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Fantasy Zephyr (Accepting)

A wicked smile appeared on the archdemon's face, revealing a sharp set of teeth that dripped a black goo. Rising himself from off the dirty floor, his dangerously spiked tail swayed back and forth in rapid motions. His bright red eyes were crazed pleasure. Something about this certain demon, whether it be his immense power or the amount of fear he stirred in others, made the other monsters around him back away slowly. Feeling the other demons grow restless, Sithis began grinning like the Cheshire cat himself.

"The elf... she's mine. I made my mark, and I plan to keep it that way." Sithis crawled after Kyro and the smaller demons that were assisting them. They cleared a path, letting the archdemon lead the pack of monsters. He stepped through the portal by Kyro's side. Everything grew black for a moment as the portal began transporting them. Sithis had a pool of black acidic goo underneath him now.



The elf felt a little more confident now that Pisco was helping her out. Before, she didn't think she could take much more. Taking on a man among demons was not the smartest decision, especially by yourself. Seeing Pisco's wink, Evangelina smirked back at him and turned her pale gaze in the direction of the shadow man. The sword's hilt was gripped tightly in her right hand, ready to attack at any second.

A cold presence swept through the air. A familiar one. The elf glanced over to Pisco to see if he had noticed anything strange. But he didn't seem to be phased by it. She felt the presence again. It gave her the feeling of someone dumping a bucket of ice water over her skin. Immediately, a sharp pain shot through her chest. The elf let out a hoarse gasp and collapsed to the hard ground onto her knees. The sword clattered to the ground loudly. Crimson flooded into her vision with every painful throb of her heart.

Sithis.... Sithis is here...

The memories of the archdemon ripping his claws down her skin, over and over again for hours crawled back into her mind. It sent shivers down her spine, causing the elf to lurch forward at the suddenly increased pain. Her breathing became choked and full of small gasps. Glancing up slowly, Evangelina met Pisco's gaze with a ghostly pale expression. Her blue eyes were completely glazed over with fear.

"T-...the demons... are here..." The elf coughed violently, spraying blood all over the grey ground. She sucked in a sharp breath. Blood rolled down her chin, painting the white dress she wore with crimson.
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"You can be a little more cautious about taking advice from strange talking animals for one." Shor uncharacteristically joked, "However, in all seriousness, trusting me in this instant is a wise choice on your part." Shor's tail flicked in satisfaction at the fact that someone was actually listening to his advice. "Broken thrones can be rebuilt, your highness," The devil cat said as if reading the prince's mind, "but not if there is an army trying to take the castle that it sits within. Did not your father have men that were loyal to him? Did not your adviser begin to build an army of mercenaries to serve you? Dominion may be gone, but surely not all these men are. Seek them out, build your own army, and take back your kingdom."



At the same moment that the elf girl dropped to the ground, the large rune on Medea's back began to burn. The witch let out a gasp of both pain and ecstasy, for that was the kind of burn it was; like drops of hot wax on your skin during a moment of intimate indulgence. The masters are coming, she thought, almost in a trance, and then froze. Demons are coming! That was not good!

Acting quick, Medea placed her hands together and whispered "Επούλωση των πληγών και ανάπλασης της ψυχής. (Heal the wounds and rejuvenate the soul.)" She pulled her hands apart to reveal a small bubble that was glowing green with healing magic. She tapped the barrier and a small hole opened up in it. She gently blew on the bubble and it drifted through the hole and floated gently to the elf girl, where it popped and released its energy.
Truly this scene was escalating by the moment as the girl stared at him coughing blood from some sort of magical injury and warning about demons. Then another woman appeared suddenly by the girl's side. "I shall be merciful and assume you are not these demons this girl mentioned no?" he said to the newcomer without taking his eyes off on that blob. Then again he didn't need for such were his senses heightened to combat any incoming threat.

Instead he continued too a keep hand on the handle on the sword while the other had a grip on the scabbard. His toes were scrunching back and forth within his shiny brown boots in anticipation of the next move from his adversary and any demons that might follow. "So tell me about these demons."
Slowly, without word, the Shadow Man raised his hand into the air and a burst of energy similar to the last shot upwards into the sky. Now he began to laugh, though it was a hollow one, as he flickered his gaze from foe to foe.

