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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

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  • Yes coed please

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  • No I like my own room

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  • No I like having my own room

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  • Yes but DM picks

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Hiroshi smiled at Qi, " Yes, I am feeling much better today. The Kami healed me while I slept." Hiroshi explained as he picked apart what was left of his meal after the various Kami had taken what they wanted. " My wounds have mostly healed, but it looks like the electrical burns are going to scar." Hiroshi said as he looked at Qi. He was glad to have the Chinese girl as his roommate. While their cultures were different they were at least more similar than if he had been roomed with a westerner.

"Oh," she responded as she picked up her chopsticks and spoon. It was evident that there was some pity in her voice that there would be scars left from the burns. "It's good that you're better." she said after swallowing a spoonful of food. She looked at the food that Hiroshi hadn't touched yet seemed to have gotten less. "Huh, what happened to some of the food?" Her voice was now more chirpier having found something that interested her.

Jacey notices Micky catch up to her and gives a lazy smile. "Oh well good morning to you. A little enthusiastic in the morning aren't we?" She giggles. "I slept fine thanks. As for that offer I said I'll think about it." She grins.

Hiroshi chuckled when she questioned what happened to his food, " With each meal I offer my food to the Kami I have asked to help me recently. The more power they gave me the more they take. It's a way of paying tribute to the Kami so that my body doesn't pay the price. Though sometimes it is unavoidable and I do take some backlash." Hiroshi explained as he finished up his meal. " Would you like to do some training before class starts?" Hiroshi asked eager to perfect his abilities.
"So you have to sacrifice something for them to help you,"she observed with a sentence she never expected herself to be saying. Perhaps it was because there wasn't a Shinto Shrine so Mr Hiroshi couldn't pay with money, like what she heard about the offerings that the Japanese did. It would be somewhat similar to what her family did to their ancestors. As she raised her cup of warm tea, Mr Hiroshi had asked about sparring. Though part of her was more interested in perhaps being idle, she gave a nod. "Yes, please, Mr Hiroshi," she said. Training was important, all the teachers and her parents had said so. Finishing her meal as well, she stood up to head to walk out of the dinning hall.
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Amadaeus walked outside and saw the same dark clouds as earlier. Go explain yourself. Maybe he's in a better mood. Yeah, I hope so. He walked over to the location. "Hey...." He called out. "We need to talk." He shook his head. "I don't wanna fight."

As Amadeus approaches he sees:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.0b9726b59162932e1de4c451ba0ffe3f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120189" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.0b9726b59162932e1de4c451ba0ffe3f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And as he says something:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.e74efd60dbc8d4598a3b6dc41bd331ba.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.e74efd60dbc8d4598a3b6dc41bd331ba.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nathan slowly descends finishing his solo, "uuuh.." "Talk?" @NeoClassical



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Hiroshi followed behind Qi wondering how the girl would fight. He very much doubted that she was a distance fighter based on the fact that he's never seen any throwing weapons, but then again he kept his talisman concealed for that very purpose. To keep the enemy guessing. It worked with Oni and it worked with humans, though the Oni knew more about Hiroshi's powers than a human would. Once they got to exited the dining hall Hiroshi noted that the courtyard would give more space than the Gym, " How about we spar in the courtyard. That should give us plenty of room to move about." Hiroshi suggested
She tilted her head and looked at the courtyard. The weather seemed rather nice, except for over in the distance where there was a storm with... neon-pink lightning. "OK," she nodded, not having a hint of nervousness about the spacious place. Walking onto the middle of the field, she looked over towards Mr Hiroshi, her face turning slightly more serious. She merely stood there, as if waiting for him to summon his Kami first. Her shadow flicked a little under the sun but remained normal again.
"Yikes." Amadaeus muttered before clearing his throat. "Yeah talk." He sighed before continuing. "I'm still going to call you Nate." He put up his hands. "But before you throw hands, I'm going to explain why." He chuckled. "I'm not a pushover. We can fight a thousand times, but it's not going to change. You may be able to bully everyone else here into calling you by your full name, but not me." He shrugged. "Deal with it. Or don't. I couldn't care less." Nice. "Don't respect me. Don't like me. I don't care. I'm sick of people who think they're big and tough. Well, guess what? I'm not scared of you." He nodded. "I'm scared of your body, not you. Give that body to some one who can fight on Primal's level and then I'll be scared. But for now, I'm not." He pointed at himself. "Sure, I may seem like some scrawny, scared little kid....but I'm smart. I know how to play my cards." He extended his hand, offering a handshake. "Mutual respect?"

