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Fantasy Yokai Vs Humans:Battle For Blood


Kuro was inelegant with how she was scarfing down the flavored bread that seemed to be a popular snack among the people now. It was so delicious that she didn't care how she looked. She could allow a few allowances for this form.

What should I try next? Kuro came across a place that had some humans sitting and eating sweets and drinking strange drinks. Hmmmmm, it looked really really good.

She rushed inside happily and at once felt the prescence of another Youkai. She looked around - under the guise of inspecting the little place with glee - and found her.

She was sitting alone drinking a cup of something, a sniff didn't tell her what though. There were so many different smells, some delicious and some terrible. The strongest, most delicious smell was coming from straight ahead from behind a young human, who was not yet adult, standing at the counter. Without even realizing it she was at the counter and bouncing on her feet as she inspected the menu. The young not-yet-adult asked her if she needed help but Kuro didn't even notice. She was looking at the menu and all the weird foodstuff that was written. Coffee? Cheesecake? Mocha Latte? She didn't know what any of it was except for the tea. So many choices. What should she do?

@Rosyshark (mentioned)

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Masamune frowned when the famous Kirin itself appeared in front of him, as if it was made of mist. He had sensed no movements and had barely even felt it's presence. He'd had only a split second of a warning that it was even focusing on him. This only meant that it was more powerful than anything or anyone Masamune had met thus far. At least as far as he could tell from sensing the powers of those within his sphere of influence. A Kirin? Why would such a being be here? Now of all times?

Then it knew who he was. This was dangerous. Very dangerous. Any plans Masamune might have formed were suddenly becoming altered in the time span of a mere moment.

"A Kirin. Why would such a creature like you be here? Now of all times? Surely you know what most Yokai tend to do in this world?" Masamune asked of the Kirin.

The Kirin was legend. Some considered a Kirin a God. Others considered it only one small step below a God. That alone meant power that Masamune would be foolish to ignore. Even the most powerful of Yokai would need to watch themselves when a Kirin was present. Kirin were known to be kind and at times, they favored humanity. Was it planning to participate in the war and side with Humanity. An interesting and disturbing thought all in one.

"Why?" Masamune asked the Kirin once more.

@Kenji Jensai
Rei was staring out the window still when she felt something odd. She couldn't explain it but it was a bit hard to ignore. She glanced over and saw there was no one out of the ordinary. Just some people, a girl was at the counter and seemed to be trying to pick out something. She had an odd feeling about her but tried to ignore it. Best not to draw attention. Unfortunately the mouth on the back of her head had a different idea.

"The Chai tea, and frappichinos here are real good." Rei's eyebrows raised as she realized the voice that just came out of the back of her head. She reached back and tightened her ponytail. "Shush" She whispered. She could swear that she could feel Ren snickering silently. She hoped that maybe no one had noticed.

Ryuji had smiled as he seemed to get the nine-tails attention seeing the expressions on his face."Why I have come is simple I'm bored after all these years" he stated bluntly."Your power combined with that of the childish monkey king stirred my interest,wait... I have another idea tell me do you desire power"? Ryuji waited for an answer he sensed no evil in this beings heart but he could be wrong he has before."I want you to help build the bridge of peace between humans and yokai thus I will grant you power unlike any other though there is a risk if your heart is uncertain of your choice then you shall perish" he said in a calm tone.

Kuro was over to her and sitting down in front of her in a second. "Really? I don't know what to get. Should I get the frappechino? I have tea way too much so I would like to try something new. I'm Terumi by the way but you can call me Rumi. What's your name?" She tumbled it out in a happy matter hoping to come off as friendly. She hadn't planned to associate with the Youkai but the young woman did approach her first. Let's test out how human can be.

(To avoid confusion, when she's in her human form I'll write it in pink.)

