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Fantasy Zephyr (Accepting)

Now Zelin was the one being pulled. He watched as Evangelina escaped his vision, supposedly to fight the assailant. "Wait- that wasn't my!" He tried tried to say as Trina pulled at his wrist. She was quite strong, it was a surprise he was able to grasp her in the first place. "W-wait, Trina! We can't just leave her!" He glanced at her, but the girl wasn't paying any attention. Why did she even want to pull me away in the first place? He thought to himself.
Trina rolled her eyes, "whataya worried about her for?" She said as she ran. "She can kick a monster werewolf's butt. You're the damsel in distress at the moment. (Oops! Gave something away, didn't she?). Aright, if yer really that worried, how bout I go back to help and you get yer sorry arss outta here."
A soft, milk curdling whisper filled the alley, the cold sharpness of his voice was evident even then. "And one returns to face the Shadow Man.." The shadows of the alley seemed to move and dance, as the air became increasingly stale. The light breeze that was flowing through ended and for a moment the silence that followed was ominous.

"Death." This time, the raspy hiss was loud and piercing as the disembodied voice continued to speak, "That is what you seek facing me, though it will have to wait.. for I have other plans for you." A soft, and quite unlovable, chuckle followed this. It was like an inside joke, with him only knowing the punchline. A sudden flash of crimson blinded the elf momentarily, and the vague dark outline along with the glinting of gold and silver could be loosely made out standing several feet behind Evangelina. The feeling he was giving off a smile could not help but be felt, as he put a lone step forward. The air clung to his raspy breath, though it was not cold as he stared at her silently.

"I'm going to make you bleed." The words were stated like it was a fact, and it felt as though each syllable dripped with malice. Though his statement was simple, it might have been the simplicity that carried so much dread.
(@GreatGavino. Why yes I did hit your character)

It had been a good a session as not only was the place not that full yet. But he managed to get a decent enough meal as well as some coin even from the refugees that were there just by playing that well. However time was of an essence and he'd needed to get a move on before it go too crowded. As such he left with his shadowed by his hat and with a quick forceful flick he slammed the door- Something was off about the sound it made. Rather than the sound of wood on stone it made a most curious thud. Probably some idiot drunk... or just an idiot. It didn't matter too much as anyone should be aware of a door being so close by.
The shadow man's cold words echoed around her like a voice projecting into a dark cave, repeating endlessly. She closed her eyes tightly as a bright flash of crimson appeared in her vision. Once the eerie light had cleared, she felt a shiver dance across her spine. He stood behind the elf now, speaking softly but with a malicious tone in his voice. Slowly, Evangelina pivoted a foot and turned herself to face him. Their eyes met. Not a single hint of fear shown in her gaze, surprisingly. Anger pulsed through her veins like the harsh rapids in a flowing river. The bright purple glow in her palms became more luminescent as they continued to stare at each other silently. Not a single word escaped the elf's mouth. Instead, she smiled.

The words of a void destruction spell appeared in her mind. The ground began to shake, growing more violent with each passing moment. Cracks split through the cobblestone around them, leaving a gaping abyss with an unknown purple glow below. A ring had been formed, casting a barrier spell that would block anyone from coming in, or out. It was just him and her now.

With no words spoken, Evangelina's eyes flashed as she increased the power of her magic. Forks of dangerous purple lightning burst through her hands, licking her fingers hungrily.

"You're mistaken..." She snarled in a menacing whisper.
(@Ixacise wha?? i confused how long ago did u hit me?)

The shadowy figure twitched repeatedly, as his head made erratic movements. It seemed he could not stay still, instead sliding around on his feet like a rabid predator as he watched the magic build in the elf. He made no effort of stop her or charge his own magic, merely watching with a cold gaze. It seemed the individual before her had no fear or his mind was too broken to understand the concept, both were plausible.

