- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Roe always felt like she accomplished something at the end of class. Her notes were pretty and coordinated. She had the brief moments of feeling smarter after hearing the teacher explain it (soon to be lost in the fog of a teenage mind). Roe sighed and pulled out her phone. She guessed she should probably call Kai or Ukime to see the next time she went in for work... wait... did she have their number?

Troubled, Roe tried to hurry with the gardening. She pulled the various weeds and went to go grab the watering can... but that would silly to water plants when it was pouring rain. Being an intelligent girl, who happened to forget it was raining and concurrently soaked, Roe went about her business. . Brushing her hands together, Roe nodded satisfactorily and headed to the security club room. She would stop by the store later that night. Taking a deep breath, Roe walked inside.
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The day flew by fast and the sun was already setting or so if the sun was out but the melancholy clouds blocked the sun's rays from passing through. The rain still roared on, slamming at the windows quite hard. Snapping out of her trance and collecting her things, Alice said her goodbyes to her teacher and left just like that.

It seemed all outside clubs were canceled due to the weather but some still went on throughout the day. Alice didn't have much to do and was in no hurry to leave the school, instead, she went to look for something to do, maybe chat with some friends and see what clubs were still open.

Walking through the many corridors of hallways, she noticed the strange feeling of something watching her just like this morning. Turning around to see if she was being stalked or something, she saw nothing but the empty hallways she just came through. Shrugging the feeling off, she kept on walking, looking for someone she knew around.

What felt like hours of searching for someone, she pulled out her phone and started texting Hotaru's number,"Hey Hotaru! I'm free so want to hang out?ヽ(*・ω・)ノ♪" She wrote on the text, pressing the send button and waited for her reply.


  • Notebook
  • Sketchbook
  • Pouch of art supplies
  • Wallet ($20)
  • Umbrella


  • Phone

Rosewood (Part One)


A tall teenage girl stood in the middle of the red-stained room. Her starch white hair seemed as though it had been dip-dyed with blood, and her entire body was splattered with the stuff. Holding out her hand, in it was a--


Farra sat in her room, dipping the furry stick into a vat of red paint. She was painting her (formerly) white room a dark shade of red. There was a knock on the door, and Farra whirled around, only to see her mother. Her mother had pale white skin, platinum blond hair, and startling green eyes, and had her hands on her hips. "Young lady, just what do you think you're doing? The smell is awful in here! Smells like someone died in here." Farra looked her mother dead in the eyes, the vivid green ones meeting the bright blue ones, and said,"Someone did," very solemnly. She then resumed painting. The mother stood there, a very shocked expression clear on her face. "Farra," she whispered. "I thought weren't going to discuss that."

Farra whiled around quickly, her face livid with anger. "You know what? I can't believe you. At all. You can't pretend forever that you never had a third child. You can't pretend forever that my father, Icarus's father, your ex husband, didn't murder him while he slept in the crib that you keep in the garage! You can't pretend that we don't care or remember, and you can't pretend that it hasn't scarred us for life! We can NEVER FORGET THIS. You have to understand that." Farra gripped the brush tighter, until her knuckles turned white. Her mother had tears streaming down her face, and she turned around and walked calmly out of Farra's room.

"We'll never forget, Mother. I'll never forget."


| Afternoon |

| Thursday |

Date: September 19, 2014

The relationship between Ulysses and Angelo was strong, stronger than most relationships Boone had witnessed or been in. It stung him a little to think in such a way, because it brought up memories of his own family, who by this post could be anywhere at this point. Boone cleared his throat briefly and gave Angelo an honest gaze.


There was no use hiding it - there was a string of murders and they already had a possible murderer to pin it on. Strange how a school had more information than the actual police or general public.

"Just the other night, Kenshi sensed a large surge of Zodiac souls in our plane of existence. One of them being Lance. I believe Ulysses may recognize that name. This... 'Lance' has taken over one of my students as a host, and Kenshi's in the process of finding an able host to stop him."


"Hotaru a buddy of yours?"

Suddenly, out of the blue, Tyrik was walking along side Alice, though the students they passed didn't seem phased. In reality, only Alice (and whoever else has a Zodiac) could see her. Her axe was missing and she walked in a motion that suggested she was rather interested in Alice's activities. "And what is that?" She asked in a slightly disgusted manner, pointing at Alice's phone.


