- Zodiac - [Inactive]

James had managed to follow Dominic from where Red died. He was talking to... nothing, it seemed. More weirdness on top of everything else, that was just what he needed!

Suddenly he started running after whatever he was talking, and James struggled to keep up with him while still remaining undiscovered.

He had said something about that guy, Damian, the one who killed Red, and he was in here. Considering what else they said, about him not hesitating to kill them... that worried James quite a bit.

Nevertheless, he followed him to some old factory. He started saying he needed someone to do a magic circle for him.

James realised, he sort of knew how to make one. An old game he once learned involved one. It was a vague possibility, but that might be exactly what Dominic needed.

However, he was still wary, so stayed hidden behind an old crate.
Farra frowned as she was led out of the police station. How could this have happened? She made sure that she cleaned up after herself! Someone must've snitched...a very clever someone...Never mind. She was coming around the corner, back to where Red was killed.

Suddenly she heard speach. Whirling around, Farra saw Dominic talking to...nobody. Weird. Behind him, she saw another boy whom she didn't know. Dominic walked off quickly, the boy following. Two can play at this game.

Farra trailed behind the pair as they came to an old factory. The second boy hid behind a crate, watching Dom. Farra decided to do the same; it seemed to be the best option right now, anyways. "Sup. I'm Farra, and now it seems we're snooping together. Nice to meet ya!"
Once Hotaru helped Red's limp body against the tree, the male black cat kept trying to gain attention to the fainted body of Alice. He would rub against her and would purr. Hotaru frowned, this cat was out for attention. The cat sneezed and grimaced while twitching it's whiskers. He hissed from the back of his throat as Red was sat up against the tree. He jumped side to side as if he was waiting to strike, the cat jumped onto Red. Like a yelp from a dog, Hotaru pulled cat away and gave Red a pat on his head for being motionless and to not scream. This action was a bit silly to her, Red was dead and she was acting like he was still alive and well. She suppressed a grin and kept herself in control, it was a wonderful sight to her. The dead was so interesting, they were like large dolls waiting to play tea party. Snapping back to reality, Hotaru listened to what Dominic had to say.

Of course she had thought that whatever Dominic had to say was stupid. Reverse psychology was it? Dominic was literally yelling out that everyone should follow him. Holding her cat-

Her cat? He wasn't even hers, is she.....getting attached to a stray? Shaking her head a bit, she held the cat close to her body. The feline struggled as Hotaru made her way to Dominic. She looked back at the passed out Alice and the dead corpse rotting as the midday sun was setting in the sky. She felt bad for leaving them alone. The cat became restless and pulled his claws out ready to strike. Hotaru flicked his nose before making her way to an elderly pair in the streets. They were playing chess and had enjoyed the commotion from before. Hotaru was going to ask them to watch over her friend and a dead person when she realized the cold hard truth. She had forgotten her slate and marker. Oh, and the dead corpse thing as well. Charades was the most vile thing ever invented. She snapped her fingers to try to get their attention, when that did not work Hotaru had to mess their game up. They were done with the game and didn't really mind, the old geezers still kept their attention to the game. Hotaru mentally screamed and flipped their table over. Now that was the end of the line, they worked very hard to assemble the table and set it up in the most perfect place where the sun hits the white knight's piece but does not burn the souls of the black pieces. They were....actually pretty chill about it. Hotaru finally gained their attention. She pointed at her friend and then at the dead corpse. She cupped her eyes as if she was looking for something. Translating, this meant that she wanted the old men to look after her friend and a dead body.

Without confirming with them, she took off with a sprint, cat still in hands. Dominic yelled at his wolf zodiac and left with a hurry. Without even trying to hide, she kept a distance of ten meters from him. He was clearly after his wolf. The black cat tried to wiggle out of her grip. Seeing that she was suffocating the cat, Hotaru let him go. The cat fell to his feet and shook his fur. Hotaru frowned glancing at the cat and then at Dominic. Leaving the cat, Hotaru ran to Dominic who was trailing the wolf. The cat knew that Hotaru left and began to walk after her. After a while, the wolf led the group to a factory. Dominic began to recall memories, not too far off Hotaru could hear people conversing. Dominic literally asked for it. She slowed her steps and waited for them to notice her.

Hotaru heard the word magic circles and instantly became interested with the conversation. With slow and steady steps, she approached them like a ghost, the black cat followed her. With a two-finger salute to Dominic, she grinned at the wolf.
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While Dominic had told them to stay back, the dog, whom Adonna assumed was Dominic's Zodiac, contradicted him. They bickered over something... from what Adonna could garner, it was about another Zodiac/Human pair. Dominic's passive stance was aggravating the wolf.

