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Fantasy Yokai Vs Humans:Battle For Blood


Looks like the little human girl is planning something. Thought Kuro intrigued. It was only right for weaker beings to team up against a stronger - though there was no way Taro could be called intelligent - opponent.

Kuro's tails twitched in alertness. This was a great learning experience for their side if they took advantage of this situation which she would. Kuro summoned a few more fox spirits and made them merge together into a bigger one - about the size of Taro. She gave it a black coloring with a touch of sharp fangs. She gave it the command and it went towards the man fighting Taro.

The combined fox spirits were completely useless, couldn't even move a fly or even touch them for some reason - but they didn't know that. Now humans, what will you do now?

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Cale did what the creature wanted, he grabbed the staff and lifted it. He decided it wasn't time for him to just goof around. Had it been just him and Tora, he could have done whatever he wanted, but Cale was responsible for another person's life right now. He didn't have time. Without oxygen, both he and Kyoko would be facing the consequences of his stubbornness. He felt himself being pulled along with Kyoko, a little surprised at the fact that she could lift him so easily. He wasn't big, but he had decent muscles.

He sighed and began to chant as he pulled out a single peace of paper. He didn't want to release his power, but his first priority was Kyoko.

"None shall sleep,

Even You O'King,

In your warm embrace.

My secret is hidden within me,

though none shall know my name.

My kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine"

He brought the talisman to his lips and gently kissed it

"Vanish, o night

Fade, you stars

At Dawn, I will win!"

With the completion of his chant, his body began to glow and power rippled from every pore. He grew larger as did the staff. His change was so thorough, even his clothes changed. A tail sprouted from his tail bone, the tip a silvery white. The man standing there now bore a handsome grin, much like his younger counterpart.

He cracked his knuckles before suddenly spinning and throwing his staff away from them.

It took barely a few seconds before it came careening back, bringing with it the smell of fresh air. He chuckled "Let see, what has brought me out today?" he wondered as he looked around at the scenario that was happening around him.

"Hmm, Overgrown Cat and an Eight Tailed Fox" he mumbled curiously. In this form, he had eyes that could gaze through anything as long as it held a dark heart. He scratched his chin "Hmm, even if he'd been seriously damaged, these two are hardly worth summoning me for" he turned and looked at Kyoko, who he now towered over "Ah, I see" he shrugged "Well, can't be helped"

He looked at Tora "So you are the problematic one" he grinned "Let see, I have about forty or so minutes to have some fun" he suddenly vanished and appeared in front of the Yokai with a soft laugh as he swatted at Tora.

Almost all Yokai knew who Sun Wukong was. He was the King of Heaven, one who had defeated all of heaven's mightiest warriors. Though now, his strength was severely limited. In the past, he could have blown Tora apart without even moving. Now though, he was at least a hundred thousand times weaker.

Of course, he'd never tell his enemy that. He could see that this Yokai was powerful indeed. Making a mistake would be fatal, so he needed to end the fight as fast as possible. Currently, at least in strength, Tora was about as strong as he was.

However, he couldn't stop toying with his opponents, no matter how much the situation necessitated ending the fight quickly. It was in his nature and he loved it.

@Kenji Jensai @Sen Pai @Tiegirl

"I have no intention in fighting you monkey Id rather leave that to that damned nine-tails"he said with an annoyed look on his face."If I went all out our fight would last years,So for now I choose to retreat."he said quickly scaling a nearby building and escaping.

Having witnessed the entire transformation first handed, Kyoko really didn't know what to think about being the damsel in distress of the situation. Did she really come off as weak? Surely she was some sort of intimidating? Her height always threw most people off but Kyoko couldn't help but feel very small next to what seemed to be Sun Wukong.

When the yokai retreated just at the sight of the Monkey King, the shaman stared blankly at the yokai as he scaled a nearby building and disappeared from sight. She was so shocked at the turn of events that she didn't even have enough time to react to the shadow kitsune and ended up trying to place a stun talisman on thin air. In all her years of yokai hunting, Kyoki thought she would have gotten used to the craziness but today's events just discombobulated her to no end.

