Your Second Chance (Accepting!)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.d427e72d151c5b9c59b75bd5582ac866.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145663" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.d427e72d151c5b9c59b75bd5582ac866.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna couldn't help but giggle.

"Dramatic much? Ah well I suppose you being a Demon is good, I'm one too."

She rolled her eyes and glanced behind her at the others nearby.

"Situation sucks though, lots of good people here.... Oh wait so you've read the letter right?.... And I'm sorry you died. I'm pretty sure that's the polite thing to say in purgatory." Luna sighed softly, looking down at her feet. With this guy she seemed to have met her match, and her confidence faltered momentarily.



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"Hey babe, I'm going to look around some," Andrew said to Sapphire with a smile. He then kissed her on the cheek to help keep up the love act and went off to find some angels. He then stumbled across two people who where talking about both being demons, one of them looking like a jock and the other one a party girl. He then walked over to them and said "So, we have a southern demon, a jock demon, and a party demon. What could go wrong?"

@SassyAndroidSera @Jasil

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.1d208c2f4a7ee030c81e0363ddf7bd00.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145680" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.1d208c2f4a7ee030c81e0363ddf7bd00.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna jumped at the sudden appearance of yet another handsome male.

Her brow arched as he called her a party girl.

"It's ungentelmen-like to assume things about a lady."

Her own southern accent slipped and she covered it up.

She could tell he was country, but it didn't mean anyone had to know she was.

Luna glanced back to Adam then to the new guy.
@NeverEndingWolf @Andros



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"Just Adam." He smirked as he thought for a second, "Hey, guys?" he called Andrew and Luna. "Angels got a second chance from someone, right? What if, what if we will go to this woman who brought them back - she'll turn us into angels instead?" He asked them. Adam knew it was risky, talking to two unknown demons. I mean, they could be still pretty evil, who will be fully loyal to this... Mrs. Reaper. "I think it kinda makes sense." he mumbled in hope.


"Welp," Andrew said "You have a death wish then. I mean, do you want to be sucked into the void? Because I don't, I'm going to stay loyal to her and I recommend you do the same unless you want to die,". He then turned around to the party girl and said "OK, I've already made a few inferences about you and 1, you're a southern, 2, you're a party girl, and 3, you're hot and trust me mate, unless you want to be stuck in a void of nothingness, I suggest you keep following Miss Reaper, and besides, I have a plan,". He then cleared his and began talking and said "OK, here's my plan, if we can sneak in via the back of that white home over their and ambush the angels and capture them. After that, we'll bring them back to base and torture them until they give up,". He then sighed and said "Look, I hate doing this, but if we want to survive this purgatory, we have no other options,"

@NeverEndingWolf @Jasil
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(That moment when you though Andrew was a nice guy)
"What?" Adam said in surprise and disbelief, "No, I'm not doing this! Why... We are practically murdering them, dude. I'm not going to stand here and just watch you capture and torture the hell out of them!" Adam shouted, "This is the wrong thing to do here, I don't care if I'm going to die." he mumbled, then, he saw a girl with a black wavy hair, dressed all white. She's an angel for sure. he thought. He noticed that Andrew began to look back at the girl. Adam returned staring on Luna and Andrew, so they both won't see the angel as a target.



referring to @AugustineVampire

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.fc1970c7879ab16a47fda736c13c9664.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.fc1970c7879ab16a47fda736c13c9664.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna bit her lip and her happy demeanor was gone.

Shrinking down slightly she looked away from the men.

"I couldn't hurt people like that... Adam is right, that's murder. I was murdered and I don't want to be that kind of person."

She took a small step away, her light eyes shifted from Adam to Andrew.

