your gem [Inactive]

"Makes sense whoever is the most holliest or eviliest recieves the greatest power...which I imagine is something god like..." He thought for a moment. "Tempting."
"Moon rises... Angels... Moon falls... Demons... Hell... Heaven... World conquered?" Aryhann was trying to understand.
"I don't know about all of this. Perhaps I get the option, forget this ever happened. I just now have the power to hypnotize people. Big deal. I don't really care for this battle royale stuff."
"Hold on a sec- Why the hell do I have to do anything!? You have the four of you go on ahead. But I'm 26 years old I have a damn life!!! Count. Me. Out!"
Aryhann was just tired. Not beacause of the talking, but because she just felt the need to sleep. "Do somebody knows what time is it?" She asked.
Lucas finally couldn't stand it any longer and said "so if gods and stuff are involved do you guys think the tiger that gave this to me might be important? His name was Tyler. "
" Oh you don't think I have a life I'm 17 my fathers dying and yet I'm right here helping you guys when I could be at home helping but no I had to save your asses, think about that " Jackson stood in front of Leroy
Eliza stood up. "Look a warning is said here. We cannot just leave, we are in it till the next full moon. Only way out is death."

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Leroy sighed heavily. "Enough of this. It's early morning. I think we all need some sleep." He handed Aryhann, Lucas and Jackson some money. "There's a motel nearby, go stop by a cafe and you 3 can come back tomorrow. Just rest and then we'll talk about....all this junk. Ok?"

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