- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Clark had originally planned to go to the cafeteria after class but when he got there it was packed and the chance of him getting food in a reasonable amount of time didn't seem very likely. Clark sighed and thought over what places there were in town that would serve some decent food. He remembered hearing people talk about Soul Food before so he checked on the map. Thankfully it wasn't too far away from the school.

Clark walked outside with his umbrella at the ready however he quickly put it away realising that the rain had cleared now and the sun was out. Clark stretched his arms and the rest of his body, they were still stiff from sitting at his desk listening to boring teachers and sitting hunched over his test. Staring at them as if the answers would've jumped out at him. Unsurprisingly they didn't.

After the short walk Clark had made it to Soul Food. It seemed nice enough and it wasn't too busy. Clark walked in the door and was greeted with the smell of most standard kitchen ingredients and a warm rush of air coming from the kitchen. He looked around the different tables.

"Where to sit..." Clark mumbled to himself.
Nikky opened the door into soul food, the doorbell ringing upon her entrance. The soft hum of conversation filling the restaurant greeted her as she entered. As was to be expected, it was after school and many students tended to swarm Soul food for a late afternoon meal. The woman at the registry watched the news as she waited for customers. The girl approached her and ordered chicken tenders, she had heard they were pretty good but she’d have to be the judge of that. The woman gave a faint smile but Nikky could tell it wasn’t all sincere. “They’ve been talking about this story all day,” The woman gestured at the TV attempting to make small talk. “It’s sad.”

Sad that they’re dead, or sad that the news only likes to talk about death? Nikky kept the thought to herself, however. She then looked up at the TV, “What happened?” The woman looked at her shocked she hadn't heard, “There were more bodies found today, high school students too.” Nikky tilted her head, “Do they know who did it?” The woman shook her head sadly, “No, they did say the bodies were kind of mangled up, Listen, You be careful okay? They were Armstrong high school student.” Nikky smiled at the woman’s advice and nodded, “Yeah, okay.” She then took her meal and sat down at a booth.

Many Armstrong high school students come to Soul food to eat. It wouldn’t be too far fetched that the killer would be on the premises. Watching, and picking out his next victims. She frowned at the thought; her casual observation had turned her paranoid. She mindlessly munched on a chicken tender as she delved into her thoughts only to quickly lose them as she tasted the chicken.

“Golden brown… crispness at optimal levels, juicy and tender… what even?” She stared at the tender in her hand; this was truly an accomplishment to go down in the books. Nikky had always been picky when it came to her favorite food but now she knew to never doubt Soul food again.


Head phones


Some school supplies

and crap

probably a folded up

10 dollar bill in there
There was a certain...air that couldn't be shook.

Jacen had all but turned into a ghost the past few days, often unmotivated to do anything but sit in his dorm and write. Schoolwork wasn't a challenge, his gaming habits dropped off a bit, and to make things worse his newly found friends seemed to be caught in a constant series of nightmares and he wondered when his turn would come .

I need to put a stop to this...I can't let things get to me too much. It's a new town, a new school...I don't have to be as on-guard as I was then. I don't need to put up walls...there's nothing here I have to keep out...yet.

His mind was racing, a constant battle between the two halves of his brain. To be more outgoing, to actually attempt to contact the people he saw as friends, or to keep sitting in the dorm and do the same old things every night and wait for one of these 'Zodiacs' to hit him so that way he could come up with something interesting to talk about.

It shouldn't be that hard, I'm still on good terms with most of them I believe...so why don't I just do it? Oh wait, maybe because last time I tried to be outgoing...Alice got offended. Granted, it wasn't really anyone's fault...but still it was a headache and a half.

Also granted, I'm sitting in Soul Food and going back and forth with myself...

Jacen sat at a table off to the side, a cup of tea and a pastry in front of him that were barely touched.

He looked out to see if there were any of his classmates in right now among the heavy student traffic. He spotted Nikky, who seemed to be visibly enjoying some chicken tenders. At least there's one person I recognize in here. He threw a quick wave and put on a friendly expression...something he had gotten better at since arriving in Brookfield.