"Mistaken?" A hard undertone lied beneath a maniacal glee, "I'm a demon of demons!" He shouted, pointing his sword blade at her, "IT IS YOU WHO IS MISTAKEN!" The sudden crazed shriek oozed with hate and wrath, glee overtaken by spite. A mixture between laughter and violent shouting forced their way out of the Shadow Man as he began to slowly close the gap, body tense as he slowly began to stalk towards her with no regard for self-preservation.
So he is a demon.

Evangelina held her ground and watched him take slow, but increasingly menacing steps towards her. The magic running through her veins intensified for a moment. She could see this fight would revolve more around swordsmanship than magic. The shape of a sword formed in her hand with the blade stretching out towards the ground. The lightning she had once prepared to use was now entwining itself into the sword. It glowed for a moment, before settling into an actual component of metal. It glistened in the darkness slightly. The power of void pulsed through the weapon like a heartbeat.

He grew closer and closer, lessening the small distance between them. Evangelina charged her magic through the blade, awaiting the shadow man's attack before she did anything too rash. With eyes glowing fiercely and a firm hold on the sword's handle, the elf waited.
"Such a pretty face.." The Shadow Man cooed with an off gentleness to his hollow voice, "I wonder if the Prince will still like it once I'm finished!" The hate and anger rushed back into his voice like a broken dam as he shot a hand out, delivering a quick jab to her shoulder at speed faster than one could react to. It was like being hit with a sledgehammer despite the relative lack of power put behind it, though bruised it caused no breaks.

Taking a step back, he allowed her time to recover (from surprise as much as pain, the unnatural strength quite shocking), as it would ruin the game.
The sudden jab surprised the elf, but did not break her concentration on the current situation. She didn't even flinch. Her hand brushed gently against the sore flesh, feeling it begin to swell. The shadow man seemed to be giving her time to recover. She smirked a bit. In a fight such as this, there was never a time to 'recover'.

His threat however, caused a shock of anger to shoot through the elf. She couldn't tell if it was because this demon spoke of her beloved Zelin, or because he was threatening her. Evangelina decided not to dwell on the thought for too long. With a small pivot of her left foot, she burst forward and clashed her sword against his. Upon swinging the sword skillfully, Evangelina managed to slice the tip of the blade across his shoulder. It cut through the cloak draping over himself, leaving a gaping hole behind. Blood seeped through the cut she had left him with. The elf knew such a small wound would do very little, especially to a man such as he.

"Don't you dare speak of him." The elf continued to smash her sword against his. Her anger was becoming more apparent, and for a moment, it began blinding her. With every swift stroke of the weapon against his, her swings grew harder and faster. Evangelina hit a blow so hard against his sword, that it caused both of them to stumble back from the impact. Evangelina quickly regained her composure, an aggressive look in her pale gaze.
The prince closed his eyes, Trina's words bringing a stinging pain to his chest. He didn't want to leave anyone. Back from where they ran, a crowds began to disperse, those witnessing the fight intended to disengage immediately. Usually people want to watch a good brawl, was it... A instinct to flee? Perhaps he just possesed an aura of malice, strong enough to deter any onlookers. Zelin turned back to...Trina, her words bothering him slightly. How did she know about that creature in the woods? It was just me, Evangelina and...the werewolf. He didn't change his expression, even made a effort to keep calm. "...I don't want to leave her. I don't want to be useless...not anymore." He whispered, not intending anyone to reply. "Trina...do you carry a blade of some sort?" He looked at her expectantly.
Trina gave Zelin a stern look. "He-llo! that guy wants t' kill you! Specifically! The only way ah'm loanin' you a weapon to go get yer self killed is if y' knock me unconscious! Hate to be blunt, yer highness, but you ARE useless! Get usefull on yer own time! Now listen-" She pointed down the ally to a pub across the street (the other side of the ally. away from the fight). "Go in there, tell em who you are, and they'll show ya an escape tunnel that goes into the woods. I'll meetcha at the other end once we're done with Crazy. Ok? Ok. Bye-bye." And with that Trina rush back, hand-ax in hand, to assist Evah in the fight.

