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Fantasy Yokai Vs Humans:Battle For Blood

For being such long friend, Kalin wasn't someone she could stay mad at for teasing her, not that she got mad really. He was always one to be flirting but of corse since he did it so often, Aiko never took him seriously. Despite being away for six years exploring the world, loving and liking someone or something wasn't one of the things she learned. It just didn't seem necessary.

"Ai-chan? You haven't called me that since we were kids. Always following me around because I was your senpai." Recalling back old memories when they trained together, it was almost nostalgic. Aiko's reminiscences were quickly disrupted when the waiter came by with Ai's order. Four meat dumplings and jasmine tea, picking one of the dumplings up and beginning to munch on it like a little kid with a lollipop but of corse she only showed this side of her around Kalin. If others came around, she would've just eaten it like a normal adult which she doesn't have a problem with, Ai just believes eating it like this gives it more flavor since she's actually enjoying the food. A rare sight to behold, her lips curved ever so slightly revealing a small smile under nether her half eaten dumpling.
"Well, what can I say? Six years apart makes a man nostalgic... " He said, looking down at his own plate of dumplings. He threw one into his mouth, savoring it as he broke it between his teeth. This place made some pretty good dumplings, for sure.

"So, Ai. What brought you back after all this time? Besides me, of course. I thought you were never coming back..." he said, after swallowing the food. He flashed back to when Aiko originally told him she was leaving. The thought of not having her around had bothered him, at first, but he came to the understanding that it was something she had to do for herself. Much like Kalin's quest for answers to his past was something he couldn't overcome.

It didn't make it hurt any less, though. Aiko was his family. Or the closest thing he was ever going to have to family. Kalin soon shook off the memory, and gave her a smile, watching her eat joyfully as he picked up another dumpling. He wasn't going to dig up the past here and now. After all, it was great having her back, so those other thoughts didn't matter.
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"Kyoko," the shaman quickly replied, sending the tanned woman a polite smile. "Kyoko Kawashima." Her pleasant demeanor returned almost immediately after the female spiritual warrior had offered to split the bill, something that Kyoko greatly appreciated due to her lack of finances. "It's a pleasure to meet you, miss..." Biting her lip in hesitation, Kyoko didn't think she had caught the lady's name but didn't want to seem rude if she had missed it.

Quickly glancing over at Mr. Kriestien, Kyoko didn't know if she should take the handed and allowed someone else to shake it. She already knew of him after all, they worked for the same organization; of course, they were of different ranks but it still wouldn't seem right if Kyoko shook his hand like a stranger. "I believe that such plans shouldn't be discussed in public but the restaurant I suggested is very low key and not widely known."

Allowing herself to grin cheekily at Cale, Kyoko nodded and gestured for the hunters to follow her. "Alright then, let's get something to eat, shall we?" Leading the group out of the crowded streets and into a less populated area where most people would label as shady, Kyoko walked towards a small cafe with a flickering sign that said OPEN. She held the door open and gestured for the rest to go in with a respectful smile.

However, little did Kyoko know that the couple sitting off to the side eating dumplings were hunters and that the two beautiful ladies about to leave were yokai. It was a twist of fate that they all ended up in the same cafe unknowingly. Rather hilarious if I must say so myself.

@KrissKrass @Meowfyre @Seraph Darkfire

@Defective Kitten (mentioned) @Kalin Scarlet (mentioned) @Tiegirl (mentioned) @Rosyshark (mentioned)
Surprisingly, it was Cale that took Kriestien's hand and shook it. The Monks had always taught him that if a man holds out his hand, you shake it, no matter what. He grinned "I'll eat, they'll listen" he said nodding towards Kyoko and Ritsuko. He paused and looked in the direction of the sound "Hmm, sounds like someone just lost their vehicle" he said chuckling.

Of course, he was more interested in getting food than dealing with something destroying a car. Anyway, it wasn't like anyone was being attacked, he didn't hear any screams or anything. As it were, he followed Kyoko as she led the way to a cafe "Oh, cool" he said thoughtfully as he walked in.