"If you're truly still going to hold onto that while Red's lifeless body lies here, fine."

What? Adonna snapped her head to Red's body. True, she had no love for the man, but... death was a different playing field. She walked over the to body and put two fingers against the side of the boy's neck. Still warm, but no pulse. She pulled her fingers away... this isn't good... and on top of that, she'd just touched a dead body. Pulling her white shirt down, she rubbed down the spot she'd touched the dead boy. Just in case. It was apparent now that this was no scene in a film. This all had something to with the Zodiacs...

Whatever, she could sort it out later-
No. Now. Now was the time she had to figure things out, on the fly, with what was said between Damian and the white wolf. Some supernatural showdown had caused the death of the bully, and now Dominic and the Wolf were reacting. The wolf was calling for their help- no, not their help, but their Zodiacs. Ulysses...

With a singular warning, the white wolf took off. Dominic was soon to follow. Then Hotaru. Adonna followed best she could, the strain of having to keep up with the runners did not make her injury a happy injury. It began to bleed with renewed enthusiasm, a fantastically bright red stain growing over stark white cotton. She only noticed after they stopped at the abandoned warehouse. All there was to do was frown and ignore it. Having followed them, her decision had been inadvertently made. She was in this now.

Now the wolf was talking of magic circles. At this, Hotaru reacted with a fine sort of attentiveness. It took Adonna back, back to the start of school, when the girl had inquired for the whereabouts of an Occult club.
Go figure.
Shun sighed in relief once the crowd and police, in belief of his farce, showed signs of dispersing without further acknowledgement of the situation at hand.

It was nothing more than a small trick I learned from a friend.

Shun smiled in response to Bastion's praise, but quickly turned his attention toward Dominic who began explaining the back story concerning the boy who had murdered the corpse at hand.

Although Dominic's words were full of self denial, Shun patiently stood in silence, pondering the various possibilities that might arise from such an ordeal; however, as Dominic attempted to deny their company along his chase, Shun quickly opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by a white wolf that suddenly materialized and began an explanation of its own.

Shun once again smiled as the wolf's wisdom was very much like the words he had intended to speak, but as the creature leap off into the distance, Shun was left to sigh as he dispelled the camera club students and the blanket once covering the corpse. Quickly summoning the swallow from before, Shun made use of its speed and vision to tail the wolf, all while calmly walking toward their destination. Unlike his peers which had sprinted in chase, Shun who was feeling the effects of his fatigue and injuries had no desire to worsen his condition; but rather, he wished to simply make use of a calm walk to clear his mind and devise a strategy for any upcoming events.

Factoring the possibility of a battle between the assaulter and their group, Damian proved a difficult conundrum for Shun's plans as memories of his talents would make their combat difficult. Ranged attacks could be beaten in close quarters, whereas the vice-versa would also hold true. These were both common themes in strategy games he had played in the past, yet in the case of Damian, Lance brought what Shun assumed to be stellar talent in close range combat with the additional annoyance of his long range capabilities in tendrils. Scratching his head, Shun sighed in frustration as he pondered each of their own Zodiac's capabilities.

Having never seen his talents, Dominic was a wild card; Alice and Adonna were both duelists of sort; Hotaru was their support; and himself a mix among their group's talents?

Recalling the metal burden of his ability in fights, thoughts, doubting his capabilities in battle, began to slowly infect Shun's mind to the point of replacing the mask upon his face for the calming effect it brought upon his soul.

Although their initial meeting had been sour, Shun in experience of the recent chain of events had grown to truly welcome Bastion's presence. Both were relatively quiet souls who lived a life of their own well being, and both had a curiosity, seen through their similar creative flares, toward the world. They were very much alike rather than apart.

You've become quite the acquaintance, Bastion.

Although his arrival at the warehouse would be much later due to his pace, Shun would still arrive in time to hear the talk of magic circles that the wolf claimed necessary for the continuation of their journey.

"Zodiacs use witchcraft?"

Shun's tone was incredulous toward the wolf, but with a chuckle and shake of his head, Shun began focusing on the swallow which had simply been circling the sky above. Noticing two figures hiding behind a crate not too far off in the distance, Shun had the swallow dive in their direction, stopping to perch it atop the crate just before collision. Through its eyes, Shun began to inspect the pair without recognition of their appearance, and with another shrug, he turned his attention back toward the group.