A voice rang out about a dozen feet behind Damian. "Your name is Damian, correct?"

Len stood at the entrance to the shrines, at the top of the weathered steps. With nothing but a school uniform on, it was clear that rain wasn't on his list of concerns. "I believe you've made a deal with a Zodiac you shouldn't have."

His glare steeled behind his hair. This could be foolish of me, but I can sense that this boy will be much stronger if we wait. Forgive me, Boone, Kenshi. I'm starting ahead of schedule.

"Give up your Zodiac now, or I'll be forced to remove it from you." Len shot out his hand, his extendable staff stretching to it's appropriate size. Len grabbed the staff at it's center and swung it down to his side, awaiting Damian's most predictable response.

Damian was confused. Who was this young man standing before him atop the shrine? He wore a uniform so he attended the school... But he looked a bit familiar. Like he's seen him before... At that moment, it clicked in Damian's head. He was the same boy who helped Nikky when Red hit her. He also knocked him out. But it was different this time. He was asking to sacrifice his Zodiac. "Zodiac? Is that what my power is? And what do you want with it? On top of that, how long have you been spying on me? I felt as if I was being watched today but my paranoia was correct." Damian narrowed his glare at Len, sizing him up. He knew he wasn't anyone to take lightly, as he effortlessly knocked out Red with some sort of cane... Something did look off about it when Damian replayed the situation in his head. This felt like one of the many manga he's read in his lifetime but the feeling of danger was ever present. Before he could start up again Lance had made his appearance, out of a black hole that closed upon his exit. "Len. I remember Kenshi speaking about you once before. If you do not leave my Host alone I'll be obligated to defend him myself." The Shadowy persona had commanded. "Wh-- What are you!? Are you that voice that spoke to me before?" Much to Lance's dismay, he possessed Damian against his wishes like before. But it was an emergency at this point. With the possessed Damian now in front of Len, Lance spoke once more. "Leave the child alone. He has a bigger purpose than losing it to you. I don't want to fight you and neither does he. But I will act on self defense, Len."


Angelo tilted his head quizzically. "Feared as much." Angelo said, grunting some. Ulysses placed a finger upon his chin, trying to recollect his memories with Lance. "As far as I'm concerned, Lance isn't evil. While his power holds negativity he isn't an antagonistic being. His allegiance is his own, but he doesn't seem to have any malicious intention. This is just me going off what I know of him... I can't speak for his Host though." Angelo crossed his arms. "Well, we should've probably approached the Host and Lance first if this Lance fellow isn't as bad as you say." Well, have you anyone else on this case?" Angelo asked arching his brow.
Hotaru's backpack buzzed with a message. In a spur of a moment, she nearly fell from the stairs. Cursing at her silly reaction, Hotaru quickly jumped down the stairs by three steps. Going off to the side just in case someone needed to go somewhere quickly, Hotaru pulled out her phone.

Alice sent her a text message, along with her grandpa's missed phone calls. Sighing, she rolled her eyes, he knew she was at school and refused to talk. Why would he send so many phone calls? She felt her heart beat race, maybe something terrible had happened. Hotaru quickly dialed her grandpa's number.

He picked up at the fourth ring, "Hotaru? What's the matter? Why aren't you at school?" After a pause he realized his mistakes, "I've been loosing track of time. I was probably calling you during school hours! Don't worry, I'm okay, but my jacket is not. Why the hell won't your spit go away?" He groaned. On the line Hotaru could hear paper shuffling and a soft thud, "Everything is...fine. Bye Hotaru."

Hotaru cut the call and looked at Alice's message, "Hey Hotaru! I'm free so want to hang out?ヽ(*・ω・)ノ♪" Hotaru felt her mood rise up a bit. She quickly replied to the message, "That would be fun! Let's meet up....where do you want to meet up? ٩(●˙▿˙●)۶…⋆ฺ"
School was over now, and Artemis was at a loss. She had no friends, she knew nothing about the school, nothing about clubs or any activities that went on inside the school... Perhaps she could just walk around more to get a feel for the area? It's not like there would be much else to do, really. So, she decided to do just that. As she walked, she found herself getting caught up in her thoughts of the day. The classes, the information she learned, the cute, seemingly dark, shy boy who helped her at the beginning of the day. Oh, god. The fall. It made her head hurt just thinking about it. Not only from embarrassment, but...

