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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Alen raised his eyebrow at the guards still standing at the back of the group. 'Wonder why security is tight? Maybe its just because its some paranoid rich people' he then stopped for a moment and thought about that. 'Wait....people in kingdoms are usually filthy rich...' He started grinning ear to ear like a cheshire cat. Or a cheshire hyena whatever works for you. He crossed his arms as his smile faded into a normal grin so he didn't look suspicious. 'Sure hope they let us in now....'
The trip to the Howling Mountains was a long one, most of the time spent in silence for Xiong. He merely wished to observe and note the others actions as they traveled and was content to mind his own business. Every now and then he would chime into a conversation with tid bits of information or to ask a question to sate his own curiosity, but for the most part he kept to his book. He was beginning to grow more accustomed to the others, though he still found it hard to speak confidently.

Finally they reached the Howling mountains and the cold began to set in on them. Xiong dawned the coat he had grabbed from the City of Mutts, but was irritated to find that the higher they got towards their goal, the colder they got. Eventually he had to transform into his furrier form to stave the biting cold. With his hood still pulled tight over his head, ears poking out of their holes and getting colder by the second from the wind he glanced around in the snow and then back at the others. With his size, Xiong had volunteered to lead the way as to try and break the wind off the company.

Through the snow fall he saw the others and made sure they were all still there and then turned back to the direction they were heading. He squinted as a form became visible in a small pocket of snow letting up. The doors before them seemed to be slightly ajar, finally a break from the wind and cold. He gestured to the others with a wide sweep of his arm and trudged through the snow until he reached the doors. He gave them a bit more of a shove to get himself in and counted heads as the others entered. He looked around the room and spied some of the others that had arrived talking to what seemed to be a Lyco. He breathed a sigh of relief to see that they were indeed in the right place.


((Sorry for the wait, im on vacation with family so im posting when i can))
Vali darted in through the doors, his ears flicked back and forth as he shook the snow off of his small body. His fur was particularly warm, even so, it couldn't get rid of the cold he felt travelling through the Howling Mountains. Since they'd entered the mountains, he'd been in his small Carbuncle form, using his surprisingly thick fur to ward off the cold. He moved back and forth to warm up his body.

On his back was the backpack he'd picked up. It was the perfect thing to store his clothing in. Of course, the first time he'd changed in front of the others had surprised them. Carbuncle's didn't really see much problem with nudity and as such weren't bashful about being seen without clothing on. After all, they were naturally naked anyway. The only reason Vali even wore clothing was as a way to replace his fur in his other form.

It was still cold though, even inside of this place. He wasn't going to change back into his other form just yet. Moving away from the other groups, he sat back on his hind legs and gently rubbed his front paws together. While his fur kept him warm, his paws had the least amount of fur, meaning they froze faster.

'Above all else, I wish I could climb into Asyra's lap and take a long warm nap' while they'd traveled, he'd learned everyone else's names. However, they weren't nearly close enough for him to be allowed to use her as a heat source. During their travels, he'd taken some part in their conversation, but like Xiong, he didn't talk much either.

He turned his attention to the others. Surprisingly, a number of people were already here. He assumed that they'd taken a similar path as he and the others had, though it was still impressive that they'd all shown up at around the same time.
Mark was shivering to the Point of his hair,he was cold and Frozen from the long walk,and he was not like the others meaning he sufferd most of it,the coat he got did serve him well but not as much for him but as soon he saw they were close he gave a smile as he would see xiong walk in and then Vali and soon was mark,he was shivering and maybe to look like he was gona shater and fall apart,he would enter geting the hood of the coat off and his face had bits of snow,he would rub it off and would look around seeing some were here atleast.

"B-By...The G-Gods...I cant Ho-Hold one but of the c-c-cold"he said to himself sofly as he walk inside...he dint care he was NOT gona remove this cold,he wish he had fur like the others...well some or atleast Fire but he dint,but he sigh as atleast was slightly warm in here and nod as bad as the cold wasteland outside,he would look around seeing some were talking but hell atleast they were out of that cold that all that he cared.