Jacen's inventory





A/N: Excuse my craptastic post/absence...gearing up for the end of the school year and beginning of college.


| Evening |

| Thursday |

Date: September 19, 2014

The workplace tour ended in a settling handshake between worker and manager. Dominic was happy, that out of all places, Soul Food was where he would land a job. Not only was it considered one of his hangouts, but it was also one of the major attractions Brookfield had. The honor to work there enlightened him.

As the two came out from the kitchen and into the main dining area for customers, Dominic couldn't help but slow his walking pace to a halt. Almost right away, he spotted familiar faces left and right.
They weren't here when we came in... Strange things such as that were becoming common, and for a moment he struggled to see who he would approach first.


At the table, Tyrik was less than pleased at the sound of Ashlei's voice. Her tone ringed through the helmet like a painful migraine. "This girl reminds me of someone I ought to behead." That 'someone' being Marabel. The similarities between the two were close enough for the Zodiac to hate that personality type all together.

To add onto it, Shun had been staring at Tyrik for a lot longer than preferred. At first, she simply took it as Shun looking in her general direction, but now it was just starting to feel like he actually knew she was there. "The hell you lookin' at? Creep."
Nikky was so enrapted in trying to figure out what made these particular chicken fingers so good that she didn't notice Jacen. She looked up at the sudden attention to see the young man waving at her, the boy wore his mask well, like many of the students but nothing could really escape her watchful eye. Being able to read body language and facial expressions she was quick to learn since she was little that everyone carried some kind of burden, and it was up to her to find out what exactly that burden was, however.

Nikky smirked and picked up her tray to join him. It was better than sitting alone and she wanted to have a proper chat with him or anyone. Maybe they could even pass some ideas back and forth about the recent murders going on in the city. It seemed like a much better idea than losing herself in her own thoughts.

"Jacen, right? What's been up?"
She had to hurry, Hotaru didn't want to keep Alice waiting. Hotaru was looking for an umbrella due to the rain. At one point she saw Ukime and a boy sleeping in silence, Hotaru had to pick a different route. Soon after, the rain stopped and Hotaru didn't an umbrella. Groaning at the unnecessary work, she ran for the entrance doors.

The sun was slowly setting, Hotaru was at Soul Food just outside of the doors. Hotaru pulled open the door, she saw her classmates and Alice conversing inside. Hotaru looked back to Alice and chills went down her spin. Grinning, she didn't know what to do first. She could round up all of her friends into the middle table.

Hotaru headed first for Nikky and Jacen. She temporarily sat at the table, quickly writing words on her slate board, "Yo, Nikky(Thanks for today!)! Hi Jacen! Table over there, want to join me? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧"

Without waiting for response, she hugged them both and quickly made her way to her other classmates. Next was Dominic and a person she didn't recognize, she quickly wrote out her message and showed it off to them, "Hi Dominic! Hi person I don't know but I soon will! Middle table, please? \( ‘з’)/" She gave Dominic a hug and the person with glasses a hug.

Hotaru quickly jogged to Clark, she had seen him around and in her first class, but never had she spoken with him. Hotaru wrote a message on her board and gestured to the table, "Hi! Middle table? I'm Hotaru!ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ"

Hotaru finally caught up to Alice and two other people, Hotaru remembered one from the dream a couple of days ago, she grinned and waved at them before writing on her slate, "Alice! Do you and your friends want to sit at the middle table over there?" She gave her and the two others a hug. Hotaru erased her slate and wrote another message, "Hi! I'm Hotaru!! о(ж>▽<)y ☆" Like always she drew an excited face, even when her face didn't show it.





//Woot! Shitpostx2//
"I'd love to say the usual, but judging by the news I'd say it's anything but and I heard that guy Red got expelled a few days ago."

The-Hotaru came from out of nowhere and moved like a flash of light, all he managed to do was instinctively return her hug. Before he knew it, she was back to zipping around the room.