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Rei looked a little surprised that the girl had come over. "I- uh.. I'm Rei." she finally replied. "N-nice to meet you Rumi." She could tell Ren was smiling on the back of her head. As odd as it sounded, that mouth really did seem to enjoy throwing Rei out of her comfort zone. Well I'll show it. When we actually get dinner I'm going to get it the cheapest, crappiest burger I can find. She thought, spitefully. "And.. Well the frappechinos are really good." She continued. Just because Ren decided to mess with her didn't mean she had to be rude to this Rumi girl. "Personally I think the chocolate ones are best."
"Power? The Kirin offers me power? If I was ambitious and naive in the ways of the world, I would leap for the opportunity. I'm neither ambitious or foolish however. I'm also neither good nor bad. I'm whatever I feel the need to be whenever the necessary situation occurs. Most would call that a Chaotic-Neutral type alignment" Masamune said...though he was speaking more to himself than the Kirin.

"I will think about your offer for a time. Peace between the two. I'm not sure such a thing is wise to attempt right now. There are Yokai whom would rather die than accept peace and their are Humans who feel the same way. Peace is only a dream" Masamune added.

Peace? It was a little early for that wasn't it? Besides, he owed neither good nor evil anything. He'd played both sides of the fence in his lifetime and he wasn't particularly fond of either. Neutrality suited him well.

"Ask me again another time. It's too soon to discuss such a thing as peace. As of now, I'm not interested" Masamune answered and decided to take his leave of the Kirin.

It was an interesting offer, but one that Masamune felt wasn't timed correctly. Now was not the time to consider peace. Blood would need to be spilled so the warriors involved could understand what war entailed and promised.. They needed to decide for themselves as well after the first casualties mounted. They would need to decide if they wanted to continue such a reality...or end it before it became to late. Masamune felt his place was to be nearby once this particular phase began. Though he was unsure which side he would partake in. War was so complex.....and yet it never changed. Only the combatants changed...and that alone made it interesting.

"Frappechino? Chocolate? Got it." Then she was up and to the young man at the counter ordering one. She handed him the "money" when he told her the cost. It wasn't too tough for someone as intelligent as her to figure out how the currency worked in this new age. That didn't mean that she actively carried money. Nope she just took a few leaves and glamoured them into the money. Since they wouldn't turn back after a couple of hours she had nothing to worry about.

When the young man handed her the cool drink she hurried back to the table with Rei. She turned the beverage this way and that, inspecting it. She gave it a delicate sniff but nothing seemed amiss. "Well here I go!" She put the straw in her mouth - still not used to these things - and took a deep swig almost sucking out half the drink in one go.

When she tasted it, she was surprised and found herself drinking it all in one go. "Ah!" She sighed. "Delicious~. You were right Rei." Kuro grinned at her while straightening her glasses. Along with bread, frappechino is now on the list of things to consume every day.

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Rei watched, shocked as the girl downed the whole thing so quickly. Dang. She though as she quietly sipped her own. "Glad you liked it." She commented. Something about this girl seemed really off. But she seemed friendly enough, that is as long as Ren didn't do anything to scare her away. Which probably could be for the better. As much as Rei didn't mind friends, it was hard to have many who understood why there was a rude, hungry, and all around unpleasant mouth on the back of her head. Well she would try to enjoy the friendly conversation for now. "So... Are you from around here?"
Fiddling with the smooth fabric of her skirt, Kyoko cleared her throat, not wanting to mess up in the presence of the Organization's Nuke. "Well, the man had approached us, well," Gesturing to the very hungry Cale, Kyoko shot the orange haired young man an apologetic look before turning back to the other yokai hunter. "Him," Doing her best to keep her composure, Kyoko folded her arms over her chest. "And said that he was a kirin named... Ryuji, I believe?" Coughing and glancing up at the roof top quickly, Kyoko didn't know if she should tell the large man about the supposed nine tails on the roof.

Perhaps it was a trap? Kyoko didn't know but decided not to risk it. Besides, by now the powerful yokai would have left. But even as Kyoko kept quiet, she couldn't help but feel as if she was missing something.

"Alright, you still hungry?" Kyoko turned to Cale, hoping that he wouldn't devour her wallet. "I have to withdraw some money first though." The shaman internally sighed but turned her head to the male spiritual warrior and hesitated before she said, "Apparently we should check the rooftops of the buildings."