(I don't expect Zelin to listen to her, @Beaurmont. But no way, in good conscience, is she going to encourage that "useless idiot" to get himself killed in that fight.)
(And you shouldn't expect it. ;3 Though, he'll generally need a weapon first. I wonder what he'll do?)

Trina's sudden assertiveness made the prince pull back, he arched himself as she got closer. He listened to her speech, denying him a weapon to be of any help. Instead, he was told to go and run away while his friends, more or less, fight for him. With a blink of an eye she armed herself with her hand-axe and turned away, heading to assist Evangelina. He was in a way hurt, being told you are useless is painful. Zelin stood in the alley, watching as she disappeared, sitting like an idiot. I really am useless eh? He thought to himself. Strangely enough it grew quiet again as the pedestrians quickly cleared the area. It was like an abandoned town. He turned toward the pub Trina mentioned rather hastily, explaining someone there would assist him. I'm...not particularly used to people telling me what to do. Except my...parents and Charles. What is it with these girls around here? The prince pondered, scratching his head.

He sighed and began his walk toward said pub, slowly trotting unhappily. The thought of those two fighting that lunatic made his skin crawl, but facing him also made his stomach turn. Is this something I'm supposed to just deal with? Zelin looked up at the sun, covering his face with a hand. Did you...did you ever have men die in your stead...father?
-several minutes ago-

As the man held Shor in the air and glared at him, the cat did not react to the almost palpable amount of hatred baring down on him. In fact he did not even blink as he stared into the man's eyes. He was concentrating, channeling his power into eyes. Staring into the eyes of a devil was a dangerous game as they had the power to dominate all that looked into them, even other denizens of Hell. However Shor was not yet very powerful in terms of devils and so it took a little time for this effect to take place. The longer this man glared at Shor, the closer he came to being under the cat's control.

Had the shadow man stayed that way for even a second longer things would have turned out much different. Shor felt his power reach its peek, his eyes began to shift from their usual icy blue to an ember red. Your mine! Shor thought. He should not have counted his chickens before they had hatched. With a primal roar of rage, the man broke eye contact, pulled his arm back, and threw him. Now the only thought running though the devil-cat's head as he hurtled at breakneck speed towards the inn wall was a curse. Oh Heaven's Bells!...


Medea gasped, dropping the potion she was holding as pain shot through her skull. The bottle smashed into pieces and the green liquid spilled on the ground as the healer clutched her head. The women helping her placed a worried hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright. Just caught me by surprise is all." Medea answered, gently brushing the hand away. When she lifted her head, the joy and kindness that had filled her eyes a second ago filled were now replaced by a burning anger. Reaching into her bag, Medea pulled out another bottle and handed it to the women. "Make sure that everyone here gets a tablespoon of this," she ordered, slinging the bag over her shoulder as she stood up. "If they have an injury that prevents them from walking give them two."

"Where are you going?" The woman asked as Medea began to walk away. The witch paused and glanced over her shoulder. "Some bastard just hurt my familiar." She answered with barely contained rage. "And I'm going to show that son-of-a-b**** just how badly he f***ed up."

-present time-

"Why are you so adamant about protecting this Guardian?" Medea asked Shor as they hovered easily a hundred feet over the town on a wenge broomstick. She had found him limping down the road insisting that he had to find the Guardian. So the had taken the search to the sky.

"This Guardian is none other than Zelin Nefiri, the last of the Royal Bloodline and heir to the throne." Shor explained, "If he dies, the kingdom will be leaderless, the throne will be free for the taking, and Vanesia will fall into chaos."

"You're a devil and you're freaking out about chaos? Isn't that what you hell spawn live off of?"

Shor just gave the witch an annoyed look. "You have known me for eight years now. Since when have I ever come across to you as being an advocate for chaos?"

