we're changing that.

From now on, Morning will last 2 real life days, Afternoon will last 3 real life days, and Evening will last 2 real life days. It's about time we changed the roleplay to better fit the posting schedules of others. A lot of people were only able to post...
Read the rest of this update entry... 


| Afternoon |

| Saturday |

Date: September 21, 2014

Clammy hands shook with anger. A long series of days consisted of nonstop torture. He couldn't face his origin in his own home after what had happened.


His only family, who he had stuck with through thick and thin, was now no longer with him. The connection of family love severed by a unlucky string of events. Misunderstood feelings were poorly executed in an attempt to prove his adulthood. He wanted to be ready for the world, he wanted for his father to know he was ready.


With no other options, he was forced to live on the streets of Brookfield, paranoid enough of the recent deaths and mystery that shrouded the town. He didn't want to be part of the body count. It angered him to see those that once respected him; turn a blind eye and reside safely behind the doors of their own home. Was this really what it all came down to?

The only solution.

He wasn't capable of apologizing. It acted against his entire way of thinking, of life. You're a man when you can solve your problems physically. The world wasn't shaped on brain power alone. His mind was set on a final attempt to make things right in his eyes. The only way to prove his readiness was to pull out the roots of the rotten tree. The only way to put things back where they were.

Blistered hands gripped the gun stolen from an unconscious policeman.
I'll worry about that later. He thought, glancing back at the motionless body who had refused to walk into more subtle ways of obtaining the gun. His back was against the wall of Soul Food. Here he comes.

Now was the time. Red swung out from around the corner, confronting Damian regardless of the nearby people or girl he was with. His clothes were ripped, he smelled of illegal drinking, and his demeanor was obviously not of himself, or was it?

"Damn you, Lucas! You murderer!" He slurred his words towards the boy. "You've taken all of lives-.. Now I'll take yours!" Red aimed his shot relatively in Damian's direction before squeezing the trigger twice.
James was walking down the street, looking for a place to grab a bite to eat. He had just seen Soul food, when he recognised Damian, a boy from the school, and a girl, who probably went there as well, although he could not recognise her. They seemed to be about to go in, when a boy jumped round the corner pointing a gun at Damian. He seemed familiar... Red? Jesus Christ, it was Red, but he was all bedraggled, covered in rags, and looked in a bad way.

He shouted something at him, something about Damian killing people, and he called him Lucas, for some reason.

And then, Red shot.

(Sorry for being inactive for so long, for some reason I stopped getting notifications from here, so I assumed it died. Obviously not, thank goodness :D )
Hearing Artemis stutter and struggle some with trying to excuse herself for her constant appearances made Damian feel a little... Sympathetic. He knows how troublesome making a good impression can be, especially with social anxiety and other hindrances of the ilk. "Oh... I'm--" Damian was cut off by another voice. One that sounded disgruntled and broken. It started with a shout of his surname being damned. Damian's glare shot open as he turned his head to the source of the noise. Shifting about 30 degrees to his left he spotted a withered Red. The pungent smell of defeat was permeating off his body so much that Damian could smell it from the few feet away he was standing. The most noticeable change, was the weapon being pointed at Damian. The boys heart raced. Not only was Artemis' life at stake but so was his friends inside of Soul Food. Acting quickly and impulsively, Damian pushed Artemis out of the way with enough force to knock her off her feet. Afterwards, he threw up a ward made of his own shadow to protect himself and anyone that could've been behind him. Though, he was not faster than a bullet at relatively close range. He was only able to protect himself from one shot. The first bullet managed to slip through and hit him on the right side of his chest. With Damian's halved weight from the passive traits of Lance, he was blown back. Despite this, he wasn't done. While falling, he used his other hand to haphazardly throw the other side of his shadow towards Red as retaliation. His shadow curved around Red, and from the curve fired three black spikes. One at his side, one at his shoulder, and the last at the base of his neck. With that last act of "valor" Damian fell to the pavement, blood seeping from his fresh wound. This was a whole new pain to him, the shock had rendered him into whiplash leaving him in a state of quiet shock. When his wits finally came about him, he held his wound tight to dull the pain and also keep from bleeding out.
Clark hadn't realised it but as the sun shone brightly the warm temperature slowly made his body more and more relaxed and the melody of the birds singing were like a lullaby to him. Soon enough his head slowly fell backwards as he began to gently snore after having drifted of to sleep on a bench. Luckily for Clark hardly anyone passed the area he was napping at so it would save him any embarrassment in the future.

