your gem [Inactive]

(With Daniel, I can play him and do some chatting and he tells more about the Gems and the legend...)

"Hey guys!" Eliza said. She finished up some toast, hame and bacon. "Breakfast anyone? I can make eggs to order."

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Leroy walks around the omnious place that was mapped out for him by Eliza. "Daniel? That's what you said your name was right? Show yourself!"
"Take what ever you want. Eggs? Just write it down here." She past a plate and a note pad. Eliza enjoyed cooking and waiting for them to take their food and order eggs. "Enjoy!"

"Well well well! It's Leroy! How are you my friend." Daniel spoke as he came out from behind a pillar. Daniel had on black jeans, combat boots, trench coat, and a white bloody undershirt. When he smiles, you see his canine teeth filled down to a shape point. "So, where is my lover Eliza??" You know she will be mine some day..."

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Lucas wrote down a small amount of eggs. "I was on Google yesterday and found out some big stuff. And I had a vision last night. There will be a solar eclipse today. "
"Lover?" He scoffed. "Well aren't you a little hotcake? Nice fashion statement. Do you sharpen those teeth regularly, go to the spa every now and them and get them polished nice and white? You just want her gem and you know it." It was a strange thought. Mostly men wanted a girl for what she had to offer (mostly her virginity and body) but this guy... wants a gem. Leroy had to laugh at the thought.
"After breakfast we can talk about what you found." Eliza smiled and began cooking eggs. "Everyone come, eat some breakfast. I'll just eat once you all finish up." She placed more plates for the others. "You sure Aryhann?"

"You know, I went to school with Eliza. I knew there was something special about her. My teeth...Well I do drink blood since I was given my gem." Daniel laughter echoed through out the temple. "Now, where is her gem?" He said as he traveled through the darkness, getting closer to Leroy.
"Oh did I forget to bring that gem...? Oops sorry!" he smiled. "You're a real f*cking creep you know that? I'd choose the twilight guys over you any day, and that's saying something." He began to dig in his pocket. "However, you get off on other people's gems right?" He pulls out his own gem. "I got this little darling right here? It's mine. If you know, swing that way."
"Why this is getting excited. Time to do a little trick of mine." he taped is gem as summoned a dark vortex. After a few seconds, someone came through. "Now lookie here, little Eliza!" In his arms was Eliza.

A vortex appeared under Eliza and then she disappeared. "He...l" she got out before she was swallowed up and landed in Daniel's arms. "Leroy? Daniel? what is going on where am I?" she screamed. Daniel smiled at her with his pointy teeth. "Let me go!" she yelled.

"Now, lets see if your hero can save you." Daniel said as he jumped on top a wall. "Lets play Leroy!"
Daniel placed Eliza on top a pillar. "See if you can catch her." he then jumped down. Taping his gem again, Daniel summoned his scythe. "Why don't we have some more fun." he summoned the vortex and the others at Leroy's house came as well.

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