One of her hands went to her forehead, and she leaned against the wall. Luckily she was still inside, otherwise who knows what could happen? Her head was pounding, and leaning against the wall wasn't helping. Artemis closed her eyes, a pained look on her face as she slid down to the floor, landing on her knees. Ugh, why does this always happen? These random migraines are so stupid.. she thought to herself, covering her face to prevent the light from hurting her head even further. Just wait, just be patient and hope no one sees, it will be fine, she told herself over and over again.

Artemis couldn't help but let out a sigh at the annoyance. Such headaches happened frequently for her, but no one could ever tell her why. "That's just how your body is, I guess," they'd tell her. A bunch of bologna if you asked her.
"Hotaru a buddy of yours? And what is that?"

Hearing an almost ghostly-like feminine voice next to her, he gasps, surprised by the sudden voice, almost dropping her phone in the process,"What the hell?!" She exclaimed loudly, earning some weird glances from other students.

Looking up next to her, she was stunned. The figure was the same person from her dream, the armor-like texture and the blazing blue eyes that glowed brightly. There was no doubt about it that this was Tyrik, the Zodiac in her dreams last night,"T-t-tyrik?" She stuttered the name quietly almost in a whisper.

She couldn't believe it, the dream was actually real and the sight of Tyrik was proof of it. Trying to process what was happening, changing her expression from a shocked to a more calm look, looking around and sighed softly,"What are you doing here?" She asked not sure why Tyrik was here and how she could even see Tyrik.

Feeling her phone suddenly buzzing, she quickly turned it on and noticed Hotaru replied to her text,"That would be fun! Let's meet up....where do you want to meet up? ٩(●˙▿˙●)۶…⋆ฺ" Was what it said. Alice smiled softly at the text and quickly wrote back,"Umm... Let's meet over at Soul Food since it's our 'hangout place'. I'll see you there in 15 minutes Nya!~ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿" She wrote and sent to Hotaru.

Turning her attention back up to Tyrik, she stared into Tyrik's blue eyes and sighed once more,"And about your question, this is a phone, a device where I can easily communicate with people." She explained, showing how to use the phone.


| Afternoon |

| Thursday |

Date: September 19, 2014

Len kept his composure, half expecting an attack to come hurling his way the moment the two made eye contact. What he noticed was Damian being completely lost on the matter. It confused Len as well but it wouldn't surprise him if his Zodiac held things from his host. Speak of the devil, the Zodiac himself materialized before Len, stating things such as 'self-defense' and 'leave the boy alone'. It sickened Len just to hear the demon speak.

"'Self-defense'? Is that what you call it? What of that ambulance last night? Or what of the murder cases that's got this entire town spooked? Now you've possessed a student who's clearly at the verge of losing his sanity, and for what? A greater purpose?"

Len had to remind himself to keep his cool, but just seeing a Zodiac revived the fiery hate he had for the beings.

Kenshi was the only spirit Len could respect. Lance? A spirit such as him could never be trusted. "I'm doing what I came here to do, Lance, and it seems to be like we're doing it the hard way."

Reaching into his pocket, Len withdrew a small red charm, when put on his staff, burned up and applied an unforeseen effect to his weapon. Ready, Len dashed towards the two with the intent on finishing what he came here to do.
You could see the frown slanting Lance's spherical eyes. "The ambulance? That was a man who's been tormenting this boy and his family for as long as he could remember. As for the murders that has nothing to do with us! Of course everyone would assume it's me. Ahaha. Of f*cking course... F*ck off Len." The shadows around the trees began to darken and look like what was bubbling. From the shade came an armada of eyeless, leech-like creatures all lunging towards Len. Mouths agape as if ready to consume the boy.
The rain blissfully pelted away. As was the case, Adonna made it a point to stay indoors as much as she could. This had been fairly simple during the morning hours, going from one class to another. Now with the classes over, her plan was to go home. The weather seemed to sap away at her energy, all she wanted to do was something ridiculously mundane, something like laundry, or whatever else one did on a rainy day. Yes, there was Astronomy Club to attend, and, hell, I missed the first day of Tennis. No thanks to yesterday's fiasco... Ugh, Adonna purposefully pushed that out of her mind. She'd think about that later when she had no choice but to.

