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Fantasy Yokai Vs Humans:Battle For Blood

Minako blinked in surprise at Kuro's suggested friendship. She wasn't sure if the fox was being serious or not, but nodded anyways.

"What kind of fun?" she asked suspiciously. What did these yokai define as 'fun'? She knew for sure that it wouldn't be as gory as what Taro did based on Kuro's initial reaction, but she also knew that the fox didn't consider human life to be worth as much as her own.

No wonder the yokai were banished to Borehl, the ice-woman thought in hindsight.
The city was bustling with life.

People hurried from one place to another, living their own lives that had their own stories. It was strange to think that you could be so close to someone physically in the bullet train but never see that person again; that fact awed Kyoko every time she visited the city. It was so different from the yokai hunting organization, where everyone knew everyone due to how small the communities were.

She stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd; Kyoko slowly walked down the streets of Tokyo, admiring the bright signs and lights of the city. Once in awhile she would stop and enter a shop to browse but never buy anything. She never brought any money with her as a precaution from spending too much, or anything in that matter.

Kyoko was having quite a relaxing time until she saw a flash of orange in a dark alleyway out of the corner of her eye. Finding herself staring at a young man with a staff beating some poor guys who were probably trying to take advantage of the country-bumpkin. Frowning at the sight, Kyoko couldn’t help but approach them. She was never one for interfering with others’ lives but those guys were going to be hospitalized if the beating went on any longer.

“Hey, leave them alone.” Folding her arms over her chest, Kyoko frowned at the orange haired young man before realizing just how cliché her words sounded. The poor thugs were on the ground and seemed to be slipping into unconsciousness. “It’s one thing to fight back in defense but it’s another to beat them up!” Shaking her head, Kyoko bent down and with a good smack to the noggin, knocked the last man out cold.

Dragging them to the side of the alleyway, Kyoko made sure that they were visible to the untrained eye and checked if they had any serious injuries. Luckily, she didn’t think it was nothing horrible like brain damage but man did these guys take the orange haired man’s hits like a punching bag.

Pursing her lips, Kyoko stood up again and was about to scold the strange looking country-bumpkin about common courtesy when she received a text message from her superior. Yes, a text message. Just because Kyoko didn’t grow up like a normal person doesn’t mean she was blind to technology. However, it was an old-school flip phone.

The Boss
The police found two men dead on (insert street name here). One was torn in half, the other was electrocuted and a chunk of the arm was ripped off.
Go investigate it but do not confront yokai.
kk lol

Frowning at the text message, Kyoko bit her lip before pressing the “Send” button. She knew all about the text slang like “lol” and “ilysm” like most regular people. However, no one would tell Kyoko that she wasn’t using the acronyms properly. It was simply too funny whenever the lady would end a serious sentence with “lmfao” that no one was able to tell her and if they tried, the others would immediately cut them off.

“Oh, I have to get going.” Kyoko flashed the orange haired man a quick smile. “Yokai and such, y’know?” Most people would have thought Kyoko was making a joke as she spun around on her heel and ran to the crime scene, which is why Kyoko mentioned the yokai quite freely. Although she was rather nervous being by herself, Kyoko knew that there were other yokai hunters in the city. She just hoped that they would be there if she was attacked.

@Seraph Darkfire

@Kenji Jensai (mentioned)

@Tiegirl (mentioned)
Cale found it a little contradictory for the woman to scold him for beating up the men as she knocked the last of them out. Frankly, he believed that they completely understood the situation they'd put themselves in. This was a light beating compared to some of the fights Cale had been in and due to his fighting style, he'd become known as Monkey Boy. The girl was suddenly distracted by her device, causing him to frown before he shrugged, his natural smile returning to his face. It didn't really bother him what she was scolding him for, she seemed to be a kind person though.

Then she mentioned Yokai and headed away from him "Yokai? Yokai?!" he grinned and, with one last kick towards the men, which made one of them jerk in their unconscious state, causing him to snicker as he headed after the woman, resting his staff back in it's holding spot on his back as he did so. If she was going to deal with Yokai, then he was going to. He wanted to see how city Yokai looked and acted. It would probably be amusing.