After a moment of silence, Kyoko turned to look up at Sun Wukong. "Well, thank you for that." Smiling in relief at the Monkey King, it was only a few seconds later that Kyoko remembered that she was supposed to investigate the yokai. She had just let it get away too. Kyoko just hoped that her superior wouldn't be too angry with her. She was the one that wad attacked in the first place after all.

@Seraph Fighter @Kenji Jensai @Tiegirl

Kuro was long gone after the boy transformed -maybe he would kill Taro she mused. So the hunters were hiding that were they. This would be beneficial for the Youkai - she almost felt bad for making the boy tip his hand but things needed to be done. For instance that girl; maybe with a little more training she could be worrisome but that was another thought for another day.

When she was a distance away - with no humans around - she transformed herself into a human girl. Her Youkai prescence and power disappeared instantly, and she was just a glasses wearing, pink haired, "school uniform" clad, sixteen year old girl.

Kuro twirled, still loving the cute human form. What should she do now? Should she look for Minako or go the the leader and tell him what she found. Or maybe she should play with some humans descreetly. So many choices, choices. She walked off mulling over her choices as her shadow flickered between that of a girl and a fox.

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Sun Wukong looked a little surprised "Didn't expect him to run away" he said softly, looking a little sad. He'd wanted to fight it out. He chuckled a little and shrugged "Oh well" he said and turned to Kyoko once he noticed that she was talking to him "Well, thank Cale" he said "He seemed to think it was necessary to use me to protect you, even at the cost of his own life" he looked at his staff before looking at the girl "You aren't weak by the way, they are just that much stronger" he could tell by her body language how she was feeling.

"Very few are at the strength the top Yokai are" he grinned "None are better than me though" he struck a pose. His nose twitched as he paid attention to where the fox was. Even a master of illusion couldn't hide from him. However...she was interesting. Letting her go could be fun 'Anyway, if I defeated all of the strong people, Cale and the little ones wouldn't have anything to grow strong against' he snickered to himself before clapping his hands.

"Alright, as payment for saving you, because I don't do anything for free, you'll feed Cale as much as he wants" he felt a little annoyed that he wouldn't get to eat but...what could you do with such a small time limit. Besides, it wasn't his world anymore, it was time for a new King.

With an explosion of smoke, Sun Wukong vanished, leaving a dazed Cale standing there once again. He stumbled a bit. Turning into Sun Wukong didn't immediately heal his wounds. He was still injured from his fight before.

"It is over? That was unusually fast, even for him" Cale said softly.

@Sen Pai

@Kenji Jensai @Tiegirl (Mentioned)
Masamune thought of the battle, if you could call it that, between the Yokai and the Hunters. Tora had acted predictably. Though pulling back without finishing the confrontation, that was not the character of the Tora Masamune had heard of. Also, why did they allow Kuro to impersonate the rank of a Nine-Tails strength. The Phantom Fox they called her, a interesting ability she possessed as well...

Masamune formed three small orbs of black colored energy and proceeded to juggle them in the palm of a single hand. Very few Kitsune bore the color black upon them. Even fewer could actively control the element of Darkness and Masamune could control both Fire and Darkness. It was what earned him his alias.

The Shadow Fox Of The East.

He had wanted to ignore everyone until it became pointless to do so and things had progressed far enough. He would hopefully avoid the fighting for the moment, but he needed to make his presence known to someone of his kind. Maybe not an ally or friend, but a partner of a sort. The best candidates were either Tora or Kuro and Masamune was sure he'd end up trying to kill Tora before long. So, Kuro it would have to be. She was an Eight-Tails...though she was capable of altering herself by an illusion of some sort...or maybe something else...and could pass herself off as a Nine-Tails. As far as Masamune knew, he was the only Nine-Tails in the human realm at the moment. The Kitsune weren't as numerous as they once had been, fighting between eachother had seen to that outcome.