"Well if we need me to materialize anything for this ritual, I should be able too. That is if I know what it is. Also there are two unknown students over there."

Shun spoke his final words in a bored tone with a quick nod in the direction that the two were hiding. He was unconcerned about their presence as any understanding of the situation at hand would hardly be possible, and anything supernatural they happened to see would simply be passed off as bogus in the face of others.

Waiting for the wolf to finalize their plans, Shun seated himself onto the ground where he began to amuse himself by eavesdropping on the eavesdroppers through the swallow that had begun to rhythmically pace atop the crate.
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"Jesus!" James said, whispering harshly to avoid being heard. There was a girl behind him, one he recognised from the school.

"Who the hell are you? How long have you been following me?" He asked the girl, "And have you got any idea what the hell's going on? You saw that guy, right, talking to things that weren't there?"
Clark was relieved realising that the girl knew a way out of this mess. Meaning he wouldn't be getting shot today...probably. Clark, still being new to the town, followed Nikky without question. Even if she didn't know where to go Clark wouldn't know any better route to safety so didn't complain when he suspected that she didn't. Once they were finally out of the woods Clark rubbed his jeans as best as he could but the dirt wasn't coming out any time soon. But it was better than having blood stains on his clothes.

When asked about what happened Clark casually pointed to Ukime. "She's the one that dragged me into that crap. Ask her." Clark answered, clearly annoyed. Not just from being dragged into a situation where he could've died but crawling through the woods resulting in messing up his clothes and the multiple branches that scratched and whacked his face had chipped away at his patience.
Farra giggled. "Hehe, gotcha! I'm Farra Rei. I saw him talking to air, so I decided to follow. You're not of any interest. But I'm obliged to ask your name. What is it?" She scanned him up and down, when she heard a shuffle behind her. She turned and saw Hotaru and Adonna, who weren't hiding. They must be in on this. "Hm..."
James was unsure whether or not he should trust this girl. He'd only just met her, and in a very weird situation...

Ah well, she was from the school, that had to count for something.

"I'm James. I'm from the same school as you, maybe you saw me?" James asked the girl, although she didn't seem to have recognised him, so it was unlikely.

"Do you have any idea what Hotaru and that other girl are doing? They look like they're something to do with all of this weird s*** that's been happening recently..."
Ukime followed her not minding all the scratches since she was used to them. Standing up and brushing off the twigs and dead leaves she shoved her hands in her pockets and gave a mean glare toward the boy. She should be the one annoyed she was being chased after all, a real gentlemen he he was. She turned toward the girl and gave her a shrug before looking away.

"I don't really know why they were chasing after me, maybe my dad I guess. "

She turned Clark and gave him a hiss.

"I was going to say thanks but it looks like I don't need to. Ever heard of being a gentlemen, your annoyed attitude pisses me off. You weren't being chased by guns. I'm sure if they found you they would have left you be and just taken me, hell they could have killed me. Selfish ass."

A black suv pulled up and stopped roughly on its break, the door quickly shot open as Kai stepped out. Running over and pushing past the other two he gave her a bear hug, nearly suffocating her with his chest.

"Damnit why didn't you call. Are you hurt, who were they, did you get a good glimpse of their face. If I was there I would have killed them. Come one we need to leave this place before more come."

He backed away from her and grabbed her by the wrist, dragging her along. Ukime looked back toward the girl and gave her a small wave.

"Nikky right ? Thank you."

Running around toward the front seat she hopped in as Kai started the car and drove off.
"Do you have any idea what Hotaru and that other girl are doing? They look like they're something to do with all of this weird s*** that's been happening recently..." The boy seemed troubled. "James, you said? Um...well...I think they're demon worshippers or something crazy like that." Farra lowered her voice even more; "I know Hotaru is. Anyways, what you think?"


| Evening |

| Saturday |

Date: September 21, 2014

Just on cue with Kenshi's question, Hotaru made herself known to the two. Dominic assumed right off the bat that she was the to come to when it came to magic circles. He spotted the confusion among the wolf's features and explained for her. "Uh, this is Hotaru. It doesn't seem like she's got her board with her, so she won't speak." "Can't, or won't?" "I-.. I don't know. Anyway, telling by the grin on her face, she knows a thing a two about those circles." The wolf visually inspected Hotaru, looking for any telltale features of a witch or any knowledge of the subject, but ultimately Kenshi nodded in acceptance of her help. "Very well, follow me inside." With one paw, the Zodiac was able to swipe away the rusted chain lock and grant everyone access. With that, Kenshi led Hotaru toward the biggest warehouse building in the yard.