"You will find out about these demons soon boy." His steely words were thick with contempt, as he twirled his sword in intricate motions akin to a viper preparing to strike as he waited for a move to be made. He had all the time in the world but they, they did not.
This cat...reminds me of father's adviser. He thought, glancing at the cat with only one eye. I single-handely destroyed Dominion, my father's legacy, during my rule. His empire will never be brought back. Zelin sighed, unhappy with how pathetic he was. I'll never be my father. To make up for it, I'll build my own empire. I'll get my own throne, my own followers, my own loyal subjects. The prince clenched his fist, looking back at the cat with a grin. And in my kingdom, there won't be a need for sacrifices. "Alright, I'll follow your advice then. I'm trusting you...uh. Do you have a name?"
Trina pounded her fist against the invisible wall. What the-! Okay let's go round.

She ran all the way around the to get in through the other side of the alley. But SMACK! Ran right into another barrier and fell flat on her back. Are ya kiddin' me!? They closed the alley off?! AH HATE MAGES!

Suddenly, a new contest entered the ring. It was Fiddler that was playing on the roof earlier (someone's getting sued). How did he- OH! That building right there had a side door! She could just cut through and get in from the side!

Trina barged in to the tavern, ignoring this funny look she was getting. As she hurried into other room, she saw a man standing near to the door she was aiming to go out, shouting, "I don't know what's going on but THIS ISNT FUNNY! I GOTTA USE THE CRAPPER! LEMME OUTTA HERE!!!"

Trina wasn't sure what HIS issue was and probably wouldn't have cared until she smacked into the part of force ring that cut through the tavern walls. About three yards from the door. (Poor schmuck was on the other side)

After recovering from the daze, Trina let out a frustrated growl. This was insane! The fight was RIGHT THERE! She could feel the assassins pissy aura through the walls and it was TAUNTING HER! She wanted to FIGHT, DANGIT! SO NOT FAIR!!!

Trina stared. Eyelid twitching. Ohhhh, so Ya think ya won? Huh? She thought at the force field. A crazed grin stretched across her face. Well THINK AGAIN! Ah'll juss hafta DROP in from the ROOF! HAHAHAHAHAH! Whaddaya say ta THAT?!


one chimney climb later.

The barrier was up on the roof, too.



Trina stood up there on the roof, leaning her hands against the magic barrier, watching a cage fight she couldn't participate in. Rage coursing through her veins.

Suddenly Evah spontaneously started coughing blood. Trina's bloodlust cooled down and was immediately replaced by worry. Frick! she's injured! Nice time to be the damsel in distress for once, Evah! Now Trina actually needed to get in there, not to beat the snot out of Assassin-Dude, but to get Evah out of there and get her to a healer before the creep decided to stab while she was down.

Then, Trina noticed out of the corner of her eye another roof top gawker. She was muttering something her hands. She was casting a spell. Trina had a mage for a brother so she knew that much. But what was she-

The mage unclasped her hands to reveal a glowing, green bubble. And after poking her finger in front of her, she released the luminous sphere to drift gently down into alley.

Through the barrier.


Trina grabbed the spell caster by the shoulders. "You!" She said with urgency. "Get me in there!"
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"I have many names, but I am most commonly called Shor." He answered, pleased with the way things had developed. The prince wasn't much to look at. He was small is stature and did not carry himself like a warrior. However the boy had ambition and drive, which would serve to be most useful in the future. "I serve as a familiar for the wandering wizard Medea Muhammad, whom you may or may not have heard of. While it may take a little talking on my part, I am certain that she will be more than willing to assist you."

"So there is one ally. Now where will you begin your search for others?" Shor asked. The familier could have just told him, but if this boy was going to be the future king, he couldn't be letting a cat do all the thinking for him...



"You! Get me in there!"

Medea just stared at the rude girl and placed a hand on her hip. "And why should I do that?" she asked defiantly. "So you can go get yourself killed? There are darker forces on their way here and this is far too dangerous for a kid to be-" Suddenly a black burst of energy flew out of the alley and into the sky. The witch watched it in horror, knowing full well what it's purpose was. That man had just signaled his location.

"No! No! NO!" The girl forgotten, Medea turned back to the barrier and slammed her palm into it. A visible ripple travled across the otherwise invisible dome of energy and, upon reaching the other side, caused the dome above the rooftops to crack and shatter but left the walls intact. If she wanted to get the elf chick out alive with a demon coming then she could no longer afford to be subtle. She needed to finish this quickly.