Masamune felt a bit of shame in knowing he had helped cause it as well. Still, the past was the past and you couldn't change it. Such abilities were beyond even a Nine-Tails Kitsune. At some point Kuro had distanced herself from the Hunters after the battle, and Masamune chose then to approach her. There was no need to cause a scene, not when it wasn't needed and would do more harm than anything else.

He was in front of her in a moments breath and he regarded her...human...form. He could see the traces of her Kitsune existence, but she would never be able to hide that from Masamune of all people. Kitsune could always recognize their own kind no matter the type of illusion. Even Masamune could be spotted in seconds by another Kitsune within even a crowd of millions. Masamune knew not if this was just a Kitsune skill or if every demon could do the same thing. It didn't really matter however.

"It seems the Hunters have arrived. I thought they would. I knew Tora's reckless nature would draw them out. I'm sure he wanted that to happen though" Masamune said, then he regarded Kuro with a raised eyebrow.

Her human form was....different....from what he would have envisioned of her.

"I think it's best for me if I attach myself to you for the moment. Not permanently and not all day everyday. But, I will be in touch with you as frequently as I can manage. Is this alright with you?" asked Masamune to Kuro.

He would rather avoid this possibility but he needed to keep in touch with someone in case he missed certain important details. He didn't trust Kuro, but she was the better candidate out the ones he had to choose from. She was Kitsune after all...and he hadn't seen another of his kind in so long. Not since the exile....

He wouldn't force it upon her. No, he'd fought enough of his own kind in his long lifetime to understand it was destructive and would ultimately lead to the extinction of the Kitsune if it continued.

Minako stared at the mini foxes that went after the two humans who were obviously hunters. After seeing what those horrific little things could do, she was terrified. She tensed up with worry, but sighed in relief when they were so easily obliterated. The power of the two humans instantly earned them Minako's respect.

"Gift?" She was confused by Kuro's statement and was very surprised to how well she reacted to the ice-woman's outburst. Though she was slightly disapointed that the fox lady wasn't at least a little bit offended. And the fox was off to interfere. Minako would have liked to follow and assist the hunters, but with a crushing disappointment, didn't know how she would be of any help. The battle raged on. She held her breath (even though air was useless to her anyways) as she watched.

The female hunter seemed to be less experienced than the smiley male. She whipped out talismans in what looked like a panic, but ultimately slipped and nearly blew herself up. The male just grabbed her and leapt to the rear of Tora, but took quite the kick. Minako cringed as she watched the attack in slow motion. The hunters seemed to be loosing. At the last minute, however, the male did something completely unexpected.

Minako realized how ignorant she was to what was really going on in the world right now, but she certainly knew who Sun Wukong was. Her jaw dropped open as she watched Tora simply run away at the sight of the awesome being before him. And just as soon as the king appeared, the boy reappeared in his place.

It was all over. Kuro and Tora escaped with hardly a scratch, but at least the hunters were alright. Minako took a step towards them, but stopped herself. She remember that was a yokai as well. Would they attack her? Minako was sure that at least one of them had noticed her presence. She carefully watched them to plan her next move. Part of her hoped that they would go after Tora and Kuro so that she could avoid the risky interaction. But another part of her wanted to ask them what the hell was going on and what she should do in this new and evolved world, full of menacing creatures who intended to create conflict.
Ryuji quickly changed into his human form as he hopped down from the roof top where he had been watching for the last hour.The power of Sun Wukong had gotten his attention."Hey where did that damned monkey go"he said startling the 2 hunters."Oh I see he's inside of you he said while pointing at the Orange-haired boy known as Cale.
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"Hmm?" Ritsuko stepped off of the bus, feeling an energy surge like a slap to the face. She braces herself against the bus shelter and looked around. "Wow, feels like somethin' cool is happening here. Ah," She stretched once she regained herself, "I'm always late to the party… missing everything cool." She shook her head. "Mm, maybe I can find someone who'll tell me what happened?"