Looks like I don't have to go out that much...good times seem to find me these days.He turned back to Nikky and took a small sip of tea before speaking.

"Heh...it seems the middle table is going to be the hotspot tonight."
The mention of Red left her feeling a bit bitter, on the day of the incident she could only feel shocked and guilty but now that time has passed she had gotten her head straight and now the mention of the name just pisses her off.

Before she could ask anything else Hotaru swooped in. She should of saw it coming but she was just as surprised as Jacen by the sudden hug from Hotaru; immediately relieving her of any angry thoughts beforehand. Nikky watched as the colorful girl hopped from table to table hugging and greeting people, she had to give her credit for her charisma. She was like an overwhelming ray of sunshine and emoticons. She smiled to herself glad she had managed to make her day a bit better.

"Heh... seems like the middle table is going to be the hotspot tonight"

"Yep, c'mon, let's go table hoppin'" She picked up her tray again and moved towards the middle table.

Love, Tapatalk
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Before Clark could decide where to sit or what to order he was suddenly greeted with one of the most hyper active person he'd met. She'd been zooming from person to person. Greeting them and inviting them to the middle table and Clark realised he was next but before he could escape she was already in front of him with the board at the ready.

He put on a smile "Thanks." Clark said before walking over to the busy middle table. It wasn't so bad for Clark as he did recognise a few people. It wouldn't hurt to meet more. I can't believe I got invited to the table with all the cool kids. Clark thought to himself. It felt weird using sarcasm which only you could hear. Clark missed the effect it had when said out loud but he knew if he did say he'd sound like a total *ss.
Alice couldn't say anymore but her name, smiling at the girl,"Ah Hello Ashlei and Shun! My name is Alice." She said looking over at Ashlei with somewhat unknown anger for the girl. Alice didn't know why she was suddenly angry at Ashlei but shook it off and sat down next to the two,"Oh I'm fine really! I just ordered a soda earlier." She said pointing to her lonely soda that sat at the table.

Looking over at Shun, she suddenly saw a man, a very well-dressed man looking almost as a shadow. Staring at the shadow closely, she noticed that the man gave off a feeling as if he was like Tyrik but she couldn't place her finger on what he was but was disturbed as Hotaru came by.

Hotaru popped out of no where with her slate talking about moving to the middle table and giggled softly, pulling out her paper and pencil, she wrote back her reply,"Hi Hotaru! Sure we'll be over there soon!" She wrote but then when she got a better look at Hotaru, she thought she saw some figure behind Hotaru but it was unclear with all the commotion going on. Turning to Shun and Ashlei, she smiled at the two,"Do you guys want to come? It will be fun!" She said grabbing the two and pulled them along with her to the middle table.

Looking over at all the people, she was surprised at how crowded it was and sighed,"Oh great... so many people from school. Great job Hotaru." She thought looking over at the big group of friends,"Hey guys! I see Hotaru pulled all of us in one table." She said and looked over at Tyrik
Shun only chuckled as the zodiac gave reply to his incessant staring. Although he wished to respond, Shun figured he would appear insane if he were to suddenly reply to a question asked by what he assumed others to perceive as the air itself. His thoughts were broken by the sudden hug that was given by another girl who proceeded to move on to Ashlei and Alice in the same manner.


Shun read out loud the message that was written on the newcomer's board, and after assuming that was her name, he began to wonder if she were Alice's friend. Having been focused on the board and its message, Shun had failed to hear Alice's question, and he suddenly began to wonder why he was being dragged to the middle of the restaurant. Thankfully, Ashlei, who had been listening and was now glowing from excitement, happily gave reply.

"Of course we do, party in the middle!"

Shun allowed himself to be dragged along, as the sudden commotion gave him an opportunity to speak to Zodiac who was still hovering by Alice's side.

"Just looking at a polite Zodiac."

Shun's tone was a whisper, but paired with the direct wink he gave, he figured his target would have no difficulty in receiving his reply.

The middle table was filled with fellow students that Shun recognized but did not personally know, and it was a sigh that Shun gave in reply to Ashlei excitably introducing their arrival.