Holding out a hand, a long black staff with a large amethyst imbedded in the top appeared in Medea's hand and she pointed the weapon down into the alley. "Οη επιβλητικό πνεύμα των καταιγίδων, δανείσει μου το μέσο του οργή σας που θα μπορούσα να ανατρέψει αυτά που παρά μου! (Oh mighty spirit of storms, lend me the instrument of your wrath that I might strike down those that spite me!)" As the witch chanted, a single dark cloud began to form in the sky high above the town. Suddenly, with a deafening clap of thunder, a large bolt of lightning shot down into the ally and struck the assassin, scorching the ground around him.

(@GreatGavino I'll let you decide how much damage Rider actually takes. Just know this; Medea was not pulling any punches. That attack was strong enough to kill most men.)
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Schede watched . The carnage temporarily sating its lust for blood. It hid in the witch's shadow, watching, waiting for the perfect opportunity to slip out and attack. It cared not for politics, it cared not for reputation, it most certainly cared not for weakness, what mattered was death Death DEATH DEATH. It sat unnoticed in her shadow, unnoticeable, untouchable.
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"It sure was getting crowded", was one of his thoughts. Between these demons which maybe outside of the shadow liquid monster which have yet to arrive but would add to this brawl. Then there was a some girl that managed to find this brawl and who decided she wanted in. He could only hope she was a good fighter or even more likely a good distraction to get some attacks in.

As the shadowy creature began to flourish its weapon he couldn't help but to feel the urge to roll his eyes. But instead he chose to join in on the fun and began spinning and waving his scabbard. Which both served to mock his adversary as well was something to do as he continued rapid casting his magics until the next opportunity to strike. At least he had one competent looking partner in the form of that female magician that appeared not too long ago. He readied himself for the onslaught as well as the opportunity to go use his own abilities to widen the battlefield just a bit more to his own liking.
"Shor..." The prince whispered the cats name, getting a feel for it. Shor had this strange aura around him, which nearly made Zelin laugh. Was a talking cat not strange enough? He seemed rather...wise, and thoughtfull. Taking his time when responding to questions. He smiled absently, Shor gave him a good impression. "I'll look for talented induviduals. Charles wanted to amass an army. Me? I want men who could oppose the gods." He started scratching his head, flushing slightly. "Though I have no idea where to look..." Zelin looked back toward where his friends had ran, defending him against the assassin. "But for now. I trust those who defend me, They won't die to a man like him. Especially Evangelina." He began walking toward the pub, stern and suddenly...confident. "I suppose I should ask, are you coming along with me?"
Light met darkness as the lighting struck the Rider, a thundering crack rang out as it made contact with his body. Crackles of electricity tore around the alleyway, the body of the Shadow Man contorting violently before being blasted backward where his body met the wall with a sickening thud. Sliding limply onto his rear, the cloaked head rolled around before drooping blankly downward with the distinct smell of burnt flesh coming off his smoking body.

Several seconds passed with no change, the air seemed to hold it's breath as the silence drug on. As if an alarm went off, the limp head shot upward to attention. With a ragged breath, the Shadow Man rose to his feet with charred robes as his gaze shot upwards, and two red glowing eyes, like orbs shone from the shadowed hood as he began to raise both his hands.

"YOU CANNOT KILL WHICH HAS ALREADY DIED." He roared, as dark energy began to amass and crackle around him. The anger seeping from him was like a slap to the face, as his arms began to shake slightly. Letting loose a guttural cry of rage, an inferno began to blast from his hands and though powerful it was an uncontrollable attack. Flames began to sprout up on either building as the wave of heat instantly caused skin to blister, the huge torrent of flame coming from his hands akin to two massive serpents of fire. Stumbling backward from the sheer force of it he began to laugh with crazed glee, as chaos quickly began to overtake the area.
No sooner did the blazing serpentine fire erupt from that creature's hands did Pisco find himself in the air thanks to his heightened abilities. The thoughts of water rushing through his mind he quickly tossed two coins which erupted into very thick pillars of water shielding the others. Making physics his bitch he managed to half double jump and air dash to the barrier and striking it down with his sword. He could feel the tremendous energies pushing back and slowing and his enhanced blade chop. Little green sparks were coming out as he slowly pierced the magical wall. But in the end he won out as his descent was slowing and hanged in the air with sword stuck in the barrier.