(Sorry for short busy)
Antero looked at the freezing bunch and back at his Pack to see what they thought. They nodded to him and he flicked his tail sending some out in search of what others might be out there. "I will bring you to our home, but if you step out of line we are not above eating you," He growled slightly, but it was more of intimidating humor as he motioned for a few others to guide the group along the sides. Leading the small group, he went through some high stones that blocked the wind from seeming as cold and dreary to the outsiders.

Soon they came upon an entrance that lead into a small, self sustaining village that the pack called home. Most there homes were made of unpolished stones like mini caves, but it was warm and the ground was not covered with snow. It may not be what they were use to, but at least it seemed safe. "Welcome to The Chioni Wolf Pack. I am Antero, by the way," He barked at the newcomers. "We shall fetch some of the others that may be out in the cold like you all were. Please make yourself at home," He ducked his head and turned to walk away, whispering some words to the others before leaving.

@StoneWolf18 @RubyRose @zCrookedz @Yonsisac @Seraph Darkfire @Penance ( You are welcome to use the NPC's that aren't named, so you can bring in random wolf pack members if you would like just to progress) (Everyone else will be found by the Bear Tribe)
Xiong watched as the Lyco before them talked, and listened to his words of caution upon fear of being eaten. Xiong found the humor in the gest, but none the less still was going to be keeping his best foot forward to stay in good graces with the Lycos. However something seemed amiss, several of the Lyco's had been starring at him quite harshly since ha steped through the doors. Xiong chalked it up to no more then idle curiosity and followed the group into the Lycos village.

The village was very peculiar to Xiong, he had never seen Zoa actually living in caves before. He kept to himself at the back of the group as the others and feeling now that the cave was not near the cold and windy mess it was out doors he shifted himself back into his fur less form. The shift in size seemed to cause a bit of alarm among some of the Lycos in the caves as many of them gasped and several of them pointed at him. Xiong was beginning to feel a bit uneasy of the attention and went to turn to Mark but was met by a scraggly younger looking Lyco who's eyes were dead set on Xiong. "What'sa BEAR doing here?!" Xiong looked down at the young man and then to the others. The way he said bear mad him feel uneasy, as if he was a disease of malicious type of creature.

Xiong looked from side to side as a few other younger looking Lyco boys began to slowly make their way closer
"I....uh....I am here with the uh, others. I...." The wolf before him began to growl at him through a very unfriendly smile. "Leave now BEAR, or else." The wolf began to move slowly towards Xiong, until they backing him into a corner causing Xiong to begin growling back at them with his deep bear like voice. Xiong looked around to the others and the Lycos that had brought them in, he did not want to hurt the Lyco fearing it could start something that would not benefit the mission, but at the same time he was not going to just lay down at let a bunch of juvenile wolf pups intimidate him into submission.

Alen walked around the village eyeing everyone he saw suspiciously. They were all canine like him so you'd think he'd get along with a few but something about them seemed strange to him. Why did they let total strangers enter their village? 'Oh we'll probably some cultural thing that I don't get...' He thought shrugging it off.

He figured dysis went with her new friends and as much as he wanted to follow he didn't want to blow his cover. He eventually found a bar and grinned widely "oh happy day for me...." He entered and paid for a few rounds of drinks with money he stole from the locals as he walked around. "This mission might not be so bad...." He mumbled happily as he sat alone at a table drinking heavily
Mark would Nod and would walk inside seeing the Zaonians here were all wolfs,he would look around and smile as wow first time he ever sees them living in such a place,he would stop seeing some of the Zaonians walking around and some looking at them,they seem to live in peace here wow theas people were Impresive Honestly.

He would stop and sudently seem some of the natives towards Xiong...Oh dear,he heard them kinda Hostile towards xiong and telling him to leave,mark would amidiatly skip towards xiong and as he did he would be saying "Calm! Pleas Xiong dose not show any harm! why are thus you people so hostile towards him?"he ask as he would get kinda in the way of them looking at the wolfs,why were they so hostile towards xiong? They dint seem to like bares at all here,But mark was gona stand for his friend in any case,he look at them being in the way and look back at ziong and Rolle his eyes....he was not sure if Xiong started it or was the Natives.

