your gem [Inactive]

"Go! Everyone Go!" yelled Eliza as she lost consciousness and her sister took over.

"Well, Her younger sister using her gem. Your big sis would be proud."

"Eliza is not here right now! My soul is connected to my gem and once she touched it, I was able to take control and defeat you." Said Eliza's sister as Eliza.
"Get out of you! I'll handle this like I originally planned to!" his fists clenched. "Do it or I'll force you to!" 
"I'll take care of Eliza and that damn Daniel guy, you 3 just stay out of this!" This was a fight he originally planned for anyways
Suddenly, Eliza's sister came from her body a took solid form. "I need her energy to come back. Leave my sister alone, take me!" she said walking to Daniel. "My, you are still beautiful dead. you know that." Daniel replied.
"Lucy, come." He held his hand out.

Eliza opened her eyes, "Lu!" she yelled.

"Take care of my sis. I love you!" Lucy replied. She took his hand and the Hell Gate opened, "We will not be seen again." she told them. They walked through at the gate closed.

"I don't need back up." He saw as a woman who must've been Eliza's sister take form. Sh!it! not good. He whipped around and force himself to concentrate his power solely on Lucas, Jackson and Aryhann. His eyes began to glow "You 3 want no part of this. You want to run away, out of here. As far away from Daniel and Eliza as possible. That's the most important thing to you right now. Running away." This hypnosis will only last 5 minutes but it was plenty enough. 
But afterwards it was too late Daniel and the woman who had just taken form had dissappeared. "Dammit!!!"
"Eliza..." he walked slowly over to her. But what the hell was he supposed to say? It just kept getting worse and worse for her. Everybody had ran away, however they'll be back to their senses in a matter of minutes. All he could do was kneel beside Eliza and sympathize with her.
"Thank you." she said as she slowly took it away. She stood up and held her's in one and sister's in the other. Her sisters gem then turned into energy and was absorbed by Eliza's gem. "Love you sis!" she whispered and walked towards the exit without a single word after.
"Eliza!" He ran over to her and grabbed her arm. It didn't matter how strong Eliza was, she was still broken and sadness must be consuming her inner being alive. And he had no idea how to help her cope with it and frankly it worried her on what she might consider from now on. He decided he needed to stay close by her for a while, unless she got any funny ideas.
"Taking my sisters energy and placing it at my burnt home, both my parents and sister will find peace...Including me and my new, lonely life can never be fixed..."
"As the owner of the Gem of Roses, I'll turn her energy into a rose. It will be placed in my garden where no one shall find it." she said as the others started to return.
"...You need to rest." He finally said, pulling her into a hug, but it was all false. His hands slid up to her neck and he pushed a certain pressure point, causing her to pass out temporarily. "...So sorry for pulling such a d!ck move.."

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