Alright, new plan. Text El with an apology for not being able to make it (despite the rain, Adonna was convinced someone like that would still have the club meet, just not on the roof, or hell, maybe on the roof, considering El), scour the gym for the Tennis captain and figure out what she could do to make up the fact that she missed a day, and then go home and do mundane laundry. She walked down the hall towards the gym, typing up the message on her phone as she did, when she spotted a student kneeling on the ground. Adonna slowed her pace, looking at the redhead out the corner of her eye. At first Adonna thought she might be crying, but no, the girl just looked pained... As Adonna walked past the student, it occurred to her that she might be suffering from... well...

I can't just... She herself got such horrible cramps when... that time came around. If this poor girl was suffering from the same... Unable to let it go, Adonna stuffed her phone in her skirt-pocket before slinging her backpack over to her front, picking out a small bottle of pills that resided there for that specific purpose.

Pivoting on her heel, she walked right back to the redhead, and knelt down in front of her.
"Uhm... hey, here," she awkwardly offered the bottle.



Dorm Key




Uncouth Thoughts Against the Day's Weather

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Nikky raised her head from her desk, she looked around abit confused and then reality hit her. She hit her head on her desk as a way of punishing herself. The class had all left the room and the teacher sat at the desk in front, watching her. Nikky immediately averted her gaze as her face turned red from embarassment.

"Have a good nap, miss Viole?" The woman's tone didn't reflect any anger nor did her facial expressions so Nikky relaxed a bit and laughed, "Yeah, sorry about that."

"Hm." The teacher said nothing more and turned her attention towards her computer. The girl gathered her things and headed for the door only pausing when the teacher called her name. "Oh, and miss Viole," The girl turned to face the woman, "Yes?"

"I'll be seeing you in detention this weekend."

Nikky closed her locker, detention was all new territory so she took it as a chance to explore the unknown. Her childish imagination took over as she began to wonder what strange things she'd encounter. Considering the unusal things she's encountered so far, finding some sort of hidden staircase didn't seem too far off. She sighed and chased away those thoughts out of her head, treasure and stuff like that was meant for childrens stories not for her. Nikky stood in front of her locker and rested her forehead against it, "Maybe I should grow up?" She pondered this thought for a moment and smiled as she reached an internal conclusion,





Notebooks x5

Pencil and Pens x3

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Artemis cringed into her hands, trying to focus on ignoring the pain rather than feeling it. She couldn't look up to see if anyone was around, but part of her didn't care. She just wanted the pain to stop. It was like something was grasping her head, squeezing it as much as it could without breaking her completely. At least, that's the best way she could describe it. It was only getting worse, when suddenly, Artemis heard a voice.

The pain vanished, just like that.

She looked up to the girl who had knelt beside her, offering her a bottle of something. Pills? Did Artemis look to be in that much pain? The girl blushed a bit, looking down at her hands and shaking her head. "Er, I'm fine. Thank you, though. That's kind of you to offer. It's just a little headache, anyways." She smiled, looking back up to the stranger and standing up to brush off her clothes.
When the girl raised her head to look up at Adonna, her green-yellow eyes relaxed, it seemed that she was no longer in pain. Which was confirmed when she looked down at the bottle and shook her head.

"Er, I'm fine. Thank you, though. That's kind of you to offer. It's just a little headache, anyways."

She said to Adonna quite politely.
"Oh, uh..." Adonna stood herself after the girl had. Well, it wasn't what Adonna thought it had been, but that matched up with her track record. "Of course..." she said in reply. As the student brushed herself off, Adonna swung her backpack to her front yet again, ready to put the pills away, but paused. "Would you like to take a few, you know, in case it comes back..."