"There are two unknown students over there."

Shun's words were at least heard by Dominic, who instantly shifted his gaze over by the crate that was once being used as the student's cover. He frowned at the sight - one was Farra, while the other was a boy he hadn't seen before. "Why the hell are you following us?" Alas, a hidden side of Dominic was briefly shown as he approached the two who seemed to not even notice their own exposure. "This isn't an attraction, go home." Most of it was the anger of realizing that Damian was in trouble. Now he had found something to vent it out on, which was a pair of nosey students.

Meanwhile, Kenshi would have entered the warehouse by now. The air smelled of dust and something horribly rotten. Some sounds of scattering filled the large and long room, probably some animals. The sounds quickly died down in the same speed as they did appear. Kenshi stopped at spot on the dusty ground that wasn't covered in liter. "This is big enough." He stated, looking at Hotaru. "The circle you will be forming is on my right paw. Recreate it and the masked boy will form the surrounding candles." Kenshi made himself comfortable while also making his paw easily visible.


Now that it was pointed out, all of the drawings on Kenshi's fur resembled a magic circle of sorts, each linked by a single line. "We'll worry about activating it when it's made, now where's that masked boy? We'll need something to draw it with."
Seeing Dominic go to deal with the eavesdroppers, Shun rose from the ground and followed the wolf into the warehouse all while listening to the necessities of creating the circle. Dispelling the swallow outside, Shun took hold of Bastion's brush and began summoning the candles and a set of brush paint that Hotaru could use.

"There you go."
Farra frowned. "Listen here, kid. If there's creepy shit going on around here, I need to know. After all...I know a bit about murder myself." Her eyes glinted with lust and excitement. "As for this guy," she added, pointing over to James, "I don't know what you're gonna do about him." Crossing her arms, Farra stood up. "You saw those tax collector guys? They're FBI agents, and they came for me. I'm a suspect in murder..but if you don't let me--us-- come, I'll give them another suspect to investigate. So, we got a deal?"
Hotaru's gaze quickly hopped from one machinery to another, it was amazing to see the dust collected in the factory. She sneezed and held her burning nose. Shaking the goosebumps off, Hotaru listened intently to the wolf. She sat in the middle of the clear area. Taking one of the brushes, she dipped it in pain and extend her hand. Acting like a compass, she moved clockwise three times. Some magic circles required the three extra brushstrokes to make it stronger. Hotaru reeled her hand in a bit and created the next inner circle. She continued until all of the inner circles were in place. Hotaru's real problem was to space everything out evenly. If she had know that she was going to making a magic circle she would have brought a ruler. Deciding that she could deal with the parts of the drawing that required a ruler later, Hotaru continued to draw a crescent moon.

In her head she was slowly interpenetrating what the circle meant. The moon obviously meant night, the sun meant day, and the star in the middle was sunset or sunrise. The Chinese characters meant the cardinal directions. Hotaru needed to fill in the details, she extended the line from one vertex to the middle of the line. Now for the Zodiac signs, Hotaru placed her right hand on the back of neck as she drew out the signs in clockwise manner. She placed her left hand on her and drew the remaining signs.

Now for the things that required a ruler. Hotaru decided she go at an estimate to figure out the area of the gap between two inner circles. Clearing her throat, she began to draw out the lines. It was barely enough, letting out a relieved sigh, Hotaru stood up with a closed eyes smile and quickly jumped out of the magic circle. She looked back at the wolf with a tilted head, Hotaru could hear yelling that clearly came from outside.


| Evening |

| Saturday |

Date: September 21, 2014

Farra spoke her last phrase as if it were a threat; it was how Dominic received it. He clicked his teeth in annoyance. What were the chances that they would be getting extra burden? It was emotionally wrecking enough, now they had another murderer on their hands. It brought him to wonder if she was involved in the killings. So far, she didn't look like she had any claws or large teeth. This was the same girl that sat behind him in Mutton's class every day. Who would have known?

Dominic didn't want to decide something that would affect the entire group. Looking behind him, he would have expected to see Shun standing there, but who he saw instead was Adonna, the girl he barely knew but understood that she had a role to play just as much as everyone else. "What do you think, should we?" He asked her, only just now noticing the reddening patch of blood at her side. "H-Hey, you alright..?"