Hanging rather comfortably held out in out in one hand fistful of coin grabbed from his pockets. "My beer money." he lamented as he waggled his index finger around. With a kick he cracked the barrier barrier as he propelled himself into the air and rained down specially imbued coins that were reinforced to last longer than an ordinary coin as well as mixed with a little bit of wind magic for motion. The end result? Deadly spinning coins sent hurtling insanely fast at the rider. He figured that because of his amorphous body the motion of the coins would damage or more realistically hinder the creature with its low inertia as the spin would cause the areas of his body hit to contort with the motion of the coins' spin.
"Run wild you demonic creatures!"

Kyro cried out as he saw the firing signal of the Rider close by.

No sooner had Kyro said that, that all who came with Sithis and him flooded past them running towards the combat. With already premeditated targets in mind they took action. A smile that could not be seen on Kyro's face because of his mask came onto his face. He turned towards Sithis, "Bring the elf to me, in one piece." Kyro himself walked away from the closing portal observing his surroundings to see whom is around. His eyes saw some demons already by the Rider's side. One even threw himself in front of what seemed to be coins to protect the Rider. Another was slithering up behind the man who was attacking the Rider (@Ixacise). Then he eyes spotted the elf. He froze in his steps, his breath taken away, and his ill heart pounded even faster. Blood flowed down from her mouth, her hair cascaded down around her like a veil, and her appearance looking beatened and miserable...it was the picture of beauty in Kyro's eyes. His mind suddenly changed from what he originally planned to do, but then he stopped himself. Stick to the plan. He gritted his teeth but turned away from the elf and proceeded to find the prince. Kyro wanted a mental image of the prince. Knowing that he will be able to identify him easily because of the power he will give off, Kyro used his own dark power to search for the light power. But before he continued from his spot, he pulled out the book and recited a spell that granted him a void shapened as a blaster. He quickly put away the book and walked on towards the estimated area at which the prince currently located at. "I'm coming for you...my highness," Kyro whispered sarcastically.
"And thus, Hell rises unto the lands!" The Shadow Man screeched hoarsely, as the fire and denizens of hell brought down the barrier and newfound energy seemed to course through him as he went from outnumbered to outnumbering. His mighty hellfire raged onward, seemingly intent on spreading as far as it could as if sentient, as the shadowed figure of the Rider began to move toward the Elf.

The fire recoiled away from it's creator, as he slowly moved forwards until he came across the weakened Evangelina. Immediately he delivered a swift kick to her fair face, delight coursing through him as he felt her nose shatter from his boot, "You dared to rise against me? Now you shall fall."

He glared down at her, the pair within a circle of fire though it felt as cold as ice inside it despite the raging inferno a foot away.
Wait for me!

Trina was not going to humor some pedantic broom-rider while Evah wasted away, but before she could threaten the witch with bodily harm, the assassin threw a firework show and the mage flipped

(Insert: Medea summoning lightning because I forgot to. oops!)

Trina stared, wide-eyed at the electrocuted body. "... Okay, that was cool." She admitted. "But dang it! I wanted to kill him!" Trina sighed, sat down on the edge of the roof and rolled over on her stomach so she could ease herself down. Grumbling.

Trina drop down to the ground, went to check up on Evah, But what happens next nearly put a new definition to "skin changer" as she nearly jumped out of hers. A renewed blast of hate aura washed over her as the "dead" assassin stood up with glowing eyes, and shouted, "YOU CANNOT KILL WHICH HAS ALREADY DIED."

Oh Frick! he's undead! She looked at the fiery eyes and the way he was putting out his hands. And a firemage?! Frick! Frick! Frick! Frick!

Trina ran to the tavern door, catching a glimpse of the Bard putting a shield over him and Evah. Good. Running through the door, Trina slammed it shut as an inferno engulfed in the alley.


After a moment and open the door to find the ally looking like the inside of the fireplace. The assassin was looming over Evah, no doubt about to kill her.

Oh-ho no you don't. Trina took her hand axe from her belt and threw it hard at the assassins back.

(Sorry, if it's confusing. I'll have to clean it up later.

Skinchanger is a fancy term for an animal shape shifter)
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With one knee knelt down against the cold stone road, Evangelina watched a tiny puddle of her own blood seep into the cracks. The events going on around her... starting from the flash of lightning that had electrocuted the shadow man, the inferno blast, and worst of all... the minions of the dark guild who had finally arrived within the chaos. The magical barrier that once stood strong and tall, was now breaking into pieces of glass. It allowed the monsters of the darkness a quick and easy passageway in. A pack of smaller demons leaped out of the shadows in the alleyway, fighting off Pisco and the witch on the rooftop. They were easily outnumbered.

