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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

DizjayDeathPride said:
Zaphkiel was sitting down, watching this all happen. "Awww cute little Alice. With..." He laughed at her hair. He smiled when she tried to feed the bear. It was adorable after all. Then it caught him. "Rez? Your name is Rez?" Then he woke up with her and didn't know what to say. He didn't know if she would be upset or not. So he didn't say a word about it. He just laid there, slowly running his hand through her hair
Alice simply laid in her bed, staring at the cieling. She wasn't sure if she wanted to cry, to laugh, or to hole her self up. The memory was a good one, but it made the memory of her mothers funeral that much worse. And her mother had called her Réz. Her real name was Réz. Alice felt so conflicted. She turned to Zaphkiel. She didn't say anything, she simply just stared at him as he ran his hands through her hair. She then closed her eyes and sighed. She sort of knew in heart that he had seen what she saw, but she didn't say anything about it.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus hopped off and turned to normal. "He makes a point you know?" He picked up Luna and disappeared to their room
Ryan sighed and caught Blake, putting him on another table, and started healing him. He found a very... peculiar virus inside of him. He took a sample, put it in a vial, and healed him. He left the man there to rest
Luna rests in bed and prepares herself to sleep. "The fact that he accused us of playing favourites? They both have chances of becoming the heir, it depends on whom seems worthy enough. Simply brushing off the fact that your neglecting it with the excuse of it was going to Ruby anyways. Isn't a point at all. He's acting like a child, going around with girls frequently. You don't know how many messes I've had to clean up over his heart breaks. When has he ever taken responsibilities seriously?! The nerve of him to say that. His sister practically wiped her existence off this world so he could work towards becoming the heir without the feeling of rivalry and he can't even focus properly on being grateful for that. Ruby is nothing like me. If he'd take the time to actually speak with her once and a while he would notice. 16 years Morpheus! 16 years! Zaphkiel was practically the only person around her age whom wasn't a doll that could keep her company. He barely even bothered himself with trying to know her past the point of being his sister. Now he has zero problem with throwing spite at her. Shouldn't you be giving him the same treatment as Ruby? By the news you've given me. Unlike her, he's actually sexually active quite frequently. Before you start being 'proud' of him for that. I've raised him to be much better than just some boy whom would flirt with any girl because he could. Ruby has made a contract with a Meta Demon. She's now starting to avoid males as a whole. She lacks trust but at the same time she's too trusting. She also still lacks in companionship with beings that aren't contracted to her. Which is the real reason why I wanted her to join the academy. To get a grip on friendship not powers. Which she no longer desires." Luna inhaled deeply then exhales. "You know what? Fine. It's my fault then, I'm a terrible mother. I'm going to sleep. If you need me I'll be off punishing myself by staying in the place all horrible mothers go. For the rest of the night." Luna's voice sounded empty. Her mind and soul go off to the astral plane this time. She hasn't slept like that in a long time.

( Not a virus, it's a spell. Now I'm going to bed. )
Light said:
( We all know you were playing hide and seek on the thread. I knew you were hiding at page 20. By the way. Taylor is now in a hidden village with Kaylee, Suzanna, and Tom. Taylor is now a Dark Arts member because they 're wrote their memories to hate the academy and they put the Dark Arts symbol on them. They're roaming around the town. You get cloaks by the way. <3 )
(what the hell happened?)
Dante sat back in the chair deep in thought about things that had been happening lately and wondered about his mother and how he longed to see her, but he realized there was no time for that he knew he needed to train and get stronger. He crossed his legs and began to meditate on the floor.
Light said:
( @Tazmodo )
The Dark Arts members have their symbol appear on her left shoulder. Meaning she's now apart of their organization. The capsule opens and two other members grab a cloak for her and hold it open for her to put her hands through. "We shall find you somebody to gain power from immediately."

Tom has the symbol appear on the right side of his chest. The capsule releases him and they also get him a cloak.

Kaylee has the symbol appear on her stomach and they give her the same treatment.