Kenshi watched Hotaru construct the circle without hesitation. It piqued his interest in what she may have known about witchcraft, or magic in general. Kenshi believed that humanity discarded magic as being fake, thanks to movies and their fairy tales. It's good to have a Zodiac like Kenshi around. Bastion commented, only Shun could hear what the Zodiac had to say. He's one of the most knowledgeable spirits I've met in Limbo. Stubborn, too.

"That'll do." Kenshi tapped his tail against the ground, scanning the warehouse as if he expected to notice something else of importance. Now all they had to do was wait for Dominic and Adonna to catch up - but what took them so long?
Nikky tilted her head, why would Ukime be chased by random those people an idea popped up that they could be tied to the recent murders. But she quickly tossed out the idea, obviously whoever was killing people wouldn't be so foolish as to chase someone in broad daylight.

Nikky smiled to herself as Ukime scolded the boy, but it was strange she seemed to be pretty cool headed considering she was just chased by guns. She examined Ukime for a second to realise she was bleeding, before she could properly address it a boy with hair comparable to a hedgehogs spikes showed up and whisked the girl away. Nikky managed to hear Ukime's words of gratitude before disappearing in a car.

"Be careful next time!" She yelled but they were gone and doubted her message carried, she was curious, yes. But today was enough excitement. Her stomach started to do backflips as she thought about her talk with her aunt not to mention the really heavy awkwardness that seemed to be hanging over her. She looked over at the boy looking rather upset, she had seen him before but the name escaped her, she stuck out her hand towards him.

"Erm hi, I'm Nikky Viole and you are?"

Love, Tapatalk

Love, Tapatalk
Listening to Bastion's words, Shun gave Kenshi an appreciative nod for the help he had given to their group. With the circle complete, Shun wondered the reasoning behind the hold up of Dominica and Adonna. Walking out to check on the situation, Shun noticed the conversation between the eavesdroppers and Dominic, but his focus quickly shifted to follow the boy's gaze toward Adonna's reddening side.

"Hotaru, we might be needing your help out here as well."

Shun's voice was directed toward the open warehouse which due to its open space, would have allowed his words to echo within.

Turning his attention back to the two students, Shun noticed the girl's crossed arms and defiant gaze laced with a hint of excitement, and quickly understood the situation at hand.

Some attempt of blackmail, I assume.

Shun sighed with a shake of his head as walked up to Dominic to voice his opinion of the situation.

"I don't know the details of what they coerced you with, but they cannot get involved. From what I know about your friend's abilities and Kenshi's description of Lance, keeping ourselves safe will be task enough if a fight breaks out."
Strangely enough, even as the girl scolded him Clark seemed to calm down and casually stood where he was and let the girl rant on until she quickly went of in an suv.

Clark smiled. "Me? Not a gentleman? I'll have you know I'm quite the chivalrous teen. Clark said to Nikky. The sarcasm being obvious. Clark gave a sigh of relief. It seemed he was out of danger now and he could finally relax. This was certainly and eventful day for him. "Hey Nikky my names Clark Wilson. Your in the same class as me right? Clark asked. Shaking Nikky's hand.
When the group had split, Adonna had remained with Dominic, to even out the numbers. She placed herself somewhere between the entrance and where Dominic was, so she only caught the end of the conversation had between him and the girl behind the crate.

She was surprised when he asked her for her input. Right before he noticed her injury. Adonna glanced down at the bright patch on her shirt, and shook her head, "It'll be fine," there was nothing she could do about it as of now.

Before she could reply to Dominic's inquiry, Shun spoke wise words. It fell along Adonna's own thoughts. She closed in the space between her and Dominic, speaking in a low voice so only he could hear. "Shun's right. It's our job to keep bystanders safe." It was only human for them to be curious, but the four of them who had power were obliged to keep outsiders from being dragged into danger. There would be no good gained from enlightening or involving non-Zodiac users to the current situation.
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Farra continued to frown at Dominic. "Well? I know what you think. I didn't kill those people, though I do admire their work. It was quite clean, with the blood drainage and all...I'd like to meet them..." Farra zoned out a bit, but snapped back to reality hereafter. Her expression evolved into a scowl as the boy continued to remain silent. "I really don't have all day, and I assume you all have some," Farra shook her hands mockingly, "special powers. Well, I think I'm pretty good with any sharp object. Got a knife with you?" She was met by annoyed looks. Her scowl deepened. "I'm not letting my friends get killed today," she said solemnly.
Shun sighed in frustration toward the girl's stubborn attempt at following their party into the possible dangers to come. Walking up to confront her directly, Shun took a deep breath and began his second attempt at deterring the newcomer.