Medea thought about that for a second. "You're right." She finally answered with a mischievous smile, "You are far too OCD for that." She teased.

"OCD?! I am not OC-" Shor's protesting was cut short when the town lit up for a brief second. Their eyes followed the light to its source, the argument forgotten. "Well there is the prince and the skin-changer," that cat observed, "but where is his lover? Or the assasin for that matter?"

"Perhaps over there?" Medea suggested, pointing at an alleyway that had suddenly began to glow with purple energy.

"That man is not human." Shor pointed out. "If that girl is fighting him than she is suicidle. She will buy the boy time to escape, so perhaps it is not a complete waste. We should get the princeling to safety."

"I am not let a girl get murdered to let her boyfriend escape!" Medea growled, "Besides, I owe that bastard a beat down for hurting you! You lead the brat to safety! I'm going to go help the girl!"

The cat glared at her. "Do what you will." He grumbled before vanishing in a burst of flames. Medea aimed the broom towards the roof tops and flew down. Stepping off on the roof on one side of the alley, she walked to the edge and peered down. She actually wasn't that surprised to find a barrier around the area. She knew which spell it was that the girl had used to make the field so she probably could have broken through it with ease. However something stopped her. Perhaps some of Shor's advice had gotten through to her or perhaps she had simply wizened up. Rather than busting in spells blaring, she decided to sit back and watch, to see how well the girl did and to study how the man fought. She would only intervene when things turned sour.


Shor appeared next to Zeline in a puff of black smoke. "I would not be walking if I were in your place, little prince." He spoke up. "May I remind you that you are being hunted. Those girls will only be able to hold that man off for so long before he brutally murders them and comes after you. Do not let their deaths be in vain."

(@Beaurmont )
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Surrounded in his own thoughts, he didn't notice the presence behind him. "I would not be walking if I were in your place, little prince." Zelin spun his head around, in a combat stance ready to fight. He assumed the assassin already caught up. To his surprise, it was a small black cat. He looked around confused, trying to find out who spoke to him. "Show yourself! Where are you? What do you know about that assassin?"

(super short yes, but just indulge me a bit. xD I plan to start making larger post later on.)
"Show yourself! Where are you? What do you know about that assassin?"

Shor just rolled his eyes. "Show myself? You have looked straight at me once already." Shor hopped up on a stack of boxes so that he was eye level with the prince. "As for the assassin, what I know is this; the power he possesses does not belong to the Races of Man. The skin-changer and your mate can not win against him and the longer you take to leave, the sooner he will find you and make their sacrifice a waste."
Tilting his head in silent curiosity, his glance flickered to the wet crimson coming from the elfs sword gash. Turning his gaze back to her, he let loose a rough cackle, "Feisty. Let the anger and the hate drive you, let it cloud your thoughts until you wish only for me to die.. For when you cannot win, no matter how hard you want to, it will be all the sweeter." His movements were now tense and viper-like, the earlier loftiness had gone for she drew first blood.. Though he would end it.

Now pressing onward in full force, his blade and arm began to move at inhuman speeds and rapidly assault the elfs defense. Though impossible to defend against all his unnautral strength and speed, each time he slipped past her guard or knocked away her blade he did not move to kill. He simply slashed her skin or swatted her with the flat of his blade, his goal was nothing more than to force this girl to her limit.. and then past it.. and then farther, until she was broken beyond that of her body.
He's taunting me...

The two continued to clash at each other. Rings and chimes of sword smashing against sword rang out loudly throughout the dark alleyway. His movements were abnormally fast, and completely inhuman. It was almost hard for the elf to foresee his movements. She blocked one of his attacks, sending a spray of sparks to the right that vanished into the cold air. Grimacing with effort to hold him off, she dodged every attack. Pivoting, moving to the side, and even ducking at certain moments, it was getting harder and harder for her to keep up. At this rate, if she kept going on like this, Evangelina would begin to tire.