"Hello all, I'm Ashlei and the quiet, sighing guy is Shun!"

Shun could only manage a wave as his thoughts suddenly distracted him from the meeting at hand. In addition to the presence of Alice's zodiac and his own, he had felt two other similarities upon arriving at the table. Taking a quick glance around, Shun didn't recognize any out of place entities, and so, he simply began to continue his meal as Ashlei would be more than capable of speaking in his place.

Several of your kind in one place. I wonder if anything will happen, Bastion.


| Evening |

| Thursday |

Date: September 19, 2014

Fate had chosen for Hotaru to rush up to Dominic and decide his future for him. Like a slogan that came with every business, she hugged the two and was received equal effort with a returning squeeze.

"You've been busy..." Ben commented while pushing his glasses back onto his face after Hotaru's assault.

"They're nice people, you'll see."

The two made their way to the middle table which was strangely perfect for their numbers. Dominic took a seat and Ben was seated right beside him with matching expressions. Ashlei, a girl Dominic hadn't seen before, introduced herself along with Shun, the boy who Dominic had briefly seen in the nightmare and during the bout with Red. "Nice to meet you, Shun, Ashlei. The name's Dominic, and this Ben." Dominic bobbed his head in Ben's direction, who simply smiled and waved in a manner much like Shun's. "I'm just this guy's adviser." The comment made Dominic chuckle slightly before shaking his head.

Because of the large number of people, a waiter was sent to the table with a list in his hand. "Good evening. I didn't know Soul Food was such a favorite of Armstrong's students, haha~" Of course, the adult waiter picked that up with their matching grey uniforms. "May I take your orders?"

Bastion, who had been silent since the dream, stayed silent. The only response Shun received was a strong shuffle of the mask wherever it was on the boy. Apparently Bastion wasn't the masked man, but the mask itself. The body was merely a means of transportation.

Numerous flashbangs have been fired, the two traded blows between shadow and scepter but for the most part they have been all for naught. At the fight they both were evenly matched. Lance had to purposely hold back his more dangerous powers as they're too reckless and dangerous to use in the physical plane. It would only had caused more trouble. The harsh light from those flashbangs had shone against the trees in the area, allowing Lance to simply jump to a deep shadow behind a tree or other tall object. Lurking in the shadows of the forest, Lance had a feeling Len would've brought some sort of precaution if Kenshi knows about him. The entire ordeal was making his frustration worsen. He was never given a break between the other Zodiacs, despite all he does to avoid them and keep out of their way. After the light had ceased, Lance decided to quickly end this as he already lost patience with Len and this silly fight. From behind the tree he was hiding he took focus to Len's own cast shadow. Len's shadow began to fidget and jerk on its own. Little lumps began to protrude from the shadow, like a bubbling cauldron. Suddenly, a spike shot from the shoulder of Len's shadow and firing towards the boys neck. Knowing that Len may have a work around for that sneak attack, he made a follow up. He commands the shadows in the forest to collect in front of his hand. When he called them to him, the shadows off the ground completely disappeared. Leaving the area shadow-less. They morphed to the point of origin and began to stretch into a long scepter, and soon forming a pike at the end. "If my beasts won't falter you, then I'll spear this at you." Lance awaited Len's reaction to throw his spear at the perfect time.
Artemis was happy that the pretty girl did not find her introduction to be strange, and happily shook her hand. "Adonna? Wow.. What a pretty name.." A pretty name fitting for such a pretty girl, no doubt. ..Ugh. Stop being weird, Artemis.

She shook her head a bit, her face showing surprise when her new friend explained that she, too, was new. "Whaaat? Really? So I'm not alone, then!" This offered Artemis a bit of comfort, a feeling which her subconscious swallowed up immediately. At least she wasn't completely alone. She crossed her arms, feeling strange socializing like this. "H-Have you made many other friends?.."
Hotaru looked around with a permanent-like smile etched into her face. She blinked a bit and tapped her slate on the table to gain their attention. She quickly wrote out a message, "I guess not all of my friends could make it, let's introduce ourselves!" She drew a small panda. Hotaru realized that Alice's plan for them to hangout would be altered, so she drew a panda as an apology.