@zCrookedz @DemonKitten

Don was quick to follow after the others when they were allowed inside, a breath of relief puffing into the air as the chill became much less once inside the caves. Vitawni's shivers were noticably less body shaking as the cold wind was blocked from their bodies. However it did little for the cold, untrusting stares some of the wolves gave them. Especially in the panda's direction. Don brushed it off as morbid curiosity until the wolves actually began to circle around the bear, words less than kind... in fact they were downright threatening.

The Gryphon wasn't sure what to do in this instance. Recalling how things worked in his tribe, interrupting or involving yourself with the enemy could get you a one way ticket to their enemy zone as well. And in this case, that would mean being tossed right back out into the cold. Still, in his eyes, the bear had done nothing to merit this attack. In fact, it didn't make true sense that there'd be such animosity towards the bear alone yet not the rest of them. A bird zaonian stood up for the bear, presenting himself as an obstacle between the wolves and the panda and declaring that Xiong meant no harm. It seemed true enough, even with the rather startling growls the bear was emitting as a warning to the wolves.

Don took one moment to glance over at Blake, his fur standing on end a bit as he tried to make up his mind on what should be done. Xiong had been chosen for this group for a reason. Killing the bear now would be a waste, and that bothered Don... and if the crane remained in the way, then he would be taken down as well. The Gryphon didn't like where these actions led but he was no peace mediator, and he hated pointless fights. In the end, Don did take a few steps in the bears direction, uncertainty as to whether his joining would make things worse or not making his movements halted.

When Vitawni took to the air, the larger gryphon decided his best choice was to side with the bear. If the fight had them all kicked back into the snow, then these wolves were not worth the trouble of helping. That's what Don attempted to convince himself as he landed next to the crane, making a second obstacle.

"We're here for ya. Ta cover yer back... or yer front. Ya know, whichever ya prefer." Don said, gesturing to himself and Vitawni because it was rather obvious the crane was there for the bear. They seemed close, if the way they spoke to one another was anything to go by. Instead of moving into a fighting stance, Don remained in a relaxed stance, hands held up in an open gesture. Vitawni sat perched on Don's brow, it's gaze fierce as it stared down at the wolves that weren't playing fair. Everyone knows that honorable Zaonians fought one on one... but then again, when were wolves ever honorable?

@zCrookedz @Yonsisac @DemonKitten
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Xiong kept his stare fixated on the Lyco's before him until Mark swooped in and stood between him and the wolves. They watched him for a moment before the young Lyco infront of him snapped his jaws at the crane "Out of the way bird, this doesnt concern any of you except the bear." He placed a paw on Marks shoulders and gave him a good shove to try and move him out of the way. Then the Griffon was standing there as well. The Lycos were a bit more intimidated by this creature. Some of them took a step back looking at each other, all accept the one in front that pushed Mark.

HE began to growl and was about to lunge at the Mythos when there was a loud THWACK!! The Lyco dubbled over in pain with a howl, revealing a much older Lycos standing behind him with a walking stick. The older Lycos watched the younger one laying on the ground in pain then looked to Xiong and the others. "You will have to pardon my grandson, he is incredibly thick headed and can not see beyond his nose sometimes." The older Lyco raised his walking stick and stuck the end of it to the brim of Xiongs hood, raising it a bit. "Ah I thought as much. You are not of the Bear Tribe. BEar you might be, but not of the Howling Mountains correct?" Xiong nodded to the old Lyco and the old Lyco motioned for the others to leave. With a bit of hesitation they turned and walked away.

The old Lyco turned back to the others "I am Kali, this little pup here is Koji. Please accept our humblest apologieze dear friend." Xiong sighed and nodded to the older Lyco, he then turned to Mark and reached out to help him up from being shoved.

@Yonsisac @RubyRose

Things seemed to be clearing up well enough except there was one spunky pup that wasn't backing down. Don screeched in anger, an automatic reaction, when the crane zao was pushed. It wasn't a very loud sound, just enough to warn the cub what it was getting into. The young wolf did not back down, however, and it looked like he was going to continue forward until he could attack the bear. In fact, it looked like the Lycos was going to attack him first. Spreading his wings to seem bigger, Don glared fiercely at the wolf, ready for a fight.

Don was saved the trouble of going into combat when a walking stick came down on the smaller wolf. Don straightened, wings curling back in, respectfully nodding his head at the older wolf, though he flinched when the Lycos reached out with his stick to pull up the brim of Xiong's hood. It seemed rather invasive, but the wolf seemed to be happy with what he found.

