your gem [Inactive]

Kira started at the dark crystal in the palm of her hand. There were things swirling around inside it, like fragments of mist. She felt anger welling up inside her, and quickly looked away.
"Do you have something other than the options for shower temperatures?" Iilana said, she had a bad habit of taunting, mocking, and being irritating in general, to test whether a person was friend or foe.
Kira tried again to get rid of the gem. She jumped down from the rock she was sitting on and threw the stone in the lake. She then quickly ran away.
"So it's what, going to be a puddle of water?" Iilana rolled her eyes, but took a step back after seeing Lucas's reaction to the new comer.
Kira suddenly stopped as she felt something slip into her pocket. It was the gem. She started moaning, there was no way to get rid of it.
Iilana raised both her brows and let her mouth gape a little in a shocked expression when she saw Lucas transform, before snapping it back closed and returning her attention back to the stranger.
Kira decided she would have to leave. She couldn't stay anywhere near a city. "If you can't get rid of it then at least make use of it." She thought. Kira put the jet black gem up to her back and let the transformation occur.
"ice and fire together will destroy your very being..." with this fire spread from his left hand and the area around his right froze over
"Oh, well then.." She pulled the scythe free of it's place. " Guess i'll have to be careful." She held it out in front of herself, and stepped one foot foreward in an offencesive position.
The dark gem slowly shaped itself into wings and melded itself into Kira's back. The transformation was painful, but Kira barely flinched. As the wings bonded into her back they gave her dark powers. Soon the transformation was complete.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.5c51b58ae7f1b55c0696fedd4ec10bad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15066" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.5c51b58ae7f1b55c0696fedd4ec10bad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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