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As Nathan jams Null sits quietly waiting to see if he will notice what he was doing wrong...when he doesn't null walks up to him

"You know with necro energy like yours a sacred place like this does more harm than good"he smiles kindly at Nathan

"Follow me let's see if we can find a place more up to your speed"





The speakers crackles again echoing through the halls

@all students
Hiroshi bowed slightly to Qi before he pulled out a few talisman and began reciting a prayer to summon a Kami. Thanks to his ritual this morning he could summon some minor Kami without repercussion. A few moments later the talisman clumped together and the Kami of False Hope came into being. Hiroshi prepared a hand of talisman and waited for Qi.

The Kami however began sprinting at Qi.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Kami-of-False-Hope.jpg.8fe9aa74c63fa0f7fad7cc9557c84720.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120203" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Kami-of-False-Hope.jpg.8fe9aa74c63fa0f7fad7cc9557c84720.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.1f8a420cd30f355b45ea3d291fe76d15.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120204" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.1f8a420cd30f355b45ea3d291fe76d15.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Youre smart?" He growls.

"If you knew how to play your cards you wouldn't have come here talking like you know me." "This ain't an ACT ya fuckin dildo."

"I couldn't care less about anyone here, and you? You ain't even worth bullying."




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She gave a bow at the same time as him. She watched him take out the similar pieces of paper from yesterday. They were probably seals. She was simply observing, her face unreadable until her eyes widened a little when she saw the Kami that had appeared before Mr Hiroshi yesterday, and was closing its distance towards her. She didn't move much at all from her standing position, until her figure disappeared as the Kami was only one pace away. In the split fraction of a second, there was a flicker from behind the Kami, where Qi appeared and was dashing with the speed of an arrow towards Hiroshi.
(Let's just pretend null came to the two of them together)

"As for you my chaotic friend"He looks at amadeaus "I just so happen to know someone who can help you a to understand the other you just a bit better"

@NeoClassical @akumashioni
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Hiroshi thought that Qi would avoid fighting a Kami as she didn't know what they were capable of. The talisman in Hiroshi's hand began floating around him and circled him. As the cards circled Hiroshi faster and faster He activated the Tailsman which caused the talisman to burst into the element of fire.

The Kami didn't even stop running and simply seemed to dematerialize
"I understand the other me just fine thank you." Amadaeus said. Did he call you a dildo? Is that a compliment? He knows what they're used for right? "I don't need help with Primal, okay?" He chuckled. "Besides, nobody can understand him, for no one can understand chaos. It's literally in the definition."

@akumashioni @Alphaius
Nathan follows null and as he walks he says calmly (surprisingly) "mutual respect ain't mutual if you can't even call me by my full name.. It's not "Nate" it's Nathan." "Nathan explosion." @NeoClassical @Alphaius
Jacey widens her eyes at his weird Nathan talk. She giggles awkwardly at that. She then blushes bearing Micky accept her as a friend. She awes atthat. He was her first friend too. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I'm just not a morning person. Also I'm not worried." She stops surprised by what he was asking. She might be thinking wrong but she had to know. "Are you...asking me to be more than friends?" She blushes red.

Hiroshi's figure became a blur as the cards circled around him furiously, yet Qi can still feel his presence, and that he was expending his Ki. With a sudden harder push against the ground, she caused her body to flash again, behind Hiroshi. Pulling her left hand back, she then swung it forward as her shadow flicked and a dark mass rose. In the span of less than a second a short sword had materialised into her hand and was going to slice the pieces of paper around Hiroshi and his back.
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"Don't sell yourself to highly my friend

There is always room to learn and as for the "no one can help with chaos" that is incorrect as well chaos in itself is a paradox as without it order does not exist therefore chaos is not as chaotic as you may think"null says cryptically

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Alphaius said:
"Don't sell yourself to highly my friend
There is always room to learn and as for the "no one can help with chaos" that is incorrect as well chaos in itself is a paradox as without it order does not exist therefore chaos is not as chaotic as you may think"null says cryptically

(The whole point of the school is that you come here to master your power...)

"Not true. Chaos and order may be polar opposites, but they do not need each other to function." Amadaeus pointed out and shrugged. "And chaos is not a paradox, only the cause of them." (I know it is but Primal isn't his power. )
Activating the Ki Stored in his talismans the pieces of paper erupted into orbs of lighting. As the talisman turned into orbs of lighting they exploded outward arcing electricity away from Hiroshi in all directions. Hiroshi couldn't follow Qi's movements with his eyes so he focused on a more defensive stance that would cover him from all sides, except above and below him of course. When Qi slashed at Hiroshi she did destroy a talisman before it activated leaving Hiroshi with only 4 orbs of lighting orbiting him.

The Kami materialized behind Qi and reared its arm back intending to punch her from behind.

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