"M-Maybe we could talk to whoever is above Miss Reaper... Like Adam said, they could change us.... I don't know, I just need to get home. But how could I hurt anyone to do that?" She took another step and almost bumped into Adam,

"Sorry.." She mumbled.
@Andros @NeverEndingWolf



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"Are you insane?!" he shouted at the two "Do you want to die?! She's most likely the head demon and even, even if she has higher up, they're most likely going to side with her and that would spell death,". He sighed "Look, we're already going to have to kill someone so why not? It'll speed up the process and trust me, I hate this as much if not more as you do,". He then began to walk away and said "If you want to live, follow me, if you want Miss Reaper to kill you, stay here because right now, we are at war with these "angels",". He then began to walk off to sneak through the back of the white building

@NeverEndingWolf @Jasil
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.02ade708310ae409b2d9f53c267fdb71.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145716" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.02ade708310ae409b2d9f53c267fdb71.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna glared at Andrews back as he stalked away.

"stubborn as all hell!"

She whispered at his leaving figure and huffed, her accent coming out fully like it normally did when she was angry.

Luna turned away angrily, suddenly feeling heated.

She paced slightly, trying to calm herself.

"How he could even want to do that... To be so selfish.... Y'all are crazy!"



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"Crazy?!" Andrew shouted when he the party girl say that he was crazy and selfish "It's called survival! I want to live, I want to find love, I want to see my family again, I want to be back in Nashville and be siting with my friends at Tootsie's singing my heart out! Don't you get it?! Isn't that what we all want?!". A few tears began to come from his eyes "I don't care if it's selfish because lady, I'm no saint, I'm a bloody demon,". He then walked over to the building to begin sneaking into it
Joy went to the white building, seemed like the most reasonable thing to do, isn't it? I mean - she had enough of this 'demon' drama. And it's not like she was going anywhere... Once she saw that all of the visible demons were interacting with whoever - she walked there. Searching and learning more about the place.

As Andrew finally got into the white building, he decided to take a lead pipe that was lying outside of the building. He then went through the back way of the building and saw the angel who was on her period from earlier. "Well," Andrew thought "This'll be fun,". He then sneaked right behind her and hit her over the head with the lead pipe, hopefully knocking her out

(1: It's a joke and why would he know that and 2: Well, once he kinda as your character kinda situated and tied up and stuff. I'll signal you once I'm ready)

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The girl was down for the count, he could tell. "OK, this is going quite well so far," Andrew thought as he ran through the home to find some rope. He eventually found some rope, tied girl's hands and feet, and moved her body onto his shoulder. He then ran from the building, trying to find a place where they wouldn't be found

30 minutes later, on the other side of the city

"It's all set," Andrew thought as he looked over the girl "I have her in a room with the only exit being the door which I can lock, a place where I can sleep in peace, and I'm building a few traps so even if she escapes, it won't be easy,". He then punched her in the face to wake her up and said "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty,".

(OK, your character can wake up now)

"Shit," she mumbled, feeling dizzy. Her eyes focused and saw the figure of a man, just then she realized it was one of the demons. She tried to move - but unfortunately her hands were tied up. And plus - her head hurt like hell. "What the... let me out!" she shouted at him in anger. @Andros
"Let you out?" Andrew said with a laugh as he pulled up a chair "Why would I do that? You're my ticket out of here and besides, no one knows where we are so say goodbye for a rescue,". He then got up, grabbed his lead pipe, and said "You have no hope mate,". He then slammed her with the pipe in the chest "You like that?"

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Joy released a chuckle, "You are really dumb, aren't you?" she asked him with a smile, sighing out of pain. "Even if you'll beat me, I can't die. And believe me, my friend - I can suffer torture. I won't quit just because of an ameteur demon." Joy said and smiled to him with a wink. "So, pretty boy - Hit me all you want. I've been thorugh worse."

"Well," said Andrew with a devilish smile "What if I went after another angel and had her tortured right in front of you?". He then shoved her in the chest with his elbow and said "Man, would that kill you? To know that someone is suffering because you refused to surrender? That would actually be kinda of fun,". He then grabbed the lead pipe and said "Well, it's been fun chatting but I need to find my next victim, so, goodbye,". He then knocked her over the head with his pipe, locked the door to the windowless, ventilationess, room and sat off to find his next victim.


(God, I want to beat my character so hard right now)

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