They allow the three to explore this underground laboratory. They have many other experiments going on. There was someone giving them directions through the large lab to the stairs. Once they get up the stairs they rise up behind a bar table after lifting the floor up. Once they look back they no longer see the lab. They just see stored alcohol. "Only members can enter the lab. You may explore the town. I know it will assist you in things you need. There will be separate homes for each of you across the street." He hands them the keys. "Everyone in this town is a member or is affiliated with the organization. We shall call for you when we need you. If you need anything just press your hand on your symbol and call for assistance."
Suzanna seems rather pissed, so stumbles around the town, randomly finding citizens and trying to drain them to near lifelessness. She had little to no regard for these people, dark arts members, seeing them as cattle to be milked for power. As of right now she already incapacitated two members and is draining a third. Anyone who tampers in dark arts better be adjusted to this, because her kind is probably common here. She finishes off this last one, letting his limp body hit the floor of his own home. "Next time stop squirming so much." She warns, her wings and tail having returned. She walks out into the town, already pushing her aura in a 15 foot radius, trying to get a lot of attention from the unsuspecting victims.
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Christopher entered the academy's main entrance, he was amazed by the sheer size of the place. After that he approached a lady at the main desk, "I'm kinda new here, and I'm not sure what I need to do." He said, "well for starters you need to meet someone. The first student you make eye contact with is your roommate." The lady said.
Eagershadow3 said:
Christopher entered the academy's main entrance, he was amazed by the sheer size of the place. After that he approached a lady at the main desk, "I'm kinda new here, and I'm not sure what I need to do." He said, "well for starters you need to meet someone. The first student you make eye contact with is your roommate." The lady said.
Matt watched the new student asking around for advice. Had he looked like that...? Ouch. At least he never asked the front desk...
Faye watched Aria break down and get carried off and sighed. "First potential friend is a nutcase. Joy." She said. "I'm Faye, by the way." She offered her hand to Rebecca. "Nice to meet you."
Rachel got up and started getting ready for class. After what happened yesterday the class was all held together. "Yay annoying students."

Reed woke up. "Adalinda I'm sorry I couldn't get out in time. Rebecca must be mad that I left like that. Probably not."
Eagershadow3 said:
"yeah, I guess you could say that." Christopher chuckled, "so there's another new kid?"
He quirked a brow "didn't I just say that?" He sighed. At least he was cute... Straight, but cute. So obviously straight.
Eagershadow3 said:
Christopher entered the academy's main entrance, he was amazed by the sheer size of the place. After that he approached a lady at the main desk, "I'm kinda new here, and I'm not sure what I need to do." He said, "well for starters you need to meet someone. The first student you make eye contact with is your roommate." The lady said.
(That rule SOOO dropped. The eye contact thing xD but if you want to sure go ahead. And you probably already did idk i'm catching up so if you did ignore lil old me)

(just making sure EVERYONE KNOWS! There are no more individual classes. Everyone is in one joint class together from 2-6.)

@Tazmodo @Lightning Quick @Eagershadow3 @ZeRainbowDash @xXMiaXx @Drumonkey @AtlasTheShapeless @Ameythyst
Rebecca got up early and did her usual. Go to the cafeteria and feed the beasts. At this point, she was up crazy early due to the new classes. After all was said and done she went back to her room to relax and think

Daliah hadnt slept, as per usual, and kind of just laid there. She couldn't believe she was actually in Ruby's bed! Even if it was by chance and purely platonic of course. But this was a slow dream come true

Isabella looked over at her sister. She appeared lost in her own thoughts, smiling like an idiot. She looked up at Ruby and kind of put two and two together. Nodding she too laid there and stared at the ceiling. I bet it's nice to be wanted huh

Brooke had gone to Kaylee's room and waited for her. She didn't know at all what was going on and thought maybe she stumbled off. Charles had come in by now and was wanting to be fed but Brooke was too lost in thought. There was a salad she had ready to feed him sitting out so he went to eat it himself

Zaphkiel eventually fell asleep with Alice but soon woke back up. He didn't move or stir her. He was enjoying just how peaceful she looked when she slept. Even if she had totally put his leg to sleep. He thought about what his mother had said. Quickly he pushed it aside. It didn't matter. He thought about the events and came up with a plan. @Ameythyst

Damian was still trapped with the Dark Arts. They were keeping his powers nullified so he couldn't escape. He looked up at the woman in front of him "Do understand, when I escape? I am killing you this time. No hesitation" The woman laughed and walked away. his head falling back down

Decimus laid with his wife, Rikka. He thought about what exactly had transpired. How bad things had gotten. He was starting to think he should probably care a bit more. But not just yet

Angelica laid, trailing her finger on Eric. "Now that my class is removed.... what should we do?" @Tazmodo

Morpheus woke up early and looked at Luna. He shook his head. The woman herself had so much to learn. She wasn't observant enough. Not fully. It's adorable really. He kissed her head and laid there, looking up

