your gem [Inactive]

Aryhann finally could not stand it anymore. She had to get to her seccond phase. Some markings appeared on her right arm. "That is what you think! Your vortex is nothing," said a voice that was not Aryhann's one.
Dafaq is happening? Was all that Leroy thought as he stared in shock at Aryhann. Dammit he wished he could help, but thanks to his power and how little he knew about it, it just wasn't the time to use it yet.
Eliza made it all the way down the pillar as the battle continued. She remembered Daniel at school, he was the only one nice to her. His smile was enchanting, the way he protected her as a brother. She ran towards the two. "Please Stop!!!" she yelled. "Lucas, your going to be killed! dont go on any more! Please."
"Eliza what the hell are you doing! Don't get in the middle of it! You'll get hurt too!" Dammit why the hell am I stuck on this damn pillar!
Eliza noticed a sparkle in ashes. "My sisters gem.." she stopped running and picked up the gem. It was a deep blood red. Once picking it up, it transformed her into a vampire with twin curved blades. Her eyes turned red and yelled, "Lucas, get out of here."

Daniel transformed human and grabbed another gem he had taken. A giant battle ax and armor formed. "You little Lion!"
"What the hell? Eliza!!" What's going on? "Ugh! Damn vortex let me go!!!!" He pounded his hands on the vortex

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