Evading another attack with an acrobatic back flip, the elf landed a few feet away from the shadow man. Her hand rested on the cement, with the sword pointed outwards next to her. Evangelina's breathing was heavy, but began to gradually get slower as they shot daggers from their eyes at each other. The slow seconds that had passed between them allowed the elf to regain her strength. Pushing off the ground with a single foot, she attacked him head on and managed to once again, slice his skin. Blood began to flow freely out from the wound on his hip, dripping to the ground and painting it with crimson. It was a deeper injury this time. The sword had grazed his hip bone slightly.

Evangelina blocked another one of his attacks, but his speed was unnatural. Her eyes widened. He ran the sword along her forearm, causing a huge gash to appear. A sting of pain shot through her body instantly. Gritting her teeth angrily, she ignored the pain and hit him with another forceful attack. It sent them flying backwards again, but she just kept going.

Zelin... please... I hope you've made it out of town and are far away from here by now. I can't keep this up much longer.

The shadow man used his insanely fast quickness again. Evangelina's thoughts had distracted her for a moment, giving him time to attack freely. Another sharp pain pulsed through the elf. A cut formed on her shoulder.

"Damn it." Evangelina growled quietly under her breath. He continued to swat her sword out of the way, not actually full on attacking her. He was waiting for something, or perhaps trying to exhaust her. The elf separated herself from him, standing a few feet away. She stared at him with glowing purple eyes. His gaze was full of hatred, sending shivers down her back. Evangelina had never been this angry before. It was blinding her.

Was it his aura causing me to feel this way?
Trina ran down the ally where Evah and Lord Scaryjerk were duking it out and could see that fight was not going in magic-chicks favor.

Hang In there, elf. Ah gotcha. Trina pulled out one of her three, foot-long knives from her belt (best save the tomahawk for last). Probably ain't honorable t' interfere with a duel, she thought. But ah promised ah'd help her out. 'Side, after that cheezeballs evil monologue, he deserves a knife t' the back.

Trina waited for the right moment to stike, when the combatant were positioned so that the targets back was to her but Evah wasn't in danger of being hit if she missed. Trina cocked her arm back, and with A powerful flick of the forearm sent the large knife flying towards the Rider with impressive speed.

It would've been more impressive if the knife hadn't bounced off an invisible wall not a yard in front of her

"What the-!"

(Sorry, that's all I have time for)
The word sacrifice caught the princes attention immediately. He clenched his fist, ignoring the fact this cat just spoke, Zelin looked down at the black feline with a annoyed expression. "I...understand. Is there really nothing...I can do?" He asked, turning away from the black cat, glancing toward the mentioned pub. Will my escaping really be worth it? Is my life worth that much? An heir but...no throne. His face was pained, a morality battle going on inside his mind. "Where would I go after I escape this town...after escaping the assassin?"
"You can do better than that!" The cruel voice shouted with maniacal glee, and it was blatantly evident the Shadow Man took pleasure or enjoyment in things like this as he even seemed to feel a twisted pleasure from his own pain. Faking a lunge, he cackled again and took a step back. It was evident in her eyes that hate was boiling within her and it seemed to energize him, the erratic movements of the darkly robed man brought with them a much more violent barrage of attacks.

His style began to switch to powerful, brutish swings which seemed wild and without finesse. Though this was not the case, the broken clockwork mind of the vile man using a twisted form of knowledge and logic to complete the plan of truly breaking the mage before him. She was tiring, and in pain, so he began to chop 'blindly' at the elf with the first horizontal swing cutting clear through the wall to his right but was pulled out with little to no strain. He began to goad her in, leaving himself more open at first to plant the seed of hope that her foe was becoming reckless.. The mind loves to blindly cling to any possibility of hope when faced with dire situations.
It seems all was not well as he was mking his way out of the alley to new frontiers there was a whole lot of noise going on this area so he turned around. Setting aside his box all nice and safe the man decided to enter the fray of this on going fight. He didn't know what was going on but it seemed clear who was the bad guy in this. It was also clear that this girl getting attacked was at a sever disadvantage and was now being toyed with.