"So playing along with your words by considering the fact that the film club is in fact magical, just what is a knife going to accomplish for your well being?"

Pausing to give Dominic and Adonna a hand motion toward the warehouse while mouthing the words, Go on ahead, Shun let out a small chuckle before continuing his bored explanation.

"Considering you wish to keep your friends safe, why would you want to bring him along."

Shun nodded toward the other boy who had been eavesdropping in assumption that he was one of this girl's friends.

"Though I assume I have hardly convinced you, so if you chose to tag along. Please be aware that you fend for your own life. We ARE dangerous people after all."

Giving a smile and small bow, Shun began walking toward the warehouse hoping his second ruse would have worked. Although his words had been directed as a sarcastic attack on the girl's argument, the true target behind Shun's play of the danger was the boy by her side. Shun had noticed the uncertainty that existed on his face, and by giving their party an image of danger, he hoped the boy would convince the girl to leave or at the least, stall her from following.

Once he was hidden by the partially closed doors and darkness of the warehouse, Shun replaced Bastion's mask and drew his brush once more. As he quickly prepared his next painting, a twinge of pain struck the side of his temple, but attempting to ignore it, Shun drew Bastion's gun and shot the new painting. What he summoned was a replica of Red's body from the scene before. The body would appear realistic with the injuries and stains of blood exactly as the corpses, yet if further inspection would be made, it would appear to be nothing more than a well done doll. Hoping this would prove as a second distraction for the girl, Shun made his way back to the circle where he expected to find his acquaintances preparing for their departure.
Hotaru perked up when her name was called by Shun. With her head still tilted she waved goodbye to the wolf and skipped happily to the entrance. Right off the bat she noticed Farra with her blue hair. Hotaru waved at her with a smile, she waved at Adonna who was still bleeding from her injury, Hotaru waved at Dominic who was focused on the two stubborn girls, and Hotaru gave a frantic wave at Shun. It took a while before she realized why she was called.

Adonna and Farra needed a hug! Hotaru gave Adonna and Farra a hug. In fact, she gave everyone a hug,. Hotaru looked down at her arms when she realized that she smeared Adonna's blood on everyone. Smiling sheepishly, Hotaru quickly peeled the wet liquid off of everyone. Her head was still mixed with the effects of sugar. This is why no one gives her sugar. How did she even get it? Soul Food! She silently snickered at the thought of the bright red cherry pie.

With a more serious look, Hotaru gathered the blood and walked quickly over to Adonna's side. Instead of inserting the blood back into her blood stream, Hotaru examined the blood. It will not do, due to the open wound, infections could easily head into her bloodstream and Adonna would be in more despair. Taking a small drop of Adonna's blood, Hotaru thinned it out and sharpened the edges. She plunged it into her artery in her wrist and quickly drew blood out. Holding it up in the air, she needed a clean cloth. Using her own shirt, Hotaru cleaned Adonna's wound and quickly inserted the lost blood in her wound. As always she clotted the blood up to keep it from spilling. Afterwards, she quickly tended to her own injuries caused by herself.
Sarcasm was strong in this one, which brought a smile to her face but also a quizzical look. She shook his hand, "I knew I saw you somewhere before." Her head was clearing up and she looked back at the park, and chuckled a bit. Wow, this'll be a nice story to tell her grandkids one day. Alright, sure. It was a stupid thing to do, but it was fun, not to mention it saved someone from possibly being killed, maybe. Yep, definitely going to write that one down for the books.

"It was nice meeting you, so uh, I'll seeya later."

She turned on her heel and began walking home, but then it occured to her she wasn't quite sure where home was. Well that's embarassing, she turned back towards Clark with a helpless expression.

"Erm, do you know where the dorms are?"

Love, Tapatalk
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Hotaru, after hugging James and covering him in blood, suddenly seemed to draw the blood from him. She then used a similar technique to patch up another girl, who had been bleeding.

"Hotaru?" He asked, "this is what you meant before, isn't it, when you said hude and seek, with the rituals, isn't it?"

James continued, "Please, Hotaru, you have to tell me what's going on. People have DIED tonight. You can't all just ignore me and Farra. We will find out, if you tell us or not.

And Farra, seriously, threatening these people -NOT a good idea!"

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