your gem [Inactive]

Lucas "ignore my last question. " he pulled out his gem and held it to his head once again becoming a tiger creature of unusual size.
"Hello? Anyone there?" Eliza yelled as she could not see through the dark fog rising around everyone.

"Now. I have traveled from the great lands of Hell and Back. By killing Satan, I have become the Devil and I know everyone. Sins, how they die and when. And Miss Eliza, is the Rose who will be my successor or defeater. Will you join my side or stay as fallen heros?"
Aryhann knew she would not stand long before transforming to her 2nd phase. She clenched a fist, trying to controll herself.
Eliza tried to find a way down. Finally, pieces of the pillar formed holes to climb down on. She slowly made her way down.

"Lets get this party started." Daniel said as he ran towards the others, ready to fight.
" sounds good " Jackson put his gem to his forehead. Fire surround his body, this time he didn't scream he was use to the fire, he was kneeling when it was over, he stood up his amor gave a little click and clack, he got in a fighting position .
"I want to create an army of Evil! you see, and I need a queen. Eliza is her. First I chose her sister but she refused. Now little children. One at a time!" Daniel yelled and decided to chose his first opponent. "Jackson, time to battle!"
(HOLY SH!T YOU GUYS OMG IM GOING TO POST XDDDDDD I was typing an application for another rp. it was so long ;~ ;)
Lucas jumped in front of Jackson. "How strong do you think you are? You can't take him. Start with me since I haven't fought much yet."
"why the hell are we taking turns!" Leroy snapped pissed. "Don't try to make us obey like damn play things!"
"No interrupting!" he yelled sending a vortex to catch any spells and directed them at the caster. Daniel spun his Scythe around, flinging the tiger around and at a wall.

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