Shaking her head, Kyoko felt that they weren't ready to face a powerful yokai even with the One Who Walks. There were still a lot of people roaming the streets and they would be bound to get caught up in a fight. "Anyway, I know a pretty good restaurant not too far from here." Kyoko suggested with a polite smile.

@Seraph Darkfire @KrissKrass @Meowfyre

"Nope. I'm from the countryside; it was so small and old fashioned that you would think we came from a different time period." Kuro sniffed at the injustice of it all. To be locked in that hellhole Borehl while the humans got to enjoy such deliciousness? Unfair.

"So Rei what do you do for fun around here - and must i say you have really lovely hair. It's a shame to keep it in a ponytail. " She was a beautiful and that air of wariness she carried was adorable. Now awadays she kept running into adorable Youkai; first Minako and now Rei. Where was this luck coming from.

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Rei's face went a little red from the comment, while she was flattered, she never was sure how to respond to compliments. "T-thanks. I sort of have to though. As much as I would like to keep it down it's just gets too messy." And will never keep still. She added in her mind. "But for fun," She started, trying to get the subject away from her hair as quickly as possible. "There are a lot of book stores around here, and some really nice parks." She said, just listing off what she usually did in her free time. "Sorry if that might seem a little dull though."

Kuro propped an elbow on the table and rested her chin in her palm. She tilted her head. "Of course it isn't. Reading is a sign of intelligence and intelligence makes a woman more beautiful." Her bashfulness was simply darling. It'd be fine if she had some fun right?

Kuro stood from the table. "All right! Let's go!" She reached for Rei's arm, intent to pull her up from the chair and out the door.

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"I don't hunt Yokai" Cale said calmly "I fight them for my personal enjoyment, not to protect humans, if there is a strong Yokai that attacks me then I will fight them, but I won't go looking for them just to kill them" having the soul of a powerful Yokai made his views on the world a bit different than other humans. It wasn't that he didn't value human life, but he didn't devalue Yokai life either. While it wasn't like he'd simply ignore someone being killed in front of his eyes, he wouldn't go out of his way to fight someone weaker than him.

There were many Yokai hunters in the world anyway, it wasn't his fault if they weren't strong enough to protect others. He certainly deserved the title of Monkey King.

"I fight for myself...and food" he grinned as he looked at Kyoko "Of course I am still hungry" he laughed "I haven't eaten yet, so how could I not be hungry" he looked at Ritsuko and grinned "She's buying" he said pointing to Kyoko.

As a person who'd gone a long time without before, he couldn't simply ignore someone who wanted to eat with them.

@Sen Pai @Meowfyre @KrissKrass
Ritsuko was quiet as the girl continued speaking, her story wasn't all too entertaining, but then again, it wasn't really the goods of what Ritsuko wanted to hear. She rubbed her stomach after hearing what the girl had to say. Ah, was she ever this hungry before? Probably. But now she knew a little more, having arrived late enough to only see the man she called Ryuji leave. So that other man was a Kirin, hm? To be honest, Ritsuko wasn't at all that surprised by the sudden appearance of all these Yokai within the city. "Rooftops, hm?" She looked up at the buildings, wondering what that could mean. With a shrug, she let it go, though didn't forget about it.

However, when she mentioned the restaurant, Ritsuko perked up almost immediately, "Good, I'm starved!" Ritsuko looked over at the large man, sure she'd heard of him but he wasn't all that impressive so much as Ritsuko just didn't care. She also didn't care much for his need to go after the Yokai when clearly they were done with whatever they had been doing here.

"I'm feeling pretty shameless, despite having choosing not to go after them right now." Ritsuko replied with a roll of her eyes, "I'm sure we all have our own reasons for why we don't actively pursue Yokai every waking moment and besides, if we killed them all right at this moment, we'd be out of a job." Plus hunting and fighting is fun... Ritsuko added in her mind, looking away from the man. Ooh, he was starting to get on her nerves...