Behind Pisco, crawled a horned demon. The white haired elf glanced towards it and raised a trembling hand in its direction. A streak of purple light blasted from her bloody hand. It hit the demon, and instantly, it let out a deafening screech. It began to crumble into a dark ash behind the bard, blowing away in a gust of cool wind. She watched it disperse into the depths of Oblivion.

With shaky knees and blood dripping down like a waterfall, Evangelina began to rise to her feet. The area around her was clouded in billowing smoke and the scent of burning wood. For a moment, the shadow man's figure in front of the elf vanished. She squinted a bit, her alertness and caution increasing. Now that the barrier had crumbled, her first thought was that the man had gone after Zelin.

Until she got a swift boot to the face.

Pain surged through her nose and lower back as she toppled backwards. Her body smacked against the hard ground, causing the bones along her spine to bruise. Evangelina groaned quietly and lifted her head away from the stone road. Crimson poured out of her nose, flowing freely down the elf's chin in a delicate stream. The shadow man towered over Evangelina, clearly amused at the pain he had caused. Anger boiled inside of her. She was struggling, and it entertained him. It made her sick.

"That's enough, Rider..." A deep, rumbling voice hissed from somewhere within the cloud of black smoke.

Evangelina's heart stopped in its place.

The familiar clicking of claws against cobblestone echoed behind the shadow man, growing louder and louder. Her vision began to turn a sickly crimson as the archdemon revealed himself. He stood tall behind the dark man, at least by a foot or two. His blood red gaze met Evangelina's. Like a curse he had inflicted upon her, a sharp pain stabbed the elf in the chest, causing her to lurch forward and cough up the salty liquid. Sithis smiled wickedly, showing off blackened teeth that gleamed with the fresh goo secreting from his mouth. He weaved around Rider, getting down onto all fours and slithering up to Evangelina. She avoided his gaze and shivered visibly.

Standing a few mere inches away now, Sithis tilted his head to the side and trailed his crazed eyes across her face. The fear wavering off from the elf's aura caused an overwhelming burst of dark energy to surge through the archdemon. In lightning fast movements, Sithis's spiked tail wrapped around Evangelina's neck and rose her away from the bloody ground. She dangled in front of him like a ragdoll, beginning to gasp out as the lingering amounts of air she had left escaped.

"You and the prince... can't escape this time." He brought the elf closer to him until his forehead brushed against hers. She struggled against his grasp and clenched her eyes shut. With a sickening look in his eyes, Sithis leaned his head towards the side of her face. He smirked before running his jagged tongue up the side of her cheek. Evangelina yelled out in disgust, scratching viciously at his tail coiled around her neck like a snake. The sudden jerking of the elf caused the amusement in his eyes to vanish. He gritted the tips of his sharp teeth together in an angered manner, and immediately flung the already broken Evangelina straight into a brick wall. The curve of her back smacked against it with a deafening crack. The elf falling onto her hands and knees was soon to follow.

"Don't be a fool, elf." He spat angrily.

Sithis crawled towards her slowly. Evangelina sucked in several gasps of air, trying to recover from the immense amount of pain she felt.

"Please... Don't come any closer... I... can't take it anymore." She raised a single hand that trembled violently. The archdemon ignored her pleas, and wrapped his horned claws around her waist. The elf fainted instantly. Like a mischievous feline, Sithis burst into a sprint on all fours out of the alleyway. Now in the main road, he caught a glimpse of Kyro heading down the road up ahead.
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Steel struck flesh as the axe lodged into the shoulder blade of the warrior of darkness, a frigid tensing of his body the only indication of any pain registering. In one motion, he spun back around and fired out a burst of explosive energy from his good arm which slammed into the burning building left of the axe woman with a satisfying boom. Snarling he swept back around as chunks of wall blasted onto the area in which she stood, his mind now set on completing the true goal to attempt to finish her off.

Reaching back to remove the axe, he found he could not attain a grasp on it and his hidden face scowled before he burst out in a sprint rising quickly to the speed of a stallion as he burst through the flames into the street once again. He had already caught the Prince's scent, and now there was nothing to hamper the predator from finding it's prey. Blade in hand, he barreled down the road, running through several bystanders with one foul swoop as they got in the way of his warpath. No man could escape his shadow.