She looked over to the waiter and decided to order. On her slate she wrote out her order. This would be a great time for her to cut the ritual, "Water, salt in a small bowl, salad, Sprite, and a hamburger for me!"

//craptastic post from me~//
Nikky took a seat at the table, "Hiya, I'm Nikky. Nice to meet ya.” There were plenty of people sitting at the table she hadn’t met yet. She started to get a strange sense of déjà vu, sitting at a table with strangers to chat about the day reminded her of the first few times she had visited Soul food. A smile formed on her face as she reminisced but then her eyes fell onto Ben, he was the student that ended up in the hospital the first day of school. He seemed alright but it had to be traumatizing, it was through him she’d find out who the killer is. But then again, no doubt the police had already questioned him that, yet there were still people dying. So there was no guarantee that any of his information would be useful, besides, he had just gotten back to school she didn’t want to get on his bad side-

Wait a second, why was she even pursuing such a dangerous case? She never liked murder mysteries to begin with, much less throw herself into one. Still, how much longer would it take before one of them were targeted? And why? She threw herself back into reality to realize she was staring hard at Ben, she blushed and laughed to herself scratching the back of her head. She'll just have to take this as a new kind of challenge.

"May I take your orders?"

“Ah, no, I’m good.”
Adonna's mind processed the compliment very late, but before she could reply with a flustered 'thank you,' Artemis was in the midst of asking another question. "Friends? I-" Huh. Adonna hadn't really thought about that until Artemis had posed the question. There she went again, failing to keep tabs on anything, really. Her mind flicked her an image, several actually. Of Shun, and Ashlei. Of the Astronomy Club members, of Roe, of Hotaru. "Yeah... A few, I guess," she said, a small smile forming on her face. It was a wonder how that happened. Then again, now that she thought about it... "They're really friendly here, everyone," she contained a laugh when she recalled the way Hotaru easily went around hugging everyone, or the way Ashlei had simply dragged Adonna along with her. Quit zoning, she commanded herself, returning to the moment. That question, could Artemis be worried about forming roots? Adonna wasn't sure if her assumption was accurate, as always, but she acted on it, as always. "You really don't have to worry. It's... different here, from most places. Everyone's..." she simply nodded, finding no other word that fit, repeated herself, "friendly."

The background noise had died down and more and more students began heading down the hall towards the exit. It seemed that the school was slowly shutting down for the night. Adonna only noticed because one of the kids almost smacked her with his skateboard on accident. That's when she realized,
"Guess it's time to leave..." she murmured to herself. With the main door opening and closing so many times, Adonna got a glimpse of the outside. Thankfully, the rain had let up. It was still evilly cold, but she'd take what she could get. Jutting her thumb towards the exit, she asked, "You live in the dorms? Or I can just walk with you till wherever we have to part ways."

(A/N: Uuugh I'm sorry @_@ I'm just not channeling Adonna right so I'm sorry if she seems not herself.)
Derek's eyes fluttered open as the rain cleared up. Earlier he heard the sound of rolling, as if a skateboard was on it's way to cause a horrible accident. He could have woken up, but his mind was telling him it was nothing and to go back to sleep. Once his eyes opened up, his other senses seemed to work. Instead of being on the cold floor, like he originally was, he was on someone. Needless to say that someone smelled like Ukime. Stop being stupid, Derek thought to himself.

She appeared to be sleeping, carefully Derek lifted his head up and escaped from her grip. Derek quickly took a hold of her shoulders to keep her from falling. He should thank Ukime, deciding that could at least take her home, Derek picked the sleeping girl up. It was only then when he realized that Ukime lived in the dormitory. He decided that he would take her to entrance and wake her up. Derek weaved in and out to get out of the school.
Alice looked up at the waiter and then at her table where her still lonely soda sat,"Ah... I'll just have a salad and apple juice please." She said and looked back at her table as the lonely soda was taken away by a waiter maybe to be thrown away,"Such a waste of money..." She thought since she just wasted a perfectly good soda for $1.50,"I'll need to find a job soon if I want to buy more snacks." She thought since she was running out of snacks to eat in her dorm.