He followed her effortlessly, weaving through people like he was a fish in a stream. He was also interested in the device she had been using. He'd seen them before when people visited the monastery, but he'd never been able to mess with them, as the monks were afraid he would break the devices. It was his nature to cause trouble for people after all.

@Sen Pai

Does she know her every thought presented itself on her face? Kuro mused. It made her all the more precious.

"Fishing." Was all Kuro said and held her hand out and summoned a few minor fox spirits. They were little white spirits that were shaped like foxes though their ends were long and ended on a wisp. She whispered to them and they flew from her hand to the human protectors. These fox spirits were very weak but they had their uses.

The fox spirits flew to the humans and inspected them and their horseless carriages. They slipped inside the some of the contraptions they were holding and two went inside two of the horseless carriages. Not even a second later did the horseless carriages exploded in great heaps of fire and parts, some taking down some of the human protectors and even the contraptions exploded.

Kuro giggled. "Hopefully we catch some big fish."

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The two corpses were not a pretty sight to see.

Having pushed her way through the crowd of people, Kyoko found herself held back by the police tape and the actual police keeping everyone away from the crime scene. Furrowing her brows at the sight of the bodies, Kyoko would have to inspect them later and turned around to find another trail that would lead to the yokai.

As she turned around and weaved her way back out of the crowd, Kyoko bumped into a familiar face, one that she had seen not to long ago. “H-hey! What are you doing here?” She pulled the orange-haired bumpkin off to the side and glared at him. Immediately jumping to the correct conclusion of being followed, the woman squinted at the stranger and tried to discern his reason for following her; no matter how hard Kyoko tried to read him, all she found was a bright and friendly smile.

Sighing and shaking her head, Kyoko glanced down at her flip phone one more time before moving out of the crowd. “Stay out of trouble, okay? The city is a dangerous place.” It was sort of ironic because Kyoko was the one looking for trouble. From what the scene looked like, the yokai hunting organization was dealing with a very powerful yokai on their hands.

Blood was splattered everywhere. The bodies of the victims were torn apart by brute force. Surely the yokai wouldn’t be so stupid as to attack someone in broad light? It would attract too much attention and someone would be bound to call the cops and report that the killer was a weird looking creature.

Of course the police wouldn’t believe the witness but it would catch the attention of the organization. In the end, the police department would have to label the case as “cold” and the yokai hunting organization would have it cleaned up. However, Kyoko had a weird feeling about the whole situation.

All the while Kyoko was zoning out, she didn’t realize she was staring straight at the orange haired bumpkin that whole time. “Huh,” Kyoko muttered under her breath, glancing over at the crowd of people surrounding the crime scene once more. “That’s weird.” Tapping a finger against her chin, Kyoko raised an eyebrow and mumbled, “Normally the yokai would flee into a less populated area like an alleyway but the blood trail leads to the streets…”

@Seraph Darkfire

@Kenji Jensai (mentioned)
Minako flinched, covering her head with her arms. Fire made her a bit uncomfortable, for she much preferred cold areas.

"What the hell does that have to do with fishing?!" she shouted, forgetting herself. Now, only questions ran through her mind. Questions such as 'why?'. Why are they doing this? Do all yokai hate humans? If so, why? Am I missing something? Then she froze. Not literally, of course, but all her thoughts seemed to pause. Even her expression went blank as she thought of something else. Should I hate humans for the same reason?

She shook her head to clear the ridiculous thought and let her anger resume. She redirected her focus onto Kuro. "Do I get an explanation?! I don't get any of this!"

Her eyes sharpened at Minako. "Don't get any of this?" She giggled. This Minako was a funny one. "They locked us in Borehl and this is simply revenge - at least for most of us - for me this is play." She grinned at the obviously distraught woman. "Are you not upset at being locked up in Borehl; of being sealed away from this bountiful land?" One of her foxes came back to her and nuzzled her cheek, she gave it a caress. "And to put it simply I'm doing the same as Tora, instead of chasing prey I hope to reel it in."