Ryan went back to the medical room to check on Aria and Dante. "So... any episodes? Can I conduct tests now?" @AnthonyWrath @xXMiaXx

Fariella woke up pretty early. She quickly redressed and sat on William's couch. She's happy she didn't have to go that far with him. Not yet. But this just proved how unready she was for a real relationship. She huddled her knees to her chest and laid there @Light

Beleth stared out of the window in his office on the top floor, overlooking the whole campus. This were progressing.... rapidly. He feared he would have to do more,

Jarod and Kris went back to the building they had woken up in. They didn't know exactly what this place was or what was happening. They didn't remember much of anything beyond 3 years ago. They shook their head and wandered around. After a few dozen towns and a few hours later, they found this,,, academy. They went in, spoke with the Headmaster, got into the system, and just went to find a dorm. They figured they'd just stay together to figure this all out


[QUOTE="Suzy Mey](I need to make a second char >.>)

(At this point, I agree)
Kaylee woke up and put on her hood. After what happened last night she was bored. She looked at her scar and remembered Daliah. "She will die." She went outside and walked around the village.

Tom woke up and went to Suzannas house. He knocked on the door. @Suzy Mey

DizjayDeathPride said:
Rebecca got up early and did her usual. Go to the cafeteria and feed the beasts. At this point, she was up crazy early due to the new classes. After all was said and done she went back to her room to relax and think
Daliah hadnt slept, as per usual, and kind of just laid there. She couldn't believe she was actually in Ruby's bed! Even if it was by chance and purely platonic of course. But this was a slow dream come true

Isabella looked over at her sister. She appeared lost in her own thoughts, smiling like an idiot. She looked up at Ruby and kind of put two and two together. Nodding she too laid there and stared at the ceiling. I bet it's nice to be wanted huh

Brooke had gone to Kaylee's room and waited for her. She didn't know at all what was going on and thought maybe she stumbled off. Charles had come in by now and was wanting to be fed but Brooke was too lost in thought. There was a salad she had ready to feed him sitting out so he went to eat it himself

Zaphkiel eventually fell asleep with Alice but soon woke back up. He didn't move or stir her. He was enjoying just how peaceful she looked when she slept. Even if she had totally put his leg to sleep. He thought about what his mother had said. Quickly he pushed it aside. It didn't matter. He thought about the events and came up with a plan. @Ameythyst

Damian was still trapped with the Dark Arts. They were keeping his powers nullified so he couldn't escape. He looked up at the woman in front of him "Do understand, when I escape? I am killing you this time. No hesitation" The woman laughed and walked away. his head falling back down

Decimus laid with his wife, Rikka. He thought about what exactly had transpired. How bad things had gotten. He was starting to think he should probably care a bit more. But not just yet

Angelica laid, trailing her finger on Eric. "Now that my class is removed.... what should we do?" @Tazmodo

Morpheus woke up early and looked at Luna. He shook his head. The woman herself had so much to learn. She wasn't observant enough. Not fully. It's adorable really. He kissed her head and laid there, looking up

Ryan went back to the medical room to check on Aria and Dante. "So... any episodes? Can I conduct tests now?" @AnthonyWrath @xXMiaXx

Fariella woke up pretty early. She quickly redressed and sat on William's couch. She's happy she didn't have to go that far with him. Not yet. But this just proved how unready she was for a real relationship. She huddled her knees to her chest and laid there @Light

Beleth stared out of the window in his office on the top floor, overlooking the whole campus. This were progressing.... rapidly. He feared he would have to do more,

Jarod and Kris went back to the building they had woken up in. They didn't know exactly what this place was or what was happening. They didn't remember much of anything beyond 3 years ago. They shook their head and wandered around. After a few dozen towns and a few hours later, they found this,,, academy. They went in, spoke with the Headmaster, got into the system, and just went to find a dorm. They figured they'd just stay together to figure this all out


(At this point, I agree)
Eric looked at her and smiled. "I have a great idea." He gave her a kiss and rolled on top of her.
Dante opened his eyes after a long night of meditation," No nothing's happened and no you can't do tests on us." Dante said as he stood up.
Tazmodo said:
Kaylee woke up and put on her hood. After what happened last night she was bored. She looked at her scar and remembered Daliah. "She will die." She went outside and walked around the village.
Tom woke up and went to Suzannas house. He knocked on the door. @Suzy Mey

Eric looked at her and smiled. "I have a great idea." He gave her a kiss and rolled on top of her.
"WHAT?!" She answers, angriliy.

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