your gem [Inactive]

"Yeah. But if you need to, feel free to go ahead and cry. You can't let it all in...It's not healthy." He chuckled to himself. "I'm such a damn hypocrite..."
She giggled a bit. "I rather be unhealthy and cry later than to make others worry...rather they be happy than me..."

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Para was in a city listening to some quick brown fox music. He was almost completely unaware of his surroundings yet he was directing himself to a store.
Lucas finally decided after being in his motel room to head to one of the other rooms and talk to them about all this.
"I think I might worry if you don't." .... "Shit! I just said that did I? That means I'm getting involved!" He ran his hands through his unruly hair. "Dammit!" He took a deep sigh. "Guess there's no stopping it." He looked wearily at her. "I don't know about everyone else and I'm still edging on not sticking together with everybody don't have much anybody else. But you just figured out about your sister so that's good. So you know you can stay here for however long you need, right?"
As soon as he was done in the store, Para went to a nearby arcade. What better thing to do than play a little Pop'n Music? But some sort of force was telling him to terrorize the arcade with the gem that had been found. He wasn't able to resist. Many things broke.

He walked out of the arcade with regret.
Para ran to a nearby hotel. He got a reservation by luck and ran up to find a person knocking on doors.

"You've gotta help me!"
"Friends." Eliza smiled. Her phone rang again. "Hello?"

"Hey sis. I'm in trouble..." Before the line went out, Eliza heard her sister scream. "Lu! What happened?" Then a strange deep voice came up to the phone.

"Lucy can't come to the phone. She has traveled to hell." And a creepy laugh.

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When no-one answered Lucas decided to just hope Google/YouTube/Twitter/Facebook had something. He found out about a ancient temple protected by the mighty tiger Tyler. The tiger never keeps a name more then a hundred years so that is why he has a modern name. He also found out about something in the Bermuda triangle.
" sis was killed...only way out is I have nobody..." She than began to cry. The creepy voice spoke again.

"Bring me your gems and you won't be killed like you idiot sister..."

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"Wha..." He dashed over to her and jerked the phone out of her hands "Who the hell is this!? Answer me!! What do you want!!!!"

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