He was stopped before he got too far though as someone came over and told him that he wouldn't be able to carry his staff with him. Of course, he grinned and set it down "If you can move it, then I'll give it up, if not, I'll keep it with me" he said. After trying to lift the staff with not even a wiggle, the man gave up. Cale chuckled and found a seat. It was his favorite game, seeing the surprised look on people's faces when they couldn't move it was endlessly hilarious.

It wasn't like anyone could take it from him anyway.

@Sen Pai @KrissKrass @Meowfyre

@Kenji Jensai (Mentioned)
As the cafe began getting a bit more crowded with a group of familiar faces, Ai began eating her dumpling normally. Straightening up her expression of her calm one rather than the soft one she showed briefly

"Man? When did you become a man? Last time I saw you, you were only 15. In the middle of puberty as your voice cracked every time you spoke." Ai responded joking, noticing the tone of his voice change as he mentioned her never coming back. "Oh shush, I told you I was going to travel, not that I would never return... Although 6 years is quite long, I apologize for not keeping in touch for those few years." Speaking softer to Kalin, realizing she should've at least sent a post card or something.

"Reason I came back." Ai dug threw the clutter that was her brain of why she came back, reaching to grab another dumpling and eating it as she thought. The old Aiko and the new Aiko were different in some ways, such as the old Aiko showed little to no emotion and was always sharp about everything. The new Aiko was a bit more drawn back and calm, showed a tad bit more emotion than before. "Oh, right." Taking a bite of the dumpling before she continued, "The foundation, organization, whatever you want to address it by, they called for me again. Apparently I'm needed." Taking another bite before deciding to ask of his own personal life.

"So tell me hot shot, you got a girl? What have you been up to for the past six years? How's training?" Bombarding him with a few questions at a time, her voice not raising or lowering staying the same as ever.
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Ai Aigasa

Near the very shady cafe w/ Kyoko, Cale/Sun Wukong, Ritsuko, Kriestien, Rei/Ren, Kuro, Spiritual Warrior!Ai, and Kalin.

@Sen Pai @Seraph Darkfire @KrissKrass @Meowfyre @Rosyshark @Tiegirl @Defective Kitten @Kalin Scarlet

He's perfect, Ai marveled at his beauty from afar, peering out from the bushes and into the windows of the cafe. Perfect in every way. Her violet eyes lit up with admiration at the man's vessel and stroked his cheek in the air. Ai knew that they were meant to be, she knew the moment that she had seen him emerge from that mortal boy with that handsome grin on his face. She could still remember the vision she had about their future wedding where he swept her off her feet and carried her into the distance; she had seen their fate flash before her eyes when she saw him.

Those rippling muscles of his, Ai dreamed about being held close to him and feeling his amazing masculine aura. He was all she ever dreamed of. He wasn't a prince, he was a
king, the Monkey King to be exact. Being a relatively young yokai, Ai wasn't very familiar with the Monkey King's story but when she had asked a lesser yokai who had been around for many centuries, she was assured that he was the one for her. He was the only one for her, they were made for one another.

Sun Wukong... Ai swooned at the memory of his greatness. Although she had only seen him for a little while, she knew it was love at first sight. He was the Hayate to her Naomi, the missing piece of her non-existent heart. He completed her and Ai was sure that if only she were to speak with him, he would realize that she was completed him too. Oh, how the future generations will speak of this love story! The kasa obake marveled and blushed heavily. The forbidden love between the Monkey King and the tsukumogami may even make its way into a best-seller.

Giggling softly, Ai held her cheeks in her hands as she imagined how cute their children would be. They'd carry their own umbrellas and have a tail sticking out! Leaning forward and resting her elbows on the window sill, the yokai smiled lovingly as the waiter tried to pick up the staff that only Sun Wukong could carry.
Silly human, you're simply not worthy! Shaking her head with amusement, Ai floated closer and closer to the window sill to get a better view of her lover. My future husband is surely the greatest of them all.

However, the young yokai was faced with a problem; her soulmate was cased within a mortal, a hunter nonetheless. It seemed like Sun Wukong would only emerge if the human released a seal and by what the human said, there was a time limit to Sun Wukong's appearance. Oh dear! How will I see him again? Staring longingly within the vessel of Sun Wukong, Ai sighed tragically. But she was never one to give up. She would work her away around this predicament! The power of love is the strongest after all!

