your gem [Inactive]

She forcefully beat her powerful wings. As she soared in the air she saw a commotion occurring below. It didn't look normal so she swooped down and landed ten feet away from the people.
suddenly pbtenchi remembered himself and dropped her. "oh my god, are you okay, I didn't hurt you did I?" said pbtenchi sounding concerned
Iilana muttered something under her breath in a strange language,

"Calm down would ya?" She said to the girl with strange black wings, "He's not doing anything."

There were burn marks in the shape of fingers on both sides of her face, and a couple on her forehead.
Iilana took is hand and half stood, half was pulled up.

"Nothing to worry about." She smiled friendily at him, "What's your name?"
Kira backed up into the shadows so she was only half visible. She wanted to leave, but also wanted to learn more about these people.
"my, name is pbtenchi, other then these gems, I got nothing... well, maybe a bounty or something, but still" said pbtenchi
"Alright then Pbtenchi. "She struggled to pronouce his name, "I'm Iilana, and that was Lucas, we have gems too, and so do a few other people, however two of them are gone right now, and the others are still asleep up on the hill." She waved towards a grassy hill top in the direction they had come from. "Basically there's this prophecy, and somehow we have to make it to the middle of the bermuda traingle to fufill, along the way though, there is a binch of baddies assaulting them and stuff. Any questions?"

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