your gem [Inactive]

Lucas "no but the prophecy ends then. Of course we have to go to the middle of the Bermuda triangle. "
Iilana jumped up,

"There's a prophecy? Well crap.." She covered her eyes with the palm of her hand, like an adult would if they were stressed, tired or just sick of dealing with stupid people all day, giving the illusion of someone much older.
"Well that's just great!" Iilana sighed a flopped backwards onto the ground with a resounding thunk. A trickle of scarlet red blood made it's way across the dirst from under where she landed.
"Well yeah, I mean, it was strapped to my back after all." Iilana stood up and removed the deadly blade from it's place on her back.
"Why not?" She asked, tilting her head to the side in a curious posture.

"It's not as if it does any damage to the blade, this thing was made to last!"
"So what?" Iilana clearly didn't care about things like that, she veiwed them as either useful, or a boring, trifling matter not necessary to discuss.

"One tiny cut is not 'hurt', and if thing continue the way you describe them, we might end up dead, in which case it wouldn't matter how many times I accidentaly got sliced by my own scythe, because rotting carcasses seldom care about anything." She said this in a matter of fact tone and began twirling the scythe over her head while the slender rivulet of blood slid down her leg.
"Although, " Iilana let the scythe slide down to rest on the groun and reached around to wipe the sticky liquid off her leg.

"If any enemies are nearby, the might be able to trace us via scent of blood so I guess you're right, I shouldn't do that again." She paused a minute before tasting the blood on her finger.

"At least, not until after this whole prophecy thing is over."
"It seems that I picked the wrong group of people to join." She said more to herself than to anyone.

"Hey, do you see that?"
"Answer to your second question; None of you have the slightest idea what to do, other than you all have to somehow magically make it to the middle of a supposedly haunted place in the middle of the ocean." Iilana replied curtly, "Answer to your second question, there is a human-like shape over in the distance, I don't know if you can see it, but it sticks out like a sore thumb in heat vision."

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