Checking around for anything like job offers in the shop. her eyes stopped over at Dominic who was surprisingly dressed like a waiter and smirked,"Maybe I'll work with Dom or somewhere else." She giggled softly to herself but stopped noticing something was off at the table of friends.

Looking over at Dominic, Hotaru, and Shun, she saw weird figures all behind every single one of them,"What the heck? Could they be..." Her mind trailed off as she also looked over at Clark, Nikky and Jacen and saw no figure behind them.

Alice was confuse with all this and stared over at Shun then at Hotaru suddenly feeling a rush of anger boiling in her but she wasn't sure why, the feeling was the same as how she felt for Ashlei looking over at Tyrik,"Is this your doing?" She quietly asked since Tyrik was the only person she could talk to about this.


  • Notebook
  • Sketchbook
  • Pouch of art supplies
  • Wallet ($18.50)
  • Umbrella


  • Phone
l Ukime's Dream l

"Ukime are you hungry Ukime, wanna eat some food Ukime?"

"Nothing but sweets and meat."

"Ukime , come on Ukime, we have food for you."

"Why do you always repeat things?."

Ukime followed the small marsh mellows that skipped down the jolly ranch road. She had her hands in her pockets and a cookie in her mouth as she chomped down on it. The marsh mellows seemed extra happy which made her frown a little. She already had to deal with preps during school not in her dreams. She took out her hand from her pocket and snapped her fingers. The marsh mellows stopped skipping and began a normal walk. She gave a smile with a much better nod. This was her dream so she could control it right, as long as she was half awake during this. The marsh mellows stopped and picked up some milk. Sneaky little devils, they turned around and poured cold milk on her. Ukime blocked it from getting on her face and her hair. She would have thought it would be ice cold but she was warm.

"Odd..I thought that was cold milk. "

"It was it was, we got it from the river see see."

"It felt warm though...well maybe me."

"odd odd odd odd."

Ukime kicked the marsh mellow in the face sending him flying a few yards. She snapped her fingers once more, making the candy land appear as a control room with tvs showing her the outside. She walked down into the center where she was greeted by several of phones and computer that could walk on legs. Ukime looked up toward the tv and saw nothing but her own eyes.

"Horrible angle...you guys."

"That's not our fault, not our fault."

"Whatever....I'm getting bored, send me somewhere fun."


Ukime stepped inside a portal and closed her eyes. The phones pressed a big button that had a black x on it. Soon she vanished shooting up in to the small tube into a world of games. Ps3 , xbox every where. There was even a skate park near the snack bar. Ukime's gave a smile before dashing off into a run. She stopped mid way holding her nose.

"God damni't no, what the hell. It's to early."

Ukime felt her eyes weaken , and her body go numb. Falling into the dirt road mad of crushed brownies she fell asleep.
Ukime's eyes twitched a little before fully opening up. By the time they had reached the entrance to the dorm she was looking up at Derek. She blushed a little as she looked down toward the ground and toward the doorm.

"You...you can't put me down now. I can walk."


| Morning |

| Friday |

Date: September 20, 2014

I can't be defeated here, like not this..

Dominic had been giving it his all ever since he woke up that day. Everything he had learned became the one decider in the outcome of his situation. The sun was aggressively shining down, making the heat somewhat unbearable though it was mostly just bright out.

Dominic panted with a single knee on the ground. He had been fighting this for far too long.
B*****d.. What are you?! He bared his teeth staring down the inflatable tube-man which apparently got stuck on a roof appliance. Ever since he put on his work uniform, he had been tasked of inflating and setting two of the damn things in front of the restaurant, but what he got was an evil, lifeless being that misbehaved like a badass. Not the cool kind of badass, more like your little cousin's bad ass.

