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Takis Argyris

Takis blinked for a second, before side stepping out of the ball of water. "That was supposed to do... what?" @IkutoForever2222

Okay, later dude!
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"Sure. I wouldn't make you walk!" he thought that it would be obvious to him that he was going to carry him. He couldn't even imagine how long it would take him to get there otherwise.  

(As much as I hate to break any rules by posting this...I didn't see any links to any ooc or character threads....um could someone please help me? I want to join this rp desperately.. ;-;)
Aurelion look at  Valshe "Valshe.. you should learn the meaning of... what meets in the eye is sometimes a lie" he said as he kneel in front of Est "Est.. dont cry..." he said as he wipe his tears gently "even thoe you look like a 4 year old kid for me... as well as i know you are older than that. you are just.late to bloom" he said jokingly as he look at him yet he know his words wouldn't help much but if it did. thank goodness "Est i know your past is a tragedy but todays future. i promise you that ill protect you and guide you no matter what and i will promise you that you will never endure the pain you have encounters in your life"

"that was boiling hot water......you said you were made of ice so...." He smirked.


"thank you Aladdin" He climbed up to his shoulder again and sat there, yawning a bit.

@Kira Times

Est sniffled again and more tears fell. He hugged his lover and snuggled into him. "i-i cant help that i look like this..." 

Valshe nodded and texted Mornu. [ Still at the school.....got no sleep -_-  ]

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Takis Argyris

Takis blinked again, and looked down. "Huh... I suppose you actually have a point." He was starting to drip water everywhere. He turned back into a human, and the water turned into sweat and blood. "Hell, I'm tired of this." Takis sighed. He ran and tackled him full force. 

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama looked over at his phone on the bedside table, which had buzzed. He picked it up and read it for a second, before replying, Aww... Well, if you ever leave, you can head here if you want. I might come up there in a couple minutes if you haven't and see you. @IkutoForever2222
The man thumped against the ground, air escaping his chest. "g-get off!"

Cadi flinched at hearing the thud.

Valshe looked at his phone and replied. I'm enrolling a student right now.....please come down! i want to kiss your face! lol.
Aurelion hug him a little thight as they sat into the ground "dont worry Est. Size and look doest matter from each amd everyone... its what inside us" he said as he touch his chest "even thoe you are like a child. You are strong est ... ... .. thoe i Love everything on you so fear no longer Est for the nightmare will soon dissapear" he said as he move his hand and a flower appear. He place it on Est Hair gently then kiss his cheeks

When his body went back to normal, he sat up, and had....aged. Aged to peoples desires. He also was back on process with his development. "Aurelion" His voice was deeper and smoother. "what happened?"


@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Aurelion open up his eyes and rub it a little bit since there were light spot in his eyes "Est?" He said as he open up his eyes to see a ground up one "Est is that you?" He sk with a surprising look while he sat in the floor stunned. He look rather Beautiful but how?. Taking his moment to stand up, he touch hos cheeks and look into his eyes on his lunar once "wow... ... ... you look Beautiful" he said stunningly 

Est slowly stood, he was now taller than him. He blinked and looked at him. "did you get shorter love?" He tilted his head, then smiled. "wait a minute..." He looked at himself. "ah i see......my true self finally came out and said hi..." He looked at Aurelion. "thank you..." He blushed a bit.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Aurelion blush as he look up at him  "hi... how... did your true form came out Est" he said still surprise and he blink twice "your so taller than me now" he said as he blush more

Takis Argyris

Takis remained silent, attempting to pin his hands behind his back with one hand, while he pulled out his revolver with the other hand and put it to his head. "Not in a million years." Takis said.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama looked back at his phone and smiled. He replied, Sure thing, headed there now. He sent it, got up, and started out for the school. @IkutoForever2222
"Shoot me and you shoot the mayor.....you will be a criminal in jail and you will never see Cadius Estrama again...." He smirked up at him. "what are you gonna do boy?"

Valshe smiled happily, more awake than he was 2 minutes ago.  see you then 030 

He blush darker when he notice his abs." S-so does this m-mean its my desire for you to become like this." He ask as he listen "o-oh its like puberty.. its wonderful" he said with a smile as he look at him "umm... wanna go back to the d-dorm" he then facepalm knowing how awquard it sounds like 

Takis Argyris

"What I need to do." Takis said coldly. He got up, and got the mayor up again. "You'll lead me out of here. I'm a criminal anyways, this won't change a damn thing."

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama bounded to the school quickly, not being that far from it anyways, as he was at his dorm earlier. He got to the doors and pulled them open, and walked in. He looked around trying to find Valshe's office, not quite sure where it was. @IkutoForever2222
He moved his finger in a circle and water undid Cadi's restraint and as he fell to the floor, the water covered him, putting his clothes back on. Afterwards, he made a portal. "take him and leave....im tired...." He huffed and looked off to the side. "i got bored" Cadi laid on the floor, his muscles numb so he couldnt move an inch. He could only breath. He couldnt even blink.


Valshe's office light was on and was the only one on. Valshe gave Est a nod and watched them leave.


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