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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Whoa hey we just met"he mutters through his smile as she drags him

She's holding my hand he thinks to himself smile growing wider

The inside of Hiroshi's room was mostly dominated by a Shrine that Hiroshi uses to commune with any and all Kami. A Shimenawa draped over the door signifying the holy ground. Thanks to Qi Hiroshi was able to make it to the small corner of his room were he had a futon, a small bed that can be rolled up for storage, where he slept for the remainder of the night.

(Night guys)
"Well, I think I must excuse myself." He said, standing up. His cigarette was almost completely gone, so he promptly lit another one. He started walking through the darkness back to his dorm room, wary of any assassin's that may pop out of the abyss surrounding him.
She gave a nod and bade him goodnight. Giving one last look at the rather strange arrangement of the items in the room, she headed out, closing the door as softly as possible. Suddenly remembering something, she took out a small notebook and pencil from a pocket within her sleeve. Tearing a page out, she wrote a quick note to the student in the next room to perhaps keep an eye out on Mr Hiroshi for the night. After that, she headed back. She considered about perhaps also returning to bed, but thoughts of climbing up to the rooftops entered her mind. Any kid should be sleeping by now, but she wasn't tired. Just for a bit, a voice said to her as she began to ascend to the upper floors. After all, there was no harm if no one found out about it.

(goodnight SleepyBuddha)
Jacey locks the door behind them and looks at him weird raising a brow. She shrugs it off and searches her a bag. "Um...can you keep a secret? Seeing as how you're the only actual guy I trust I think I should show you my baby." She finds her bag and sits him down on her bed in case he freaks out and drops him or something. She places the bag down beside him. "I came here with a therapy pet. My therapy pet is a male rabbit named Terry." She pulls out a two year old large soft bunny with little patches of white placed on him in the pattern of a sheep dog border collie. "He's my only best friend, without him I'll be alone and I can't hold my temper." She blushes acting very sheepish because she revealed her bunny. "If anything happens to me I need someone to take care of him while I'm gone." She holds the rabbit starig at it motherly and loving. "Will you help me take care of him?" She looks at him with violet puppy eyes.

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Micky pauses wow trust

"Yeah I think I can handle that"

With one long stride he steps up to Jacey and gives her a big hug his arms are long and he's taller than he looks two things that aren't as obvious as one would think as he is usually slouching

"Thank you" he says softly

"I've literally waited my whole life to be told "i trust you".

Jacey blushes red but relaxes. She smiles a bit. Her heart was speeding up from this new feeling and action from a stranger. "H-h-hey relax. It's no big deal but..." She looks away feeling his breath against hers. "You're welcome. Just...please don't betray me. I don't deal with it well." She stays silent. "You know I never got your name." @Alphaius
"Oh I'm Micky don cha know"he says in a mock Irish accent

"And don't worry betrayal is not my style"

He says this with a grin as usual

"Why not join me for breakfast tomorrow?"he says as normal sounding as the question is there is clearly three words missing that he very obviously ment to say

As a date...

Jacey places the rabbit down before standing and humming with a ha d on her hip and a finger on her lips in thought. "Maybe. Let me think about it okay?" She teases and grins heading towards the door. Then stops. "Hey Micky...thank you also Micky....for existing. It may seem weird to say that but... I'm glad someone else like me exist. I kinda don't feel alone anymore." She walks away closing the door behind her leaving him be for the afternoon. @Alphaius (you can see her again at night under the moon on a bench reading)
(@Aaron775 I would, except I'm about to sleep soon....)

(sorry everyone, about the wall of text...T_T)

Perched on one of the slanted rooftops, Qi Yi was sitting alone watching the clouds above the mountains roll across the sky like tides of the sea. The girl found contentment in just watching the night view of the school courtyard. Without all the excitement during daytime, it was the best atmosphere for meditating and reflective thoughts to come. In the spur of the moment, an unexplained... emptiness was beginning to forming inside her. After the first night here in the academy, she realised that life was much different than expected. Like this very moment, the critically injured Mr Hiroshi had no parents to take care of him and has to rely on himself to get better. Everyone here seemed so mature and independent, like a proper adult. Do I need to be an adult now? She asked herself as she stared at her rather small hands.

