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"I dint go directly at the principle cuz to how much he hates me from an accident" he said with a sign as he take a pen and look at est "can you write?" He whisper in his ear gently as he look at the paper 

Sorry, had to go to to gym.

Takis Argyris

"You sick bastard..." Takis said. He turned back into a human, and pulled out his gun. He loaded it with five rounds, and pointed it at him. He didn't want to fire, but he would if he had to. @IkutoForever2222
Est shook his head. "only small words....." He blushed, embarrassed by this.

Valshe gave a nod. "yeah....its understandable for most kids.....luckily for me....he likes me...."

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

The man smiled and walked over to the closet and opened it, taking out a metal belt. It had blood on it from all the previous nights that this happened. "punishment will be even more painful tonight..." He walked back over to Cadi and squeezed one of the wounds, making him cry out and shake.

"I know he do like you. You the president in either ways...you also comtrol the school so there are some points that he likes you much more than royals nor other classes... or im getting the wrong idea" Aurelion said as he gently pat Est head "dont worry ill write it down for you" he said as he wrote down his name added by his address and etc "here" he said as he place the letter in the table 

My iPad is about to die. ;-;

Takis Argyris

"No!" Takis yelled. He attempted to walk over again, but fell over. He turned back into a dragon, and gingerly attempted to walk on his front head. He fell a try or two, but got the hang of it, and hobbled over to them. He looked at the man, and went in between him and Cadius, as to try and block him from Cadi. @IkutoForever2222
Takis Argyris

Takis flinched, but didn't make any noise to indicate he was in pain. "No. I..." He looked back at Cadius, and with a downcast face he turned back towards the other man. "I can't let you... I..." Takis didn't want to say he loved Cadius, even though it was the reason he was still there, but he refused to let him get hurt more. @IkutoForever2222
"you think you are in love?" The man laughed. "you arent in love....you are sexually confused because of his pretty face....you dont even know what love is..." 

Cadi couldnt see them because his back was facing them, but he cried quietly. He was scared and happy. Scared of his stepfather, but happy that someone was here to help him.

Takis Argyris

"Don't try and tell me I don't know something," Takis growled, his claws digging into the ground, "I've traveled the world and have a thousand times more life experience than you'll ever have. And probably intelligence, at that." Takis snorted. Im not leaving without Cadius. If that means killing you in the process, I won't hesitate to do it." @IkutoForever2222
"he will be back at school tomorrow....quit acting like i am going to murder him.....i would never....i have to much fun...." He smirked, then it faded. "you are in the way...." He shot a needle at his eye.

Aurelion chuckle as he made the pen dissapear "well... why do care of your status when you love someone?" He smile "if you date Mr mornu then go on Velshe look at Est hes too young but i like him" he said as he blush and offer a hand to est "lets go back and take a rest est and Vel thank you" he said with a smile

Valshe looked at Est. "i-isnt he in like grade school....?"

Est puffed out his cheeks stubbornly. "for one i am a freshman....a 14 year old freshman....and two...i am not too young! i had sexual intercourse when i was 4 so im pretty sure 14 isnt nothing..." He stood abruptly, a bit irritated at people thinking he is in elementary. He winced and his knees shook, giving out. The small male fell to his knees and he sniffled, tears welling up in his eyes.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Sonic looked at him and smiled, kissing his cheek before laying his head in his lap.

Sorry, had to go to the store and start dinner

Takis Argyris

The needle bounced off, and he caught it and crushed it. "Perhaps I was right. I'm made of ice, genius." he threw the glass to the ground and looked back at Cadius. "I just... don't want him to get hurt by you anymore..." he still held back tears, but barely. @IkutoForever2222
"i have legal rights over him.......you cant do anything boy....besides...do you even recognize me? Im the mayor of this town..." He laughed and bashed the metal belt against Takis. "NOW MOVE!"


Its cool xD  i am gonna have to go here in a lil bit )

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