"Mommy, look at weird girl by the window!" A little girl pointed at Ai, who turned in shock at the human child before quickly transforming into a purple umbrella before the mother could see her. The mother proceeded to pat the child on the head and continue on her way down the street, tugging the girl along with her.

Frowning to herself, Ai transformed back into her human form and huffed.
That was a close one. Wouldn't want that kid to reveal my location. Leaning against the wall of the cafe, a small idea appeared in Ai's head. Why hadn't she thought of it before? All Ai had to do was make the vessel release the seal in order to meet with her darling! It would take some effort and work but it would all be worth it in the end. Ai grinned and hurried off to one of her bosses to tell them about the hunters in the cafe.

Ai would have to start picking out her wedding dress.
"What, are you looking to take the open spot? And yes, it still is an open spot." Kalin said, smiling as he continued to eat. He had ignored the first few jabs at his age, and accepted the apology, and then she had to go and ask about his relationship status. If he had been looking her in the eyes, he might have blushed. It wasn't a well known fact that he'd never had a relationship before, despite all of his big talk.

"As for...everything else. I haven't seriously trained in a while. I've been feeling really good. Like, extremely good. Like I've reached my prime, but that cant be true, obviously. And since you've been gone, I've been looking for answers. Y'know, for me."
Masamune's encounter with the Kirin was...unexpected. It had left him shaken and rattled a bit. There were very few beings that existed that could rattle Masamune's calmness. The Kirin was certainly one of those few. Even Nine-Tails...the greatest pinnacle of power any Kitsune ever hoped to reach....knew the legends of the Kirin. He was moving to confirm his new source of intelligence with Kuro, the only other Yokai present that he could relay such information to. Or rather, the only one he felt slightly comfortable around. He didn't trust her in the slightest, but she a Kitsune as he was. She was as far as trust he was willing to express. He came to the cafe and in his more human form, strode in when he realized he may have made a slight blunder.

The shock at the presence of the Yokai had left his mind rattled and he hadn't been properly thinking and sensing out presences. No Yokai could sense a Hunter until they were already in the midst of battle, but Yokai could sense one another. Kuro and another were somewhere in the cafe. Yet so was another....more faint presence of Yokai. It was being masked....or maybe it was being suppressed? Hidden.

He noticed the owner of such a presence. Though he was accompanied by others who seemed....armed in a manner of speaking.


There was quite a gathering of them. He was no afraid. Masamune had stared many atrocious beings down, and Humanity was not something that could ever inspire fear in Masamune. Still, to start a battle so openly in front of so many other non-combatant humans...was that wise?

Masamune knew it was too late to leave the cafe now that he had entered it. He was sure the human who seemed to radiate a Yokai presence somehow should know he was present. His nine-tails would be hidden from human eyes...but this human...it was possible he could see through the illusion. Wasn't it? It was too late now. What could be done?

It was a possibility that speaking with Kuro would have to wait if things turned sour. Shame that would be. Masamune had hoped to test the waters a bit more before he committed to any actions, war or neutrality. The Kirins words still hung in the back of his mind. Bride the gaps between Yokai and Humanity. It seemed so foolish to even discuss such a possibility. Yokai like Tora would die before such a thing ever happened. Masamune was sure there were humans who felt the same way as Tora. An undying hatred quite often well.....ceased to die no matter how many generations it passed and traveled through. Time did not always heal all wounds as the old sayings spoke of.

There could be no such thing until both sides lost much and felt the heartache of lost friends and family and tasted the bitter taste of blood as one stood over the corpses of friend and enemy alike. Masamune had felt both on more than one occasion. How many Hunters could say the same? War was inevitable regardless of whether Masamune worked to ease or prevent it or not. Blood will spill regardless. Masamune couldn't believe any other outcome was possible.

Right here and right now, it was possible he would strike his first blow on the Hunters. He did not wish to make a scene too openly, but he would not shy away from a challenge either.