She looked around, "Well I went left to get here, so I guess I'll go right this time." Ritsuko hummed a small tune, shouldering her guitar case and walking along the road.

With her instinct (and the fact that she didn't seem to give a shit that she stole someone's motorcycle) it didn't take her long to come across a rather strong smell, which led her to three people standing in an area where a battle has just taken place. "And you've done it again, Ritsu. You're just amazing with that ESP of yours!" Ritsuko joked, fist-pumping mentally.

"Yo." She skidded to a halt, kicking out the stand and climbing off the motorcycle. She looked between the three of them. Two guys and one girl. "So I'm guessing we had a little skirmish with some Yokai?" She could tell, for the most part, that the Yokai had disappeared, but there was something else in the air. She wasn't sure if the others could feel it as well, she'd keep quiet unless someone else brought it up. "Ah, you're all so sloppy, though." She seemed concerned, but it was hard to tell.
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Cale sat down on the side walk and sighed as he rested his staff against his shoulder. He needed to rest and grinned a little "So many people are starting to show up" he said softly as he looked around. At leas they weren't being attacked right now. He of course expected to be attacked by Yokai, however, he didn't believe all Yokai were evil. Some just enjoyed fighting, others wanted to be left alone. Some even enjoyed spending time with humans.

There were even Yokai dedicated to protecting humans and bringing them good luck. The Yokai were just as diverse as humans and couldn't be lumped into one single group, something a lot of people seemed to do often.

Well, it wasn't Cale's problem. He generally liked meeting interesting people, Yokai or not. He also enjoyed a good fight because of the warrior blood running through his body. However, right now, he was hungry. Transforming into Sun Wukong always made him really, really hungry.
Rei was insider her small apartment, looking in the mirror as she tied her hair up into a ponytail. Of course it was being uncooperative, not like hair should be though. Strands of hair were literally moving away from her hands, in an attempt to avoid being tied down. "Just let me do this, or we're not getting dinner." She muttered, as she managed to finally get most of the hair in a ponytail, earning a small hiss from the other mouth. "Oh stop whining, it's just for a little bit. We get dinner, we go back home, I let you go. Okay?" She waited for a response but all she got was a small grunt. :That's the spirit. Lets go." With that Rei grabbed her purse and headed out down the street. As she walked she thought she had heard police sirens, but ignored it. Ren whispered about checking it out, but Rei declined. She didn't want to be out too long.

Kuro jumped when that ninetailed just appeared in front of her. She promptly froze, panic running rampant inside. If she were in her Kitsune form her tails would be flicking in irritation. What could he possibly want with me?[/] Was he here to attack her? He didn't appear to be looking for a fight because, so help her she couldn't win one here - especially since she's in her human form.

Wait maybe, just maybe her
charm had enchanted him. That had to be it. No man could resist her. With that she relaxed feeling a bit disappointed to be in her severely "lacking" human form. Still she carried on with a formal bow, "What can I do for you my lord?" His strength was the only reason she was giving him this honor.

After hearing his request she was skeptical. If anything it sounded like a very, awkward way to confess his love. Too bad he didn't have the expression to go along with that idea. In fact not s single thought passed over his face.

The idea was tempting; that would put her in the ideal position to steal his power but there was too much risk and too many unknown variables. Usually, Kuro would of given anyone else a vague, open ended answer and strung them along till she killed them. Unfortunately the black tails he possessed checked her attitude. Instead she answered, "for whatever reason could you want that my lord?" Kuro looked up at him from under her lashes and plastered on a shy expression. Maybe he liked the cute ones of the sexy ones.
Masamune frowned. Kuro was playing a game of some sort. Words said in one way could easily be twisted and reshaped to mean something entirely different, and the order in which the words had been spoken could have remained the same. Some people had the talent for such subtle tactics. Masamune had them to an extent, but it required a type of patience that Masamune rarely was able to exert. It normally depended on the situation.