She'd been with the organization for a long while, so most things just kind of went on their way with her. She did her own thing, mostly, protecting humans that couldn't fend for themselves or happened to be caught up in messes they had nothing to do with, and honestly didn't care for this man and his slightly high-and-mighty nicknames given by the organization. Nor did she care much for his holier-than-thou attitude. What she was more interested in was the boy and this girl, though her interest was more on the boy.

"Tell ya what," Ritsuko looked over at the girl and the boy, smirking slightly when he mentioned the girl paying, "If we all order together," Ritsuko pulled out her rabbit-themed wallet that seemed to slightly bulge, "I'll go half with ya on the bill, uh..." She trailed, having not learned the names of these people.

@Sen Pai @Seraph Darkfire @Meowfyre
Rei almost protested to the girl, she still needed to get Ren some dinner, yet she stopped herself. She could feel Ren frowning from the back of her head. Probably not too happy with the delay of dinner. And was probably regretting getting the girl's attention, but Ren had gotten her into this. So it could suck it up. "Um Where exactly are we going?" She asked, she assumed they were going to one of the places she had mentioned but wasn't exactly sure.
Shaking his head at Cale, Kriestien mutters, "Selfish brat." Kriestien turns his eyes upward, searching for any sign of demons. But it's much too dark to see anything and the Yokai that did this are probably long gone. As much as he'd rather not admit it, the fact of the matter is the trails gone cold. He arrived too late.

Turning his eyes back to the group, he considers his impressions of them. The kid seems to be a selfish brat that only cares about himself and his next meal, he said as much himself. The girl with the guitar seemed the laid back, lazy, and self serving sort. The only one he had anything nice to say about was the girl he first approached, who gave the impression of dutiful and polite.

To be frank, Kriestien yearned to go charging off in some random direction to avenge the innocent lives lost. But that would accomplish little but wasting his time. But if he had help from these hunters, they could set patrol routes, collaborate to better hunt demons. Sighing to himself, Kriestien would swallow his pride if it meant hunting more effectively hunting the demons.

Stepping back Kriestien clears his throat and says, "I'm sorry for my rudeness. I'm an old man who's been fighting the demons for a very long time. I often forget not everyone shares my, er, passion for it. Allow me to properly introduce myself." Extending a gauntlet for someone to shake he says, "I am Kriestien van Luddren, a hunter of The Hunter's Organization. I'd be honored to share a meal with fellow hunters and hope that we can discuss plans to hunt whatever monster did this."
Ryuji observed the way these generation of hunters interacted with one another."Interesting we have the calm one,the hungry one,the lazy one and the old one" he said chuckling to himself.He quickly pulled out a small bottle of sake."Awe blessed are those trolls they may be idiots but they make great wine" he said with a smile.You see their is a small trollish humanoid yokai that make sake out of seawater they are master winemakers he only gets his sake from them though he will buy high class human sake as well.As he observed them he leaned a little to forward over the edge and being drunk didn't help.He quickly fell on top of a car on the street below making its alarm go off."Shit I'm to drunk to stand he muttered to himself.He was sure that the hunters had heard the car alarm that was still going.In his mind he made a mental note'Don't get drunk while spying'.He continued lying on the cold smashed in roof of a grey car waiting for the inevitable to come.

"You're going to show me food places!" She exclaimed happily. "You hit the mark with the frappechino that's chocolate so let's see what else you can come up with." She began tugging her sleeve. "C'mon! Show me around - first food then you can show my around the city.

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Rei thought for a minute. "Well for food um... Well I was going to just go to some fast food place. Nothing too fancy, but at least it will be quicker." She suggested. Partially because she wasn't exactly rolling in cash, but also because she could get enough for both herself and Ren. Yet she would have to try to be sneaky with feeding Ren, she would manage though. "Is that alright though? I mean I know fast food isn't everyone's cup of tea."

She shook head. "Nope. I saw so many food places and I want to go to them and you'll tell me what to get." She said it in a matter of fact tone. "C'mon let's go

- I also want to go to one of those places called 'arcades'." Kuro had saw some young humans playing some typed of dancing game that had moving pictures of arrows. It looked really fun but everyone seemed to play in pairs. She deduced that she needed another person. And lucky for Rei she would be that other person.