Glad that nothing had broken out, Don peered down at the crane that Xiong was helping back to his feet. "You alright?" He had considered helping up the fallen Zaonian, but realized it would be fr the best if he just got out of the way. Still, he wanted to make sure that the bird wasn't injured. They seemed to be such fragile things.

When he received his answer, the gryphon nodded and found his way back to Blake. "Well that was exciting." The Gryphon said when he reached Blake's side, Vitawni snorting it's agreement. "Do you think it will often be like this?"
Blake shivered slightly, but only because Ponya's claws traced her spine as she popped out of the coat. "Probably," She answered Don. She had stayed out of the fight due to her curiosity and wanted to watch the exchange. "Is Xiong alright?" she asked having had good memory of names. "Those wolves seem pretty hardened. I must be a spoiled princess to them," She growled at her own misfortune.

She lifted her toned arms and compared it to the intense ones of the wolf pack's. She sighed as a light brown member approached. "Are all of you okay?" she asked them sweetly. "I can get one of the Gammas if needed. Do you think your bear friend needs it?" She asked slightly blushing as she brought up the question which did not go unnoticed by an observant Blake. "Well I think you should go ask him personally," She suggested as she nudged Don. "What do you think, Don?" She winked at him slightly so that he might catch her drift.

"I... am not sure as to Xiong's status. He wasn't attacked, if that's what you mean. And for being so disrespected, he was very kind and respectful to the elder wolf." Don said, having found appreciation for the panda's good mannerisms. "If anything, I do believe Xiong is concerned for the friend that was pushed down, though he seems to be alright as well.. if a little ruffled." Don added. Upon Blake's mention of the wolves seeming hardened, Don shook his head.

"Just because you were raised in different settings does not mean they look down on you." Don had been speaking slowly and carefully so as not to pull out the accent of his tribe. "In fact, in some ways you are probably superior to them, though in other ways they are possibly superior to you. Are you comparing because you are also Lycos, Blake?" Don said. Inwardly he was doing a victory dance at having spoken so well- Shen would have been proud. Not a twang to twinge at in his speech at all.

Don watched as the light brown lycos girl approached, feeling appreciative that she had come to check on them. When Blake asked his opinion, he didn't understand her wink but decided that in this case agreeing with her would be for the best. "Yeah. I dunno if he needs anything. Best ta go find out from 'im." Don said. In his attempt to reply in a fast paced manner, his speech pattern began to slip back in again. "His name's Xiong, if ya wanted ta know. An' he don' bite... at least, no' that I know of."


Mentioned: @zCrookedz
Vali stepped behind a pillar and quickly changed back to his bipedal form and proceeded to get dressed. He was right to be wary, the cold was much worse in this form. However, he assumed he'd need to be sociable if he expected to get anywhere and remaining in his Carbuncle Form was bound to draw more attention than simply being as bipedal as the others. He shivered a little 'This fur-less form is such a problem' he thought. No matter how he'd tried, he could never retain the fur of his other form. It was strange. He wondered if it was because the Carbuncle had been created by Thana who, in most depictions, had a fur-less form herself.

Tightening his tie, he sighed "Well, once I die, I'll ask her myself" he mumbled, though he wasn't eager to meet his creator. Everyone had their time to die, trying to get there early would only upset the Goddess. That is one thing he never wanted to do. Moving away from those thoughts, he made sure his hair covered his gem and sighed before he poked his head out from behind the pillar and continued to observe quietly. There was some trouble between Xiong and the Lycos, though it seemed that an older Lycos had a sense of decency and had stopped the fight before it started.

Age generally led to wisdom, as well as a more laid back view on life.
Gihal shivered, they had been walking in the snow for hours and it looked set to continue snowing for a very long time yet. He had once spent a few nights in the forest with his friends and had thought then that the night spent under the stars would be the coldest he’d ever experience, how wrong he was. His nose ran terribly, freezing in the driving wind that even the borrowed clothes couldn’t quiet stave off. Gihal winced as Barriottock, buried deep down inside Gihal’s thick coat poked him sharply in the stomach. He hadn’t seen anyone in what felt like ages. ‘Do you think we should turn back?’ Barriottock asked quietly.