"I told you why Kuro. Or Phantom Fox...whichever you prefer. Anyway, yes or no? I need a partner for the time being and you're preferable to Tora. I'm not sure me and him would work so well together. Or at all really" Masamune said, wondering why Kuro seemed to be stalling.

Or if not stalling...maybe testing him by what manner his responses came as? It was possible and plausible. You could often learn much before a battle by the way an opponent spoke and carried himself. In the small subtle movements as they prepared themselves mentally. They all held clues and keys to the future. You only had to know how to look for them...and then you discovered other's secrets sometimes.

She had called him lord. The thought left a taste in his mouth.

"By the way, do not call me lord. Royalty among Kitsune is amusing at best. Annoying and petty at worst. Once upon a time I might have been elevated to royalty...but Exile tends to exempt you from such things. I'm no more important in the eyes of other Yokai then you are" Masamune said.


The idea brought back irritating memories. Some were more painful of course. Of a pair of Kitsune siblings he had been very close with. The brother, Ryutaro the best friend. Ryoko...the lover. Both long dead because he was unable to convince others of his innocence. Imbeciles. Kitsune were very likely a doomed species. They might survive the winds of time. Masamune wasn't feeling very confident in such an outcome though. Maybe he would die in the war to come with the Humans. It was a better way to go then some of the others he'd known.

Masamune didn't hate humans anymore than he hated most Yokai. It wasn't personal. It wasn't even business really.

What was it?

Maybe that's why I've come here. To find out what it is that compels me to move forward?

He brought his eyes to Kuro once more, having momentarily forgotten she was still present and hadn't answered his question.



Still his power and strength made her wary. And he wanted a partnership? Between her and Tora there really is no competition. It was like comparing a god to a dog really.

There was one important thing: How would this benefit her?

Despite the risk of being squashed underhand like and insect, there still was nothing wrong with having his strength in her back pocket. It's better to keep eyes on people like him - power like that shouldn't be left alone. Maybe she could use him; it really would he a shame to leave him to his own devices.

She grinned at him - something that befit this form. "Ok it's a deal!" She skipped forward and held out her hand. "Please take care of me." While on the outside she smiled sweetly, inside, Kuro smiled with a row full of sharp teeth. She'd make sure to take very good care of him.

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"Feed him?" Raising an eyebrow, Kyoko didn't have enough time to ask the Monkey King what he had meant about what he said about strong yokai. She was no longer adept in fighting powerful yokai; she was a shaman who healed and assisted the monks and warriors. It was a job that Kyoko took pride in. If she needed to stuff Cale with enough food to feed a village in China, that's what she would do.

"Ah, you're all so sloppy though." A fellow yokai hunter arrived at the scene long after she was needed and Kyoko almost cursed the heavens for their ironic timing.

"And you're late." Kyoko commented in her head but was much too polite to allow such words to slip out her mouth. "I was attacked by a yokai," the shaman began but then gestured to the very hungry Cale. "But he, or Sun Wukong, ended up scaring the yokai off." Not sure if she should sound relieved or apathetic, Kyoko laughed nervously. "But it's good that you're finally here."

Turning to face Cale, Kyoko smiled apologetically and folded her hands on top of her skirt. "So what would you like to eat? My treat." Internally, Kyoko sobbed about the loss of money her wallet would be facing. She was already broke enough, hence why she never brought money to the city. But if stopping by the bank and withdrawing is what she had to do, Kyoko would simply cry while taking the money from the ATM.

However, before Kyoko could suggest a place to eat, another person approached Cale and began to talk about the Monkey King.

"Oh, looks like you're very popular," Kyoko commented, doing her best to hide her lack of amusement for the situation.

@Seraph Darkfire @KrissKrass @Kenji Jensai
"Fair enough" Masamune responded.

