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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

[QUOTE="Suzy Mey]"WHAT?!" She answers, angriliy.

Tom smiled. "Hey calm down its just me. I came to take you out on a date. What do you say?"
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante opened his eyes after a long night of meditation," No nothing's happened and no you can't do tests on us." Dante said as he stood up.
Ryan put his hands up. "Not experiment. Tests. To see exactly what I can do or prescribe for her episodes. Though experimenting seems more fun"

Jarod left his friend sleeping in the dorm and decided to head the cafeteria area. It took awhile due to the large layout but he eventually found it. He ordered pancakes and sat at a table alone (There ya go @ZeRainbowDash
Faye woke, sat up and realized she hadn't eaten at all the previous day and was starving. She got out of bed and stood, brushed her hair, dressed, and headed down to the cafeteria. She got some pancakes and some fruit and looked for a place to sit. She noticed a boy sitting by himself, hesitated for a moment, then decided. She moved over to his table. "Is anyone sitting with you?"
[QUOTE="Suzy Mey]"No." She prepared to slam the door.

"Wait why not? What did I ever do to you?" (Make up a reason to hate him)
ZeRainbowDash said:
Faye woke, sat up and realized she hadn't eaten at all the previous day and was starving. She got out of bed and stood, brushed her hair, dressed, and headed down to the cafeteria. She got some pancakes and some fruit and looked for a place to sit. She noticed a boy sitting by himself, hesitated for a moment, then decided. She moved over to his table. "Is anyone sitting with you?"
The boy looked up at her, scanning her. "No there's not. Hello my name is Jarod. And you?"
Tazmodo said:
"Wait why not? What did I ever do to you?" (Make up a reason to hate him)
(I guess maybe he accidently seduced someone she was trying to get power from....a very powerful person. Or so she thinks)

[QUOTE="Suzy Mey](I guess maybe he accidently seduced someone she was trying to get power from....a very powerful person. Or so she thinks)

(I'll think of something)

"Please you know I love you right why don't you feel the same." He took a step closer. "Please"
ZeRainbowDash said:
"It's Faye. Mind if I sit here?" She asked, shyly pushing her hair out of her eyes.
He smiled. She appeared to be nervous so he used his power of peace to ease her, his voice calm and soothing. Each word would fill her with a sense of warmth and happiness. "Sure, I'd love company. A pleasure to make your acquaintance Faye. Tell me, what brings you to the academy?"
Faye felt the power in his words and steeled her mind against it. She sat and looked at him in the eyes, calmly assessing him. "I wanted to learn how to defend my family. Careful with your words, they could get you in trouble." She said, an edge in her voice, all shyness gone as soon as he had displayed his power.Now he was someone she needed to be wary of.
ZeRainbowDash said:
Faye felt the power in his words and steeled her mind against it. She sat and looked at him in the eyes, calmly assessing him. "I wanted to learn how to defend my family. Careful with your words, they could get you in trouble." She said, an edge in her voice, all shyness gone as soon as he had displayed his power.Now he was someone she needed to be wary of.
He gave a slight nod and took a bite of his food, dropping his power. He had accomplished what he wanted to. "Duly noted. I'll be sure to take caution in future activities. Did I say something offensive?"
[QUOTE="Suzy Mey]She gets a evil grin. "Come a bit closer."

Tom smiled. "I knew you would come around eventually." He went for a hug. (This will be bad)
[QUOTE="Suzy Mey]SLAM! The door flies into his face. "Perve!" (What do you have in mind?)

The door hit him in the face and he back away. "That was an accident and you know it." (He got drunk one night and tried to seduce her just as things were getting good he threw up on her)
Tazmodo said:
The door hit him in the face and he back away. "That was an accident and you know it." (He got drunk one night and tried to seduce her just as things were getting good he threw up on her)
your creativity my boy is just so... grey
DizjayDeathPride said:
your creativity my boy is just so... grey
(I feel like I could have done better but I thought of that and said it's good enough)

(If you don't like it then make a better one)
[QUOTE="Suzy Mey](We can no doubt go better.)
"Yea sorry, it was." She opens the door.

Tom was reluctant to try again. "Are you going to slam the door again?"


Light said:
( Should we nominate this roleplay for roleplay of the month for September? )
(I was thinking about it but I got lazy)
Tazmodo said:
Tom was reluctant to try again. "Are you going to slam the door again?"

(I was thinking about it but I got lazy)
"No." She turns around, her tail suddenly slapping him, "If its not about the mission then don't come in."

"If it is about the mission, come in."
[QUOTE="Suzy Mey]"No." She turns around, her tail suddenly slapping him, "If its not about the mission then don't come in."
"If it is about the mission, come in."

Tom moved out of the way. "I love when you play hard to get." He walked in and closed the door. "So when are we going to be sent back?"
Eagershadow3 said:
Christopher checked his watch, "so classes start at 2:00 right?" he asked Matt.
"Yeah. That would be the starring time. Aka, let's get moving since I have no clue where I'm going and I assume we both need to get there at least close to the right time"
Tazmodo said:
(I feel like I could have done better but I thought of that and said it's good enough)
(If you don't like it then make a better one)
(How about we do like, they did date once, but maybe he did something wrong and humiliated her or something.)


Tazmodo said:
Tom moved out of the way. "I love when you play hard to get." He walked in and closed the door. "So when are we going to be sent back?"
She sighs. "When its time. I really wanna get revenge on the girl for the scar, its kinda cool, but cutting between my cleavage isn't cool." She growls.

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