@Seraph Darkfire
Cale felt a strange energy around him. It was the feeling of Yokai that he got. He looked around suddenly, feeling two distinct presences focused on him. He grinned and shrugged. If he wasn't attacked now, they wouldn't attack at all. He raised his hands "Come on boss, pile on the Meat Buns!" he laughed clapping his hands as he called for the cook "Someone else is paying for me, so it is all I can eat" he smirked "And I can eat a lot"

He resolved to just ignore the Yokai. Should he start a fight for the sake of fighting, he'd endanger the humans around him, something the other's would be very upset about. Besides, if he fought, the fight could disrupt the cafe and then he'd be screwed out of a free meal. Ignoring them would be the best option. So that is what he did.

Fighting was best done on a full stomach anyway.

@EasternGhost @Nikolajsen @Sen Pai @KrissKrass (Mentioned)

"Ooooooo let's go." Kuro hurried inside ahead of Rei. The Youkai woman had been right about the foodstuff before so hopefully she was right again this time.

When she entered the place her excitement for food didn't disappear - it shifted to a different type of excitement when she noticed a certain group of people. Two were the boy and girl she and Tora had had a confrontation with a long with two unknown humans. Undoubtedly they were probably hunters too. The. There was a couple in the back that gave off similar vibes as the hunters. More hunters.

Inside Kuro did an excited titter. These was a perfect opportunity to spy and maybe for a little mischief . . . ? But then she remembered Rei. While Kuro was in her human form they couldn't tell she was a Youkai but that couldn't be said for Rei. But Rei suggested something tasty. But, Kuro was supposedly human so she wouldn't know anything about Youkai.

With that settled, Kuro strode to the counter to get good food for the debacle that was to begin.

To make matters worse (or better) lo and behold Masamune stepped into the place in a human form. His human form left a lot to be desired with hiding his Youkai prescence but not everyone could be like her. Did she turn her head to look at him directly? Nope she acted like she didn't know him as she asked the young woman at the counter about their foodstuffs.

She was undercover and if he did go up to talk to her she would have to risk setting him straight. This was a highly volatile situation and she wanted to hot have to switch to a different human look if they found this one out. She was quite fond of it. Was she enjoying this situation? Despite the dangers, highly so.

@Rosyshark @EasternGhost @Kalin Scarlet (mentioned) @Seraph Darkfire (mentioned) @Defective Kitten (mentioned) @Sen Pai (mentioned) @Meowfyre (mentioned)

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Rei went ahead and sat down after ordering some dumplings, along with some to go. She did know why but she felt the strangest feeling, similar to how she had felt in the first cafe but stronger. How odd. She tried to ignore it as she started to nibble at one of the dumpling. At one point she heard a soft almost whimpering sound. It took her a moment to realize it was Ren. "Are you really whimpering?" She said in a very quiet whisper, keeping her hand somewhat in front of her face so people wouldn't notice.

"I'll get louder if I don't eat soon." Ren whispered back. Rei sighed softly before quickly putting some of the dumplings she had gotten wrapped up for later in her purse as discretely as she could. She looked back the the girl she was with as she stood up. "Um hey Rumi, I'm going to run to the ladies room. Be right back. Um, go ahead and start eating without me." She didn't wait for a response as she jogged towards the ladies room.

She checked under the stalls to make sure no one else was there before pulling her ponytail down. Instantly all her long hair fell and moved almost like someone stretching. And also revealing a large toothy grin on the back of Rei's head.
"Finally!" Ren said, only to be shushed by Rei, who had unwrapped one of the dumplings and held it up. A lock of hair formed a hand-like shape and snatched the dumpling before quickly eating it in almost one bit. "... Please don't make a mess. People are going to think I'm weird if I have food on the back of my head." She muttered unwrapping another. "Kid, you have two mouths. You are weird."
Yokai came in followed by hunters followed by more yokai, Geez, how more tense could this shop get? It's obvious everyone had already noticed each other's presents. Won't be soon until one of us or them snaps and starts a fight. The shop was soon surrounded by the scent of bloodthirsty yokai and anxious hunters, how else could this turn out? Somehow she was still able to keep her calm composure, rarely did yokai make her nervous in the slightest. Whatever the outcome was, Ai made sure to not get mixed up in it. Dumplings were her main priority at the moment, not killing yokai.