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Tora found himself watching a orange-haired male and a bandaged female human."What a waste this is the source of that human yokai presence but all I see are 2 humans"he said to himself.'Oh well more was prey for me' he lunged at the female hiding his presence at the last second then showed himself as he knocked the female to the ground."Hey don't worry I don't bite... much" he said showing his fangs.

@Sen Pai

@Seraph Darkfire
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Cale could smell blood. It wasn't his first time, even out in the mountains, Yokai would kill people to either eat or do whatever they planned to do. It barely fazed him. Of course he felt bad, a human life shouldn't be so easily snuffed out. That was why he fought the Yokai, more to draw their attention to strong people like him. The more focused they were, the more fun he could have. It also helped keep people happy.

When the woman bumped into him, he smiled even wider, wondering why she'd already turned around. Then he smelled it. His senses were naturally heightened and he was very familiar with the smell of Fox. His eyes glowed slightly as he activated one of his skills and frowned as he saw small fox spirits flitting around one of the police cars. His eyes widened before he grabbed the girl in front of him and jumped back, further away from the crowd of people just before the car exploded in a shower of fire and metal.

His eyes stung. Because of his magic, he wouldn't be able to open them for a few minutes, so he relied on his other senses to guide him. He and the girl landed far enough away that they wouldn't be hurt, but not so far away that they couldn't feel the heat.

It was only second later that he felt something large land next to them. He could feel the girl move from his hold as if she was grabbed. With the guide of his senses, he flicked the staff in the general direction of the new smell that assaulted his nose "Poor tricks and smelly carnivores" he said. What he considered a flick would be enough to dent a car's door. His first priority was to protect the girl.

@Sen Pai @Kenji Jensai

@Tiegirl (Mentioned)

"Oww"! Tora yelled.He quickly hopped back a few feet from the women and the boy."You must be the yokai Sun Wukong so you were planning to kill her weren't you he said nodding toward the women on the ground."I mean I'm never wrong when it comes to finding fellow yokai and no human could hit that hard" he said holding his bruised hand up.

@Sen Pai

@Seraph Darkfire
Feeling the air get knocked out of her, Kyoko found herself pinned against the ground, face to face with a yokai. Unable to scream for help, Kyoko’s eyes widened when the yokai grinned, showing off his blood stained fangs. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,” she thought to herself. “Why isn’t my voice working?” Clenching her teeth, Kyoko reached out her fingers in an attempt to grab a talisman but found that her pocket was out of reach. She would have to lunge for it and quickly pin it on the yokai.

“That sure ain’t happening,” Kyoko thought sarcastically to herself. If she was going to die, she wanted to have something cool on her gravestone, not something about yokai. So there she was, surrounded by panic and explosions, pinned to the floor by a dangerous yokai who she had been searching for. “Well, at least I found ‘im.” She shouldn’t have let herself get so distracted like that, especially when she was in the city alone.

Glancing over the yokai and at the country-bumpkin, Kyoko wondered why he hadn’t ran away yet. Was he in shock? She didn’t want to drag down another life with her. “Run, you idiot!” She wanted to shout but Kyoko felt as if anything she said would be cut off by her life ending. It’s a good thing she didn’t have the whole “life flashing before your eyes” thing or else she would have been very bored.

EDIT: It was a miracle that the yokai got off her, Kyoko thought that she was dead. But then he started to speak with the country bumpkin and called him...Sun Wukong? Raising an eyebrow at the orange haired young man, Kyoko slowly got up and brushed herself off.

@Seraph Darkfire @Kenji Jensai

@Tiegirl (mentioned)
Minako stood straighter, her anger making her less nervous. "Sure, being sealed away wasn't exactly fun, but at least I understand why the humans chose to do it now. To protect themselves from the likes of you, Tora, and whoever else decided to cause needless death. You don't even give them a chance to fight back, not that they could. It's barbaric and quite uncivilized, and, frankly, quite cowardly." She spat out the final word of her accusation. Not a moment after, she began to worry about how Kuro would react, but tried her best not to let it show. She stood confidently with her back straight and her chin held high, but was ready to completely dematerialize if she needed to.