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"Um, alright. I think I know where one is. We can go check it out after we eat." Rei replied, scratching her head a bit. She looked around at some of the restaurants they were passing. Maybe a step up from fast food would be okay. I mean it does seem like this girl's first time in the city. "What about there?" She suggested, pointing to a small restaurant. It was a step up from fast food, but not extremely fancy either. Like the sort of place you would go out to for a nice casual dinner. "I've been there once or twice and it's been good so far."
Kalin stepped into the dumpling shop, glancing around for the person he was supposed to meet. He had a long day hunting Yokai, a trio of Oni. He was even carrying their horns to show proof to the people who had hired him. So he was kinda In a hurry to sit down and rest for a while. He ignored the stares he was getting from the other diners.

@Defective Kitten
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Aiko had been traveling the European continent ever since her training had finished at 19. Having all the free time to spare since she hadn't known much of the world until she stepped out of her own home in which she trained all her life. She got to know the world a bit better, no longer being clueless of how society worked or how the small boxes were able to transmit communication, which she later found out to be called a phone or even the long centipede looking structure that was underground could transport people, a train. It took a year or two of adjusting but she had finally gotten used to how the world worked, everything was second nature to her now.

Having only been a month since she had returned back to Japan due to orders from the foundation, Ai had no complaints. A job was a job, as long as she got payed but was still able to live a rather somewhat decent life, there was no reason for her to complain. Hell, if the world was crumbling to the ground but she still got to live normally, Ai wouldn't give a rat's ass. Of corse this wasn't completely true, she'd still want to be fed but you get the point.

It was only dusk when she stepped out of her apartment and the scent of yokai had already set in in the area. Ai had her scythe carrying on her back, the blade wrapped in cloth so people wouldn't freak out too much when they saw her but it wasn't like there was a more efficient way of carrying such a massive weapon. This was Japan, known for cosplay, it wasn't as if anyone really cared as much as they did in other countries. For all they knew, Aiko was just a weirdo who carried a fake scythe cosplaying as some anime character. The attention didn't necessarily bother her, she had already gotten used to people staring but the police knew better than to stop her and tell her to put the weapon away, the foundation already took care of that.

Aiko was supposed to meet an old friend at a small restaurant but of corse she was running rather late, not really paying much attention to time anymore. Walking in, the bells chimed as she walked through the door, Classy Noting to herself before taking a glance around the room, a calm expression masked her face. Being in no desperate need for money, Ai hadn't taken up a mission in a few days for she was enjoying her touristy ways. Sightseeing and what not. Spotting Kalin who sat comfortably near the window, it seemed he proudly wore horns of oni's that he mostly likely took down that day. Taking a seat down in front of him, she simply gave him a 'really?' look for wearing the horns. "Honestly, yokai aren't game that you behead and mantel on the wall proudly." Sighing, even she had the courtesy to not play with the dead corpses of her enemies. "Those horns. It just shows the other yokai that you took down one of their own. You're basically a walking target sign for others to see." Her voice was calm and cold, the way it normally was. Although she wasn't one to talk, she carried a big ass scythe with her which lingered in the scent of yokai blood.
Kalin laughed, glancing put the window as Aiko took a seat across from him. Late to their meeting, and somehow still able to judge him. That was Ai for you.

" I'm not wearing them as a trophy.. I'm just carrying them to the contractor. Besides, I'm not one for accessories. Unless we're talking about your arm on mine. That would be quite the beautiful addition." he said, smiling as he set the horns under the table.

"Not that you need me to look beautiful, Ai-Chan."

And that was not a false statement. Kalin always thought his friend and fellow hunter put even gods to shame with her looks. Well, he had to admit, he thought similar things about every woman who had ever crossed his path. Aiko was just the closest to him. Did that put her above the others in some way?

...He hadn't thought about, actually. And he didn't intend to. Monster hunters tended to have different priorities than the normal human. With life being tops on that list.
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