However even if he was spotted snoring and drooling slightly on a park bench the attention on him would be drawn away from him abd towards the loud bang that came from nearby . Clark jumped up and out of the park bench from the sudden loud noise. The birds singing flew out from the trees and the two young squirrel that were fighting fled up a nearby tree. Clark wiped the saliva from his mouth and looked around for the source of the noise. The sudden movement of his neck caused and aching pain from it being in an awkward position but there were more prominent thoughts on Clark's mind.

Although not his smartest idea Clark decided to investigate in case someone was injured or in trouble. There wasn't much he could do when he got there but Clark had his phone in his hand in case he needed to call emergency services. Despite feeling sluggish Clark made his best attempt to jog towards the commotion.


Map of town and school

Wallet ($10)

Dorm key
James opened his eyes, and gasped in lungfuls of air, panting.

Whiteness. No, not pure whiteness. He was in a room of sorts, lying down on his back. He was wearing a sort of thin gown, and he was quite cold.

"Hello?" He called, but nobody seemed to respond. He propped himself up on one elbow, and looked around himself, his eyes now fully focused. Where the hell was he?

Someone had heard his call, a woman, in sanitary clothes, like those of a doctor or nurse. When she saw James, she covered her mouth, her eyes wide in shock.

James looked himself down, assuming he must have had something on him, and looked behind himself as well, but there was just a plain white wall.

"What? What is it?" He asked her, a bit weirded out by his situation, and her reaction.

She then proceeded to faint.

James was really starting to worry now. Where the hell was he, and why did she look at him like a ghost?

Then it hit him. There were large drawers in one side of the wall, drawers big enough to fit a human. They did fit a human.

He had died, and woken up in a morgue.

He proceeded to almost follow the example of the woman, but managed to get a hand on the wall to stop himself falling. How had he died? Why wasn't he dead now?

And then, more practically - where were his things?

He pushed through the door, looking around for some kind of place where they'd keep his belongings. he went through another door, and began to look through drawers, trying to find his stuff.

Another person walked through the door to this other room, another woman, and she began to scream, running away, presumably to alert someone else. He needed to hurry, he realised.

He opened another drawer, and there they were, his clothes, his dice, his deck of cards, everything he had on him before he... he couldn't remember anything before signups day. How long had he been out? He looked at the clock in the room, it was one that showed the date as well. He had been out a long time. Jesus christ.

He quickly put on his clothes, and put his other things in them. That woman was probably going to come back with help, so he needed to get moving.

He ran through several doors before bursting onto the street. In front of him, he saw two boys and a girl. One shot at the other, but the second boy threw up some kind of dark wall, stopping one bullet. What the hell? What was happening? First he died, now someone's doing some kind of darkness magic while someone's killing them.

"Help" He thought.
Ukime hid herself behind a trash bin that was near a drink store. She would peak out from the bin to see the men standing their, talking about the current situation. Ukime frowned as she pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts. The first was Kai since he w as the first she met. She clicked on his name and pressed the enter key. Bringing to her ear she heard another gun shot go off, making her flinch toward the ground. She saw a bunch of movies on guns and gun wars, and targets but she never thought she be in it herself. Maybe it was a mix up, maybe there was another person like her. The phone began to ring which brought a smile to her face as she listened intensely to it ring. After three rings the phone sent her to voice mail. She frowned as she looked through her other contacts. She hadn't seen Roe in forever, well to her it seemed that way. She didn't attend school as much, usually slept through most of the lectures and left as soon as the bell rung. She made no other friend, never really tried to. Her thoughts were if they want to be your friend they'll approach first. She sighed closing her phone and slipping it back into her pocket.