Still, Masamune couldn't quite get past the human form she had taken. Her Kitsune form had been fitting of her...her human form seemed....different from what he would have thought. It seemed a little to lighter of a aura than what he thought most Kitsune possessed. Very few Kitsune went out of their way to be good or anything in the way like a hero unless it was for another Kitsune. Most Kitsune were either dark or neutral if it wasn't something concerning another Kitsune. It was irritating to look at Kuro in this form of hers.

"We'll be in touch soon enough. I have something I must see for myself. The Hunters of this day and age, I wonder what they are like?" Masamune said and then he was away from Kuro and headed to where Tora and Kuro had just recently battled Hunters in the local vicinity.

He stood upon the rooftop of a small three story apartment building where he was given a decent enough view of the Hunters who were Humanity's defense against Yokai like him...or maybe Yokai more like Tora. It was all a matter of perspective and opinion. Nothing was ever as simple as it was planned to have been once the first battle was initiated and the first blows were traded. War. It never changed. It was as complex as it had always been. No, it wasn't the war itself that changed, it was it's combatants themselves.

Some Yokai were evil, some were evil, some were neutral to anything considered a "worldly" matter. Kitsune could be either of the three choices but normally, to remain neutral when it didn't concern the Kitsune personally was their usual course of action. It had been a long time since the Goddess Inari herself had spoken to Masamune of anything concerning anything.

Kitsune were originally created to serve the Goddess Inari and sometimes, even the Sun Goddess Amaterasu herself when she required use of their abilities. The Nine-Tailed Kitsune like Masamune were to be the Generals of such a force under the Two Goddesses. but those days were gone and lost in the annals of time. Any record of that Golden age was gone and forgotten. They hadn't even survived as Legends or Myths. Very few beings that weren't Kitsune or somehow related to them remembered such tales and knew they were once truth.

So what was Masamune to be? He could join Tora and battle Humanity. He could avoid them all and ponder his decision further, keeping his Neutrality in position, or he could attempt to form a sort of alliance with them and maybe even rip Tora's throat out first chance he got. Masamune had little interest in the continued existence of Tora. Masamune was one of the few Yokai who would be able to kill Tora. Of course, Tora was not to be underestimated. There was a reason he was called "The Great Tiger". Of course, there was a reason Masamune was called "The Shadow Fox Of the East" as well.

It didn't matter either way until his choice was made.

A male human hunter and two female human hunters were all he could see at the moment. He could probe further but he seen little point in the moment. The conflict was only in it's first stage and it was barely even into that properly as of yet. There was another presence nearby that seemed slightly familiar...but Masamune couldn't decide what it might even be.


@Seraph Darkfire (Vaguely mentioned)

@Sen Pai (Vaguely mentioned)

@KrissKrass (Vaguely mentioned)
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With Masamune gone now she could relax. She'd prefer not to be within his sphere of power; it was a constant reminder that she was weaker than him. It irked her to no end for there to be a ninetailed around but she might as make him useful - maybe even get another chance to seduce him. Men in love were easy to manipulate.

Now back to her original plan. With this form she should be indistinguishable from another human being - unless more Kitsune were around which was highly unlikely - and able to move around freely. It was too soon to have fun with the hunters; they had just come from a confrontation with them so they would be on alert. That just left her to have fun the human way. But first, she was hungry and she was never well behaved on an empty stomach. Let's see how much human cuisine has change.

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Ryuji sensed immense power .Power that could only come from a nine-tails.'The Great Tiger,a 8-tails and now a nine-tails man these humans have it rough'he thought."Hey humans my name is Ryuji and I am a Kirin it would be wise to search the roof tops nearby their is a powerful yokai judging by the flow of power I feel I'd say its nine-tails".Feeling he had said enough using his awesome speed he quickly appeared before the source of the immense power.As he had thought it was a kitsune but this one was extraordinary,he was even more powerful then a regular nine-tails.He felt as he had just played a game the humans called PokeMon.He had just played 3 pichus against Reshiram."Well you must be the one they call The Shadow Fox Of The East am I correct"?he said judging by the black fur on the mans tails.