Dorm Key






| Afternoon |

| Thursday |

Date: September 19, 2014

"What am I NOT doing here? This place is strange.." Tyrik scanned the corridor and the people in it. Everything about the place was new to her - the school, the people - It brought out the curious side of her. "Everybody's dressed the same, even you." The Zodiac continued to examine her surroundings like a puppy interacts with it's toy. It was rare to see a side of her that wasn't threatening to hurt someone or the like.

Suddenly, she snapped out of her trance and looked back to Alice. "I'm guessing I'm not allowed out, huh? Fare enough, I'll be watching." Just like that, her form faded from view with the lingering feeling that she was still near, somewhere.

Derek yawned, stretching out on the ground in the middle of a hallway. Sleep was vital to him, it makes him more relaxed. Why will the teachers refuse to allow a nap time of some sort? Morning was hectic, as usual in the Knight family. It was only times like these where Derek gets his peace in mind.

His mother would be gone for the day. The twins were in trouble due to yesterday's incidents. Derek would be returning to a home full of silence. He brushed his hair to one side as he closed his eyes. Sleep sounds nice, the rain pounding on the ceiling, Derek could close his eyes and no one would even bother him.

School ended and clubs were starting. It would be about an hour until someone decides to disturb him.

"Why can't I sleep then?"
Hotaru zipped her backpack up and headed for the entrance of the school. In her hand her phone buzzed, once again caught by surprise she struggled to keep it in her hands. After holding the phone tightly in her hands, she grinned checking the message, "Umm... Let's meet over at Soul Food since it's our 'hangout place'. I'll see you there in 15 minutes Nya!~ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿" Hotaru sent a message back confirming that it was a good place to meet at, she also had an emoticon that resembled an excited cat as well.

Hotaru decided that the ghost with the messed up hair should really stop stalking her. Before Hotaru had started to do the ritual, she looked up for reviews about how they stopped the lady to keep on terrorizing their lives. The guide said that to stop the ritual they had to make a motion of karate chop and yell some words in Japanese. Hotaru felt like that wouldn't be enough so she decided to gather the comments and combine them to create a newer way to stop the ritual.

She decided the best way to stop it was to attend the meeting place at Soul Food. Hotaru sprinted for the doors.
Shun yawned in boredom as he lazily peered out the art room window to gaze upon the rain which had failed to let up over the course of the day. With his eyes fluttering from lethargy, Shun slowly began to doze off as the calming sound of rain drops against the window only aided his drowsiness. It was the sound of his ringtone, however, that snapped him awake as he half-heartily attempted to retrieve the phone from his pocket. Despite attempting to sound awake, Shun's tone was noticeable sleepy as he gave his greetings, and the yawn shortly after didn't help his cause.

"Sorry, did I wake you? Though I guess that means you have nothing to do. Let's meet up at Soul Food, I want to talk to you for a bit."

Shun was left perplexed by the serious nature behind Ashlei's call, but shrugged he rose to depart from the school.

Better than sitting around taking a nap, I suppose.

Soul Food was as busy as he remembered from the previous trip with his friends. Strategically weaving in between patrons, Shun began searching for the pink haired anomaly that he assumed would have arrived much sooner than himself. Hanging his drenched coat along the back of a chair, Shun seated himself at a table by the window where his friend had sprawled herself across the surface with a look of defeat on her face.

"Should I be fearing for my life? The fact that you aren't cheerful makes me worried for an upcoming disaster."

"Oh? Your finally here...Its nothing much, Shun."

Ashlei's tone sounded as defeated as her expression, and when she raised her head to give him a forced smile, Shun was certain she was about to cry.

"Are you actually okay?"

Shun's tone and expression both turned genuinely worried as he reached over to comfort his friend, but his hand was gently slapped aside just before Ashlei burst into a loud fit of laughter that drew the attention of those around them.


Ashlei made sure to emphasize each word in between her chuckles all while attempting to give Shun, who had begun to frown, an apologetic smile for the teasing act she had performed.