"Oh neat, you know of Sun Wukong" he said bouncing on the balls of his feet, though his eyes were still closed. The pain was slowly starting to fade, but it would still take some time for his vision to return "It is cool to meet Yokai who know of him" he grinned "Sadly I am not him" he spun the staff "Well, that is partially a lie" he scratched his head "I guess you could say I am both him and not him"

Using his senses, he began to walk around the girl, dragging his staff along the ground. It didn't take long and soon they were surrounded by a circle drawn on the concrete. Mystical words formed within the line and pulsed with a soft blue energy. This was a simple enough skill for him to do, just by drawing a circle with his staff, he could create a powerful protective barrier against Yokai.

With this circle, he could at least retain his eye sight before fighting "Yokai, human, I don't care what you call me" he grinned "I am just me" he turned his head slightly to the side to address the girl he'd helped "Are you alright?" he asked curiously, though his amused expression didn't leave his face "After finding such an interesting person, it would be a shame to let you die so easily"

@Kenji Jensai @Sen Pai

Kuro grinned. So this one does have a backbone. Minako was proving to be highly entertaining. But there were other interesting things happened a bit away from them. Tora seemed to be engaged with some human male. Wait that wasn't correct; the man had a feel of a Youkai and human. Intriguing. Still a frown marred her beautiful features.

"It seems Tora caught a big fish." She was a bit disappointed that a mongrel like him was able to find one of them before her. She tsked. Instead of thinking that Taro reeled them in she chose to believe the explosion did.

Without taking her eyes off the strange man she said to Minako, "Minako sweetie if you are so dedicated to that mindset then I have a gift for you." Absently she sent a few fox spirits to inspect the man.

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Tora immediately realized that the 2 he were dealing with were hunters.Instead of fleeing he smiled and roared in a tongue that only yokai could understand"Kuro I found hunters".He then proceeded to viciously attack the circle that protected them. "Damn well if brute force wont work then ill use electricity as his body was live with electricity."Ill you fry from the inside out,then Ill devour your flesh and suck the marrow from your bones"!He continued to do this these 2 would be his meal and he was to stubborn to change his mind.
Kyoko wasn't a fighter, she had given up being a monk almost fourteen years ago. She wasn't going to go fight hand to hand with a yokai! Especially one of such power. Her class was most useful in large groups, where she could assist in keeping the yokai down while the monks or spiritual warriors strike it down. She didn't want to revert back to her old ways of combat. But it seemed that she might have to, even with the mysterious Sun Wukong character by her side.

"I'm fine," Getting from the ground and dusting herself off, Kyoko frowned at the circle drawn around her and Sun Wukong, who is and is not Sun Wukong. "I think..." Gaze narrowing on the tiny fox spirits that floated towards the circle, Kyoko realized that there were more than just one yokai in the vicinity. She was about to whip out a strip of paper and a calligraphy pen when the yokai began to charge at the circle.

"I'll fry you from the inside out!" The yokai taunted as he attacked the circle, determined to turn the two humans (?) into his next meal.

Startled, Kyoko rushed her calligraphy and whipped the paper in the direction of the ground. Adding to the protection of the circle, the small fox spirits diminished as a white light blazed around the shape. She needed backup. Just how many more yokai were in the area and all Kyoko had was a seemingly strong hunter whose was and wasn't Sun Wukong. She had one hostile yokai trying to attack the circle, another more passive aggressive kitsune off to the side, and what seemed to be a yuki-onna observing the show.

At this point, Kyoko was unsure of what to do without the rest of her team. All she could really do was keep reinforcing the protective circle until the other hunters came.

@Seraph Darkfire @Kenji Jensai @Tiegirl

@Kenzimalija (mentioned)
The hair on his skin stood up as he felt the electricity. His eyes still weren't better yet, though he knew how to counteract electricity. Living in the mountains, you dealt with a few thunderstorms often. With his strength, he shoved his staff into the ground. Any electricity that tried to strike them was immediately drawn to the staff, which acted like a lightning rod, harmlessly redirecting the electricity into the ground.

