your gem [Inactive]

Eliza woke up with others asleep. She decided to make breakfast for the others and once arriving. Taking bacon and some Canadian ham out of the fridge, she began to cook. Hash browns were made a bit later and waiting to make eggs in their liking.
"You know what? I'll just pass by the waiting," She said as she turned immaterial. "Hmm... I always wanted to try something..." "Do you allow me?"
(o_o give 'ole me a recap?) 
(;~; Leroy's house is turning into a motel btw...what am I supposed to do about this Daniel scene?)
"Okay," Aryhann said as she took his wrist and passed trough the door with him. "It worked!" She said as she stopped holding his wrist and turned material again.
She smiled. "People can't touch me when I'm immaterial but I can make people pass trough walls... Where is the logic?" She asked as she started laughing.

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