your gem [Inactive]

"Now you're going crazy. Your whole family is gone and you're still living on..." By realizing what he just said. "Sorry.."

" HEY WHY NOT JUST SHUT UP " A voice from outside yelled. A voice that could belong to nobody else but Jackson

"I really don't like that guy" Leroy said, trying to calm himself
Lucas landed on the dragons head. He quickly began swinging the sword at it while biting it and using his legs claws to scratch it to.
"Well then, do it for her," he said as he pointed Aryhann. "Do it for her or I will," he said, looking treathningly.
"Listen. You may not be some angel who saved my life a bunch of times but you should put you angry, not on others but on the impending dangers we may face after the dragon.." Eliza paused, "I'm sorry I just don't like arguing." She let go and headed outside and climbed to the roof.

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Aryhann remembered him. "Shadow..?" As far she could remember, he always protected her.

"I don't know... What fools us humans can be..."
Calm down Leroy calm down. "E-Eliza! Don't head after that thing! Wait!" He called after her before chasing after her. I'm chasing after some strange orphan 17 year old girl that can turn into a rose what would my friends and family think!?

"That I'm insane obviously!!!!" He began to laugh as he followed after her, his exhaustion turning into short-lived adrenaline
Lucas had created a huge cut in it's neck before it threw him off. "Target the cut I made. "
Jackson stood there frustrated that he he couldn't hit the dragon still even if he tried but he did think of something, he raised the sword in a throwing position and threw it as hard as he could, it went into the dragons belly with force Jackson stood there with pride
"I'm not going after the dragon. The others have it." She looked up. "I just wanna show you something..."

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Aryhann stood up. "I want to help too!" She said, turning immaterial.

Shadow looked at her, confused. He returned to shooting bullets at the dragon.
Lucas roared sending out energy waves at the cut on the dragon making it almost big enough to kill it.

(He had no range so I added this. )
Shadow shooted some bullets pecisely on the cut.

Aryhann facepalmed herself as she turned material. "A real child..."
"Huhn", he frowns, not expecting this and he continues following after her. "Show me what...?'
he pulled his sword out of the dragon's eye and flew in the sky he went higher and higher and brought his sword down on the cut making it bigger
"I wonder of it will give us something like the black tiger and huge rose monsters did.

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