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Fandom Yu-Gi-Oh! Universal Accel (OOC)

His runner began to spin as he fought for control. He had lost his single speed counter as Yukari passed him, but once he regained control he was right back in the game as he sped forward.

I repeat what I said here:
Ah, I think you're confusing the two Speed Worlds. "Speed World" does, indeed, have a stipulation that, for every 1000 LP lost, you lose a speed counter. However, "Speed World 2" doesn't actually have that on it, in favor of just giving you the 3 other effects it holds.

When you take damage in Speed World II, your speed counters don't decrease. The only way to lose speed counters is through an effect.

Also he should have two speed counters, as you gain 1 Speed Counter during either player's Standby Phase, except for the first Standby Phase of the duel.

EDIT: Rip, GM explained the speed counter losing rule before I did. Still, you should have 2, not 1.
I repeat what I said here:

When you take damage in Speed World II, your speed counters don't decrease. The only way to lose speed counters is through an effect.

Also he should have two speed counters, as you gain 1 Speed Counter during either player's Standby Phase, except for the first Standby Phase of the duel.

EDIT: Rip, GM explained the speed counter losing rule before I did. Still, you should have 2, not 1.
I already said the counters were at 2.
"I use Level 1 Red eye die with level one Double Yoyo to synchro summon!" Her two monsters were soon replaced by a Humanoid machine with a formula racecar for a body. It's appearance however, to those who saw Yusei Fudo use that card long ago, would realize what was coming, and who she was. "Come forth, Formula Synchron!" (Lvl 2, 1500 Def)

You know you can’t go for Shooting Star Dragon, right?
"I remove five Speed Counters to draw a card!" Yukari said as she drew. Her runner backed away a moderate distance from Axel's, as Yukari looked at her card she drew. She showed it to her opponent. "I activate a spell card, Speedy Recovery! I think the best monster to call back at the moment would be," She took Hi-Speedroid Kite Drake from the graveyard and revealed it. "This guy! Return now, Kite Drake!" The Mechanical Dragon appeared next to Stardust.

"Now I activate a spell, One for one! By sending Speedroid Tri Eyed die, from my hand to the grave, I can summon the level 1 Red eye die from my deck!"

A red die appeared next to Kite Drake. "Now my die's effect! Kite Drake becomes level 1!"
You need 7 Speed Counters to draw a card. Sorry.
>Discord server is now a thing
>Mentally prepares ears

(But now the duel is over, what's happening next?)
Monster Cards
x3 D/D Savant Kepler
x3 D/D/D Oblivion Abyss King Ragnarok
x3 D/D Swirl Slime
x3 D/D Necro Slime
x3 D/D Lamia
x2 D/D Berfomet
x2 D/D Savant Copernicus
x2 D/D Savant Newton
x2 D/D Savant Thomas
x1 D/D Nighthowl
x1 D/D Ghost
x2 D/D Savant Nikola
x2 D/D Vice Typhon

Spell Cards
x3 Dark Contract with the Gate
x2 Dark Contract with the Swamp King
x1 Pot of Acquisitiveness
x3 Allure of Darkness
x1 One for One
x1 Monster Reborn

Extra Deck
x2 D/D/D Flame King Genghis
x1 D/D/D Oracle King D’Arc
x1 D/D/D Flame High King Genghis
x1 D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf
x1 D/D/D Super Doom King Purple Armageddon
x1 D/D/D Gust King Alexander
x1 D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried
x1 Beelzebub of the Diabolic Dragons
x1 D/D/D Gust High King Alexander
x1 D/D/D Super Doom King Bright Armageddon
x1 D/D/D Wave King Caesar
x1 D/D/D Wave High King Caesar
x1 D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga
x1 D/D/D Super Doom King Dark Armageddon

Side Deck
x1 D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok
x3 Dark Contract with the Witch
x2 D/D/D Chaos King Apocalypse
x1 D/D/D Destiny King Zero Laplace
x3 D/D/D Doom King Armageddon
x3 D/D/D Rebel King Armageddon
x1 D/D Savant Thomas
x1 D/D Ghost

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But, yeah, what happens now? Yukari VS Axel has kicked us off nicely, but now we don't really have a lot to stem off of (for now, at least).

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