Beaurmont said:
"Shor..." The prince whispered the cats name, getting a feel for it. Shor had this strange aura around him, which nearly made Zelin laugh. Was a talking cat not strange enough? He seemed rather...wise, and thoughtfull. Taking his time when responding to questions. He smiled absently, Shor gave him a good impression. "I'll look for talented induviduals. Charles wanted to amass an army. Me? I want men who could oppose the gods." He started scratching his head, flushing slightly. "Though I have no idea where to look..." Zelin looked back toward where his friends had ran, defending him against the assassin. "But for now. I trust those who defend me, They won't die to a man like him. Especially Evangelina." He began walking toward the pub, stern and suddenly...confident. "I suppose I should ask, are you coming along with me?"
"It is a good leader that has faith in his men, but do not let that faith become overconfidence." He both warned and praised the praised the prince. The boy did not know that the assassin was no longer alone, that creatures of darkness and of Hell itself were beginning to pour into the streets of this town. Even if his lover could have survived before, she was now far out numbered.

"Yes, I will be coming with you. It was my intention from the beginning." Coiling his back legs, Shor made an impressive leap off of the stack of boxes to Zelin's shoulder, where he landed gently. "Now hold still for a second." Focusing, the cat spread his aura outwards to encompass both him and the prince. His own demonic energy met the guardian's divine aura and the two canceled each other out. Now the prince registered as nothing more than a normal person as well as having his own scent replaced by Shor's. "There. That should do it. Now move quickly."

(@Metaphysics If the shadow is going to do something, it should be soon.)

(Medea is busy fighting the creatures)
Skidding several feet as he came to an abrupt halt, The Shadow Man cursed to himself as the trail of the Prince was clouded by an outside source. Everyone was running to escape the madness unfolding on the town, so he could not think to effectively find Zelin among the other peasantry filth. He would need to get the Prince to come to him.

"Prince Zelin!" He boomed, his magnified voice reaching far, "Show yourself to me or your lover will meet a bloody end!" The Prince would have a difficult inner choice to make now, and the Rider did not think he would run again.
As the cat lept upon Zelin's shoulders, he felt a quick tingle throughout his body, which shortly dissipated. That was...unnatural? The prince disregarded it and gave Shor a quick scratch on the head, surely he can't have a distaste for it right? "Well, lets get moving then. Less not waste time." Zelin stated, continuing his stride to the pub at the end of the alley. (Gonna make up the area since I don't particularly know what it looks like?) A large oak wood door stood as the entrance to the building, with 'Pub' etched into it. A single window lies to the left of the door, but the shutters have been fastened shut, preventing the prince from glancing inside. He stopped at the door, confused on what to do further.

This prince glanced back at the cat, raising an eyebrow. This...is it right? Trina? He thought, knocking on the door a few times. Three hard knocks on the wooden door caused the window's metallic shutters to vibrate and screech. "Um, hello? Excuse me? Could I have some assistance?" The prince yelled politely as he could muster, he knew not if there were actually people still here. He stood there for a few moments, before shrugging unhappily. Maybe they're not here anymore? He guessed. The prince stepped toward the door and began focusing energy into his fingers again. Who knew that his lock picking skill would actually save his life? Whispering the word 'Eintras' in his head, a flash of green light sparked in his fingers again, this time dimmer and weaker. A zap sound was heard, followed with a quick metallic snap. The lock on the door seemed to disengage and he could swing it open. "Let's see if they'll welcome me now?" He whispered, happy with himself.

As he entered the Pub, he came to realize it was dark and empty, with which no one could be seen. Zelin closed the door behind him, sliding a nearby box in front of it. The lock was broken, so the wooden door wouldn't hold anyone back for long. Against that assassin...perhaps even with the lock... Slowly he walked through the pub, passing tables covered with a white cloth. The chairs were amassed around a long counter in the back, stacked on top of each other. He assumed that's where the bartender stood. When he was a few feet away from the counter a low voice spoke hoarsely and slow. "Well you decided to just blow my door open, why not come in yeah?" It took the prince of guard, but he stood calmly, giving a quick glance to his companion. "Ah yes...my apologies sir. I was in a rush and didn't have the time to wait there." The prince spoke slowly and with kindness, hoping his host wasn't the violent type. "Ah yeah, soz everyone can just come in my pub whenever they find the need to? No need for a LOCK I suppose." A bulky silhouette appeared from behind the counter, smoking some sort of long pipe. "Alright, wha' was so important you just HAD to break my lock and invade my fine establishment?" He asked with a bit of attitude. At least he didn't outright attack me. Zelin thought with a bit of relief. "I was told by a friend you could...help me escape perhaps? I'm being pursued currently."