Eating another dumpling to distract herself from the yokai and hunters, Ai could still sense them in the back of head, unable to fully distract herself. "An opening huh? No thanks little man. You should be able to get yourself one with all this big talk though." Ai cracked a rather mischievous smirk at him, she already knew Kalin had no real known experience with talking with women, it was just fun to tease him. "In your prime? You sound like a forty year old man who's in a mid-life crisis, realizing half of his life is on fast forward while he is still on pause. Either or, you should still continue training.." Pausing to take a sip of her tea, despite taking it easy herself she knew that if Kalin didn't take his training seriously he could end up in the ground the next yokai he fights.

"What do you mean by answers for yourself?" Questioning him with a raised brow, "Are you gay?" Ai quickly concluded after a few seconds had past, blinking twice.
Masamune knew that Kuro had to know he was within close range of her. If she claimed otherwise, then she was a liar. Masamune decided to come over to where Kuro and another, though Masamune did not know her, he felt a Yokai presence from the other as well. The other left the table she and Kuro were sharing and Masamune chose then to approach, pulled a chair to their table, and sat down. Masamune turned to Kuro.

"Hunters are here with us. One of them even has a Yokai presence within him. Would you know anything about that? Also, who was that you were with?" Masamune asked Kuro, all the while keeping a tab on the presence of the Hunters with mental sensory searches.

It would not do well for them to suddenly ambush him and Kuro, as well as whomever Kuro was associating with.


"What!? Hell n- I mean, no, that's stupid..." Kalin said, looking around as he realized he had almost made a scene, and with all of the yokai here, the male especially, he wanted to keep the peace. Unless one started a fight with him. Then he'd enjoy himself. He sat back down slowly, and continued to speak in a quieter tone.

"I meant answers about my past. I'm amnesiac, remember?" Kalin said, pointing at his head. "I haven't made any progress on that front, though. No one knows anything about me, all I have are my weapons, and...well, we can talk about it later."
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"You know nothing about being discreet do you." She sighed. Pesky ninetails, going to blow her cover. She pointed at him. "You refer to me as Terumi. I'm human. Got it? Got it." She started stuffing her mouth as per Rei's instructions. It was so delicious - maybe this is the promised land.

"The girl. She's Rei - and mine so leave her be. The hunters? No clue." She plopped another dumpling in her mouth, savoring the taste. "But you're not helping my case, though nice human form. Now if I couldn't still smell your Youkai stench then we could of played at being - what do the humans call it these days? Oh yeah, boyfriend and girlfriend." She grinned at him before downing another frappechino, this time strawberry flavored. After she finished her food then she would mess with the humans.

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Masamune sighed.

Terumi? Irritating. Relationship with Kuro? THAT would only bring trouble. More than Masamune wanted. He wasn't sure Kuro even understood affection or love. She seemed to devious and....well....cruel. Though she was subtle and not openly harsh...Masamune had once upon a time, been associated with Kitsune royalty. She had the traits of a Kitsune noblewoman plotting to kill all of her siblings and rivals right before she assumes control of the position of power. She was deceptive. She could easily hide maliciousness behind a pretty smile. Kitsune had often been called the masters of playing the cloak and dagger games. Masamune had never had much of a mind for it. He enjoyed subtlety and trying to be nonchalant. There was no need to make a scene if it wasn't necessary. Some though....they took it further then it was healthy and eventually it became their primary way of interacting.

Kuro seemed to be one of those. Masks hidden behind shadows and mists hidden behind more masks. Or maybe he gave her too much credit? It was possible.

Insanity. All of it. He wouldn't call her Terumi if they were alone. It seemed....pointless.

"Rei? Never heard of her. She seems....divided on something. I don't think you're claws have sunk into her far enough to claim her Kuro" Masamune cautioned.

The worst defeats in battle Masamune had seen had been when one side had thought the battle already won since they had a great advantage. This made them careless and they overlooked the obvious. Then they lost and quite often...paid with their mistakes with their own lives. Kuro seemed to be in a similar situation. Maybe this was all a game to her? Probably.

