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Takis Argyris

Takis hesitated to go into it at first, but went in after Killua and Tsuna. He looked over at the boy there, and blinked at him for a second. He thought he was quite pretty, but shook the idea out of his head. God damn it, don't let it happen again... He thought.
Killua looked at him and smiled. "are you a water person?"

The other male jumped a little, then smiled and nodded. "water bender...." His eyes were gorgeous, a silvery blue, and his voice was angelic. He looked like a prince.

The two blinked at him for a couple of seconds then moved on. Tsuna now talking."are you waiting for someone?"

He shook his head. "no one usually talks to me.....they say i have a creepy aura.......is it true?" He frowned a bit and tilted his head.

Killua shrugged."not really....i sense calmness"

Cool. xD  Luckily I don't have any. Even if I did, I usually just do it in home room. See ya in a bit

Takis Argyris

"Pleasure. Takis" He said, saluting and smiling. "Tell me, how often do you leave this place?" @IkutoForever2222
Takis Argyris

"Knocked out? The hell'd knock you out?" Takis asked, surprised. He was completely used to people not sleeping, several of his comrades didn't sleep(I mean, mostly because ya know.... Killing people and what not), but he didn't like that people were hurting him. @IkutoForever2222
Takis Argyris

Takis looked at the bandages, not probing them but trying to see if he could decide how bad they were. "Hell, you need a gun?" Takis asked, pulling out his pistol. "Even if you don't use weapons, couldn't you use the water here?" @IkutoForever2222
Takis Argyris

"But you need to do something... Just letting them kick your ass won't help." Takis said sympathetically. He felt bad for Cadi, but still thought he should stand up for himself if people were attacking him. @IkutoForever2222

Aladdin hadn't reacted to the kiss before but he soon mumbled some still incoherent words before yawning."Kai....?" he  rubbed his eye as he directed his attention to the wingless fairy "What's...wrong? Did I wake you?" he was kind of out of it right now and since he just woke up he wasn't fully awake. Which was the reason why he lacked his usual gusto right now.

@IkutoForever2222 (Took a little break from RPN)
"Yes the moon" he said with a smile "i am the one as they called as the Lunar King or Lunar God what ever they do vall me" he said as he take a deep breath and look at the moon once more "its pretty lonely there... but once when i think and imagine. I can create magnificent things" he said with a smile as he look at him

Takis Argyris

Conflicting emotions struck across Takis' face. On one hand, he wanted to help him, but on the other hand, he had is own agenda to attend to, and didn't even know what he would do, if he refused to resort to violence. He hesitated, but walked towards him and put a hand on his shoulder. "I... Can try to help?" He offered. @IkutoForever2222
Cadi flinched and winced, moving away and holding his shoulder. There was an obvious sign of more injuries. "r-really......thanks....that would help a lot" He sniffled and wiped his face.


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