Pulling his clothes tighter around him and taking a tighter grip on his bag, Gihal shook his head, ‘No. We have no way of knowing where we are, we have to keep moving.’ Barriottock grunted in reply and Gihal trudged on. As he walked his thoughts turned to home, it would be warm there and his friends would be having adventures without him. The thought made him sad then he cursed himself for being so petty while a blizzard raged about him. He had to concentrate. He knew that sooner or later he would run out of energy, his legs already felt heavy, he had to find shelter and fast.

If it were possible, it seemed like the climate was getting colder. Being cold blooded meant that it was increasingly difficult not to succumb to the low temperatures and just give up and freeze. When climbing back down the cliff side, there was a moment were his hands had stuck and while working to unstick them he had lost sight of the group. Now his hands were raw and bloody, without having gained much of anything, and he was alone in the cold. "Beautiful." Jenoah mumbled under his breath, his long tail curling tight to his body as fear began to course through his system. After all the dangerous missions and all the deadly encounters, it would be the cold that did him in. Well, Jenoah had to admit he didn't see that coming.

An eye caught movement farther ahead. It was hard to make out, but it seemed like there was at least one figure some distance in front of him. Jenoah picked up his pace, hope of not dying bleeding into his mind. As he approached the shadowy figure, that hope fell away. "I didn't know there were cold hallucinations." The chameleon grumbled to himself as he stared at the rock that appeared to look like another Zaonian.

Adrenaline from the anger helped Jenoah pick up his speed in movement and keep it up. He was no where near running, nor even a fast jog, but he was making more progress than he had been. The movement got his heart pumping a little more, and though Jenoah didn't feel an exceptional surge of warmth, he did believe that his body was warming up. Possibly only wishful thinking but sometimes it was wishful thinking that saw a person through.

This time, Jenoah was certain he saw a cloaked figure fighting the blizzard a short distance ahead. He continued to push through the snow, continuing to feel the weight of the cold with every step but forcing his way through thanks to the added effects of adrenaline.

Not one for shouting, or even announcing his presence, Jenoah moved until he was next to the cloaked figure. It was just relieving no longer being alone. Though it didn't really help his position, besides there being a grave for two instead of just himself. "How are you... h-holding up?" Jenoah finally forced himself to ask, wondering if this Zaonian he was walking along was two snowflakes away from becoming a snowman or not. @Phosphoro
Gihal heard a voice from out of the storm. He blinked rapidly, possibly he was hallucinating and hearing things in the accursed weather but just in case he replied. “S-s-so cold,” he mumbled. “We...n-need to get out...out of this wind, find a c-cave maybe? Animals live up h-h-here don’t they; t-there has to be...some shelter.” Gihal silently cursed the blizzard with renewed rigour for its ability to make him sound like his sister. If there really was someone listening to him knew he’d sound ridiculous. “H-how is t-t-the weather t-treating you?” Gihal asked. Gihal looked around, moving his head as much as he dared in the low visibility, he couldn’t see anyone out there but he knew that some Zaonian’s could blend into the environment, although why anyone would bother in the middle of this winter landscape he didn’t know. @RubyRose
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"There's... There's got to be s-something." Jenoah stuttered out. He was glad to see that the other being was still alive enough to respond to questions. He couldn't see much of the other Zaonian besides the dark shape they existed as in the storm- details lost under the cloak. "A-Animals?" Jenoah asked, though the question was to no one in particular. "G-Got to be. We were s-sent to help s-somebody." He reasoned as they continued to trudge through the storm. He kept a sharp gaze for anything that might get them out of the storm- even if it was only long enough to allow them to warm themselves before heading back out.

"T-Treating me?" Jenoah asked, unsure if he had heard the question right at first. Deciding to believe he had, he came up with an answer. "P-Pretty sure I'm j-just about a Ch-Chameleon Popsicle." He replied, feeling that that was a very accurate description of how he felt. His tail was numb, his hands were numb, his face was numb, and this was all with him bundled up in the coat he had been expecting to protect him. Well, it wouldn't be the first time something let him down.