"I already ordered what you like so don't worry about that. I actually called you here because I was bored and figured you would be as well. "

Shun couldn't help but laugh himself as he had been truly deceived by Ashlei's well done act. Letting out a sigh of relief in response to the world actually not coming to an end, Shun began to happily converse with his friend while wondering if anyone he knew would pop by during his stay.
Oh, no. Artemis couldn't handle it. This pretty girl was too sweet. She stared down at the bottle, quickly glancing back up to the girl holding it. A weak smile formed on her face as she shook her head slowly. "No, I mean, I would, but normally pills don't help too much anyways. I really do appreciate the offer.."

Quick! This was the perfect opportunity to make a friend. "O-Oh! I'm Artemis. I'm new around here, and I have no idea what I'm doing, but I like to pretend I do." She let out a nervous chuckle as she stuck out her hand, hoping the other girl might accept and shake it. The more people she gets to know, the better, she told to herself.
"Oh," Adonna nodded in understanding, putting the pills away. She zipped up the smaller pocket and slung her backpack so that it was situated where it was meant to be.

"O-Oh! I'm Artemis. I'm new around here, and I have no idea what I'm doing, but I like to pretend I do."

The redhead introduced, holding out a hand. A small amused laugh escaped Adonna's lips,
"That's the only way to do it." It was exactly what she'd done as a fourteen-year-old back when she'd found herself thrust into a new place and a new school. Well, not exactly. She took Artemis' hand and shook it, "I'm Adonna," she introduced herself right back, "I'm probably just as new, this is, what, my fourth day of school here?"
Practice was already underway and this time Ukime decided to skip it. Huffing she grabbed her things and pushed off of her skateboard to leave the classroom. It was around this time of month, usually for or five weeks into a school year where her pumped attitude simmers down and school drains her , mainly due to tiresome drama and annoying teachers. She hasn't interacted with any of the kids yet but even that will soon cause problems. She did have that kind of fear that she knew would act up one way or another. Shaking her head of the thought she pushed off her strong leg as she moved down the hall, spotting a boy laying there. Was he mad, people could easily run down these halls and trample all over him, or he find himself being rolled over by a skateboard. She snickered to the thought and stopped her board in time before it collided with his head. She stepped off her board and placed it against the school walls .

"Oh , Derek...asleep at a place lie this."

She seated herself above his head in a criss cross match manner. She could hear the rain from outside and gave out a small yawn. She could understand why he was asleep just not here. The rain or any depressing manner makes her more tired than usual, so she takes more naps then she needs to. The floor must have been hard, and cold. She lifted up his gently so she wouldn't wake him. She placed his head in her lap and allowed her hands to be her support as she placed them behind her. She let out a yawn before closing her eyes and using her shoulder as a pillow.
Confirming Hotaru's reply, Alice looked up at Tyrik, noticing how she was quite confused of the world and looked almost like a panda who was lost. Tyrik even seemed nicer now unlike in the dream where she punched Alice right in the gut which still hurts,"I didn't mean that but..." She trailed off as Tyrik suddenly vanished and sighed.

Tyrik's presence was still there and Alice didn't really mind as long as she don't cause any trouble,"Well you're coming with me now. I'll take you on some sightseeing around this place so you can get a better understanding." She mumbled quietly so no one would hear her and think she has gone mental, talking to the air as if she was talking to a ghost.

Running out of the hallway to the entrance of the school, she went straight to Soul Food where they were to meet up at, her umbrella popped open and her little teru teru bozu dangling behind her to scar away the rain. Alice soon arrived to the little restaurant and smiled seeing Hotaru wasn't quite here yet,"Good just on time." She mumbled and walked inside since it was raining and their little "hangout table" was closed.

It didn't matter though, taking a seat at a table near a window and waited for Hotaru. She also ordered a soda as she waited, looking through the window but remembered Tyrik was still with her, turning to where she felt Tyrik's presence could be,"This is Soul Food, a place where humans eat and have fun with friends." She explained to her since she was giving Tyrik sightseeing. She wasn't being a very good guide but at least she tried.


| Evening |

| Thursday |

Date: September 19, 2014

As Len continued to rapidly close the distance between him and the Zodiac, he could help but replay the most important thing to remember about the Zodiac so far. Shadows. He remembered the warnings given by Kenshi, and how Lance may not be the only creature Len would encounter. Knowing that, he expected a lesser being to be thrown at him, which is what happened.