'How could I run'Tora thought to himself(Which is saying something)."I am The Great Tiger I run from no one screamed in his cave located in Borehl.After escaping from the hunters he headed straight their.Out of frustration he started attacking the wall trying to break it down with great swipes of his claws."Damn it Damn it Damn it"! he screamed as he hit the wall he unknowingly electrified his hand and surrounded his hand with air.As he made contact with the stone a huge explosive thunder like sound could be heard."Oh how did I do that"? said Tora to himself as he scratched his head.As he sat there thinking he fell asleep and began dreaming of tearing his foes limb from limb and sucking the marrow from their bones.
A black limousine drives through the city, its driver professional and immaculately dressed. In other words, absolutely ordinary for his position. It is the one in the back who is out of the ordinary in appearance. It is a giant of man with thick heavy armor as black as night, with a sword and bow, both massive, strapped to his back. On his hip is a quiver filled with what looks like iron stakes. The oddest thing about him however, is his face. His face is brown, but not a warm brown. Brown like its partially decomposed, though there aren't any maggots or showing skin within it. His eyes are hidden in shadow. To those of the hunters organization, he is The Organization's Nuke. To Yokai he is The Hunter Who Yet Walks. He is Kriestien van Luddren, a hunter of Yokai. Deus Vult.

The limousine nears its destination, a police scene. Several civilians were found dismembered, but the detail that drew his, and the organization's, attention is that they were partially eaten. Putting on a black cloak to hide his weapons, armor, and face, Kriestien exits the limousine. Surveying his surroundings, he attempts to find any traces of the Yokai among the dead bodies and burning wreckage. Suddenly, out of the corner of the eye he spots something amiss. A green-brownish haired man dressed in old garb talking to some people, then suddenly vanishing. Storming over there, he grabs the nearest one of the trio, a girl,(@Sen Pai) and spins them around, gruffly asking her, "Who was that just now, tell me everything you know about them?" Normally Kriestien would be more polite, but with a Yokai with such speed to literally disappear, there was no time to waste.

@Kenji Jensai (mentioned)

@Seraph Darkfire (vaguely mentioned)

@Rosyshark (vaguely mentioned)
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Rei tried to ignore the sirens as she walked but Ren kept whispering, it's voice slightly muffled by Rei's ponytail. "Think someone got killed? I bet someone got killed. Come on, lets go check it out. I haven't seen a dead body before." Rei grimaced and kept walking. "No way. Plus it was probably just something small. And weren't you complaining about not eating a minute ago? Do you really want to add anymore detours?" She whispered, waited for a response but got none. "That's what I thought." She muttered. It was better if they didn't talk anymore. Usually if Ren was so eager to speak to her in public she would just take her phone out and pretend to be on a call to avoid odd looks for talking to herself.

Finally she made it to a small cafe. She didn't really come here too much for the food, but more for the atmosphere. Plus it was just a small cafe, not much dinner food there. She ordered a small cup of tea and sat down by the window. It was sort of part of her usual routine she had picked up since coming to this town. Get something to drink here, then stop by a fast food place and get enough to please Ren for the time being.
"Meat Buns" Cale said immediately after Kyoko offered to buy him food. All the meat buns he could eat sounded amazing. Of course, then there was the Kirin, though Cale just ignored him considering they weren't being attacked right now, it wasn't his business to deal with every Yokai that happened to be sitting around, even if they were powerful.

Then, when the new arrival started harassing Kyoko, Cale stood up and gently prodded the man's head with his staff "Hey, don't pick on the person who's going to be giving me food" he said. He took food very seriously and rarely joked when it came to any type of food, especially free food "Besides, the likelihood of us having any more information on certain Yokai are very slim, most people only know the basics of any Yokai species"

One day, Cale would inherit the knowledge of the Monkey King who knew almost everything about the Yokai. However, now he knew of weaknesses and strengths, but little more than that. The hunters probably knew a bit more than him.