"Damn damn damn damn. A new episode of irregular magic comes on tonight...."

"Ukime Kiyo, we know you are hiding behind the bin. Please come out we would like to have a small chat with you."

"The hell, you do."

Was this because of her fathers debuts are something else. She groaned as she tired to think of a plan. Running back from where she was , was not such a good idea. Running toward the side was even worse, and their was no small alley way between her and the water shop. Run and gun maybe. She sighed knowing out of everything that was the worst she could come up with. Crouching down and peeking she saw the men stare at the bin. Distraction maybe. She picked up a small can that had fallen out of the bin and tossed it near the other side of the car. The men looked at the can , Ukime standing up and darting away from them and around the corner of the water store. Up ahead was the local park that she could take refuge in, maybe the woods or one of the slides. Running as fast as she could she could hear the heavy feet from behind her.
"Witchcraft? Ha. Witchcraft is part of England's history." She thought.

England was way more stranger than Brookfield, witchcraft is part of England's history so it's pretty understandable that there be other places being involved with it. Everything that Ben was saying bought back memories of her home but it was strange because England didn't have "spirits". It was mostly mad, insane people who go nuts over crazy black magic shit and go on a rampage saying they'll bring back the witches who turned into ashes and avenge them but that was all in the past now. England finally calmed down with it's crazy stuff about magic, all they care about now was tea and the queen.

With a sigh, Alice just shook her head,"So these spirits must be what are known as hollows." She mumbled but suddenly heard a gunshot, turning her head to see what happened,"What the heck?" She said confused.
Hotaru listened intently as the two spoke on and on. From her view of the window, the sun was reaching it's highest peak. Her concentration on the cat and the window was broken when she heard the word witchcraft. That was always a trigger word for her. Curious and boredom possessed her mind to embark the mysteries of fears that plague the mind. Her family states that she has dumb luck, she would have died but someone was up in the heavens looking after her.

She looked over to the two who were talking. Once again her attention went to the window. There was Damian walking and then a red head running up to him. They conversed for a while. Hotaru didn't mind them. She felt her eye twitch a bit as she continued watching. For some odd reason she couldn't pull away. A familiar red haired boy was entered into the picture.

Hotaru stood up.


Ear buds



Voodoo doll

Stray male cat


| Afternoon |

| Saturday |

Date: September 21, 2014

The loud booms of the gun startled the entire restaurant and anyone within a dozen blocks. Gunshots were loud, enough to rattle the eardrums quite a bit. With the first bullet blocked, and the second one finding it's way into Damain's shoulder, Red instantly felt victory. Had he really done it? The terrible, murderous monster was finally put to rest by a swift and straight-forward solution by Red? It felt too good to be true.

A surging pain speared through him. First at the side, another at the shoulder, the two pinning him in place standing.
"Guh-.. What the fu-" The last spike impaled straight through his throat, turning his speech into a gurgling desperate attempt at breathing. Blood fell from his wounds and pooled at his boots, staining them in the same color as his hair. Red.

There were only two types of people at that moment. The brave, and the afraid. Most people were afraid, retreating behind solid cover while the more brave of the bunch gathered around the window to see what was going on, despite the calling of the scared.

Dominic was among the brave. Too much shit had happened for him to simply think it was a random bout between two unfamiliar people. His friends were there, meaning one of them could have gotten hurt. Unfortunately, the pile of bodies that blocked his view prevented him from seeing what actually happened. "Move out of the way!" He shouted.

Sirens were heard not too far into the future. The police were coming. Kenshi, what's going on? Can you see? There was a brief pause before the spirit replied to him. No, but I sensed a great surge of power just now. It was Lance's. Oh no.