... I want to go home...

A small breeze blew some of her bangs from her face, and her long sleeves slipped down to her elbows. Under the moonlight, recognition came to her eyes at seeing the pale lines of scars on her palms and forearms. What would her parents think or say if she had just left? There was a small silence where she continued staring for a while, until she clenched her hands into fists and tugged the sleeves back to cover them. Clambering onto her two feet, she jumped down and bounced off one of the pillars to land onto the floor of a corridor. Having her mood dampened in the last minute, all Qi Yi wanted to do now was to sleep. The best way to leave the academy and go home was if she did well. I need to rest for training tomorrow...

Not really fazed by the eerie quiet corridors, she walked silently towards where her dorm would be. It wasn't the first time she had been sneaking out, only this time she didn't have to set up an alibi in her own room as when she was living at home. Taking advantage of the long shadows projected onto the floor, she let the darkness of the night swallow her figure as she gradually wound her way to the lower floors. She didn't want to be caught on the way back, since the student council seemed likely to be very harsh on it, especially Jin.
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Micky wakes up early as usual

He silently walks out of his room in a pair of gym shorts,a fresh pair of vans,and a white muscle shirt.

It was early and no one else seemed to be awake

Good I could use the time

He thinks to himself

He leaves the dorm heading up the stairwell as he hits the courtyard he started jogging after about three laps he hears a voice

"I didn't have you pegged for a early riser"it's student council member Null

"How do you like the academy so far my friend"he says with a very genuine smile

"It's cool as shit honestly who are you"

Micky responds

"Null Zambozo at your service"the man says with a bow

"Well no offense mr.null but I'm kinda trying to enjoy my alone time"Micky says politely

"Say no more mr Micky"null says the mr part with an obvious chuckle

As he walks away he pauses looking over his shoulder "Jin fears you boy,while that may seem like a good thing,I'd say that until you truly master yourself,you should avoid being alone..."

His face seems very Solomn but then he beems a flawless smile and continues up the steps

Fears me...huh...cool.

Micky finishes his laps with a smile

Then moves on to push-ups,then squats,then pull-ups,then crunches.

He whole regiment takes about an hour and he returns to the dorm with a glistening sheen of sweat over his skin

And hops in the shower.

I love this school...

@whoever the shower noise awakens
Micky pokes his head out of the shower

With a smirk he says "Jason right?"afterward he steps out wrapped in a towel

"That was my dads name"still smiling

"What's up I didn't think anyone else would be up breakfast isn't for another two hours"he holds his fist out expecting a bump

"I'm always up early,got a pretty strict training regiment keeps me healthy and in tip top shape"he says walking to his room and closing the door only to emerge a few minutes later in a pair of black skinny jeans with checkerboard vans,and a shirt that has Mohammed Ali punching out superman

When he steps out he's got his ps4

"Care for a few rounds bruh"he says In a friendly tone

Jason nods." No I don't play video games and I don't work out I think both of those things are useless." He absorbs the material of the ps4 and then breaks it.
"Tha fuck is your problem man"

Micky looks pissed

"If you talk to me again your a dead man"he says storming to his room and slamming the door

(He will really kill you this kid owns only two things his ps4 and his drum set)

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Jason shrugs."I was just trying to help man, it was just a stupid video game ." Jason decides to walk around since he can't go back to sleep now
Nathan's eyes snap open at the sound of the door slamming. He angrily gets up, throwing on his usual jeans and sleeveless black shirt.

"What.. THE F@#%!!" He screams as he enters the lobby, looking around for someone to direct his anger towards. @Alphaius

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