The man nodded his head, not changing his expression from simple indifference.
"Ah see. This friend eh? I don' have many of those. Got a name perhaps?" He questioned, taking a few puffs from his pipe. The man seemed to not be the trusting type. Zelin smiled a bit, using his hand to express Trina's height. "A girl about this tall, her name is Trina? Know her?" The man's expression changed, but only for a moment. "Trina? You know tha' girl? And she sent you here?" The man crossed his arms, scoffing a bit. "What was she thinkin'? Why would I jus' help anyone she sends my way? You sure you know her kid?" The owner of the pub seemed to disbelieve in Zelin's words. He didn't know how to change his mind, and looked to Shor for some assistance.


When the prince looked at Shor, the cat was staring intensely at the man, his eyes no longer an icy blue but an ember red. Hopping off of the prince's shoulder and onto the counter top he began to stalk around, continuing to stare into the man's eyes. Normally the man wouldn't have given this any thought, but there was something about this cat, something that wouldn't let him break eye-contact. "Hey kid? What's wrong with your ca-"

"The boy just described Trina to you and you doubt wither he knows her?" The man's jaw dropped when Shor began to speak. He began to say something, to argue, but the cat was not finished talking. "And let us say that we do not actually know her. We know her name, we know what she looks like, we know her connection to you, and most importantly we know what it is that you do. And that should worry you, Ezra Malachite."

"What?! How?!-"

Shor continued, digging deeper into the man's mind for blackmail material. "We know that you have been smuggling contraband in and out of the town since this establishment was given to you. Not only that, but you have been lining the pockets of the town guard to keep them quiet. Should the town magistrate hear about this however, the guard will be forced to act."

Ezra glared at him. "An' supposin' I let you live after you break into my home and threatin' me, jus' what makes you think th' magistrate will listen to a kid and a two-bit-wizard's familiar?" Slowly he reached under the counter, wrapping his hands around a crossbow.

Shor's tail twitched with annoyance. "If you recognize me as a familiar than you should have recognized something else. When was the last time you heard a familiar other than a raven speak?" Ezra paused, wondering where the cat was going with this. "The only reason that this familiar is talking to you is because I am speaking though it."

It took the man a second to catch on. "So your sayin' that-"

"Yes. There is a 'two-bit-wizard' watching through this cat's eyes and should you refuse to assist this young man, I will report you and all the men you have bribed directly to the magistrate." Shor threatened. Ezra looked back and forth between the two of them trying to decide if he was bluffing, after all it is rather hard to tell if a cat is lying or not. Finally he gave in. "Fine, damn you. Follow me."

With a satisfied flick to his tail, Shor jumped back up onto Zelin's shoulder. "There are only two things that men like this respect," He said quietly "Money, and fear. Normally it is best to avoid angering smugglers, as they can be dangerous men. However he was not going to let you through without payment and, seeing as we have no money, this was the only option."
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Listening to the conversation intently, Zelin was pleased with the turnout. This familiar is quite the shrewd diplomat, it must be hard for the man to pay his way out of this one. As Shor hopped back on his shoulders, the prince gave a quick nod to his feline friend. "Wonderful work mate." He muttered appreciatively, sighing in relief. "Well I don' have all day ya know! You comin' or what?" The smuggler Ezra demanded, he was obviously agitated at his losing to a cat. The prince smiled at the man, giving a respectful nod. "Forgive me, yes I am coming." Ezra walked from behind the counter and began removing a carpet that covered the floor, and with it a large hatch was revealed. The smuggler knelled down and began fumbling with some sort of lock, cursing heavily under his breath every now and then. "This is the worst time..." He mumbled softly, finally unlocking it. With a snap, he lifted the large metal hatch, exposing a ladder leading down to a dark abyss.

Zelin recoiled at the sight, having a faint image of his past experiences flash by. He never minded darkness, but since his little adventure, now it's unnerving. The prince looked up at the smuggler, his expression a bit concerned.
"What now? Do you want me to hold yer hand? Get going." Ezra griped with agitation. This man is simply unpleasant. The prince's expression turned stern, he would like to know a bit of info first hand. "Thank you for the assistance. May I ask where this leads?" He asked, trying to get an idea of where to head next. The man took a heavy puff of his pipe, exhaling through his nostrils. "Damnit boy, you sure ask a lot don't you? Bah. It's a long corridor that leads out of Halkreath to the forest north of here. I haven't used it in a while since those things started comin' round." The smuggler smiled suddenly. "To give ya extra information, free of charge, you'll probably die. Heh. One man and a cat doesn't stand ah chance. Hahaha."