"Oh, you can use magic" Cale said to the girl "Cool" he grinned as he felt the presence of his barrier strength being boosted. He could now see vague shapes "Let me properly introduce myself" he said "My name is Caillte Leanaí, I was born with the spirit of the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, though you can just call me Cale" he rubbed his eyes slightly "Once I get my eyesight back I'll deal with this Yokai" he grinned, sounding extremely confident in his abilities.

However, if the others that were nearby got involved, he might be forced to transform. However, so far it seemed as though they were just observing.

@Kenji Jensai @Sen Pai

@Tiegirl @Kenzimalija (Mentioned)

Kuro watches fascinated at the two beside Taro - both were Youkai Hunters. What luck, two fish caught. She chuckled to herself. Maybe they would be willing to play with her . . . ?

"Minako be a dear and wait a bit somewhere for me and if you feel so passionate you'll still get a useful gift from me." She blew Minako a kiss and transformed in a sleek black fox, with nine tails of purple fire (the ninth one an illusion). She shook her fur and silently ran along in the air till she came to the barrier the hunters had erected.

Maybe a little distraction would stop them from hiding behind it. Kuro didn't feel like fighting - she'd rather see them fight that buffoon Taro. She sighed inwardly. Time to make them come out of their shell.

There was a reason she was known as the Phantom Kitsune. She jumped right through the barrier as if it didn't exist to land right in front of the man/boy. With a happy yip she looked at him with predatory glee.

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Giving Cale a strained smile, Kyoko would have been much more polite if the circumstances weren't so risky. "Nice to meet you," she rushed, trying to look at both Cale and her calligraphy. "I'm Kyoko Kawashima." Slapping another protective seal on the ground, Kyoko was careful not to rip any of the paper talismans she had painted and stepped around what was practically her life line.

“Once I get my eyesight back, I’ll deal with this with yokai.” Cale grinned confidently and Kyoko sent him a weak beam back.

Doing her best to remain courteous by continuing the conversation and alive by writing defensive talisman after talisman, Kyoko softly replied, “That would be very much appreciated.” Muttering a few words to remember the stroke order of the kanji under her breath, Kyoko crouched down on her haunches to slap another strip of paper on the ground. However, the shaman’s concentration was broken by a high pitched yip.

Head snapping up with alert, Kyoko’s eyes widened in shock at the sight of the kitsune in the circle. How did she get past all the talismans? Falling back on her behind, Kyoko ended up crumpling some of her talismans and the barrier around the two hunters, and kitsune, wavered. Panicking, Kyoko whipped out another sheet of paper and quickly scribbled a stun spell and whipped it at the kitsune.

The whole moment seemed to be in slow motion as Kyoko slipped on the many talismans she had stuck on the ground and ended up placing the stun paper on top of another reinforcement talisman. The time and space continuum didn’t seem to exist for awhile when Kyoko realized just how much she had screwed up. The only thing that really expressed her regret were the two words, “Oh, no.”

And her talismans blew up in her face.

@Seraph Darkfire @Kenji Jensai @Tiegirl

The girl messing around with talismans seemed to have an unbalanced air to her. She wasn't bad to look at either. Totally her type.

But apparently the girl didn't seem to feel the same when the girl threw a talisman at her. Kuro didn't jump in for a fight so she was easily dodge and jump away from the two and their weakening barrier. "They're all yours - try not to be messy this time." She said to Taro in passing.

But it seemed it didn't matter when the girls talismans blew up.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
Now his eyes were better. He blinked a little when he saw a fox was inside of his barrier. He cocked his head to the side as his nostrils flared up a little at her smell. He grinned "A Nine Tailed Fox, cool, I've only seen three tailed ones" he clapped his hands "Now I hope you don't intend to join the fight" he said as he picked up his staff "It'd be a pity to have to harm such a beautiful creature"

"Well, my eyes are better" he stretched before lightly swinging the staff towards the fox. It was far more reserved than the one used to knock the bigger Yokai away from them. He was sure she could easily avoid a simple attack like this. He didn't want to seriously hurt the fox, just get here away from the girl. Despite his natural happy and naive personality, he was actually quite smart. From the type of magic that she'd used, he could surmise that the girl with him was a Shaman. He didn't know if she could fight hand to hand so it was his job to protect her.