"Anyway, there's no point in being discreet. As I said, one of the Hunters has a Yokai presence about him, and if I'm right, then the Hunters already know who and what we are and where we are. I doubt they'll start a battle here, but once we're a safe distance from this place, they might attack. Now isn't time to be discreet. It's time to be intelligent and cautious" Masamune warned.
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As Ren finished the last dumpling is let out a small sigh. "See was that so tough? I bet you could have pocketed mo- Hey wait not yet." The mouth protested as Rei started to put her hair back up in a pony tail. "We have more food at home. You will be fine." She said sternly, giving the ponytail a tug, making sure if was nice and tight. She made sure Ren hadn't left any food but she seemed all clear as she walked out of the bathroom. She stopped for a moment noticing someone else had sat down at their table.

Who's that?" Ren whispered. Rei could only shrug.

"Maybe a friend or something? They look like they know each other... Should I go back over?"

"Yeah, I mean you left food there. Don't run off just because some pretty boy wiggled his way in." Rei just nodded before making her way back over to the table and sitting back down. "Um.. hi."

Tora awoke with loud yawn.As he got to his feet he felt as though he had changed the ground seemed much closer than it had ever been.He dismissed it as nothing but his imagination but he saw something that made him roar with anger as he drank from a puddle on the cave.He found he had in his sleep taken the form of an 8-year old boy."What how why am I like this"he screamed but he realized that his voice from the terrible great boom it had been to a new whiny and high pitched one.he also had a tiny nose and big cheeks and brown hair with a streak of gold.He looked around for anything that would help him learned what happened.He then saw 2 giant roundish tracks followed by footprints.Their was only one creature who could have made these tracks and he knew exactly what it was a tanuki.He dared not follow them for yokai older than he was spoke that tanuki had magical power that of a 8-tailed kitsune.'Damn I don't want to but I guess theirs,no choice but I need that damned Kuros help surely she could change me back."As he raced,to the ports to enter the human realm he found it was hard to use his powers in this form.As he finally got through the portal he tracked Kuros presence all the way to some human food place.He immediately rushed in and headed toward her presence.As he got closer he was surprised to see Masamune here as well."Well well well if it isn't two foxes in heat" he said with a laugh quickly forgetting why he had come.
In the near exact same moments, Rei returned, as well as Tora...or what had once been Tora. Masamune knew it was Tora only because of his line of "foxes in heat". Masamune had been about to speak to Rei but Tora decided to make an issue. Typical of the buffoon.

"If you're going to insult someone, at least take on a serious form when you do it" Masamune said with a frown looking at Tora's.....interesting choice of form.

Since when did Tora shift into a form of something he normally had a hunger for? It was uncannily....clever....not something Masamune had ever thought of Tora. The two things didn't had no relation and couldn't be placed in the same sentence.

"So, how'd did this happen? Bad timing to. I expected nothing less from you though Tora. You're timing is always beautifully horrible" Masamune said with a frown.

☂ Ai Aigasa ☂

Entering the very shady cafe.

@EasternGhost @Tiegirl @Rosyshark @Kenji Jensai

Having one leg really made a girl stand out in the crowd, the way that Ai dressed didn't help either. Despite the idea that she was supposed to be stealthy and hidden during her missions, Ai's choice of clothing was very extravagant and well put together. Just because I'm a scout doesn't mean I have to look dirt poor. The kasa obake snappily commented as she walked around the cafe building and sneaked in through the back door.

She was considered a lesser yokai, one whose aura was not worth noticing. Did she even have an aura? One would have to focus very carefully to notice such a worthless tsukumogami.
How rude! I am not worthless! Ai would have hit the narrator over the head if she were capable of physically breaking the fourth wall. The umbrella yokai huffed in annoyance as she weaved her way through the back kitchen and peeked out into the dining area.

Ai's cheeks flushed red when she saw him. Well, his vessel. Although Ai was sure that the Monkey King was hidden away deep inside the mortal, she still felt flustered when she was within a thirty meter radius.
Focus, Ai. You will see him again soon. The yokai scolded herself before forcefully tearing her eyes away from the vessel, a part of her imaginary heart breaking as she did so. Wiping a stray tear from her eye, Ai held her hand over where her heart would be if she was human. Wait for me, my love.