Delightful. The prince forced a smile and nodded again. "Thank you for the information" He then looked to Shor. "Want me to go first or you?"

The figure was quickly running, as fast as he could. Zelin undoubtedly had probably gained allies by now, and the two would re-unite soon enough. The cloaked man dashed past forest and rocks, only to come to a sudden stop. He had reached just outside of a small forest, to the east of the Venesian Mountains. A sound betrayed his ears.

Growls, stomps, and screeches of sorts. A group of Shadows, ten shadow creatures, three shadow hawks. Without further ado, the man drew his blade and approached the group.

The shadow creatures, the first to come at him, took his full wrath. With no mercy, he cut through each as they leaped at him, one by one. As the last creature fell, smashing into the ground in two halves, the first Hawk attacked. With a quick shift to his left and a lucky swing, the Hawk's underbelly was slashed. The other two abandoned their bleeding brother, leaving it to spiral into the ground only mere minutes after it's wound was made.

In satisfaction, the figure sheathed his blade. A few hours ago, he had discussed a few things with some of the Venesian Militia, especially with it's leader...

"A meeting is underway...", the man muttered to himself.


Ayah, along with Aura and Erin, all three continued to maintain a rather growing camp. Food was being gathered, and those who were dying were either dead or healed by then. There were talks about the Prince, and about what they should do.

Currently indecisive, the three remained without a say on the topic for awhile, until they agreed to eventually find the Prince, and Charles if he still lived.
So many thoughts were flowing in Kyro's mind that virtually his mind became blank. Instinct drove him. His eyes glazed over ready to annihilate. The strong presence of the Prince irked him. His stride lengthened as he felt himself approaching towards the pure presence. A strong fiery burn blazed throughout his body internally fueling him. His movements began to move like one similar to a feral feline until...he could not be felt anymore.

Kyro froze in his tracks. His icy blue eyes yearning for kill looked around suddenly. The tempting and pure presence of the Prince...vanished. But having being an experienced soldier Kyro reviewed the last few minutes. There he realized a slight change. Right before the presence vanished he felt a familiar tingling demonic presence, but one that seemed to have been tainted with light. This irritated Kyro more. Darkness is true when it rises above the light.

He gritted his teeth and pulled out the spellbook quickly flipping to a page. Then with a quick flick of his hands his blaster of void changed into a tiny horde of moths. "Scour the surroundings I want a location of the Prince," Kyro hissed as the tiny wisps of moths flew away shining their ominous light down below.

He stood there...empty of purpose at the moment. His mind blank until he heard the whimpering of begging. Kyro strode down back to where the elf could be found. No sooner did Kyro spot Sithis with Evangelina in his possession. A sudden change of light came upon Kyro. This one desired revenge, love, and death. He walked over to Sithis leaving his mask on still. "Good work...where is the Rider?" Kyro asked as his eyes moved down to the injured elf.
The slithering demon clawed his way up to Kyro, crouched low at his feet. His spiked tail swished back and forth like the ticking of a clock. With a wicked grin, the archdemon cocked his head to the side and stared up at Kyro with burning crimson eyes.

"He is looking for the prince... just as you are." He hissed, a dribble of black acidic saliva falling to the cobblestone road below. Battle cries echoed out from somewhere in the dark alleyway. The inferno caused by the Rider was beginning to jump from house to house, eating away at the hard wood like millions of termites. The once peaceful village, was now falling to pieces. Most of the villagers had evacuated long before the violent battle between Evangelina and the Rider took place.

After getting a feel for his surroundings, Sithis stole a glance at Kyro. Though his face was covered by a mask, the demon sensed unknown emotions stirring in the man before him. Slowly, Kyro's eyes glanced down to the bloody elf grasped tightly between Sithis's blackened claws. A feeling of possessiveness grew in the demon. He found himself gripping her fragile body tighter. In result, Evangelina let out a painful whimper.

"The elf should be enough. For now... We both know what the prince will do once he finds she is missing. He will come looking for her..." A gleaming set of razor sharp teeth appeared as Sithis let a sickening smile spread across his mouth.

"... And be ours for the taking." The archdemon began to sway his tail faster, a pulsation of excitement spreading through his dark chest. Just the thought of ripping the prince's flesh into thin ribbons made his nonexistent heart beat.

Besides, Sithis had never gotten a chance to play with his second newest toy.
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