At least that is what the Monk's had taught him. Protect those who couldn't protect themselves or something like that. He was also not supposed to destroy public property for some reason. The monks had raised him so he was obligated to listen to what they told him.

Before his attack could connect, Cale heard a single "Oh no" come from his side and saw Kyoko falling down. The symbol on the paper she had was different from the others. With one hand, he grabbed Kyoko by the collar of her shirt and with his legs, he shot directly up and through the Barrier. It was only designed to block Yokai from entering, It had no effect on humans.

He landed behind the other Yokai and grinned "Well, can't pass up a good chance" he said grinning right before he swung his staff towards Tora's behind.

@Sen Pai @Kenji Jensai @Tiegirl

Tora took the hit but at the last second he electrified his body."I may look stupid but I'm not stupid"he said with a horrific grin.He then picked up his hind leg and proceeded to kick the human sun wukong in the stomach.He wondered where was that damned snow woman she could freeze the hunters solid and could have what did the humans call a "SnowCone".
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"Well, that is to be determined" he said snickering as he let his staff go just as it was electrified. However, the second he let it go, it dropped to the ground like a solid weight. He took the kick only to allow his staff to drop onto Tora's leg with it's full weight. He also had Kyoko behind him. Dodging would result in her being struck and he was sure she couldn't take the blow as he could.

This Yokai was impressive though, there were very few who could handle a direct attack from him without receiving a few broken bones. His defense and strength were incredible, though not something that warranted turning into Sun Wukong. His fingers wrapped around Tora's leg as he was kicked. His eyes sparkled with a strange energy as the Staff dropped. No matter how tough or strong someone was, once the staff pinned them, it was impossible to move. He was holding onto his leg to prevent him from getting away.

Of course, he was hoping that this Yokai would show him something more impressive than electricity.

His stomach was in pain though, something he was trying to ignore. No one, not even him, could handle taking a solid blow like that. But he was tough, he would hold on, even if his arms were destroyed.

@Kenji Jensai

@Sen Pai (Mentioned)
"So you plan to pin me with your staff he said reading the mans expressions."I could easily lift your staff I've lifted fatter oni but I have a full stomach so Ill have to use a cowards tactic.He then proceeded to suck up all the oxygen in the area."I'd I can't lift it Ill make you lift it he said smiling with excitement."Your strong but I just ate".
Shaken out of her shock, Kyoko was pulled by the collar through the air and over the yokai. It all happened so fast that she barely had time to truly react. When her feet found the ground, the shaman immediately went to work. If Cale was going to fight the yokai head on, she would support him and set up his attacks. Finally coming to the conclusion that waiting for help to come wasn't the best idea, Kyoko furrowed her brow when Cale was struck in the stomach by a very solid kick.

"Are you alright?!" She exclaimed, holding herself back from running up to the monk and checking if he had any organ damage. Kyoko cringed just at the sight of the kick and threw a talisman on the ground in order to provide a temporary shield. The paper would rip into shreds when the yokai broke the barrier. "I'll deal with your injuries after we deal with this guy, okay?"

Knowing that the paper would rip any time soon, Kyoko threw Cale over her shoulder and dashed over to the left, just barely getting out of the way before the shield shattered. Doing her best to place Cale down carefully, she gave him two thumbs up and began to write down a stunning talisman and waited for the right time to whip it at the yokai. However, throwing the strip wouldn't do. She'd have to enter a hand to hand fight with the yokai to be able to pin the talisman on him.

However, Kyoko didn't know if she'd be able to do that. She'd have to move out of the way quickly because the least the talisman could do is slow down the yokai. Hopefully that would be enough for Cale to finish him off or to run away.

@Seraph Darkfire @Kenji Jensai

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