"Dude, you're taking this a tad too seriously. Just move the base of the thing away from the building some." said his co-worker, who had been watching in shame with his arms crossed.

"I can't risk it. It might tear if it's hooked on something-.. I'm going to have to climb up and free it."

There it was. Dominic had brought himself together to face an old enemy of his; Heights. Ever since birth, Dominic had an extreme sense of vertigo, almost embarrassingly so. It's why he never got on any roller coasters, climbed any ladders, or anything that simply required him to go 'up'.

But the time for being afraid was over.

Tossing the apron to one of the many empty external tables (The restaurant wasn't open yet, so it was empty save for the employees), Dominic walked to a possible point where he could climb up and free the tubeman from whatever it was stuck on. "This is crazy - you could hurt yourself. A-at least get a ladder..!" "No, no ladders. I'll be better off knowing I have a footing that doesn't move anywhere." Looking up his designated climb path, Dominic clenched his fist in resolve. It was time.

He took it slowly but surely, one foot after the other, tug on each grab-able surface to test it's rigidness, then continue. Don't look down, Dominic. Don't look down. That's when his left foot suddenly slipped out from it's spot, causing Dom to yelp loudly in fear and cling to the side of the building. "N-NO!" Come on, you can do this! B-..But what if I fall? It's such a long way down.. Already he could feel his body automatically decide for him and start to climb down, but he fought against it and continued to move up.

Once he was at the top, he felt the need to simply cling to the roof and not move. The wind trolled him by being much more active higher up than on the ground. "You okay up there?" "I'm f-fine!" Now he just had to figure out what the tubeman had been stuck on.

Apparently, the arm of the beast had gotten stuck in a ventilation machine. It was easily removable, he just had to do it. Slowly he came over to push the tubeman free, but before he could reach it he felt himself suddenly lose connection between him and the roof, quickly becoming like a bar of soap on the bottom of a wet tub. "Oh shit-..!" Dominic slid forward with no choice but to grab onto the tubeman and hang on for dear life. On the upside, he freed the tubeman, but now he was being flailed about by it's surprising strength. "G-.. get me down!"

He was only a mere 30-ish feet above ground.


Other than his current plight, things had gone well. The group dinner he had with some of his friends went well and everyone had parted their ways once the restaurant had closed for the night. Today was special for everyone, as Armstrong was hosting their cookout behind the school beside the various fields. Already people were grilling and picnic tables were set up. Kids were playing on the fields and parents were conversing with a half-stuffed mouth all the same. School was closed for today, so nobody really had to do anything.

Ben sat on a bench staring at the treeline that acted as a border to the 'woods'. Armstrong was at the edge of town, and on the side it was located, beyond the school was nothing but forest for god-knows how long. It made Ben wonder about the murders, as well as try and recollect what happened to himself, to no avail. "Guh, what's wrong with me..?!" "Did you try one of the Porter's famous 'Family Taco Special'? That could be the problem. Go get to a toilet, dude." Philips approached Ben with a corndog in his hand. It seemed like he was enjoying the event just as much as everyone else. "T-that's not it!" "Then what is it?" "It's nothing.."
After the "party" they had at Soul Food, Alice was walking over to the park as she was told of by some students at Armstrong who she instead asked of since their little party took quite a day. Today, she was dressed in a little light blue diamond pattern sweater with a little frilly white skirt. Under her sweater was a little tanktop with a bow at the collar as a little touch to go with her outfit. She also had on a pair of black leggings with light brown boots since she would be going on a picnic so what the harm in trying to be cute? Her outfit

Her blonde hair was in a little ponytail with a white ribbon to hold it up, she was quite fashionable for the day which was quite abnormal since most of the time she would just throw on whatever and deal with it like that. Maybe because it was a special day or maybe she wanted to make a new start but whatever her reason was, she was pulling it off quite well.