@Sen Pai @Meowfyre
"Saa," Ritsuko scratched her head, making no initial move to help the girl, she just wanted to know what happened, even with that strange boy and his extreme speed, she honestly couldn't care less about the Yokai unless they were bothering the immediate public. They could sit around and stalk as well as brood and what not, but to be honest, Ritsuko didn't give a damn unless somebody was going to die. "You shouldn't be picking on those weaker than you. It's rude, and you certainly shouldn't be demanding answers of someone when you just arrived like I did." She made no move to touch her guitar case, instead she sauntered over to them, watching the boy poke the man with his staff.

Ritsuko wasn't weary as much as she was just tired from her long trip. "How about since staff-boy is hungry we all go get something to eat and maybe you two can fill us in on what happened, especially since this doesn't seem like a normal scuffle." Ritsuko had been in normal fights with Yokai, which usually ended up with them dead and her wounded. However, the two had scratches, but they weren't entirely too severe. Either they were stronger than they let on or the Yokai were just playing around with them.

@Sen Pai @Meowfyre @Seraph Darkfire
"Meat buns."

Kyoko almost laughed at the immediate answer Cale gave her but she stifled her amusement into a close-mouth chuckle. "Alright, meat buns it is then." She felt as if she were taking care of an overgrown child but Sun Wukong made her feel very in debt even though she and Cale could have fought and evaded until back-up came. It was probably something about Sun Wukong's overwhelming presence.

Suddenly turned around and shouted at, Kyoko's eyebrows shot up in surprise and found herself speechless for a few moments until she could regain her composure. "I'm not sure if I can help you, sir." Immediately recognizing the man as the Organization's Nuke, Kyoko wondered what the yokai hunter was doing in the city. However, it wasn't her place to intervene with such matters, was it? "If I remember correctly, the man said that--"

"Hey, don't pick on the person who's going to give me food." Cale interrupted Kyoko before she could relay the information to the other yokai hunter. Kyoko shook off the interruption and turned back to the famous Kriestien van Luddren.

"That he was a--"

"You shouldn't be picking on those weaker than you. It's rude, and you certainly shouldn't be demanding answers of someone when you just arrived like I did." Ritsuko sauntered up to the three and suggested that they all get food.

Kyoko almost fainted at the thought of her bank account being emptied. She wasn't paid much as a shaman, mainly because they knew that she couldn't go anywhere else, so Kyoko did the math and realized she may as well be using up her a quarter of her life time savings buying everyone meat buns.

Deciding to shake it off for now and just tell Mr. van Luddren about the yokai, Kyoko tried to speak as fast as possible before someone could interrupt her again. "The man was a ki--"

"And maybe you two can fill us in on what happened," Ritsuko continued about how the battle didn't seem like a usual fight between yokai and hunter.

After that, Kyoko didn't even try to talk again, knowing that she was just going to be interrupted. So, the shaman just gave Ritsuko a weak thumbs up and mourned the loss of her money.

@Seraph Darkfire @KrissKrass @Meowfyre

@Kenji Jensai (tried to mention)
Kriestien frowns at Cale and Ritsuko's casual words, Kriestien lets go. Gesturing with one arm to the mangled, dismembered, partially eaten corpses and the burning wreckage, Kriestien says, "I don't have time to be polite." Frowning at the two, Kriestien continues, "If you two know of Yokai and aren't attacking me, then you must be hunters. If you are hunters, you should be ashamed of yourself." Shaking his head, Kriestien says, "Being willing to stop in the middle of the hunt, when monster are out there, possibly hunting innocent civilians." Pointing at the two, Kriestien passionately says with conviction, "Protect the innocent and pursue dangerous Yokai, that is the duty of a hunter. Hunters are allowed to rest when the Yokai are dead." Turning away from the two, in his eyes, slackers, Kriesten sets his gauntleted hands on Kyoko's shoulders. Looking her in the eyes, he sincerely says to her, "I'll apologize for you later, but if there are Yokai on the loose there is no time for formalities. Now, tell me everything you know about whatever did this."

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