"H-Hey!" The Chameleon said, his spirits lifting again. "I th-think I see something. Up ahead." Jenoah hoped he wasn't hallucinating a second time around, but considering that this other Zaonian had responded Jenoah had his fingers crossed that this was something that might protect them from the storm. The Zaonian glanced over towards the unlikely companion he had found to travel alongside, wondering if either of them would survive even if they were able to warm up now. Frost bite and hyperthermia were very serious diseases, and being cold blooded meant that it would be that much harder to recover- or so Jenoah assumed. "D-Do you s-see it, too?"


(As far as what's seen, Jenoah could he hallucinating, could be a cave like Gihal mentioned they were looking for, or perhaps they stumbled into bear camp. Only saying this so that you know I don't have anything particular in mind :) You are free to interpret as you wish)
The she-wolf nodded and went off towards Xiong. She noticed the dirty looks from her pack mates including her sister who shook her head in disapproval. "Um..." She shoffled her feet and started to blush slightly. "A-A-Are you Alright?" She asked tilting her head slightly and smiling sweetly. She looked at the Black eyed man and his gorgeous gold eyes. He wasn't someone that the she-wolf was use to. "I can get...Uh..Get the Gamma, if you...You know...need it," She turned back towards the wolves noticing the Alpha sigh at her. Another blush crossed her face and she herself sighed.

She started to twist her tail in her paws under the watchful gaze of the others. Blake noticed the wolf's reactions and watched as her pack mates whispered. "I may be a Lycos, but at least I'm not Specist," she leaned in and whispered to Don. Blake was proud to be a Lycos, but that was one thing she disliked about majority of her species. They were all pretty strict in what they believed and what they did, something she could never understand. Well, her first crush was a Gata which is something frowned upon by all Lycos. Blake felt sorry for the poor wolf. She looked like she just wanted to be accepted.

"Maybe when we go to our next mission, we should invite her," She suggested to Don as she turned to Arya. "You have been pretty quite lately, Arya. What do you think about everything. She asked the large woman.

@StoneWolf18 @RubyRose @zCrookedz
Gihal was delighted to hear a response, his spirits rose to know he wasn’t alone but the thought that another was also suffering with the cold quickly snatched the thought away. ‘You’re not alone.’ Barriottok huffed out, Gihal chose to ignore him. “P-pretty sure I’m j-just about a Ch-Chameleon Popsicle.” Gihal heard the other Zaonian say. In other circumstances he would have laughed a little at the remark but the action would waste valuable energy. At least he had learnt something about the person who walked beside him. He had met Chameleon’s before and found them fascinating.

The Chameleon pointed something out in the distance; Gihal looked towards it and saw a light or more the flickering ghost of a remembered flame. “I-It looks like a fire...but it can’t be. What sort of witch flame could burn in this? S-St-Still people are people. Want to head t-that way?” Gihal said talking loudly to be heard over the wind. Even if it were some joint hallucination he knew he’d rather take the chance it was someone who may help than keep wandering in the tundra.

Kali looked over Xiong and the others as they aproached him for assurance that he was alright. Xiong was not used to so many jumping into aid and was a bit taken aback. He nodded to the Griffon who had jumped to his side, giving a half cocked smile. He looked over to the old wolf his eye not meeting his but looking more towards the ground, "Th-thank you Kali. I am Xiong, and I am from Paradosis." The older wolf nodded slightly "Ah, I thought as much. We'll pay no mind to the wolf pups around here. The sight of a bear that is not their enemy is a rare sight these days. I will inform the rest of the pack and make sure you are treated at the rest are." The old wolf gave Xiong and the others a smile and a bow and turned to return to the village. Xiong sighed with relief that the ordeal was over and went to turn to the rest of the group, but was stopped by another Lyco. This one was much different than the ones before, for starters it was s female Lyco. She seemed to be a bit nervous to speak with Xiong, something he assumed was because he was bear. He rubbed the back of his head and looked over to Markattempting to avoid her gaze which made him more nervous than usual "Im uh, Im ok. Thanks. My friend here is the one who was pushed. But he, seems to be just a little josstled."