Noticing many noises coming from her right, she turned her head and saw the entrance of the park and many people all having fun and eating happily together. Now today, she couldn't bring her parents with her because they were all over in Hawaii having an early summer vacation for 2 month, leaving their only daughter to take care of their empty house while they're gone but why should Alice care when she was living in the dorms.

With a sigh, Alice pulled out her phone and looking through her messages, she saw a text from her mother with a picture tagged with it,"Hi sweetie!~ Mommy is having a great time here, the sun is nice and the ocean water is very blue just like your beautiful eyes! Your Daddy and I miss you very much! We love you and here a picture of us!~" The text read and the picture showing Alice's mother in a white bikini with Alice's father next to her holding a starfish in his hand.

Alice giggled softly at how silly her parents can be and texted back quickly, putting her phone back and walked off to the picnic to see if anyone she knew was over there. Looking around the place, she noticed two familiar boy, one that she met at the restaurant yesterday and the other she knew from the first day of school. She stood there not sure if she should go say hi to them or just ignore them but she shrugged, not caring and went up to them,"I see you guys are having fun." She said walking up behind them like some ghost would in a horror movie.




| Morning |

| Friday |

Date: September 20, 2014

"I wouldn't blame you if you had stomach problems. You DID just come out of a hospital. What's up with that anyway?" Phillip's curiosity eventually brought him to ask the same question that was asked of Ben ever since he stepped foot out of the hospital's revolving doors. "I don't know, okay? I had enough trouble just getting here with reporters chasing me." Ben clutched his head in his hands and sighed.

"I see you guys are having fun."

"Aren't you Alice? I had a feeling I've seen you around a few times. With Dominic and the weird kid, right?" Phillips carried on while enjoying the snack he had. Ben on the other hand kept himself in a cradle regardless of noticing that Alice was there.
Looking at the two, she noticed how Ben was quite strange and seemed to be suffering with something but she didn't seem she could be of any help since they barely even know each other besides name matter, that was all she knew of him. Maybe about him and the hospital but she didn't want to bring it up for him since it must have sucked being trapped in the hospital for so long and Alice had her share being in the hospital before.

"The girl you met on the second day of school, yes, the one who hangs out with Dom, yes, but who's the weird kid?" She said confused with what he was speaking of,"Do you mean Damien or Hotaru?" She said picking those two since they were the only two people she is seen hanging out with and after thinking about it, they were the only three people she have ever hanged out with.

Ukime was a friend but she haven't seen her in a while. Nikky could be considered a friend too but the last time they talked was only a short one like one sentence only mattering with their names. Shun and Ashlei were quite new to her and could also be classified as friends but that was unsure of. Farra, she wasn't quite sure of since the last time she saw her was when she first came to the school and Farra didn't feel well so she left earlier so Alice never got the chance to chat with her. Jacen was also a friend but she rarely saw him. Clark, unsure of, and whoever else she met were all strangers.

After thinking this through, she was very surprise that she had met so many people in such a short time all because of dreams and random events that she got pulled in with Dom and the others,"What a life I have." She thought and huffed, feeling her head was going to explode with all the thinking about who was friends and who was not.




| Morning |

| Friday |

Date: September 20, 2014

"Now that you mention it, Damian's who I was talking about. Hotaru's the little one, right? I'm bad with names so I just go off of faces. I know she's got green hair-.. or was it red hair?" Phillips seemed generally confused, having not seen everyone long enough to officially 'know' them. He simply shook his head like it was going to fix that problem. "Anyway, you're here for the food I bet. Avoid the tacos."

Now Ben was just squeezing his own head. Something felt very wrong in the air, and it hurt his cranium for some reason. "Nngh, my head feels like it's going to explode..." Ben's tensed tone bought Phillip's attention for just that moment. "Eh? What are you moaning about?"

"What are these voices..?!"

"The kid isn't wrong. Something's off."

Tyrik had appeared beside Alice, yet unseen. She scanned the border of the fields where the trees surrounded them. "Benjamin, if I knew you were a nut, I wouldn't have come over here. Come on, Alice - Ben seems to be hearing dead people."

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