The less he knew, the better he would sleep, and it seemed he wouldn't be getting any sleep now. Was Damian injured? With Damian's luck, him being involved in a serious incident seemed likely, very likely.

Tyrik, who had instantly formed between Alice and the direction in which the gunshot sound came from, eased a little.
That sound-.. it's not a good sound, is it? She questioned Alice looking back at her, the concealed emotion was obviously of concern. Whatever, you're not injured, right? Good.
Looking over at Hotaru then at Tyrik, her eyes showing concern of what was happening outside,"No, it's not and I'm fine but whoever it was is not." She said getting up as well with Hotaru, holding the male cat in her arms, looking at Ben,"Sorry Ben, we have to go now! Thank you for the inform though, it helped a lot." She said smiling at him and then patted Hotaru on the shoulder,"Want to go check out what it was?" She whispered to her softly so no one could hear their little plan.
Hotaru watched the window with watery eyes. She hadn't blinked yet, Hotaru shook her head a bit to quickly adjust to reality and glanced at Alice. Hotaru nodded and quickly took the cat from Alice and stuffed him in her shirt. Once the gunshot was heard, she was very worried about Damian.

People quickly crowded to the windows to see what was up with the world outside. Like trapped birds in a cage, everyone began to chatter to themselves. Younger children cried as their food were knocked over by the people running. Hotaru held the fidgeting cat in her shirt and took Alice's hand. Crouching low to the ground she weaved in and out. Not many were trying to get out of the building, they were more interested in watching the fight.
Nikky turned her head directed towards the gun shots, shit, she stopped herself before her instincts forced her to jump to the ground. She took a few seconds to clear her head to think and pinpoint where the gun shots were coming from. She took a step forward, it was funny, you usually run away from to people with guns not towards them. However, as she approached, the thought of being in real danger never really crossed her mind, she just wanted to see what exactly was happening. As she was making her way towards the first gunshots 2 more sounded, it was a bit more faint but it was definitely heard. It drawed away her attention for a few seconds, but it was long enough for her to bump and knock over a boy in the process.

"Ah crap, Sorry!" She quickly jumped back up looking away to hide her red face while laughing at herself.
Watching as the cat was taken out of her hand and was now replaced with Hotaru's hand, pulling her out of the crowd of people as they watched for anything else to happen. Alice rolling her eyes and looking at those people with disgust,"Such immature fools." She grumbled annoyed but she couldn't do anything about it and just went with Hotaru, out of the crowded restaurant and into the outside world.

Looking around for where the fight could be, she noticed Hotaru was staring at something else and followed where her eyes were being distracted from. Noticing three people, girl with red hair unknown to her but the other two, she knew well enough,"D-damien and Red?" She whispered the names of the two boys, seeing the pool of blood that surrounded Red, the same color as his hair, and the wound that Damien was holding at his side.

Her eyes couldn't believe it but what she was seeing was the real deal. Damien killed someone in public, in the open where every human being can see with their naked eye, Alice herself even Hotaru to see. Well it wasn't technically Damien but his Zodiac, Lance, or so Alice thought, seeing the dark shadow-like spike stabbed through Red's throat.

She wasn't sure what to do in this situation and only awaited for Hotaru to make a move and confront this mess but Alice was tempted to run over and stop them, gripping at Hotaru's hand a little, signalling she wanted to do something and not stand around any longer.
Derek was headed off to a large clearing of some sort to have space to breathe in the air. Anxiety usually lead him to space out, this was quickly proved to be correct at the moment of listening to loud crack in the air. It was like a firework in daylight. His wondering mind sent him to the ground bumping into a girl. She was small with curly brown hair and glasses perched on her nose. Raising a brow, Derek watched as the girl quickly collected herself and stood up, apologizing.

The boy looked over to the girl in question, he felt like he should be the one apologizing to her, "I'm sorry for bumping into you..." His one track mind resembled to a dog's. He quickly asked the girl about the noise, "Did you happen to hear the noise..?" Curiosity fueled his mind.

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