Taking advantage of his enemy's distracted nature as he was chopping away at the poor girl he placed his hand on his scabbard. It would be best to act swiftly so he'd have to do things simple to get the drop at him. The energies would charge now he'd strike! With single lightning fast draw his sword activated the magic and casted a traveling pillar of lightning that went far beyond his blade's reach. The bolt crackled and sizzled as it carved and burned through its path on its way to hit that shadowy man.

Now that he properly made his introduction he said, "Why don't you have a real challenge instead of wasting time playing with a defenseless girl?"
Evangelina grimaced angrily while evading yet another attack from the shadow man. His movements had changed now. More powerful, and brute like. This wasn't good. He was trying to exhaust her. And it was working.

The man's cold words sent a shiver down her spine once more. His cruel eyes were filled with amusement, and a wicked grin was plastered across his face. The more the elf stared at him, the more angry she became. But she was smarter then this. Instead of running blindly at the man, she stood completely still. He was the one coming at her now. Evangelina's delicate face became emotionless. He swung his sword in her direction and lodged the sword into the wall next to them. Her eyes stayed on him and ignored how effortlessly he had pulled the weapon out. The man continued to chop wildly. Evangelina began to understand the way he fought now. He wanted to break her to the core, and that seemed to be his main motive in this fight.

With swift blocks, the white haired elf swatted away every attack away with the edge of her blade. Her anger had dispersed, and surprisingly, she remained in an almost calmed state. The elf's exhaustion was gone, and she had recovered quickly. Evangelina's attention refocused on another man who had seemingly joined the fight. His sword burned with the fresh whips of a lightning spell. She recognized him immediately as one of the men she had met out in the forest.

"Why don't you have a real challenge instead of wasting time playing with a defenseless girl?"

Defenseless? The elf blinked rapidly, not entirely offended, but was put off by his words. Evangelina decided to ignore it because it wasn't important. She met Pisco's gaze, and nodded her head in gratitude. Turning back to the shadow man, the elf rose her sword defensively in front of her, awaiting to block any other attacks.
The flickering gaze of the elf was his only indication of something else going on, and sharply he snapped his cloak covered head around only to meet a rushing pillar of energy. The new event that took place could only be described as something fast beyond human limit, yet slower than one could imagine as he forced himself away from it's electrified maw, the man and lightning rushing in motion lasted only half a second and the result was a near direct hit. Stumbling back and nearly falling [a rare occurance to those who know of the man], he recoiled as electricity coursed through him though the main bolt tore by to reach some new destination.

Upon regaining his balance completely, he cast his gaze over to the newcomer and then back to the elf. Malice filled the air as he breathed deeply and slowly, his shadowed face revealing no emotion. It was then that something would come to realization for Evangelina about her dark foe and though it took a moment for it dawn upon her that The Shadow Man no longer appeared lofty in his stance, along with the feeling of being toyed with gone. The man in black now stood stiff and vicious-like, and it seemed he no longer wished to play. It appeared that the game was over. The temperature seemed to have dropped, and the aura of hate that surrounded the monstrous man seemed to double.

He uttered but two words at the lightning mage, his voice hard and hollow, "Dead. Meat." The crazed glee was gone, replaced with a cold hatred.
Pisco looked at what happened with a cold indifference. All it would mean is that this fight would be a lot more interesting than what was first imagined. Well maybe interesting would be a bit of a misnomer no doubt fighting this non-human blob creature would have a different feel but it would probably be a hassle too. Still he found confidence in that this thing let itself be distracted to get hit. And even more so now that it decided to get serious.