Spotting her boss, Ai devised a quick plan to get the table without attracting too much attention to herself. Luckily, the yokai was standing in a darker corner, conversing with a pink haired woman. Spotting a girl with very long hair approach the booth, Ai moved quickly to follow tightly behind the girl to the table. Floating in the girl's shadow, Ai kept herself hidden in the dark but couldn't help but steal loving glances over at her future husband's vessel.

We'll meet again in all due time, my sweet. Taking a seat in the corner of the booth, Ai had yet to be noticed by the other more powerful yokai so she picked up a menu and began to look at what was there even though she did not eat. Normally, Ai would have waited until her boss and the lady finished speaking but when the long haired girl nervously greeted her boss and the little boy appeared, the tsukumogami's patience had run out.

Kriestein van Luddren." Ai stated apathetically, keeping her eyes on the menu so she would not look over at the group of hunters and risk blushing at Sun Wukong's vessel. After mentally preparing herself, Ai looked up at her boss and discreetly pointed at the very large man. I would not advise confronting them in battle now. Ai furrowed her brows before setting the menu down and pondering whether or not it would be wise to risk the well being of the yokai to see her lover again. Surely the heavens were in favour of Ai's quest for love.

But good things come to those who wait, right?
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"Welcome back Rei. I saved you food and he was just leaving." Of course no sooner than she said that Tora popped up in some unnatural form. Kuro's lips almost curled but that was unbecoming of this form.

When he made a comment again about foxes in heat Kuro couldn't resist throwing out a flirtatious glance at Masamune. But besides that she chose not to acknowledge "Tora."

She chose to acknowledge the child. "Who's child is this!?" She said with mirth in her eyes. "Little boy where's your mommy?"

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Tora felt angry at being ignored by Kuro he could feel the static charge building up inside him but as he tried to unleash it he found it was harder in this form and accidentally gave himself a small shock.Tears began to form in his eyes but him not actually having his strength made him use his brain for once."But mommy you told me you and daddy where going to buy me ice cream" he yelled.He noticed that the other diners were looking in their direction."Mommy,Daddy I want ice cream he said looking from Kuro and Masamune."I want it I want it I want" he shouted jumping up and down.He then began rolling on the ground acting like a spoiled brat.
Masamune frowned.

"Never heard the name. Most of these Hunters are new to me. Besides, I'm not bothered by any of the hunters. I'm only curious about one of them, though not for any reason due to battle. There is....something else to him other than being a Human. Though this van Luddren seems capable enough. I'll keep this and him in mind" Masamune said.

"I suppose I should introduce you to these...associates...of mine" Masamune said, frowning at the word "associates" but having no other way to express his relation to Kuro, Tora, and Rei.

Rei was still a mystery to him however. Her presence bothered Masamune because she was the least well known of all around him. Not having information on individuals was a risky event. Masamune introduced Kuro to Ai as her human name so Kuro didn't attempt to make an issue of it later.

She is Terumi". Then he pointed to Tora.

"I'm not sure who the hell that is" Masamune muttered about Tora.

"She is Rei" Masamune said, not knowing what else to add to that in describing Rei to Ai.

Of course Kuro had to antagonize and anger Tora until he decided to act the part of a small child and cause a scene. Once again, Clever.

"I believe the sky should be falling somewhere" Masamune said more to himself though he was sure someone heard in between Tora's wails of pitifulness.

Masamune was deciding whether to leave or not. Between Kuro's....personality.....and Tora's....whatever that was....it was most likely for the best.


@Kenji Jensai


Rei watched the scene unfolding in front of her, frozen. "Uh..." She didn't know to say or do. It had gotten so strange with this man appearing, and this lady, and a child. A screaming child. "huh..I did not peg her as a mother." Ren muttered, hard to hear over the screaming child. Rei just slowly nodded in agreement. Though she wasn't sure if that was the case.
"Is there anything any of you can do to revert him to his original form? I can't believe Tora could pull this off. He's a nuisance, but not in this way. Terumi? Rei? Magic is...not my forte. Hasn't been for a while" Masamune said while eyeing Tora...beginning to notice the humor in all of it.



@Kenji Jensai

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