With the unknown buff to Len's weapon, he swung one end toward a leaping shadow creature, dispersing it once the staff swung through the created creature. Len was quick to recover the staff and repeat the same process on his way to Lance.

The creatures warded, Len skidded to a halt before the two and tossed out two grenades from a built-in holder hidden in his school jacket. The small grenades continued on with his previous momentum and flew over to the two before exploding into a violent flash of light and a bang.


As nothing more but a floating entity, Tyrik kept close to her host while she traveled to Soul Food. If anything, Tyrik felt a little unprepared for this world and it made her uneasy in her spirit. Once they were in the establishment, the Zodiac simply found her own seat at the edge of the table, dangling her legs back and forth while she scanned the restaurant's interior. It was tough to get a read on her emotions, because of the helmet she wore. "It feels less mummified here."


Dominic had been excused from soccer practice today on 'stress leave'. Apparently the team captain sensed the boy's radiating struggle and let him off without having to worry about much. He took that time to head to Soul Food with Ben and confirm his working status with the manager. Tomorrow was Friday, and he worked that day in the morning. It never hurt to be prepared, he would say.

Dominic was in the kitchen area of the restaurant - the young adult of a manager seemed a little older than that of the fourth-years in Armstrong. It felt as if Brookfield had been entirely ran off of teens. Slightly creepy and worrying, but he let it pass as he was given a tour of the work area and where everything was. Ben stayed closed by, gawking at the magic he saw which held up the place's reputation so well.
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"Mummified? Where are we? Egypt?" She said chuckling at how Tyrik was really acting like a very confused puppy who just opened up to the world. Turning her attention away from Tyrik, she scanned the restaurant since this was the first time she ever went in and to go in alone with Dominic or anyone with her.

Looking over at a table, she noticed a familiar face sticking out among the group,"He looks familiar... Where have I seen him?" She questioned but then looking over at Tyrik, the memory slapped back into her as she stood up suddenly, scaring some customers that were close by,"I remember now! The dream, he was the one to save me from that hound." She mumbled remembering the dream where she got those bitemarks and without hesitation, went up to the group,"Hi there! Remember me?" She said waving at Shun happily but then blushed, her mind now processing what she just did.

She went up to a boy she remembered only from a dream and to act as if they were friends or something along the line was awkward. Alice praying that a hole would just pop out of no where and swallow her up. Trying to keep cool, she just stood there and smiled awkwardly, hoping the boy wouldn't do anything like giving her a strange look and say "oh I don't know you" thing and make her be embarrassed in front of so many people.
The sudden greeting of the happily waving girl threw Shun for a loop as he paused mid bite to give her a blank stare with a fork sticking out of his mouth. Her overall appearance felt familiar; however, it was the floating entity behind her that sparked his memories; its presence felt very much like Bastion's had been in the other world. With Ashlei present, Shun couldn't bring himself to greet the newcomer how he wished, and so, he remained speechless while attempting a casual wave to partially alleviate the awkward situation that had been created.

It was Ashlei, however, who broke the silence by springing forward, taking hold of the newcomer's arm, and attempting to drag her into the seat beside her own.

"Is this another friend of yours, Shun? She's so cute as well. Introduce me!"

Shun chuckled in reply to Ashlei's sudden actions all while attempting to sneak an apologetic smile toward the poor victim begin dragged along.

"She's a classmate of mine, and we've only briefly met in passing. I'll have to apologize, cause I might have forgotten your name."

"Life lesson, Shun. Never forget a girl's name!"

Ashlei groaned in response to Shun who was scratching his head with a sheepish smile, but with her lecture complete, Ashlei turned to face the girl by her side and began the barrage of statements she was known for greeting newcomers with.

"So tell us your name. I'm Ashlei and that idiot over there is Shun. Oh, you probably haven't been able to order either, let me call the waiter back over."

While Ashlei was busy tormenting the girl, Shun appeared to remain engaged with the conversation at hand, but his true intentions remained focused on the entity standing along side of the new girl.

So it seems the Zodiacs can manifest themselves in this world as well.

Making eye contact with what he assumed was the girl's zodiac, Shun gave her a curious gaze before returning his focus to the girls while hoping the conversation had not gone beyond his understanding.
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