your gem [Inactive]

"Oh okay. See you later than." She continued her walk where a park was. For just a minute, she sat down which happened to cause her to fall asleep once more, and till morning she slept. Luckily a note was left for Leroy if he wakes up before her.

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There was no word from anyone of her new friends and decided to do a day off. She woke up and headed to her fathers restaurant and decided to create a fancy dinner. She wrote a letter for all saying to meet here at 7 pm ish.

(1000 message!!!)

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Lucas woke up. He had a vision like last night but it was just something small that he had believed was just a dream. 
(Heres a rough summary of how the story is going. Everyone who got a gem managed to find each other accept for a small few. Those who found each other went to a mansion where they had to fight a rose monster which in the end was burned by Jackson. Once it was dead they found a book which had a prophecy in it. After that everyone went to bed except Leroy who called Lucas over to keep Eliza from following him. When Leroy arrived someone named Daniel brought everyone there and there was a fight which I missed most of. When it was over almost everyone was home again. Lucas left for a temple where he got a ancient sword for defeating a large black tiger. He then returned and everyone else had been fighting a dragon. They finally beat it. Basically nothing happened after that. )
Iilana was in another tree, but this time she was sitting right above Lucas and the other members, swinging her scythe back and forth like the pendulum of a clock, creating a soft wooshing sound.

"Couldn't sleep?" She asked, staring down at him, the moonlight reflected of her pale skin and eyes giving the eerie effect of glowing.
"I, um, tried using my gem and ended up getting my vision messed up." She looked over at the rising sun, barely even blinking at the light it was giving off, "I think it's heat vision, everything is in blues and greens except you guys and the sun."
"Dunno, haven't noticed anythin, but that might be because I pretty much wasted the whole night trying to figure out this." She pointed at her eyes, "Without getting a headache every time I opened them."

Iilana hopped down from the tree to stand beside Lucas, "What does your gem do?"
Iilana reached into a hidden pocket in her ruffled mini skirt and pulled out the dark pink gem,

"Huh, no wonder that prince guy was so desperate to keep it." She tossed it up in the air and caught it a couple times before returning it to it's place in the secret pocket.
"Mosters?" She turned to look at him, "You never explained that." Plopping down on the dwey ground, Iilana patted the grass beside, an invitation for Lucas to come sit as well/
Lucas sits with her and continues "we have had four fights. The dragon Daniel the rose and I fought a black tiger.
Iilana looked over and watched him with that kind of smile you give a misguided small child, but soon thatdeveloped to a real smile and kept spreading until she to was giggling.

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