@DemonKitten @RubyRose @Yonsisac
The village somewhat reminded her of her, Alen's, Justin's, and Amazon's home. Though it lacked the tapestries and such, but the fact that they were in a cave was a plus to their current situation. Heard Blake mention her false name. Looking up, she replied "just trying to warm up as all..." Glancing upward, she sidestepped as to avoid water dripping from the stalagmites above. Hearing a yelp, Dysis turned and noticed her foot had landed on a Lyco's tail. "Sorry!" She exclaimed, though the wolf saw their difference in height and most likely predicted her strength so he quickly walked off without a word.

Giving a groan, Dysis made her way over to the group, avoiding all the puddles on the floor. Standing by his side, Dysis opened her mouth and was about to ask him if he had any clue that she was a Psari when what looked to be a recent patrol came in. The snow on their pelts had melted and was matted from the water. They obviously had caught her scent and was getting ideas as they padded over. "Lovely..." Dysis muttered as they neared.

@RubyRose @DemonKitten

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Don watched with mild interest as the wolf went to check on the panda, looking as bashful as any creature the gryphon had ever seen. When Blake spoke, his attention returned to her.

"Specist?" He questioned, unfamiliar with the term. He knew that when it came to the tribe, his family was rather untrusting of people outside of the clan but he had never known them to judge upon species. Then, with things like snakes, scorpions, and spiders sometimes it was hard not to judge by the animal. Still, he did not know there was a term for it... and that there were Zaonians that actively practiced the deplorable behavior.

"Do you think it would be alright to invite folks along? I mean... well is it in our place to do such?" Don questioned. He didn't want to step on the toes of the people who were running this whole operation. At the same time, it'd be nice to invite some new folks along. It would be a great way to make new friends and it would add to their already decently sized merry band of Zaonians.

Don flinched when the Lycos yelped thanks to Arya's lack of attention. Still, it thankfully didn't start a fight between the two. Honestly the Gryphon wasn't sure if the wolf was just cowed by the stronger looking Zaonian or if it was just smart enough not to take something so to heart. As more wolves came in, appearing to have been out, running around in the snow, Don began to feel a little uncomfortable. The wolves... well they didn't give off bad vibes but they didn't give off friendly vibes either and that made him nervous. There was a sharp tweet from Vitawni in agreement.

@DemonKitten @StoneWolf18


"S-Seems like it'll b-be our b-best bet." Jenoah agreed and began to pick up his pace so that he was heading in the direction of the light. He really hoped that they had been correct and that there were Zaonians up here that knew the mountain and were hospitable to those who found themselves lost. The Chameleon found it interesting that his companion presumed the fire had to be witch made to be sustained in this weather. He was considering it may not be fire, or if it was that there was some sort of shelter around it protecting it from the wind. Either way it'd be senseless to argue the point.

"H-Hello?" Jenoah called as they got closer. The chill seemed to be breaking through with every sharp cut of wind now, chilling the poor Zaonian to the bone. He wondered what animal his traveling partner was to also be surviving the weather so far. It was odd how he felt a companionship with this other creature though he did not even know their name. It was a strong bond that was built when two were in misery together, and possibly battling for their very lives.

"Hello?" Jenoah tried again, realizing he had been too quiet to be heard over the wind the first time around. "D-Do you know a s-safe place to stay? To escape th-this cold?"


(@DemonKitten for the Bear??)
Sachi, the female wolf, gazed over Xiong making sure he was indeed alright. His body appeared to be well toned and looking at it so intensely caused the poor she-wolf's fur to get hot. Keeping her gaze from Xiong, she approached Mark noticing that the panda's assumptions were correct. "It seems you can all survive without seeing the Gamma," she barked as she proceeded to straighten herself up.

"My name is Sachi," Bowing to the group she was near, she tried to keep her one ear from falling down, but it didn't seem to want to work with her today. She sighed as she realized once again she was a mess compared to her sister and the others. Speaking of her sister, A beautiful dark grey she-wolf with golden eyes approached all the members of the group. "You all will be sleeping over in the back of the cavern. This will prevent you from getting in the way of our hunters. There will be sleeping items prepared for you all," She barked, her voice as clear as rain. She could see all the other wolves admire her and all she wanted to do was slink away into darkness. The dark,grey she wolf nodded and the meeting ended as she walked away.

@Aqua @Syrix

@Zafirah @RubyRose @rapjack123 @BirdFeathers (If you aren't with the wolves ignore this. I have to get to work)

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