Looking a the young woman he merely winked giving a cool assurance that he'd be able to help out. " Lemme guess your next words will be something about how you'll relish tearing me apart and how painful the process will be? I guess that's what happens when you let yourself open to attack." he said to the shadow creature with a hand resting on the sword ready for another attack.
Kyro's lifeless eyes gazed up onto the sky to see the pungent hue of the corrupted black magic at which the Rider threw into the air. "Guess our hound is out and about already on the trail," Kyro murmured. His eyes shifted to the figure of the assassin moving closer to him. She gently lifted an arm up, pointing in the general direction at which the Rider was located at. Kyro quickly interpreted her message, "You're saying that he probably is on the right trail to the Guardian?" She responded by moving her arm back to her side and walking away from him. "I have always admired your silence," Kyro whispered to no one as he turned around and followed the assassin who seemed to have a plan in mind.

Hours have passed since Kyro has seen the signal from the Rider. Impatience gnawed inside of him. His eyes flickered over to one demon suddenly and grabbed it by its neck. Kyro picked this particular demon in that by feeding it an object connected to one being, it can project its location on its huge head shaped like an orb. Struggling to pull off a piece of cloth from his belt due to frustration of waiting, he finally managed to feed the demon a piece of the Rider's cape. Kyro managed to knick of a tad bit. After all he was a magician. His eyes illuminated as the creature devoured the cloth then projected the image of the corrupted man brawling against an elf. A sudden light of lust lit up the lifeless eyes of Kyro. His hand began petting the orb. A sudden change overcame him. Purpose began driving his mind. The one purpose...the elf. Such a distinguished elf that he recognized. It was like a pleasurable memory he wished to not remember. He felt the sudden urge to seize the elf. His hands began pressing down onto the demon's head making it squeal. Kyro ignored this though and continued pressing until it bursted. What should have been blood was instead acid and smoke. The acid did not harm Kyro for many years has he grown prone to such filthy liquids. His eyes continued to grow their desire they soon turned into the sudden appearance of the assassin. She raised up an arm and waved it in a gesture as if she wanted him to follow her. Kyro was in such a maniac mindset he followed along after her, not caring what is about to happen next just that he wanted to get his hands on the elf.

She was walking briskly through the masses of hellian creatures in search of one in particular. Kyro followed slowly his eyes too wandering over the grotesque faces of such creatures. "Might I ask whom you are seeking?" Kyro asked C. The Dullahan didn't respond though, she continued to walk her cloak flowing like wings tempting Kyro. A slight twitch expressed Kyro's irritation but he kept quiet and followed after her. Then she stopped as her shadows finally spotted the archdemon she was looking for, Sithis.

Kyro quickened up his pace to see who C found. "Ah, Sithis. Yes our most rambunctious archdemon. I think I see where you are going from here C," Kyro took over. He stepped in front of the black creature. "We have found the location of the prince. Seeing as how you have had experience with the prince and the elf I am taking you and some others with me to capture her," Kyro explained, determination set into his eyes. The demon's around him shivered in fear for that Kyro never had such emotions and only at times when he did have emotions did the darkness within him strengthen. It was one of the great qualities of Kyro. Humane qualities turn him inhumane.

"We go now," Kyro ordered as his hand snatched the tail of another cursed demon. It tried resisting but knew it would eventually fail. With a sigh of resignation it sagged into Kyro's arms. Delight dances in his eyes as his hands plunged into its heart and yanked it out. This demon was the only demon to have a heart. And the beauty of its heart that it didn't transport blood like a normal body, but instead it transports bodies to desired destinations. After pulling out the necessary item he threw away the corpse like a ragdoll. Kyro turned towards an open area. Then he threw the heart out into the empty space in front of him. At first the heart just disappeared into thin air but then a dark hole opened into the air. "This will take was to the prince," Kyro said as he turned back to look at Sithis one last time before walking into the portal.

C stood aside and watched from the sidelines knowing that she had to stay back. That at this moment it was not her time to shine.

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